Eclipse SUMO - Simulation of Urban MObility
GNEApplicationWindow Class Reference

The main window of Netedit. More...

#include <GNEApplicationWindow.h>

Inheritance diagram for GNEApplicationWindow:
Collaboration diagram for GNEApplicationWindow:

Public Member Functions

virtual void addBreakpoint (const SUMOTime)
 add breakpoint to the application More...
void addChild (FXMainWindow *child)
 Adds a further child window to the list (FXMainWindow) More...
void addGLChild (GUIGlChildWindow *child)
 Adds a further child window to the list (GUIGlChildWindow) More...
void addOnlineMap (const std::string &name, const std::string &url)
void clearUndoList ()
 clear undo list More...
long computeJunctionWithVolatileOptions ()
 called if the user selects Processing->compute junctions with volatile options More...
bool consoleOptionsLoaded ()
 check if console options was already loaded More...
void create ()
 Creates the main window (required by FOX) More...
void createNewNetwork ()
 create new network More...
void dependentBuild ()
 build dependent More...
void disableUndoRedo (const std::string &reason)
 disable undo-redo giving a string with the reason More...
void enableUndoRedo ()
 disable undo-redo More...
GUISUMOAbstractViewgetActiveView () const
 get the active view or 0 More...
FXFont * getBoldFont ()
 get bold front More...
FXLabel * getCartesianLabel ()
 get cartesian label More...
FXCursor * getDefaultCursor ()
 get default cursor More...
virtual double getDelay () const
 Returns the delay (should be overwritten by subclasses if applicable) More...
GNEApplicationWindowHelper::EditMenuCommandsgetEditMenuCommands ()
 get Edit Menu Commands (needed for show/hide menu commands) More...
FXFont * getFallbackFont ()
 get fallback front More...
GNEApplicationWindowHelper::FileMenuCommandsgetFileMenuCommands ()
 get file Menu Commands (needed for show/hide menu commands) More...
FXLabel * getGeoLabel ()
 get geo label More...
FXGLVisual * getGLVisual () const
 get GL Visual More...
GNEApplicationWindowHelper::LockMenuCommandsgetLockMenuCommands ()
 get lock Menu Commands More...
GNEApplicationWindowHelper::ModesMenuCommandsgetModesMenuCommands ()
 get modes Menu Commands (needed for show/hide menu commands) More...
OptionsContgetNetgenerateOptions ()
 get netgenerate options container More...
const std::map< std::string, std::string > & getOnlineMaps () const
const GNEApplicationWindowHelper::ProcessingMenuCommandsgetProcessingMenuCommands () const
 get processing Menu Commands More...
MFXStaticToolTipgetStaticTooltipMenu () const
 get static toolTip for menus More...
MFXStaticToolTipgetStaticTooltipView () const
 get static toolTip for view More...
OptionsContgetSumoOptions ()
 get SUMO options container More...
FXHorizontalFrame * getTestFrame ()
 get test frame More...
FXLabel * getTestLabel ()
 get test label More...
GNEApplicationWindowHelper::ToolbarsGripgetToolbarsGrip ()
 get ToolbarsGrip More...
FXDockSite * getTopDock ()
 get top dock More...
GNEUndoListgetUndoList ()
 get pointer to undoList More...
GNEUndoListDialoggetUndoListDialog ()
 get pointer to undoList dialog More...
GUIGlChildWindowgetViewByID (const std::string &id) const
 get specific view by ID More...
std::vector< std::string > getViewIDs () const
 get view IDs More...
GNEViewNetgetViewNet ()
 get pointer to viewNet More...
const std::vector< GUIGlChildWindow * > & getViews () const
 get views More...
 GNEApplicationWindow (FXApp *a, const std::string &configPattern)
 FOX-declaration. More...
bool isFullScreen ()
bool isGaming () const
 return whether the gui is in gaming mode More...
const std::string & isUndoRedoEnabled () const
 check if undo-redo is enabled More...
bool listInternal () const
 return whether to list internal structures More...
bool listParking () const
 return whether to list parking vehicles More...
bool listTeleporting () const
 return whether to list teleporting vehicles More...
void loadAdditionalElements ()
 load additional elements More...
void loadConfiguration (const std::string &configurationFile)
 starts to load a configuration More...
void loadDataElements ()
 load data elements More...
void loadDemandElements ()
 load demand elements More...
void loadMeanDataElements ()
 load meanData elements More...
void loadNetwork (const std::string &networkFile)
 load network More...
void loadOptionOnStartup ()
 load net on startup More...
void loadOSM (const std::string &OSMFile)
 starts to load a OSM File More...
long onCmdChangeLanguage (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
virtual long onCmdFullScreen (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
 Toggle full screen mode. More...
long onUpdChangeLanguage (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
void removeChild (FXMainWindow *child)
 removes the given child window from the list (FXMainWindow) More...
void removeGLChild (GUIGlChildWindow *child)
 removes the given child window from the list (GUIGlChildWindow) More...
void removeViewByID (const std::string &id)
virtual const std::vector< SUMOTimeretrieveBreakpoints () const
 retrieve breakpoints if provided by the application More...
virtual void sendBlockingEvent (GUIEvent *event)
 Sends an event from the application thread to the GUI and waits until it is handled. More...
virtual void setBreakpoints (const std::vector< SUMOTime > &)
 Sets the breakpoints of the parent application. More...
virtual void setDelay (double)
 Sets the delay of the parent application. More...
void setStatusBarText (const std::string &statusBarText)
 set text of the statusBar More...
void updateChildren (int msg=MID_SIMSTEP)
 update childrens More...
void updateControls ()
 update control contents after undo/redo or recompute More...
void updateRecomputingLabel ()
 update recomputing label More...
void updateSuperModeMenuCommands (const Supermode supermode)
 update FXMenuCommands depending of supermode More...
 ~GNEApplicationWindow ()
 Destructor. More...
Inter-thread event handling

called when an event occurred

void eventOccurred ()
void handleEvent_NetworkLoaded (GUIEvent *e)
 handle event of type Network loaded More...
void handleEvent_Message (GUIEvent *e)
 handle event of type message More...

called when the command/FXCall new window is executed

long onCmdNewWindow (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
long onCmdNewNetwork (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
 called when the command/FXCall new network is executed More...
long onCmdOpenNetconvertConfig (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
 called when the command/FXCall open netconvertconfiguration is executed More...
long onCmdOpenNetwork (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
 called when the command/FXCall open network is executed More...
long onCmdOpenForeign (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
 called when the command/FXCall open foreign is executed More...
long onCmdOpenNeteditConfig (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
 called when the command/FXCall open netedit config is executed More...
long onCmdOpenSumoConfig (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
 called when the command/FXCall open SumoConfig is executed More...
long onCmdReloadNeteditConfig (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
 called when the command/FXCall reload netedit config is executed More...
long onCmdReloadSumoConfig (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
 called when the command/FXCall reload SumoConfig is executed More...
long onUpdReloadNeteditConfig (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
 called when the command/FXCall reload netedit config is updated More...
long onUpdReloadSumoConfig (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
 called when the command/FXCall reload SumoConfig is updated More...
long onCmdOpenTLSPrograms (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
 called when the command/FXCall open TLS programs is executed More...
long onCmdReloadTLSPrograms (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
 called when the command/FXCall reload TLS programs is executed More...
long onUpdReloadTLSPrograms (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
 called when the command/FXCall reload TLS programs is updated More...
long onCmdOpenEdgeTypes (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
 called when the command/FXCall open edgeType is executed More...
long onCmdReloadEdgeTypes (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
 called when the command/FXCall reload edge types is executed More...
long onUpdReloadEdgeTypes (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
 called when the command/FXCall reload edge types is updated More...
long onCmdSmartReload (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
 called when the command/FXCall smart reload is executed More...
long onUpdSmartReload (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
 called when the update/FXCall smart reload is executed More...
long onCmdReloadNetwork (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
 called when the command/FXCall network reload is executed More...
long onUpdReloadNetwork (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
 called when the update/FXCall network reload is executed More...
long onCmdOpenRecent (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
 called when the command/FXCall open recent is executed More...
long onCmdClose (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
 called when the command/FXCall close is executed More...
long onCmdEditViewScheme (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
 Called on menu Edit->Visualization. More...
long onCmdEditViewport (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
 Called on menu Edit->Viewport. More...
long onCmdLocate (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
 called when the command/FXCall locate is executed More...
long onCmdOpenPythonToolDialog (FXObject *obj, FXSelector, void *)
 called when user press over a tool dialog button More...
long onCmdRunPythonTool (FXObject *obj, FXSelector, void *)
 called when user run a tool More...
long onCmdPostProcessingPythonTool (FXObject *obj, FXSelector, void *)
 post processing after run tool More...
long onUpdPythonTool (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
 called when the command/FXCall python tool is updated More...
long onCmdSaveNetwork (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
 called when the command/FXCall save network is executed More...
long onCmdSaveNetworkAs (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
 called when the command/FXCall save network as is executed More...
long onCmdSavePlainXMLAs (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
 called when the command/FXCall save as plain xml is executed More...
long onCmdSaveJoinedJunctionsAs (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
 called when the command/FXCall save joined is executed More...
long onCmdSaveNeteditConfig (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
 called when the command/FXCall save netedit config is executed More...
long onCmdSaveNeteditConfigAs (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
 called when the command/FXCall save netedit config as is executed More...
long onUpdSaveNeteditConfig (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
 called when the command/FXCall save netedit config is updated More...
long onCmdSaveSumoConfig (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
 called when the command/FXCall save SumoConfig is executed More...
long onCmdSaveSumoConfigAs (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
 called when the command/FXCall save SumoConfig as is executed More...
long onUpdSaveSumoConfig (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
 called when the command/FXCall save SumoConfig is updated More...
long onCmdSaveTLSPrograms (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
 called when the command/FXCall save TLSPrograms is executed More...
long onUpdSaveTLSPrograms (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
 called when the command/FXCall save TLSPrograms is updated More...
long onCmdSaveEdgeTypes (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
 called when the command/FXCall save edge types is executed More...
long onUpdSaveEdgeTypes (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
 called when the command/FXCall save edge types is updated More...
long onCmdSaveTLSProgramsAs (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
 called when the command/FXCall save TLSPrograms as is executed More...
long onCmdSaveEdgeTypesAs (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
 called when the command/FXCall save edgeTypes as is executed More...
long onUpdSaveEdgeTypesAs (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
 called when the command/FXCall save edgeTypes as is updated More...
long onCmdOpenAdditionals (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
 called when the command/FXCall open additionals is executed More...
long onCmdReloadAdditionals (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
 called when the command/FXCall reload additionals is executed More...
long onUpdReloadAdditionals (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
 called when the command/FXCall reload additionals is updated More...
long onCmdSaveAdditionals (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
 called when the command/FXCall save additionals is executed More...
long onCmdSaveAdditionalsAs (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
 called when the command/FXCall save additionals as is executed More...
long onCmdSaveJuPedSimElementsAs (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
 called when the command/FXCall save JuPedSim elements as is executed More...
long onCmdOpenDemandElements (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
 called when the command/FXCall open demand is executed More...
long onCmdReloadDemandElements (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
 called when the command/FXCall reload demand elements is executed More...
long onUpdReloadDemandElements (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
 called when the command/FXCall reload demand elements is updated More...
long onCmdSaveDemandElements (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
 called when the command/FXCall save demand elements is executed More...
long onCmdOpenDataElements (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
 called when the command/FXCall open data is executed More...
long onCmdReloadDataElements (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
 called when the command/FXCall reload data elements is executed More...
long onUpdReloadDataElements (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
 called when the command/FXCall reload data elements is updated More...
long onCmdSaveDemandElementsAs (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
 called when the command/FXCall save demand elements as is executed More...
long onCmdSaveDataElements (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
 called when the command/FXCall save data elements is executed More...
long onCmdSaveDataElementsAs (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
 called when the command/FXCall save data elements as is executed More...
long onCmdOpenMeanDatas (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
 called when the command/FXCall open meanDatas is executed More...
long onCmdReloadMeanDatas (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
 called when the command/FXCall reload meanDatas is executed More...
long onUpdReloadMeanDatas (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
 called when the command/FXCall reload meanDatas is updated More...
long onCmdSaveMeanDatas (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
 called when the command/FXCall save meanDatas is executed More...
long onCmdSaveMeanDatasAs (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
 called when the command/FXCall save meanDatas as is executed More...
long onUpdNeedsNetwork (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
 called when the update/FXCall needs network is executed More...
long onUpdNeedsNetworkElement (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
 called when the update/FXCall needs at least one network element is executed More...
long onUpdNeedsFrontElement (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
 called when the update/FXCall needs front element is executed More...
long onUpdSaveNetwork (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
 called when the update/FXCall save network is executed More...
long onUpdSaveAdditionals (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
 called when the update/FXCall save additionals is executed More...
long onUpdSaveAdditionalsAs (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
 called when the update/FXCall save additionals as is executed More...
long onUpdSaveJuPedSimElementsAs (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
 called when the update/FXCall save juPedSim as is executed More...
long onUpdSaveDemandElements (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
 called when the update/FXCall save demand elements is executed More...
long onUpdSaveDemandElementsAs (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
 called when the update/FXCall save demand elements as is executed More...
long onUpdSaveDataElements (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
 called when the update/FXCall save data elements is executed More...
long onUpdSaveDataElementsAs (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
 called when the update/FXCall save data elements as is executed More...
long onUpdSaveMeanDatas (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
 called when the update/FXCall save meanDatas is executed More...
long onUpdSaveMeanDatasAs (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
 called when the update/FXCall save meanDatas as is executed More...
long onUpdUndo (FXObject *obj, FXSelector sel, void *ptr)
 called when the update/FXCall undo is executed More...
long onUpdRedo (FXObject *obj, FXSelector sel, void *ptr)
 called when the update/FXCall redo is executed More...
long onUpdComputePathManager (FXObject *obj, FXSelector sel, void *ptr)
 called when the update/FXCall compute path manager is executed More...
long onCmdToggleViewOption (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
 toggle viewOption More...
long onUpdToggleViewOption (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
 update viewOption More...
long onKeyPress (FXObject *o, FXSelector sel, void *data)
 called when a key is pressed More...
long onKeyRelease (FXObject *o, FXSelector sel, void *data)
 called when a key is released More...
long onCmdQuit (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
 Called by FOX if the application shall be closed. More...
long onCmdEditChosen (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
 called when the command/FXCall edit chosen is executed More...
long onCmdAbout (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
 called when the command/FXCall show about dialog is executed More...
long onUpdOpen (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
 called when the command/FXCall on update open executed More...
long onCmdClearMsgWindow (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
 called when the command/FXCall clear message windows is executed More...
long onCmdLoadAdditionalsInSUMOGUI (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
 called when user toggle windows checkbox "load additionals" More...
long onCmdLoadDemandInSUMOGUI (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
 called when user toggle windows checkbox "load demand" More...
long onLoadThreadEvent (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
 called when the command/FXCall load thread is executed More...
long onClipboardRequest (FXObject *sender, FXSelector sel, void *ptr)
 called when the command/FXCall clipboard request is executed More...
long onCmdSetSuperMode (FXObject *sender, FXSelector sel, void *ptr)
 called if the user hits an edit-supermode hotkey More...
long onCmdSetMode (FXObject *sender, FXSelector sel, void *ptr)
 called if the user hits an edit-mode hotkey More...
long onCmdLockElements (FXObject *, FXSelector sel, void *)
 called when user press a lock menu check More...
long onCmdLockAllElements (FXObject *, FXSelector sel, void *)
 called when user press lock all elements button More...
long onCmdUnlockAllElements (FXObject *, FXSelector sel, void *)
 called when user press unlock all elements button More...
long onCmdLockSelectElements (FXObject *, FXSelector sel, void *)
 called when user press lock select elements button More...
long onUpdLockMenuTitle (FXObject *, FXSelector sel, void *)
 enable or disable lock menu title More...
long onCmdProcessButton (FXObject *, FXSelector sel, void *)
 called when user press a process button (or a shortcut) More...
long onCmdOpenSUMOGUI (FXObject *sender, FXSelector sel, void *ptr)
 called if the user hints ctrl + T More...
long onCmdAbort (FXObject *sender, FXSelector sel, void *ptr)
 called if the user hits esc More...
long onCmdDel (FXObject *sender, FXSelector sel, void *ptr)
 called if the user hits del More...
long onCmdEnter (FXObject *sender, FXSelector sel, void *ptr)
 called if the user hits enter More...
long onCmdBackspace (FXObject *sender, FXSelector sel, void *ptr)
 called if the user hits backspace More...
long onCmdClearSelectionShortcut (FXObject *sender, FXSelector sel, void *ptr)
 called if the user hits key combination for clear selection More...
long onCmdFocusFrame (FXObject *sender, FXSelector sel, void *ptr)
 called if the user hits key combination for focus on frame More...
long onCmdToggleTimeFormat (FXObject *sender, FXSelector sel, void *ptr)
 called if the user press the toggle time format button More...
long onUpdToggleTimeFormat (FXObject *sender, FXSelector sel, void *ptr)
 update toggle time format button More...
long onUpdRequireViewNet (FXObject *sender, FXSelector sel, void *ptr)
 enable or disable sender object depending if viewNet exist More...
long onUpdRequireRecomputing (FXObject *sender, FXSelector sel, void *ptr)
 update label for require recomputing More...
long onCmdRunNetgenerate (FXObject *sender, FXSelector sel, void *ptr)
 called when run netgenerate is called More...
long onCmdPostprocessingNetgenerate (FXObject *sender, FXSelector sel, void *ptr)
 postprocessing netgenerate More...
long onCmdToggleGrid (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
 called if the user press key combination Ctrl + G to toggle grid More...
long onCmdToggleDrawJunctionShape (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
 called if the user press key combination Ctrl + J to toggle draw junction shape More...
long onCmdSetFrontElement (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
 called if the user call set front element More...
long onCmdToggleEditOptions (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
 called if the user press key combination Alt + <0-9> More...
long onCmdHelp (FXObject *sender, FXSelector sel, void *ptr)
 called if the user selects help->Documentation More...
long onCmdChangelog (FXObject *sender, FXSelector sel, void *ptr)
 called if the user selects help->Changelog More...
long onCmdHotkeys (FXObject *sender, FXSelector sel, void *ptr)
 called if the user selects help->Hotkeys More...
long onCmdTutorial (FXObject *sender, FXSelector sel, void *ptr)
 called if the user selects help->Tutorial More...
long onCmdFeedback (FXObject *sender, FXSelector sel, void *ptr)
 called if the user selects help->feedback More...
long onCmdToggleComputeNetworkData (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
 called when toggle checkbox compute network when switching between supermodes More...
long onCmdOpenOptionsDialog (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
 called when user press "options" button More...
long onCmdOpenSumoOptionsDialog (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
 called when user press "sumo options" button More...
long onCmdOpenNetgenerateDialog (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
 called when user press "netgenerate" button More...
long onCmdOpenNetgenerateOptionsDialog (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
 called when user press "netgenerate options" button More...
long onCmdUndo (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
 called when user press Ctrl+Z More...
long onCmdRedo (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
long onCmdOpenUndoListDialog (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
long onUpdOpenUndoListDialog (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
long onCmdComputePathManager (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
long onCmdCut (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
 called when user press Ctrl+Z More...
long onCmdCopy (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
long onCmdPaste (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
long onCmdSetTemplate (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
long onCmdCopyTemplate (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
long onCmdClearTemplate (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
inherited from GUIMainWindow

get build OpenGL Canvas (due netedit only uses a single View, it always return nullptr)

FXGLCanvas * getBuildGLCanvas () const
 get build GL Canvas (must be implemented in all children) More...
SUMOTime getCurrentSimTime () const
 get current simulation time (pure virtual but we don't need it) More...
double getTrackerInterval () const
 get current tracker interval (pure virtual but we don't need it) More...

Static Public Member Functions

static GUIMainWindowgetInstance ()
 get instance More...

Protected Member Functions

void buildLanguageMenu (FXMenuBar *menuBar)
 GNEApplicationWindow ()
 FOX needs this for static members. More...
void setWindowSizeAndPos ()
 perform initial window positioning and sizing according to user options / previous call More...
void storeWindowSizeAndPos ()
 record window position and size in registry More...

