The tools' names accord to their function.
Allows to verify whether routes within the given route-file(s) are valid for the given network. Call(s):
python tools\route\ <net> <vehicletypes> [-f|--fix] <routes>+
python tools\route\ <net> <vehicletypes+routes>
If a route is broken (or disconnected), the tool gives a warning, e.g.: "Warning: Route for vehicle 0 disconnected between startEdge and endEdge"
If --fix (-f) is given, routes are tried to be repaired (assuming only one link is missing). The name of the output file(s) is generated by appending ".fixed". These file contain repaired routes (if it was possible), each appended link is written in comments after the vehicle.
Known caveats#
- The tool does not deal with vehicle types; it only checks whether routes are connected
- When working in --fix-mode a vehicle type file must be given
- No tests for dealing with networks that have internal edges
The tool determines all possible routes between the given source and target edges. Example:
python tools/ -n <net-file> -o <output-file> -s <source-edges> -t <target-edges>
Count the different types of person plans according to the sequence of used modes. Private rides are distinguished from public transport rides using the assumption that the name of the private vehicle will start with the name of the person (as happens for duarouter-generated person plans).
python tools\route\ -r routes.xml
example output:
34: walk public walk
55: car walk
90: walk
Joins routes belonging to two networks. A map file with the following syntax is read first:
It describes at which edges the networks overlapped and which edge was kept in the resulting one. Vehicles from both given route files starting at the first of those edges will be at first not regarded, but their routes are kept in memory. All other vehicles are kept, but if they pass one of the mapped edges, the route is continued by choosing a random route from the list of previously discarded ones which start at the corresponding edge.
python tools\route\ <prefix#1> <routes#1> <prefix#2> <routes#2> <mapfile>
- <prefix#1>: The prefix to use for vehicles from the first routes file
- <routes#1>: The first routes file
- <prefix#2>: The prefix to use for vehicles from the second routes file
- <routes#2>: The second routes file
- <mapfile>: The edge mapping
Attention! The routes are not sorted in time!
This script sorts the vehicles in the given route file by their depart time. If the option --big is supplied, a slow but memory efficient algorithm is used.
python tools/route/ input.rou.xml -o output.rou.xml
This script cuts down routes from a large scenario to a sub-scenario. This assumes the existence of a big scenario ( and orig.rou.xml). The goal is to simulate only a smaller part of the network ( keeping all of the routes that pass through the reduced network. Output can be a route file or a trip file. Depending on the given options the new departure times can be computed from exitTimes (see sumo option --vehroute-output.exit-times), extrapolated from the original network or simply copied from the original departure times. If the option --big is supplied, a slow but memory efficient algorithm is used for sorting the output by departure time. Example usage
python tools/route/ orig.rou.xml
--routes-output output.rou.xml --orig-net
Filtering stopping places is also supported by setting the options --additional-input and --stops-output.
This script cuts down trips from a large scenario to a sub-scenario. Only trips that start and end in the sub-scenario network are kept (this differs from which also keeps routes passing through the sub-scenario network).
python tools/route/ --trips-output output.rou.xml orig.rou.xml
This script splits a list of route files (e.g. coming from duarouter) by start time. If a detector file is given, the routes will be also split by the edges with detectors. Example:
python tools/route/ <route-files>
As default, the routes will be split in steps of 900 seconds. This can be changed with the option -s. The detector file can be loaded with the option -f. Example:
python tools/route/ <route-files> -f <detector-file>
Compute a length-histogram for all routes in a given route file.
Alternatively, compute the difference in lengths for two route files
with the same vehicles. Routes must be child elements of <vehicle>
Output for plotting may also be generated (see --help).
python tools/route/ <net-file> <route-file>
When setting option --attribute depart a histogram on departure times (or departure time differences) is generated instead.
When setting option edges-file, all <edge>
elements in the file will be read and the set of their ids stored. For every route, the number of edges within the set is counted.
This script compares two route sets by calculating a similarity for any two routes based on the number of common edges and determining a maximum weighted matching between the route sets. It needs at least two parameters, which are the route sets to compare. Optionally a district file may be given, then only routes with the same origin and destination district are matched.
python tools/route/ routes.rou.xml routes2.rou.xml
Transform routes into polygons for visualization in sumo-gui. Using the options --hue, --saturation, --brightness the colors can be controlled. Each of these options supports values from [0, 1] as well as the special value random.
python tools/route/ <net-file> <route-file>
Transform routes into an edge selection file which contains all edges used in any of the routes, trips or person plans. This file may be used for visualization in sumo-gui or pruning a network via netconvert.
python tools/route/ <route-file> -o usedEdges.txt
netconvert --net-file <net-file> --keep-edges.input-file usedEdges.txt --output
Shifts the departure times of <vehicle>
, <trip>
, and <flow>
elements by a specified amount.
