Eclipse SUMO - Simulation of Urban MObility
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1 /****************************************************************************/
2 // Eclipse SUMO, Simulation of Urban MObility; see
3 // Copyright (C) 2001-2024 German Aerospace Center (DLR) and others.
4 // This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
5 // terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at
6 //
7 // This Source Code may also be made available under the following Secondary
8 // Licenses when the conditions for such availability set forth in the Eclipse
9 // Public License 2.0 are satisfied: GNU General Public License, version 2
10 // or later which is available at
11 //
12 // SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 OR GPL-2.0-or-later
13 /****************************************************************************/
18 // A single mesoscopic segment (cell)
19 /****************************************************************************/
20 #pragma once
21 #include <config.h>
23 #include <vector>
24 #include <cassert>
26 #include <utils/common/Named.h>
27 #include <utils/common/SUMOTime.h>
31 // ===========================================================================
32 // class declarations
33 // ===========================================================================
34 class MSEdge;
35 class MSLink;
37 class MSVehicleControl;
38 class MEVehicle;
39 class OutputDevice;
42 // ===========================================================================
43 // class definitions
44 // ===========================================================================
49 class MESegment : public Named {
50 public:
51  static const double DO_NOT_PATCH_JAM_THRESHOLD;
52  static const int PARKING_QUEUE = -1;
55  struct MesoEdgeType {
60  double jamThreshold;
62  double tlsPenalty;
65  bool overtaking;
66  };
69 private:
70  class Queue {
71  public:
72  Queue(const SVCPermissions permissions) : myPermissions(permissions) {}
73  inline int size() const {
74  return (int)myVehicles.size();
75  }
76  inline const std::vector<MEVehicle*>& getVehicles() const {
77  return myVehicles;
78  }
80  inline std::vector<MEVehicle*>& getModifiableVehicles() {
81  return myVehicles;
82  }
83  inline double getOccupancy() const {
84  return myOccupancy;
85  }
86  inline void setOccupancy(const double occ) {
87  myOccupancy = occ;
88  }
89  inline bool allows(SUMOVehicleClass vclass) const {
90  return (myPermissions & vclass) == vclass;
91  }
94  inline SUMOTime getEntryBlockTime() const {
95  return myEntryBlockTime;
96  }
99  inline void setEntryBlockTime(SUMOTime entryBlockTime) {
100  myEntryBlockTime = entryBlockTime;
101  }
103  inline SUMOTime getBlockTime() const {
104  return myBlockTime;
105  }
106  inline void setBlockTime(SUMOTime t) {
107  myBlockTime = t;
108  }
111  myPermissions = p;
112  }
114  void addDetector(MSMoveReminder* data);
116  void addReminders(MEVehicle* veh) const;
118  private:
122  std::vector<MEVehicle*> myVehicles;
125  double myOccupancy = 0.;
134  std::vector<MSMoveReminder*> myDetectorData;
136  };
138 public:
149  MESegment(const std::string& id,
150  const MSEdge& parent, MESegment* next,
151  const double length, const double speed,
152  const int idx,
153  const bool multiQueue,
154  const MesoEdgeType& edgeType);
157  void initSegment(const MesoEdgeType& edgeType, const MSEdge& parent, const double capacity);
167  void addDetector(MSMoveReminder* data, int queueIndex = -1);
174  // void removeDetector(MSMoveReminder* data);
181  void prepareDetectorForWriting(MSMoveReminder& data, int queueIndex = -1);
192  SUMOTime hasSpaceFor(const MEVehicle* const veh, const SUMOTime entryTime, int& qIdx, const bool init = false) const;
200  bool initialise(MEVehicle* veh, SUMOTime time);
206  inline int getCarNumber() const {
207  return myNumVehicles;
208  }
211  inline int numQueues() const {
212  return (int)myQueues.size();
213  }
217  inline const std::vector<MEVehicle*>& getQueue(int index) const {
218  assert(index < (int)myQueues.size());
219  return myQueues[index].getVehicles();
220  }
226  inline int getIndex() const {
227  return myIndex;
228  }
234  inline MESegment* getNextSegment() const {
235  return myNextSegment;
236  }
242  inline double getLength() const {
243  return myLength;
244  }
250  inline double getCapacity() const {
251  return myCapacity;
252  }
258  inline double getBruttoOccupancy() const {
259  double occ = 0.;
