48 const std::string&
116 return "offTrafficLightLogic";
A traffic lights logic which represents a tls in an off-mode.
const Phases & getPhases() const
Returns the phases of this tls program.
const MSPhaseDefinition & getCurrentPhaseDef() const
Returns the definition of the current phase.
int getPhaseNumber() const
Returns the number of phases.
const std::string getLogicType() const
Returns the type of the logic as a string.
void adaptLinkInformationFrom(const MSTrafficLightLogic &logic)
Applies information about controlled links and lanes from the given logic.
SUMOTime getPhaseIndexAtTime(SUMOTime simStep) const
Returns the index of the logic at the given simulation step.
void changeStepAndDuration(MSTLLogicControl &tlcontrol, SUMOTime simStep, int step, SUMOTime stepDuration)
Changes the current phase and her duration.
int getIndexFromOffset(SUMOTime offset) const
Returns the step (the phasenumber) of a given position of the cycle.
int getCurrentPhaseIndex() const
Returns the current index within the program.
SUMOTime getOffsetFromIndex(int index) const
Returns the position (start of a phase during a cycle) from of a given step.
SUMOTime trySwitch()
Switches to the next phase.
MSTrafficLightLogic::Phases myPhaseDefinition
The phase definition (only one)
const MSPhaseDefinition & getPhase(int givenstep) const
Returns the definition of the phase from the given position within the plan.
void rebuildPhase()
(Re)builds the internal phase definition
virtual void init(NLDetectorBuilder &nb)
Initialises the tls with information about incoming lanes.
The definition of a single phase of a tls logic.
A class that stores and controls tls and switching of their programs.
The parent class for traffic light logics.
std::vector< MSPhaseDefinition * > Phases
Definition of a list of phases, being the junction logic.
Builds detectors for microsim.