61 typedef std::vector<MSPhaseDefinition*>
91 const std::string&
92 const std::string& programID,
379 return std::map<std::string, double>();
394 return std::map<std::string, double>();
418 return std::vector<const MSDriveWay*>();
Base (microsim) event class.
Base of value-generating classes (detectors)
Representation of a lane in the micro simulation.
The simulated network and simulation perfomer.
The definition of a single phase of a tls logic.
A class that stores and controls tls and switching of their programs.
Class realising the switch between the traffic light phases.
void deschedule(MSTrafficLightLogic *tlLogic)
Marks this swicth as invalid (if the phase duration has changed, f.e.)
SUMOTime shiftTime(SUMOTime currentTime, SUMOTime execTime, SUMOTime newTime)
Reschedule or deschedule the command when quick-loading state.
SwitchCommand & operator=(const SwitchCommand &)
Invalidated assignment operator.
MSTLLogicControl & myTLControl
The responsible traffic lights control.
SUMOTime getNextSwitchTime() const
Returns the assumed next switch time.
MSTrafficLightLogic * myTLLogic
The logic to be executed on a switch.
bool myAmValid
Information whether this switch command is still valid.
SUMOTime execute(SUMOTime currentTime)
Executes the regarded junction's "trySwitch"- method.
SwitchCommand(const SwitchCommand &)
Invalidated copy constructor.
SUMOTime myAssumedNextSwitch
Assumed switch time (may change in case of adaptive traffic lights)
The parent class for traffic light logics.
const LinkVectorVector & getLinks() const
Returns the list of lists of all affected links.
virtual std::string getRequestedDriveWay(int linkIndex)
return vehicles that approach the intersection/rail signal and have priority over vehicles that wish ...
virtual void adaptLinkInformationFrom(const MSTrafficLightLogic &logic)
Applies information about controlled links and lanes from the given logic.
std::vector< LaneVector > LaneVectorVector
Definition of a list that holds lists of lanes that do have the same attribute.
virtual const MSPhaseDefinition & getCurrentPhaseDef() const =0
Returns the definition of the current phase.
virtual SUMOTime getPhaseIndexAtTime(SUMOTime simStep) const =0
Returns the index of the logic at the given simulation step.
SUMOTime myOffset
the offset parameter of the current program
virtual int getPhaseNumber() const =0
Returns the number of phases.
int getLinkIndex(const MSLink *const link) const
Returns the index of the given link.
virtual SUMOTime mapTimeInCycle(SUMOTime t) const
map the given time into the current cycle
void setCurrentDurationIncrement(SUMOTime delay)
Delays current phase by the given delay.
virtual int getCurrentPhaseIndex() const =0
Returns the current index within the program.
SUMOTime computeCycleTime(const Phases &phases)
const LaneVector & getLanesAt(int i) const
Returns the list of lanes that are controlled by the signals at the given position.
std::map< MSLink *, LinkState > collectLinkStates() const
Returns the (uncontrolled) states of the controlled links.
std::vector< MSLane * > LaneVector
Definition of the list of arrival lanes subjected to this tls.
virtual ~MSTrafficLightLogic()
virtual SUMOTime getLatestEnd(int step=-1) const
virtual void deactivateProgram()
virtual SUMOTime getOffsetFromIndex(int index) const =0
Returns the position (start of a phase during a cycle) from of a given step.
virtual double getTLQueueLength(const std::string) const
return the estimated queue length at the upcoming traffic light
MSTrafficLightLogic & operator=(const MSTrafficLightLogic &s)
invalidated assignment operator
std::vector< const SUMOVehicle * > VehicleVector
list of vehicles
std::vector< SUMOTime > myOverridingTimes
A list of duration overrides.
virtual VehicleVector getPriorityVehicles(int linkIndex)
return vehicles that approach the intersection/rail signal and have priority over vehicles that wish ...
virtual SUMOTime getMinDur(int step=-1) const
void ignoreLinkIndex(int pos)
ignore pedestrian crossing index in mesosim
virtual void changeStepAndDuration(MSTLLogicControl &tlcontrol, SUMOTime simStep, int step, SUMOTime stepDuration)=0
Changes the current phase and her duration.
static const LaneVector myEmptyLaneVector
An empty lane vector.
virtual std::map< std::string, double > getConditions() const
return all named conditions defined for this traffic light
SUMOTime getOffset() const
MSTrafficLightLogic(const MSTrafficLightLogic &s)
invalidated copy constructor
const TrafficLightType myLogicType
The type of the logic.
virtual VehicleVector getBlockingVehicles(int linkIndex)
return vehicles that block the intersection/rail signal for vehicles that wish to pass the given link...
bool isSelected() const
whether this logic is selected in the GUI
virtual const MSPhaseDefinition & getPhase(int givenstep) const =0
Returns the definition of the phase from the given position within the plan.
SUMOTime myDefaultCycleTime
The cycle time (without changes)
virtual std::vector< const MSDriveWay * > getBlockingDriveWays(int linkIndex)
return vehicles that approach the intersection/rail signal and have priority over vehicles that wish ...
virtual SUMOTime trySwitch()=0
Switches to the next phase.
virtual VehicleVector getRivalVehicles(int linkIndex)
return vehicles that approach the intersection/rail signal and are in conflict with vehicles that wis...
SUMOTime getTimeInCycle() const
return time within the current cycle
const std::string & getProgramID() const
Returns this tl-logic's id.
const std::string myProgramID
The id of the logic.
TrafficLightType getLogicType() const
Returns the type of the logic.
virtual SUMOTime getEarliestEnd(int step=-1) const
LaneVectorVector myLanes
The list of LaneVectors; each vector contains the incoming lanes that belong to the same link index.
SwitchCommand * mySwitchCommand
The current switch command.
int myNumLinks
number of controlled links
virtual std::map< std::string, double > getDetectorStates() const
return activation state of all detectors that affect this traffic light
int getNumLinks() const
return the number of controlled link indices
virtual const Phases & getPhases() const =0
Returns the phases of this tls program.
SUMOTime myCurrentDurationIncrement
A value for enlarge the current duration.
virtual int getIndexFromOffset(SUMOTime offset) const =0
Returns the step (the phasenumber) of a given position of the cycle.
virtual SUMOTime getMaxDur(int step=-1) const
virtual bool getsMajorGreen(int linkIndex) const
whether the given link index ever turns 'G'
SUMOTime getDefaultCycleTime() const
Returns the cycle time (in ms)
void resetLinkStates(const std::map< MSLink *, LinkState > &vals) const
Resets the states of controlled links.
virtual void saveState(OutputDevice &) const
Saves the current tls states into the given stream.
virtual void loadState(MSTLLogicControl &tlcontrol, SUMOTime t, int step, SUMOTime spentDuration)
restores the tls state
virtual void activateProgram()
called when switching programs
const LaneVectorVector & getLaneVectors() const
Returns the list of lists of all lanes controlled by this tls.
bool isActive() const
whether this logic is the active program
void addOverridingDuration(SUMOTime duration)
Changes the duration of the next phase.
bool myAmActive
whether the current program is active
SUMOTime getNextSwitchTime() const
Returns the assumed next switch time.
std::set< int > myIgnoredIndices
list of indices that are ignored in mesoscopic simulatino
SUMOTime getSpentDuration(SUMOTime simStep=-1) const
Returns the duration spent in the current phase.
bool setTrafficLightSignals(SUMOTime t) const
Applies the current signal states to controlled links.
virtual double getDetectorState(const std::string) const
return activation state of a specific detector that affect this traffic light
virtual void addLink(MSLink *link, MSLane *lane, int pos)
Adds a link on building.
std::vector< MSPhaseDefinition * > Phases
Definition of a list of phases, being the junction logic.
const LinkVector & getLinksAt(int i) const
Returns the list of links that are controlled by the signals at the given position.
std::vector< LinkVector > LinkVectorVector
Definition of a list that holds lists of links that do have the same attribute.
std::vector< MSLink * > LinkVector
Definition of the list of links that are subjected to this tls.
LinkVectorVector myLinks
The list of LinkVectors; each vector contains the links that belong to the same link index.
void initMesoTLSPenalties()
initialize optional meso penalties
virtual void init(NLDetectorBuilder &nb)
Initialises the tls with information about incoming lanes.
Builds detectors for microsim.
Base class for objects which have an id.
Static storage of an output device and its base (abstract) implementation.
An upper class for objects with additional parameters.
std::map< std::string, std::string > Map
parameters map