260  for (const Queue& q : myQueues) {
261  occ += q.getOccupancy();
262  }
263  return occ;
264  }
269  inline double getRelativeOccupancy() const {
270  return getBruttoOccupancy() / myCapacity;
271  }
277  inline double getRelativeJamThreshold() const {
278  return myJamThreshold / myCapacity;
279  }
291  double getMeanSpeed(bool useCache) const;
294  inline double getMeanSpeed() const {
295  return getMeanSpeed(true);
296  }
299  void writeVehicles(OutputDevice& of) const;
308  MEVehicle* removeCar(MEVehicle* v, SUMOTime leaveTime, const MSMoveReminder::Notification reason);
319  MSLink* getLink(const MEVehicle* veh, bool tlsPenalty = false) const;
328  bool isOpen(const MEVehicle* veh) const;
337  void send(MEVehicle* veh, MESegment* const next, const int nextQIdx, SUMOTime time, const MSMoveReminder::Notification reason);
346  void receive(MEVehicle* veh, const int qIdx, SUMOTime time, const bool isDepart = false, const bool isTeleport = false, const bool newEdge = false);
354  bool vaporizeAnyCar(SUMOTime currentTime, const MSDetectorFileOutput* filter);
359  inline const MSEdge& getEdge() const {
360  return myEdge;
361  }
368  void setSpeed(double newSpeed, SUMOTime currentTime, double jamThresh = DO_NOT_PATCH_JAM_THRESHOLD, int qIdx = -1);
373  SUMOTime getEventTime() const;
376  inline double getEventTimeSeconds() const {
377  return STEPS2TIME(getEventTime());
378  }
381  inline double getLastHeadwaySeconds() const {
382  return STEPS2TIME(myLastHeadway);
383  }
386  inline double getEntryBlockTimeSeconds() const {
388  for (const Queue& q : myQueues) {
389  t = MIN2(t, q.getEntryBlockTime());
390  }
391  return STEPS2TIME(t);
392  }
395  double getWaitingSeconds() const;
409  void saveState(OutputDevice& out) const;
412  void clearState();
429  void loadState(const std::vector<std::string>& vehIDs, MSVehicleControl& vc, const SUMOTime blockTime, const int queIdx);
435  std::vector<const MEVehicle*> getVehicles() const;
440  double getFlow() const;
443  static inline bool isInvalid(const MESegment* segment) {
444  return segment == nullptr || segment == &myVaporizationTarget;
445  }
448  SUMOTime getNextInsertionTime(SUMOTime earliestEntry) const;
451  inline int remainingVehicleCapacity(const double vehLength) const {
452  int cap = 0;
453  for (const Queue& q : myQueues) {
454  if (q.getOccupancy() == 0. && myQueueCapacity < vehLength) {
455  // even small segments can hold at least one vehicle
456  cap += 1;
457  } else {
458  cap += (int)((myQueueCapacity - q.getOccupancy()) / vehLength);
459  }
460  }
461  return cap;
462  }
466  return myTau_ff;
467  }
470  void addReminders(MEVehicle* veh) const;
476  SUMOTime getLinkPenalty(const MEVehicle* veh) const;
479  void updatePermissions();
481 private:
482  bool overtake();
484  void setSpeedForQueue(double newSpeed, SUMOTime currentTime,
485  SUMOTime blockTime, const std::vector<MEVehicle*>& vehs);
489  SUMOTime newArrival(const MEVehicle* const v, double newSpeed, SUMOTime currentTime);
492  bool hasBlockedLeader() const;
498  void recomputeJamThreshold(double jamThresh);
501  double jamThresholdForSpeed(double speed, double jamThresh) const;
504  bool limitedControlOverride(const MSLink* link) const;
507  inline SUMOTime tauWithVehLength(SUMOTime tau, double lengthWithGap, double vehicleTau) const {
508  return (SUMOTime)((double)tau * vehicleTau + lengthWithGap * myTau_length);
509  }
511  SUMOTime getTauJJ(double nextQueueSize, double nextQueueCapacity, double nextJamThreshold) const;
513 private:
515  const MSEdge& myEdge;
521  const double myLength;
524  const int myIndex;
536  bool myCheckMinorPenalty; // for legacy compatibility (#7802, 7804)
547  double myTau_length;
550  double myCapacity = 0.;
553  double myQueueCapacity = 0.;
559  std::vector<Queue> myQueues;
565  std::map<const MSEdge*, int> myFollowerMap;
570  /* @brief segment for signifying vaporization. This segment has invalid
571  * data and should only be used as a unique pointer */
576  mutable double myMeanSpeed;
581 private:
589  MESegment(const std::string& id);
590 };
long long int SUMOTime
Definition: GUI.h:35
#define STEPS2TIME(x)
Definition: SUMOTime.h:55
#define SUMOTime_MAX
Definition: SUMOTime.h:34
#define SUMOTime_MIN
Definition: SUMOTime.h:35
long long int SVCPermissions
bitset where each bit declares whether a certain SVC may use this edge/lane
Definition of vehicle classes to differ between different lane usage and authority types.