When setting the option --depart-edges Edge1,Edge2,..., only vehicles that depart on one of the given
edges are affected.
python tools/route/ --input-file <route-file> --output-file shifted.rou.xml --depart-offset 900
The option --depart-interval a,b,c,d shifts all departures within the interval [a,b[ to the interval [c,d[.
python tools/route/ --input-file <route-file> --output-file shifted.rou.xml --depart-interval 3600,7200,0,500
Uses "" for building 24 route files which describe a whole day assuming the given route files describes an hour.
python tools/route/ <route-file>
Counts possible routes for all depart/arrival edges. Builds route alternatives assigning the so determined probabilities to use a route. Please note that the cost of the route is not computed!
python tools/route/ <route-file>
Generates a visualization file for investigating traffic patterns in a route file.
python tools/ <route-file> --output-file <output-file>
The option --intermediate may be used to include the total number of passing vehicles for each edge in the generated output.
The generated file result.xml can be loaded in sumo-gui to color edges by number of departs, arrivals or total number of passing vehicles
When investigating routes that pass a particular edge or intersection, the input routes may be filtered using the option --subpart <STRING>:
python tools/ <route-file> --output-file <output-file> --subpart edge3,edge4,edge5
This will only generate results for routes that contain the edge sequence edge3 edge4 edge5. By default, subpart must be a sequence of consecutive edges. By adding option --subpart.via, non-consecutive sequences are permitted.
Declares a vehicle to stop in one or more parking areas (separated by comma).
python tools/ -r <route-file> -p <parking-areas> -d <duration in seconds> [-o <output-file>]
The stop will be added to the vehicles route, if the id of the given parking area is part of the vehicle id. Example:
<vehicle id="0_parkingAreaA" depart="0">
<route edges="e1 e2 e3"/>
<vehicle id="1" depart="0">
<route edges="e1 e2 e3"/>
python tools/route/ -r <route-file> -p ParkingAreaA -d 3600 [-o <output-file>]
<vehicle id="0_parkingAreaA" depart="0">
<route edges="e1 e2 e3"/>
<stop parkingArea="parkingAreaA" duration="3600">
<vehicle id="1" depart="0">
<route edges="e1 e2 e3"/>
This only adds a stop at parkingAreaA to the vehicle with id 0_parkingAreaA. Note, that the lane of that parking area must belong to one of the edges "e1, e2, e3" of the vehicles route.
Add a stop over parking in all trips given in input file
python tools/route/ -r <route-file> -p <parking-areas> -d <duration in seconds> [-o <output-file>]
The stop will be added to the trip route.
<trip id="vehicle_0" depart="0.00" from="WC" to="CN"/>
python tools/route/ -r <route-file> -p <parkings-file> -d 1800 [-o <output-file>]
<trip depart="0.00" from="WC" id="vehicle_0" to="CN">
<stop duration="1800" parkingArea="parkingArea_WC_3_0"/>
This only adds a stop at parkingAreaA to the vehicle with id 0_parkingAreaA. Note, that the lane of that parking area must belong to one of the edges "e1, e2, e3" of the vehicles route.
Declares vehicles to stop at the end of their route (or at some other defined / random location).
python tools/route/ -n <net-file> -r <route-file> -t <vType-file> -o <output-file> -d <stop duration in seconds> -u <stop until time>
Either the "duration" or "until" for stop must be given. Using the option -p, the vehicle stops besides the road without blocking other vehicles. Example:
<vehicle id="0" depart="0">
<route edges="e1 e2 e3"/>
python tools/route/ -n <net-file> -r <route-file> -t <vType-file> -o <output-file> -p --duration 1800 --until 12:0:0
<vehicle depart="0" id="0" type="type1">
<route edges="SC CN"/>
<stop lane="CN_2" parking="true" duration="1800" until="12:0:0"/>
Random stopping#
The following options can be used to randomize the added stops:
- --probability: Randomly adds a stop for each vehicle with probability in
- --reledge random: Adds stop on a random edge along the route
- --relpos random: Adds stop on random offset along the edge
- --lane random: Adds stop on random (permitted) lane of the stop edge
Stationary traffic#
Instead of modifying a given route file by adding stops, the tool can also synthesize vehicles to fill up a given list of parkingAreas. This requires the option --parking-areas FILE to be set. The generated vehicles will have a stop with the configured duration/until time and leave the simulation after stopping.
- --abs-occupancy : generate the given number of vehicles for each parkingArea
- --rel-occupancy : generate vehicles to fill each parkingArea to the given relative capacity
- --abs-free : generate vehicles to have the given number of free spaces for each parking area
Further Options#
- --parking-areas FILE: Load additional file with parking area definitions. If the final edge of a vehicle has a parkingArea, this will be used as the destination
- --person-duration, --person-until: if set, any persons in the input will receive a
as the last element of their plan - --start-at-stop: if set, vehicle routes will be shortened so they start at the final edge. This can be used to define stationary traffic which fills up parkingAreas without driving around.
This tool transforms every vehicle definition to a flow definition with the configured end time and period (depart is used as begin time).
python tools/route/ <route-file> -o <output-route-file> -e <end-time> -r <repeat-period>
This creates a list of (geo) coordinates from an input route file and and a network.
python tools/route/ -n <net-file> -r <route-file> -o <output-trace-file>
This script maps a list of (geo) coordinates to a consecutive list of edges in a given network (a route)
python tools/route/ -n <net-file> -t <trace-file> -o <route-output-file>
The input contains the coordinates for every vehicle in a single line. Example:
vehicle1:363.66,497.79 2008.64,498.82
vehicle2:363.66,497.79 1498.46,989.78 2008.64,498.82
As an alternative input, fcd-output files (or similar files that contain attributes id
, x
and y
) are supported.
