Eclipse SUMO - Simulation of Urban MObility
GNENetHelper::AttributeCarriers Class Reference

struct used for saving all attribute carriers of net, in different formats More...

#include <GNENetHelper.h>

Collaboration diagram for GNENetHelper::AttributeCarriers:

Public Member Functions

 AttributeCarriers (GNENet *net)
 constructor More...
bool isNetworkElementAroundShape (GNEAttributeCarrier *AC, const PositionVector &shape) const
 check if shape of given AC (network element) is around the given shape More...
void remapJunctionAndEdgeIds ()
 remap junction and edge IDs More...
 ~AttributeCarriers ()
 destructor More...
function for attribute carriers
GNEAttributeCarrierretrieveAttributeCarrier (const GUIGlID id, bool hardFail=true) const
 get a single attribute carrier based on a GLID More...
std::vector< GNEAttributeCarrier * > retrieveAttributeCarriers (SumoXMLTag tag=SUMO_TAG_NOTHING)
 get the attribute carriers based on Type More...
std::vector< GNEAttributeCarrier * > retrieveAttributeCarriers (Supermode supermode, const bool onlySelected)
 get the attribute carriers based on supermode and selected More...
std::vector< GNEAttributeCarrier * > getSelectedAttributeCarriers (const bool ignoreCurrentSupermode)
 get all selected attribute carriers (or only relative to current supermode More...
function for junctions
GNEJunctionretrieveJunction (const std::string &id, bool hardFail=true) const
 get junction by id More...
const std::map< std::string, GNEJunction * > & getJunctions () const
 get junctions More...
std::vector< GNEJunction * > getSelectedJunctions () const
 return selected junctions More...
GNEJunctionregisterJunction (GNEJunction *junction)
 registers a junction in containers More...
void clearJunctions ()
 clear junctions More...
void addPrefixToJunctions (const std::string &prefix)
 add prefix to all junctions More...
void updateJunctionID (GNEJunction *junction, const std::string &newID)
 update junction ID in container More...
int getNumberOfSelectedJunctions () const
 get number of selected junctions More...
function for crossings
GNECrossingretrieveCrossing (const GUIGlObject *glObject, bool hardFail=true) const
 get Crossing by AC More...
const std::map< const GUIGlObject *, GNECrossing * > & getCrossings () const
 get crossings More...
std::vector< GNECrossing * > getSelectedCrossings () const
 return all selected crossings More...
int getNumberOfSelectedCrossings () const
 get number of selected crossings More...
function for walkingAreas
GNEWalkingArearetrieveWalkingArea (const GUIGlObject *glObject, bool hardFail=true) const
 get WalkingArea by GlObject More...
const std::map< const GUIGlObject *, GNEWalkingArea * > & getWalkingAreas () const
 get walkingAreas More...
std::vector< GNEWalkingArea * > getSelectedWalkingAreas () const
 return all selected walkingAreas More...
int getNumberOfSelectedWalkingAreas () const
 get number of selected walkingAreas More...
function for edgeTypes
GNEEdgeTyperetrieveEdgeType (const std::string &id, bool hardFail=true) const
 get edge type by id More...
GNEEdgeTyperegisterEdgeType (GNEEdgeType *edgeType)
 registers a edge in containers More...
const std::map< std::string, GNEEdgeType * > & getEdgeTypes () const
 map with the ID and pointer to edgeTypes of net More...
void clearEdgeTypes ()
 clear edgeTypes More...
void updateEdgeTypeID (GNEEdgeType *edgeType, const std::string &newID)
 update edgeType ID in container More...
std::string generateEdgeTypeID () const
 generate edgeType id More...
function for edges
GNEEdgeretrieveEdge (const std::string &id, bool hardFail=true) const
 get edge by id More...
std::vector< GNEEdge * > retrieveEdges (GNEJunction *from, GNEJunction *to) const
 get all edges by from and to GNEJunction More...
const std::map< std::string, GNEEdge * > & getEdges () const
 map with the ID and pointer to edges of net More...
std::vector< GNEEdge * > getSelectedEdges () const
 return all edges More...
GNEEdgeregisterEdge (GNEEdge *edge)
 registers an edge with containers More...
void clearEdges ()
 clear edges More...
void addPrefixToEdges (const std::string &prefix)
 add prefix to all edges More...
void updateEdgeID (GNEEdge *edge, const std::string &newID)
 update edge ID in container More...
int getNumberOfSelectedEdges () const
 get number of selected edges More...
function for lanes
GNELaneretrieveLane (const std::string &id, bool hardFail=true, bool checkVolatileChange=false) const
 get lane by id More...
GNELaneretrieveLane (const GUIGlObject *glObject, bool hardFail=true) const
 get Lane by GlObject More...
const std::map< const GUIGlObject *, GNELane * > & getLanes () const
 get lanes More...
std::vector< GNELane * > getSelectedLanes () const
 get selected lanes More...
int getNumberOfSelectedLanes () const
 get number of selected lanes More...
function for connections
GNEConnectionretrieveConnection (const std::string &id, bool hardFail=true) const
 get Connection by id More...
GNEConnectionretrieveConnection (const GUIGlObject *glObject, bool hardFail=true) const
 get Connection by GUIGlObject More...
const std::map< const GUIGlObject *, GNEConnection * > & getConnections () const
 get connections More...
std::vector< GNEConnection * > getSelectedConnections () const
 get selected connections More...
int getNumberOfSelectedConnections () const
 get number of selected connections More...
function for internalLanes
GNEInternalLaneretrieveInternalLane (const GUIGlObject *glObject, bool hardFail=true) const
 get InternalLane by GUIGlObject More...
function for additionals
GNEAdditionalretrieveAdditional (SumoXMLTag type, const std::string &id, bool hardFail=true) const
 Returns the named additional. More...
GNEAdditionalretrieveAdditionals (const std::vector< SumoXMLTag > types, const std::string &id, bool hardFail=true) const
 Returns the named additional. More...
GNEAdditionalretrieveAdditional (const GUIGlObject *glObject, bool hardFail=true) const
 Returns the named additional. More...
GNEAdditionalretrieveRerouterInterval (const std::string &rerouterID, const SUMOTime begin, const SUMOTime end) const
 Returns the rerouter interval defined by given begin and end. More...
const std::map< SumoXMLTag, std::map< const GUIGlObject *, GNEAdditional * > > & getAdditionals () const
 get additionals More...
std::vector< GNEAdditional * > getSelectedAdditionals () const
 get selected additionals More...
std::vector< GNEAdditional * > getSelectedShapes () const
 get selected shapes More...
int getNumberOfAdditionals () const
 get number of additionals More...
void clearAdditionals ()
 clear additionals More...
void updateAdditionalID (GNEAdditional *additional, const std::string &newID)
 update additional ID in container More...
std::string generateAdditionalID (SumoXMLTag type) const
 generate additional id More...
int getNumberOfSelectedAdditionals () const
 get number of selected additionals (Including POIs, Polygons, TAZs and Wires) More...
int getNumberOfSelectedPureAdditionals () const
 get number of selected pure additionals (Except POIs, Polygons, TAZs and Wires) More...
int getNumberOfSelectedPolygons () const
 get number of selected polygons More...
int getNumberOfSelectedJpsWalkableAreas () const
 get number of selected walkable areas More...
int getNumberOfSelectedJpsObstacles () const
 get number of selected obstacles More...
int getNumberOfSelectedPOIs () const
 get number of selected POIs More...
int getNumberOfSelectedTAZs () const
 get number of selected TAZs More...
int getNumberOfSelectedTAZSources () const
 get number of selected TAZSources More...
int getNumberOfSelectedTAZSinks () const
 get number of selected TAZSinks More...
int getNumberOfSelectedWires () const
 get number of selected Wires More...
function for demand elements
GNEDemandElementretrieveDemandElement (SumoXMLTag type, const std::string &id, bool hardFail=true) const
 Returns the named demand element. More...
GNEDemandElementretrieveDemandElements (const std::vector< SumoXMLTag > types, const std::string &id, bool hardFail=true) const
 Returns the named demand element. More...
GNEDemandElementretrieveDemandElement (const GUIGlObject *glObject, bool hardFail=true) const
 Returns the named demand. More...
std::vector< GNEDemandElement * > getSelectedDemandElements () const
 get selected demand elements More...
const std::map< SumoXMLTag, std::map< const GUIGlObject *, GNEDemandElement * > > & getDemandElements () const
 get demand elements More...
int getNumberOfDemandElements () const
 Return the number of demand elements. More...
std::string generateDemandElementID (SumoXMLTag tag) const
 generate demand element id More...
GNEDemandElementgetDefaultType () const
 get default type More...
void clearDemandElements ()
 clear demand elements More...
void updateDemandElementID (GNEDemandElement *demandElement, const std::string &newID)
 update demand element ID in container More...
void addDefaultVTypes ()
 add default VTypes More...
int getStopIndex ()
 get (and update) stop index More...
int getNumberOfSelectedDemandElements () const
 get number of selected demand elements More...
int getNumberOfSelectedRoutes () const
 get number of selected routes More...
int getNumberOfSelectedVehicles () const
 get number of selected vehicles More...
int getNumberOfSelectedPersons () const
 get number of selected persons More...
int getNumberOfSelectedPersonTrips () const
 get number of selected person trips More...
int getNumberOfSelectedWalks () const
 get number of selected walks More...
int getNumberOfSelectedRides () const
 get number of selected rides More...
int getNumberOfSelectedContainers () const
 get number of selected containers More...
int getNumberOfSelectedTransport () const
 get number of selected transports More...
int getNumberOfSelectedTranships () const
 get number of selected tranships More...
int getNumberOfSelectedStops () const
 get number of selected stops More...
function for data sets
GNEDataSetretrieveDataSet (const std::string &id, bool hardFail=true) const
 Returns the named data set. More...
const std::map< const std::string, GNEDataSet * > & getDataSets () const
 get demand elements More...
std::string generateDataSetID (const std::string &prefix) const
 generate data set id More...
function for data intervals
GNEDataIntervalretrieveDataInterval (const GNEAttributeCarrier *AC, bool hardFail=true) const
 Returns the data interval. More...
const std::map< const GNEAttributeCarrier *, GNEDataInterval * > & getDataIntervals () const
 get all data intervals of network More...
function for generic datas
GNEGenericDataretrieveGenericData (const GUIGlObject *glObject, bool hardFail=true) const
 Returns the generic data. More...
std::vector< GNEGenericData * > getSelectedGenericDatas () const
 get selected generic datas More...
const std::map< SumoXMLTag, std::map< const GUIGlObject *, GNEGenericData * > > & getGenericDatas () const
 get all generic datas More...
std::vector< GNEGenericData * > retrieveGenericDatas (const SumoXMLTag genericDataTag, const double begin, const double end)
 retrieve generic datas within the given interval More...
int getNumberOfGenericDatas () const
 Return the number of generic datas. More...
int getNumberOfSelectedEdgeDatas () const
 get number of selected edge datas More...
int getNumberOfSelectedEdgeRelDatas () const
 get number of selected edge rel datas More...
int getNumberOfSelectedEdgeTAZRel () const
 get number of selected edge TAZ Rels More...
std::set< std::string > retrieveGenericDataParameters (const std::string &genericDataTag, const double begin, const double end) const
 return a set of parameters for the given data Interval More...
std::set< std::string > retrieveGenericDataParameters (const std::string &dataSetID, const std::string &genericDataTag, const std::string &beginStr, const std::string &endStr) const
 return a set of parameters for the given dataSet, generic data Type, begin and end More...
function for meanDatas
GNEMeanDataretrieveMeanData (SumoXMLTag type, const std::string &id, bool hardFail=true) const
 Returns the named meanData. More...
const std::map< SumoXMLTag, std::map< const std::string, GNEMeanData * > > & getMeanDatas () const
 get meanDatas More...
int getNumberOfMeanDatas () const
 get number of meanDatas More...
void clearMeanDatas ()
 clear meanDatas More...
std::string generateMeanDataID (SumoXMLTag type) const
 generate meanData id More...

