
We need your Help!#

Building a scenario is a lot of work. If you have built a SUMO scenario you can share (under a sufficiently open license), please contact us.



A small-scale scenario based on the city of Bologna. The large roundabout can be found at 44.494554,11.314393. These scenarios were developed as part of the iTETRIS project. A publication on these scenarios was presented at SUMO Conference 2014: L. Bieker, D. Krajzewicz, A. Morra, C. Michelacci and F. Cartolano, "Traffic simulation for all: a real world traffic scenario from the city of Bologna", SUMO2014, p 19-26


Dublin - Irish Motorway, National road and city centre#

  • Main Page
  • Publication: Quantifying the impact of connected and autonomous vehicles on traffic efficiency and safety in mixed traffic" by Maxime Gueriau and Ivana Dusparic, presented at the 23rd IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC 2020)

Geneva - Digital Twin - Geneva Motorway (DT-GM)#

Everyone (after registering at ODPMS) can get access to fine-grained (minute resolution) real-time traffic data from traffic counters and use it as input in DT-GM. The details of modelling and results will also be publicly available in two papers, which for the moment we only mentioned in the README file since they are under review process. (if need it we can provide you preprint of the paper "Building a Motorway Digital Twin in SUMO: Real-Time Simulation of Continuous Data Stream from Traffic Counters")

Ingolstadt traffic scenario#


SUMO Ingolstadt#

Created in the SAVe:, SAVeNoW and KIVI research projects - Main Page

Luxembourg SUMO Traffic (LuST)#

  • Main Page
  • Releases
  • Documentation
  • Publication: Lara CODECA, Raphael FRANK, Thomas ENGEL. December 2015. Luxembourg SUMO Traffic (LuST) Scenario: 24 Hours of Mobility for Vehicular Networking Research in Proceedings of the 7th IEEE Vehicular Networking Conference (VNC15).

Monaco SUMO Traffic (MoST)#

  • Main Page
  • Releases
  • Publication: L. Codeca, J. Härri, "Towards Multimodal Mobility Simulation of C-ITS: The Monaco SUMO Traffic Scenario" VNC 2017, IEEE Vehicular Networking Conference November 27-29, 2017, Torino, Italy.

Stuttgart Open Motorway Project (STOMP)#

  • Main Page
  • Publication: David Förster, Hans Löhr, Anne Grätz, Jonathan Petit, and Frank Kargl, "An Evaluation of Pseudonym Changes for Vehicular Networks in Large-scale, Realistic Traffic Scenarios", IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 19.10 (2017): 3400-3405, doi: 10.1109/TITS.2017.2775519.


Turin SUMO Traffic (TuST)#

A large-scale mesoscopic traffic simulation of a 600-sqkm area around the Municipality of Turin.

  • Main Page
  • Publications:
    • M. Rapelli, C. Casetti and G. Gagliardi, “Vehicular Traffic Simulation in the City of Turin from Raw Data” in IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, April 2021. DOI: 10.1109/TMC.2021.3075985 pre-print
    • M. Rapelli, C. Casetti and G. Gagliardi, "TuST: from Raw Data to Vehicular Traffic Simulation in Turin," 2019 IEEE/ACM 23rd International Symposium on Distributed Simulation and Real Time Applications (DS-RT), Cosenza, Italy, 2019, pp. 1-8, doi: 10.1109/DS-RT47707.2019.8958652. pre-print


It requires git-lfs to download



ssnap_TapasCologne_0.1.gif The "TAPAS Cologne" simulation scenario describes the traffic within the city of Cologne, Germany for a whole day. The original demand data stems from TAPAS, a system which computes mobility wishes for an area population generated based on information about travelling habits of Germans and on information about the infrastructure of the area they live in.

More information about the system can be found within this publication on TAPAS. The original data was using a closed-source road network and was mapped onto one stemming from the OpenStreetMap project.

There is further information about TAPASCologne.


A scenario from the TAVF test track for automated and connected driving in Hamburg.

Boston, Lisbon, Los Angeles, Rio de Janeiro, San Francisco#

SUMO simulation files for running 24h of car traffic in five large-scale cities

Outdated real-world scenarios#


This scenario seems to have been removed and is only here for historical reference. It was known to have lots of collisions due to unsafe traffic lights and some invalid junction definitions. It is also quite jammed.

Synthetic scenarios#

Synthetic - or abstract - scenarios only resemble typical layouts of real-world junctions and arterials without mapping a very specific one. Some synthetic scenarios of the COLOMBO R&D project are examples of the German guideline RiLSA. They are described in D1.1 "Scenario Specifications and Required Modifications to Simulation Tools"(chapter 4).


This scenario can be followed as a tutorial - it showcases how routes can be generated within a network, using counting data.

Test cases#

SUMO comes with a large set of tests which are run at least once per day (and most are run on each repository commit). You can extract them and use them as basis for your own (small) scenarios.