Eclipse SUMO - Simulation of Urban MObility
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /****************************************************************************/
2 // Eclipse SUMO, Simulation of Urban MObility; see
3 // Copyright (C) 2001-2024 German Aerospace Center (DLR) and others.
4 // This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
5 // terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at
6 //
7 // This Source Code may also be made available under the following Secondary
8 // Licenses when the conditions for such availability set forth in the Eclipse
9 // Public License 2.0 are satisfied: GNU General Public License, version 2
10 // or later which is available at
11 //
12 // SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 OR GPL-2.0-or-later
13 /****************************************************************************/
18 // Frame for select demand elements
19 /****************************************************************************/
20 #include <config.h>
22 #include <netedit/GNENet.h>
23 #include <netedit/GNEViewNet.h>
28 #include "GNEDemandSelector.h"
31 // ===========================================================================
32 // FOX callback mapping
33 // ===========================================================================
35 FXDEFMAP(GNEDemandElementSelector) DemandElementSelectorMap[] = {
37 };
39 // Object implementation
40 FXIMPLEMENT(GNEDemandElementSelector, MFXGroupBoxModule, DemandElementSelectorMap, ARRAYNUMBER(DemandElementSelectorMap))
43 // ===========================================================================
44 // method definitions
45 // ===========================================================================
47 GNEDemandElementSelector::GNEDemandElementSelector(GNEFrame* frameParent, SumoXMLTag demandElementTag, int tagType) :
48  MFXGroupBoxModule(frameParent, (TL("Parent ") + toString(demandElementTag)).c_str()),
49  myFrameParent(frameParent),
50  myCurrentDemandElement(nullptr),
51  myDemandElementTags({demandElementTag}),
52  myTagType(tagType),
53 mySelectingMultipleElements(false) {
54  // Create MFXComboBoxIcon
55  myDemandElementsComboBox = new MFXComboBoxIcon(getCollapsableFrame(), GUIDesignComboBoxNCol, true, GUIDesignComboBoxVisibleItemsMedium,
57  // refresh demand element MatchBox
58  refreshDemandElementSelector();
59  // shown after creation
60  show();
61 }
64 GNEDemandElementSelector::GNEDemandElementSelector(GNEFrame* frameParent, const std::vector<GNETagProperties::TagType>& tagTypes) :
65  MFXGroupBoxModule(frameParent, TL("Parent element")),
66  myFrameParent(frameParent),
67  myCurrentDemandElement(nullptr),
68  mySelectingMultipleElements(false) {
69  // fill myDemandElementTags
70  for (const auto& tagType : tagTypes) {
71  const auto tagProperties = GNEAttributeCarrier::getTagPropertiesByType(tagType, false);
72  for (const auto& tagProperty : tagProperties) {
73  myDemandElementTags.push_back(tagProperty.getTag());
74  }
75  }
76  // Create MFXComboBoxIcon
79  // refresh demand element MatchBox
81  // shown after creation
82  show();
83 }
92 }
95 const std::vector<SumoXMLTag>&
97  return myDemandElementTags;
98 }
101 void
104  // Set new current demand element
105  myCurrentDemandElement = demandElement;
106  if (demandElement != nullptr) {
107  // check that demandElement tag correspond to a tag of myDemandElementTags
108  if (std::find(myDemandElementTags.begin(), myDemandElementTags.end(), demandElement->getTagProperty().getTag()) != myDemandElementTags.end()) {
109  // update text of myDemandElementsComboBox
110  myDemandElementsComboBox->setCurrentItem(demandElement->getID().c_str());
111  }
112  }
113  // call demandElementSelected function
115 }
118 void
119 GNEDemandElementSelector::setDemandElements(const std::vector<GNEDemandElement*>& demandElements) {
121  myCurrentDemandElement = nullptr;
123  for (const auto& demandElement : demandElements) {
124  myDemandElementsComboBox->appendIconItem(demandElement->getID().c_str(), demandElement->getACIcon());
125  }
126 }
129 void
131  // first refresh modul
133  // if current selected item isn't valid, set DEFAULT_VTYPE_ID or DEFAULT_PEDTYPE_ID
136  } else if (myDemandElementTags.size() == 1) {
137  if ( == SUMO_TAG_VTYPE) {
139  myDemandElementsComboBox->setCurrentItem(defaultVType->getID().c_str());
140  }
141  }
142  onCmdSelectDemandElement(nullptr, 0, nullptr);
143  show();
144 }
147 void
149  hide();
150 }
153 bool
155  return shown();
156 }
159 void
161  // get demand elemenst container
162  const auto& ACs = myFrameParent->getViewNet()->getNet()->getAttributeCarriers();