T MIN2(T a, T b)
Definition: StdDefs.h:76
int size() const
Definition: MESegment.h:73
void setOccupancy(const double occ)
Definition: MESegment.h:86
MEVehicle * remove(MEVehicle *v)
Definition: MESegment.cpp:67
void setBlockTime(SUMOTime t)
Definition: MESegment.h:106
SUMOTime getBlockTime() const
Definition: MESegment.h:103
double myOccupancy
The occupied space (in m) in the queue.
Definition: MESegment.h:125
bool allows(SUMOVehicleClass vclass) const
Definition: MESegment.h:89
void addReminders(MEVehicle *veh) const
Definition: MESegment.cpp:92
SUMOTime myBlockTime
The block time.
Definition: MESegment.h:131
void addDetector(MSMoveReminder *data)
Definition: MESegment.cpp:84
void setEntryBlockTime(SUMOTime entryBlockTime)
set the next time at which a vehicle may enter this queue
Definition: MESegment.h:99
SUMOTime myEntryBlockTime
The block time for vehicles who wish to enter this queue.
Definition: MESegment.h:128
double getOccupancy() const
Definition: MESegment.h:83
const std::vector< MEVehicle * > & getVehicles() const
Definition: MESegment.h:76
std::vector< MSMoveReminder * > myDetectorData
The data collection for all kinds of detectors.
Definition: MESegment.h:134
std::vector< MEVehicle * > myVehicles
Definition: MESegment.h:122
Queue(const SVCPermissions permissions)
Definition: MESegment.h:72
SUMOTime getEntryBlockTime() const
return the next time at which a vehicle may enter this queue
Definition: MESegment.h:94
void setPermissions(SVCPermissions p)
Definition: MESegment.h:110
SVCPermissions myPermissions
The vClass permissions for this queue.
Definition: MESegment.h:120
std::vector< MEVehicle * > & getModifiableVehicles()
Definition: MESegment.h:80
A single mesoscopic segment (cell)
Definition: MESegment.h:49
void addReminders(MEVehicle *veh) const
add this lanes MoveReminders to the given vehicle
Definition: MESegment.cpp:596
double myQueueCapacity
The number of lanes represented by the queue * the length of the lane.
Definition: MESegment.h:553
bool overtake()
Definition: MESegment.cpp:590
SUMOTime tauWithVehLength(SUMOTime tau, double lengthWithGap, double vehicleTau) const
convert net time gap (leader back to follower front) to gross time gap (leader front to follower fron...
Definition: MESegment.h:507
SUMOTime myTau_ff
The time headway parameters, see the Eissfeldt thesis.
Definition: MESegment.h:530
double getEntryBlockTimeSeconds() const
get the earliest entry time in seconds
Definition: MESegment.h:386
bool initialise(MEVehicle *veh, SUMOTime time)
Inserts (emits) vehicle into the segment.
Definition: MESegment.cpp:360
std::vector< Queue > myQueues
The car queues. Vehicles are inserted in the front and removed in the back.
Definition: MESegment.h:559
double getBruttoOccupancy() const
Returns the occupany of the segment (the sum of the vehicle lengths + minGaps)
Definition: MESegment.h:258
SUMOTime myLastHeadway
the last headway
Definition: MESegment.h:568
static const int PARKING_QUEUE
Definition: MESegment.h:52
bool limitedControlOverride(const MSLink *link) const
whether the given link may be passed because the option is set
Definition: MESegment.cpp:513
const std::vector< MEVehicle * > & getQueue(int index) const
Returns the cars in the queue with the given index for visualization.
Definition: MESegment.h:217
bool isOpen(const MEVehicle *veh) const
Returns whether the vehicle may use the next link.
Definition: MESegment.cpp:471
void addDetector(MSMoveReminder *data, int queueIndex=-1)
Adds a data collector for a detector to this segment.