Protected Member Functions

void updateDemandElementFrames (const GNETagProperties &tagProperty)
 update demand element frames (called after insert/delete demand element) More...
Junctions protected functions
void insertJunction (GNEJunction *junction)
 insert junction in container More...
void deleteSingleJunction (GNEJunction *junction)
 delete junction from container More...
edge types protected functions
void insertEdgeType (GNEEdgeType *edgeType)
 insert edge type in container More...
void deleteEdgeType (GNEEdgeType *edgeType)
 delete edge type from container More...
edges protected functions

insert edge in container

void insertEdge (GNEEdge *edge)
void deleteSingleEdge (GNEEdge *edge)
 delete edge from container More...
lane protected functions
void insertLane (GNELane *lane)
 insert lane in container More...
void deleteLane (GNELane *lane)
 delete lane from container More...
crossing protected functions
void insertCrossing (GNECrossing *crossing)
 insert crossing in container More...
void deleteCrossing (GNECrossing *crossing)
 delete crossing from container More...
walking areas protected functions
void insertWalkingArea (GNEWalkingArea *walkingArea)
 insert walkingArea in container More...
void deleteWalkingArea (GNEWalkingArea *walkingArea)
 delete walkingArea from container More...
connection protected functions
void insertConnection (GNEConnection *connection)
 insert connection in container More...
void deleteConnection (GNEConnection *connection)
 delete connection from container More...
internalLane protected functions
void insertInternalLane (GNEInternalLane *internalLane)
 insert internalLane in container More...
void deleteInternalLane (GNEInternalLane *internalLane)
 delete internalLane from container More...
additionals protected functions
void insertAdditional (GNEAdditional *additional)
 Insert a additional element in container. More...
void deleteAdditional (GNEAdditional *additional)
 delete additional element of container More...
demand elements protected functions
void insertDemandElement (GNEDemandElement *demandElement)
 Insert a demand element in container. More...
void deleteDemandElement (GNEDemandElement *demandElement, const bool updateFrames)
 delete demand element of container More...
datas protected functions
void insertDataSet (GNEDataSet *dataSet)
 Insert a data set in container. More...
void deleteDataSet (GNEDataSet *dataSet)
 delete data set of container More...
data intervals protected functions
void insertDataInterval (const GNEAttributeCarrier *AC, GNEDataInterval *dataInterval)
 insert data interval in container More...
void deleteDataInterval (GNEDataInterval *dataInterval)
 delete data interval of container More...
generic datas protected functions
void insertGenericData (GNEGenericData *genericData)
 insert generic data in container More...
void deleteGenericData (GNEGenericData *genericData)
 delete generic data of container More...
Insertion and erasing of GNEMeanDatas items
void insertMeanData (GNEMeanData *meanData)
 Insert a meanData element in container. More...
void deleteMeanData (GNEMeanData *meanData)
 delete meanData element of container More...

Private Member Functions

 AttributeCarriers (const AttributeCarriers &)=delete
 Invalidated copy constructor. More...
AttributeCarriersoperator= (const AttributeCarriers &)=delete
 Invalidated assignment operator. More...

Private Attributes

std::map< SumoXMLTag, std::map< const std::string, GNEAdditional * > > myAdditionalIDs
 map with the tag and pointer to additional elements of net, sorted by IDs More...
std::map< SumoXMLTag, std::map< const GUIGlObject *, GNEAdditional * > > myAdditionals
 map with the tag and pointer to additional elements of net More...
std::map< const GUIGlObject *, GNEConnection * > myConnections
 map with connetions More...
std::map< const GUIGlObject *, GNECrossing * > myCrossings
 set with crossings More...
std::map< const GNEAttributeCarrier *, GNEDataInterval * > myDataIntervals
 map with all data intervals of network More...
std::map< const std::string, GNEDataSet * > myDataSets
 map with the ID and pointer to all datasets of net More...
std::map< SumoXMLTag, std::map< const std::string, GNEDemandElement * > > myDemandElementIDs
 map with the tag and pointer to demand elements of net, sorted by IDs More...
std::map< SumoXMLTag, std::map< const GUIGlObject *, GNEDemandElement * > > myDemandElements
 map with the tag and pointer to additional elements of net More...
std::map< std::string, GNEEdge * > myEdges
 map with the ID and pointer to edges of net More...
std::map< std::string, GNEEdgeType * > myEdgeTypes
 map with the ID and pointer to edgeTypes of net More...
std::map< SumoXMLTag, std::map< const GUIGlObject *, GNEGenericData * > > myGenericDatas
 map with the tag and pointer to all generic datas More...
std::map< const GUIGlObject *, GNEInternalLane * > myInternalLanes
 map with internal lanes More...
std::map< std::string, GNEJunction * > myJunctions
 map with the ID and pointer to junctions of net More...
std::map< const GUIGlObject *, GNELane * > myLanes
 map with lanes More...
std::map< SumoXMLTag, std::map< const std::string, GNEMeanData * > > myMeanDatas
 map with the tag and pointer to meanData elements of net More...
 pointer to net More...
int myStopIndex
 stop index More...
std::map< const GUIGlObject *, GNEWalkingArea * > myWalkingAreas
 set with walkingAreas More...


class GNEAdditionalHandler
 declare friend class More...
class GNEChange_Additional
class GNEChange_DataInterval
class GNEChange_DataSet
class GNEChange_DemandElement
class GNEChange_Edge
class GNEChange_EdgeType
class GNEChange_GenericData
class GNEChange_Junction
class GNEChange_MeanData
class GNEChange_Shape
class GNEChange_TAZElement
class GNEDataHandler
class GNEDataInterval
class GNEDataSet
class GNEEdge
class GNEJunction
class GNERouteHandler
class GNETLSEditorFrame

Detailed Description

struct used for saving all attribute carriers of net, in different formats

Definition at line 75 of file GNENetHelper.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ AttributeCarriers() [1/2]

GNENetHelper::AttributeCarriers::AttributeCarriers ( GNENet net)

◆ ~AttributeCarriers()

GNENetHelper::AttributeCarriers::~AttributeCarriers ( )


Definition at line 93 of file GNENetHelper.cpp.


◆ AttributeCarriers() [2/2]

GNENetHelper::AttributeCarriers::AttributeCarriers ( const AttributeCarriers )

Invalidated copy constructor.

Member Function Documentation

◆ addDefaultVTypes()

void GNENetHelper::AttributeCarriers::addDefaultVTypes ( )

◆ addPrefixToEdges()

void GNENetHelper::AttributeCarriers::addPrefixToEdges ( const std::string &  prefix)

add prefix to all edges

Definition at line 768 of file GNENetHelper.cpp.

Referenced by GNELoadThread::run().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ addPrefixToJunctions()

void GNENetHelper::AttributeCarriers::addPrefixToJunctions ( const std::string &  prefix)

add prefix to all junctions

Definition at line 478 of file GNENetHelper.cpp.

Referenced by GNELoadThread::run().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ clearAdditionals()

void GNENetHelper::AttributeCarriers::clearAdditionals ( )

clear additionals

Definition at line 1095 of file GNENetHelper.cpp.

Referenced by GNENet::computeAndUpdate().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ clearDemandElements()

void GNENetHelper::AttributeCarriers::clearDemandElements ( )

clear demand elements

Definition at line 1509 of file GNENetHelper.cpp.

Referenced by GNENet::computeAndUpdate().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ clearEdges()

void GNENetHelper::AttributeCarriers::clearEdges ( )

clear edges

Definition at line 762 of file GNENetHelper.cpp.

Referenced by GNENet::computeAndUpdate().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ clearEdgeTypes()

void GNENetHelper::AttributeCarriers::clearEdgeTypes ( )

clear edgeTypes

Definition at line 649 of file GNENetHelper.cpp.

◆ clearJunctions()

void GNENetHelper::AttributeCarriers::clearJunctions ( )

clear junctions

Definition at line 472 of file GNENetHelper.cpp.

Referenced by GNENet::computeAndUpdate().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ clearMeanDatas()

void GNENetHelper::AttributeCarriers::clearMeanDatas ( )

clear meanDatas

Definition at line 2230 of file GNENetHelper.cpp.

◆ deleteAdditional()

void GNENetHelper::AttributeCarriers::deleteAdditional ( GNEAdditional additional)

delete additional element of container

Definition at line 2493 of file GNENetHelper.cpp.

References GNEAdditional::getGUIGlObject(), GNEAttributeCarrier::getID(), GNETagProperties::getTag(), GNEAttributeCarrier::getTagProperty(), GNEAttributeCarrier::getTagStr(), GNETagProperties::hasAttribute(), GNETagProperties::isPlacedInRTree(), and SUMO_ATTR_ID.

Referenced by GNEChange_Additional::redo(), GNEChange_Additional::undo(), and GNEChange_Additional::~GNEChange_Additional().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ deleteConnection()

void GNENetHelper::AttributeCarriers::deleteConnection ( GNEConnection connection)

delete connection from container

Definition at line 2437 of file GNENetHelper.cpp.

References GNENetworkElement::getGUIGlObject(), GNEAttributeCarrier::getID(), and GNEAttributeCarrier::getTagStr().

Referenced by GNEEdge::clearGNEConnections(), GNEEdge::remakeGNEConnections(), GNEEdge::removeConnection(), and GNEEdge::~GNEEdge().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ deleteCrossing()

void GNENetHelper::AttributeCarriers::deleteCrossing ( GNECrossing crossing)

delete crossing from container

Definition at line 2389 of file GNENetHelper.cpp.

References GNENetworkElement::getGUIGlObject(), GNEAttributeCarrier::getID(), and GNEAttributeCarrier::getTagStr().

Referenced by GNEJunction::rebuildGNECrossings(), and GNEJunction::~GNEJunction().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ deleteDataInterval()

void GNENetHelper::AttributeCarriers::deleteDataInterval ( GNEDataInterval dataInterval)

delete data interval of container

Definition at line 1950 of file GNENetHelper.cpp.

References GNEAttributeCarrier::getID(), and GNEAttributeCarrier::getTagStr().

Referenced by GNEDataSet::removeDataIntervalChild().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ deleteDataSet()

void GNENetHelper::AttributeCarriers::deleteDataSet ( GNEDataSet dataSet)

delete data set of container

Definition at line 2599 of file GNENetHelper.cpp.

References GNEAttributeCarrier::getID(), and GNEAttributeCarrier::getTagStr().