The output is a standard sumo route file
<route id="vehicle1" edges="beg rend"/>
<route id="vehicle2" edges="beg left2end rend"/>
The option --geo enables the conversion of the input coordinates with the parameters given in the network. If a vehicle class is supplied using the option --vehicle-class, the mapping algorithm will consider only edges where this vehicle class is allowed. If the network contains many multi-lane edges, it may be beneficial to increase the accepted --delta distance between trace points and the edge reference line. The mapping algorithm is also available in the python library function sumolib.route.mapTrace.
Geographic coordinates have to be provided in the lon/lat form (first coordinate is the longitude, second the latitude)!
This tool analyzes a give route file and computes a implausibility score for each route.
python tools/route/ <net-file> <route-file>
The implausibility score is a weighted sum of individual measures of implausibility (with configurable weights):
- The quotient of (routeLength / airDistance)
- The relative detour time: (routeDuration / shortestRouteDuration)
- The absolute detour time: (routeDuration - shortestRouteDuration)
- Short route penalty: max(0, minimumDistanceParameter - routeDistance)
- Short air-distance penalty: max(0, minimumAirDistanceParameter - routeAirDistance)
The tool reports routes with an implausibility score above a given threshold. It can also be used to generated restrictions for flowrouter.
When using a route file with named routes (i.e. flowrouter --routes-output), the option --standalone must be set.
This tool adds a random delay to some or all stops that have a 'duration' value by increasing the duration
python tools/route/ -r <route-file> -o <output-route-file>
The delays are sampled from a truncated Normal distribution with parameters set via options --mean FLOAT, --dev FLOAT, --min FLOAT, --max FLOAT. In the special case where min=max, a fixed delay is added. By setting option --probability FLOAT, stops only receive a delay with the given probability.#
This tool reads a public transport schedule for vehicles or trips and checks whether the time spent at the same stop by different vehicles is overlapping. This occurrence may be expected for bus lines but typically indicates a data error for a railway schedule (unless portion working takes place).
python tools/route/ -r <route-file>
When setting option --stop-table STOP_ID a time table for all vehicles that service the given <busStop>
-id is written to standard output.
The option accepts a list of stops and also the *
wildcard to generate a combined table for multiple busStops (i.e belonging to the same station).
The resulting stop table may look as in the below example, where the columns correspond to the attributes of the stop except for the following two columns: - veh: the id of the vehicle to which this stop belongs - flags: - p: parking - F: first stop of the vehicle - L: last stop of the vehicle - w: waypoint - o: vehicle is overtaken (some other vehicle arrives later at the same stop and departs earlier) - O: vehicle overtakes (some other vehicle arrives earlier and departs later)
# busStop: stop_A,stop_B
arrival until veh tripId started ended flags busStop
12:20:30 12:24:12 H2303_6 4199 12:23:22 12:26:23 stop_B
12:21:42 12:21:42 H2303_8 11010 12:25:15 12:25:15 F stop_A
12:50:36 12:53:48 H2303_7 11023 12:50:26 12:52:57 stop_B
13:20:36 13:23:42 H2303_9 11073 stop_B
13:35:00 13:38:42 H2303_8 11025 stop_B
13:36:24 13:36:24 H2303_3 11012 stop_A
14:04:36 14:07:24 Z2602_2 1435 stop_B
14:21:12 14:24:12 H2303_1 11027 stop_B
14:35:18 14:37:18 H3458_2 28915 stop_B
14:51:36 14:54:12 Z1351_9 2075 stop_B
This tool splits a route file in two different route files
python tools/route/ -r <route-file> -a <first output file> -b <second output file> -n <number of trips in second file>
This tool adds 'fromTaz' and 'toTaz' information to vehicles in a route file.
python tools/route/ -r <route-file> -a <taz-file> -o <output-file>
This tool generates a tazRelation-file (OD-Matrix) from a taz-file and route-file.
python tools/route/ -r <route-file> -a <taz-file> -o <output-file>
Not only route file but also trip file can be used as input. The tool will firstly try to find the start edge and the end edge of each trip or flows and match them to the respective origin and destination TAZ according to the input taz-file. The counts of the TAZ-relations will be calculated and saved. If only TAZ-information in the given trip or route file is available, this tool will directly calculate TAZ-based OD relation counts without using the information in the given taz-file, which connection edges locate in each TAZ. If the option --edge-relations is set, edge-based relation counts will be calculated and saved, only when start/end edge information is available.
When option --interval TIME (short -i) is set, the OD-Matrix will be split into time slices of the given duration.
Load a file with trips define with fromLonLat / toLonLat and convert it to a poi file Departure pois will be red and arrival pois will be blue and their visual size reflects the number of departs/arrivals at that location.
python tools/route/ <trip-files> -o <output-poi-file>