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- builtins.object
- Lane
class Lane(builtins.object) |
Lane(edge, speed, length, width, allow, disallow, acceleration)
Lanes from a sumo network |
Methods defined here:
- __init__(self, edge, speed, length, width, allow, disallow, acceleration)
- Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.
- addOutgoing(self, conn)
- allows(self, vClass)
- true if this lane allows the given vehicle class
- getBoundingBox(self, includeJunctions=True)
- getClosestLanePosAndDist(self, point, perpendicular=False)
- getConnection(self, toLane)
- Returns the connection to the given target lane or None
- getEdge(self)
- getID(self)
- getIncoming(self, onlyDirect=False)
- Returns all incoming lanes for this lane, i.e. lanes, which have a connection to this lane.
If onlyDirect is True, then only incoming internal lanes are returned for a normal lane if they exist
- getIncomingConnections(self, onlyDirect=False)
- Returns all incoming connections for this lane
If onlyDirect is True, then only connections from internal lanes are returned for a normal lane if they exist
- getIndex(self)
- getLength(self)
- getNeigh(self)
- getOutgoing(self)
- Returns all outgoing connections from this lane.
- getOutgoingLanes(self)
- Returns all outgoing lanes from this lane.
- getParam(self, key, default=None)
- getParams(self)
- getPermissions(self)
- return the allowed vehicle classes
- getShape(self, includeJunctions=False)
- Returns the shape of the lane in 2d.
This function returns the shape of the lane, as defined in the net.xml
file. The returned shape is a list containing numerical
2-tuples representing the x,y coordinates of the shape points.
For includeJunctions=True the returned list will contain
additionally the coords (x,y) of the fromNode of the
corresponding edge as first element and the coords (x,y)
of the toNode as last element.
For internal lanes, includeJunctions is ignored and the unaltered
shape of the lane is returned.
- getShape3D(self, includeJunctions=False)
- Returns the shape of the lane in 3d.
This function returns the shape of the lane, as defined in the net.xml
file. The returned shape is a list containing numerical
3-tuples representing the x,y,z coordinates of the shape points
where z defaults to zero.
For includeJunction=True the returned list will contain
additionally the coords (x,y,z) of the fromNode of the
corresponding edge as first element and the coords (x,y,z)
of the toNode as last element.
For internal lanes, includeJunctions is ignored and the unaltered
shape of the lane is returned.
- getSpeed(self)
- getWidth(self)
- interpretOffset(self, lanePos)
- isAccelerationLane(self)
- isNormal(self)
- setNeigh(self, neigh)
- setParam(self, key, value)
- setPermissions(self, allowed)
- set the allowed vehicle classes
- setShape(self, shape)
- Set the shape of the lane
shape must be a list containing x,y,z coords as numbers
to represent the shape of the lane
Data descriptors defined here:
- __dict__
- dictionary for instance variables
- __weakref__
- list of weak references to the object
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