Protected Attributes

bool myAmFullScreen
 FOX need this. More...
bool myAmGaming
 information whether the gui is currently in gaming mode More...
bool myAmLoading = false
 information whether the gui is currently loading and the load-options shall be greyed out More...
FXFont * myBoldFont = nullptr
 Font used for popup-menu titles. More...
FXDockSite * myBottomDock = nullptr
FXLabel * myCartesianCoordinate = nullptr
 Labels for the current cartesian, geo-coordinate and test coordinates. More...
FXHorizontalFrame * myCartesianFrame = nullptr
std::string myConfigPattern
 Input file pattern. More...
bool myConsoleOptionsLoaded = true
 flag for check if console options was already loaded More...
FXMenuPane * myEditMenu = nullptr
MFXSynchQue< GUIEvent * > myEvents
 List of got requests. More...
FXFont * myFallbackFont = nullptr
 Fallback font for extended characters support. More...
FXMenuPane * myFileMenu = nullptr
 the submenus More...
FXMenuPane * myFileMenuAdditionals = nullptr
FXMenuPane * myFileMenuDataElements = nullptr
FXMenuPane * myFileMenuDemandElements = nullptr
FXMenuPane * myFileMenuEdgeTypes = nullptr
FXMenuPane * myFileMenuMeanDataElements = nullptr
FXMenuPane * myFileMenuNeteditConfig = nullptr
FXMenuPane * myFileMenuRecentConfigs = nullptr
FXMenuPane * myFileMenuRecentNetworks = nullptr
FXMenuPane * myFileMenuSumoConfig = nullptr
FXMenuPane * myFileMenuTLS = nullptr
FXLabel * myGeoCoordinate = nullptr
FXHorizontalFrame * myGeoFrame = nullptr
FXGLVisual * myGLVisual = nullptr
 The gl-visual used. More...
std::vector< GUIGlChildWindow * > myGLWindows
 list of GLWindows More...
bool myHadDependentBuild = false
 check if had dependent build More...
FXMenuPane * myHelpMenu = nullptr
FXMenuPane * myLanguageMenu = nullptr
 Language menu common to all applications. More...
FXDockSite * myLeftDock = nullptr
bool myListInternal
 information whether the locator should list internal structures More...
bool myListParking
 information whether the locator should list parking vehicles More...
bool myListTeleporting
 information whether the locator should list teleporting vehicles More...
GNELoadThreadmyLoadThread = nullptr
 the thread that loads the network More...
FXEX::MFXThreadEvent myLoadThreadEvent
 io-event with the load-th
FXMenuPane * myLocatorMenu = nullptr
FXMenuPane * myLockMenu = nullptr
FXMenuTitle * myLockMenuTitle = nullptr
 menu title for lock More...
FXSplitter * myMainSplitter = nullptr
 The splitter that divides the main window into view and the log window. More...
FXMDIClient * myMDIClient = nullptr
 The multi view panel. More...
std::map< std::string, FXMenuPane * > myMenuPaneToolMaps
 map with menu pane tools and strings More...
GUIMessageWindowmyMessageWindow = nullptr
 A window to display messages, warnings and error in. More...
FXMenuPane * myModesMenu = nullptr
FXMenuTitle * myModesMenuTitle = nullptr
 menu title for modes More...
GNENetmyNet = nullptr
 we are responsible for the net More...
OptionsCont myNetgenerateOptions
 netgenerate options container More...
std::map< std::string, std::string > myOnlineMaps
 online mapping services for the context menu More...
OptionsCont myOriginalNeteditOptions
 original netedit options container More...
OptionsCont myOriginalNetgenerateOptions
 original netgenerate options container More...
OptionsCont myOriginalSumoOptions
 original sumo options container More...
FXMenuPane * myProcessingMenu = nullptr
MFXButtonTooltipmyRequireRecomputingButton = nullptr
 Button used for show if recomputing is needed. More...
FXDockSite * myRightDock = nullptr
MFXStaticToolTipmyStaticTooltipMenu = nullptr
 static toolTip used in menus More...
MFXStaticToolTipmyStaticTooltipView = nullptr
 static toolTip used in view More...
FXStatusBar * myStatusbar = nullptr
 The status bar. More...
OptionsCont mySumoOptions
 sumo options container More...
FXLabel * myTestCoordinate = nullptr
FXHorizontalFrame * myTestFrame = nullptr
FXMenuPane * myToolsDetectorMenu = nullptr
FXMenuPane * myToolsDistrictMenu = nullptr
FXMenuPane * myToolsDRTMenu = nullptr
FXMenuPane * myToolsEmissionsMenu = nullptr
FXMenuPane * myToolsImportCityBrainMenu = nullptr
FXMenuPane * myToolsImportGTFSMenu = nullptr
FXMenuPane * myToolsImportMenu = nullptr
FXMenuPane * myToolsImportVissim = nullptr
FXMenuPane * myToolsImportVisum = nullptr
FXMenuPane * myToolsMenu = nullptr
FXMenuPane * myToolsNetMenu = nullptr
FXMenuPane * myToolsOutputMenu = nullptr
FXMenuPane * myToolsRouteMenu = nullptr
FXMenuPane * myToolsShapes = nullptr
FXMenuPane * myToolsTLS = nullptr
FXMenuPane * myToolsTurnDefs = nullptr
FXMenuPane * myToolsVisualizationMenu = nullptr
FXMenuPane * myToolsXML = nullptr
FXDockSite * myTopDock = nullptr
 dock sites More...
FXHorizontalFrame * myTraCiFrame = nullptr
 frames for coordinates More...
FXMutex myTrackerLock
 A lock to make the removal and addition of trackers secure. More...
std::vector< FXMainWindow * > myTrackerWindows
 list of tracker windows More...
GNEUndoListmyUndoList = nullptr
 the one and only undo list More...
GNEUndoListDialogmyUndoListDialog = nullptr
 undoList dialog More...
std::string myUndoRedoListEnabled
 string to check if undo/redo list is enabled (a String is used to keep the disabling reason) More...
FXMenuPane * myWindowMenu = nullptr

Static Protected Attributes

static GUIMainWindowmyInstance = nullptr
 the singleton window instance More...

Private Member Functions

void closeAllWindows ()
 this method closes all windows and deletes the current simulation *‍/ More...
bool continueWithUnsavedAdditionalChanges ()
 warns about unsaved changes in additionals and gives the user the option to abort More...
bool continueWithUnsavedChanges ()
 warns about unsaved changes and gives the user the option to abort More...
bool continueWithUnsavedDataElementChanges ()
 warns about unsaved changes in data elements and gives the user the option to abort More...
bool continueWithUnsavedDemandElementChanges ()
 warns about unsaved changes in demand elements and gives the user the option to abort More...
bool continueWithUnsavedMeanDataElementChanges ()
 warns about unsaved changes in meanData elements and gives the user the option to abort More...
void fillMenuBar ()
 Builds the menu bar. More...
FXString getFolder (const std::string &folder) const
 extract folder More...
 GNEApplicationWindow (const GNEApplicationWindow &)=delete
 Invalidated copy constructor. More...
GNEApplicationWindowoperator= (const GNEApplicationWindow &)=delete
 Invalidated assignment operator. More...
void setInputInSumoOptions (const bool ignoreAdditionals, const bool ignoreRoutes)
 set input files in sumo options More...

Private Attributes

GNEApplicationWindowHelper::EditMenuCommands myEditMenuCommands
 Edit Menu Commands. More...
GNEApplicationWindowHelper::FileMenuCommands myFileMenuCommands
 File Menu Commands. More...
GNEApplicationWindowHelper::HelpMenuCommands myHelpMenuCommands
 Help Menu Commands. More...
GNEApplicationWindowHelper::LocateMenuCommands myLocateMenuCommands
 Locate Menu Commands. More...
GNEApplicationWindowHelper::LockMenuCommands myLockMenuCommands
 Lock Menu Commands. More...
FXMDIMenu * myMDIMenu = nullptr
 The menu used for the MDI-windows. More...
GNEApplicationWindowHelper::MenuBarFile myMenuBarFile
 MenuBarFile. More...
GNEApplicationWindowHelper::ModesMenuCommands myModesMenuCommands
 Modes Menu Commands. More...
GNEApplicationWindowHelper::ProcessingMenuCommands myProcessingMenuCommands
 Processing Menu Commands. More...
GNEApplicationWindowHelper::SupermodeCommands mySupermodeCommands
 Supermode Commands. More...
const FXString myTitlePrefix
 the prefix for the window title More...
GNEApplicationWindowHelper::ToolbarsGrip myToolbarsGrip
 Toolbars Grip. More...
GNEApplicationWindowHelper::ToolsMenuCommands myToolsMenuCommands
 Tools Menu Commands. More...
GNEViewNetmyViewNet = nullptr
 pointer to current view net More...
GNEApplicationWindowHelper::WindowsMenuCommands myWindowsMenuCommands
 Windows Menu Commands. More...

Detailed Description

The main window of Netedit.

Contains the file opening support and a canvas to display the network in.

Beside views on the simulation, shown within a MDI-window, the main window may also have some further views (children) assigned which are stored within a separate list.

Definition at line 39 of file GNEApplicationWindow.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ GNEApplicationWindow() [1/3]

GNEApplicationWindow::GNEApplicationWindow ( FXApp *  a,
const std::string &  configPattern 



[in]aThe FOX application
[in]configPatternThe pattern used for loading configurations

Definition at line 452 of file GNEApplicationWindow.cpp.

References GNELoadThread::fillOptions(), GUICursorSubSys::initCursors(), GUIIconSubSys::initIcons(), GUITextureSubSys::initTextures(), TemplateHandler::parseTemplate(), GNELoadThread::setDefaultOptions(), and TL.

◆ ~GNEApplicationWindow()

◆ GNEApplicationWindow() [2/3]

GNEApplicationWindow::GNEApplicationWindow ( )

FOX needs this for static members.

Definition at line 4954 of file GNEApplicationWindow.cpp.

◆ GNEApplicationWindow() [3/3]

GNEApplicationWindow::GNEApplicationWindow ( const GNEApplicationWindow )

Invalidated copy constructor.

Member Function Documentation

◆ addBreakpoint()

virtual void GUIMainWindow::addBreakpoint ( const  SUMOTime)

add breakpoint to the application

Reimplemented in GUIApplicationWindow.

Definition at line 179 of file GUIMainWindow.h.

Referenced by GUIMessageWindow::setCursorPos().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ addChild()

void GUIMainWindow::addChild ( FXMainWindow *  child)

Adds a further child window to the list (FXMainWindow)

Definition at line 118 of file GUIMainWindow.cpp.

References GUIMainWindow::myTrackerLock, and GUIMainWindow::myTrackerWindows.

Referenced by GUIParameterTableWindow::closeBuilding(), GUIParameterTracker::GUIParameterTracker(), and GUITLLogicPhasesTrackerWindow::GUITLLogicPhasesTrackerWindow().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ addGLChild()

void GUIMainWindow::addGLChild ( GUIGlChildWindow child)

Adds a further child window to the list (GUIGlChildWindow)

Definition at line 103 of file GUIMainWindow.cpp.

References GUIMainWindow::myGLWindows.

◆ addOnlineMap()

void GUIMainWindow::addOnlineMap ( const std::string &  name,
const std::string &  url 

Definition at line 174 of file GUIMainWindow.h.

References GUIMainWindow::myOnlineMaps.

Referenced by GUIDialog_AppSettings::onCmdOk().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ buildLanguageMenu()

void GUIMainWindow::buildLanguageMenu ( FXMenuBar *  menuBar)

◆ clearUndoList()

void GNEApplicationWindow::clearUndoList ( )

clear undo list

Definition at line 4730 of file GNEApplicationWindow.cpp.

References GNEUndoList::clear(), GUISUMOAbstractView::destroyPopup(), myUndoList, and myViewNet.

Referenced by continueWithUnsavedChanges().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ closeAllWindows()

void GNEApplicationWindow::closeAllWindows ( )

◆ computeJunctionWithVolatileOptions()

long GNEApplicationWindow::computeJunctionWithVolatileOptions ( )

called if the user selects Processing->compute junctions with volatile options

Definition at line 1745 of file GNEApplicationWindow.cpp.

References GNENet::computeNetwork(), GNENet::getViewNet(), myNet, onCmdSaveAdditionals(), onCmdSaveDataElements(), onCmdSaveDemandElements(), onCmdSaveMeanDatas(), TL, updateControls(), and WRITE_DEBUG.

Referenced by onCmdProcessButton().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ consoleOptionsLoaded()

bool GNEApplicationWindow::consoleOptionsLoaded ( )

check if console options was already loaded

Definition at line 1779 of file GNEApplicationWindow.cpp.

References myConsoleOptionsLoaded.

Referenced by GNELoadThread::loadConsoleOptions().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ continueWithUnsavedAdditionalChanges()

bool GNEApplicationWindow::continueWithUnsavedAdditionalChanges ( )

warns about unsaved changes in additionals and gives the user the option to abort

Definition at line 4389 of file GNEApplicationWindow.cpp.

References GUISaveDialog::CLICKED_DISCARD, GUISaveDialog::CLICKED_SAVE, GNENet::getSavingStatus(), GNENetHelper::SavingStatus::isAdditionalsSaved(), myNet, myViewNet, onCmdSaveAdditionals(), GUISaveDialog::question(), TL, and WRITE_DEBUG.

Referenced by continueWithUnsavedChanges().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ continueWithUnsavedChanges()

bool GNEApplicationWindow::continueWithUnsavedChanges ( )

warns about unsaved changes and gives the user the option to abort

Definition at line 4323 of file GNEApplicationWindow.cpp.

References clearUndoList(), GUISaveDialog::CLICKED_DISCARD, GUISaveDialog::CLICKED_SAVE, continueWithUnsavedAdditionalChanges(), continueWithUnsavedDataElementChanges(), continueWithUnsavedDemandElementChanges(), continueWithUnsavedMeanDataElementChanges(), GNENet::getSavingStatus(), GNENetHelper::SavingStatus::isNetworkSaved(), myNet, myViewNet, onCmdSaveNetwork(), GUISaveDialog::question(), TL, and WRITE_DEBUG.

Referenced by onCmdClose(), and onCmdQuit().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ continueWithUnsavedDataElementChanges()

bool GNEApplicationWindow::continueWithUnsavedDataElementChanges ( )

warns about unsaved changes in data elements and gives the user the option to abort

Definition at line 4477 of file GNEApplicationWindow.cpp.

References GUISaveDialog::CLICKED_DISCARD, GUISaveDialog::CLICKED_SAVE, GNENet::getSavingStatus(), GNENetHelper::SavingStatus::isDataElementsSaved(), MID_GNE_FORCESAVE, myNet, myViewNet, onCmdSaveDataElements(), GUISaveDialog::question(), TL, and WRITE_DEBUG.

Referenced by continueWithUnsavedChanges().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ continueWithUnsavedDemandElementChanges()

bool GNEApplicationWindow::continueWithUnsavedDemandElementChanges ( )

warns about unsaved changes in demand elements and gives the user the option to abort

Definition at line 4433 of file GNEApplicationWindow.cpp.

References GUISaveDialog::CLICKED_DISCARD, GUISaveDialog::CLICKED_SAVE, GNENet::getSavingStatus(), GNENetHelper::SavingStatus::isDemandElementsSaved(), MID_GNE_FORCESAVE, myNet, myViewNet, onCmdSaveDemandElements(), GUISaveDialog::question(), TL, and WRITE_DEBUG.

Referenced by continueWithUnsavedChanges().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ continueWithUnsavedMeanDataElementChanges()

bool GNEApplicationWindow::continueWithUnsavedMeanDataElementChanges ( )

warns about unsaved changes in meanData elements and gives the user the option to abort

Definition at line 4521 of file GNEApplicationWindow.cpp.

References GUISaveDialog::CLICKED_DISCARD, GUISaveDialog::CLICKED_SAVE, GNENet::getSavingStatus(), GNENetHelper::SavingStatus::isMeanDatasSaved(), MID_GNE_FORCESAVE, myNet, myViewNet, onCmdSaveMeanDatas(), GUISaveDialog::question(), TL, and WRITE_DEBUG.

Referenced by continueWithUnsavedChanges().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ create()

void GNEApplicationWindow::create ( )

◆ createNewNetwork()

void GNEApplicationWindow::createNewNetwork ( )

create new network

Definition at line 1627 of file GNEApplicationWindow.cpp.

References GNELoadThread::fillOptions(), OptionsCont::getOptions(), gSchemeStorage, myAmLoading, myLoadThread, GNELoadThread::newNetwork(), GUICompleteSchemeStorage::saveViewport(), GNELoadThread::setDefaultOptions(), setStatusBarText(), GUIMainWindow::storeWindowSizeAndPos(), and TL.

Referenced by loadOptionOnStartup(), and onCmdNewNetwork().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ dependentBuild()

◆ disableUndoRedo()

void GNEApplicationWindow::disableUndoRedo ( const std::string &  reason)

disable undo-redo giving a string with the reason

Definition at line 4712 of file GNEApplicationWindow.cpp.

References myUndoRedoListEnabled.

Referenced by GNEPathCreator::addEdge(), GNEPlanCreator::addFromToStoppingPlace(), GNEPathCreator::addJunction(), GNEConsecutiveSelector::addLane(), and GNEPathCreator::addTAZ().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ enableUndoRedo()

void GNEApplicationWindow::enableUndoRedo ( )

disable undo-redo

Definition at line 4718 of file GNEApplicationWindow.cpp.

References myUndoRedoListEnabled.

Referenced by GNEConsecutiveSelector::abortPathCreation(), GNEPathCreator::abortPathCreation(), GNEPlanCreator::abortPathCreation(), GNEContainerPlanFrame::hide(), and GNEPersonPlanFrame::hide().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ eventOccurred()

void GNEApplicationWindow::eventOccurred ( )

Implements MFXInterThreadEventClient.

Definition at line 1234 of file GNEApplicationWindow.cpp.

References DEBUG_OCCURRED, MFXSynchQue< T, Container >::empty(), ERROR_OCCURRED, GUIEvent::getOwnType(), GLDEBUG_OCCURRED, handleEvent_Message(), handleEvent_NetworkLoaded(), MESSAGE_OCCURRED, myEvents, MFXSynchQue< T, Container >::pop(), SIMULATION_LOADED, MFXSynchQue< T, Container >::top(), and WARNING_OCCURRED.

Referenced by onLoadThreadEvent().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ fillMenuBar()

void GNEApplicationWindow::fillMenuBar ( )

Builds the menu bar.

Definition at line 1336 of file GNEApplicationWindow.cpp.

References GNEApplicationWindowHelper::EditMenuCommands::DataViewOptions::buildDataViewOptionsMenuChecks(), GNEApplicationWindowHelper::EditMenuCommands::DemandViewOptions::buildDemandViewOptionsMenuChecks(), GNEApplicationWindowHelper::FileMenuCommands::buildFileMenuCommands(), GNEApplicationWindowHelper::EditMenuCommands::buildFrontElementMenuCommand(), GUIDesigns::buildFXMenuCommandShortcut(), GUIDesigns::buildFXMenuTitle(), GNEApplicationWindowHelper::HelpMenuCommands::buildHelpMenuCommands(), GUIMainWindow::buildLanguageMenu(), GNEApplicationWindowHelper::LocateMenuCommands::buildLocateMenuCommands(), GNEApplicationWindowHelper::LockMenuCommands::buildLockMenuCommands(), GNEApplicationWindowHelper::ModesMenuCommands::buildModesMenuCommands(), GNEApplicationWindowHelper::EditMenuCommands::NetworkViewOptions::buildNetworkViewOptionsMenuChecks(), GNEApplicationWindowHelper::EditMenuCommands::buildOpenSUMOMenuCommands(), GNEApplicationWindowHelper::ProcessingMenuCommands::buildProcessingMenuCommands(), GNEApplicationWindowHelper::MenuBarFile::buildRecentConfigFiles(), GNEApplicationWindowHelper::MenuBarFile::buildRecentNetworkFiles(), GNEApplicationWindowHelper::SupermodeCommands::buildSupermodeCommands(), GNEApplicationWindowHelper::ToolsMenuCommands::buildTools(), GNEApplicationWindowHelper::EditMenuCommands::buildUndoRedoMenuCommands(), GNEApplicationWindowHelper::EditMenuCommands::buildViewMenuCommands(), GNEApplicationWindowHelper::WindowsMenuCommands::buildWindowsMenuCommands(), COLORWHEEL, GNEApplicationWindowHelper::EditMenuCommands::dataViewOptions, GNEApplicationWindowHelper::EditMenuCommands::demandViewOptions, E1, GUIIconSubSys::getIcon(), GNEApplicationWindowHelper::EditMenuCommands::DataViewOptions::hideDataViewOptionsMenuChecks(), GNEApplicationWindowHelper::EditMenuCommands::DemandViewOptions::hideDemandViewOptionsMenuChecks(), GNEApplicationWindowHelper::EditMenuCommands::NetworkViewOptions::hideNetworkViewOptionsMenuChecks(), GNEApplicationWindowHelper::ToolbarsGrip::menu, MID_GNE_LOCK_MENUTITLE, MID_GNE_MODESMENUTITLE, MID_HOTKEY_CTRL_Q_CLOSE, MODEADDITIONAL, MODECREATEEDGE, MODETLS, myEditMenu, myEditMenuCommands, myFileMenu, myFileMenuAdditionals, myFileMenuCommands, myFileMenuDataElements, myFileMenuDemandElements, myFileMenuEdgeTypes, myFileMenuMeanDataElements, myFileMenuNeteditConfig, myFileMenuRecentConfigs, myFileMenuRecentNetworks, myFileMenuSumoConfig, myFileMenuTLS, myHelpMenu, myHelpMenuCommands, myLocateMenuCommands, myLocatorMenu, myLockMenu, myLockMenuCommands, myLockMenuTitle, myMenuBarFile, myMenuPaneToolMaps, myMessageWindow, myModesMenu, myModesMenuCommands, myModesMenuTitle, myProcessingMenu, myProcessingMenuCommands, GUIMainWindow::myStatusbar, mySupermodeCommands, myToolbarsGrip, myToolsDetectorMenu, myToolsDistrictMenu, myToolsDRTMenu, myToolsEmissionsMenu, myToolsImportCityBrainMenu, myToolsImportGTFSMenu, myToolsImportMenu, myToolsImportVissim, myToolsImportVisum, myToolsMenu, myToolsMenuCommands, myToolsNetMenu, myToolsOutputMenu, myToolsRouteMenu, myToolsShapes, myToolsTLS, myToolsTurnDefs, myToolsVisualizationMenu, myToolsXML, myWindowMenu, myWindowsMenuCommands, GNEApplicationWindowHelper::EditMenuCommands::networkViewOptions, TAZ, TL, TOOL_CITYBRAIN, TOOL_GTFS, TOOL_IMPORT, TOOL_OUTPUT, TOOL_TURNDEFS, TOOL_VISSIM, TOOL_VISUM, TOOL_XML, and VCLASS_SMALL_TAXI.

