Eclipse SUMO - Simulation of Urban MObility
PositionVector Class Reference

A list of positions. More...

#include <PositionVector.h>

Inheritance diagram for PositionVector:
Collaboration diagram for PositionVector:

Data Structures

class  as_poly_cw_sorter
 class for CW Sorter More...
class  increasing_x_y_sorter
 clase for increasing Sorter More...

Public Member Functions

void add (const Position &offset)
void add (double xoff, double yoff, double zoff)
PositionVector added (const Position &offset) const
bool almostSame (const PositionVector &v2, double maxDiv=POSITION_EPS) const
 check if the two vectors have the same length and pairwise similar positions More...
double angleAt2D (int pos) const
 get angle in certain position of position vector (in radians between -M_PI and M_PI) More...
void append (const PositionVector &v, double sameThreshold=2.0)
double area () const
 Returns the area (0 for non-closed) More...
bool around (const Position &p, double offset=0) const
 Returns the information whether the position vector describes a polygon lying around the given point. More...
double beginEndAngle () const
 returns the angle in radians of the line connecting the first and the last position More...
PositionVector bezier (int numPoints)
 return a bezier interpolation More...
void closePolygon ()
 ensures that the last position equals the first More...
bool crosses (const Position &p1, const Position &p2) const
 Returns whether the AbstractPoly crosses the given line. More...
double distance2D (const Position &p, bool perpendicular=false) const
 closest 2D-distance to point p (or -1 if perpendicular is true and the point is beyond this vector) More...
std::vector< double > distances (const PositionVector &s, bool perpendicular=false) const
 distances of all my points to s and all of s points to myself More...
void extrapolate (const double val, const bool onlyFirst=false, const bool onlyLast=false)
 extrapolate position vector More...
void extrapolate2D (const double val, const bool onlyFirst=false)
 extrapolate position vector in two dimensions (Z is ignored) More...
Boundary getBoxBoundary () const
 Returns a boundary enclosing this list of lines. More...
Position getCentroid () const
 Returns the centroid (closes the polygon if unclosed) More...
Position getLineCenter () const
 get line center More...
double getMaxGrade (double &maxJump) const
double getMinZ () const
 return minimum z-coordinate More...
PositionVector getOrthogonal (const Position &p, double extend, bool before, double length=1.0, double deg=90) const
 return orthogonal through p (extending this vector if necessary) More...
double getOverlapWith (const PositionVector &poly, double zThreshold) const
 Returns the maximum overlaps between this and the given polygon (when not separated by at least zThreshold) More...
Position getPolygonCenter () const
 Returns the arithmetic of all corner points. More...
PositionVector getSubpart (double beginOffset, double endOffset) const
 get subpart of a position vector More...
PositionVector getSubpart2D (double beginOffset, double endOffset) const
 get subpart of a position vector in two dimensions (Z is ignored) More...
PositionVector getSubpartByIndex (int beginIndex, int count) const
 get subpart of a position vector using index and a cout More...
bool hasElevation () const
 return whether two positions differ in z-coordinate More...
int indexOfClosest (const Position &p, bool twoD=false) const
void insert_noDoublePos (const std::vector< Position >::iterator &at, const Position &p)
 insert in front a non double position More...
int insertAtClosest (const Position &p, bool interpolateZ)
 inserts p between the two closest positions More...
PositionVector interpolateZ (double zStart, double zEnd) const
 returned vector that varies z smoothly over its length More...
Position intersectionPosition2D (const Position &p1, const Position &p2, const double withinDist=0.) const
 Returns the position of the intersection. More...
Position intersectionPosition2D (const PositionVector &v1) const
 Returns the position of the intersection. More...
bool intersects (const Position &p1, const Position &p2) const
 Returns the information whether this list of points interesects the given line. More...
bool intersects (const PositionVector &v1) const
 Returns the information whether this list of points interesects one the given lines. More...
std::vector< double > intersectsAtLengths2D (const Position &lp1, const Position &lp2) const
 For all intersections between this vector and line, return the 2D-length of the subvector from this vectors start to the intersection. More...
std::vector< double > intersectsAtLengths2D (const PositionVector &other) const
 For all intersections between this vector and other, return the 2D-length of the subvector from this vectors start to the intersection. More...
bool isClockwiseOriented (void)
bool isClosed () const
 check if PositionVector is closed More...
double isLeft (const Position &P0, const Position &P1, const Position &P2) const
 get left More...
bool isNAN () const
 check if PositionVector is NAN More...
double length () const
 Returns the length. More...
double length2D () const
 Returns the length. More...
void mirrorX ()
void move2side (double amount, double maxExtension=100)
 move position vector to side using certain amount More...
void move2sideCustom (std::vector< double > amount, double maxExtension=100)
 move position vector to side using a custom offset for each geometry point More...
double nearest_offset_to_point25D (const Position &p, bool perpendicular=true) const
 return the nearest offest to point 2D projected onto the 3D geometry More...
double nearest_offset_to_point2D (const Position &p, bool perpendicular=true) const
 return the nearest offest to point 2D More...
double offsetAtIndex2D (int index) const
 return the offset at the given index More...
bool operator!= (const PositionVector &v2) const
 comparing operation More...
PositionVector operator+ (const PositionVector &v2) const
 adds two vectors (requires vectors of the same length) More...
PositionVector operator- (const PositionVector &v2) const
 subtracts two vectors (requires vectors of the same length) More...
bool operator== (const PositionVector &v2) const
 comparing operation More...
Positionoperator[] (int index)
 returns the position at the given index, negative indices are interpreted python style More...
const Positionoperator[] (int index) const
 returns the constant position at the given index, negative indices are interpreted python style More...
bool overlapsWith (const AbstractPoly &poly, double offset=0) const
 Returns the information whether the given polygon overlaps with this. More...
bool partialWithin (const AbstractPoly &poly, double offset=0) const
 Returns the information whether this polygon lies partially within the given polygon. More...
void pop_front ()
 pop first Position More...
Position positionAtOffset (double pos, double lateralOffset=0) const
 Returns the position at the given length. More...
Position positionAtOffset2D (double pos, double lateralOffset=0) const
 Returns the position at the given length. More...
 PositionVector ()
 Constructor. Creates an empty position vector. More...
 PositionVector (const Position &p1, const Position &p2)
 Parameter Constructor used for lines. More...
 PositionVector (const std::vector< Position > &v)
 Copy Constructor. Create a positionVector with the same elements as other positionVector. More...
 PositionVector (const std::vector< Position >::const_iterator beg, const std::vector< Position >::const_iterator end)
 Parameter Constructor. Create a positionVector using a part of other positionVector. More...
void prepend (const PositionVector &v, double sameThreshold=2.0)
void push_back_noDoublePos (const Position &p)
 insert in back a non double position More...
void push_front (const Position &p)
 insert in front a Position More...
void push_front_noDoublePos (const Position &p)
 insert in front a non double position More...
int removeClosest (const Position &p)
 removes the point closest to p and return the removal index More...
void removeDoublePoints (double minDist=POSITION_EPS, bool assertLength=false, int beginOffset=0, int endOffset=0, bool resample=false)
 Removes positions if too near. More...
PositionVector resample (double maxLength, const bool adjustEnd) const
 resample shape (i.e. transform to segments, equal spacing) More...
PositionVector reverse () const
 reverse position vector More...
void rotate2D (double angle)
void rotateAroundFirstElement2D (double angle)
double rotationAtOffset (double pos) const
 Returns the rotation at the given length. More...
double rotationDegreeAtOffset (double pos) const
 Returns the rotation at the given length. More...
void scaleAbsolute (double offset)
 enlarges/shrinks the polygon by an absolute offset based at the centroid More...
void scaleRelative (double factor)
 enlarges/shrinks the polygon by a factor based at the centroid More...
Position sidePositionAtAngle (double pos, double lateralOffset, double angle) const
PositionVector simplified () const
 return the same shape with intermediate colinear points removed More...
const PositionVector simplified2 (const bool closed, const double eps=NUMERICAL_EPS) const
double slopeDegreeAtOffset (double pos) const
 Returns the slope at the given length. More...
PositionVector smoothedZFront (double dist=std::numeric_limits< double >::max()) const
 returned vector that is smoothed at the front (within dist) More...
void sortAsPolyCWByAngle ()
 sort as polygon CW by angle More...
void sortByIncreasingXY ()
 sort by increasing X-Y Positions More...
std::pair< PositionVector, PositionVectorsplitAt (double where, bool use2D=false) const
 Returns the two lists made when this list vector is splitted at the given point. More...
void sub (const Position &offset)
Position transformToVectorCoordinates (const Position &p, bool extend=false) const
 return position p within the length-wise coordinate system defined by this position vector. The x value is the same as that returned by nearest_offset_to_point2D(p) and the y value is the perpendicular distance to this vector with the sign indicating the side (right is postive). if extend is true, the vector is extended on both sides and the x-coordinate of the result may be below 0 or above the length of the original vector More...
 ~PositionVector ()
 Destructor. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static double localAngle (const Position &from, const Position &pos, const Position &to)
static Position positionAtOffset (const Position &p1, const Position &p2, double pos, double lateralOffset=0.)
 Returns the position between the two given point at the specified position. More...
static Position positionAtOffset2D (const Position &p1, const Position &p2, double pos, double lateralOffset=0.)
 Returns the position between the two given point at the specified position. More...
static Position sideOffset (const Position &beg, const Position &end, const double amount)
 get a side position of position vector using a offset More...
static Position sidePositionAtAngle (const Position &p1, const Position &p2, double pos, double lateralOffset, double angle)

Static Public Attributes

static const PositionVector EMPTY
 empty Vector More...

Private Types

typedef std::vector< Positionvp
 vector of position More...

Static Private Member Functions

static bool intersects (const Position &p11, const Position &p12, const Position &p21, const Position &p22, const double withinDist=0., double *x=0, double *y=0, double *mu=0)
 return whether the line segments defined by Line p11,p12 and Line p21,p22 intersect More...


std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const PositionVector &geom)

Detailed Description

A list of positions.

Definition at line 43 of file PositionVector.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ vp

typedef std::vector<Position> PositionVector::vp

vector of position

Definition at line 47 of file PositionVector.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ PositionVector() [1/4]

PositionVector::PositionVector ( )

Constructor. Creates an empty position vector.

Definition at line 53 of file PositionVector.cpp.

Referenced by getSubpart2D(), and getSubpartByIndex().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ PositionVector() [2/4]

PositionVector::PositionVector ( const std::vector< Position > &  v)

Copy Constructor. Create a positionVector with the same elements as other positionVector.

[in]vThe vector to copy

Definition at line 56 of file PositionVector.cpp.

◆ PositionVector() [3/4]

PositionVector::PositionVector ( const std::vector< Position >::const_iterator  beg,
const std::vector< Position >::const_iterator  end 

Parameter Constructor. Create a positionVector using a part of other positionVector.

[in]begThe begin iterator for copy
[in]endThe end iterator to copy

Definition at line 61 of file PositionVector.cpp.

◆ PositionVector() [4/4]

PositionVector::PositionVector ( const Position p1,
const Position p2 

Parameter Constructor used for lines.

[in]p1the first position
[in]p2the second position

Definition at line 66 of file PositionVector.cpp.

◆ ~PositionVector()

PositionVector::~PositionVector ( )


Definition at line 72 of file PositionVector.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

◆ add() [1/2]

void PositionVector::add ( const Position offset)

Definition at line 685 of file PositionVector.cpp.

References add(), Position::x(), Position::y(), and Position::z().

◆ add() [2/2]

◆ added()

PositionVector PositionVector::added ( const Position offset) const

Definition at line 691 of file PositionVector.cpp.

◆ almostSame()

bool PositionVector::almostSame ( const PositionVector v2,
double  maxDiv = POSITION_EPS 
) const

check if the two vectors have the same length and pairwise similar positions

Definition at line 1554 of file PositionVector.cpp.

Referenced by NBRequest::bidiConflict(), NIImporter_OpenDrive::computeShapes(), and NBEdge::hasDefaultGeometryEndpoints().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ angleAt2D()

◆ append()

◆ area()

double PositionVector::area ( ) const

Returns the area (0 for non-closed)

Definition at line 557 of file PositionVector.cpp.

References isClosed().

Referenced by GNEJunction::checkDrawToContour(), GNEJunction::drawGL(), GNEWalkingArea::drawGL(), NBEdgeCont::formFactor(), getCentroid(), isClockwiseOriented(), and GNELane2laneConnection::updateLane2laneConnection().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ around()

bool PositionVector::around ( const Position p,
double  offset = 0 
) const

Returns the information whether the position vector describes a polygon lying around the given point.

The optional offset is added to the polygon's boundaries

Implements AbstractPoly.

Definition at line 76 of file PositionVector.cpp.

References GeomHelper::angle2D(), around(), M_PI, scaleAbsolute(), Position::x(), and Position::y().

Referenced by MSPModel_JuPedSim::add(), around(), GNEContour::calculateContourEdgeGeometryPoints(), GNEJunction::checkDrawToContour(), GUIViewObjectsHandler::checkShapeElement(), NBEdge::computeAngle(), NBNode::computeNodeShape(), NBNode::getCenter(), GUIPerson::getGUIPosition(), getOverlapWith(), GNENetHelper::AttributeCarriers::isNetworkElementAroundShape(), and NIVissimTL::NIVissimTLSignal::isWithin().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ beginEndAngle()

◆ bezier()

PositionVector PositionVector::bezier ( int  numPoints)

return a bezier interpolation

Definition at line 1949 of file PositionVector.cpp.

References Position::x().

Referenced by NBNode::computeSmoothShape(), MSPModel_Striping::insertWalkArePaths(), GNEEdge::smoothShape(), NWWriter_OpenDrive::writeGeomSmooth(), and NWWriter_OpenDrive::writeInternalEdge().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ closePolygon()

◆ crosses()

bool PositionVector::crosses ( const Position p1,
const Position p2 
) const

Returns whether the AbstractPoly crosses the given line.

Implements AbstractPoly.

Definition at line 593 of file PositionVector.cpp.

References intersects().

◆ distance2D()

◆ distances()

std::vector< double > PositionVector::distances ( const PositionVector s,
bool  perpendicular = false 
) const

distances of all my points to s and all of s points to myself

if perpendicular is set to true, only the perpendicular distances are returned

Definition at line 1366 of file PositionVector.cpp.

References distance2D(), and GeomHelper::INVALID_OFFSET.

Referenced by NBNodeShapeComputer::badIntersection(), MSLink::computeDistToDivergence(), NBEdge::guessOpposite(), NBNodeShapeComputer::isDivided(), NBEdge::isNearEnough2BeJoined2(), and NWWriter_OpenDrive::mapmatchRoadObjects().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ extrapolate()

void PositionVector::extrapolate ( const double  val,
const bool  onlyFirst = false,
const bool  onlyLast = false 

◆ extrapolate2D()

void PositionVector::extrapolate2D ( const double  val,
const bool  onlyFirst = false 

◆ getBoxBoundary()

Boundary PositionVector::getBoxBoundary ( ) const

Returns a boundary enclosing this list of lines.

Definition at line 425 of file PositionVector.cpp.

References Boundary::add().

Referenced by LIBSUMO_NAMESPACE::Polygon::add(), MSPModel_JuPedSim::add(), PCPolyContainer::add(), NBHeightMapper::addTriangle(), NBPTStopCont::assignEdgeForFloatingStops(), GNEContour::buildContourCircle(), GNEContour::buildContourClosedShape(), GNEContour::buildContourEdge(), GNEContour::buildContourExtrudedShape(), GNEContour::buildContourRectangle(), GUIPolygon::checkDraw(), NBEdgeCont::checkOverlap(), libsumo::Helper::collectObjectsInRange(), MSLane::fill(), GUIBusStop::getCenteringBoundary(), GUIChargingStation::getCenteringBoundary(), GUIOverheadWire::getCenteringBoundary(), GUIOverheadWireClamp::getCenteringBoundary(), GNEAdditional::getCenteringBoundary(), GNETAZRelData::getCenteringBoundary(), GNEStop::getCenteringBoundary(), GUIPolygon::getCenteringBoundary(), LIBSUMO_NAMESPACE::Junction::getTree(), LIBSUMO_NAMESPACE::LaneArea::getTree(), LIBSUMO_NAMESPACE::Polygon::getTree(), GUIJunctionWrapper::GUIJunctionWrapper(), GUIParkingArea::GUIParkingArea(), NBEdgeCont::ignoreFilterMatch(), GUINet::initGUIStructures(), MSDevice_FCDReplay::FCDHandler::initLaneTree(), MSRouteHandler::initLaneTree(), RORouteHandler::initLaneTree(), NIImporter_OpenDrive::loadNetwork(), NWWriter_OpenDrive::mapmatchRoadObjects(), GUIE2Collector::MyWrapper::MyWrapper(), GNEViewNet::onCmdSelectPolygonElements(), NIVissimConnectionCluster::recomputeBoundary(), LIBSUMO_NAMESPACE::Polygon::remove(), GNETAZFrame::shapeDrawed(), GNEPoly::simplifyShape(), GNEMultiEntryExitDetector::updateCenteringBoundary(), GNERerouter::updateCenteringBoundary(), GNETAZ::updateCenteringBoundary(), GNETractionSubstation::updateCenteringBoundary(), GNEVariableSpeedSign::updateCenteringBoundary(), GNEEdge::updateCenteringBoundary(), GNEJunction::updateCenteringBoundary(), GNEPoly::updateCenteringBoundary(), and GNEDemandElementPlan::updatePlanCenteringBoundary().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getCentroid()

◆ getLineCenter()

Position PositionVector::getLineCenter ( ) const

get line center

Definition at line 521 of file PositionVector.cpp.

References length(), and positionAtOffset().

Referenced by GNEInternalLane::drawGL(), GUIParkingArea::GUIParkingArea(), GUIChargingStation::initAppearance(), GUIBusStop::initShape(), GNEBusStop::updateGeometry(), GNEChargingStation::updateGeometry(), GNEContainerStop::updateGeometry(), GNEParkingArea::updateGeometry(), and GNETAZRelData::updateGeometry().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getMaxGrade()

double PositionVector::getMaxGrade ( double &  maxJump) const

Definition at line 1921 of file PositionVector.cpp.

References Position::distanceTo2D(), MAX2(), and Position::z().

Referenced by NBEdgeCont::checkGrade().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getMinZ()

double PositionVector::getMinZ ( ) const

return minimum z-coordinate

Definition at line 1939 of file PositionVector.cpp.

References MIN2(), and Position::z().

Referenced by GUILane::drawGL().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getOrthogonal()

PositionVector PositionVector::getOrthogonal ( const Position p,
double  extend,
bool  before,
double  length = 1.0,
double  deg = 90 
) const

return orthogonal through p (extending this vector if necessary)

[in]pThe point through which to draw the orthogonal
[in]extendhow long to extend this vector for finding an orthogonal
[in]frontWhether to take the segment before or after the base point in case of ambiguity
[in]lengththe length of the orthogonal
[in]degthe rotation angle relative to the shape direction

Definition at line 1789 of file PositionVector.cpp.

References add(), DEG2RAD, extrapolate2D(), getSubpart2D(), indexOfClosest(), GeomHelper::INVALID_OFFSET, length(), nearest_offset_to_point2D(), offsetAtIndex2D(), positionAtOffset2D(), and rotate2D().

Referenced by NBNode::computeInternalLaneShape(), GUILane::debugDrawFoeIntersections(), GUIBaseVehicle::drawStopLabels(), NBEdge::setNodeBorder(), and GNEConnection::updateGeometry().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getOverlapWith()

double PositionVector::getOverlapWith ( const PositionVector poly,
double  zThreshold 
) const

Returns the maximum overlaps between this and the given polygon (when not separated by at least zThreshold)

Definition at line 133 of file PositionVector.cpp.

References around(), distance2D(), MAX2(), nearest_offset_to_point2D(), positionAtOffset2D(), and Position::z().

Referenced by NBEdgeCont::checkOverlap().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getPolygonCenter()

◆ getSubpart()

PositionVector PositionVector::getSubpart ( double  beginOffset,
double  endOffset 
) const

◆ getSubpart2D()

◆ getSubpartByIndex()

PositionVector PositionVector::getSubpartByIndex ( int  beginIndex,
int  count 
) const

get subpart of a position vector using index and a cout

Definition at line 863 of file PositionVector.cpp.

References PositionVector().

Referenced by NBNodeShapeComputer::computeNodeShapeSmall(), NBEdge::getInnerGeometry(), and NBEdge::startShapeAt().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ hasElevation()

bool PositionVector::hasElevation ( ) const

return whether two positions differ in z-coordinate

Definition at line 1569 of file PositionVector.cpp.

Referenced by NBEdge::computeEdgeShape().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ indexOfClosest()

◆ insert_noDoublePos()

void PositionVector::insert_noDoublePos ( const std::vector< Position >::iterator &  at,
const Position p 

insert in front a non double position

Definition at line 1438 of file PositionVector.cpp.

References Position::almostSame(), push_back_noDoublePos(), and push_front_noDoublePos().

◆ insertAtClosest()

int PositionVector::insertAtClosest ( const Position p,
bool  interpolateZ 

inserts p between the two closest positions

pposition to be inserted
interpolateZflag to enable/disable interpolation of Z Value between the two closest positions
the insertion index

Definition at line 1034 of file PositionVector.cpp.

References Position::distanceTo2D(), interpolateZ(), length(), GeomHelper::nearest_offset_on_line_to_point2D(), positionAtOffset2D(), Position::x(), and Position::y().

Referenced by NIImporter_OpenDrive::addOffsets(), GNEMoveElement::calculateMoveShapeOperation(), NIImporter_OpenDrive::discretizeOffsets(), GNEEdge::processMoveFromJunctionSelected(), GNEEdge::processMoveToJunctionSelected(), GNEEdge::processNoneJunctionSelected(), smoothedZFront(), GUILane::splitAtSegments(), and NWWriter_OpenDrive::writeGeomSmooth().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ interpolateZ()

PositionVector PositionVector::interpolateZ ( double  zStart,
double  zEnd 
) const

returned vector that varies z smoothly over its length

Definition at line 1866 of file PositionVector.cpp.

References length(), and length2D().

Referenced by NBNodeShapeComputer::getSmoothCorner(), insertAtClosest(), and GNEEdge::straightenElevation().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ intersectionPosition2D() [1/2]

Position PositionVector::intersectionPosition2D ( const Position p1,
const Position p2,
const double  withinDist = 0. 
) const

Returns the position of the intersection.

Definition at line 189 of file PositionVector.cpp.

References intersects(), and Position::INVALID.

Referenced by NBNodeShapeComputer::badIntersection(), NBNode::bezierControlPoints(), NBNodeShapeComputer::computeNodeShapeSmall(), NIVissimAbstractEdge::crossesEdgeAtPoint(), GeomHelper::crossPoint(), NBNode::indirectLeftShape(), intersectionPosition2D(), move2side(), and move2sideCustom().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ intersectionPosition2D() [2/2]

Position PositionVector::intersectionPosition2D ( const PositionVector v1) const

Returns the position of the intersection.

Definition at line 201 of file PositionVector.cpp.

References intersectionPosition2D(), intersects(), and Position::INVALID.

◆ intersects() [1/3]

bool PositionVector::intersects ( const Position p1,
const Position p2 
) const

◆ intersects() [2/3]

bool PositionVector::intersects ( const Position p11,
const Position p12,
const Position p21,
const Position p22,
const double  withinDist = 0.,
double *  x = 0,
double *  y = 0,
double *  mu = 0 

return whether the line segments defined by Line p11,p12 and Line p21,p22 intersect

Definition at line 1583 of file PositionVector.cpp.

References Position::distanceTo2D(), Position::x(), and Position::y().

◆ intersects() [3/3]

bool PositionVector::intersects ( const PositionVector v1) const

Returns the information whether this list of points interesects one the given lines.

Definition at line 175 of file PositionVector.cpp.

References intersects().

◆ intersectsAtLengths2D() [1/2]

std::vector< double > PositionVector::intersectsAtLengths2D ( const Position lp1,
const Position lp2 
) const

For all intersections between this vector and line, return the 2D-length of the subvector from this vectors start to the intersection.

Definition at line 1097 of file PositionVector.cpp.

References Position::distanceTo2D(), and intersects().

◆ intersectsAtLengths2D() [2/2]

std::vector< double > PositionVector::intersectsAtLengths2D ( const PositionVector other) const

For all intersections between this vector and other, return the 2D-length of the subvector from this vectors start to the intersection.

Definition at line 1083 of file PositionVector.cpp.

Referenced by NBNodeShapeComputer::closestIntersection(), NBNodeShapeComputer::computeNodeShapeDefault(), NBNodeShapeComputer::computeSameEnd(), MSLink::contIntersect(), NBNode::cutAtShapes(), NBEdge::firstIntersection(), MSLink::recheckSetRequestInformation(), MSLink::setRequestInformation(), and NBEdge::startShapeAt().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ isClockwiseOriented()

bool PositionVector::isClockwiseOriented ( void  )

Definition at line 1991 of file PositionVector.cpp.

References add(), area(), Position::x(), and Position::y().

◆ isClosed()

bool PositionVector::isClosed ( ) const

◆ isLeft()

double PositionVector::isLeft ( const Position P0,
const Position P1,
const Position P2 
) const

get left

previously marked with "!!!"

Definition at line 754 of file PositionVector.cpp.

References Position::x(), and Position::y().

Referenced by transformToVectorCoordinates().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ isNAN()

bool PositionVector::isNAN ( ) const

check if PositionVector is NAN

Definition at line 1458 of file PositionVector.cpp.

Referenced by NBNode::buildCrossings().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ length()

double PositionVector::length ( ) const

Returns the length.

Definition at line 531 of file PositionVector.cpp.

Referenced by GUILane::addSecondaryShape(), NIXMLEdgesHandler::addSplit(), MSPModel_JuPedSim::addWaitingSet(), GUIGeometry::adjustStartPosGeometricPath(), libsumo::Helper::applySubscriptionFilterLateralDistanceSinglePass(), NBEdge::assignInternalLaneLength(), NBNodeShapeComputer::badIntersection(), NBEdge::buildInnerEdges(), GNETLSEditorFrame::buildInternalLanes(), NBRampsComputer::buildOffRamp(), NBRampsComputer::buildOnRamp(), NGRandomNetBuilder::canConnect(), NBEdge::computeAngle(), NBNode::computeInternalLaneShape(), NBEdge::cutAtIntersection(), GUILane::debugDrawFoeIntersections(), NIVissimEdge::dict_checkEdges2Join(), GNEGenericData::drawAttribute(), GUIVehicle::drawBestLanes(), GNELaneAreaDetector::drawE2PartialJunction(), GNEEdge::drawEdgeName(), GUIEdge::drawGL(), GNERoute::drawRoutePartialJunction(), NBEdge::firstIntersection(), getCentroid(), GNELane::getColorValue(), NBTurningDirectionsComputer::getFarAngleAtNode(), NBEdge::getFinalLength(), NIVissimAbstractEdge::getGeomPosition(), NWWriter_DlrNavteq::getGraphLength(), GNELane::getLaneShapeLength(), NBEdge::Connection::getLength(), NIVissimEdge::getLength(), getLineCenter(), getOrthogonal(), NBNodeShapeComputer::getSmoothCorner(), getSubpart(), NIVissimEdge::getToNode(), GUILane::GUILane(), GUIOverheadWire::GUIOverheadWire(), GUIParkingArea::GUIParkingArea(), GUITriggeredRerouter::GUITriggeredRerouterEdge::GUITriggeredRerouterEdge(), NBEdge::haveIntersection(), NBEdge::init(), GUIChargingStation::initAppearance(), GUIBusStop::initShape(), insertAtClosest(), MSPModel_Striping::insertWalkArePaths(), interpolateZ(), GNECalibrator::isValid(), NBEdgeCont::joinTramEdges(), NIVissimConnectionCluster::liesOnSameEdgesEnd(), move2side(), MSPModel_Striping::PState::moveTo(), NIImporter_Vissim::NIVissimXMLHandler_Streckendefinition::myEndElement(), NIImporter_OpenStreetMap::RelationHandler::myEndElement(), GUIE2Collector::MyWrapper::MyWrapper(), operator+(), operator-(), NBRequest::oppositeLeftTurnConflict(), resample(), NIVissimEdge::resolveSameNode(), rotationAtOffset(), NBEdge::setGeometry(), splitAt(), NBEdgeCont::splitAt(), GNENet::splitEdge(), GNETAZRelData::updateGeometry(), GNEConnection::updateGeometry(), GUIGeometry::updateGeometry(), and NWWriter_SUMO::writeLane().

◆ length2D()

double PositionVector::length2D ( ) const

Returns the length.

Definition at line 544 of file PositionVector.cpp.

Referenced by NBEdge::buildInnerEdges(), GNEAdditionalHandler::buildRerouter(), NBNode::buildWalkingAreas(), GNEMoveElement::calculateExtrapolatedVector(), GNEMoveElement::calculateLaneOffset(), GNEMoveElement::calculateMoveResult(), GNEAdditional::calculatePerpendicularLine(), GNEParkingSpace::commitMoveShape(), GNEPOI::commitMoveShape(), NBEdge::computeAngle(), MSVehicle::computeAngle(), MSLink::computeDistToDivergence(), NBEdge::computeEdge2Edges(), NBEdge::computeEdgeShape(), NBNode::computeInternalLaneShape(), NBNodeShapeComputer::computeNodeShapeDefault(), NBNodeShapeComputer::computeSameEnd(), NBNode::cutAtShapes(), GNEAdditional::drawAdditionalID(), GNEAdditional::drawAdditionalName(), GNEGenericData::drawAttribute(), GNEDetector::drawE2DetectorLogo(), GNELaneAreaDetector::drawE2PartialLane(), GNEGenericData::drawFilteredAttribute(), GNEParkingSpace::drawGL(), GNELane::drawLane(), GNEVehicle::drawLanePartialGL(), GNENeteditAttributes::drawLaneReference(), GNEStoppingPlace::drawLines(), GNELane::drawOverlappedRoutes(), GNEPOI::drawPOI(), GNEStoppingPlace::drawSign(), NBEdge::extendGeometryAtNode(), NBPTStop::findLaneAndComputeBusStopExtent(), NBEdgeCont::formFactor(), GNEStop::getAttributePosition(), GNEVehicle::getAttributePosition(), GNEVehicle::getMoveOperation(), GNENeteditAttributes::getNeteditAttributesAndValues(), NBEdge::getShapeEndAngle(), NBEdge::getShapeStartAngle(), NBNodeShapeComputer::getSmoothCorner(), getSubpart2D(), GUIDottedGeometry::GUIDottedGeometry(), interpolateZ(), NIImporter_OpenDrive::loadNetwork(), move2side(), move2sideCustom(), NBContHelper::relative_outgoing_edge_sorter::operator()(), NBContHelper::relative_incoming_edge_sorter::operator()(), GNEEdge::processNoneJunctionSelected(), NIImporter_OpenStreetMap::reconstructLayerElevation(), resample(), MSLink::setRequestInformation(), NBEdge::shortenGeometryAtNode(), smoothedZFront(), GNEEdge::smoothElevation(), GNEEdge::smoothShape(), splitAt(), NBEdge::startShapeAt(), GNEParkingSpace::updateCenteringBoundary(), GUIGeometry::updateGeometry(), NWWriter_OpenDrive::writeGeomSmooth(), NWWriter_OpenDrive::writeInternalEdge(), NWWriter_OpenDrive::writeRoadObjectPOI(), and NWWriter_OpenDrive::writeRoadObjectPoly().

◆ localAngle()

double PositionVector::localAngle ( const Position from,
const Position pos,
const Position to 

Definition at line 1344 of file PositionVector.cpp.

References GeomHelper::angleDiff(), and Position::angleTo2D().

Referenced by move2side().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ mirrorX()

void PositionVector::mirrorX ( )

Definition at line 701 of file PositionVector.cpp.

Referenced by NBDistrict::mirrorX(), NBEdge::mirrorX(), NBNode::mirrorX(), and GNEEdge::setGeometry().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ move2side()

void PositionVector::move2side ( double  amount,
double  maxExtension = 100 

move position vector to side using certain amount

Definition at line 1178 of file PositionVector.cpp.

References Position::distanceTo2D(), extrapolate2D(), gDebugFlag1, intersectionPosition2D(), Position::INVALID, length(), length2D(), localAngle(), move2side(), RAD2DEG, removeDoublePoints(), sideOffset(), and Position::z().

Referenced by NBEdge::addRestrictedLane(), GNENet::addReversedEdge(), MSPModel_JuPedSim::addWaitingSet(), libsumo::Helper::applySubscriptionFilterLateralDistanceSinglePass(), NBNodeShapeComputer::badIntersection(), NBNode::buildCrossingOutlines(), NBNode::buildCrossings(), GNETLSEditorFrame::buildInternalLanes(), GNEAdditionalHandler::buildRerouter(), NBNode::buildWalkingAreas(), GNEAdditional::calculatePerpendicularLine(), MSLink::checkWalkingAreaFoe(), NBEdge::computeAngle(), NBEdge::computeLaneShape(), NBNode::displaceShapeAtWidthChange(), GUIVehicle::drawBestLanes(), GUIGeometry::drawContourGeometry(), GNEEdge::drawEdgeShape(), GNEConnection::drawGL(), GUILane::drawGL(), GNEViewNet::drawTemporalJunction(), NBEdge::firstIntersection(), GNEEdge::getBackDownShapePosition(), GNEEdge::getBackUpShapePosition(), MSTransportable::getBoundingBox(), MEVehicle::getBoundingBox(), MSVehicle::getBoundingBox(), MSVehicle::getBoundingPoly(), NBEdge::getCCWBoundaryLine(), NBEdge::getCWBoundaryLine(), GNEEdge::getFrontDownShapePosition(), GNEEdge::getFrontUpShapePosition(), NWWriter_OpenDrive::getInnerLaneBorder(), MSVehicle::getPosition(), GUIVehicle::getVisualPosition(), GUIOverheadWire::GUIOverheadWire(), GUIParkingArea::GUIParkingArea(), GUIChargingStation::initAppearance(), GUIBusStop::initShape(), NIImporter_OpenDrive::loadNetwork(), move2side(), GUIGeometry::moveGeometryToSide(), MSPModel_Striping::moveInDirection(), NBRampsComputer::moveRampRight(), GUIDottedGeometry::moveShapeToSide(), LIBSUMO_NAMESPACE::Person::moveToXY(), LIBSUMO_NAMESPACE::Vehicle::moveToXY(), MSLink::MSLink(), MSParkingArea::MSParkingArea(), GNEMoveFrame::ShiftEdgeSelectedGeometry::onCmdShiftEdgeGeometry(), NBRampsComputer::patchRampGeometry(), NBEdgeCont::processSplits(), GNEStoppingPlace::setStoppingPlaceGeometry(), NBEdge::shiftPositionAtNode(), NGNet::toNB(), GNEBusStop::updateGeometry(), GNEChargingStation::updateGeometry(), GNEContainerStop::updateGeometry(), GNEParkingArea::updateGeometry(), GNEParkingSpace::updateGeometry(), GNETAZRelData::updateGeometry(), GNEConnection::updateGeometry(), GNEPOI::updateGeometry(), GUIGeometry::updateGeometry(), NBSign::writeAsPOI(), NWWriter_OpenDrive::writeNetwork(), NWWriter_DlrNavteq::writeNodesUnsplitted(), NWWriter_OpenDrive::writeRoadObjectPOI(), NWWriter_OpenDrive::writeRoadObjectPoly(), and NIImporter_OpenDrive::writeRoadObjects().

◆ move2sideCustom()

void PositionVector::move2sideCustom ( std::vector< double >  amount,
double  maxExtension = 100 

move position vector to side using a custom offset for each geometry point

Definition at line 1284 of file PositionVector.cpp.

References Position::distanceTo2D(), extrapolate2D(), intersectionPosition2D(), Position::INVALID, length2D(), sideOffset(), toString(), and Position::z().

Referenced by NIImporter_OpenDrive::loadNetwork().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ nearest_offset_to_point25D()

double PositionVector::nearest_offset_to_point25D ( const Position p,
bool  perpendicular = true 
) const

return the nearest offest to point 2D projected onto the 3D geometry

Definition at line 927 of file PositionVector.cpp.

References Position::distanceTo2D(), INVALID_DOUBLE, GeomHelper::INVALID_OFFSET, GeomHelper::nearest_offset_on_line_to_point2D(), and positionAtOffset2D().

Referenced by GUILane::getPopUpMenu(), libsumo::Helper::moveToXYMap(), and MSDevice_FCDReplay::FCDHandler::myStartElement().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ nearest_offset_to_point2D()

double PositionVector::nearest_offset_to_point2D ( const Position p,
bool  perpendicular = true 
) const

return the nearest offest to point 2D

Definition at line 891 of file PositionVector.cpp.

References Position::distanceSquaredTo2D(), INVALID_DOUBLE, GeomHelper::INVALID_OFFSET, GeomHelper::nearest_offset_on_line_to_point2D(), and positionAtOffset2D().

Referenced by GNEConsecutiveSelector::addLane(), MSParkingArea::addLotEntry(), GNEPlanCreator::addSingleEdge(), NBNode::bezierControlPoints(), GNEAdditionalFrame::buildAdditionalOverLane(), GNEContour::calculateContourEdgeGeometryPoints(), GNEViewNetHelper::MoveMultipleElementModul::calculateEdgeSelection(), GNEMoveElement::calculateExtrapolatedVector(), GNEMoveElement::calculateLaneOffset(), GNEMoveElement::calculateNewLane(), MSPerson::checkAccess(), GUIViewObjectsHandler::checkPositionOverShape(), NBPTStopCont::computeCrossProductEdgePosition(), NBNode::cutAtShapes(), distance2D(), GNENeteditAttributes::drawLaneReference(), GNEEdge::editEndpoint(), NBEdge::extendGeometryAtNode(), NBPTStop::findLaneAndComputeBusStopExtent(), GNENeteditAttributes::getNeteditAttributesAndValues(), getOrthogonal(), getOverlapWith(), GNEAdditional::getPopUpMenu(), GNELane::getPopUpMenu(), GUIEdge::getSegmentAtPosition(), NBNodeShapeComputer::getSmoothCorner(), GNEEdge::getSplitPos(), NBEdgeCont::joinTramEdges(), libsumo::Helper::moveToXYMap(), GNEViewNet::onCmdTransformPOI(), GNEShapeFrame::processClickPOILanes(), GNEEdge::processMoveFromJunctionSelected(), GNEEdge::processMoveToJunctionSelected(), MSStageDriving::setArrived(), NBEdgeCont::splitAt(), GNENet::splitEdge(), GNETAZRelData::updateGeometry(), NWWriter_OpenDrive::writeRoadObjectPOI(), NWWriter_OpenDrive::writeRoadObjectPoly(), and NWWriter_OpenDrive::writeSignals().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ offsetAtIndex2D()

double PositionVector::offsetAtIndex2D ( int  index) const

return the offset at the given index

Definition at line 1908 of file PositionVector.cpp.

References GeomHelper::INVALID_OFFSET.

Referenced by NBPTStopCont::computeCrossProductEdgePosition(), getOrthogonal(), and smoothedZFront().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ operator!=()

bool PositionVector::operator!= ( const PositionVector v2) const

comparing operation

Definition at line 1521 of file PositionVector.cpp.

◆ operator+()

PositionVector PositionVector::operator+ ( const PositionVector v2) const

adds two vectors (requires vectors of the same length)

Definition at line 1540 of file PositionVector.cpp.

References add(), length(), TL, and WRITE_ERROR.

◆ operator-()

PositionVector PositionVector::operator- ( const PositionVector v2) const

subtracts two vectors (requires vectors of the same length)

Definition at line 1526 of file PositionVector.cpp.

References add(), length(), TL, and WRITE_ERROR.

◆ operator==()

bool PositionVector::operator== ( const PositionVector v2) const

comparing operation

Definition at line 1515 of file PositionVector.cpp.

◆ operator[]() [1/2]

Position & PositionVector::operator[] ( int  index)

returns the position at the given index, negative indices are interpreted python style

OutOfBoundsExceptionif index >= size or index < -size

Definition at line 231 of file PositionVector.cpp.

◆ operator[]() [2/2]

const Position & PositionVector::operator[] ( int  index) const

returns the constant position at the given index, negative indices are interpreted python style

OutOfBoundsExceptionif index >= size or index < -size

Definition at line 212 of file PositionVector.cpp.

◆ overlapsWith()

bool PositionVector::overlapsWith ( const AbstractPoly poly,
double  offset = 0 
) const

Returns the information whether the given polygon overlaps with this.

Again a boundary may be specified

Implements AbstractPoly.

Definition at line 110 of file PositionVector.cpp.

References AbstractPoly::crosses(), partialWithin(), and AbstractPoly::partialWithin().

Referenced by MSLane::detectCollisions(), MSLane::detectPedestrianJunctionCollision(), GNENetHelper::AttributeCarriers::isNetworkElementAroundShape(), and NIVissimAbstractEdge::overlapsWith().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ partialWithin()

bool PositionVector::partialWithin ( const AbstractPoly poly,
double  offset = 0 
) const

Returns the information whether this polygon lies partially within the given polygon.

Implements AbstractPoly.

Definition at line 579 of file PositionVector.cpp.

References AbstractPoly::around().

Referenced by NBEdgeCont::ignoreFilterMatch(), and overlapsWith().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ pop_front()

void PositionVector::pop_front ( )

pop first Position

Definition at line 1412 of file PositionVector.cpp.

Referenced by GNEEdge::commitMoveShape(), GNEViewNet::onCmdSetCustomGeometryPoint(), GNEMoveFrame::ShiftEdgeSelectedGeometry::onCmdShiftEdgeGeometry(), GNEEdge::removeGeometryPoint(), GNEEdge::setMoveShape(), and GNEEdge::setShapeStartPos().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ positionAtOffset() [1/2]

Position PositionVector::positionAtOffset ( const Position p1,
const Position p2,
double  pos,
double  lateralOffset = 0. 

Returns the position between the two given point at the specified position.

Definition at line 370 of file PositionVector.cpp.

References Position::distanceTo(), Position::INVALID, and sideOffset().

◆ positionAtOffset() [2/2]

Position PositionVector::positionAtOffset ( double  pos,
double  lateralOffset = 0 
) const

Returns the position at the given length.

Definition at line 250 of file PositionVector.cpp.

References Position::INVALID.

Referenced by MSPModel_JuPedSim::add(), NIXMLEdgesHandler::addSplit(), MSPModel_JuPedSim::addWaitingSet(), GNETLSEditorFrame::buildInternalLanes(), NBRampsComputer::buildOffRamp(), NBRampsComputer::buildOnRamp(), GeomHelper::calculateLotSpaceAngle(), GeomHelper::calculateLotSpacePosition(), MSTrainHelper::computeCarriages(), GNEEdge::drawEdgeName(), GUIEdge::drawGL(), GLHelper::drawTriangleAtEnd(), libsumo::Helper::findObjectShape(), NBEdge::geometryPositionAtOffset(), MSLane::geometryPositionAtOffset(), ROLane::geometryPositionAtOffset(), MSStoppingPlace::getCenterPos(), NBTurningDirectionsComputer::getFarAngleAtNode(), NIVissimAbstractEdge::getGeomPosition(), MSStage::getLanePosition(), getLineCenter(), GUILane::getPopUpMenu(), MSVehicle::getPosition(), MSVTKExport::getSpeed(), GNEEdge::getSplitPos(), getSubpart(), LIBSUMO_NAMESPACE::InductionLoop::getTree(), GUIVehicle::getVisualPosition(), MSStoppingPlace::getWaitPosition(), GUICalibrator::GUICalibrator(), GUILaneSpeedTrigger::GUILaneSpeedTrigger(), GUITriggeredRerouter::GUITriggeredRerouterEdge::GUITriggeredRerouterEdge(), NIImporter_OpenDrive::loadNetwork(), MSPModel_Striping::PState::moveTo(), GNEViewNet::onCmdTransformPOI(), NIImporter_VISUM::parse_Lanes(), NIImporter_VISUM::parse_stopPoints(), removeDoublePoints(), splitAt(), GUILane::splitAtSegments(), LIBSUMO_NAMESPACE::InductionLoop::storeShape(), transformToVectorCoordinates(), GNEConnection::updateGeometry(), GNELane::updateGeometry(), GUIGeometry::updateGeometry(), and NBSign::writeAsPOI().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ positionAtOffset2D() [1/2]

Position PositionVector::positionAtOffset2D ( const Position p1,
const Position p2,
double  pos,
double  lateralOffset = 0. 

Returns the position between the two given point at the specified position.

Definition at line 405 of file PositionVector.cpp.

References Position::distanceTo2D(), Position::INVALID, and sideOffset().

◆ positionAtOffset2D() [2/2]

Position PositionVector::positionAtOffset2D ( double  pos,
double  lateralOffset = 0 
) const

Returns the position at the given length.

Definition at line 296 of file PositionVector.cpp.

References Position::INVALID.

Referenced by NIImporter_OpenDrive::addOffsets(), NBNode::bezierControlPoints(), GNEAdditionalHandler::buildRerouter(), GNEMoveElement::calculateLaneOffset(), GNEMoveElement::calculateNewLane(), GNEAdditional::calculatePerpendicularLine(), NGRandomNetBuilder::canConnect(), GUIViewObjectsHandler::checkPositionOverShape(), NBEdge::computeAngle(), NBNodeShapeComputer::computeNodeShapeDefault(), NBNodeShapeComputer::computeSameEnd(), GUIBaseVehicle::computeSeats(), NIImporter_OpenDrive::discretizeOffsets(), distance2D(), GNEAdditional::drawAdditionalID(), GNEAdditional::drawAdditionalName(), GNEGenericData::drawAttribute(), GUIGeometry::drawChildLine(), GNEDetector::drawE2DetectorLogo(), GNELaneAreaDetector::drawE2PartialLane(), GNEGenericData::drawFilteredAttribute(), GNELane::drawOverlappedRoutes(), GUIGeometry::drawParentLine(), GNEEdge::editEndpoint(), GNEStop::getAttributePosition(), GNEVehicle::getAttributePosition(), getOrthogonal(), getOverlapWith(), GUIContainer::getPosition(), MSPModel_NonInteracting::CState::getPosition(), GNELane::getPositionInView(), NBEdge::getShapeEndAngle(), NBEdge::getShapeStartAngle(), getSubpart2D(), insertAtClosest(), NBEdgeCont::joinTramEdges(), nearest_offset_to_point25D(), nearest_offset_to_point2D(), NBContHelper::relative_outgoing_edge_sorter::operator()(), NBContHelper::relative_incoming_edge_sorter::operator()(), GNEEdge::processMoveFromJunctionSelected(), GNEEdge::processMoveToJunctionSelected(), GNEEdge::processNoneJunctionSelected(), resample(), smoothedZFront(), GNEEdge::smoothElevation(), GNEEdge::smoothShape(), splitAt(), NBEdge::startShapeAt(), GNETAZRelData::updateGeometry(), GNEStopPlan::updateGeometry(), NWWriter_OpenDrive::writeGeomSmooth(), NWWriter_OpenDrive::writeRoadObjectPOI(), NWWriter_OpenDrive::writeRoadObjectPoly(), and NIImporter_OpenDrive::writeRoadObjects().

◆ prepend()

void PositionVector::prepend ( const PositionVector v,
double  sameThreshold = 2.0 

Definition at line 770 of file PositionVector.cpp.

Referenced by libsumo::Helper::applySubscriptionFilterLateralDistanceSinglePass().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ push_back_noDoublePos()

◆ push_front()

void PositionVector::push_front ( const Position p)

insert in front a Position

Definition at line 1402 of file PositionVector.cpp.

Referenced by NIXMLEdgesHandler::addLane(), push_front_noDoublePos(), GNEEdge::setShapeStartPos(), and GNENetworkElement::straigthenShapeEdited().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ push_front_noDoublePos()

void PositionVector::push_front_noDoublePos ( const Position p)

insert in front a non double position

Definition at line 1430 of file PositionVector.cpp.

References Position::almostSame(), and push_front().

Referenced by NBNode::buildWalkingAreas(), NBNodeShapeComputer::computeNodeShapeDefault(), NBEdge::getFinalLength(), NWWriter_DlrNavteq::getGraphLength(), NBEdge::init(), insert_noDoublePos(), NBEdge::startShapeAt(), and GUIGeometry::updateGeometry().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ removeClosest()

int PositionVector::removeClosest ( const Position p)

removes the point closest to p and return the removal index

Definition at line 1064 of file PositionVector.cpp.

References Position::distanceTo2D().

Referenced by NWWriter_OpenDrive::writeGeomSmooth().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ removeDoublePoints()

void PositionVector::removeDoublePoints ( double  minDist = POSITION_EPS,
bool  assertLength = false,
int  beginOffset = 0,
int  endOffset = 0,
bool  resample = false 

Removes positions if too near.

[in]minDistThe minimum accepted distance; default: POSITION_EPS
[in]assertLengthWhether the result must at least contain two points (be a line); default: false, to ensure original behaviour

Definition at line 1471 of file PositionVector.cpp.

References positionAtOffset(), and resample().

Referenced by NIXMLEdgesHandler::addLane(), GNEMoveElement::commitMove(), NIImporter_OpenDrive::computeShapes(), NBEdge::init(), move2side(), NBEdge::reduceGeometry(), and GNEEdge::removeGeometryPoint().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ resample()

PositionVector PositionVector::resample ( double  maxLength,
const bool  adjustEnd 
) const

resample shape (i.e. transform to segments, equal spacing)

[in]maxLengthlength of every segment
[in]adjustEndenable or disable adjust end (i.e. result has the same original length, last segment could be short)

Definition at line 1885 of file PositionVector.cpp.

References length(), length2D(), and positionAtOffset2D().

Referenced by removeDoublePoints(), and GNEEdge::smoothElevation().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ reverse()

PositionVector PositionVector::reverse ( ) const

reverse position vector

Definition at line 1161 of file PositionVector.cpp.

Referenced by NBRailwayTopologyAnalyzer::addBidiEdge(), GNENet::addReversedEdge(), NBNodeShapeComputer::badIntersection(), NBRequest::bidiConflict(), GNEContour::buildContourEdge(), GNEContour::buildContourExtrudedShape(), NBNode::buildCrossingOutlines(), GNETLSEditorFrame::buildInternalLanes(), NBNode::buildWalkingAreas(), GNEMoveElement::calculateExtrapolatedVector(), NBEdge::checkGeometry(), MSLink::computeDistToDivergence(), NBEdge::computeEdgeShape(), NBNode::computeInternalLaneShape(), NBEdge::cutAtIntersection(), GUIGeometry::drawContourGeometry(), GUILane::drawLinkNo(), GUILane::drawLinkRules(), GUILane::drawTLSLinkNo(), GNECrossing::drawTLSLinkNo(), MSTransportable::getBoundingBox(), MEVehicle::getBoundingBox(), MSVehicle::getBoundingBox(), NWWriter_SUMO::getInternalBidi(), NBNodeShapeComputer::getSmoothCorner(), NBEdge::init(), NIImporter_OpenStreetMap::insertEdge(), MSPModel_Striping::insertWalkArePaths(), NBEdge::isBidiEdge(), NBEdge::isBidiRail(), NIImporter_ArcView::load(), NIImporter_OpenDrive::loadNetwork(), NBEdge::NBEdge(), NIImporter_VISUM::parse_AreaSubPartElement(), NBEdgeCont::recheckLanes(), NBEdge::reduceGeometry(), NIImporter_DlrNavteq::EdgesHandler::report(), GNENet::reverseEdge(), GNEEdge::setAttribute(), NWWriter_OpenDrive::writeNetwork(), and NIImporter_OpenDrive::writeRoadObjects().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ rotate2D()

void PositionVector::rotate2D ( double  angle)

◆ rotateAroundFirstElement2D()

void PositionVector::rotateAroundFirstElement2D ( double  angle)

Definition at line 1682 of file PositionVector.cpp.

References add(), rotate2D(), and sub().

Referenced by GNEStopPlan::updateGeometry().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ rotationAtOffset()

◆ rotationDegreeAtOffset()

◆ scaleAbsolute()

void PositionVector::scaleAbsolute ( double  offset)

enlarges/shrinks the polygon by an absolute offset based at the centroid

Definition at line 512 of file PositionVector.cpp.

References getCentroid().

Referenced by around(), and GNEParkingSpace::drawSpace().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ scaleRelative()

void PositionVector::scaleRelative ( double  factor)

enlarges/shrinks the polygon by a factor based at the centroid

Definition at line 503 of file PositionVector.cpp.

References getCentroid().

Referenced by GNEContour::buildContourClosedShape(), GNEContour::buildContourRectangle(), GUIJunctionWrapper::drawGL(), GNEContour::drawInnenContourClosed(), GNEJunction::drawJunctionAsShape(), GNEWalkingArea::drawWalkingArea(), MSVehicle::getBoundingPoly(), and GUIGeometry::scaleGeometry().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ sideOffset()

Position PositionVector::sideOffset ( const Position beg,
const Position end,
const double  amount 

get a side position of position vector using a offset

Definition at line 1171 of file PositionVector.cpp.

References Position::distanceTo2D(), Position::x(), and Position::y().

Referenced by NWWriter_OpenDrive::checkLaneGeometries(), move2side(), move2sideCustom(), positionAtOffset(), and positionAtOffset2D().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ sidePositionAtAngle() [1/2]

Position PositionVector::sidePositionAtAngle ( const Position p1,
const Position p2,
double  pos,
double  lateralOffset,
double  angle 

Definition at line 393 of file PositionVector.cpp.

References DEG2RAD, Position::distanceTo(), and Position::INVALID.

◆ sidePositionAtAngle() [2/2]

Position PositionVector::sidePositionAtAngle ( double  pos,
double  lateralOffset,
double  angle 
) const

Definition at line 275 of file PositionVector.cpp.

References Position::INVALID.

◆ simplified()

PositionVector PositionVector::simplified ( ) const

return the same shape with intermediate colinear points removed

Definition at line 1694 of file PositionVector.cpp.

References Position::distanceTo2D(), Position::x(), and Position::y().

Referenced by NWWriter_SUMO::writeJunction().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ simplified2()

const PositionVector PositionVector::simplified2 ( const bool  closed,
const double  eps = NUMERICAL_EPS 
) const

Definition at line 1719 of file PositionVector.cpp.

References Position::distanceTo(), Position::length(), and MIN2().

Referenced by NIImporter_OpenDrive::computeShapes(), and NIImporter_OpenDrive::loadNetwork().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ slopeDegreeAtOffset()

double PositionVector::slopeDegreeAtOffset ( double  pos) const

Returns the slope at the given length.

Definition at line 348 of file PositionVector.cpp.

References Position::distanceTo(), INVALID_DOUBLE, RAD2DEG, and Position::slopeTo2D().

Referenced by GeomHelper::calculateLotSpaceSlope(), MEVehicle::getSlope(), MSVehicle::getSlope(), and LIBSUMO_NAMESPACE::Person::getSlope().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ smoothedZFront()

PositionVector PositionVector::smoothedZFront ( double  dist = std::numeric_limits<double>::max()) const

returned vector that is smoothed at the front (within dist)

Definition at line 1834 of file PositionVector.cpp.

References Position::distanceTo2D(), indexOfClosest(), insertAtClosest(), length2D(), MIN2(), offsetAtIndex2D(), and positionAtOffset2D().

Referenced by NBEdge::computeEdgeShape(), and NBNode::computeSmoothShape().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ sortAsPolyCWByAngle()

void PositionVector::sortAsPolyCWByAngle ( )

sort as polygon CW by angle

this function works for non-convex polygons but won't possibly yield the desired polygon

Definition at line 658 of file PositionVector.cpp.

References add(), and sub().

◆ sortByIncreasingXY()

void PositionVector::sortByIncreasingXY ( )

sort by increasing X-Y Positions

Definition at line 736 of file PositionVector.cpp.

◆ splitAt()

std::pair< PositionVector, PositionVector > PositionVector::splitAt ( double  where,
bool  use2D = false 
) const

Returns the two lists made when this list vector is splitted at the given point.

Definition at line 599 of file PositionVector.cpp.

References length(), length2D(), positionAtOffset(), positionAtOffset2D(), TL, toString(), and WRITE_WARNINGF.

Referenced by libsumo::Helper::applySubscriptionFilterLateralDistanceSinglePass(), NBEdge::buildInnerEdges(), NBNodeShapeComputer::getSmoothCorner(), NBEdgeCont::splitAt(), and GNENet::splitEdge().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ sub()

void PositionVector::sub ( const Position offset)

Definition at line 679 of file PositionVector.cpp.

References add(), Position::x(), Position::y(), and Position::z().

Referenced by NBNodeShapeComputer::computeSameEnd(), getCentroid(), rotateAroundFirstElement2D(), GUIPolygon::setShape(), sortAsPolyCWByAngle(), and NWWriter_OpenDrive::writeRoadObjectPoly().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ transformToVectorCoordinates()

Position PositionVector::transformToVectorCoordinates ( const Position p,
bool  extend = false 
) const

return position p within the length-wise coordinate system defined by this position vector. The x value is the same as that returned by nearest_offset_to_point2D(p) and the y value is the perpendicular distance to this vector with the sign indicating the side (right is postive). if extend is true, the vector is extended on both sides and the x-coordinate of the result may be below 0 or above the length of the original vector

Definition at line 964 of file PositionVector.cpp.

References distance2D(), Position::distanceTo2D(), extrapolate(), Position::INVALID, GeomHelper::INVALID_OFFSET, isLeft(), GeomHelper::nearest_offset_on_line_to_point2D(), positionAtOffset(), and transformToVectorCoordinates().

Referenced by MSParkingArea::addLotEntry(), MSPerson::checkAccess(), MSPModel_Striping::getNextLaneObstacles(), MSPModel_Striping::moveInDirection(), MSStageDriving::setArrived(), and transformToVectorCoordinates().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

Friends And Related Function Documentation

◆ operator<<

std::ostream& operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const PositionVector geom 

Definition at line 645 of file PositionVector.cpp.

Field Documentation


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