Eclipse SUMO - Simulation of Urban MObility
GUIBaseVehicleHelper.cpp File Reference
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static const double vehiclePoly_aircraft [] = {0.633, -0.500, 0.609, -0.465, 0.563, -0.460, 0.517, -0.168, 0.413, -0.156, 0.509, -0.053, 0.509, 0.053, 0.413, -0.156, 0.413, 0.156, 0.385, -0.101, 0.385, 0.101, 0.354, -0.058, 0.354, 0.058, 0.109, -0.050, 0.109, 0.050, 0, -0.003, 0, 0.003, 0, 0.003, 0.633, 0.500, 0.633, 0.500, 0.609, 0.465, 0.563, 0.460, 0.517, 0.168, 0.413, 0.156, 0.509, 0.053, 0.385, 0.101, 0.326, 0.158, 0.326, 0.108, 0.413, 0.156, 0.385, 0.101, 0.509, 0.053, 0.509, -0.053, 0.761, 0.043, 0.761, -0.043, 0.830, 0.030, 0.830, -0.030, 0.952, -0.196, 0.933, -0.196, 0.907, -0.008, 0.830, 0.030, 0.933, 0.196, 0.952, 0.196, 0.907, 0.008, 0.830, 0.030, 0.907, -0.008, 1.000, 0.003, 0.907, 0.008, 0.354, -0.058, 0.509, -0.053, 0.413, -0.156, 0.385, -0.101, 0.326, -0.158, 0.326, -0.108, 0.385, -0.101, -10000}
static const double vehiclePoly_aircraftEngines [] = {0.326, -0.158, 0.413, -0.156, 0.326, -0.108, 0.385, -0.101, 0.385, -0.101, 0.385, 0.101, 0.385, 0.101, 0.326, 0.108, 0.413, 0.156, 0.326, 0.158, -10000}
static const double vehiclePoly_BicycleSeat [] = { 0.565, 0, 0.570, 0.03, 0.575, 0.05, 0.585, 0.06, 0.645, 0.06, 0.665, 0.07, 0.685, 0.10, 0.695, 0.13, 0.715, 0.16, 0.735, 0.18, 0.742, 0.17, 0.745, 0.16, 0.755, 0.13, 0.76, 0.11, 0.765, 0, 0.76, -0.11, 0.755, -0.13, 0.745, -0.16, 0.742, -0.17, 0.735, -0.18, 0.715, -0.16, 0.695, -0.13, 0.685, -0.10, 0.665, -0.07, 0.645, -0.06, 0.585, -0.06, 0.575, -0.05, 0.57, -0.03, -10000 }
static const double vehiclePoly_Cyclist [] = { 0.5, 0, 0.25, 0.45, 0.25, 0.5, 0.8, 0.15, 0.8, -0.15, 0.25, -0.5, 0.25, -0.45, -10000 }
static const double vehiclePoly_DeliveryMediumLeftGlass [] = { 0.21, .43, 0.20, .47, 0.38, .47, 0.38, .37, 0.31, .37, 0.20, .47, -10000 }
static const double vehiclePoly_DeliveryMediumRightGlass [] = { 0.21, -.43, 0.20, -.47, 0.38, -.47, 0.38, -.37, 0.31, -.37, 0.20, -.47, -10000 }
static const double vehiclePoly_Emergency [] = { .1, .1, -.1, .1, -.1, -.1, .1, -.1, -10000 }
static const double vehiclePoly_Emergency2 [] = { .04, .3, -.04, .3, -.04, -.3, .04, -.3, -10000 }
static const double vehiclePoly_EmergencyLadder [] = { -.5, .3, .5, .3, .5, .2, -.5, .2, -10000 }
static const double vehiclePoly_EmergencyLadder2 [] = { -.5, -.3, .5, -.3, .5, -.2, -.5, -.2, -10000 }
static const double vehiclePoly_EmergencyLadder3 [] = { -.45, .3, -.4, .3, -.4, -.3, -.45, -.3, -10000 }
static const double vehiclePoly_EmergencyLadder4 [] = { .45, .3, .4, .3, .4, -.3, .45, -.3, -10000 }
static const double vehiclePoly_EmergencyLadder5 [] = { .05, .3, .0, .3, .0, -.3, .05, -.3, -10000 }
static const double vehiclePoly_EmergencyLadder6 [] = { -.25, .3, -.2, .3, -.2, -.3, -.25, -.3, -10000 }
static const double vehiclePoly_EmergencyLadder7 [] = { .25, .3, .2, .3, .2, -.3, .25, -.3, -10000 }
static const double vehiclePoly_EmergencySign [] = { .2, .5, -.2, .5, -.2, -.5, .2, -.5, -10000 }
static const double vehiclePoly_EVehicleBody [] = { .5, 0, 0, 0, 0, .3, 0.08, .44, 0.25, .5, 0.75, .5, .92, .44, 1, .3, 1, -.3, .92, -.44, .75, -.5, .25, -.5, 0.08, -.44, 0, -.3, 0, 0, -1000 }
static const double vehiclePoly_EVehicleFrontGlass [] = { .5, 0, 0.05, .05, 0.05, .25, 0.13, .39, 0.3, .45, 0.70, .45, .87, .39, .95, .25, .95, -.25, .87, -.39, .70, -.45, .3, -.45, 0.13, -.39, 0.05, -.25, 0.05, 0.05, -1000 }
static const double vehiclePoly_MotorcycleSeat [] = { 0.5, 0, 0.503, 0.072, 0.506, 0.097, 0.518, 0.135, 0.539, 0.162, 0.567, 0.183, 0.641, 0.194, 0.698, 0.202, 0.706, 0.194, 0.713, 0.189, 0.721, 0.162, 0.729, 0.132, 0.732, 0.097, 0.734, 0.051, 0.735, 0, 0.734, -0.051, 0.732, -0.097, 0.729, -0.132, 0.721, -0.162, 0.713, -0.189, 0.706, -0.194, 0.698, -0.202, 0.641, -0.194, 0.567, -0.183, 0.539, -0.162, 0.518, -0.135, 0.506, -0.097, 0.503, -0.072, -10000 }
static const double vehiclePoly_PassengerCarBody [] = { .5, 0, 0, 0, 0, .3, 0.08, .44, 0.25, .5, 0.95, .5, 1., .4, 1., -.4, 0.95, -.5, 0.25, -.5, 0.08, -.44, 0, -.3, 0, 0, -10000 }
static const double vehiclePoly_PassengerCarBodyFront [] = { 0.1, 0, 0.025, 0, 0.025, 0.25, 0.27, 0.4, 0.27, -.4, 0.025, -0.25, 0.025, 0, -10000 }
static const double vehiclePoly_PassengerFrontGlass [] = { 0.35, 0, 0.3, 0, 0.3, 0.4, 0.43, 0.3, 0.43, -0.3, 0.3, -0.4, 0.3, 0, -10000 }
static const double vehiclePoly_PassengerHatchbackBackGlass [] = { 0.92, 0, 0.80, 0, 0.80, 0.3, 0.95, 0.4, 0.95, -.4, 0.80, -.3, 0.80, 0, -10000 }
static const double vehiclePoly_PassengerHatchbackLeftGlass [] = { 0.36, .43, 0.34, .47, 0.94, .47, 0.80, .37, 0.45, .37, 0.34, .47, -10000 }
static const double vehiclePoly_PassengerHatchbackRightGlass [] = { 0.36, -.43, 0.34, -.47, 0.94, -.47, 0.80, -.37, 0.45, -.37, 0.34, -.47, -10000 }
static const double vehiclePoly_PassengerSedanBackGlass [] = { 0.80, 0, 0.70, 0, 0.70, 0.3, 0.83, 0.4, 0.83, -.4, 0.70, -.3, 0.70, 0, -10000 }
static const double vehiclePoly_PassengerSedanLeftGlass [] = { 0.36, .43, 0.34, .47, 0.77, .47, 0.67, .37, 0.45, .37, 0.34, .47, -10000 }
static const double vehiclePoly_PassengerSedanRightGlass [] = { 0.36, -.43, 0.34, -.47, 0.77, -.47, 0.67, -.37, 0.45, -.37, 0.34, -.47, -10000 }
static const double vehiclePoly_PassengerVanBackGlass [] = { 0.95, 0, 0.94, 0, 0.94, 0.3, 0.98, 0.4, 0.98, -.4, 0.94, -.3, 0.94, 0, -10000 }
static const double vehiclePoly_PassengerVanBody [] = { .5, 0, 0, 0, 0, .4, 0.1, .5, 0.97, .5, 1., .47, 1., -.47, 0.97, -.5, 0.1, -.5, 0, -.4, 0, 0, -10000 }
static const double vehiclePoly_PassengerVanBodyFront [] = { 0.1, 0, 0.025, 0, 0.025, 0.25, 0.13, 0.4, 0.13, -.4, 0.025, -0.25, 0.025, 0, -10000 }
static const double vehiclePoly_PassengerVanFrontGlass [] = { 0.21, 0, 0.16, 0, 0.16, 0.4, 0.29, 0.3, 0.29, -0.3, 0.16, -0.4, 0.16, 0, -10000 }
static const double vehiclePoly_PassengerVanLeftGlass [] = { 0.36, .43, 0.20, .47, 0.98, .47, 0.91, .37, 0.31, .37, 0.20, .47, -10000 }
static const double vehiclePoly_PassengerVanRightGlass [] = { 0.36, -.43, 0.20, -.47, 0.98, -.47, 0.91, -.37, 0.31, -.37, 0.20, -.47, -10000 }
static const double vehiclePoly_PassengerWagonBackGlass [] = { 0.92, 0, 0.90, 0, 0.90, 0.3, 0.95, 0.4, 0.95, -.4, 0.90, -.3, 0.90, 0, -10000 }
static const double vehiclePoly_PassengerWagonLeftGlass [] = { 0.36, .43, 0.34, .47, 0.94, .47, 0.87, .37, 0.45, .37, 0.34, .47, -10000 }
static const double vehiclePoly_PassengerWagonRightGlass [] = { 0.36, -.43, 0.34, -.47, 0.94, -.47, 0.87, -.37, 0.45, -.37, 0.34, -.47, -10000 }
static const double vehiclePoly_scooterBase [] = { -.17, .5, -.2, .5, -.2, -.5, -.17, -.5, -10000 }
static const double vehiclePoly_scooterBase2 [] = { .98, .05, 1., .05, 1., -.05, .98, -.05, -10000 }
static const double vehiclePoly_scooterBase3 [] = { -.32, .6, .32, .6, .32, -.6, -.32, -.6, -10000 }
static const double vehiclePoly_Ship [] = { 0.25, 0, 0, 0, 0.1, 0.25, 0.2, 0.45, 0.25, 0.5, 0.95, 0.5, 1.0, 0.45, 1.0, -0.45, 0.95, -0.5, 0.25, -0.5, 0.2, -0.45, 0.1, -0.25, 0, 0, -10000 }
static const double vehiclePoly_ShipDeck [] = { 0.5, 0, 0.25, 0.4, 0.95, 0.4, 0.95, -0.4, 0.25, -0.4, 0.25, 0.4, -10000 }
static const double vehiclePoly_ShipSuperStructure [] = { 0.8, 0, 0.5, 0.3, 0.85, 0.3, 0.85, -0.3, 0.5, -0.3, 0.5, 0.3, -10000 }
static const double vehiclePoly_TaxiSign [] = { .56, .241, .56, -.241, .49, -.241, .49, .241, -10000 }
static const double vehiclePoly_TransportBody [] = { .5, 0, 0, 0, 0, .45, 0.05, .5, 2.25, .5, 2.25, -.5, 0.05, -.5, 0, -.45, 0, 0, -10000 }
static const double vehiclePoly_TransportFrontGlass [] = { 0.1, 0, 0.05, 0, 0.05, 0.45, 0.25, 0.4, 0.25, -.4, 0.05, -0.45, 0.05, 0, -10000 }
static const double vehiclePoly_TransportLeftGlass [] = { 0.36, .47, 0.10, .48, 1.25, .48, 1.25, .4, 0.3, .4, 0.10, .48, -10000 }
static const double vehiclePoly_TransportRightGlass [] = { 0.36, -.47, 0.10, -.48, 1.25, -.48, 1.25, -.4, 0.3, -.4, 0.10, -.48, -10000 }

Detailed Description

Pablo Alvarez Lopez
Mirko Barthauer
Feb 2018

Definition in file GUIBaseVehicleHelper.cpp.

Variable Documentation

◆ vehiclePoly_aircraft

const double vehiclePoly_aircraft[] = {0.633, -0.500, 0.609, -0.465, 0.563, -0.460, 0.517, -0.168, 0.413, -0.156, 0.509, -0.053, 0.509, 0.053, 0.413, -0.156, 0.413, 0.156, 0.385, -0.101, 0.385, 0.101, 0.354, -0.058, 0.354, 0.058, 0.109, -0.050, 0.109, 0.050, 0, -0.003, 0, 0.003, 0, 0.003, 0.633, 0.500, 0.633, 0.500, 0.609, 0.465, 0.563, 0.460, 0.517, 0.168, 0.413, 0.156, 0.509, 0.053, 0.385, 0.101, 0.326, 0.158, 0.326, 0.108, 0.413, 0.156, 0.385, 0.101, 0.509, 0.053, 0.509, -0.053, 0.761, 0.043, 0.761, -0.043, 0.830, 0.030, 0.830, -0.030, 0.952, -0.196, 0.933, -0.196, 0.907, -0.008, 0.830, 0.030, 0.933, 0.196, 0.952, 0.196, 0.907, 0.008, 0.830, 0.030, 0.907, -0.008, 1.000, 0.003, 0.907, 0.008, 0.354, -0.058, 0.509, -0.053, 0.413, -0.156, 0.385, -0.101, 0.326, -0.158, 0.326, -0.108, 0.385, -0.101, -10000}

◆ vehiclePoly_aircraftEngines

const double vehiclePoly_aircraftEngines[] = {0.326, -0.158, 0.413, -0.156, 0.326, -0.108, 0.385, -0.101, 0.385, -0.101, 0.385, 0.101, 0.385, 0.101, 0.326, 0.108, 0.413, 0.156, 0.326, 0.158, -10000}

◆ vehiclePoly_BicycleSeat

const double vehiclePoly_BicycleSeat[] = { 0.565, 0, 0.570, 0.03, 0.575, 0.05, 0.585, 0.06, 0.645, 0.06, 0.665, 0.07, 0.685, 0.10, 0.695, 0.13, 0.715, 0.16, 0.735, 0.18, 0.742, 0.17, 0.745, 0.16, 0.755, 0.13, 0.76, 0.11, 0.765, 0, 0.76, -0.11, 0.755, -0.13, 0.745, -0.16, 0.742, -0.17, 0.735, -0.18, 0.715, -0.16, 0.695, -0.13, 0.685, -0.10, 0.665, -0.07, 0.645, -0.06, 0.585, -0.06, 0.575, -0.05, 0.57, -0.03, -10000 }

◆ vehiclePoly_Cyclist

const double vehiclePoly_Cyclist[] = { 0.5, 0, 0.25, 0.45, 0.25, 0.5, 0.8, 0.15, 0.8, -0.15, 0.25, -0.5, 0.25, -0.45, -10000 }

◆ vehiclePoly_DeliveryMediumLeftGlass

const double vehiclePoly_DeliveryMediumLeftGlass[] = { 0.21, .43, 0.20, .47, 0.38, .47, 0.38, .37, 0.31, .37, 0.20, .47, -10000 }

◆ vehiclePoly_DeliveryMediumRightGlass

const double vehiclePoly_DeliveryMediumRightGlass[] = { 0.21, -.43, 0.20, -.47, 0.38, -.47, 0.38, -.37, 0.31, -.37, 0.20, -.47, -10000 }

◆ vehiclePoly_Emergency

const double vehiclePoly_Emergency[] = { .1, .1, -.1, .1, -.1, -.1, .1, -.1, -10000 }

◆ vehiclePoly_Emergency2

const double vehiclePoly_Emergency2[] = { .04, .3, -.04, .3, -.04, -.3, .04, -.3, -10000 }

◆ vehiclePoly_EmergencyLadder

const double vehiclePoly_EmergencyLadder[] = { -.5, .3, .5, .3, .5, .2, -.5, .2, -10000 }

◆ vehiclePoly_EmergencyLadder2

const double vehiclePoly_EmergencyLadder2[] = { -.5, -.3, .5, -.3, .5, -.2, -.5, -.2, -10000 }

◆ vehiclePoly_EmergencyLadder3

const double vehiclePoly_EmergencyLadder3[] = { -.45, .3, -.4, .3, -.4, -.3, -.45, -.3, -10000 }

◆ vehiclePoly_EmergencyLadder4

const double vehiclePoly_EmergencyLadder4[] = { .45, .3, .4, .3, .4, -.3, .45, -.3, -10000 }

◆ vehiclePoly_EmergencyLadder5

const double vehiclePoly_EmergencyLadder5[] = { .05, .3, .0, .3, .0, -.3, .05, -.3, -10000 }

◆ vehiclePoly_EmergencyLadder6

const double vehiclePoly_EmergencyLadder6[] = { -.25, .3, -.2, .3, -.2, -.3, -.25, -.3, -10000 }

◆ vehiclePoly_EmergencyLadder7

const double vehiclePoly_EmergencyLadder7[] = { .25, .3, .2, .3, .2, -.3, .25, -.3, -10000 }

◆ vehiclePoly_EmergencySign

const double vehiclePoly_EmergencySign[] = { .2, .5, -.2, .5, -.2, -.5, .2, -.5, -10000 }

◆ vehiclePoly_EVehicleBody

const double vehiclePoly_EVehicleBody[] = { .5, 0, 0, 0, 0, .3, 0.08, .44, 0.25, .5, 0.75, .5, .92, .44, 1, .3, 1, -.3, .92, -.44, .75, -.5, .25, -.5, 0.08, -.44, 0, -.3, 0, 0, -1000 }

◆ vehiclePoly_EVehicleFrontGlass

const double vehiclePoly_EVehicleFrontGlass[] = { .5, 0, 0.05, .05, 0.05, .25, 0.13, .39, 0.3, .45, 0.70, .45, .87, .39, .95, .25, .95, -.25, .87, -.39, .70, -.45, .3, -.45, 0.13, -.39, 0.05, -.25, 0.05, 0.05, -1000 }

◆ vehiclePoly_MotorcycleSeat

const double vehiclePoly_MotorcycleSeat[] = { 0.5, 0, 0.503, 0.072, 0.506, 0.097, 0.518, 0.135, 0.539, 0.162, 0.567, 0.183, 0.641, 0.194, 0.698, 0.202, 0.706, 0.194, 0.713, 0.189, 0.721, 0.162, 0.729, 0.132, 0.732, 0.097, 0.734, 0.051, 0.735, 0, 0.734, -0.051, 0.732, -0.097, 0.729, -0.132, 0.721, -0.162, 0.713, -0.189, 0.706, -0.194, 0.698, -0.202, 0.641, -0.194, 0.567, -0.183, 0.539, -0.162, 0.518, -0.135, 0.506, -0.097, 0.503, -0.072, -10000 }

◆ vehiclePoly_PassengerCarBody

const double vehiclePoly_PassengerCarBody[] = { .5, 0, 0, 0, 0, .3, 0.08, .44, 0.25, .5, 0.95, .5, 1., .4, 1., -.4, 0.95, -.5, 0.25, -.5, 0.08, -.44, 0, -.3, 0, 0, -10000 }

◆ vehiclePoly_PassengerCarBodyFront

const double vehiclePoly_PassengerCarBodyFront[] = { 0.1, 0, 0.025, 0, 0.025, 0.25, 0.27, 0.4, 0.27, -.4, 0.025, -0.25, 0.025, 0, -10000 }

◆ vehiclePoly_PassengerFrontGlass

const double vehiclePoly_PassengerFrontGlass[] = { 0.35, 0, 0.3, 0, 0.3, 0.4, 0.43, 0.3, 0.43, -0.3, 0.3, -0.4, 0.3, 0, -10000 }

◆ vehiclePoly_PassengerHatchbackBackGlass

const double vehiclePoly_PassengerHatchbackBackGlass[] = { 0.92, 0, 0.80, 0, 0.80, 0.3, 0.95, 0.4, 0.95, -.4, 0.80, -.3, 0.80, 0, -10000 }

◆ vehiclePoly_PassengerHatchbackLeftGlass

const double vehiclePoly_PassengerHatchbackLeftGlass[] = { 0.36, .43, 0.34, .47, 0.94, .47, 0.80, .37, 0.45, .37, 0.34, .47, -10000 }

◆ vehiclePoly_PassengerHatchbackRightGlass

const double vehiclePoly_PassengerHatchbackRightGlass[] = { 0.36, -.43, 0.34, -.47, 0.94, -.47, 0.80, -.37, 0.45, -.37, 0.34, -.47, -10000 }

◆ vehiclePoly_PassengerSedanBackGlass

const double vehiclePoly_PassengerSedanBackGlass[] = { 0.80, 0, 0.70, 0, 0.70, 0.3, 0.83, 0.4, 0.83, -.4, 0.70, -.3, 0.70, 0, -10000 }

◆ vehiclePoly_PassengerSedanLeftGlass

const double vehiclePoly_PassengerSedanLeftGlass[] = { 0.36, .43, 0.34, .47, 0.77, .47, 0.67, .37, 0.45, .37, 0.34, .47, -10000 }

◆ vehiclePoly_PassengerSedanRightGlass

const double vehiclePoly_PassengerSedanRightGlass[] = { 0.36, -.43, 0.34, -.47, 0.77, -.47, 0.67, -.37, 0.45, -.37, 0.34, -.47, -10000 }

◆ vehiclePoly_PassengerVanBackGlass

const double vehiclePoly_PassengerVanBackGlass[] = { 0.95, 0, 0.94, 0, 0.94, 0.3, 0.98, 0.4, 0.98, -.4, 0.94, -.3, 0.94, 0, -10000 }

◆ vehiclePoly_PassengerVanBody

const double vehiclePoly_PassengerVanBody[] = { .5, 0, 0, 0, 0, .4, 0.1, .5, 0.97, .5, 1., .47, 1., -.47, 0.97, -.5, 0.1, -.5, 0, -.4, 0, 0, -10000 }

◆ vehiclePoly_PassengerVanBodyFront

const double vehiclePoly_PassengerVanBodyFront[] = { 0.1, 0, 0.025, 0, 0.025, 0.25, 0.13, 0.4, 0.13, -.4, 0.025, -0.25, 0.025, 0, -10000 }

◆ vehiclePoly_PassengerVanFrontGlass

const double vehiclePoly_PassengerVanFrontGlass[] = { 0.21, 0, 0.16, 0, 0.16, 0.4, 0.29, 0.3, 0.29, -0.3, 0.16, -0.4, 0.16, 0, -10000 }

◆ vehiclePoly_PassengerVanLeftGlass

const double vehiclePoly_PassengerVanLeftGlass[] = { 0.36, .43, 0.20, .47, 0.98, .47, 0.91, .37, 0.31, .37, 0.20, .47, -10000 }

◆ vehiclePoly_PassengerVanRightGlass

const double vehiclePoly_PassengerVanRightGlass[] = { 0.36, -.43, 0.20, -.47, 0.98, -.47, 0.91, -.37, 0.31, -.37, 0.20, -.47, -10000 }

◆ vehiclePoly_PassengerWagonBackGlass

const double vehiclePoly_PassengerWagonBackGlass[] = { 0.92, 0, 0.90, 0, 0.90, 0.3, 0.95, 0.4, 0.95, -.4, 0.90, -.3, 0.90, 0, -10000 }

◆ vehiclePoly_PassengerWagonLeftGlass

const double vehiclePoly_PassengerWagonLeftGlass[] = { 0.36, .43, 0.34, .47, 0.94, .47, 0.87, .37, 0.45, .37, 0.34, .47, -10000 }

◆ vehiclePoly_PassengerWagonRightGlass

const double vehiclePoly_PassengerWagonRightGlass[] = { 0.36, -.43, 0.34, -.47, 0.94, -.47, 0.87, -.37, 0.45, -.37, 0.34, -.47, -10000 }

◆ vehiclePoly_scooterBase

const double vehiclePoly_scooterBase[] = { -.17, .5, -.2, .5, -.2, -.5, -.17, -.5, -10000 }

◆ vehiclePoly_scooterBase2

const double vehiclePoly_scooterBase2[] = { .98, .05, 1., .05, 1., -.05, .98, -.05, -10000 }

◆ vehiclePoly_scooterBase3

const double vehiclePoly_scooterBase3[] = { -.32, .6, .32, .6, .32, -.6, -.32, -.6, -10000 }

◆ vehiclePoly_Ship

const double vehiclePoly_Ship[] = { 0.25, 0, 0, 0, 0.1, 0.25, 0.2, 0.45, 0.25, 0.5, 0.95, 0.5, 1.0, 0.45, 1.0, -0.45, 0.95, -0.5, 0.25, -0.5, 0.2, -0.45, 0.1, -0.25, 0, 0, -10000 }

◆ vehiclePoly_ShipDeck

const double vehiclePoly_ShipDeck[] = { 0.5, 0, 0.25, 0.4, 0.95, 0.4, 0.95, -0.4, 0.25, -0.4, 0.25, 0.4, -10000 }

◆ vehiclePoly_ShipSuperStructure

const double vehiclePoly_ShipSuperStructure[] = { 0.8, 0, 0.5, 0.3, 0.85, 0.3, 0.85, -0.3, 0.5, -0.3, 0.5, 0.3, -10000 }

◆ vehiclePoly_TaxiSign

const double vehiclePoly_TaxiSign[] = { .56, .241, .56, -.241, .49, -.241, .49, .241, -10000 }

◆ vehiclePoly_TransportBody

const double vehiclePoly_TransportBody[] = { .5, 0, 0, 0, 0, .45, 0.05, .5, 2.25, .5, 2.25, -.5, 0.05, -.5, 0, -.45, 0, 0, -10000 }

◆ vehiclePoly_TransportFrontGlass

const double vehiclePoly_TransportFrontGlass[] = { 0.1, 0, 0.05, 0, 0.05, 0.45, 0.25, 0.4, 0.25, -.4, 0.05, -0.45, 0.05, 0, -10000 }

◆ vehiclePoly_TransportLeftGlass

const double vehiclePoly_TransportLeftGlass[] = { 0.36, .47, 0.10, .48, 1.25, .48, 1.25, .4, 0.3, .4, 0.10, .48, -10000 }

◆ vehiclePoly_TransportRightGlass

const double vehiclePoly_TransportRightGlass[] = { 0.36, -.47, 0.10, -.48, 1.25, -.48, 1.25, -.4, 0.3, -.4, 0.10, -.48, -10000 }