Referenced by dependentBuild().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getActiveView()

GUISUMOAbstractView * GUIMainWindow::getActiveView ( ) const

get the active view or 0

Definition at line 278 of file GUIMainWindow.cpp.

References GUIGlChildWindow::getView(), and GUIMainWindow::myMDIClient.

Referenced by GUIVehicle::drawOutsideNetwork().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getBoldFont()

FXFont * GUIMainWindow::getBoldFont ( )

get bold front

Definition at line 174 of file GUIMainWindow.cpp.

References GUIMainWindow::myBoldFont.

Referenced by GUICursorDialog::buildDialogElements(), GUIGlObject::buildPopupHeader(), GNEElementTree::createPopUpMenu(), and GNENetworkElement::getShapeEditedPopUpMenu().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getBuildGLCanvas()

FXGLCanvas * GNEApplicationWindow::getBuildGLCanvas ( ) const

get build GL Canvas (must be implemented in all children)

Implements GUIMainWindow.

Definition at line 1488 of file GNEApplicationWindow.cpp.

◆ getCartesianLabel()

FXLabel * GUIMainWindow::getCartesianLabel ( )

get cartesian label

Definition at line 221 of file GUIMainWindow.cpp.

References GUIMainWindow::myCartesianCoordinate.

Referenced by GUISUMOAbstractView::updatePositionInformationLabel().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getCurrentSimTime()

SUMOTime GNEApplicationWindow::getCurrentSimTime ( ) const

get current simulation time (pure virtual but we don't need it)

Implements GUIMainWindow.

Definition at line 1495 of file GNEApplicationWindow.cpp.

◆ getDefaultCursor()

FXCursor * GNEApplicationWindow::getDefaultCursor ( )

get default cursor

Definition at line 1598 of file GNEApplicationWindow.cpp.

◆ getDelay()

virtual double GUIMainWindow::getDelay ( ) const

Returns the delay (should be overwritten by subclasses if applicable)

parsed delay in milliseconds

Reimplemented in GUIApplicationWindow.

Definition at line 141 of file GUIMainWindow.h.

Referenced by GUISUMOAbstractView::getDelay(), and GUIViewTraffic::saveFrame().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getEditMenuCommands()

GNEApplicationWindowHelper::EditMenuCommands & GNEApplicationWindow::getEditMenuCommands ( )

get Edit Menu Commands (needed for show/hide menu commands)

Definition at line 4753 of file GNEApplicationWindow.cpp.

References myEditMenuCommands.

Referenced by GNEViewNet::updateDataModeSpecificControls(), GNEViewNet::updateDemandModeSpecificControls(), and GNEViewNet::updateNetworkModeSpecificControls().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getFallbackFont()

FXFont * GUIMainWindow::getFallbackFont ( )

get fallback front

Definition at line 179 of file GUIMainWindow.cpp.

References GUIMainWindow::myFallbackFont.

Referenced by GUIParameterTableWindow::checkFont().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getFileMenuCommands()

GNEApplicationWindowHelper::FileMenuCommands & GNEApplicationWindow::getFileMenuCommands ( )

get file Menu Commands (needed for show/hide menu commands)

Definition at line 4741 of file GNEApplicationWindow.cpp.

References myFileMenuCommands.

◆ getFolder()

FXString GNEApplicationWindow::getFolder ( const std::string &  folder) const

extract folder

Definition at line 4599 of file GNEApplicationWindow.cpp.

References gCurrentFolder.

Referenced by onCmdSaveAdditionalsAs(), onCmdSaveDataElementsAs(), onCmdSaveDemandElementsAs(), and onCmdSaveMeanDatasAs().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getGeoLabel()

FXLabel * GUIMainWindow::getGeoLabel ( )

get geo label

Definition at line 227 of file GUIMainWindow.cpp.

References GUIMainWindow::myGeoCoordinate.

Referenced by GUISUMOAbstractView::updatePositionInformationLabel().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getGLVisual()

FXGLVisual * GUIMainWindow::getGLVisual ( ) const

get GL Visual

Definition at line 203 of file GUIMainWindow.cpp.

References GUIMainWindow::myGLVisual.

Referenced by GUISUMOViewParent::init().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getInstance()

GUIMainWindow * GUIMainWindow::getInstance ( void  )

get instance

Definition at line 269 of file GUIMainWindow.cpp.

References GUIMainWindow::myInstance.

Referenced by GUINet::addHotkey(), GUIVehicle::drawOutsideNetwork(), GUITexturesHelper::getTextureID(), GUINet::updateGUI(), and GUIRunThread::waitForSnapshots().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getLockMenuCommands()

GNEApplicationWindowHelper::LockMenuCommands & GNEApplicationWindow::getLockMenuCommands ( )

get lock Menu Commands

Definition at line 4759 of file GNEApplicationWindow.cpp.

References myLockMenuCommands.

◆ getModesMenuCommands()

GNEApplicationWindowHelper::ModesMenuCommands & GNEApplicationWindow::getModesMenuCommands ( )

get modes Menu Commands (needed for show/hide menu commands)

Definition at line 4747 of file GNEApplicationWindow.cpp.

References myModesMenuCommands.

◆ getNetgenerateOptions()

OptionsCont & GNEApplicationWindow::getNetgenerateOptions ( )

get netgenerate options container

Definition at line 4777 of file GNEApplicationWindow.cpp.

References myNetgenerateOptions.

Referenced by GNENetgenerateDialog::onCmdSetGrid(), GNENetgenerateDialog::onCmdSetOutput(), GNENetgenerateDialog::onCmdSetRandom(), GNENetgenerateDialog::onCmdSetRandomGrid(), GNENetgenerateDialog::onCmdSetSpider(), GNENetgenerateDialog::onUpdSettingsConfigured(), and GNENetgenerateDialog::openDialog().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getOnlineMaps()

const std::map<std::string, std::string>& GUIMainWindow::getOnlineMaps ( ) const

Definition at line 170 of file GUIMainWindow.h.

References GUIMainWindow::myOnlineMaps.

Referenced by GUIGlObject::buildPositionCopyEntry(), and GUIGLObjectPopupMenu::onCmdShowCursorGeoPositionOnline().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getProcessingMenuCommands()

const GNEApplicationWindowHelper::ProcessingMenuCommands & GNEApplicationWindow::getProcessingMenuCommands ( ) const

get processing Menu Commands

Definition at line 4765 of file GNEApplicationWindow.cpp.

References myProcessingMenuCommands.

◆ getStaticTooltipMenu()

◆ getStaticTooltipView()

MFXStaticToolTip * GUIMainWindow::getStaticTooltipView ( ) const

get static toolTip for view

Definition at line 215 of file GUIMainWindow.cpp.

References GUIMainWindow::myStaticTooltipView.

Referenced by GUIGlChildWindow::buildNavigationToolBar(), GUIGlChildWindow::onCmdShowToolTipsView(), GUISUMOAbstractView::paintGL(), GNEUndoListDialog::recalcList(), GUISUMOAbstractView::showToolTipFor(), and GUISUMOAbstractView::updateToolTip().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getSumoOptions()

OptionsCont & GNEApplicationWindow::getSumoOptions ( )

get SUMO options container

Definition at line 4771 of file GNEApplicationWindow.cpp.

References mySumoOptions.

Referenced by GNELoadThread::run(), and GNENet::saveNetwork().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getTestFrame()

FXHorizontalFrame * GUIMainWindow::getTestFrame ( )

get test frame

Definition at line 239 of file GUIMainWindow.cpp.

References GUIMainWindow::myTestFrame.

Referenced by GUISUMOAbstractView::updatePositionInformationLabel().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getTestLabel()

FXLabel * GUIMainWindow::getTestLabel ( )

get test label

Definition at line 233 of file GUIMainWindow.cpp.

References GUIMainWindow::myTestCoordinate.

Referenced by GUISUMOAbstractView::updatePositionInformationLabel().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getToolbarsGrip()

GNEApplicationWindowHelper::ToolbarsGrip & GNEApplicationWindow::getToolbarsGrip ( )

get ToolbarsGrip

Definition at line 1525 of file GNEApplicationWindow.cpp.

References myToolbarsGrip.

Referenced by GNEViewNet::buildEditModeControls(), dependentBuild(), handleEvent_NetworkLoaded(), GNEViewNet::updateDataModeSpecificControls(), GNEViewNet::updateDemandModeSpecificControls(), GNEViewNet::updateNetworkModeSpecificControls(), and GNEViewParent::~GNEViewParent().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getTopDock()

FXDockSite * GUIMainWindow::getTopDock ( )

get top dock

Definition at line 135 of file GUIMainWindow.cpp.

References GUIMainWindow::myTopDock.

◆ getTrackerInterval()

double GNEApplicationWindow::getTrackerInterval ( ) const

get current tracker interval (pure virtual but we don't need it)

Implements GUIMainWindow.

Definition at line 1501 of file GNEApplicationWindow.cpp.

◆ getUndoList()

GNEUndoList * GNEApplicationWindow::getUndoList ( )

get pointer to undoList

Definition at line 1507 of file GNEApplicationWindow.cpp.

References myUndoList.

Referenced by GNENetDiffTool::loadShapes(), GNEUndoListDialog::onCmdSelectRow(), GNEUndoListDialog::recalcList(), GNEUndoListDialog::updateList(), and GNEViewParent::updateUndoRedoButtons().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getUndoListDialog()

GNEUndoListDialog * GNEApplicationWindow::getUndoListDialog ( )

get pointer to undoList dialog

Definition at line 1513 of file GNEApplicationWindow.cpp.

References myUndoListDialog.

◆ getViewByID()

GUIGlChildWindow * GUIMainWindow::getViewByID ( const std::string &  id) const

get specific view by ID

Definition at line 151 of file GUIMainWindow.cpp.

References GUIMainWindow::myGLWindows.

Referenced by GUIMessageWindow::setCursorPos().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getViewIDs()

std::vector< std::string > GUIMainWindow::getViewIDs ( ) const

get view IDs

Definition at line 141 of file GUIMainWindow.cpp.

References GUIMainWindow::myGLWindows.

Referenced by GUIMessageWindow::setCursorPos().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getViewNet()

GNEViewNet * GNEApplicationWindow::getViewNet ( )

get pointer to viewNet

Definition at line 1519 of file GNEApplicationWindow.cpp.

References myViewNet.

Referenced by GNEUndoList::begin(), GNEUndoList::end(), GNENetDiffTool::loadShapes(), GNEOptionsDialog::onCmdShowToolTipsMenu(), GNEPythonToolDialog::onCmdShowToolTipsMenu(), and GNENetDiffTool::postProcessing().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getViews()

const std::vector< GUIGlChildWindow * > & GUIMainWindow::getViews ( ) const

get views

Definition at line 184 of file GUIMainWindow.cpp.

References GUIMainWindow::myGLWindows.

Referenced by GUIRunThread::waitForSnapshots().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ handleEvent_Message()

void GNEApplicationWindow::handleEvent_Message ( GUIEvent e)

handle event of type message

Definition at line 1326 of file GNEApplicationWindow.cpp.

References GUIMessageWindow::appendMsg(), GUIEvent_Message::getMsg(), GUIEvent::getOwnType(), and myMessageWindow.

Referenced by eventOccurred().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ handleEvent_NetworkLoaded()

void GNEApplicationWindow::handleEvent_NetworkLoaded ( GUIEvent e)

◆ isFullScreen()

bool GUIMainWindow::isFullScreen ( )

Definition at line 166 of file GUIMainWindow.h.

References GUIMainWindow::myAmFullScreen.

Referenced by GUIViewTraffic::onDoubleClicked().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ isGaming()

bool GUIMainWindow::isGaming ( ) const

return whether the gui is in gaming mode

Definition at line 245 of file GUIMainWindow.cpp.

References GUIMainWindow::myAmGaming.

Referenced by GUISUMOViewParent::init(), GUISUMOAbstractView::onLeftBtnRelease(), GUISUMOAbstractView::onMiddleBtnPress(), GUISUMOAbstractView::onMiddleBtnRelease(), GUISUMOAbstractView::onMouseWheel(), GUISUMOAbstractView::onRightBtnPress(), GUISUMOAbstractView::onRightBtnRelease(), and GUIViewTraffic::setColorScheme().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ isUndoRedoEnabled()

const std::string & GNEApplicationWindow::isUndoRedoEnabled ( ) const

check if undo-redo is enabled

Definition at line 4724 of file GNEApplicationWindow.cpp.

References myUndoRedoListEnabled.

Referenced by GNEUndoList::onUpdRedo(), and GNEUndoList::onUpdUndo().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ listInternal()

bool GUIMainWindow::listInternal ( ) const

return whether to list internal structures

Definition at line 251 of file GUIMainWindow.cpp.

References GUIMainWindow::myListInternal.

Referenced by GUISUMOViewParent::getObjectIDs().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ listParking()

bool GUIMainWindow::listParking ( ) const

return whether to list parking vehicles

Definition at line 257 of file GUIMainWindow.cpp.

References GUIMainWindow::myListParking.

Referenced by GUIApplicationWindow::fillMenuBar(), and GUISUMOViewParent::getObjectIDs().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ listTeleporting()

bool GUIMainWindow::listTeleporting ( ) const

return whether to list teleporting vehicles

Definition at line 263 of file GUIMainWindow.cpp.

References GUIMainWindow::myListTeleporting.

Referenced by GUISUMOViewParent::getObjectIDs().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ loadAdditionalElements()

void GNEApplicationWindow::loadAdditionalElements ( )

◆ loadConfiguration()

void GNEApplicationWindow::loadConfiguration ( const std::string &  configurationFile)

◆ loadDataElements()

void GNEApplicationWindow::loadDataElements ( )

load data elements

Definition at line 4914 of file GNEApplicationWindow.cpp.

References GNEUndoList::begin(), DATA, GNENet::disableUpdateData(), GNENet::enableUpdateData(), GNEUndoList::end(), GNEViewNet::getNet(), OptionsCont::getOptions(), FileHelpers::isReadable(), myNet, myUndoList, myViewNet, DataHandler::parse(), XMLSubSys::setValidation(), SUPERMODEDATA, TL, toString(), WRITE_ERRORF, and WRITE_MESSAGE.

Referenced by handleEvent_NetworkLoaded().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ loadDemandElements()

void GNEApplicationWindow::loadDemandElements ( )

load demand elements

Definition at line 4832 of file GNEApplicationWindow.cpp.

References GNEUndoList::begin(), DEMAND, GNEUndoList::end(), OptionsCont::getOptions(), FileHelpers::isReadable(), myNet, myUndoList, GeneralHandler::parse(), setInputInSumoOptions(), XMLSubSys::setValidation(), SUPERMODEDEMAND, TL, toString(), WRITE_ERRORF, and WRITE_MESSAGE.

Referenced by handleEvent_NetworkLoaded().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ loadMeanDataElements()

void GNEApplicationWindow::loadMeanDataElements ( )

load meanData elements

Definition at line 4876 of file GNEApplicationWindow.cpp.

References GNEUndoList::begin(), DATA, GNEUndoList::end(), OptionsCont::getOptions(), FileHelpers::isReadable(), MODEMEANDATA, myNet, myUndoList, GeneralHandler::parse(), setInputInSumoOptions(), XMLSubSys::setValidation(), TL, toString(), WRITE_ERRORF, and WRITE_MESSAGE.

Referenced by handleEvent_NetworkLoaded().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ loadNetwork()

void GNEApplicationWindow::loadNetwork ( const std::string &  networkFile)

◆ loadOptionOnStartup()

void GNEApplicationWindow::loadOptionOnStartup ( )

load net on startup

Definition at line 1604 of file GNEApplicationWindow.cpp.

References createNewNetwork(), OptionsCont::getOptions(), GNELoadThread::loadNetworkOrConfig(), myAmLoading, myLoadThread, myMenuBarFile, GNEApplicationWindowHelper::MenuBarFile::myRecentConfigs, GNEApplicationWindowHelper::MenuBarFile::myRecentNetworks, setStatusBarText(), and TL.

Referenced by main().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ loadOSM()

void GNEApplicationWindow::loadOSM ( const std::string &  OSMFile)

◆ onClipboardRequest()

long GNEApplicationWindow::onClipboardRequest ( FXObject *  sender,
FXSelector  sel,
void *  ptr 

called when the command/FXCall clipboard request is executed

Definition at line 1218 of file GNEApplicationWindow.cpp.

References GUIUserIO::clipped.

Referenced by FXDEFMAP().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ onCmdAbort()

◆ onCmdAbout()

long GNEApplicationWindow::onCmdAbout ( FXObject *  ,
FXSelector  ,
void *   

called when the command/FXCall show about dialog is executed

Definition at line 1205 of file GNEApplicationWindow.cpp.

References GNEAbout::create(), and WRITE_DEBUG.

Referenced by FXDEFMAP().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ onCmdBackspace()

long GNEApplicationWindow::onCmdBackspace ( FXObject *  sender,
FXSelector  sel,
void *  ptr 

called if the user hits backspace

Definition at line 2118 of file GNEApplicationWindow.cpp.

References GNEViewNet::hotkeyBackSpace(), myViewNet, and WRITE_DEBUG.

Referenced by FXDEFMAP().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ onCmdChangeLanguage()

long GUIMainWindow::onCmdChangeLanguage ( FXObject *  ,
FXSelector  sel,
void *   

Definition at line 365 of file GUIMainWindow.cpp.


Referenced by FXDEFMAP().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ onCmdChangelog()

long GNEApplicationWindow::onCmdChangelog ( FXObject *  sender,
FXSelector  sel,
void *  ptr 

called if the user selects help->Changelog

Definition at line 2332 of file GNEApplicationWindow.cpp.

References MFXLinkLabel::fxexecute().

Referenced by FXDEFMAP().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ onCmdClearMsgWindow()

long GNEApplicationWindow::onCmdClearMsgWindow ( FXObject *  ,
FXSelector  ,
void *   

called when the command/FXCall clear message windows is executed

Definition at line 1182 of file GNEApplicationWindow.cpp.

References GUIMessageWindow::clear(), and myMessageWindow.

Referenced by FXDEFMAP().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ onCmdClearSelectionShortcut()

long GNEApplicationWindow::onCmdClearSelectionShortcut ( FXObject *  sender,
FXSelector  sel,
void *  ptr 

called if the user hits key combination for clear selection

Definition at line 2140 of file GNEApplicationWindow.cpp.

References GNESelectorFrame::clearCurrentSelection(), GNEViewParent::getSelectorFrame(), GNEViewNet::getViewParent(), and myViewNet.