Definition: MESegment.cpp:254
double getLastHeadwaySeconds() const
get the last headway time in seconds
Definition: MESegment.h:381
double getRelativeOccupancy() const
Returns the relative occupany of the segment (percentage of road used))
Definition: MESegment.h:269
void clearState()
Remove all vehicles before quick-loading state.
Definition: MESegment.cpp:786
void receive(MEVehicle *veh, const int qIdx, SUMOTime time, const bool isDepart=false, const bool isTeleport=false, const bool newEdge=false)
Adds the vehicle to the segment, adapting its parameters.
Definition: MESegment.cpp:604
SUMOTime getLinkPenalty(const MEVehicle *veh) const
Returns the penalty time for passing a link (if using gMesoTLSPenalty > 0 or gMesoMinorPenalty > 0)
Definition: MESegment.cpp:844
void writeVehicles(OutputDevice &of) const
Definition: MESegment.cpp:402
std::map< const MSEdge *, int > myFollowerMap
The follower edge to allowed que index mapping for multi queue segments.
Definition: MESegment.h:565
MSLink * getLink(const MEVehicle *veh, bool tlsPenalty=false) const
Returns the link the given car will use when passing the next junction.
Definition: MESegment.cpp:442
int myNumVehicles
The cached value for the number of vehicles.
Definition: MESegment.h:562
void setSpeedForQueue(double newSpeed, SUMOTime currentTime, SUMOTime blockTime, const std::vector< MEVehicle * > &vehs)
Definition: MESegment.cpp:705
double getLength() const
Returns the length of the segment in meters.
Definition: MESegment.h:242
MESegment(const MESegment &)
Invalidated copy constructor.
SUMOTime hasSpaceFor(const MEVehicle *const veh, const SUMOTime entryTime, int &qIdx, const bool init=false) const
Returns whether the given vehicle would still fit into the segment.
Definition: MESegment.cpp:306
void updatePermissions()
called when permissions change due to Rerouter or TraCI
Definition: MESegment.cpp:208
void saveState(OutputDevice &out) const
Saves the state of this segment into the given stream.
Definition: MESegment.cpp:765
void initSegment(const MesoEdgeType &edgeType, const MSEdge &parent, const double capacity)
set model parameters (may be updated from additional file after network loading is complete)
Definition: MESegment.cpp:151
MESegment * getNextSegment() const
Returns the following segment on the same edge (0 if it is the last).
Definition: MESegment.h:234
static MESegment myVaporizationTarget
Definition: MESegment.h:573
int numQueues() const
return the number of queues
Definition: MESegment.h:211
double myJamThreshold
The space (in m) which needs to be occupied before the segment is considered jammed.
Definition: MESegment.h:556
const int myIndex
Running number of the segment in the edge.
Definition: MESegment.h:524
void send(MEVehicle *veh, MESegment *const next, const int nextQIdx, SUMOTime time, const MSMoveReminder::Notification reason)
Removes the vehicle from the segment, adapting its parameters.
Definition: MESegment.cpp:526
SUMOTime myMinorPenalty
Definition: MESegment.h:537
double myMeanSpeed
the mean speed on this segment. Updated at event time or on demand
Definition: MESegment.h:576
bool myCheckMinorPenalty
penalty for minor links
Definition: MESegment.h:536
double jamThresholdForSpeed(double speed, double jamThresh) const
compute jam threshold for the given speed and jam-threshold option
Definition: MESegment.cpp:235
SUMOTime myLastMeanSpeedUpdate
the time at which myMeanSpeed was last updated
Definition: MESegment.h:579
SUMOTime myTau_jf
Definition: MESegment.h:530
void setSpeed(double newSpeed, SUMOTime currentTime, double jamThresh=DO_NOT_PATCH_JAM_THRESHOLD, int qIdx=-1)
reset mySpeed and patch the speed of all vehicles in it. Also set/recompute myJamThreshold
Definition: MESegment.cpp:734
MESegment * myNextSegment
The next segment of this edge, 0 if this is the last segment of this edge.
Definition: MESegment.h:518
double getRelativeJamThreshold() const
Returns the relative occupany of the segment (percentage of road used)) at which the segment is consi...
Definition: MESegment.h:277
const MSEdge & getEdge() const
Returns the edge this segment belongs to.
Definition: MESegment.h:359
bool hasBlockedLeader() const
whether a leader in any queue is blocked
Definition: MESegment.cpp:827
int remainingVehicleCapacity(const double vehLength) const
return the remaining physical space on this segment
Definition: MESegment.h:451
double getWaitingSeconds() const
Get the waiting time for vehicles in all queues.
Definition: MESegment.cpp:867
const double myLength
The segment's length.
Definition: MESegment.h:521
SUMOTime getMinimumHeadwayTime() const
return the minimum headway-time with which vehicles may enter or leave this segment
Definition: MESegment.h:465
SUMOTime getEventTime() const
Returns the (planned) time at which the next vehicle leaves this segment.
Definition: MESegment.cpp:750
const MSEdge & myEdge
The microsim edge this segment belongs to.
Definition: MESegment.h:515
MESegment(const std::string &id, const MSEdge &parent, MESegment *next, const double length, const double speed, const int idx, const bool multiQueue, const MesoEdgeType &edgeType)
Definition: MESegment.cpp:101
MEVehicle * removeCar(MEVehicle *v, SUMOTime leaveTime, const MSMoveReminder::Notification reason)
Removes the given car from the edge's que.
Definition: MESegment.cpp:412
std::vector< const MEVehicle * > getVehicles() const
returns all vehicles (for debugging)
Definition: MESegment.cpp:817
double getCapacity() const
Returns the sum of the lengths of all usable lanes of the segment in meters.
Definition: MESegment.h:250
double getEventTimeSeconds() const
Like getEventTime but returns seconds (for visualization)
Definition: MESegment.h:376
static MSEdge myDummyParent
Definition: MESegment.h:572
void recomputeJamThreshold(double jamThresh)
compute a value for myJamThreshold if jamThresh is negative, compute a value which allows free flow a...
Definition: MESegment.cpp:220
int getIndex() const
Returns the running index of the segment in the edge (0 is the most upstream).
Definition: MESegment.h:226
double getMeanSpeed() const
wrapper to satisfy the FunctionBinding signature
Definition: MESegment.h:294
int getCarNumber() const
Returns the total number of cars on the segment.
Definition: MESegment.h:206
void loadState(const std::vector< std::string > &vehIDs, MSVehicleControl &vc, const SUMOTime blockTime, const int queIdx)
Loads the state of this segment with the given parameters.
Definition: MESegment.cpp:793
double myTau_length
Headway parameter for computing gross time headyway from net time headway, length and edge speed.
Definition: MESegment.h:547
SUMOTime myTau_jj
Definition: MESegment.h:530
SUMOTime newArrival(const MEVehicle *const v, double newSpeed, SUMOTime currentTime)
compute the new arrival time when switching speed
Definition: MESegment.cpp:724
bool myJunctionControl
Whether junction control is enabled.
Definition: MESegment.h:540
bool myTLSPenalty
Whether tls penalty is enabled.
Definition: MESegment.h:533
static const double DO_NOT_PATCH_JAM_THRESHOLD
Definition: MESegment.h:51
double getFlow() const
returns flow based on headway
Definition: MESegment.cpp:838
static bool isInvalid(const MESegment *segment)
whether the given segment is 0 or encodes vaporization
Definition: MESegment.h:443
SUMOTime getNextInsertionTime(SUMOTime earliestEntry) const
return a time after earliestEntry at which a vehicle may be inserted at full speed
Definition: MESegment.cpp:425
double myCapacity
The number of lanes represented by the queue * the length of the lane.
Definition: MESegment.h:550
bool myOvertaking
Whether overtaking is permitted on this segment.
Definition: MESegment.h:543
void prepareDetectorForWriting(MSMoveReminder &data, int queueIndex=-1)
Removes a data collector for a detector from this segment.
Definition: MESegment.cpp:283
MESegment & operator=(const MESegment &)
Invalidated assignment operator.
bool vaporizeAnyCar(SUMOTime currentTime, const MSDetectorFileOutput *filter)
tries to remove any car from this segment
Definition: MESegment.cpp:688
SUMOTime myTau_fj
Definition: MESegment.h:530
SUMOTime getTauJJ(double nextQueueSize, double nextQueueCapacity, double nextJamThreshold) const
Definition: MESegment.cpp:561
A vehicle from the mesoscopic point of view.
Definition: MEVehicle.h:42
Base of value-generating classes (detectors)
A road/street connecting two junctions.
Definition: MSEdge.h:77
Something on a lane to be noticed about vehicle movement.
Definition of a vehicle state.
The class responsible for building and deletion of vehicles.
Base class for objects which have an id.
Definition: Named.h:54
Static storage of an output device and its base (abstract) implementation.
Definition: OutputDevice.h:61
edge type specific meso parameters
Definition: MESegment.h:55