163  // clear demand elements comboBox
165  // fill myTypeMatchBox with list of demand elements
166  for (const auto& demandElementTag : myDemandElementTags) {
167  // special case for VTypes
168  if (demandElementTag == SUMO_TAG_VTYPE) {
169  // add default types in the first positions depending of frame parent
170  if (myTagType & GNETagProperties::TagType::PERSON) {
171  // first pedestrian
178  } else if (myTagType & GNETagProperties::TagType::CONTAINER) {
179  // first container
186  } else {
187  // first default vType
194  }
195  // add rest of vTypes
196  for (const auto& vType : ACs->getDemandElements().at(demandElementTag)) {
197  // avoid insert duplicated default vType
198  if (DEFAULT_VTYPES.count(vType.second->getID()) == 0) {
199  myDemandElementsComboBox->appendIconItem(vType.second->getID().c_str(), vType.second->getACIcon());
200  }
201  }
202  } else {
203  // insert all elements sorted by ID
204  std::map<std::string, GNEDemandElement*> sortedElements;
205  for (const auto& demandElement : ACs->getDemandElements().at(demandElementTag)) {
206  sortedElements[demandElement.second->getID()] = demandElement.second;
207  }
208  for (const auto& demandElement : sortedElements) {
209  myDemandElementsComboBox->appendIconItem(demandElement.first.c_str(), demandElement.second->getACIcon(),
210  demandElement.second->getTagProperty().getBackGroundColor());
211  }
212  }
213  }
214  // update myCurrentDemandElement
216  myCurrentDemandElement = nullptr;
217  } else if (myCurrentDemandElement) {
218  for (int i = 0; i < myDemandElementsComboBox->getNumItems(); i++) {
221  }
222  }
223  } else {
224  for (auto i = myDemandElementTags.begin(); (i != myDemandElementTags.end()) && (myCurrentDemandElement == nullptr); i++) {
225  myCurrentDemandElement = ACs->retrieveDemandElement(*i, myDemandElementsComboBox->getItemText(0), false);
226  }
227  if (myCurrentDemandElement == nullptr) {
228  // update myCurrentDemandElement with the first allowed element
229  for (auto i = myDemandElementTags.begin(); (i != myDemandElementTags.end()) && (myCurrentDemandElement == nullptr); i++) {
230  if (ACs->getDemandElements().at(*i).size() > 0) {
231  myCurrentDemandElement = ACs->getDemandElements().at(*i).begin()->second;
232  }
233  }
234  }
235  }
236 }
241  if (myCurrentDemandElement == nullptr) {
242  return nullptr;
243  }
246  return nullptr;
247  }
249  return nullptr;
250  }
252 }
255 long
257  // Check if value of myTypeMatchBox correspond to a demand element
258  for (const auto& demandElementTag : myDemandElementTags) {
259  for (const auto& demandElement : myFrameParent->getViewNet()->getNet()->getAttributeCarriers()->getDemandElements().at(demandElementTag)) {
260  if (demandElement.second->getID() == myDemandElementsComboBox->getText().text()) {
261  // set color of myTypeMatchBox to black (valid)
262  myDemandElementsComboBox->setTextColor(FXRGB(0, 0, 0));
263  myDemandElementsComboBox->killFocus();
264  // Set new current demand element
265  myCurrentDemandElement = demandElement.second;
266  // call demandElementSelected function
268  // Write Warning in console if we're in testing mode
269  WRITE_DEBUG((TL("Selected item '") + myDemandElementsComboBox->getText() + TL("' in DemandElementSelector")).text());
270  return 1;
271  }
272  }
273  }
274  // if demand element selected is invalid, set demand element as null
275  myCurrentDemandElement = nullptr;
276  // call demandElementSelected function
278  // change color of myDemandElementsComboBox to red (invalid)
279  myDemandElementsComboBox->setTextColor(FXRGB(255, 0, 0));
280  // Write Warning in console if we're in testing mode
281  WRITE_DEBUG(TL("Selected invalid item in DemandElementSelector"));
282  return 1;
283 }
285 /****************************************************************************/
FXDEFMAP(GNEDemandElementSelector) DemandElementSelectorMap[]
used to select a type of element in a combo box
Definition: GUIAppEnum.h:955
#define GUIDesignComboBox
Definition: GUIDesigns.h:299
#define GUIDesignComboBoxNCol
number of column of every combo box
Definition: GUIDesigns.h:317
#define GUIDesignComboBoxVisibleItemsMedium
combo box medium small
Definition: GUIDesigns.h:53
#define WRITE_DEBUG(msg)
Definition: MsgHandler.h:306
#define TL(string)
Definition: MsgHandler.h:315
const std::string DEFAULT_TAXITYPE_ID
const std::string DEFAULT_RAILTYPE_ID
const std::string DEFAULT_PEDTYPE_ID
const std::set< std::string > DEFAULT_VTYPES
const std::string DEFAULT_VTYPE_ID
const std::string DEFAULT_BIKETYPE_ID
Numbers representing SUMO-XML - element names.
description of a vehicle/person/container type
std::string toString(const T &t, std::streamsize accuracy=gPrecision)
Definition: ToString.h:46
const std::string getID() const
get ID (all Attribute Carriers have one)
static const std::vector< GNETagProperties > getTagPropertiesByType(const int tagPropertyCategory, const bool mergeCommonPlans)
get tagProperties associated to the given GNETagProperties::TagType (NETWORKELEMENT,...
const GNETagProperties & getTagProperty() const
get tagProperty associated with this Attribute Carrier
std::vector< SumoXMLTag > myDemandElementTags
demand element tags
GNEDemandElementSelector(GNEFrame *frameParent, SumoXMLTag demandElementTag, int tagType)
void setDemandElements(const std::vector< GNEDemandElement * > &demandElements)
set multiple demand elements to filter
GNEDemandElement * getPreviousPlanElement() const
get previous plan element
GNEFrame * myFrameParent
FOX need this.
bool isDemandElementSelectorShown() const
check if demand element selector is shown
void showDemandElementSelector()
show demand element selector
void setDemandElement(GNEDemandElement *demandElement)
set current demand element
long onCmdSelectDemandElement(FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
void refreshDemandElementSelector()
refresh demand element selector
GNEDemandElement * myCurrentDemandElement
current demand element
GNEDemandElement * getCurrentDemandElement() const
get current demand element
bool mySelectingMultipleElements
flag for enable/disable multiple element selection
const std::vector< SumoXMLTag > & getAllowedTags() const
MFXComboBoxIcon * myDemandElementsComboBox
comboBox with the list of elements type
int myTagType
tag type (person, container or vehicle)
void hideDemandElementSelector()
hide demand element selector
GNEViewNet * getViewNet() const
get view net
Definition: GNEFrame.cpp:150
virtual void demandElementSelected()
selected demand element in DemandElementSelector
Definition: GNEFrame.cpp:273
const std::vector< GNEDemandElement * > & getChildDemandElements() const
return child demand elements
GNEDemandElement * retrieveDemandElement(SumoXMLTag type, const std::string &id, bool hardFail=true) const
Returns the named demand element.
const std::map< SumoXMLTag, std::map< const GUIGlObject *, GNEDemandElement * > > & getDemandElements() const
get demand elements
GNENetHelper::AttributeCarriers * getAttributeCarriers() const
get all attribute carriers used in this net
Definition: GNENet.cpp:123
bool isContainer() const
return true if tag correspond to a container element
SumoXMLTag getTag() const
get Tag vinculated with this attribute Property
bool isPerson() const
return true if tag correspond to a person element
GNENet * getNet() const
get the net object
static FXIcon * getIcon(const GUIIcon which)
returns a icon previously defined in the enum GUIIcon
ComboBox with icon.
long setCurrentItem(const FXint index, FXbool notify=FALSE)
Set the current item (index is zero-based)
FXint getNumItems() const
Return the number of items in the list.
FXString getText() const
Get the text.
void setTextColor(FXColor clr)
Change text color.
void clearItems()
Remove all items from the list.
std::string getItemText(FXint index) const
Get text for specified item.
FXint appendIconItem(const FXString &text, FXIcon *icon=nullptr, FXColor bgColor=FXRGB(255, 255, 255), void *ptr=nullptr)
append icon item in the last position
MFXGroupBoxModule (based on FXGroupBox)
FXVerticalFrame * getCollapsableFrame()
get collapsable frame (used by all elements that will be collapsed if button is toggled)