Referenced by FXDEFMAP().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ onCmdClearTemplate()

long GNEApplicationWindow::onCmdClearTemplate ( FXObject *  ,
FXSelector  ,
void *   

Definition at line 2569 of file GNEApplicationWindow.cpp.

References GNEInspectorFrame::TemplateEditor::clearTemplate(), GNEViewParent::getInspectorFrame(), GNEInspectorFrame::getTemplateEditor(), GNEViewNet::getViewParent(), myViewNet, and WRITE_DEBUG.

Referenced by FXDEFMAP().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ onCmdClose()

long GNEApplicationWindow::onCmdClose ( FXObject *  ,
FXSelector  ,
void *   

called when the command/FXCall close is executed

Definition at line 1115 of file GNEApplicationWindow.cpp.

References GUIMessageWindow::addSeparator(), closeAllWindows(), continueWithUnsavedChanges(), GNEApplicationWindowHelper::ModesMenuCommands::dataMenuCommands, GNEApplicationWindowHelper::EditMenuCommands::dataViewOptions, GNEApplicationWindowHelper::ModesMenuCommands::demandMenuCommands, GNEApplicationWindowHelper::EditMenuCommands::demandViewOptions, GNEApplicationWindowHelper::ModesMenuCommands::DataMenuCommands::hideDataMenuCommands(), GNEApplicationWindowHelper::EditMenuCommands::DataViewOptions::hideDataViewOptionsMenuChecks(), GNEApplicationWindowHelper::ModesMenuCommands::DemandMenuCommands::hideDemandMenuCommands(), GNEApplicationWindowHelper::EditMenuCommands::DemandViewOptions::hideDemandViewOptionsMenuChecks(), GNEApplicationWindowHelper::ModesMenuCommands::NetworkMenuCommands::hideNetworkMenuCommands(), GNEApplicationWindowHelper::EditMenuCommands::NetworkViewOptions::hideNetworkViewOptionsMenuChecks(), myEditMenuCommands, myMessageWindow, myModesMenuCommands, myViewNet, GNEApplicationWindowHelper::ModesMenuCommands::networkMenuCommands, and GNEApplicationWindowHelper::EditMenuCommands::networkViewOptions.

Referenced by FXDEFMAP(), onCmdNewNetwork(), onCmdOpenForeign(), onCmdOpenNetconvertConfig(), onCmdOpenNeteditConfig(), onCmdOpenNetwork(), onCmdOpenRecent(), onCmdOpenSumoConfig(), onCmdReloadNeteditConfig(), onCmdReloadNetwork(), onCmdReloadSumoConfig(), and onCmdSmartReload().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ onCmdComputePathManager()

long GNEApplicationWindow::onCmdComputePathManager ( FXObject *  ,
FXSelector  ,
void *   

Definition at line 2510 of file GNEApplicationWindow.cpp.

References GNEViewNet::getNet(), GNEPathManager::getPathCalculator(), GNENet::getPathManager(), GNEPathManager::PathCalculator::isPathCalculatorUpdated(), myViewNet, and GNEPathManager::PathCalculator::updatePathCalculator().

Referenced by FXDEFMAP().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ onCmdCopy()

long GNEApplicationWindow::onCmdCopy ( FXObject *  ,
FXSelector  ,
void *   

Definition at line 2529 of file GNEApplicationWindow.cpp.

References WRITE_DEBUG.

◆ onCmdCopyTemplate()

long GNEApplicationWindow::onCmdCopyTemplate ( FXObject *  ,
FXSelector  ,
void *   

Definition at line 2557 of file GNEApplicationWindow.cpp.

References GNEInspectorFrame::TemplateEditor::copyTemplate(), GNEViewParent::getInspectorFrame(), GNEInspectorFrame::getTemplateEditor(), GNEViewNet::getViewParent(), myViewNet, and WRITE_DEBUG.

Referenced by FXDEFMAP().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ onCmdCut()

long GNEApplicationWindow::onCmdCut ( FXObject *  ,
FXSelector  ,
void *   

called when user press Ctrl+Z

Definition at line 2521 of file GNEApplicationWindow.cpp.

References WRITE_DEBUG.

◆ onCmdDel()

long GNEApplicationWindow::onCmdDel ( FXObject *  sender,
FXSelector  sel,
void *  ptr 

called if the user hits del

Definition at line 2094 of file GNEApplicationWindow.cpp.

References GNEViewNet::hotkeyDel(), myViewNet, and WRITE_DEBUG.

Referenced by FXDEFMAP().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ onCmdEditChosen()

long GNEApplicationWindow::onCmdEditChosen ( FXObject *  ,
FXSelector  ,
void *   

called when the command/FXCall edit chosen is executed

Definition at line 662 of file GNEApplicationWindow.cpp.

References gSelected.

◆ onCmdEditViewport()

long GNEApplicationWindow::onCmdEditViewport ( FXObject *  ,
FXSelector  ,
void *   

Called on menu Edit->Viewport.

Definition at line 2209 of file GNEApplicationWindow.cpp.

References myViewNet, and GUISUMOAbstractView::showViewportEditor().

Referenced by FXDEFMAP().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ onCmdEditViewScheme()

long GNEApplicationWindow::onCmdEditViewScheme ( FXObject *  ,
FXSelector  ,
void *   

Called on menu Edit->Visualization.

Definition at line 2219 of file GNEApplicationWindow.cpp.

References myViewNet, and GUISUMOAbstractView::showViewschemeEditor().

Referenced by FXDEFMAP().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ onCmdEnter()

long GNEApplicationWindow::onCmdEnter ( FXObject *  sender,
FXSelector  sel,
void *  ptr 

called if the user hits enter

Definition at line 2106 of file GNEApplicationWindow.cpp.

References GNEViewNet::hotkeyEnter(), myViewNet, and WRITE_DEBUG.

Referenced by FXDEFMAP().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ onCmdFeedback()

long GNEApplicationWindow::onCmdFeedback ( FXObject *  sender,
FXSelector  sel,
void *  ptr 

called if the user selects help->feedback

Definition at line 2364 of file GNEApplicationWindow.cpp.

References GUIDialog_Feedback::create(), and WRITE_DEBUG.

Referenced by FXDEFMAP().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ onCmdFocusFrame()

long GNEApplicationWindow::onCmdFocusFrame ( FXObject *  sender,
FXSelector  sel,
void *  ptr 

called if the user hits key combination for focus on frame

Definition at line 2130 of file GNEApplicationWindow.cpp.

References GNEViewNet::hotkeyFocusFrame(), and myViewNet.

Referenced by FXDEFMAP().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ onCmdFullScreen()

virtual long GUIMainWindow::onCmdFullScreen ( FXObject *  ,
FXSelector  ,
void *   

Toggle full screen mode.

Reimplemented in GUIApplicationWindow.

Definition at line 162 of file GUIMainWindow.h.

Referenced by GUIViewTraffic::onDoubleClicked().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ onCmdHelp()

long GNEApplicationWindow::onCmdHelp ( FXObject *  sender,
FXSelector  sel,
void *  ptr 

called if the user selects help->Documentation

Definition at line 2325 of file GNEApplicationWindow.cpp.

References MFXLinkLabel::fxexecute().

Referenced by FXDEFMAP().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ onCmdHotkeys()

long GNEApplicationWindow::onCmdHotkeys ( FXObject *  sender,
FXSelector  sel,
void *  ptr 

called if the user selects help->Hotkeys

Definition at line 2340 of file GNEApplicationWindow.cpp.

References MFXLinkLabel::fxexecute().

Referenced by FXDEFMAP().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ onCmdLoadAdditionalsInSUMOGUI()

long GNEApplicationWindow::onCmdLoadAdditionalsInSUMOGUI ( FXObject *  ,
FXSelector  ,
void *   

called when user toggle windows checkbox "load additionals"

Definition at line 1189 of file GNEApplicationWindow.cpp.

References WRITE_DEBUG.

Referenced by FXDEFMAP().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ onCmdLoadDemandInSUMOGUI()

long GNEApplicationWindow::onCmdLoadDemandInSUMOGUI ( FXObject *  ,
FXSelector  ,
void *   

called when user toggle windows checkbox "load demand"

Definition at line 1197 of file GNEApplicationWindow.cpp.

References WRITE_DEBUG.

Referenced by FXDEFMAP().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ onCmdLocate()

long GNEApplicationWindow::onCmdLocate ( FXObject *  ,
FXSelector  sel,
void *   

called when the command/FXCall locate is executed

Definition at line 1138 of file GNEApplicationWindow.cpp.

References GUIMainWindow::myMDIClient, and GNEViewParent::onCmdLocate().

Referenced by FXDEFMAP().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ onCmdLockAllElements()

long GNEApplicationWindow::onCmdLockAllElements ( FXObject *  ,
FXSelector  sel,
void *   

called when user press lock all elements button

Definition at line 1819 of file GNEApplicationWindow.cpp.

References GNEViewNet::getLockManager(), GNEApplicationWindowHelper::LockMenuCommands::lockAll(), myLockMenuCommands, myViewNet, and GNEViewNetHelper::LockManager::updateFlags().

Referenced by FXDEFMAP().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ onCmdLockElements()

long GNEApplicationWindow::onCmdLockElements ( FXObject *  ,
FXSelector  sel,
void *   

called when user press a lock menu check

Definition at line 1810 of file GNEApplicationWindow.cpp.

References GNEViewNet::getLockManager(), myViewNet, and GNEViewNetHelper::LockManager::updateFlags().

Referenced by FXDEFMAP().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ onCmdLockSelectElements()

long GNEApplicationWindow::onCmdLockSelectElements ( FXObject *  ,
FXSelector  sel,
void *   

called when user press lock select elements button

Definition at line 1837 of file GNEApplicationWindow.cpp.

References myViewNet.

Referenced by FXDEFMAP().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ onCmdNewNetwork()

long GNEApplicationWindow::onCmdNewNetwork ( FXObject *  ,
FXSelector  ,
void *   

called when the command/FXCall new network is executed

Definition at line 672 of file GNEApplicationWindow.cpp.

References createNewNetwork(), and onCmdClose().

Referenced by FXDEFMAP().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ onCmdNewWindow()

long GNEApplicationWindow::onCmdNewWindow ( FXObject *  ,
FXSelector  sel,
void *   

Definition at line 1965 of file GNEApplicationWindow.cpp.

References OptionsCont::getValueString(), FileHelpers::isReadable(), MID_GNE_POSTPROCESSINGNETGENERATE, myNetgenerateOptions, SysUtils::runHiddenCommand(), TL, and WRITE_MESSAGE.

Referenced by FXDEFMAP(), and onCmdPostprocessingNetgenerate().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ onCmdOpenAdditionals()

long GNEApplicationWindow::onCmdOpenAdditionals ( FXObject *  ,
FXSelector  ,
void *   

◆ onCmdOpenDataElements()

◆ onCmdOpenDemandElements()

long GNEApplicationWindow::onCmdOpenDemandElements ( FXObject *  ,
FXSelector  ,
void *   

◆ onCmdOpenEdgeTypes()

long GNEApplicationWindow::onCmdOpenEdgeTypes ( FXObject *  ,
FXSelector  ,
void *   

◆ onCmdOpenForeign()

long GNEApplicationWindow::onCmdOpenForeign ( FXObject *  ,
FXSelector  ,
void *   

called when the command/FXCall open foreign is executed

Definition at line 709 of file GNEApplicationWindow.cpp.

References loadOSM(), onCmdClose(), and GNEApplicationWindowHelper::openOSMFileDialog().

Referenced by FXDEFMAP().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ onCmdOpenMeanDatas()

long GNEApplicationWindow::onCmdOpenMeanDatas ( FXObject *  ,
FXSelector  ,
void *   

◆ onCmdOpenNetconvertConfig()

long GNEApplicationWindow::onCmdOpenNetconvertConfig ( FXObject *  ,
FXSelector  ,
void *   

called when the command/FXCall open netconvertconfiguration is executed

Definition at line 683 of file GNEApplicationWindow.cpp.

References loadConfiguration(), onCmdClose(), and GNEApplicationWindowHelper::openNetconvertFileDialog().

Referenced by FXDEFMAP().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ onCmdOpenNeteditConfig()

long GNEApplicationWindow::onCmdOpenNeteditConfig ( FXObject *  ,
FXSelector  ,
void *   

called when the command/FXCall open netedit config is executed

Definition at line 721 of file GNEApplicationWindow.cpp.

References GNELoadThread::fillOptions(), OptionsCont::getOptions(), GNELoadThread::loadNetworkOrConfig(), myLoadThread, onCmdClose(), GNEApplicationWindowHelper::openNeteditConfigFileDialog(), and GNELoadThread::setDefaultOptions().

Referenced by FXDEFMAP().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ onCmdOpenNetgenerateDialog()

long GNEApplicationWindow::onCmdOpenNetgenerateDialog ( FXObject *  ,
FXSelector  ,
void *   

called when user press "netgenerate" button

Definition at line 2407 of file GNEApplicationWindow.cpp.

References myToolsMenuCommands, and GNEApplicationWindowHelper::ToolsMenuCommands::showNetgenerateDialog().

Referenced by FXDEFMAP().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ onCmdOpenNetgenerateOptionsDialog()

long GNEApplicationWindow::onCmdOpenNetgenerateOptionsDialog ( FXObject *  ,
FXSelector  ,
void *   

called when user press "netgenerate options" button

Definition at line 2413 of file GNEApplicationWindow.cpp.

References myNetgenerateOptions, myOriginalNetgenerateOptions, NETGENERATE, GNEOptionsDialog::Run(), and TL.

Referenced by FXDEFMAP().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ onCmdOpenNetwork()

long GNEApplicationWindow::onCmdOpenNetwork ( FXObject *  ,
FXSelector  ,
void *   

called when the command/FXCall open network is executed

Definition at line 696 of file GNEApplicationWindow.cpp.

References loadNetwork(), onCmdClose(), and GNEApplicationWindowHelper::openNetworkFileDialog().

Referenced by FXDEFMAP().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ onCmdOpenOptionsDialog()

long GNEApplicationWindow::onCmdOpenOptionsDialog ( FXObject *  ,
FXSelector  ,
void *   

called when user press "options" button

Definition at line 2378 of file GNEApplicationWindow.cpp.

References NBFrame::checkOptions(), NIFrame::checkOptions(), NWFrame::checkOptions(), SystemFrame::checkOptions(), OptionsCont::getOptions(), GNENet::getSavingStatus(), myNet, myOriginalNeteditOptions, GNEOptionsDialog::Options(), OPTIONS, GNENetHelper::SavingStatus::requireSaveNeteditConfig(), and TL.

Referenced by FXDEFMAP().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ onCmdOpenPythonToolDialog()

long GNEApplicationWindow::onCmdOpenPythonToolDialog ( FXObject *  obj,
FXSelector  ,
void *   

called when user press over a tool dialog button

Definition at line 1150 of file GNEApplicationWindow.cpp.

References myToolsMenuCommands, and GNEApplicationWindowHelper::ToolsMenuCommands::showTool().

Referenced by FXDEFMAP().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ onCmdOpenRecent()

long GNEApplicationWindow::onCmdOpenRecent ( FXObject *  ,
FXSelector  ,
void *  fileData 

called when the command/FXCall open recent is executed

Definition at line 1091 of file GNEApplicationWindow.cpp.

References loadConfiguration(), loadNetwork(), myAmLoading, GUIMainWindow::myStatusbar, onCmdClose(), and TL.

Referenced by FXDEFMAP().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ onCmdOpenSumoConfig()

long GNEApplicationWindow::onCmdOpenSumoConfig ( FXObject *  ,
FXSelector  ,
void *   

called when the command/FXCall open SumoConfig is executed

Definition at line 743 of file GNEApplicationWindow.cpp.

References GNELoadThread::fillOptions(), OptionsCont::getOptions(), GNELoadThread::loadNetworkOrConfig(), myLoadThread, onCmdClose(), GNEApplicationWindowHelper::openSumoConfigFileDialog(), and GNELoadThread::setDefaultOptions().

Referenced by FXDEFMAP().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ onCmdOpenSUMOGUI()

◆ onCmdOpenSumoOptionsDialog()

long GNEApplicationWindow::onCmdOpenSumoOptionsDialog ( FXObject *  ,
FXSelector  ,
void *   

called when user press "sumo options" button

Definition at line 2396 of file GNEApplicationWindow.cpp.

References GNENet::getSavingStatus(), myNet, myOriginalSumoOptions, mySumoOptions, GNEOptionsDialog::Options(), GNENetHelper::SavingStatus::requireSaveSumoConfig(), SUMO_MINI, and TL.

Referenced by FXDEFMAP().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ onCmdOpenTLSPrograms()

long GNEApplicationWindow::onCmdOpenTLSPrograms ( FXObject *  ,
FXSelector  ,
void *   

called when the command/FXCall open TLS programs is executed

Definition at line 830 of file GNEApplicationWindow.cpp.

References GNEUndoList::abortAllChangeGroups(), GNEUndoList::begin(), GNENet::computeNetwork(), GNEUndoList::end(), OptionsCont::getOptions(), GNEViewParent::getTLSEditorFrame(), GNENet::getViewNet(), GNEViewNet::getViewParent(), MODETLS, myNet, myUndoList, NETWORK, GNEApplicationWindowHelper::openTLSFileDialog(), GNETLSEditorFrame::parseTLSPrograms(), TL, and WRITE_DEBUG.

Referenced by FXDEFMAP().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ onCmdOpenUndoListDialog()

long GNEApplicationWindow::onCmdOpenUndoListDialog ( FXObject *  ,
FXSelector  ,
void *   

Definition at line 2483 of file GNEApplicationWindow.cpp.

References myUndoListDialog, GNEUndoListDialog::setFocus(), GNEUndoListDialog::show(), and GNEUndoListDialog::shown().

Referenced by FXDEFMAP().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ onCmdPaste()

long GNEApplicationWindow::onCmdPaste ( FXObject *  ,
FXSelector  ,
void *   

Definition at line 2537 of file GNEApplicationWindow.cpp.

References WRITE_DEBUG.

◆ onCmdPostprocessingNetgenerate()

long GNEApplicationWindow::onCmdPostprocessingNetgenerate ( FXObject *  sender,
FXSelector  sel,
void *  ptr 

postprocessing netgenerate

Definition at line 2203 of file GNEApplicationWindow.cpp.


Referenced by FXDEFMAP().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ onCmdPostProcessingPythonTool()

long GNEApplicationWindow::onCmdPostProcessingPythonTool ( FXObject *  obj,
FXSelector  ,
void *   

post processing after run tool

Definition at line 1162 of file GNEApplicationWindow.cpp.

References myToolsMenuCommands, and GNEApplicationWindowHelper::ToolsMenuCommands::postProcessing().

Referenced by FXDEFMAP().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ onCmdProcessButton()

◆ onCmdQuit()

long GNEApplicationWindow::onCmdQuit ( FXObject *  ,
FXSelector  ,
void *   

Called by FOX if the application shall be closed.

Definition at line 646 of file GNEApplicationWindow.cpp.

References continueWithUnsavedChanges(), gCurrentFolder, and GUIMainWindow::storeWindowSizeAndPos().

Referenced by FXDEFMAP().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ onCmdRedo()

◆ onCmdReloadAdditionals()

long GNEApplicationWindow::onCmdReloadAdditionals ( FXObject *  ,
FXSelector  ,
void *   

called when the command/FXCall reload additionals is executed

Definition at line 3682 of file GNEApplicationWindow.cpp.

References GNEUndoList::begin(), GNENet::clearAdditionalElements(), DEMAND, GNEUndoList::end(), OptionsCont::getOptions(), OptionsCont::getString(), myNet, myUndoList, GeneralHandler::parse(), XMLSubSys::setValidation(), SUPERMODENETWORK, TL, and WRITE_ERROR.

Referenced by FXDEFMAP().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ onCmdReloadDataElements()

long GNEApplicationWindow::onCmdReloadDataElements ( FXObject *  ,
FXSelector  ,
void *   

called when the command/FXCall reload data elements is executed

Definition at line 4048 of file GNEApplicationWindow.cpp.

References GNEUndoList::begin(), GNENet::clearDemandElements(), DATA, GNENet::disableUpdateData(), GNENet::enableUpdateData(), GNEUndoList::end(), GNEViewNet::getNet(), OptionsCont::getOptions(), OptionsCont::getString(), myNet, myUndoList, myViewNet, DataHandler::parse(), XMLSubSys::setValidation(), SUPERMODEDATA, TL, and WRITE_ERROR.

Referenced by FXDEFMAP().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ onCmdReloadDemandElements()

long GNEApplicationWindow::onCmdReloadDemandElements ( FXObject *  ,
FXSelector  ,
void *   

called when the command/FXCall reload demand elements is executed

Definition at line 3880 of file GNEApplicationWindow.cpp.

References GNEUndoList::begin(), GNENet::clearDemandElements(), DEMAND, GNEUndoList::end(), OptionsCont::getOptions(), OptionsCont::getString(), myNet, myUndoList, GeneralHandler::parse(), XMLSubSys::setValidation(), SUPERMODEDEMAND, TL, TLF, and WRITE_ERROR.

Referenced by FXDEFMAP().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ onCmdReloadEdgeTypes()

long GNEApplicationWindow::onCmdReloadEdgeTypes ( FXObject *  ,
FXSelector  ,
void *   

called when the command/FXCall reload edge types is executed

Definition at line 930 of file GNEApplicationWindow.cpp.

References GNEUndoList::add(), GNEEdgeType::addLaneType(), GNEUndoList::begin(), EDGE, GNEUndoList::end(), GNEViewParent::getCreateEdgeFrame(), GNECreateEdgeFrame::getEdgeTypeSelector(), OptionsCont::getOptions(), OptionsCont::getString(), GNEViewNet::getUndoList(), GNEViewNet::getViewParent(), NITypeLoader::load(), myNet, myViewNet, NETWORK, GNECreateEdgeFrame::EdgeTypeSelector::refreshEdgeTypeSelector(), NBTypeCont::size(), TL, toString(), and WRITE_MESSAGE.

Referenced by FXDEFMAP().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ onCmdReloadMeanDatas()

long GNEApplicationWindow::onCmdReloadMeanDatas ( FXObject *  ,
FXSelector  ,
void *   

called when the command/FXCall reload meanDatas is executed

Definition at line 4213 of file GNEApplicationWindow.cpp.

References GNEUndoList::begin(), GNENet::clearMeanDataElements(), DEMAND, GNEUndoList::end(), OptionsCont::getOptions(), OptionsCont::getString(), myNet, myUndoList, GeneralHandler::parse(), XMLSubSys::setValidation(), SUPERMODENETWORK, TL, and WRITE_MESSAGE.

Referenced by FXDEFMAP().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ onCmdReloadNeteditConfig()

long GNEApplicationWindow::onCmdReloadNeteditConfig ( FXObject *  ,
FXSelector  ,
void *   

called when the command/FXCall reload netedit config is executed

Definition at line 765 of file GNEApplicationWindow.cpp.

References GNELoadThread::fillOptions(), OptionsCont::getOptions(), GNELoadThread::loadNetworkOrConfig(), myLoadThread, onCmdClose(), and GNELoadThread::setDefaultOptions().

Referenced by FXDEFMAP().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ onCmdReloadNetwork()

long GNEApplicationWindow::onCmdReloadNetwork ( FXObject *  ,
FXSelector  ,
void *   

called when the command/FXCall network reload is executed

Definition at line 1045 of file GNEApplicationWindow.cpp.

References GNELoadThread::fillOptions(), OptionsCont::getOptions(), gSchemeStorage, GNELoadThread::loadNetworkOrConfig(), myAmLoading, myLoadThread, onCmdClose(), GUICompleteSchemeStorage::saveViewport(), GNELoadThread::setDefaultOptions(), setStatusBarText(), GUIMainWindow::storeWindowSizeAndPos(), and TL.

Referenced by FXDEFMAP().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ onCmdReloadSumoConfig()

long GNEApplicationWindow::onCmdReloadSumoConfig ( FXObject *  ,
FXSelector  ,
void *   

called when the command/FXCall reload SumoConfig is executed

Definition at line 787 of file GNEApplicationWindow.cpp.

References GNELoadThread::fillOptions(), OptionsCont::getOptions(), GNELoadThread::loadNetworkOrConfig(), myLoadThread, onCmdClose(), and GNELoadThread::setDefaultOptions().

Referenced by FXDEFMAP().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ onCmdReloadTLSPrograms()

long GNEApplicationWindow::onCmdReloadTLSPrograms ( FXObject *  ,
FXSelector  ,
void *   

called when the command/FXCall reload TLS programs is executed

Definition at line 859 of file GNEApplicationWindow.cpp.

References GNEUndoList::abortAllChangeGroups(), GNEUndoList::begin(), GNENet::computeNetwork(), GNEUndoList::end(), OptionsCont::getOptions(), GNEViewParent::getTLSEditorFrame(), GNENet::getViewNet(), GNEViewNet::getViewParent(), MODETLS, myNet, myUndoList, NETWORK, GNETLSEditorFrame::parseTLSPrograms(), and TL.

Referenced by FXDEFMAP().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ onCmdRunNetgenerate()

long GNEApplicationWindow::onCmdRunNetgenerate ( FXObject *  sender,
FXSelector  sel,
void *  ptr 

called when run netgenerate is called

Definition at line 2197 of file GNEApplicationWindow.cpp.

References myNetgenerateOptions, myToolsMenuCommands, and GNEApplicationWindowHelper::ToolsMenuCommands::runNetgenerateDialog().

Referenced by FXDEFMAP().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ onCmdRunPythonTool()

long GNEApplicationWindow::onCmdRunPythonTool ( FXObject *  obj,
FXSelector  ,
void *   

called when user run a tool

Definition at line 1156 of file GNEApplicationWindow.cpp.

References myToolsMenuCommands, and GNEApplicationWindowHelper::ToolsMenuCommands::runToolDialog().

Referenced by FXDEFMAP().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ onCmdSaveAdditionals()

long GNEApplicationWindow::onCmdSaveAdditionals ( FXObject *  sender,
FXSelector  sel,
void *  ptr 

called when the command/FXCall save additionals is executed

Definition at line 3719 of file GNEApplicationWindow.cpp.

References GNENet::computeNetwork(), OptionsCont::getOptions(), GNENet::getSavingStatus(), GNENetHelper::SavingStatus::isAdditionalsSaved(), MID_GNE_FORCESAVE, myNet, onCmdSaveAdditionalsAs(), GNENet::saveAdditionals(), TL, WRITE_DEBUG, and WRITE_MESSAGE.

Referenced by computeJunctionWithVolatileOptions(), continueWithUnsavedAdditionalChanges(), FXDEFMAP(), onCmdSaveAdditionalsAs(), onCmdSaveNeteditConfig(), and onCmdSaveSumoConfig().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ onCmdSaveAdditionalsAs()

long GNEApplicationWindow::onCmdSaveAdditionalsAs ( FXObject *  ,
FXSelector  ,
void *   

called when the command/FXCall save additionals as is executed

Definition at line 3761 of file GNEApplicationWindow.cpp.

References gCurrentFolder, getFolder(), OptionsCont::getOptions(), GNENet::getSavingStatus(), myNet, onCmdSaveAdditionals(), GNEApplicationWindowHelper::openAdditionalFileDialog(), and GNENetHelper::SavingStatus::requireSaveAdditionals().

Referenced by FXDEFMAP(), and onCmdSaveAdditionals().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ onCmdSaveDataElements()

long GNEApplicationWindow::onCmdSaveDataElements ( FXObject *  sender,
FXSelector  sel,
void *  ptr 

called when the command/FXCall save data elements is executed

Definition at line 4089 of file GNEApplicationWindow.cpp.

References OptionsCont::getOptions(), GNENet::getSavingStatus(), GNENetHelper::SavingStatus::isDataElementsSaved(), MID_GNE_FORCESAVE, myNet, onCmdSaveDataElementsAs(), GNENet::saveDataElements(), TL, WRITE_DEBUG, and WRITE_MESSAGE.

Referenced by computeJunctionWithVolatileOptions(), continueWithUnsavedDataElementChanges(), FXDEFMAP(), onCmdSaveDataElementsAs(), and onCmdSaveNeteditConfig().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ onCmdSaveDataElementsAs()

long GNEApplicationWindow::onCmdSaveDataElementsAs ( FXObject *  sender,
FXSelector  sel,
void *  ptr 

called when the command/FXCall save data elements as is executed

Definition at line 4127 of file GNEApplicationWindow.cpp.

References gCurrentFolder, getFolder(), OptionsCont::getOptions(), GNENet::getSavingStatus(), myNet, onCmdSaveDataElements(), GNEApplicationWindowHelper::openDataFileDialog(), and GNENetHelper::SavingStatus::requireSaveDataElements().

Referenced by FXDEFMAP(), and onCmdSaveDataElements().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ onCmdSaveDemandElements()

long GNEApplicationWindow::onCmdSaveDemandElements ( FXObject *  sender,
FXSelector  sel,
void *  ptr 

called when the command/FXCall save demand elements is executed

Definition at line 3916 of file GNEApplicationWindow.cpp.

References GNENet::computeNetwork(), OptionsCont::getOptions(), GNENet::getSavingStatus(), GNENetHelper::SavingStatus::isDemandElementsSaved(), MID_GNE_FORCESAVE, myNet, onCmdSaveDemandElementsAs(), GNENet::saveDemandElements(), TL, WRITE_DEBUG, and WRITE_MESSAGE.

Referenced by computeJunctionWithVolatileOptions(), continueWithUnsavedDemandElementChanges(), FXDEFMAP(), onCmdSaveDemandElementsAs(), onCmdSaveNeteditConfig(), and onCmdSaveSumoConfig().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ onCmdSaveDemandElementsAs()

long GNEApplicationWindow::onCmdSaveDemandElementsAs ( FXObject *  sender,
FXSelector  sel,
void *  ptr 

called when the command/FXCall save demand elements as is executed

Definition at line 3957 of file GNEApplicationWindow.cpp.

References gCurrentFolder, getFolder(), OptionsCont::getOptions(), GNENet::getSavingStatus(), myNet, onCmdSaveDemandElements(), GNEApplicationWindowHelper::openRouteFileDialog(), and GNENetHelper::SavingStatus::requireSaveDemandElements().

Referenced by FXDEFMAP(), and onCmdSaveDemandElements().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ onCmdSaveEdgeTypes()

long GNEApplicationWindow::onCmdSaveEdgeTypes ( FXObject *  obj,
FXSelector  sel,
void *  ptr 

called when the command/FXCall save edge types is executed

Definition at line 3533 of file GNEApplicationWindow.cpp.

References GUIMessageWindow::addSeparator(), OptionsCont::getOptions(), myMessageWindow, myNet, onCmdSaveEdgeTypesAs(), GNENet::saveEdgeTypes(), TL, WRITE_DEBUG, and WRITE_MESSAGE.

Referenced by FXDEFMAP(), and onCmdSaveEdgeTypesAs().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ onCmdSaveEdgeTypesAs()

long GNEApplicationWindow::onCmdSaveEdgeTypesAs ( FXObject *  ,
FXSelector  ,
void *   

called when the command/FXCall save edgeTypes as is executed

Definition at line 3595 of file GNEApplicationWindow.cpp.

References OptionsCont::getOptions(), onCmdSaveEdgeTypes(), and GNEApplicationWindowHelper::openEdgeTypeFileDialog().

Referenced by FXDEFMAP(), and onCmdSaveEdgeTypes().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ onCmdSaveJoinedJunctionsAs()

long GNEApplicationWindow::onCmdSaveJoinedJunctionsAs ( FXObject *  ,
FXSelector  ,
void *   

called when the command/FXCall save joined is executed

Definition at line 3289 of file GNEApplicationWindow.cpp.

References myNet, GNENet::saveJoined(), GNEApplicationWindowHelper::saveJoinedJunctionsFileDialog(), TL, WRITE_DEBUG, and WRITE_MESSAGE.

Referenced by FXDEFMAP().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ onCmdSaveJuPedSimElementsAs()

long GNEApplicationWindow::onCmdSaveJuPedSimElementsAs ( FXObject *  ,
FXSelector  ,
void *   

called when the command/FXCall save JuPedSim elements as is executed

Definition at line 3791 of file GNEApplicationWindow.cpp.

References gCurrentFolder, myNet, GNEApplicationWindowHelper::openAdditionalFileDialog(), GNENet::saveJuPedSimElements(), TL, WRITE_DEBUG, and WRITE_MESSAGE.

Referenced by FXDEFMAP().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ onCmdSaveMeanDatas()

long GNEApplicationWindow::onCmdSaveMeanDatas ( FXObject *  sender,
FXSelector  sel,
void *  ptr 

◆ onCmdSaveMeanDatasAs()

long GNEApplicationWindow::onCmdSaveMeanDatasAs ( FXObject *  sender,
FXSelector  sel,
void *  ptr 

called when the command/FXCall save meanDatas as is executed

Definition at line 4293 of file GNEApplicationWindow.cpp.

References gCurrentFolder, getFolder(), OptionsCont::getOptions(), GNENet::getSavingStatus(), myNet, onCmdSaveMeanDatas(), GNEApplicationWindowHelper::openMeanDataDialog(), and GNENetHelper::SavingStatus::requireSaveMeanDatas().

Referenced by FXDEFMAP(), and onCmdSaveMeanDatas().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ onCmdSaveNeteditConfig()

long GNEApplicationWindow::onCmdSaveNeteditConfig ( FXObject *  ,
FXSelector  ,
void *   

◆ onCmdSaveNeteditConfigAs()

long GNEApplicationWindow::onCmdSaveNeteditConfigAs ( FXObject *  sender,
FXSelector  sel,
void *  ptr 

called when the command/FXCall save netedit config as is executed

Definition at line 3358 of file GNEApplicationWindow.cpp.

References OptionsCont::getOptions(), onCmdSaveNeteditConfig(), and GNEApplicationWindowHelper::openNeteditConfigFileDialog().

Referenced by FXDEFMAP(), and onCmdSaveNeteditConfig().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ onCmdSaveNetwork()

◆ onCmdSaveNetworkAs()

long GNEApplicationWindow::onCmdSaveNetworkAs ( FXObject *  ,
FXSelector  ,
void *   

called when the command/FXCall save network as is executed

Definition at line 3227 of file GNEApplicationWindow.cpp.

References OptionsCont::getOptions(), MFXUtils::getTitleText(), myTitlePrefix, onCmdSaveNetwork(), and GNEApplicationWindowHelper::openNetworkFileDialog().

Referenced by FXDEFMAP(), and onCmdSaveNetwork().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ onCmdSavePlainXMLAs()

long GNEApplicationWindow::onCmdSavePlainXMLAs ( FXObject *  ,
FXSelector  ,
void *   

called when the command/FXCall save as plain xml is executed

Definition at line 3245 of file GNEApplicationWindow.cpp.

References myNet, StringUtils::replace(), GNENet::savePlain(), GNEApplicationWindowHelper::savePlainXMLFileDialog(), TL, WRITE_DEBUG, and WRITE_MESSAGE.

Referenced by FXDEFMAP().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ onCmdSaveSumoConfig()

◆ onCmdSaveSumoConfigAs()

long GNEApplicationWindow::onCmdSaveSumoConfigAs ( FXObject *  sender,
FXSelector  sel,
void *  ptr 

called when the command/FXCall save SumoConfig as is executed

Definition at line 3452 of file GNEApplicationWindow.cpp.

References OptionsCont::getOptions(), onCmdSaveSumoConfig(), and GNEApplicationWindowHelper::openSumoConfigFileDialog().

Referenced by FXDEFMAP(), and onCmdSaveSumoConfig().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ onCmdSaveTLSPrograms()

long GNEApplicationWindow::onCmdSaveTLSPrograms ( FXObject *  obj,
FXSelector  sel,
void *  ptr 

called when the command/FXCall save TLSPrograms is executed

Definition at line 3484 of file GNEApplicationWindow.cpp.

References GUIMessageWindow::addSeparator(), GNENet::computeNetwork(), OptionsCont::getOptions(), myMessageWindow, myNet, onCmdSaveTLSProgramsAs(), GNENet::saveTLSPrograms(), TL, WRITE_DEBUG, and WRITE_MESSAGE.

Referenced by FXDEFMAP(), and onCmdSaveTLSProgramsAs().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ onCmdSaveTLSProgramsAs()

long GNEApplicationWindow::onCmdSaveTLSProgramsAs ( FXObject *  ,
FXSelector  ,
void *   

called when the command/FXCall save TLSPrograms as is executed

Definition at line 3576 of file GNEApplicationWindow.cpp.

References OptionsCont::getOptions(), onCmdSaveTLSPrograms(), and GNEApplicationWindowHelper::openTLSFileDialog().

Referenced by FXDEFMAP(), and onCmdSaveTLSPrograms().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ onCmdSetFrontElement()

long GNEApplicationWindow::onCmdSetFrontElement ( FXObject *  ,
FXSelector  ,
void *   

called if the user call set front element

Definition at line 2267 of file GNEApplicationWindow.cpp.

References GNEViewNet::getFrontAttributeCarrier(), GNEViewNet::getInspectedAttributeCarriers(), GNEViewParent::getInspectorFrame(), GNEInspectorFrame::getNeteditAttributesEditor(), GNEViewNet::getViewParent(), myViewNet, GNEInspectorFrame::NeteditAttributesEditor::refreshNeteditAttributesEditor(), and GNEViewNet::setFrontAttributeCarrier().

Referenced by FXDEFMAP().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ onCmdSetMode()

long GNEApplicationWindow::onCmdSetMode ( FXObject *  sender,
FXSelector  sel,
void *  ptr 

called if the user hits an edit-mode hotkey

Definition at line 1800 of file GNEApplicationWindow.cpp.

References myViewNet, and GNEViewNet::onCmdSetMode().

Referenced by FXDEFMAP().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ onCmdSetSuperMode()

long GNEApplicationWindow::onCmdSetSuperMode ( FXObject *  sender,
FXSelector  sel,
void *  ptr 

called if the user hits an edit-supermode hotkey

Definition at line 1790 of file GNEApplicationWindow.cpp.

References myViewNet, and GNEViewNet::onCmdSetSupermode().

Referenced by FXDEFMAP().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ onCmdSetTemplate()

long GNEApplicationWindow::onCmdSetTemplate ( FXObject *  ,
FXSelector  ,
void *   

Definition at line 2545 of file GNEApplicationWindow.cpp.

References GNEViewParent::getInspectorFrame(), GNEInspectorFrame::getTemplateEditor(), GNEViewNet::getViewParent(), myViewNet, GNEInspectorFrame::TemplateEditor::setTemplate(), and WRITE_DEBUG.

Referenced by FXDEFMAP().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ onCmdSmartReload()

long GNEApplicationWindow::onCmdSmartReload ( FXObject *  ,
FXSelector  ,
void *   

called when the command/FXCall smart reload is executed

Definition at line 973 of file GNEApplicationWindow.cpp.

References GNELoadThread::fillOptions(), OptionsCont::getOptions(), gSchemeStorage, GNELoadThread::loadNetworkOrConfig(), myAmLoading, myLoadThread, onCmdClose(), GUICompleteSchemeStorage::saveViewport(), GNELoadThread::setDefaultOptions(), setStatusBarText(), GUIMainWindow::storeWindowSizeAndPos(), and TL.

Referenced by FXDEFMAP().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ onCmdToggleComputeNetworkData()

long GNEApplicationWindow::onCmdToggleComputeNetworkData ( FXObject *  ,
FXSelector  ,
void *   

called when toggle checkbox compute network when switching between supermodes

Definition at line 2347 of file GNEApplicationWindow.cpp.

References MFXMenuCheckIcon::getCheck(), GNEApplicationWindowHelper::ProcessingMenuCommands::menuCheckRecomputeDataMode, and myProcessingMenuCommands.

Referenced by FXDEFMAP().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ onCmdToggleDrawJunctionShape()

long GNEApplicationWindow::onCmdToggleDrawJunctionShape ( FXObject *  sender,
FXSelector  sel,
void *  ptr 

called if the user press key combination Ctrl + J to toggle draw junction shape

Definition at line 2248 of file GNEApplicationWindow.cpp.

References GUIVisualizationSettings::drawJunctionShape, GUISUMOAbstractView::getVisualisationSettings(), myViewNet, GNEViewNet::onCmdToggleDrawJunctionShape(), and WRITE_DEBUG.

Referenced by FXDEFMAP().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ onCmdToggleEditOptions()

long GNEApplicationWindow::onCmdToggleEditOptions ( FXObject *  sender,
FXSelector  sel,
void *   

◆ onCmdToggleGrid()

long GNEApplicationWindow::onCmdToggleGrid ( FXObject *  sender,
FXSelector  sel,
void *  ptr 

called if the user press key combination Ctrl + G to toggle grid

Definition at line 2229 of file GNEApplicationWindow.cpp.

References GUISUMOAbstractView::getVisualisationSettings(), myViewNet, GNEViewNet::onCmdToggleShowGrid(), GUIVisualizationSettings::showGrid, and WRITE_DEBUG.

Referenced by FXDEFMAP().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ onCmdToggleTimeFormat()

long GNEApplicationWindow::onCmdToggleTimeFormat ( FXObject *  sender,
FXSelector  sel,
void *  ptr 

◆ onCmdToggleViewOption()

long GNEApplicationWindow::onCmdToggleViewOption ( FXObject *  sender,
FXSelector  sel,
void *  ptr 

toggle viewOption

Definition at line 2776 of file GNEApplicationWindow.cpp.


Referenced by FXDEFMAP().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ onCmdTutorial()

long GNEApplicationWindow::onCmdTutorial ( FXObject *  sender,
FXSelector  sel,
void *  ptr 

called if the user selects help->Tutorial

Definition at line 2357 of file GNEApplicationWindow.cpp.

References MFXLinkLabel::fxexecute().

Referenced by FXDEFMAP().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ onCmdUndo()

◆ onCmdUnlockAllElements()

long GNEApplicationWindow::onCmdUnlockAllElements ( FXObject *  ,
FXSelector  sel,
void *   

called when user press unlock all elements button

Definition at line 1828 of file GNEApplicationWindow.cpp.

References GNEViewNet::getLockManager(), myLockMenuCommands, myViewNet, GNEApplicationWindowHelper::LockMenuCommands::unlockAll(), and GNEViewNetHelper::LockManager::updateFlags().

Referenced by FXDEFMAP().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ onKeyPress()

long GNEApplicationWindow::onKeyPress ( FXObject *  o,
FXSelector  sel,
void *  data 

called when a key is pressed

Definition at line 4971 of file GNEApplicationWindow.cpp.

References GUIMainWindow::myMDIClient, and GNEViewParent::onKeyPress().

Referenced by FXDEFMAP().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ onKeyRelease()

long GNEApplicationWindow::onKeyRelease ( FXObject *  o,
FXSelector  sel,
void *  data 

called when a key is released

Definition at line 4984 of file GNEApplicationWindow.cpp.

References GUIMainWindow::myMDIClient, and GNEViewParent::onKeyRelease().

Referenced by FXDEFMAP().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ onLoadThreadEvent()

long GNEApplicationWindow::onLoadThreadEvent ( FXObject *  ,
FXSelector  ,
void *   

called when the command/FXCall load thread is executed

Definition at line 1227 of file GNEApplicationWindow.cpp.

References eventOccurred().

Referenced by FXDEFMAP().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ onUpdChangeLanguage()

long GUIMainWindow::onUpdChangeLanguage ( FXObject *  obj,
FXSelector  ,
void *   

Definition at line 442 of file GUIMainWindow.cpp.


Referenced by FXDEFMAP().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ onUpdComputePathManager()

long GNEApplicationWindow::onUpdComputePathManager ( FXObject *  obj,
FXSelector  sel,
void *  ptr 

called when the update/FXCall compute path manager is executed

Definition at line 2754 of file GNEApplicationWindow.cpp.

References GNEViewNet::getEditModes(), GNEViewNet::getNet(), GNEPathManager::getPathCalculator(), GNENet::getPathManager(), GNEViewNetHelper::EditModes::isCurrentSupermodeNetwork(), GNEPathManager::PathCalculator::isPathCalculatorUpdated(), and myViewNet.

Referenced by FXDEFMAP().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ onUpdLockMenuTitle()

long GNEApplicationWindow::onUpdLockMenuTitle ( FXObject *  ,
FXSelector  sel,
void *   

◆ onUpdNeedsFrontElement()

long GNEApplicationWindow::onUpdNeedsFrontElement ( FXObject *  sender,
FXSelector  ,
void *   

called when the update/FXCall needs front element is executed

Definition at line 2605 of file GNEApplicationWindow.cpp.

References GNEViewNet::getFrontAttributeCarrier(), myNet, and myViewNet.

Referenced by FXDEFMAP().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ onUpdNeedsNetwork()

long GNEApplicationWindow::onUpdNeedsNetwork ( FXObject *  sender,
FXSelector  ,
void *   

called when the update/FXCall needs network is executed

Definition at line 2581 of file GNEApplicationWindow.cpp.

References GNEApplicationWindowHelper::FileMenuCommands::disableMenuCascades(), GNEApplicationWindowHelper::FileMenuCommands::enableMenuCascades(), myFileMenuCommands, and myNet.

Referenced by FXDEFMAP().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ onUpdNeedsNetworkElement()

long GNEApplicationWindow::onUpdNeedsNetworkElement ( FXObject *  sender,
FXSelector  ,
void *   

called when the update/FXCall needs at least one network element is executed

Definition at line 2594 of file GNEApplicationWindow.cpp.

References GNENet::getAttributeCarriers(), GNENetHelper::AttributeCarriers::getEdges(), and myNet.

Referenced by FXDEFMAP().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ onUpdOpen()

long GNEApplicationWindow::onUpdOpen ( FXObject *  sender,
FXSelector  ,
void *   

called when the command/FXCall on update open executed

Definition at line 1175 of file GNEApplicationWindow.cpp.

References myAmLoading.

Referenced by FXDEFMAP().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ onUpdOpenUndoListDialog()

long GNEApplicationWindow::onUpdOpenUndoListDialog ( FXObject *  sender,
FXSelector  ,
void *   

Definition at line 2495 of file GNEApplicationWindow.cpp.

References GNEUndoListDialog::hide(), myEditMenuCommands, myNet, myUndoListDialog, GNEApplicationWindowHelper::EditMenuCommands::redoLastChange, GNEUndoListDialog::shown(), and GNEApplicationWindowHelper::EditMenuCommands::undoLastChange.

Referenced by FXDEFMAP().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ onUpdPythonTool()

long GNEApplicationWindow::onUpdPythonTool ( FXObject *  ,
FXSelector  ,
void *   

called when the command/FXCall python tool is updated

Definition at line 1168 of file GNEApplicationWindow.cpp.

Referenced by FXDEFMAP().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ onUpdRedo()

long GNEApplicationWindow::onUpdRedo ( FXObject *  obj,
FXSelector  sel,
void *  ptr 

called when the update/FXCall redo is executed

Definition at line 2748 of file GNEApplicationWindow.cpp.

References myUndoList, and GNEUndoList::onUpdRedo().

Referenced by FXDEFMAP(), onCmdRedo(), and onCmdUndo().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ onUpdReloadAdditionals()

long GNEApplicationWindow::onUpdReloadAdditionals ( FXObject *  sender,
FXSelector  ,
void *   

called when the command/FXCall reload additionals is updated

Definition at line 3708 of file GNEApplicationWindow.cpp.

References OptionsCont::getOptions(), and myViewNet.

Referenced by FXDEFMAP().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ onUpdReloadDataElements()

long GNEApplicationWindow::onUpdReloadDataElements ( FXObject *  sender,
FXSelector  ,
void *   

called when the command/FXCall reload data elements is updated

Definition at line 4078 of file GNEApplicationWindow.cpp.

References OptionsCont::getOptions(), and myViewNet.

Referenced by FXDEFMAP().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ onUpdReloadDemandElements()

long GNEApplicationWindow::onUpdReloadDemandElements ( FXObject *  sender,
FXSelector  ,
void *   

called when the command/FXCall reload demand elements is updated

Definition at line 3905 of file GNEApplicationWindow.cpp.

References OptionsCont::getOptions(), and myViewNet.

Referenced by FXDEFMAP().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ onUpdReloadEdgeTypes()

long GNEApplicationWindow::onUpdReloadEdgeTypes ( FXObject *  sender,
FXSelector  ,
void *   

called when the command/FXCall reload edge types is updated

Definition at line 962 of file GNEApplicationWindow.cpp.

References OptionsCont::getOptions(), and myViewNet.

Referenced by FXDEFMAP().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ onUpdReloadMeanDatas()

long GNEApplicationWindow::onUpdReloadMeanDatas ( FXObject *  sender,
FXSelector  ,
void *   

called when the command/FXCall reload meanDatas is updated

Definition at line 4238 of file GNEApplicationWindow.cpp.

References OptionsCont::getOptions(), and myViewNet.

Referenced by FXDEFMAP().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ onUpdReloadNeteditConfig()

long GNEApplicationWindow::onUpdReloadNeteditConfig ( FXObject *  sender,
FXSelector  ,
void *   

called when the command/FXCall reload netedit config is updated

Definition at line 808 of file GNEApplicationWindow.cpp.

References OptionsCont::getOptions(), and myViewNet.

Referenced by FXDEFMAP().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ onUpdReloadNetwork()

long GNEApplicationWindow::onUpdReloadNetwork ( FXObject *  sender,
FXSelector  ,
void *   

called when the update/FXCall network reload is executed

Definition at line 1073 of file GNEApplicationWindow.cpp.

References OptionsCont::getOptions(), and myNet.

Referenced by FXDEFMAP().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ onUpdReloadSumoConfig()

long GNEApplicationWindow::onUpdReloadSumoConfig ( FXObject *  sender,
FXSelector  ,
void *   

called when the command/FXCall reload SumoConfig is updated

Definition at line 819 of file GNEApplicationWindow.cpp.

References OptionsCont::getOptions(), and myViewNet.

Referenced by FXDEFMAP().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ onUpdReloadTLSPrograms()

long GNEApplicationWindow::onUpdReloadTLSPrograms ( FXObject *  sender,
FXSelector  ,
void *   

called when the command/FXCall reload TLS programs is updated

Definition at line 878 of file GNEApplicationWindow.cpp.

References OptionsCont::getOptions(), and myViewNet.

Referenced by FXDEFMAP().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ onUpdRequireRecomputing()

long GNEApplicationWindow::onUpdRequireRecomputing ( FXObject *  sender,
FXSelector  sel,
void *  ptr 

update label for require recomputing

Definition at line 2190 of file GNEApplicationWindow.cpp.

References updateRecomputingLabel().

Referenced by FXDEFMAP().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ onUpdRequireViewNet()

long GNEApplicationWindow::onUpdRequireViewNet ( FXObject *  sender,
FXSelector  sel,
void *  ptr 

enable or disable sender object depending if viewNet exist

Definition at line 2183 of file GNEApplicationWindow.cpp.

References myViewNet.

Referenced by FXDEFMAP().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ onUpdSaveAdditionals()

long GNEApplicationWindow::onUpdSaveAdditionals ( FXObject *  sender,
FXSelector  ,
void *   

called when the update/FXCall save additionals is executed

Definition at line 2628 of file GNEApplicationWindow.cpp.

References GNENet::getSavingStatus(), GNEViewParent::getTAZFrame(), GNETAZFrame::getTAZSaveChangesModule(), GNENet::getViewNet(), GNEViewNet::getViewParent(), GNENetHelper::SavingStatus::isAdditionalsSaved(), GNETAZFrame::TAZSaveChanges::isChangesPending(), and myNet.

Referenced by FXDEFMAP().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ onUpdSaveAdditionalsAs()

long GNEApplicationWindow::onUpdSaveAdditionalsAs ( FXObject *  sender,
FXSelector  ,
void *   

called when the update/FXCall save additionals as is executed

Definition at line 2640 of file GNEApplicationWindow.cpp.

References GNENet::getAttributeCarriers(), GNENetHelper::AttributeCarriers::getNumberOfAdditionals(), and myNet.

Referenced by FXDEFMAP().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ onUpdSaveDataElements()

long GNEApplicationWindow::onUpdSaveDataElements ( FXObject *  sender,
FXSelector  ,
void *   

called when the update/FXCall save data elements is executed

Definition at line 2691 of file GNEApplicationWindow.cpp.

References GNENet::getSavingStatus(), GNENetHelper::SavingStatus::isDataElementsSaved(), and myNet.

Referenced by FXDEFMAP().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ onUpdSaveDataElementsAs()

long GNEApplicationWindow::onUpdSaveDataElementsAs ( FXObject *  sender,
FXSelector  ,
void *   

called when the update/FXCall save data elements as is executed

Definition at line 2704 of file GNEApplicationWindow.cpp.

References GNENet::getAttributeCarriers(), GNENetHelper::AttributeCarriers::getDataSets(), and myNet.

Referenced by FXDEFMAP().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ onUpdSaveDemandElements()

long GNEApplicationWindow::onUpdSaveDemandElements ( FXObject *  sender,
FXSelector  ,
void *   

called when the update/FXCall save demand elements is executed

Definition at line 2666 of file GNEApplicationWindow.cpp.

References GNENet::getSavingStatus(), GNENetHelper::SavingStatus::isDemandElementsSaved(), and myNet.

Referenced by FXDEFMAP().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ onUpdSaveDemandElementsAs()

long GNEApplicationWindow::onUpdSaveDemandElementsAs ( FXObject *  sender,
FXSelector  ,
void *   

called when the update/FXCall save demand elements as is executed

Definition at line 2679 of file GNEApplicationWindow.cpp.

References GNENet::getAttributeCarriers(), GNENetHelper::AttributeCarriers::getNumberOfDemandElements(), and myNet.

Referenced by FXDEFMAP().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ onUpdSaveEdgeTypes()

long GNEApplicationWindow::onUpdSaveEdgeTypes ( FXObject *  sender,
FXSelector  ,
void *   

called when the command/FXCall save edge types is updated

Definition at line 3564 of file GNEApplicationWindow.cpp.

References GNENet::getAttributeCarriers(), GNENetHelper::AttributeCarriers::getEdgeTypes(), and myNet.

Referenced by FXDEFMAP().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ onUpdSaveEdgeTypesAs()

long GNEApplicationWindow::onUpdSaveEdgeTypesAs ( FXObject *  sender,
FXSelector  ,
void *   

called when the command/FXCall save edgeTypes as is updated

Definition at line 3614 of file GNEApplicationWindow.cpp.

References GNENet::getAttributeCarriers(), GNENetHelper::AttributeCarriers::getEdgeTypes(), and myNet.

Referenced by FXDEFMAP().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ onUpdSaveJuPedSimElementsAs()

long GNEApplicationWindow::onUpdSaveJuPedSimElementsAs ( FXObject *  sender,
FXSelector  ,
void *   

called when the update/FXCall save juPedSim as is executed

Definition at line 2652 of file GNEApplicationWindow.cpp.

References GNENetHelper::AttributeCarriers::getAdditionals(), GNENet::getAttributeCarriers(), GNE_TAG_JPS_OBSTACLE, GNE_TAG_JPS_WALKABLEAREA, and myNet.

Referenced by FXDEFMAP().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ onUpdSaveMeanDatas()

long GNEApplicationWindow::onUpdSaveMeanDatas ( FXObject *  sender,
FXSelector  ,
void *   

called when the update/FXCall save meanDatas is executed

Definition at line 2717 of file GNEApplicationWindow.cpp.

References GNENet::getSavingStatus(), GNENetHelper::SavingStatus::isMeanDatasSaved(), and myNet.

Referenced by FXDEFMAP().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ onUpdSaveMeanDatasAs()

long GNEApplicationWindow::onUpdSaveMeanDatasAs ( FXObject *  sender,
FXSelector  ,
void *   

called when the update/FXCall save meanDatas as is executed

Definition at line 2729 of file GNEApplicationWindow.cpp.

References GNENet::getAttributeCarriers(), GNENetHelper::AttributeCarriers::getNumberOfMeanDatas(), and myNet.

Referenced by FXDEFMAP().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ onUpdSaveNeteditConfig()

long GNEApplicationWindow::onUpdSaveNeteditConfig ( FXObject *  sender,
FXSelector  ,
void *   

called when the command/FXCall save netedit config is updated

Definition at line 3375 of file GNEApplicationWindow.cpp.

References OptionsCont::getOptions(), GNEViewNet::getSaveElements(), GNENet::getSavingStatus(), GNENetHelper::SavingStatus::isAdditionalsSaved(), GNENetHelper::SavingStatus::isDataElementsSaved(), GNENetHelper::SavingStatus::isDemandElementsSaved(), GNENetHelper::SavingStatus::isMeanDatasSaved(), GNENetHelper::SavingStatus::isNeteditConfigSaved(), myNet, myViewNet, and GNEViewNetHelper::SaveElements::setSaveIndividualFiles().

Referenced by FXDEFMAP().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ onUpdSaveNetwork()

long GNEApplicationWindow::onUpdSaveNetwork ( FXObject *  sender,
FXSelector  ,
void *   

called when the update/FXCall save network is executed

Definition at line 2616 of file GNEApplicationWindow.cpp.

References GNENet::getSavingStatus(), GNENetHelper::SavingStatus::isNetworkSaved(), and myNet.

Referenced by FXDEFMAP().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ onUpdSaveSumoConfig()

long GNEApplicationWindow::onUpdSaveSumoConfig ( FXObject *  sender,
FXSelector  ,
void *   

called when the command/FXCall save SumoConfig is updated

Definition at line 3470 of file GNEApplicationWindow.cpp.

References OptionsCont::getOptions(), GNENet::getSavingStatus(), GNENetHelper::SavingStatus::isSumoConfigSaved(), and myNet.

Referenced by FXDEFMAP().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ onUpdSaveTLSPrograms()

long GNEApplicationWindow::onUpdSaveTLSPrograms ( FXObject *  sender,
FXSelector  ,
void *   

called when the command/FXCall save TLSPrograms is updated

Definition at line 3516 of file GNEApplicationWindow.cpp.

References GNENet::getAttributeCarriers(), GNENetHelper::AttributeCarriers::getJunctions(), and myNet.

Referenced by FXDEFMAP().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ onUpdSmartReload()

long GNEApplicationWindow::onUpdSmartReload ( FXObject *  sender,
FXSelector  ,
void *   

called when the update/FXCall smart reload is executed

Definition at line 1016 of file GNEApplicationWindow.cpp.

References OptionsCont::getOptions(), myNet, and TL.

Referenced by FXDEFMAP().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ onUpdToggleTimeFormat()

long GNEApplicationWindow::onUpdToggleTimeFormat ( FXObject *  sender,
FXSelector  sel,
void *  ptr 

update toggle time format button

Definition at line 2174 of file GNEApplicationWindow.cpp.

References GNEViewNet::getTimeFormat(), myViewNet, and GNEViewNetHelper::TimeFormat::updateButtonLabel().

Referenced by FXDEFMAP().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ onUpdToggleViewOption()

long GNEApplicationWindow::onUpdToggleViewOption ( FXObject *  sender,
FXSelector  sel,
void *   

update viewOption

Definition at line 2864 of file GNEApplicationWindow.cpp.

References MFXCheckableButton::amChecked(), GNEViewNet::getDataViewOptions(), GNEViewNet::getDemandViewOptions(), GNEViewNet::getNetworkViewOptions(), GNEViewNetHelper::NetworkViewOptions::menuCheckAutoOppositeEdge, GNEViewNetHelper::NetworkViewOptions::menuCheckChainEdges, GNEViewNetHelper::NetworkViewOptions::menuCheckChangeAllPhases, GNEViewNetHelper::NetworkViewOptions::menuCheckDrawSpreadVehicles, GNEViewNetHelper::DemandViewOptions::menuCheckDrawSpreadVehicles, GNEViewNetHelper::NetworkViewOptions::menuCheckExtendSelection, GNEViewNetHelper::NetworkViewOptions::menuCheckHideConnections, GNEViewNetHelper::DemandViewOptions::menuCheckHideNonInspectedDemandElements, GNEViewNetHelper::DemandViewOptions::menuCheckHideShapes, GNEViewNetHelper::DemandViewOptions::menuCheckLockContainer, GNEViewNetHelper::DemandViewOptions::menuCheckLockPerson, GNEViewNetHelper::NetworkViewOptions::menuCheckMoveElevation, GNEViewNetHelper::NetworkViewOptions::menuCheckSelectEdges, GNEViewNetHelper::DataViewOptions::menuCheckShowAdditionals, GNEViewNetHelper::NetworkViewOptions::menuCheckShowAdditionalSubElements, GNEViewNetHelper::DemandViewOptions::menuCheckShowAllContainerPlans, GNEViewNetHelper::DemandViewOptions::menuCheckShowAllPersonPlans, GNEViewNetHelper::DemandViewOptions::menuCheckShowAllTrips, GNEViewNetHelper::NetworkViewOptions::menuCheckShowConnections, GNEViewNetHelper::NetworkViewOptions::menuCheckShowDemandElements, GNEViewNetHelper::DataViewOptions::menuCheckShowDemandElements, GNEViewNetHelper::NetworkViewOptions::menuCheckShowJunctionBubble, GNEViewNetHelper::DemandViewOptions::menuCheckShowOverlappedRoutes, GNEViewNetHelper::DataViewOptions::menuCheckShowShapes, GNEViewNetHelper::NetworkViewOptions::menuCheckShowTAZElements, GNEViewNetHelper::NetworkViewOptions::menuCheckToggleDrawJunctionShape, GNEViewNetHelper::DemandViewOptions::menuCheckToggleDrawJunctionShape, GNEViewNetHelper::DataViewOptions::menuCheckToggleDrawJunctionShape, GNEViewNetHelper::NetworkViewOptions::menuCheckToggleGrid, GNEViewNetHelper::DemandViewOptions::menuCheckToggleGrid, GNEViewNetHelper::DataViewOptions::menuCheckToggleTAZDrawFill, GNEViewNetHelper::DataViewOptions::menuCheckToggleTAZRelDrawing, GNEViewNetHelper::DataViewOptions::menuCheckToggleTAZRelOnlyFrom, GNEViewNetHelper::DataViewOptions::menuCheckToggleTAZRelOnlyTo, GNEViewNetHelper::NetworkViewOptions::menuCheckWarnAboutMerge, MID_GNE_DATAVIEWOPTIONS_SHOWADDITIONALS, MID_GNE_DATAVIEWOPTIONS_SHOWDEMANDELEMENTS, MID_GNE_DATAVIEWOPTIONS_SHOWSHAPES, MID_GNE_DATAVIEWOPTIONS_TAZDRAWFILL, MID_GNE_DATAVIEWOPTIONS_TAZRELDRAWING, MID_GNE_DATAVIEWOPTIONS_TAZRELONLYFROM, MID_GNE_DATAVIEWOPTIONS_TAZRELONLYTO, MID_GNE_DATAVIEWOPTIONS_TOGGLEDRAWJUNCTIONSHAPE, MID_GNE_DEMANDVIEWOPTIONS_DRAWSPREADVEHICLES, MID_GNE_DEMANDVIEWOPTIONS_HIDENONINSPECTED, MID_GNE_DEMANDVIEWOPTIONS_HIDESHAPES, MID_GNE_DEMANDVIEWOPTIONS_LOCKCONTAINER, MID_GNE_DEMANDVIEWOPTIONS_LOCKPERSON, MID_GNE_DEMANDVIEWOPTIONS_SHOWALLCONTAINERPLANS, MID_GNE_DEMANDVIEWOPTIONS_SHOWALLPERSONPLANS, MID_GNE_DEMANDVIEWOPTIONS_SHOWGRID, MID_GNE_DEMANDVIEWOPTIONS_SHOWOVERLAPPEDROUTES, MID_GNE_DEMANDVIEWOPTIONS_SHOWTRIPS, MID_GNE_DEMANDVIEWOPTIONS_TOGGLEDRAWJUNCTIONSHAPE, MID_GNE_NETWORKVIEWOPTIONS_ASKFORMERGE, MID_GNE_NETWORKVIEWOPTIONS_AUTOOPPOSITEEDGES, MID_GNE_NETWORKVIEWOPTIONS_CHAINEDGES, MID_GNE_NETWORKVIEWOPTIONS_CHANGEALLPHASES, MID_GNE_NETWORKVIEWOPTIONS_DRAWSPREADVEHICLES, MID_GNE_NETWORKVIEWOPTIONS_EXTENDSELECTION, MID_GNE_NETWORKVIEWOPTIONS_HIDECONNECTIONS, MID_GNE_NETWORKVIEWOPTIONS_MOVEELEVATION, MID_GNE_NETWORKVIEWOPTIONS_SELECTEDGES, MID_GNE_NETWORKVIEWOPTIONS_SHOWBUBBLES, MID_GNE_NETWORKVIEWOPTIONS_SHOWCONNECTIONS, MID_GNE_NETWORKVIEWOPTIONS_SHOWDEMANDELEMENTS, MID_GNE_NETWORKVIEWOPTIONS_SHOWSUBADDITIONALS, MID_GNE_NETWORKVIEWOPTIONS_SHOWTAZELEMENTS, MID_GNE_NETWORKVIEWOPTIONS_TOGGLEDRAWJUNCTIONSHAPE, MID_GNE_NETWORKVIEWOPTIONS_TOGGLEGRID, myViewNet, and MFXMenuCheckIcon::setCheck().

Referenced by FXDEFMAP().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ onUpdUndo()

long GNEApplicationWindow::onUpdUndo ( FXObject *  obj,
FXSelector  sel,
void *  ptr 

called when the update/FXCall undo is executed

Definition at line 2742 of file GNEApplicationWindow.cpp.

References myUndoList, and GNEUndoList::onUpdUndo().

Referenced by FXDEFMAP(), onCmdRedo(), and onCmdUndo().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ operator=()

GNEApplicationWindow& GNEApplicationWindow::operator= ( const GNEApplicationWindow )

Invalidated assignment operator.

◆ removeChild()

void GUIMainWindow::removeChild ( FXMainWindow *  child)

removes the given child window from the list (FXMainWindow)

Definition at line 126 of file GUIMainWindow.cpp.

References GUIMainWindow::myTrackerLock, and GUIMainWindow::myTrackerWindows.

Referenced by GUIDialog_Breakpoints::~GUIDialog_Breakpoints(), GUIDialog_ChooserAbstract::~GUIDialog_ChooserAbstract(), GUIDialog_GLChosenEditor::~GUIDialog_GLChosenEditor(), GUIParameterTableWindow::~GUIParameterTableWindow(), GUIParameterTracker::~GUIParameterTracker(), and GUITLLogicPhasesTrackerWindow::~GUITLLogicPhasesTrackerWindow().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ removeGLChild()

void GUIMainWindow::removeGLChild ( GUIGlChildWindow child)

removes the given child window from the list (GUIGlChildWindow)

Definition at line 109 of file GUIMainWindow.cpp.

References GUIMainWindow::myGLWindows.

Referenced by GUIMainWindow::removeViewByID(), GNEViewParent::~GNEViewParent(), and GUISUMOViewParent::~GUISUMOViewParent().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ removeViewByID()

void GUIMainWindow::removeViewByID ( const std::string &  id)

Definition at line 162 of file GUIMainWindow.cpp.

References GUIMainWindow::myGLWindows, and GUIMainWindow::removeGLChild().

Referenced by GUIApplicationWindow::eventOccurred().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ retrieveBreakpoints()

virtual const std::vector<SUMOTime> GUIMainWindow::retrieveBreakpoints ( ) const

retrieve breakpoints if provided by the application

Reimplemented in GUIApplicationWindow.

Definition at line 182 of file GUIMainWindow.h.

Referenced by GUIViewTraffic::retrieveBreakpoints().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ sendBlockingEvent()

virtual void GUIMainWindow::sendBlockingEvent ( GUIEvent event)

Sends an event from the application thread to the GUI and waits until it is handled.

eventthe event to send

Reimplemented in GUIApplicationWindow.

Definition at line 154 of file GUIMainWindow.h.


◆ setBreakpoints()

virtual void GUIMainWindow::setBreakpoints ( const std::vector< SUMOTime > &  )

Sets the breakpoints of the parent application.

Reimplemented in GUIApplicationWindow.

Definition at line 149 of file GUIMainWindow.h.

Referenced by GUISUMOAbstractView::setBreakpoints().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ setDelay()

virtual void GUIMainWindow::setDelay ( double  )

Sets the delay of the parent application.

Reimplemented in GUIApplicationWindow.

Definition at line 146 of file GUIMainWindow.h.

Referenced by GUISUMOAbstractView::setDelay().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ setInputInSumoOptions()

void GNEApplicationWindow::setInputInSumoOptions ( const bool  ignoreAdditionals,
const bool  ignoreRoutes 

set input files in sumo options

Definition at line 4565 of file GNEApplicationWindow.cpp.

References OptionsCont::getOptions(), mySumoOptions, OptionsCont::resetDefault(), OptionsCont::resetWritable(), and OptionsCont::set().

Referenced by loadAdditionalElements(), loadDemandElements(), loadMeanDataElements(), and onCmdSaveSumoConfig().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ setStatusBarText()

void GNEApplicationWindow::setStatusBarText ( const std::string &  statusBarText)

set text of the statusBar

Reimplemented from GUIMainWindow.

Definition at line 1738 of file GNEApplicationWindow.cpp.

References GUIMainWindow::myStatusbar.

Referenced by GNENet::computeDataElements(), GNENet::computeDemandElements(), GNENet::computeNetwork(), createNewNetwork(), dependentBuild(), handleEvent_NetworkLoaded(), loadConfiguration(), loadNetwork(), loadOptionOnStartup(), loadOSM(), onCmdReloadNetwork(), and onCmdSmartReload().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ setWindowSizeAndPos()

void GUIMainWindow::setWindowSizeAndPos ( )

perform initial window positioning and sizing according to user options / previous call

Definition at line 288 of file GUIMainWindow.cpp.

References OptionsCont::getOptions(), OptionsCont::getStringVector(), OptionsCont::isSet(), MAX2(), MIN2(), TL, StringUtils::toInt(), toString(), and WRITE_ERROR.

Referenced by GUIApplicationWindow::create(), create(), handleEvent_NetworkLoaded(), and GUIApplicationWindow::handleEvent_SimulationLoaded().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ storeWindowSizeAndPos()

void GUIMainWindow::storeWindowSizeAndPos ( )

record window position and size in registry

Definition at line 328 of file GUIMainWindow.cpp.

References GUIMainWindow::myAmFullScreen.

Referenced by createNewNetwork(), GUIApplicationWindow::loadConfigOrNet(), loadConfiguration(), loadNetwork(), loadOSM(), GUIApplicationWindow::onCmdQuit(), onCmdQuit(), GUIApplicationWindow::onCmdReload(), onCmdReloadNetwork(), and onCmdSmartReload().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ updateChildren()

void GUIMainWindow::updateChildren ( int  msg = MID_SIMSTEP)

◆ updateControls()

void GNEApplicationWindow::updateControls ( )

update control contents after undo/redo or recompute

Definition at line 4626 of file GNEApplicationWindow.cpp.

References myViewNet, GNEViewNet::updateControls(), and updateRecomputingLabel().

Referenced by computeJunctionWithVolatileOptions(), onCmdProcessButton(), GNEUndoList::redo(), and GNEUndoList::undo().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ updateRecomputingLabel()

void GNEApplicationWindow::updateRecomputingLabel ( )

update recomputing label

Definition at line 1531 of file GNEApplicationWindow.cpp.

References GNENet::getAttributeCarriers(), GUIIconSubSys::getIcon(), GNENetHelper::AttributeCarriers::getJunctions(), GNEViewNet::getNet(), GNENet::isNetRecomputed(), myNet, myRequireRecomputingButton, myViewNet, OK, TL, and WARNING.

Referenced by onUpdRequireRecomputing(), and updateControls().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ updateSuperModeMenuCommands()

void GNEApplicationWindow::updateSuperModeMenuCommands ( const Supermode  supermode)

update FXMenuCommands depending of supermode

Definition at line 4637 of file GNEApplicationWindow.cpp.

References DATA, GNEApplicationWindowHelper::ModesMenuCommands::dataMenuCommands, DEMAND, GNEApplicationWindowHelper::ModesMenuCommands::demandMenuCommands, GNEViewNet::getEditModes(), GNEApplicationWindowHelper::LockMenuCommands::hideDataLockMenuCommands(), GNEApplicationWindowHelper::ModesMenuCommands::DataMenuCommands::hideDataMenuCommands(), GNEApplicationWindowHelper::ProcessingMenuCommands::hideDataProcessingMenuCommands(), GNEApplicationWindowHelper::LockMenuCommands::hideDemandLockMenuCommands(), GNEApplicationWindowHelper::ModesMenuCommands::DemandMenuCommands::hideDemandMenuCommands(), GNEApplicationWindowHelper::ProcessingMenuCommands::hideDemandProcessingMenuCommands(), GNEApplicationWindowHelper::LockMenuCommands::hideNetworkLockMenuCommands(), GNEApplicationWindowHelper::ModesMenuCommands::NetworkMenuCommands::hideNetworkMenuCommands(), GNEApplicationWindowHelper::ProcessingMenuCommands::hideNetworkProcessingMenuCommands(), GNEApplicationWindowHelper::ProcessingMenuCommands::hideSeparator(), GNEViewNetHelper::EditModes::isDefaultView(), GNEViewNetHelper::EditModes::isJuPedSimView(), myLockMenuCommands, myModesMenuCommands, myProcessingMenuCommands, mySupermodeCommands, myViewNet, NETWORK, GNEApplicationWindowHelper::ModesMenuCommands::networkMenuCommands, GNEApplicationWindowHelper::LockMenuCommands::removeHotkeys(), GNEApplicationWindowHelper::SupermodeCommands::setDefaultView(), GNEApplicationWindowHelper::ModesMenuCommands::setDefaultView(), GNEApplicationWindowHelper::SupermodeCommands::setJuPedSimView(), GNEApplicationWindowHelper::ModesMenuCommands::setJuPedSimView(), GNEApplicationWindowHelper::LockMenuCommands::showDataLockMenuCommands(), GNEApplicationWindowHelper::ModesMenuCommands::DataMenuCommands::showDataMenuCommands(), GNEApplicationWindowHelper::ProcessingMenuCommands::showDataProcessingMenuCommands(), GNEApplicationWindowHelper::LockMenuCommands::showDemandLockMenuCommands(), GNEApplicationWindowHelper::ModesMenuCommands::DemandMenuCommands::showDemandMenuCommands(), GNEApplicationWindowHelper::ProcessingMenuCommands::showDemandProcessingMenuCommands(), GNEApplicationWindowHelper::LockMenuCommands::showNetworkLockMenuCommands(), GNEApplicationWindowHelper::ModesMenuCommands::NetworkMenuCommands::showNetworkMenuCommands(), GNEApplicationWindowHelper::ProcessingMenuCommands::showNetworkProcessingMenuCommands(), and GNEApplicationWindowHelper::ProcessingMenuCommands::showSeparator().

Field Documentation

◆ myAmFullScreen

bool GUIMainWindow::myAmFullScreen

FOX need this.

whether to show the window in full screen mode

Definition at line 197 of file GUIMainWindow.h.

Referenced by GUIMainWindow::isFullScreen(), GUIApplicationWindow::onCmdFullScreen(), GUIApplicationWindow::onCmdGaming(), and GUIMainWindow::storeWindowSizeAndPos().

◆ myAmGaming

◆ myAmLoading

bool GNEApplicationWindow::myAmLoading = false

information whether the gui is currently loading and the load-options shall be greyed out

Definition at line 618 of file GNEApplicationWindow.h.

Referenced by createNewNetwork(), handleEvent_NetworkLoaded(), loadConfiguration(), loadNetwork(), loadOptionOnStartup(), loadOSM(), onCmdOpenRecent(), onCmdReloadNetwork(), onCmdSmartReload(), and onUpdOpen().

◆ myBoldFont

FXFont* GUIMainWindow::myBoldFont = nullptr

Font used for popup-menu titles.

Definition at line 209 of file GUIMainWindow.h.

Referenced by GUIMainWindow::getBoldFont(), GUIMainWindow::GUIMainWindow(), and GUIMainWindow::~GUIMainWindow().

◆ myBottomDock

FXDockSite* GUIMainWindow::myBottomDock = nullptr

Definition at line 236 of file GUIMainWindow.h.

Referenced by GUIMainWindow::GUIMainWindow(), and GUIMainWindow::~GUIMainWindow().

◆ myCartesianCoordinate

FXLabel* GUIMainWindow::myCartesianCoordinate = nullptr

Labels for the current cartesian, geo-coordinate and test coordinates.

Definition at line 221 of file GUIMainWindow.h.

Referenced by GUIApplicationWindow::closeAllWindows(), closeAllWindows(), dependentBuild(), GUIApplicationWindow::dependentBuild(), and GUIMainWindow::getCartesianLabel().

◆ myCartesianFrame

FXHorizontalFrame* GUIMainWindow::myCartesianFrame = nullptr

◆ myConfigPattern

std::string GNEApplicationWindow::myConfigPattern

Input file pattern.

Definition at line 695 of file GNEApplicationWindow.h.

◆ myConsoleOptionsLoaded

bool GNEApplicationWindow::myConsoleOptionsLoaded = true

flag for check if console options was already loaded

Definition at line 716 of file GNEApplicationWindow.h.

Referenced by consoleOptionsLoaded().

◆ myEditMenu

FXMenuPane * GNEApplicationWindow::myEditMenu = nullptr

Definition at line 633 of file GNEApplicationWindow.h.

Referenced by fillMenuBar(), and ~GNEApplicationWindow().

◆ myEditMenuCommands

GNEApplicationWindowHelper::EditMenuCommands GNEApplicationWindow::myEditMenuCommands

◆ myEvents

MFXSynchQue<GUIEvent*> GNEApplicationWindow::myEvents

List of got requests.

Definition at line 677 of file GNEApplicationWindow.h.

Referenced by dependentBuild(), eventOccurred(), and ~GNEApplicationWindow().

◆ myFallbackFont

FXFont* GUIMainWindow::myFallbackFont = nullptr

Fallback font for extended characters support.

Definition at line 212 of file GUIMainWindow.h.

Referenced by GUIMainWindow::getFallbackFont(), GUIMainWindow::GUIMainWindow(), and GUIMainWindow::~GUIMainWindow().

◆ myFileMenu

FXMenuPane* GNEApplicationWindow::myFileMenu = nullptr

the submenus

Definition at line 621 of file GNEApplicationWindow.h.

Referenced by fillMenuBar(), and ~GNEApplicationWindow().

◆ myFileMenuAdditionals

FXMenuPane * GNEApplicationWindow::myFileMenuAdditionals = nullptr

Definition at line 626 of file GNEApplicationWindow.h.

Referenced by fillMenuBar(), and ~GNEApplicationWindow().

◆ myFileMenuCommands

GNEApplicationWindowHelper::FileMenuCommands GNEApplicationWindow::myFileMenuCommands

File Menu Commands.

Definition at line 726 of file GNEApplicationWindow.h.

Referenced by fillMenuBar(), getFileMenuCommands(), and onUpdNeedsNetwork().

◆ myFileMenuDataElements

FXMenuPane * GNEApplicationWindow::myFileMenuDataElements = nullptr

Definition at line 628 of file GNEApplicationWindow.h.

Referenced by fillMenuBar(), and ~GNEApplicationWindow().

◆ myFileMenuDemandElements

FXMenuPane * GNEApplicationWindow::myFileMenuDemandElements = nullptr

Definition at line 627 of file GNEApplicationWindow.h.

Referenced by fillMenuBar(), and ~GNEApplicationWindow().

◆ myFileMenuEdgeTypes

FXMenuPane * GNEApplicationWindow::myFileMenuEdgeTypes = nullptr

Definition at line 625 of file GNEApplicationWindow.h.

Referenced by fillMenuBar(), and ~GNEApplicationWindow().

◆ myFileMenuMeanDataElements

FXMenuPane * GNEApplicationWindow::myFileMenuMeanDataElements = nullptr

Definition at line 629 of file GNEApplicationWindow.h.

Referenced by fillMenuBar(), and ~GNEApplicationWindow().

◆ myFileMenuNeteditConfig

FXMenuPane * GNEApplicationWindow::myFileMenuNeteditConfig = nullptr

Definition at line 622 of file GNEApplicationWindow.h.

Referenced by fillMenuBar(), and ~GNEApplicationWindow().

◆ myFileMenuRecentConfigs

FXMenuPane * GNEApplicationWindow::myFileMenuRecentConfigs = nullptr

Definition at line 631 of file GNEApplicationWindow.h.

Referenced by fillMenuBar(), and ~GNEApplicationWindow().

◆ myFileMenuRecentNetworks

FXMenuPane * GNEApplicationWindow::myFileMenuRecentNetworks = nullptr

Definition at line 630 of file GNEApplicationWindow.h.

Referenced by fillMenuBar(), and ~GNEApplicationWindow().

◆ myFileMenuSumoConfig

FXMenuPane * GNEApplicationWindow::myFileMenuSumoConfig = nullptr

Definition at line 623 of file GNEApplicationWindow.h.

Referenced by fillMenuBar(), and ~GNEApplicationWindow().

◆ myFileMenuTLS

FXMenuPane * GNEApplicationWindow::myFileMenuTLS = nullptr

Definition at line 624 of file GNEApplicationWindow.h.

Referenced by fillMenuBar(), and ~GNEApplicationWindow().

◆ myGeoCoordinate

FXLabel* GUIMainWindow::myGeoCoordinate = nullptr

◆ myGeoFrame

FXHorizontalFrame* GUIMainWindow::myGeoFrame = nullptr

◆ myGLVisual

FXGLVisual* GUIMainWindow::myGLVisual = nullptr

◆ myGLWindows

◆ myHadDependentBuild

bool GNEApplicationWindow::myHadDependentBuild = false

check if had dependent build

Definition at line 683 of file GNEApplicationWindow.h.

Referenced by dependentBuild().

◆ myHelpMenu

FXMenuPane * GNEApplicationWindow::myHelpMenu = nullptr

Definition at line 656 of file GNEApplicationWindow.h.

Referenced by fillMenuBar(), and ~GNEApplicationWindow().

◆ myHelpMenuCommands

GNEApplicationWindowHelper::HelpMenuCommands GNEApplicationWindow::myHelpMenuCommands

Help Menu Commands.

Definition at line 750 of file GNEApplicationWindow.h.

Referenced by fillMenuBar().

◆ myInstance

GUIMainWindow * GUIMainWindow::myInstance = nullptr

the singleton window instance

Definition at line 265 of file GUIMainWindow.h.

Referenced by GUIMainWindow::getInstance(), GUIMainWindow::GUIMainWindow(), and GUIMainWindow::~GUIMainWindow().

◆ myLanguageMenu

FXMenuPane* GUIMainWindow::myLanguageMenu = nullptr

◆ myLeftDock

FXDockSite* GUIMainWindow::myLeftDock = nullptr

Definition at line 237 of file GUIMainWindow.h.

Referenced by GUIMainWindow::GUIMainWindow(), and GUIMainWindow::~GUIMainWindow().

◆ myListInternal

bool GUIMainWindow::myListInternal

information whether the locator should list internal structures

Definition at line 253 of file GUIMainWindow.h.

Referenced by GUIMainWindow::listInternal(), and GUIApplicationWindow::onCmdListInternal().

◆ myListParking

bool GUIMainWindow::myListParking

information whether the locator should list parking vehicles

Definition at line 256 of file GUIMainWindow.h.

Referenced by GUIApplicationWindow::fillMenuBar(), GUIMainWindow::listParking(), and GUIApplicationWindow::onCmdListParking().

◆ myListTeleporting

bool GUIMainWindow::myListTeleporting

information whether the locator should list teleporting vehicles

Definition at line 259 of file GUIMainWindow.h.

Referenced by GUIMainWindow::listTeleporting(), and GUIApplicationWindow::onCmdListTeleporting().

◆ myLoadThread

◆ myLoadThreadEvent

FXEX::MFXThreadEvent GNEApplicationWindow::myLoadThreadEvent

io-event with the load-thread

Definition at line 680 of file GNEApplicationWindow.h.

Referenced by dependentBuild().

◆ myLocateMenuCommands

GNEApplicationWindowHelper::LocateMenuCommands GNEApplicationWindow::myLocateMenuCommands

Locate Menu Commands.

Definition at line 741 of file GNEApplicationWindow.h.

Referenced by fillMenuBar().

◆ myLocatorMenu

FXMenuPane * GNEApplicationWindow::myLocatorMenu = nullptr

Definition at line 636 of file GNEApplicationWindow.h.

Referenced by fillMenuBar(), and ~GNEApplicationWindow().

◆ myLockMenu

FXMenuPane * GNEApplicationWindow::myLockMenu = nullptr

Definition at line 634 of file GNEApplicationWindow.h.

Referenced by fillMenuBar(), and ~GNEApplicationWindow().

◆ myLockMenuCommands

GNEApplicationWindowHelper::LockMenuCommands GNEApplicationWindow::myLockMenuCommands

◆ myLockMenuTitle

FXMenuTitle* GNEApplicationWindow::myLockMenuTitle = nullptr

menu title for lock

Definition at line 665 of file GNEApplicationWindow.h.

Referenced by fillMenuBar(), and onUpdLockMenuTitle().

◆ myMainSplitter

FXSplitter* GNEApplicationWindow::myMainSplitter = nullptr

The splitter that divides the main window into view and the log window.

Definition at line 671 of file GNEApplicationWindow.h.

Referenced by dependentBuild().

◆ myMDIClient

◆ myMDIMenu

FXMDIMenu* GNEApplicationWindow::myMDIMenu = nullptr

The menu used for the MDI-windows.

Definition at line 762 of file GNEApplicationWindow.h.

Referenced by dependentBuild(), and handleEvent_NetworkLoaded().

◆ myMenuBarFile

◆ myMenuPaneToolMaps

std::map<std::string, FXMenuPane*> GNEApplicationWindow::myMenuPaneToolMaps

map with menu pane tools and strings

Definition at line 659 of file GNEApplicationWindow.h.

Referenced by fillMenuBar().

◆ myMessageWindow

GUIMessageWindow* GNEApplicationWindow::myMessageWindow = nullptr

◆ myModesMenu

FXMenuPane * GNEApplicationWindow::myModesMenu = nullptr

Definition at line 632 of file GNEApplicationWindow.h.

Referenced by fillMenuBar(), and ~GNEApplicationWindow().

◆ myModesMenuCommands

GNEApplicationWindowHelper::ModesMenuCommands GNEApplicationWindow::myModesMenuCommands

Modes Menu Commands.

Definition at line 729 of file GNEApplicationWindow.h.

Referenced by fillMenuBar(), getModesMenuCommands(), onCmdClose(), and updateSuperModeMenuCommands().

◆ myModesMenuTitle

FXMenuTitle* GNEApplicationWindow::myModesMenuTitle = nullptr

menu title for modes

Definition at line 662 of file GNEApplicationWindow.h.

Referenced by fillMenuBar().

◆ myNet

GNENet* GNEApplicationWindow::myNet = nullptr

we are responsible for the net

Definition at line 686 of file GNEApplicationWindow.h.

Referenced by closeAllWindows(), computeJunctionWithVolatileOptions(), continueWithUnsavedAdditionalChanges(), continueWithUnsavedChanges(), continueWithUnsavedDataElementChanges(), continueWithUnsavedDemandElementChanges(), continueWithUnsavedMeanDataElementChanges(), handleEvent_NetworkLoaded(), loadAdditionalElements(), loadDataElements(), loadDemandElements(), loadMeanDataElements(), onCmdOpenAdditionals(), onCmdOpenDataElements(), onCmdOpenDemandElements(), onCmdOpenEdgeTypes(), onCmdOpenMeanDatas(), onCmdOpenOptionsDialog(), onCmdOpenSUMOGUI(), onCmdOpenSumoOptionsDialog(), onCmdOpenTLSPrograms(), onCmdProcessButton(), onCmdReloadAdditionals(), onCmdReloadDataElements(), onCmdReloadDemandElements(), onCmdReloadEdgeTypes(), onCmdReloadMeanDatas(), onCmdReloadTLSPrograms(), onCmdSaveAdditionals(), onCmdSaveAdditionalsAs(), onCmdSaveDataElements(), onCmdSaveDataElementsAs(), onCmdSaveDemandElements(), onCmdSaveDemandElementsAs(), onCmdSaveEdgeTypes(), onCmdSaveJoinedJunctionsAs(), onCmdSaveJuPedSimElementsAs(), onCmdSaveMeanDatas(), onCmdSaveMeanDatasAs(), onCmdSaveNeteditConfig(), onCmdSaveNetwork(), onCmdSavePlainXMLAs(), onCmdSaveSumoConfig(), onCmdSaveTLSPrograms(), onUpdNeedsFrontElement(), onUpdNeedsNetwork(), onUpdNeedsNetworkElement(), onUpdOpenUndoListDialog(), onUpdReloadNetwork(), onUpdSaveAdditionals(), onUpdSaveAdditionalsAs(), onUpdSaveDataElements(), onUpdSaveDataElementsAs(), onUpdSaveDemandElements(), onUpdSaveDemandElementsAs(), onUpdSaveEdgeTypes(), onUpdSaveEdgeTypesAs(), onUpdSaveJuPedSimElementsAs(), onUpdSaveMeanDatas(), onUpdSaveMeanDatasAs(), onUpdSaveNeteditConfig(), onUpdSaveNetwork(), onUpdSaveSumoConfig(), onUpdSaveTLSPrograms(), onUpdSmartReload(), and updateRecomputingLabel().

◆ myNetgenerateOptions

OptionsCont GNEApplicationWindow::myNetgenerateOptions

netgenerate options container

Definition at line 710 of file GNEApplicationWindow.h.

Referenced by getNetgenerateOptions(), onCmdNewWindow(), onCmdOpenNetgenerateOptionsDialog(), and onCmdRunNetgenerate().

◆ myOnlineMaps

std::map<std::string, std::string> GUIMainWindow::myOnlineMaps

online mapping services for the context menu

Definition at line 262 of file GUIMainWindow.h.

Referenced by GUIMainWindow::addOnlineMap(), GUIApplicationWindow::create(), create(), and GUIMainWindow::getOnlineMaps().

◆ myOriginalNeteditOptions

OptionsCont GNEApplicationWindow::myOriginalNeteditOptions

original netedit options container

Definition at line 701 of file GNEApplicationWindow.h.

Referenced by loadOSM(), and onCmdOpenOptionsDialog().

◆ myOriginalNetgenerateOptions

OptionsCont GNEApplicationWindow::myOriginalNetgenerateOptions

original netgenerate options container

Definition at line 713 of file GNEApplicationWindow.h.

Referenced by onCmdOpenNetgenerateOptionsDialog().

◆ myOriginalSumoOptions

OptionsCont GNEApplicationWindow::myOriginalSumoOptions

original sumo options container

Definition at line 707 of file GNEApplicationWindow.h.

Referenced by onCmdOpenSumoOptionsDialog().

◆ myProcessingMenu

FXMenuPane * GNEApplicationWindow::myProcessingMenu = nullptr

Definition at line 635 of file GNEApplicationWindow.h.

Referenced by fillMenuBar(), and ~GNEApplicationWindow().

◆ myProcessingMenuCommands

GNEApplicationWindowHelper::ProcessingMenuCommands GNEApplicationWindow::myProcessingMenuCommands

◆ myRequireRecomputingButton

MFXButtonTooltip* GNEApplicationWindow::myRequireRecomputingButton = nullptr

Button used for show if recomputing is needed.

Definition at line 674 of file GNEApplicationWindow.h.

Referenced by dependentBuild(), and updateRecomputingLabel().

◆ myRightDock

FXDockSite* GUIMainWindow::myRightDock = nullptr

Definition at line 238 of file GUIMainWindow.h.

Referenced by GUIMainWindow::GUIMainWindow(), and GUIMainWindow::~GUIMainWindow().

◆ myStaticTooltipMenu

MFXStaticToolTip* GUIMainWindow::myStaticTooltipMenu = nullptr

◆ myStaticTooltipView

MFXStaticToolTip* GUIMainWindow::myStaticTooltipView = nullptr

static toolTip used in view

Definition at line 247 of file GUIMainWindow.h.

Referenced by GUIMainWindow::getStaticTooltipView(), GUIMainWindow::GUIMainWindow(), and GUIMainWindow::~GUIMainWindow().

◆ myStatusbar

◆ mySumoOptions

OptionsCont GNEApplicationWindow::mySumoOptions

◆ mySupermodeCommands

GNEApplicationWindowHelper::SupermodeCommands GNEApplicationWindow::mySupermodeCommands

Supermode Commands.

Definition at line 753 of file GNEApplicationWindow.h.

Referenced by fillMenuBar(), and updateSuperModeMenuCommands().

◆ myTestCoordinate

FXLabel* GUIMainWindow::myTestCoordinate = nullptr

◆ myTestFrame

FXHorizontalFrame* GUIMainWindow::myTestFrame = nullptr

◆ myTitlePrefix

const FXString GNEApplicationWindow::myTitlePrefix

the prefix for the window title

Definition at line 759 of file GNEApplicationWindow.h.

Referenced by closeAllWindows(), dependentBuild(), handleEvent_NetworkLoaded(), and onCmdSaveNetworkAs().

◆ myToolbarsGrip

GNEApplicationWindowHelper::ToolbarsGrip GNEApplicationWindow::myToolbarsGrip

Toolbars Grip.

Definition at line 720 of file GNEApplicationWindow.h.

Referenced by fillMenuBar(), and getToolbarsGrip().

◆ myToolsDetectorMenu

FXMenuPane * GNEApplicationWindow::myToolsDetectorMenu = nullptr

Definition at line 638 of file GNEApplicationWindow.h.

Referenced by fillMenuBar(), and ~GNEApplicationWindow().

◆ myToolsDistrictMenu

FXMenuPane * GNEApplicationWindow::myToolsDistrictMenu = nullptr

Definition at line 639 of file GNEApplicationWindow.h.

Referenced by fillMenuBar(), and ~GNEApplicationWindow().

◆ myToolsDRTMenu

FXMenuPane * GNEApplicationWindow::myToolsDRTMenu = nullptr

Definition at line 640 of file GNEApplicationWindow.h.

Referenced by fillMenuBar(), and ~GNEApplicationWindow().

◆ myToolsEmissionsMenu

FXMenuPane * GNEApplicationWindow::myToolsEmissionsMenu = nullptr

Definition at line 641 of file GNEApplicationWindow.h.

Referenced by fillMenuBar(), and ~GNEApplicationWindow().

◆ myToolsImportCityBrainMenu

FXMenuPane * GNEApplicationWindow::myToolsImportCityBrainMenu = nullptr

Definition at line 643 of file GNEApplicationWindow.h.

Referenced by fillMenuBar(), and ~GNEApplicationWindow().

◆ myToolsImportGTFSMenu

FXMenuPane * GNEApplicationWindow::myToolsImportGTFSMenu = nullptr

Definition at line 644 of file GNEApplicationWindow.h.

Referenced by fillMenuBar(), and ~GNEApplicationWindow().

◆ myToolsImportMenu

FXMenuPane * GNEApplicationWindow::myToolsImportMenu = nullptr

Definition at line 642 of file GNEApplicationWindow.h.

Referenced by fillMenuBar(), and ~GNEApplicationWindow().

◆ myToolsImportVissim

FXMenuPane * GNEApplicationWindow::myToolsImportVissim = nullptr

Definition at line 645 of file GNEApplicationWindow.h.

Referenced by fillMenuBar(), and ~GNEApplicationWindow().

◆ myToolsImportVisum

FXMenuPane * GNEApplicationWindow::myToolsImportVisum = nullptr

Definition at line 646 of file GNEApplicationWindow.h.

Referenced by fillMenuBar(), and ~GNEApplicationWindow().

◆ myToolsMenu

FXMenuPane * GNEApplicationWindow::myToolsMenu = nullptr

Definition at line 637 of file GNEApplicationWindow.h.

Referenced by fillMenuBar(), and ~GNEApplicationWindow().

◆ myToolsMenuCommands

◆ myToolsNetMenu

FXMenuPane * GNEApplicationWindow::myToolsNetMenu = nullptr

Definition at line 647 of file GNEApplicationWindow.h.

Referenced by fillMenuBar(), and ~GNEApplicationWindow().

◆ myToolsOutputMenu

FXMenuPane * GNEApplicationWindow::myToolsOutputMenu = nullptr

Definition at line 649 of file GNEApplicationWindow.h.

Referenced by fillMenuBar(), and ~GNEApplicationWindow().

◆ myToolsRouteMenu

FXMenuPane * GNEApplicationWindow::myToolsRouteMenu = nullptr

Definition at line 648 of file GNEApplicationWindow.h.

Referenced by fillMenuBar(), and ~GNEApplicationWindow().

◆ myToolsShapes

FXMenuPane * GNEApplicationWindow::myToolsShapes = nullptr

Definition at line 650 of file GNEApplicationWindow.h.

Referenced by fillMenuBar(), and ~GNEApplicationWindow().

◆ myToolsTLS

FXMenuPane * GNEApplicationWindow::myToolsTLS = nullptr

Definition at line 651 of file GNEApplicationWindow.h.

Referenced by fillMenuBar(), and ~GNEApplicationWindow().

◆ myToolsTurnDefs

FXMenuPane * GNEApplicationWindow::myToolsTurnDefs = nullptr

Definition at line 652 of file GNEApplicationWindow.h.

Referenced by fillMenuBar(), and ~GNEApplicationWindow().

◆ myToolsVisualizationMenu

FXMenuPane * GNEApplicationWindow::myToolsVisualizationMenu = nullptr

Definition at line 653 of file GNEApplicationWindow.h.

Referenced by fillMenuBar(), and ~GNEApplicationWindow().

◆ myToolsXML

FXMenuPane * GNEApplicationWindow::myToolsXML = nullptr

Definition at line 654 of file GNEApplicationWindow.h.

Referenced by fillMenuBar(), and ~GNEApplicationWindow().

◆ myTopDock

FXDockSite* GUIMainWindow::myTopDock = nullptr

◆ myTraCiFrame

FXHorizontalFrame* GUIMainWindow::myTraCiFrame = nullptr

frames for coordinates

Definition at line 226 of file GUIMainWindow.h.

Referenced by GUIApplicationWindow::dependentBuild(), and GUIApplicationWindow::onUpdTraCIStatus().

◆ myTrackerLock

FXMutex GUIMainWindow::myTrackerLock

A lock to make the removal and addition of trackers secure.

Definition at line 206 of file GUIMainWindow.h.

Referenced by GUIMainWindow::addChild(), GUIApplicationWindow::closeAllWindows(), closeAllWindows(), GUIMainWindow::removeChild(), and GUIMainWindow::updateChildren().

◆ myTrackerWindows

std::vector<FXMainWindow*> GUIMainWindow::myTrackerWindows

◆ myUndoList

◆ myUndoListDialog

GNEUndoListDialog* GNEApplicationWindow::myUndoListDialog = nullptr

◆ myUndoRedoListEnabled

std::string GNEApplicationWindow::myUndoRedoListEnabled

string to check if undo/redo list is enabled (a String is used to keep the disabling reason)

Definition at line 698 of file GNEApplicationWindow.h.

Referenced by disableUndoRedo(), enableUndoRedo(), and isUndoRedoEnabled().

◆ myViewNet

GNEViewNet* GNEApplicationWindow::myViewNet = nullptr

pointer to current view net

Definition at line 756 of file GNEApplicationWindow.h.

Referenced by clearUndoList(), closeAllWindows(), continueWithUnsavedAdditionalChanges(), continueWithUnsavedChanges(), continueWithUnsavedDataElementChanges(), continueWithUnsavedDemandElementChanges(), continueWithUnsavedMeanDataElementChanges(), getViewNet(), handleEvent_NetworkLoaded(), loadDataElements(), onCmdAbort(), onCmdBackspace(), onCmdClearSelectionShortcut(), onCmdClearTemplate(), onCmdClose(), onCmdComputePathManager(), onCmdCopyTemplate(), onCmdDel(), onCmdEditViewport(), onCmdEditViewScheme(), onCmdEnter(), onCmdFocusFrame(), onCmdLockAllElements(), onCmdLockElements(), onCmdLockSelectElements(), onCmdOpenDataElements(), onCmdOpenEdgeTypes(), onCmdOpenSUMOGUI(), onCmdProcessButton(), onCmdRedo(), onCmdReloadDataElements(), onCmdReloadEdgeTypes(), onCmdSaveNetwork(), onCmdSetFrontElement(), onCmdSetMode(), onCmdSetSuperMode(), onCmdSetTemplate(), onCmdToggleDrawJunctionShape(), onCmdToggleEditOptions(), onCmdToggleGrid(), onCmdToggleTimeFormat(), onCmdToggleViewOption(), onCmdUndo(), onCmdUnlockAllElements(), onUpdComputePathManager(), onUpdLockMenuTitle(), onUpdNeedsFrontElement(), onUpdReloadAdditionals(), onUpdReloadDataElements(), onUpdReloadDemandElements(), onUpdReloadEdgeTypes(), onUpdReloadMeanDatas(), onUpdReloadNeteditConfig(), onUpdReloadSumoConfig(), onUpdReloadTLSPrograms(), onUpdRequireViewNet(), onUpdSaveNeteditConfig(), onUpdToggleTimeFormat(), onUpdToggleViewOption(), updateControls(), updateRecomputingLabel(), and updateSuperModeMenuCommands().

◆ myWindowMenu

FXMenuPane * GNEApplicationWindow::myWindowMenu = nullptr

Definition at line 655 of file GNEApplicationWindow.h.

Referenced by fillMenuBar(), and ~GNEApplicationWindow().

◆ myWindowsMenuCommands

GNEApplicationWindowHelper::WindowsMenuCommands GNEApplicationWindow::myWindowsMenuCommands

Windows Menu Commands.

Definition at line 747 of file GNEApplicationWindow.h.

Referenced by fillMenuBar().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: