Eclipse SUMO - Simulation of Urban MObility
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /****************************************************************************/
2 // Eclipse SUMO, Simulation of Urban MObility; see
3 // Copyright (C) 2012-2024 German Aerospace Center (DLR) and others.
4 // This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
5 // terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at
6 //
7 // This Source Code may also be made available under the following Secondary
8 // Licenses when the conditions for such availability set forth in the Eclipse
9 // Public License 2.0 are satisfied: GNU General Public License, version 2
10 // or later which is available at
11 //
12 // SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 OR GPL-2.0-or-later
13 /****************************************************************************/
18 // C++ TraCI client API implementation
19 /****************************************************************************/
20 #pragma once
21 #include <vector>
22 #include <libsumo/TraCIDefs.h>
23 #include <libsumo/VehicleType.h>
26 // ===========================================================================
27 // class declarations
28 // ===========================================================================
29 #ifndef LIBTRACI
30 class MSPerson;
31 class MSStage;
32 struct Reservation;
33 class PositionVector;
34 #endif
37 // ===========================================================================
38 // class definitions
39 // ===========================================================================
44 namespace LIBSUMO_NAMESPACE {
45 class Person {
46 public:
47  static double getSpeed(const std::string& personID);
48  static libsumo::TraCIPosition getPosition(const std::string& personID, const bool includeZ = false);
49  static libsumo::TraCIPosition getPosition3D(const std::string& personID);
50  static std::string getRoadID(const std::string& personID);
51  static std::string getLaneID(const std::string& personID);
52  static std::string getTypeID(const std::string& personID);
53  static double getWaitingTime(const std::string& personID);
54  static std::string getNextEdge(const std::string& personID);
55  static std::string getVehicle(const std::string& personID);
56  static int getRemainingStages(const std::string& personID);
57  static libsumo::TraCIStage getStage(const std::string& personID, int nextStageIndex = 0);
58  static std::vector<std::string> getEdges(const std::string& personID, int nextStageIndex = 0);
59  static double getAngle(const std::string& personID);
60  static double getSlope(const std::string& personID);
61  static double getLanePosition(const std::string& personID);
63  static std::vector<libsumo::TraCIReservation> getTaxiReservations(int onlyNew = 0);
64  static std::string splitTaxiReservation(std::string reservationID, const std::vector<std::string>& personIDs);
69  static void add(const std::string& personID, const std::string& edgeID, double pos, double depart = libsumo::DEPARTFLAG_NOW, const std::string typeID = "DEFAULT_PEDTYPE");
70  static void appendStage(const std::string& personID, const libsumo::TraCIStage& stage);
71  static void replaceStage(const std::string& personID, const int stageIndex, const libsumo::TraCIStage& stage);
72  static void appendWaitingStage(const std::string& personID, double duration, const std::string& description = "waiting", const std::string& stopID = "");
73  static void appendWalkingStage(const std::string& personID, const std::vector<std::string>& edges, double arrivalPos, double duration = -1, double speed = -1, const std::string& stopID = "");
74  static void appendDrivingStage(const std::string& personID, const std::string& toEdge, const std::string& lines, const std::string& stopID = "");
75  static void removeStage(const std::string& personID, int nextStageIndex);
76  static void rerouteTraveltime(const std::string& personID);
77  static void moveTo(const std::string& personID, const std::string& laneID, double pos, double posLat = libsumo::INVALID_DOUBLE_VALUE);
78  static void moveToXY(const std::string& personID, const std::string& edgeID, const double x, const double y, double angle = libsumo::INVALID_DOUBLE_VALUE, const int keepRoute = 1, double matchThreshold = 100);
79  static void remove(const std::string& personID, char reason = libsumo::REMOVE_VAPORIZED);
80  static void setSpeed(const std::string& personID, double speed);
81  static void setType(const std::string& personID, const std::string& typeID);
87 #ifndef LIBTRACI
88 #ifndef SWIG
93  static void storeShape(const std::string& id, PositionVector& shape);
95  static std::shared_ptr<VariableWrapper> makeWrapper();
97  static bool handleVariable(const std::string& objID, const int variable, VariableWrapper* wrapper, tcpip::Storage* paramData);
99 private:
100  static MSPerson* getPerson(const std::string& id);
101  static MSStage* convertTraCIStage(const TraCIStage& stage, const std::string personID);
102  static bool filterReservation(int stateFilter, const Reservation* res, std::vector<libsumo::TraCIReservation>& reservations);
106  public:
111  int operator()(const TraCIReservation& r1, const TraCIReservation& r2) const;
112  };
114 private:
117 #endif
118 #endif
120 private:
122  Person() = delete;
124 };
127 }
Definition: TraCIDefs.h:116
Definition: TraCIDefs.h:62
Definition: VehicleType.h:27
Definition: VehicleType.h:56
int operator()(const TraCIReservation &r1, const TraCIReservation &r2) const
comparing operation for sort
static void appendDrivingStage(const std::string &personID, const std::string &toEdge, const std::string &lines, const std::string &stopID="")
static std::string splitTaxiReservation(std::string reservationID, const std::vector< std::string > &personIDs)
static std::shared_ptr< VariableWrapper > makeWrapper()
static double getSpeed(const std::string &personID)
static double getLanePosition(const std::string &personID)
static void appendStage(const std::string &personID, const libsumo::TraCIStage &stage)
static SubscriptionResults mySubscriptionResults
Definition: Person.h:115
static libsumo::TraCIPosition getPosition(const std::string &personID, const bool includeZ=false)
static double getWaitingTime(const std::string &personID)
static void removeStage(const std::string &personID, int nextStageIndex)
static void appendWaitingStage(const std::string &personID, double duration, const std::string &description="waiting", const std::string &stopID="")
static double getSlope(const std::string &personID)
static libsumo::TraCIStage getStage(const std::string &personID, int nextStageIndex=0)
static std::string getVehicle(const std::string &personID)
LIBSUMO_VEHICLE_TYPE_SETTER static LIBSUMO_SUBSCRIPTION_API void storeShape(const std::string &id, PositionVector &shape)
Saves the shape of the requested object in the given container.
static std::vector< libsumo::TraCIReservation > getTaxiReservations(int onlyNew=0)
static void appendWalkingStage(const std::string &personID, const std::vector< std::string > &edges, double arrivalPos, double duration=-1, double speed=-1, const std::string &stopID="")
LIBSUMO_ID_PARAMETER_API static LIBSUMO_VEHICLE_TYPE_GETTER void add(const std::string &personID, const std::string &edgeID, double pos, double depart=libsumo::DEPARTFLAG_NOW, const std::string typeID="DEFAULT_PEDTYPE")
static std::string getLaneID(const std::string &personID)
static MSPerson * getPerson(const std::string &id)
static void setType(const std::string &personID, const std::string &typeID)
static double getAngle(const std::string &personID)
static std::string getRoadID(const std::string &personID)
invalidated standard constructor
static int getRemainingStages(const std::string &personID)
static bool filterReservation(int stateFilter, const Reservation *res, std::vector< libsumo::TraCIReservation > &reservations)
static std::string getTypeID(const std::string &personID)
static void replaceStage(const std::string &personID, const int stageIndex, const libsumo::TraCIStage &stage)
static void rerouteTraveltime(const std::string &personID)
static std::string getNextEdge(const std::string &personID)
static bool handleVariable(const std::string &objID, const int variable, VariableWrapper *wrapper, tcpip::Storage *paramData)
static void moveTo(const std::string &personID, const std::string &laneID, double pos, double posLat=libsumo::INVALID_DOUBLE_VALUE)
static MSStage * convertTraCIStage(const TraCIStage &stage, const std::string personID)
static ContextSubscriptionResults myContextSubscriptionResults
Definition: Person.h:116
static libsumo::TraCIPosition getPosition3D(const std::string &personID)
static void setSpeed(const std::string &personID, double speed)
static void remove(const std::string &personID, char reason=libsumo::REMOVE_VAPORIZED)
static void moveToXY(const std::string &personID, const std::string &edgeID, const double x, const double y, double angle=libsumo::INVALID_DOUBLE_VALUE, const int keepRoute=1, double matchThreshold=100)
static std::vector< std::string > getEdges(const std::string &personID, int nextStageIndex=0)
A list of positions.
std::map< std::string, libsumo::SubscriptionResults > ContextSubscriptionResults
Definition: TraCIDefs.h:338
std::map< std::string, libsumo::TraCIResults > SubscriptionResults
Definition: TraCIDefs.h:337
A 2D or 3D-position, for 2D positions z == INVALID_DOUBLE_VALUE.
Definition: TraCIDefs.h:178