
Instantiating within the Simulation#

Stop output is activated by setting the simulation option --stop-output <FILE> on the command line or in a .sumocfg file. This output contains the information about each vehicle's scheduled <stop>: time of arrival and departure, stopping place and number of persons or container that were loaded and unloaded. The information is generated every time a stop ends.

Generated Output#

The format is the following:

    <stopinfo ''ATTRIBUTES''...\>

The following output attributes are generated:

Name Type Description
id (vehicle) id The name of the vehicle that stopped
type (type) id The type of the vehicle that stopped
lane id The lane on which the vehicle stopped
pos double The lane position at which the vehicle stopped
parking bool Whether the vehicle left the road (true) or stayed on it (false)
started time (s) The time at which the vehicle stopped
ended time (s) The time at which the vehicle resumed driving
delay time (s, optional) The difference between 'ended' and 'until' (only if stop had attribute 'until' set)
arrivalDelay time (s, optional) The difference between 'started' and 'arrival' (only if stop had attribute 'arrival' set)
initialPersons int The number of persons in the vehicle when arriving at the stop
loadedPersons int The number of persons that entered the vehicle at this stop
unloadedPersons int The number of persons that left the vehicle at this stop
initialContainers int The number of containers in the vehicle when arriving at the stop
loadedContainers int The number of containers that entered the vehicle at this stop
unloadedContainers int The number of containers that left the vehicle at this stop
busStop id (optional) The id of the busStop if this stop took place at a named <busStop/>
containerStop id (optional) The id of the containerStop if this stop took place at a named <containerStop/>
parkingArea id (optional) The id of the parkingArea if this stop took place at a named <parkingArea/>
chargingStation id (optional) The id of the chargingStation if this stop took place at a named <chargingStation/>
tripId string (optional) The tripId parameter of the vehicle at the time of stopping if it was set
usedEnded bool (optional) Whether the stop was loaded with an 'ended' value. (only written if option --use-stop-ended is set)

Visualization Examples#

boarding passengers vs delay for each station#

Generated with

Public transport schedule#

Generated with