Referenced by GNEChange_DataSet::redo(), GNEChange_DataSet::undo(), and GNEChange_DataSet::~GNEChange_DataSet().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ deleteDemandElement()

void GNENetHelper::AttributeCarriers::deleteDemandElement ( GNEDemandElement demandElement,
const bool  updateFrames 

delete demand element of container

Definition at line 2549 of file GNENetHelper.cpp.

References GNEDemandElement::getGUIGlObject(), GNEAttributeCarrier::getID(), GNETagProperties::getTag(), GNEAttributeCarrier::getTagProperty(), GNEAttributeCarrier::getTagStr(), GNETagProperties::hasAttribute(), and SUMO_ATTR_ID.

Referenced by GNEChange_DemandElement::redo(), GNEChange_DemandElement::undo(), and GNEChange_DemandElement::~GNEChange_DemandElement().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ deleteEdgeType()

void GNENetHelper::AttributeCarriers::deleteEdgeType ( GNEEdgeType edgeType)

delete edge type from container

Definition at line 2294 of file GNENetHelper.cpp.

References GUIGlObject::getMicrosimID().

Referenced by GNEChange_EdgeType::redo(), GNEChange_EdgeType::undo(), and GNEChange_EdgeType::~GNEChange_EdgeType().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ deleteGenericData()

void GNENetHelper::AttributeCarriers::deleteGenericData ( GNEGenericData genericData)

delete generic data of container

Definition at line 2082 of file GNENetHelper.cpp.

References GNEAttributeCarrier::getID(), GNETagProperties::getTag(), GNEAttributeCarrier::getTagProperty(), and GNEAttributeCarrier::getTagStr().

Referenced by GNEDataInterval::removeGenericDataChild().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ deleteInternalLane()

void GNENetHelper::AttributeCarriers::deleteInternalLane ( GNEInternalLane internalLane)

delete internalLane from container

Definition at line 2458 of file GNENetHelper.cpp.

References GNENetworkElement::getGUIGlObject(), GNEAttributeCarrier::getID(), and GNEAttributeCarrier::getTagStr().

Referenced by GNETLSEditorFrame::buildInternalLanes().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ deleteLane()

void GNENetHelper::AttributeCarriers::deleteLane ( GNELane lane)

delete lane from container

Definition at line 2365 of file GNENetHelper.cpp.

References GNENetworkElement::getGUIGlObject(), GNEAttributeCarrier::getID(), and GNEAttributeCarrier::getTagStr().

Referenced by GNEEdge::removeLane(), and GNEEdge::~GNEEdge().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ deleteMeanData()

void GNENetHelper::AttributeCarriers::deleteMeanData ( GNEMeanData meanData)

delete meanData element of container

Definition at line 2629 of file GNENetHelper.cpp.

References GNEAttributeCarrier::getID(), GNETagProperties::getTag(), GNEAttributeCarrier::getTagProperty(), GNEAttributeCarrier::getTagStr(), and GNETagProperties::isPlacedInRTree().

Referenced by GNEChange_MeanData::redo(), GNEChange_MeanData::undo(), and GNEChange_MeanData::~GNEChange_MeanData().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ deleteSingleEdge()

void GNENetHelper::AttributeCarriers::deleteSingleEdge ( GNEEdge edge)

◆ deleteSingleJunction()

void GNENetHelper::AttributeCarriers::deleteSingleJunction ( GNEJunction junction)

delete junction from container

Definition at line 2265 of file GNENetHelper.cpp.

References GNEReferenceCounter::decRef(), GUIGlObject::getMicrosimID(), GNEJunction::getNBNode(), and GNEJunction::setResponsible().

Referenced by GNEChange_Junction::redo(), and GNEChange_Junction::undo().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ deleteWalkingArea()

void GNENetHelper::AttributeCarriers::deleteWalkingArea ( GNEWalkingArea walkingArea)

delete walkingArea from container

Definition at line 2413 of file GNENetHelper.cpp.

References GNENetworkElement::getGUIGlObject(), GNEAttributeCarrier::getID(), and GNEAttributeCarrier::getTagStr().

Referenced by GNEJunction::clearWalkingAreas(), and GNEJunction::~GNEJunction().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ generateAdditionalID()

std::string GNENetHelper::AttributeCarriers::generateAdditionalID ( SumoXMLTag  type) const

◆ generateDataSetID()

std::string GNENetHelper::AttributeCarriers::generateDataSetID ( const std::string &  prefix) const

generate data set id

Definition at line 1909 of file GNENetHelper.cpp.

References SUMO_TAG_DATASET, and toString().

◆ generateDemandElementID()

◆ generateEdgeTypeID()

std::string GNENetHelper::AttributeCarriers::generateEdgeTypeID ( ) const

generate edgeType id

Definition at line 676 of file GNENetHelper.cpp.

References toString().

◆ generateMeanDataID()

std::string GNENetHelper::AttributeCarriers::generateMeanDataID ( SumoXMLTag  type) const

generate meanData id

Definition at line 2239 of file GNENetHelper.cpp.

References OptionsCont::getOptions(), SUMO_TAG_MEANDATA_EDGE, SUMO_TAG_MEANDATA_LANE, and toString().

◆ getAdditionals()

◆ getConnections()

const std::map< const GUIGlObject *, GNEConnection * > & GNENetHelper::AttributeCarriers::getConnections ( ) const

get connections

Definition at line 933 of file GNENetHelper.cpp.

Referenced by GNEEdge::clearGNEConnections(), GNEEdge::remakeGNEConnections(), GNEEdge::removeConnection(), and GNEEdge::~GNEEdge().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getCrossings()

const std::map< const GUIGlObject *, GNECrossing * > & GNENetHelper::AttributeCarriers::getCrossings ( ) const

get crossings

Definition at line 544 of file GNENetHelper.cpp.

Referenced by GNEApplicationWindow::onCmdSaveNetwork(), GNEChange_Crossing::redo(), GNEChange_Crossing::undo(), and GNEJunction::~GNEJunction().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getDataIntervals()

const std::map< const GNEAttributeCarrier *, GNEDataInterval * > & GNENetHelper::AttributeCarriers::getDataIntervals ( ) const

get all data intervals of network

Definition at line 1932 of file GNENetHelper.cpp.

Referenced by GNENet::enableUpdateData(), GNENet::getDataSetIntervalMaximumEnd(), and GNENet::getDataSetIntervalMinimumBegin().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getDataSets()

const std::map< const std::string, GNEDataSet * > & GNENetHelper::AttributeCarriers::getDataSets ( ) const

get demand elements

Definition at line 1903 of file GNENetHelper.cpp.

Referenced by GNENet::clearDataElements(), GNEMatchGenericDataAttribute::enableMatchGenericDataAttribute(), GNEApplicationWindow::onUpdSaveDataElementsAs(), and GNENet::saveDataElementsConfirmed().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getDefaultType()

GNEDemandElement * GNENetHelper::AttributeCarriers::getDefaultType ( ) const

get default type

Definition at line 1499 of file GNENetHelper.cpp.


Referenced by GNECalibratorDialog::onCmdAddFlow().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getDemandElements()

const std::map< SumoXMLTag, std::map< const GUIGlObject *, GNEDemandElement * > > & GNENetHelper::AttributeCarriers::getDemandElements ( ) const

◆ getEdges()

const std::map< std::string, GNEEdge * > & GNENetHelper::AttributeCarriers::getEdges ( ) const

◆ getEdgeTypes()

const std::map< std::string, GNEEdgeType * > & GNENetHelper::AttributeCarriers::getEdgeTypes ( ) const

map with the ID and pointer to edgeTypes of net

Definition at line 644 of file GNENetHelper.cpp.

Referenced by GNEApplicationWindow::onUpdSaveEdgeTypes(), GNEApplicationWindow::onUpdSaveEdgeTypesAs(), GNENet::saveEdgeTypes(), and GNENet::saveNetwork().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getGenericDatas()

const std::map< SumoXMLTag, std::map< const GUIGlObject *, GNEGenericData * > > & GNENetHelper::AttributeCarriers::getGenericDatas ( ) const

get all generic datas

Definition at line 1998 of file GNENetHelper.cpp.

Referenced by GNEViewNet::buildColorRainbow(), GNENet::computeDataElements(), GNEViewNet::getEdgeDataAttrs(), GNEViewNet::getRelDataAttrs(), and GNEDeleteFrame::selectedACsToDelete().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getJunctions()

◆ getLanes()

const std::map< const GUIGlObject *, GNELane * > & GNENetHelper::AttributeCarriers::getLanes ( ) const

get lanes

Definition at line 870 of file GNENetHelper.cpp.

Referenced by GNEViewNet::buildColorRainbow(), GNENetworkSelector::onCmdUseSelectedElements(), and GNEEdge::~GNEEdge().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getMeanDatas()

const std::map< SumoXMLTag, std::map< const std::string, GNEMeanData * > > & GNENetHelper::AttributeCarriers::getMeanDatas ( ) const

get meanDatas

Definition at line 2214 of file GNENetHelper.cpp.

Referenced by GNENet::clearMeanDataElements(), GNEMeanDataFrame::MeanDataSelector::MeanDataSelector(), GNENet::writeMeanDataEdgeComment(), GNENet::writeMeanDataLaneComment(), and GNENet::writeMeanDatas().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getNumberOfAdditionals()

int GNENetHelper::AttributeCarriers::getNumberOfAdditionals ( ) const

get number of additionals

Definition at line 1085 of file GNENetHelper.cpp.

Referenced by GNEApplicationWindow::onCmdOpenSUMOGUI(), and GNEApplicationWindow::onUpdSaveAdditionalsAs().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getNumberOfDemandElements()

int GNENetHelper::AttributeCarriers::getNumberOfDemandElements ( ) const

Return the number of demand elements.

Definition at line 1412 of file GNENetHelper.cpp.

References GNE_ATTR_DEFAULT_VTYPE, SUMO_TAG_VTYPE, and GNEAttributeCarrier::True.

Referenced by GNEApplicationWindow::onCmdOpenSUMOGUI(), and GNEApplicationWindow::onUpdSaveDemandElementsAs().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getNumberOfGenericDatas()

int GNENetHelper::AttributeCarriers::getNumberOfGenericDatas ( ) const

Return the number of generic datas.

Definition at line 2020 of file GNENetHelper.cpp.

◆ getNumberOfMeanDatas()

int GNENetHelper::AttributeCarriers::getNumberOfMeanDatas ( ) const

get number of meanDatas

Definition at line 2220 of file GNENetHelper.cpp.

Referenced by GNEApplicationWindow::onCmdSaveMeanDatas(), and GNEApplicationWindow::onUpdSaveMeanDatasAs().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getNumberOfSelectedAdditionals()

int GNENetHelper::AttributeCarriers::getNumberOfSelectedAdditionals ( ) const

get number of selected additionals (Including POIs, Polygons, TAZs and Wires)

Definition at line 1208 of file GNENetHelper.cpp.

◆ getNumberOfSelectedConnections()

int GNENetHelper::AttributeCarriers::getNumberOfSelectedConnections ( ) const

get number of selected connections

Definition at line 952 of file GNENetHelper.cpp.

◆ getNumberOfSelectedContainers()

int GNENetHelper::AttributeCarriers::getNumberOfSelectedContainers ( ) const

get number of selected containers

Definition at line 1754 of file GNENetHelper.cpp.


◆ getNumberOfSelectedCrossings()

int GNENetHelper::AttributeCarriers::getNumberOfSelectedCrossings ( ) const

get number of selected crossings

Definition at line 563 of file GNENetHelper.cpp.

◆ getNumberOfSelectedDemandElements()

int GNENetHelper::AttributeCarriers::getNumberOfSelectedDemandElements ( ) const

get number of selected demand elements

Definition at line 1594 of file GNENetHelper.cpp.

◆ getNumberOfSelectedEdgeDatas()

int GNENetHelper::AttributeCarriers::getNumberOfSelectedEdgeDatas ( ) const

get number of selected edge datas

Definition at line 2031 of file GNENetHelper.cpp.


◆ getNumberOfSelectedEdgeRelDatas()

int GNENetHelper::AttributeCarriers::getNumberOfSelectedEdgeRelDatas ( ) const

get number of selected edge rel datas

Definition at line 2044 of file GNENetHelper.cpp.


◆ getNumberOfSelectedEdges()

int GNENetHelper::AttributeCarriers::getNumberOfSelectedEdges ( ) const

get number of selected edges

Definition at line 809 of file GNENetHelper.cpp.

Referenced by GNELane::buildEdgeOperations(), GNELane::buildTemplateOperations(), and GNEEdge::getMoveOperation().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getNumberOfSelectedEdgeTAZRel()

int GNENetHelper::AttributeCarriers::getNumberOfSelectedEdgeTAZRel ( ) const

get number of selected edge TAZ Rels

Definition at line 2057 of file GNENetHelper.cpp.


◆ getNumberOfSelectedJpsObstacles()

int GNENetHelper::AttributeCarriers::getNumberOfSelectedJpsObstacles ( ) const

get number of selected obstacles

Definition at line 1260 of file GNENetHelper.cpp.


◆ getNumberOfSelectedJpsWalkableAreas()

int GNENetHelper::AttributeCarriers::getNumberOfSelectedJpsWalkableAreas ( ) const

get number of selected walkable areas

Definition at line 1248 of file GNENetHelper.cpp.


◆ getNumberOfSelectedJunctions()

int GNENetHelper::AttributeCarriers::getNumberOfSelectedJunctions ( ) const

get number of selected junctions

Definition at line 517 of file GNENetHelper.cpp.

Referenced by GNEJunction::getPopUpMenu().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getNumberOfSelectedLanes()

int GNENetHelper::AttributeCarriers::getNumberOfSelectedLanes ( ) const

get number of selected lanes

Definition at line 889 of file GNENetHelper.cpp.

◆ getNumberOfSelectedPersons()

int GNENetHelper::AttributeCarriers::getNumberOfSelectedPersons ( ) const

get number of selected persons

Definition at line 1670 of file GNENetHelper.cpp.


◆ getNumberOfSelectedPersonTrips()

int GNENetHelper::AttributeCarriers::getNumberOfSelectedPersonTrips ( ) const

get number of selected person trips

Definition at line 1688 of file GNENetHelper.cpp.


◆ getNumberOfSelectedPOIs()

int GNENetHelper::AttributeCarriers::getNumberOfSelectedPOIs ( ) const

get number of selected POIs

Definition at line 1272 of file GNENetHelper.cpp.


◆ getNumberOfSelectedPolygons()

int GNENetHelper::AttributeCarriers::getNumberOfSelectedPolygons ( ) const

get number of selected polygons

Definition at line 1236 of file GNENetHelper.cpp.

References SUMO_TAG_POLY.

◆ getNumberOfSelectedPureAdditionals()

int GNENetHelper::AttributeCarriers::getNumberOfSelectedPureAdditionals ( ) const

get number of selected pure additionals (Except POIs, Polygons, TAZs and Wires)

Definition at line 1222 of file GNENetHelper.cpp.

◆ getNumberOfSelectedRides()

int GNENetHelper::AttributeCarriers::getNumberOfSelectedRides ( ) const

get number of selected rides

Definition at line 1732 of file GNENetHelper.cpp.


◆ getNumberOfSelectedRoutes()

int GNENetHelper::AttributeCarriers::getNumberOfSelectedRoutes ( ) const

get number of selected routes

Definition at line 1608 of file GNENetHelper.cpp.


◆ getNumberOfSelectedStops()

int GNENetHelper::AttributeCarriers::getNumberOfSelectedStops ( ) const

◆ getNumberOfSelectedTAZs()

int GNENetHelper::AttributeCarriers::getNumberOfSelectedTAZs ( ) const

get number of selected TAZs

Definition at line 1294 of file GNENetHelper.cpp.

References SUMO_TAG_TAZ, and TAZ.

◆ getNumberOfSelectedTAZSinks()

int GNENetHelper::AttributeCarriers::getNumberOfSelectedTAZSinks ( ) const

get number of selected TAZSinks

Definition at line 1318 of file GNENetHelper.cpp.


◆ getNumberOfSelectedTAZSources()

int GNENetHelper::AttributeCarriers::getNumberOfSelectedTAZSources ( ) const

get number of selected TAZSources

Definition at line 1306 of file GNENetHelper.cpp.


◆ getNumberOfSelectedTranships()

int GNENetHelper::AttributeCarriers::getNumberOfSelectedTranships ( ) const

get number of selected tranships

Definition at line 1794 of file GNENetHelper.cpp.


◆ getNumberOfSelectedTransport()

int GNENetHelper::AttributeCarriers::getNumberOfSelectedTransport ( ) const

get number of selected transports

Definition at line 1772 of file GNENetHelper.cpp.


◆ getNumberOfSelectedVehicles()

int GNENetHelper::AttributeCarriers::getNumberOfSelectedVehicles ( ) const

get number of selected vehicles

Definition at line 1632 of file GNENetHelper.cpp.


◆ getNumberOfSelectedWalkingAreas()

int GNENetHelper::AttributeCarriers::getNumberOfSelectedWalkingAreas ( ) const

get number of selected walkingAreas

Definition at line 609 of file GNENetHelper.cpp.

◆ getNumberOfSelectedWalks()

int GNENetHelper::AttributeCarriers::getNumberOfSelectedWalks ( ) const

get number of selected walks

Definition at line 1710 of file GNENetHelper.cpp.


◆ getNumberOfSelectedWires()

int GNENetHelper::AttributeCarriers::getNumberOfSelectedWires ( ) const

get number of selected Wires

Definition at line 1330 of file GNENetHelper.cpp.

◆ getSelectedAdditionals()

std::vector< GNEAdditional * > GNENetHelper::AttributeCarriers::getSelectedAdditionals ( ) const

get selected additionals

Definition at line 1055 of file GNENetHelper.cpp.

◆ getSelectedAttributeCarriers()

std::vector< GNEAttributeCarrier * > GNENetHelper::AttributeCarriers::getSelectedAttributeCarriers ( const bool  ignoreCurrentSupermode)

get all selected attribute carriers (or only relative to current supermode

Definition at line 388 of file GNENetHelper.cpp.

References GUISelectedStorage::getSelected(), GNEAttributeCarrier::getTagProperty(), gSelected, GNETagProperties::isAdditionalElement(), GNEAttributeCarrier::isAttributeCarrierSelected(), GNETagProperties::isDataElement(), GNETagProperties::isDemandElement(), and GNETagProperties::isNetworkElement().

Referenced by GNESelectorFrame::handleIDs(), GNEViewNet::hotkeyDel(), and GNEInspectorFrame::inspectSingleElement().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getSelectedConnections()

std::vector< GNEConnection * > GNENetHelper::AttributeCarriers::getSelectedConnections ( ) const

get selected connections

Definition at line 939 of file GNENetHelper.cpp.

◆ getSelectedCrossings()

std::vector< GNECrossing * > GNENetHelper::AttributeCarriers::getSelectedCrossings ( ) const

return all selected crossings

Definition at line 550 of file GNENetHelper.cpp.

◆ getSelectedDemandElements()

std::vector< GNEDemandElement * > GNENetHelper::AttributeCarriers::getSelectedDemandElements ( ) const

get selected demand elements

Definition at line 1391 of file GNENetHelper.cpp.

Referenced by GNEVehicle::getPopUpMenu().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getSelectedEdges()

std::vector< GNEEdge * > GNENetHelper::AttributeCarriers::getSelectedEdges ( ) const

◆ getSelectedGenericDatas()

std::vector< GNEGenericData * > GNENetHelper::AttributeCarriers::getSelectedGenericDatas ( ) const

get selected generic datas

Definition at line 1983 of file GNENetHelper.cpp.

◆ getSelectedJunctions()

std::vector< GNEJunction * > GNENetHelper::AttributeCarriers::getSelectedJunctions ( ) const

return selected junctions

Definition at line 441 of file GNENetHelper.cpp.

Referenced by GNENet::joinSelectedJunctions(), GNEViewNet::onCmdAddJoinTLS(), GNEViewNet::onCmdAddTLS(), GNEViewNet::onCmdClearConnections(), GNEViewNet::onCmdResetConnections(), GNEViewNet::onCmdResetEdgeEndPoints(), GNEViewNet::onCmdResetJunctionShape(), and GNEMoveFrame::show().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getSelectedLanes()

std::vector< GNELane * > GNENetHelper::AttributeCarriers::getSelectedLanes ( ) const

get selected lanes

Definition at line 876 of file GNENetHelper.cpp.

Referenced by GNEViewNet::addRestrictedLane(), GNELane::buildLaneOperations(), GNETLSEditorFrame::handleMultiChange(), GNEViewNet::onCmdDuplicateLane(), GNEViewNet::onCmdResetLaneCustomShape(), GNEViewNet::onCmdResetOppositeLane(), GNEViewNet::removeRestrictedLane(), and GNEViewNet::restrictLane().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getSelectedShapes()

std::vector< GNEAdditional * > GNENetHelper::AttributeCarriers::getSelectedShapes ( ) const

get selected shapes

Definition at line 1070 of file GNENetHelper.cpp.

Referenced by GNEViewNet::onCmdClosePolygon(), GNEViewNet::onCmdOpenPolygon(), GNEViewNet::onCmdSimplifyShape(), and GNEMoveFrame::show().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getSelectedWalkingAreas()

std::vector< GNEWalkingArea * > GNENetHelper::AttributeCarriers::getSelectedWalkingAreas ( ) const

return all selected walkingAreas

Definition at line 596 of file GNENetHelper.cpp.

◆ getStopIndex()

int GNENetHelper::AttributeCarriers::getStopIndex ( )

get (and update) stop index

Definition at line 1588 of file GNENetHelper.cpp.

◆ getWalkingAreas()

const std::map< const GUIGlObject *, GNEWalkingArea * > & GNENetHelper::AttributeCarriers::getWalkingAreas ( ) const

get walkingAreas

Definition at line 590 of file GNENetHelper.cpp.

Referenced by GNEViewParent::onCmdLocate(), and GNEJunction::~GNEJunction().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ insertAdditional()

void GNENetHelper::AttributeCarriers::insertAdditional ( GNEAdditional additional)

Insert a additional element in container.

Definition at line 2469 of file GNENetHelper.cpp.

References GNEAdditional::getGUIGlObject(), GNEAttributeCarrier::getID(), GNETagProperties::getTag(), GNEAttributeCarrier::getTagProperty(), GNEAttributeCarrier::getTagStr(), GNETagProperties::hasAttribute(), GNETagProperties::isPlacedInRTree(), SUMO_ATTR_ID, and GNEAdditional::updateGeometry().

Referenced by GNEAdditionalHandler::buildAccess(), GNEAdditionalHandler::buildBusStop(), GNEAdditionalHandler::buildChargingStation(), GNEAdditionalHandler::buildContainerStop(), GNEAdditionalHandler::buildDetectorE1Instant(), GNEAdditionalHandler::buildDetectorE3(), GNEAdditionalHandler::buildDetectorEntry(), GNEAdditionalHandler::buildDetectorExit(), GNEAdditionalHandler::buildE1Detector(), GNEAdditionalHandler::buildEdgeCalibrator(), GNEAdditionalHandler::buildJpsObstacle(), GNEAdditionalHandler::buildJpsWalkableArea(), GNEAdditionalHandler::buildLaneCalibrator(), GNEAdditionalHandler::buildMultiLaneDetectorE2(), GNEAdditionalHandler::buildOverheadWire(), GNEAdditionalHandler::buildParkingArea(), GNEAdditionalHandler::buildParkingSpace(), GNEAdditionalHandler::buildPOI(), GNEAdditionalHandler::buildPOIGeo(), GNEAdditionalHandler::buildPOILane(), GNEAdditionalHandler::buildPolygon(), GNEAdditionalHandler::buildRerouter(), GNEAdditionalHandler::buildRouteProbe(), GNEAdditionalHandler::buildSingleLaneDetectorE2(), GNEAdditionalHandler::buildTAZ(), GNEAdditionalHandler::buildTAZSink(), GNEAdditionalHandler::buildTAZSource(), GNEAdditionalHandler::buildTractionSubstation(), GNEAdditionalHandler::buildTrainStop(), GNEAdditionalHandler::buildVaporizer(), GNEAdditionalHandler::buildVariableSpeedSign(), GNEChange_Additional::redo(), and GNEChange_Additional::undo().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ insertConnection()

void GNENetHelper::AttributeCarriers::insertConnection ( GNEConnection connection)

insert connection in container

Definition at line 2427 of file GNENetHelper.cpp.

References GNENetworkElement::getGUIGlObject(), GNEAttributeCarrier::getID(), and GNEAttributeCarrier::getTagStr().

Referenced by GNEEdge::retrieveGNEConnection().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ insertCrossing()

void GNENetHelper::AttributeCarriers::insertCrossing ( GNECrossing crossing)

insert crossing in container

Definition at line 2379 of file GNENetHelper.cpp.

References GNENetworkElement::getGUIGlObject(), GNEAttributeCarrier::getID(), and GNEAttributeCarrier::getTagStr().

Referenced by GNEJunction::retrieveGNECrossing().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ insertDataInterval()

void GNENetHelper::AttributeCarriers::insertDataInterval ( const GNEAttributeCarrier AC,
GNEDataInterval dataInterval 

insert data interval in container

Definition at line 1938 of file GNENetHelper.cpp.

References GNEAttributeCarrier::getID(), and GNEAttributeCarrier::getTagStr().

Referenced by GNEDataSet::addDataIntervalChild().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ insertDataSet()

void GNENetHelper::AttributeCarriers::insertDataSet ( GNEDataSet dataSet)

Insert a data set in container.

Definition at line 2585 of file GNENetHelper.cpp.

References GNEAttributeCarrier::getID(), and GNEAttributeCarrier::getTagStr().

Referenced by GNEDataHandler::buildDataInterval(), GNEDataHandler::buildDataSet(), GNEChange_DataSet::redo(), and GNEChange_DataSet::undo().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ insertDemandElement()

void GNENetHelper::AttributeCarriers::insertDemandElement ( GNEDemandElement demandElement)

Insert a demand element in container.

Definition at line 2521 of file GNENetHelper.cpp.

References GNEDemandElement::computePathElement(), GNEDemandElement::getGUIGlObject(), GNEAttributeCarrier::getID(), GNETagProperties::getTag(), GNEAttributeCarrier::getTagProperty(), GNEAttributeCarrier::getTagStr(), GNETagProperties::hasAttribute(), SUMO_ATTR_ID, and GNEDemandElement::updateGeometry().

Referenced by GNERouteHandler::buildContainer(), GNERouteHandler::buildContainerFlow(), GNERouteHandler::buildContainerStop(), GNERouteHandler::buildEmbeddedRoute(), GNERouteHandler::buildFlow(), GNERouteHandler::buildFlowJunctions(), GNERouteHandler::buildFlowOverRoute(), GNERouteHandler::buildFlowTAZs(), GNERouteHandler::buildPerson(), GNERouteHandler::buildPersonFlow(), GNERouteHandler::buildPersonStop(), GNERouteHandler::buildPersonTrip(), GNERouteHandler::buildRide(), GNERouteHandler::buildRoute(), GNERouteHandler::buildRouteDistribution(), GNERouteHandler::buildStop(), GNERouteHandler::buildTranship(), GNERouteHandler::buildTransport(), GNERouteHandler::buildTrip(), GNERouteHandler::buildTripJunctions(), GNERouteHandler::buildTripTAZs(), GNERouteHandler::buildVehicleOverRoute(), GNERouteHandler::buildVType(), GNERouteHandler::buildVTypeDistribution(), GNERouteHandler::buildWalk(), GNEChange_DemandElement::redo(), and GNEChange_DemandElement::undo().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ insertEdge()

void GNENetHelper::AttributeCarriers::insertEdge ( GNEEdge edge)

Definition at line 2312 of file GNENetHelper.cpp.

References NBNode::addIncomingEdge(), NBNode::addOutgoingEdge(), NBEdge::getFromNode(), GNEEdge::getNBEdge(), and NBEdge::getToNode().

Referenced by GNEChange_Edge::redo(), and GNEChange_Edge::undo().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ insertEdgeType()

void GNENetHelper::AttributeCarriers::insertEdgeType ( GNEEdgeType edgeType)

insert edge type in container

Definition at line 2279 of file GNENetHelper.cpp.

References GUIGlObject::getMicrosimID().

Referenced by GNEChange_EdgeType::redo(), and GNEChange_EdgeType::undo().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ insertGenericData()

void GNENetHelper::AttributeCarriers::insertGenericData ( GNEGenericData genericData)

insert generic data in container

Definition at line 2070 of file GNENetHelper.cpp.

References GNEGenericData::getGUIGlObject(), GNEAttributeCarrier::getID(), GNETagProperties::getTag(), GNEAttributeCarrier::getTagProperty(), and GNEAttributeCarrier::getTagStr().

Referenced by GNEDataInterval::addGenericDataChild().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ insertInternalLane()

void GNENetHelper::AttributeCarriers::insertInternalLane ( GNEInternalLane internalLane)

insert internalLane in container

Definition at line 2448 of file GNENetHelper.cpp.

References GNENetworkElement::getGUIGlObject(), GNEAttributeCarrier::getID(), and GNEAttributeCarrier::getTagStr().

Referenced by GNETLSEditorFrame::buildInternalLanes().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ insertJunction()

void GNENetHelper::AttributeCarriers::insertJunction ( GNEJunction junction)

insert junction in container

Definition at line 2258 of file GNENetHelper.cpp.

References GNEJunction::getNBNode().

Referenced by GNEChange_Junction::redo(), and GNEChange_Junction::undo().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ insertLane()

void GNENetHelper::AttributeCarriers::insertLane ( GNELane lane)

insert lane in container

Definition at line 2355 of file GNENetHelper.cpp.

References GNENetworkElement::getGUIGlObject(), GNEAttributeCarrier::getID(), and GNEAttributeCarrier::getTagStr().

Referenced by GNEEdge::addLane().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ insertMeanData()

void GNENetHelper::AttributeCarriers::insertMeanData ( GNEMeanData meanData)

Insert a meanData element in container.

Definition at line 2617 of file GNENetHelper.cpp.

References GNEAttributeCarrier::getID(), GNETagProperties::getTag(), GNEAttributeCarrier::getTagProperty(), and GNEAttributeCarrier::getTagStr().

Referenced by GNEChange_MeanData::redo(), and GNEChange_MeanData::undo().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ insertWalkingArea()

void GNENetHelper::AttributeCarriers::insertWalkingArea ( GNEWalkingArea walkingArea)

insert walkingArea in container

Definition at line 2403 of file GNENetHelper.cpp.

References GNENetworkElement::getGUIGlObject(), GNEAttributeCarrier::getID(), and GNEAttributeCarrier::getTagStr().

Referenced by GNEJunction::retrieveGNEWalkingArea().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ isNetworkElementAroundShape()

bool GNENetHelper::AttributeCarriers::isNetworkElementAroundShape ( GNEAttributeCarrier AC,
const PositionVector shape 
) const

◆ operator=()

AttributeCarriers& GNENetHelper::AttributeCarriers::operator= ( const AttributeCarriers )

Invalidated assignment operator.

◆ registerEdge()

GNEEdge * GNENetHelper::AttributeCarriers::registerEdge ( GNEEdge edge)

registers an edge with containers

Definition at line 736 of file GNENetHelper.cpp.

References GNEJunction::addIncomingGNEEdge(), GNEJunction::addOutgoingGNEEdge(), GNEEdge::getCenteringBoundary(), GNEEdge::getFromJunction(), GNEEdge::getLanes(), GUIGlObject::getMicrosimID(), GNEEdge::getToJunction(), GNEReferenceCounter::incRef(), GNEEdge::setResponsible(), GNEEdge::updateCenteringBoundary(), and GNEJunction::updateCenteringBoundary().

Referenced by GNENet::initJunctionsAndEdges().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ registerEdgeType()

GNEEdgeType * GNENetHelper::AttributeCarriers::registerEdgeType ( GNEEdgeType edgeType)

registers a edge in containers

Definition at line 634 of file GNENetHelper.cpp.

References GUIGlObject::getMicrosimID(), and GNEReferenceCounter::incRef().

Referenced by GNENet::initJunctionsAndEdges().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ registerJunction()

GNEJunction * GNENetHelper::AttributeCarriers::registerJunction ( GNEJunction junction)

registers a junction in containers

Definition at line 454 of file GNENetHelper.cpp.

References GNEJunction::getCenteringBoundary(), GUIGlObject::getMicrosimID(), GNEJunction::getNBNode(), NBNode::getPosition(), GNEReferenceCounter::incRef(), GNEJunction::setResponsible(), GNEJunction::updateGeometry(), and Position::z().

Referenced by GNENet::initJunctionsAndEdges().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ remapJunctionAndEdgeIds()

void GNENetHelper::AttributeCarriers::remapJunctionAndEdgeIds ( )

remap junction and edge IDs

Definition at line 164 of file GNENetHelper.cpp.

Referenced by GNENet::computeAndUpdate().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ retrieveAdditional() [1/2]

GNEAdditional * GNENetHelper::AttributeCarriers::retrieveAdditional ( const GUIGlObject glObject,
bool  hardFail = true 
) const

Returns the named additional.

[in]glObjectThe GUIGlObject associated with the element
[in]hardFailWhether attempts to retrieve a nonexisting additional should result in an exception

Definition at line 1009 of file GNENetHelper.cpp.

◆ retrieveAdditional() [2/2]

GNEAdditional * GNENetHelper::AttributeCarriers::retrieveAdditional ( SumoXMLTag  type,
const std::string &  id,
bool  hardFail = true 
) const

Returns the named additional.

[in]idThe attribute carrier related with the additional element
[in]typetag with the type of additional
[in]idThe id of the additional to return.
[in]hardFailWhether attempts to retrieve a nonexisting additional should result in an exception

Definition at line 979 of file GNENetHelper.cpp.

Referenced by GNETAZFrame::addOrRemoveTAZMember(), GNEAdditionalFrame::buildAdditionalOverView(), GNEAdditionalHandler::buildCalibratorFlow(), GNEAdditionalHandler::buildEdgeCalibrator(), GNEAdditionalHandler::buildLaneCalibrator(), GNEAdditionalHandler::buildOverheadWire(), GNEAdditionalHandler::buildParkingAreaReroute(), GNERouteHandler::buildStop(), GNEDataHandler::buildTAZRelationData(), GNEAdditionalHandler::checkDuplicatedID(), GNEViewNet::deleteNetworkAttributeCarriers(), GNEViewNet::drawTemporalE1TLSLines(), GNETAZFrame::dropTAZMembers(), GNEViewNet::getAdditionalAtPopupPosition(), GNEAdditionalHandler::getAdditionalParent(), GNEViewNet::getPOIAtPopupPosition(), GNEViewNet::getPolygonAtPopupPosition(), GNEViewNet::getTAZAtPopupPosition(), GNEPlanParents::GNEPlanParents(), GNECalibrator::isValid(), GNEEntryExitDetector::isValid(), GNEOverheadWire::isValid(), GNEParkingAreaReroute::isValid(), GNEParkingSpace::isValid(), GNETAZRelData::isValid(), GNEStop::isValid(), GNEAdditional::isValidAdditionalID(), GNEAdditional::isValidDetectorID(), GNEAttributesCreatorRow::isValidID(), GNERouteHandler::parseTAZ(), GNEAdditional::replaceAdditionalParent(), GNEDemandElement::replaceFirstParentAdditional(), GNEDemandElement::replaceLastParentAdditional(), GNEGenericData::replaceParentTAZElement(), GNEAccess::setAttribute(), GNEElementTree::showAttributeCarrierParents(), and GNEChange_Additional::~GNEChange_Additional().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ retrieveAdditionals()

GNEAdditional * GNENetHelper::AttributeCarriers::retrieveAdditionals ( const std::vector< SumoXMLTag types,
const std::string &  id,
bool  hardFail = true 
) const

Returns the named additional.

[in]idThe attribute carrier related with the additional element
[in]typestags with the type of additional
[in]idThe id of the additional to return.
[in]hardFailWhether attempts to retrieve a nonexisting additional should result in an exception

Definition at line 993 of file GNENetHelper.cpp.

Referenced by GNEAccess::isValid(), GNEAdditional::isValidAdditionalID(), and GNEAdditional::isValidDetectorID().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ retrieveAttributeCarrier()

GNEAttributeCarrier * GNENetHelper::AttributeCarriers::retrieveAttributeCarrier ( const GUIGlID  id,
bool  hardFail = true 
) const

get a single attribute carrier based on a GLID

[in]idsthe GL IDs for which to retrieve the AC
[in]hardFailWhether attempts to retrieve a nonexisting AttributeCarrier should result in an exception
InvalidArgumentif GL ID doesn't have a associated Attribute Carrier

Definition at line 224 of file GNENetHelper.cpp.

References GUIGlObjectStorage::getObjectBlocking(), GUIGlObjectStorage::gIDStorage, and GUIGlObjectStorage::unblockObject().

Referenced by GNEViewNet::recalculateBoundaries().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ retrieveAttributeCarriers() [1/2]

std::vector< GNEAttributeCarrier * > GNENetHelper::AttributeCarriers::retrieveAttributeCarriers ( SumoXMLTag  tag = SUMO_TAG_NOTHING)

get the attribute carriers based on Type

[in]typeThe GUI-type of the AC. SUMO_TAG_NOTHING returns all elements (Warning: bottleneck)

Definition at line 247 of file GNENetHelper.cpp.


Referenced by GNESelectorFrame::getMatches().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ retrieveAttributeCarriers() [2/2]

std::vector< GNEAttributeCarrier * > GNENetHelper::AttributeCarriers::retrieveAttributeCarriers ( Supermode  supermode,
const bool  onlySelected 

get the attribute carriers based on supermode and selected

Definition at line 312 of file GNENetHelper.cpp.

References DATA, DEMAND, and NETWORK.

◆ retrieveConnection() [1/2]

GNEConnection * GNENetHelper::AttributeCarriers::retrieveConnection ( const GUIGlObject glObject,
bool  hardFail = true 
) const

get Connection by GUIGlObject

[in]glObjectThe GUIGlObject associated with the element
[in]hardFailWhether attempts to retrieve a nonexisting Connection should result in an exception

Definition at line 918 of file GNENetHelper.cpp.

References GUIGlObject::getMicrosimID().

◆ retrieveConnection() [2/2]

GNEConnection * GNENetHelper::AttributeCarriers::retrieveConnection ( const std::string &  id,
bool  hardFail = true 
) const

get Connection by id

[in]idThe id of the desired Connection
[in]hardFailWhether attempts to retrieve a nonexisting Connection should result in an exception

Definition at line 901 of file GNENetHelper.cpp.

Referenced by GNEViewNet::deleteNetworkAttributeCarriers(), GNENet::deleteNetworkElement(), GNEViewNet::getConnectionAtPopupPosition(), and GNEViewNet::getShapeEditedAtPopupPosition().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ retrieveCrossing()

GNECrossing * GNENetHelper::AttributeCarriers::retrieveCrossing ( const GUIGlObject glObject,
bool  hardFail = true 
) const

get Crossing by AC

[in]glObjectThe GUIGlObject associated with the element
[in]hardFailWhether attempts to retrieve a nonexisting Crossing should result in an exception

Definition at line 529 of file GNENetHelper.cpp.

References GUIGlObject::getMicrosimID().

Referenced by GNEViewNet::deleteNetworkAttributeCarriers(), GNENet::deleteNetworkElement(), GNEFixNetworkElements::FixCrossingOptions::fixElements(), GNEViewNet::getCrossingAtPopupPosition(), and GNEViewNet::getShapeEditedAtPopupPosition().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ retrieveDataInterval()

GNEDataInterval * GNENetHelper::AttributeCarriers::retrieveDataInterval ( const GNEAttributeCarrier AC,
bool  hardFail = true 
) const

Returns the data interval.

[in]idThe attribute carrier related with the dataInterval element
[in]hardFailWhether attempts to retrieve a nonexisting data set should result in an exception

Definition at line 1920 of file GNENetHelper.cpp.

Referenced by GNEViewNet::deleteDataAttributeCarriers(), GNEChange_DataInterval::~GNEChange_DataInterval(), and GNEChange_GenericData::~GNEChange_GenericData().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ retrieveDataSet()

GNEDataSet * GNENetHelper::AttributeCarriers::retrieveDataSet ( const std::string &  id,
bool  hardFail = true 
) const

Returns the named data set.

[in]idThe id of the data set to return.
[in]hardFailWhether attempts to retrieve a nonexisting data set should result in an exception

Definition at line 1888 of file GNENetHelper.cpp.

Referenced by GNEDataHandler::buildDataInterval(), GNEDataHandler::buildDataSet(), GNEDataHandler::buildEdgeData(), GNEDataHandler::buildEdgeRelationData(), GNEDataHandler::buildTAZRelationData(), GNEViewNet::deleteDataAttributeCarriers(), GNEGenericDataFrame::DataSetSelector::getDataSet(), GNEViewNetHelper::IntervalBar::getDataSet(), GNEDataSet::isValid(), GNEChange_Attribute::redo(), GNEElementTree::showAttributeCarrierParents(), GNEElementTree::showHierarchicalElementChildren(), GNEChange_Attribute::undo(), GNEChange_DataInterval::~GNEChange_DataInterval(), and GNEChange_DataSet::~GNEChange_DataSet().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ retrieveDemandElement() [1/2]

GNEDemandElement * GNENetHelper::AttributeCarriers::retrieveDemandElement ( const GUIGlObject glObject,
bool  hardFail = true 
) const

Returns the named demand.

[in]glObjectThe GUIGlObject associated with the element
[in]hardFailWhether attempts to retrieve a nonexisting demand should result in an exception

Definition at line 1374 of file GNENetHelper.cpp.

◆ retrieveDemandElement() [2/2]

GNEDemandElement * GNENetHelper::AttributeCarriers::retrieveDemandElement ( SumoXMLTag  type,
const std::string &  id,
bool  hardFail = true 
) const

Returns the named demand element.

[in]typetag with the type of demand element
[in]idThe id of the demand element to return.
[in]hardFailWhether attempts to retrieve a nonexisting demand element should result in an exception

Definition at line 1344 of file GNENetHelper.cpp.

Referenced by GNEAdditionalHandler::buildCalibratorFlow(), GNEContainerFrame::buildContainer(), GNERouteHandler::buildContainerPlan(), GNERouteHandler::buildFlowOverRoute(), GNEPersonFrame::buildPerson(), GNERouteHandler::buildPersonPlan(), GNERouteHandler::buildRoute(), GNEAdditionalHandler::buildRouteProbReroute(), GNERouteHandler::buildStop(), GNERouteHandler::buildVehicleOverRoute(), GNEVehicleFrame::buildVehicleOverRoute(), GNERouteHandler::buildVType(), GNERouteHandler::checkDuplicatedDemandElement(), GNERouteFrame::createPath(), GNEViewNet::deleteDemandAttributeCarriers(), GNERouteHandler::getContainerParent(), GNEViewNet::getDemandElementAtPopupPosition(), GNERouteHandler::getDistributionElements(), GNERouteHandler::getPersonParent(), GNERouteHandler::getType(), GNEPlanParents::GNEPlanParents(), GNETypeFrame::GNETypeFrame(), GNEDemandElement::isValidDemandElementID(), GNECalibratorDialog::onCmdClickedRoute(), GNECalibratorDialog::onCmdClickedVehicleType(), GNEAdditional::replaceDemandElementParent(), GNEDemandElement::replaceDemandElementParent(), GNEDemandElementPlan::replacePlanParent(), GNEVehicle::setAttribute(), GNEDemandElement::setVTypeDistributionParent(), GNEElementTree::showAttributeCarrierParents(), GNEFrameAttributeModules::AttributesEditor::showAttributeEditorModule(), GNEDemandElementSelector::showDemandElementSelector(), GNERouteHandler::transformToContainer(), GNERouteHandler::transformToContainerFlow(), GNERouteHandler::transformToFlow(), GNERouteHandler::transformToFlowJunctions(), GNERouteHandler::transformToFlowTAZs(), GNERouteHandler::transformToPerson(), GNERouteHandler::transformToPersonFlow(), GNERouteHandler::transformToRouteFlow(), GNERouteHandler::transformToTrip(), GNERouteHandler::transformToTripJunctions(), GNERouteHandler::transformToTripTAZs(), GNERouteHandler::transformToVehicle(), GNEViewNetHelper::ViewObjectsSelector::updateDemandElements(), and GNEChange_DemandElement::~GNEChange_DemandElement().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ retrieveDemandElements()

GNEDemandElement * GNENetHelper::AttributeCarriers::retrieveDemandElements ( const std::vector< SumoXMLTag types,
const std::string &  id,
bool  hardFail = true 
) const

Returns the named demand element.

[in]typestag with the type of demand element
[in]idThe id of the demand element to return.
[in]hardFailWhether attempts to retrieve a nonexisting demand element should result in an exception

Definition at line 1358 of file GNENetHelper.cpp.

Referenced by GNECalibratorFlow::isValid(), GNERouteProbReroute::isValid(), GNEContainer::isValid(), GNEPerson::isValid(), GNEVehicle::isValid(), and GNEDemandElement::isValidDemandElementID().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ retrieveEdge()

GNEEdge * GNENetHelper::AttributeCarriers::retrieveEdge ( const std::string &  id,
bool  hardFail = true 
) const

get edge by id

[in]idThe id of the desired edge
[in]hardFailWhether attempts to retrieve a nonexisting edge should result in an exception

Definition at line 686 of file GNENetHelper.cpp.

Referenced by GNEViewNet::addRestrictedLane(), GNETAZFrame::CurrentTAZ::addTAZChild(), GNEAdditionalHandler::buildClosingReroute(), GNEAdditionalHandler::buildDestProbReroute(), GNEAdditionalHandler::buildEdgeCalibrator(), GNEDataHandler::buildEdgeData(), GNEDataHandler::buildEdgeRelationData(), GNEAdditionalHandler::buildRouteProbe(), GNERouteHandler::buildStop(), GNEAdditionalHandler::buildTAZ(), GNEAdditionalHandler::buildTAZSink(), GNEAdditionalHandler::buildTAZSource(), GNEAdditionalHandler::buildVaporizer(), GNEPathManager::PathCalculator::calculateDijkstraPath(), GNEVehicle::computePathElement(), GNENet::createEdge(), GNERouteFrame::createPath(), GNENet::createRoundabout(), GNEViewNet::deleteNetworkAttributeCarriers(), GNENet::deleteNetworkElement(), GNEFixNetworkElements::FixEdgeOptions::fixElements(), GNEViewNet::getEdgeAtPopupPosition(), GNEAdditional::getPopUpMenu(), GNEPlanParents::GNEPlanParents(), GNESelectorFrame::handleIDs(), GNEConnectorFrame::initTargets(), GNECalibrator::isValid(), GNEClosingReroute::isValid(), GNEDestProbReroute::isValid(), GNERouteProbe::isValid(), GNEVaporizer::isValid(), GNEEdgeRelData::isValid(), GNEEdge::isValid(), GNERouteHandler::isViaAttributeValid(), GNEJunction::markAsModified(), GNEConnectorFrame::ConnectionOperations::onCmdSelectConflicts(), GNEConnectorFrame::ConnectionOperations::onCmdSelectDeadStarts(), GNECrossingFrame::CrossingParameters::onCmdSetAttribute(), GNEAttributeCarrier::parse(), GNERouteHandler::parseEdge(), GNEAdditionalHandler::parseEdges(), GNEMeanDataHandler::parseEdges(), GNERouteHandler::parseEdges(), GNEJunction::removeConnectionsTo(), GNEViewNet::removeRestrictedLane(), GNEGenericData::replaceFirstParentEdge(), GNEDemandElement::replaceFirstParentEdge(), GNEGenericData::replaceLastParentEdge(), GNEDemandElement::replaceLastParentEdge(), GNEViewNet::restrictLane(), GNEEdge::retrieveGNEConnection(), GNENet::selectRoundabout(), GNEClosingReroute::setAttribute(), GNEDestProbReroute::setAttribute(), GNEEdge::setAttribute(), GNEJunction::setLogicValid(), GNEJunction::setMoveShape(), GNEElementTree::showHierarchicalElementChildren(), GNENet::splitEdgesBidi(), and GNENet::splitJunction().

◆ retrieveEdges()

std::vector< GNEEdge * > GNENetHelper::AttributeCarriers::retrieveEdges ( GNEJunction from,
GNEJunction to 
) const

get all edges by from and to GNEJunction

[in]idThe id of the desired edge
[in]hardFailWhether attempts to retrieve a nonexisting edge should result in an exception

Definition at line 701 of file GNENetHelper.cpp.

Referenced by GNENet::createEdge(), GNEEdge::getOppositeEdges(), and GNECreateEdgeFrame::processClick().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ retrieveEdgeType()

GNEEdgeType * GNENetHelper::AttributeCarriers::retrieveEdgeType ( const std::string &  id,
bool  hardFail = true 
) const

get edge type by id

[in]idThe id of the desired edge type
[in]hardFailWhether attempts to retrieve a nonexisting edge type should result in an exception

Definition at line 621 of file GNENetHelper.cpp.

Referenced by GNEEdgeType::isValid(), GNECreateEdgeFrame::EdgeTypeSelector::onCmdDeleteEdgeType(), and GNEChange_EdgeType::~GNEChange_EdgeType().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ retrieveGenericData()

GNEGenericData * GNENetHelper::AttributeCarriers::retrieveGenericData ( const GUIGlObject glObject,
bool  hardFail = true 
) const

Returns the generic data.

[in]idThe attribute carrier related with the genericData element
[in]hardFailWhether attempts to retrieve a nonexisting data set should result in an exception

Definition at line 1966 of file GNENetHelper.cpp.

Referenced by GNEViewNet::deleteDataAttributeCarriers(), and GNEChange_GenericData::~GNEChange_GenericData().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ retrieveGenericDataParameters() [1/2]

std::set< std::string > GNENetHelper::AttributeCarriers::retrieveGenericDataParameters ( const std::string &  dataSetID,
const std::string &  genericDataTag,
const std::string &  beginStr,
const std::string &  endStr 
) const

return a set of parameters for the given dataSet, generic data Type, begin and end

Definition at line 2126 of file GNENetHelper.cpp.


◆ retrieveGenericDataParameters() [2/2]

std::set< std::string > GNENetHelper::AttributeCarriers::retrieveGenericDataParameters ( const std::string &  genericDataTag,
const double  begin,
const double  end 
) const

return a set of parameters for the given data Interval

Definition at line 2098 of file GNENetHelper.cpp.


Referenced by GNEMatchGenericDataAttribute::onCmdSelectAttribute(), and GNEMatchGenericDataAttribute::onCmdSelectTag().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ retrieveGenericDatas()

std::vector< GNEGenericData * > GNENetHelper::AttributeCarriers::retrieveGenericDatas ( const SumoXMLTag  genericDataTag,
const double  begin,
const double  end 

retrieve generic datas within the given interval

Definition at line 2004 of file GNENetHelper.cpp.


Referenced by GNEMatchGenericDataAttribute::onCmdProcessString().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ retrieveInternalLane()

GNEInternalLane * GNENetHelper::AttributeCarriers::retrieveInternalLane ( const GUIGlObject glObject,
bool  hardFail = true 
) const

get InternalLane by GUIGlObject

[in]glObjectThe GUIGlObject associated with the element
[in]hardFailWhether attempts to retrieve a nonexisting InternalLane should result in an exception

Definition at line 964 of file GNENetHelper.cpp.

References GUIGlObject::getMicrosimID().

◆ retrieveJunction()

GNEJunction * GNENetHelper::AttributeCarriers::retrieveJunction ( const std::string &  id,
bool  hardFail = true 
) const

get junction by id

[in]idThe id of the desired junction
[in]hardFailWhether attempts to retrieve a nonexisting junction should result in an exception

Definition at line 420 of file GNENetHelper.cpp.

Referenced by GNENet::changeEdgeEndpoints(), GNEConnection::changeTLIndex(), GNEViewNet::checkMergeJunctions(), GNETLSEditorFrame::cleanup(), GNETLSEditorFrame::TLSDefinition::createTLS(), GNEViewNet::deleteNetworkAttributeCarriers(), GNENet::deleteNetworkElement(), GNEViewNet::drawTemporalJunctionTLSLines(), GNEViewNet::drawTemporalRoundabout(), GNETLSEditorFrame::editJunction(), GNEViewNet::getJunctionAtPopupPosition(), GNEViewNet::getShapeEditedAtPopupPosition(), GNEEdge::GNEEdge(), GNEPlanParents::GNEPlanParents(), GNEJunction::invalidateTLS(), GNEEdge::isValid(), GNEJunction::isValid(), GNEFrameAttributeModules::AttributesEditorRow::mergeJunction(), GNETLSEditorFrame::TLSFile::onCmdLoadTLSProgram(), GNETLSEditorFrame::TLSDefinition::onCmdSaveChanges(), GNERouteHandler::parseJunction(), GNETLSEditorFrame::parseTLSPrograms(), GNEJunction::removeTLSConnections(), GNEDemandElement::replaceFirstParentJunction(), GNEJunction::replaceIncomingConnections(), GNEDemandElement::replaceLastParentJunction(), GNEEdge::setAttribute(), GNEJunction::setAttribute(), GNEJunction::setJunctionType(), GNEElementTree::showHierarchicalElementChildren(), GNEEdge::updateFirstParentJunction(), and GNEEdge::updateSecondParentJunction().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ retrieveLane() [1/2]

GNELane * GNENetHelper::AttributeCarriers::retrieveLane ( const GUIGlObject glObject,
bool  hardFail = true 
) const

get Lane by GlObject

[in]glObjectThe GUIGlObject associated with the element
[in]hardFailWhether attempts to retrieve a nonexisting Lane should result in an exception

Definition at line 855 of file GNENetHelper.cpp.

References GUIGlObject::getMicrosimID().

◆ retrieveLane() [2/2]

GNELane * GNENetHelper::AttributeCarriers::retrieveLane ( const std::string &  id,
bool  hardFail = true,
bool  checkVolatileChange = false 
) const

get lane by id

[in]idThe id of the desired lane
[in]hardFailWhether attempts to retrieve a nonexisting lane should result in an exception
[in]checkVolatileChangeUsed by additionals after recomputing with volatile options.

Definition at line 821 of file GNENetHelper.cpp.

References SUMOXMLDefinitions::getEdgeIDFromLane(), GNELane::getIndex(), GNEEdge::getLanes(), SUMO_TAG_EDGE, SUMO_TAG_LANE, and toString().

Referenced by GNEAdditionalHandler::buildAccess(), GNEAdditionalHandler::buildBusStop(), GNEAdditionalHandler::buildChargingStation(), GNEAdditionalHandler::buildClosingLaneReroute(), GNEAdditionalHandler::buildContainerStop(), GNEAdditionalHandler::buildDetectorE1Instant(), GNEAdditionalHandler::buildDetectorEntry(), GNEAdditionalHandler::buildDetectorExit(), GNEAdditionalHandler::buildE1Detector(), GNEAdditionalHandler::buildLaneCalibrator(), GNEAdditionalHandler::buildParkingArea(), GNEAdditionalHandler::buildPOILane(), GNEAdditionalHandler::buildSingleLaneDetectorE2(), GNERouteHandler::buildStop(), GNEAdditionalHandler::buildTrainStop(), GNEViewNet::deleteNetworkAttributeCarriers(), GNENet::deleteNetworkElement(), GNEViewNet::getLaneAtPopupPosition(), GNEAdditional::getPopUpMenu(), GNEDetector::isDetectorValid(), GNEAccess::isValid(), GNEBusStop::isValid(), GNECalibrator::isValid(), GNECalibratorFlow::isValid(), GNEChargingStation::isValid(), GNEClosingLaneReroute::isValid(), GNEContainerStop::isValid(), GNEParkingArea::isValid(), GNEStop::isValid(), GNEPOI::isValid(), GNEAdditionalHandler::parseLanes(), GNEClosingLaneReroute::setAttribute(), and GNEElementTree::showHierarchicalElementChildren().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ retrieveMeanData()

GNEMeanData * GNENetHelper::AttributeCarriers::retrieveMeanData ( SumoXMLTag  type,
const std::string &  id,
bool  hardFail = true 
) const

Returns the named meanData.

[in]idThe attribute carrier related with the meanData element
[in]typetag with the type of meanData
[in]idThe id of the meanData to return.
[in]hardFailWhether attempts to retrieve a nonexisting meanData should result in an exception

Definition at line 2199 of file GNENetHelper.cpp.

Referenced by GNEMeanDataHandler::buildEdgeMeanData(), GNEMeanDataHandler::buildLaneMeanData(), GNEMeanData::isValid(), and GNEChange_MeanData::~GNEChange_MeanData().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ retrieveRerouterInterval()

GNEAdditional * GNENetHelper::AttributeCarriers::retrieveRerouterInterval ( const std::string &  rerouterID,
const SUMOTime  begin,
const SUMOTime  end 
) const

Returns the rerouter interval defined by given begin and end.

[in]beginSUMOTime begin
[in]endSUMOTime begin

Definition at line 1026 of file GNENetHelper.cpp.

References GNEHierarchicalElement::getChildAdditionals(), SUMO_ATTR_BEGIN, SUMO_ATTR_END, SUMO_TAG_INTERVAL, SUMO_TAG_REROUTER, and time2string().

Referenced by GNEAdditionalHandler::getRerouterIntervalParent().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ retrieveWalkingArea()

GNEWalkingArea * GNENetHelper::AttributeCarriers::retrieveWalkingArea ( const GUIGlObject glObject,
bool  hardFail = true 
) const

get WalkingArea by GlObject

[in]glObjectThe GUIGlObject associated with the element
[in]hardFailWhether attempts to retrieve a nonexisting WalkingArea should result in an exception

Definition at line 575 of file GNENetHelper.cpp.

References GUIGlObject::getMicrosimID().

Referenced by GNEViewNet::getWalkingAreaAtPopupPosition().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ updateAdditionalID()

void GNENetHelper::AttributeCarriers::updateAdditionalID ( GNEAdditional additional,
const std::string &  newID 

update additional ID in container

Definition at line 1113 of file GNENetHelper.cpp.

References GNEAttributeCarrier::getID(), GNETagProperties::getTag(), GNEAttributeCarrier::getTagProperty(), GNEAttributeCarrier::getTagStr(), and GUIGlObject::setMicrosimID().

Referenced by GNEAdditional::setAdditionalID().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ updateDemandElementFrames()

void GNENetHelper::AttributeCarriers::updateDemandElementFrames ( const GNETagProperties tagProperty)

◆ updateDemandElementID()

void GNENetHelper::AttributeCarriers::updateDemandElementID ( GNEDemandElement demandElement,
const std::string &  newID 

update demand element ID in container

Definition at line 1527 of file GNENetHelper.cpp.

References GNEAttributeCarrier::getID(), GNETagProperties::getTag(), GNEAttributeCarrier::getTagProperty(), GNEAttributeCarrier::getTagStr(), and GUIGlObject::setMicrosimID().

Referenced by GNEDemandElement::setDemandElementID().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ updateEdgeID()

void GNENetHelper::AttributeCarriers::updateEdgeID ( GNEEdge edge,
const std::string &  newID 

update edge ID in container

Definition at line 784 of file GNENetHelper.cpp.

References NBEdge::getID(), GNEAttributeCarrier::getID(), GNEEdge::getLanes(), GNEEdge::getNBEdge(), GNEAttributeCarrier::getTagStr(), and GNEEdge::setEdgeID().

Referenced by GNEEdge::setAttribute().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ updateEdgeTypeID()

void GNENetHelper::AttributeCarriers::updateEdgeTypeID ( GNEEdgeType edgeType,
const std::string &  newID 

update edgeType ID in container

Definition at line 655 of file GNENetHelper.cpp.

References GNEAttributeCarrier::getID(), GNEAttributeCarrier::getTagStr(), and GNENetworkElement::setNetworkElementID().

Referenced by GNEEdgeType::setAttribute().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ updateJunctionID()

void GNENetHelper::AttributeCarriers::updateJunctionID ( GNEJunction junction,
const std::string &  newID 

update junction ID in container

Definition at line 494 of file GNENetHelper.cpp.

References NBNode::buildCrossings(), GNEAttributeCarrier::getID(), Named::getID(), GNEJunction::getNBNode(), GNEAttributeCarrier::getTagStr(), and GNENetworkElement::setNetworkElementID().

Referenced by GNEJunction::setAttribute().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

Friends And Related Function Documentation

◆ GNEAdditionalHandler

friend class GNEAdditionalHandler

declare friend class

Definition at line 78 of file GNENetHelper.h.

◆ GNEChange_Additional

friend class GNEChange_Additional

Definition at line 88 of file GNENetHelper.h.

◆ GNEChange_DataInterval

Definition at line 93 of file GNENetHelper.h.

◆ GNEChange_DataSet

friend class GNEChange_DataSet

Definition at line 92 of file GNENetHelper.h.

◆ GNEChange_DemandElement

Definition at line 91 of file GNENetHelper.h.

◆ GNEChange_Edge

friend class GNEChange_Edge

Definition at line 87 of file GNENetHelper.h.

◆ GNEChange_EdgeType

friend class GNEChange_EdgeType

Definition at line 86 of file GNENetHelper.h.

◆ GNEChange_GenericData

Definition at line 94 of file GNENetHelper.h.

◆ GNEChange_Junction

friend class GNEChange_Junction

Definition at line 85 of file GNENetHelper.h.

◆ GNEChange_MeanData

friend class GNEChange_MeanData

Definition at line 95 of file GNENetHelper.h.

◆ GNEChange_Shape

friend class GNEChange_Shape

Definition at line 89 of file GNENetHelper.h.

◆ GNEChange_TAZElement

friend class GNEChange_TAZElement

Definition at line 90 of file GNENetHelper.h.

◆ GNEDataHandler

friend class GNEDataHandler

Definition at line 80 of file GNENetHelper.h.

◆ GNEDataInterval

friend class GNEDataInterval

Definition at line 84 of file GNENetHelper.h.

◆ GNEDataSet

friend class GNEDataSet

Definition at line 83 of file GNENetHelper.h.

◆ GNEEdge

friend class GNEEdge

Definition at line 82 of file GNENetHelper.h.

◆ GNEJunction

friend class GNEJunction

Definition at line 81 of file GNENetHelper.h.

◆ GNERouteHandler

friend class GNERouteHandler

Definition at line 79 of file GNENetHelper.h.

◆ GNETLSEditorFrame

friend class GNETLSEditorFrame

Definition at line 96 of file GNENetHelper.h.

Field Documentation

◆ myAdditionalIDs

std::map<SumoXMLTag, std::map<const std::string, GNEAdditional*> > GNENetHelper::AttributeCarriers::myAdditionalIDs

map with the tag and pointer to additional elements of net, sorted by IDs

Definition at line 788 of file GNENetHelper.h.

Referenced by AttributeCarriers().

◆ myAdditionals

std::map<SumoXMLTag, std::map<const GUIGlObject*, GNEAdditional*> > GNENetHelper::AttributeCarriers::myAdditionals

map with the tag and pointer to additional elements of net

Definition at line 791 of file GNENetHelper.h.

Referenced by AttributeCarriers().

◆ myConnections

std::map<const GUIGlObject*, GNEConnection*> GNENetHelper::AttributeCarriers::myConnections

map with connetions

Definition at line 782 of file GNENetHelper.h.

◆ myCrossings

std::map<const GUIGlObject*, GNECrossing*> GNENetHelper::AttributeCarriers::myCrossings

set with crossings

Definition at line 767 of file GNENetHelper.h.

◆ myDataIntervals

std::map<const GNEAttributeCarrier*, GNEDataInterval*> GNENetHelper::AttributeCarriers::myDataIntervals

map with all data intervals of network

Definition at line 803 of file GNENetHelper.h.

◆ myDataSets

std::map<const std::string, GNEDataSet*> GNENetHelper::AttributeCarriers::myDataSets

map with the ID and pointer to all datasets of net

Definition at line 800 of file GNENetHelper.h.

◆ myDemandElementIDs

std::map<SumoXMLTag, std::map<const std::string, GNEDemandElement*> > GNENetHelper::AttributeCarriers::myDemandElementIDs

map with the tag and pointer to demand elements of net, sorted by IDs

Definition at line 794 of file GNENetHelper.h.

Referenced by AttributeCarriers().

◆ myDemandElements

std::map<SumoXMLTag, std::map<const GUIGlObject*, GNEDemandElement*> > GNENetHelper::AttributeCarriers::myDemandElements

map with the tag and pointer to additional elements of net

Definition at line 797 of file GNENetHelper.h.

Referenced by AttributeCarriers().

◆ myEdges

std::map<std::string, GNEEdge*> GNENetHelper::AttributeCarriers::myEdges

map with the ID and pointer to edges of net

Definition at line 776 of file GNENetHelper.h.

◆ myEdgeTypes

std::map<std::string, GNEEdgeType*> GNENetHelper::AttributeCarriers::myEdgeTypes

map with the ID and pointer to edgeTypes of net

Definition at line 773 of file GNENetHelper.h.

◆ myGenericDatas

std::map<SumoXMLTag, std::map<const GUIGlObject*, GNEGenericData*> > GNENetHelper::AttributeCarriers::myGenericDatas

map with the tag and pointer to all generic datas

Definition at line 806 of file GNENetHelper.h.

Referenced by AttributeCarriers().

◆ myInternalLanes

std::map<const GUIGlObject*, GNEInternalLane*> GNENetHelper::AttributeCarriers::myInternalLanes

map with internal lanes

Definition at line 785 of file GNENetHelper.h.

◆ myJunctions

std::map<std::string, GNEJunction*> GNENetHelper::AttributeCarriers::myJunctions

map with the ID and pointer to junctions of net

Definition at line 764 of file GNENetHelper.h.

◆ myLanes

std::map<const GUIGlObject*, GNELane*> GNENetHelper::AttributeCarriers::myLanes

map with lanes

Definition at line 779 of file GNENetHelper.h.

◆ myMeanDatas

std::map<SumoXMLTag, std::map<const std::string, GNEMeanData*> > GNENetHelper::AttributeCarriers::myMeanDatas

map with the tag and pointer to meanData elements of net

Definition at line 809 of file GNENetHelper.h.

Referenced by AttributeCarriers().

◆ myNet

GNENet* GNENetHelper::AttributeCarriers::myNet

pointer to net

Definition at line 758 of file GNENetHelper.h.

◆ myStopIndex

int GNENetHelper::AttributeCarriers::myStopIndex

stop index

Definition at line 761 of file GNENetHelper.h.

◆ myWalkingAreas

std::map<const GUIGlObject*, GNEWalkingArea*> GNENetHelper::AttributeCarriers::myWalkingAreas

set with walkingAreas

Definition at line 770 of file GNENetHelper.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: