Using the Command Line Applications

Most of the applications from the SUMO package are command line tools. Currently, only sumo-gui and netedit are not. If you do not know what a "command line" is, we refer you to the page about basic computer skills.

The following presents some peculiarities of the SUMO-suite applications.

Using SUMO Applications from the Command Line#

SUMO applications are plain executables. You just start them by typing their name from the command line; for example netgenerate is called by


under Windows and by


under Linux.

This simply starts the application (netgenerate in this case). As no parameter has been given, the application does not know what to do and prints only an information about itself:

Eclipse SUMO netgenerate Version 1.21.0
 Build features: Linux-4.1.39-56-default Proj GDAL GUI
 Copyright (C) 2001-2020 German Aerospace Center (DLR) and others;
 License EPL-2.0: Eclipse Public License Version 2 <>
 Use --help to get the list of options.


Each application has a set of options which define which files shall be processed or generated, or which define the application's behavior. Normally, an application needs at least two parameter - an input file and an output file - but almost always more parameter are used for a fine-grained control. Each application's options are described within the application's description. In the following, it is described how options are set.

Setting Options on the Command Line#

There are two kinds of options: boolean options which do not require an argument and are set to true if the option is present (but accept usual boolean values like "true" and "false" as argument) and options which require an argument. Setting an option with an argument on the command line consists of two parts - the option name and the option's value. For example, if one wants the simulation to load a certain road network, "", the following must be written:


The '--' in front indicates that the option's long name is following ("net") in this case. After a whitespace the option's value must be given. It is also possible to use a '=' instead of the whitespace:

Some often used options can be abbreviated. The abbreviation for the --net-option is -n. The following has the same effect as the two examples above:


Please note that an abbreviation is indicated using a single '-'.


Not all abbreviations have the same meaning across the applications from the SUMO-suite.

If you want to append options to a list of values given in a configuration file you will use the following syntax:

+a myAdditional.add.xml

Please note that you can use the abbreviated or the non-abbreviated name here but always a single '+'. This will only work for lists of strings or numbers.

Option Value Types#

The SUMO applications know what kind of a value they expect to be set. For example, netgenerate allows you to set the default number of lanes, which of course must be an integer value. In the case, a string or something else is given, this is recognized and the application answers with an error message on startup. Please note that the decimal point in a float is encoded using a dot (".").

A special case of value types are lists, for example the list of additional files to load into a simulation. When giving more than a single file, the files must be divided using ','. This also counts for lists of other value types, as integers or floating point numbers.

Configuration Files#

Because the list of options may get very long, configuration files were introduced. You can set up a configuration file which contains all the parameter you want to start the application with. Moreover, you have to start the application with only this configuration file given.

A configuration file is an XML-file that has a root element named configuration. The options are written as element names, with the wanted value being stored in the attribute value (or v); the option --net-file given on the command line would become <net-file value=""/> within the configuration file. For the boolean options the value should be either "true", "on", "yes", "1", or "x" for the activation and "false", "off", "no", or "0" for deactivating the option (case does not matter here).

For the example above, the configuration file (let's save it under "test.sumocfg", see below) would look like:

        <net-file value=""/>
        <route-files value="test.rou.xml"/>
        <additional-files value="test.add.xml"/>

The section input given above has only documentation purposes and no functional meaning.

A less verbose but equivalent version would look like:

    <n v=""/>
    <r v="test.rou.xml"/>
    <a v="test.add.xml"/>

The according sumo execution call - working with both configuration versions - would be:

sumo.exe -c test.sumocfg

This means that instead of the parameters, we only give the name of the configuration file using the option --configuration-file <FILE> or -c <FILE>. If you want to give no further options on the command line it is possible to leave out the "-c" as well:

sumo.exe test.sumocfg

Naming Conventions for Configuration Files#

Depending on the targeted application, the configuration files have different extensions. It is highly recommended to follow this convention. For using simulation configurations with sumo-gui this is even required - sumo-gui can only read simulation configurations named "*.sumocfg".

All conventions for configuration extensions can be found on the page on used file extensions.

Configuration Files vs. Command Line Parameter#

In addition to a configuration file, further command line parameter can also be given on the command line. If a parameter is set within the named configuration file as well as given on the command line, the value given on the command line is used (overwrites the one within the configuration file) unless you use the '+' syntax described above. If you want to disable a boolean option which was enabled in the configuration file, you need to give the "false" value on the command line explicitly, like --verbose false

Generating Configuration Files, Templates and Schemata#

The applications of the SUMO package allow you to generate configuration file templates. It is possible to save an empty configuration - a configuration template. This can be done by using the --save-template <FILE>. In this case, the configuration will only contain the parameters filled with their default values.

Also it is possible to save a configuration file which contains the currently set values. An application can be forced to do this using the option --save-configuration <FILE>.

Last but not least one can generate an XML schema (using the option --save-schema <FILE>) to validate configuration files against. For the SUMO application this schema should be equivalent to the one found at (respectively for the other executables). Please note that the schema is more strict than the SUMO options parser since it only validates the verbose version given above.

In either case, if further information on the parameters is wanted, one can also pass the option --save-commented. Then, some further comments on each parameter are generated.


SUMO applications will quit after saving a configuration. The application has to be called a second time to run the configuration.

Environment variables in Configuration Files#

It is possible to refer to environment variables in configuration files. The syntax to refer to an environment variable is ${VARNAME}. For example, your configuration file may reference a variable called NETFILENAME, containing the name of a network file, with the following configuration settings.

        <net-file value="${NETFILENAME}.net.xml"/>

There are also some special values you can use here which aren't environment variables:

  • ${LOCALTIME} refers to the local time when the configuration has been loaded
  • ${UTC} same as ${LOCALTIME} but in universal coordinated time
  • ${PID} process id of the running application
  • ${SUMO_LOGO} will be replaced ${SUMO_HOME}/data/logo/sumo-128x138.png (only if it is not set, useful for background images)
  • ~ will be replaced by ${HOME} (also see next item)
  • ${HOME} on Windows will be replaced by ${USERPROFILE} (only if it is not set)

The expansion of environment variables will not happen if you are only writing a new configuration.

Common Options#

The applications from the SUMO suite share several options. They are given in the following.

Configuration Options#

Option Description
-c <FILE>
--configuration-file <FILE>
Loads the named config on startup
--save-configuration <FILE>
Saves current configuration into FILE
--save-configuration.relative <BOOL> Enforce relative paths when saving the configuration; default: false
--save-template <FILE> Saves a configuration template (empty) into FILE
--save-schema <FILE> Saves the configuration schema into FILE
--save-commented <BOOL> Adds comments to saved template, configuration, or schema; default: false

Reporting Options#

Option Description
-v <BOOL>
--verbose <BOOL>
Switches to verbose output; default: false**
--print-options <BOOL> Prints option values before processing; default: false**
-? <BOOL>
--help <BOOL>
Prints this screen; default: false**
--version <BOOL>
Prints the current version; default: false**
--xml-validation <STRING>
Set schema validation scheme of XML inputs ("never", "auto" or "always"); default: auto** <STRING> Set schema validation scheme of SUMO network inputs ("never", "auto" or "always"); default: never**
--no-warnings <BOOL>
Disables output of warnings; default: false**
-l <FILE>
--log <FILE>
Writes all messages to FILE (implies verbose)
--message-log <FILE> Writes all non-error messages to FILE (implies verbose)
--error-log <FILE> Writes all warnings and errors to FILE
--language <STRING> Language to use in messages; default: C

The logging options --log and --message-log also enable the verbose output but only into the given file (unless --verbose was given as well). Errors get always printed to the console (in addition to a possible log-file).

The XML validation options enable XML schema processing in the XML parser. This performs a basic validation of the input and is highly recommended especially for beginners because it easily finds spelling mistakes in the input which otherwise might be silently ignored. Validation is only performed if the XML-schema is declared within the input file.

The --language option sets the language for messages, warnings and the GUI elements. The translation is still very incomplete thus by default the language is set to "C", which means untranslated. The parameter accepts a two letter language code such as tr or de. If it is explicitly set to the empty string, it will try to determine the language from environment variables as described in the gettext documentation. If you want to contribute to translations please have a look at the translation documentation.

Random Number Options#

These options configure how the seed of the random number generator is determined. The same seed leads to the same sequence of generated random numbers.

By default the seed is a hard-coded fixed value. So, as long as all configuration settings are kept the same, the outputs of repeated simulation runs will be the same. To change this, use one of the following options.

Option Description
--seed <INT> Set a particular seed for the random number generator. By using different values you can have different but still reproducible simulation runs.
--random Make SUMO choose a seed. If available the seed will be based on output of /dev/urandom otherwise the seed will be derived from current system time. This option has precedence over option --seed <INT>.

Attention: The precedence of --random over --seed <INT> means that it is impossible to set --random in a configuration file and overwrite it by --seed <INT> in the command line. There might be a solution in future.

Generating and Reading Files#

Almost every file the tools from the SUMO package read or generate are written in XML. You should get familiar with XML before starting to work with SUMO. SUMO allows you to import files from different sources, but "native" SUMO files - road network descriptions, route and/or demand descriptions, infrastructure descriptions, etc. - are SUMO-specific, not following any standard. XML files can be read and written using a simple text editor and we usually do this. Nonetheless, several other tools exist and may be reused.

For some of the file types used by SUMO, a xsd (XML Schema Definition) exists. Please consult the page on file extensions for a list of described file formats.

Hints on using XML#

  • The default viewer for XML files on Windows is the Internet Explorer. It may be used for validating your XML files. The syntax of an XML file should be valid if the Internet Explorer can completely load it.
  • Eclipse allows to write XML documents following a given xsd (XML Schema Definition).

Writing files#

Several options expect a file name (<FILE>) to write into as parameter. When being given at the command line, the given path is assumed to be relative to the current working directory. When being given in a configuration file, the file path is assumed to be relative to the configuration file's path. Absolute paths are of course also allowed.

Usually, existing files with the same name are overwritten without a warning. The directory must exist, where the output file shall be written.

Besides writing to a file, further special notations allow to:

  • write into the null-device (no output at all): use "NUL" or "/dev/null" for file name (both notations work platform independent)
  • write into a socket: use "<HOST>:<PORT>" for file name
  • write to stdout (print on command line): use "stdout" or "-" for file name
  • write to stderr: use "stderr" for file name
  • The special string 'TIME' within a filename will be replaced with the application start time

At the moment it is not possible to read input from sockets or from stdin.

As a simple way of modifying output file names, the option --output-prefix <STRING> is provided. The given string will be prepended to all files written by an application.


Multiple date sources (i.e. detector definitions) are permitted to write to the same output file.

Time values#


By default, all time values written by sumo are in seconds. All applications and some python tools support the option --human-readable-time (short -H) which causes times in the output to be written as "HH:MM:SS" (hours, minutes second). Subsecond times will be written as "HH:MM:SS.SS". If the written time exceeds 24 hours, it will be written as "DD:HH:MM:SS" where DD is the number of days.

Setting the option --human-readable-time also affects how some time values are formatted in sumo-gui dialogs (i.e. breakpoints).


All time values in options and xml input may always be given as seconds or in "HH:MM:SS" or "DD:HH:MM:SS" format.

Using Python tools from the Command Line#

Many tools that are distributed by SUMO (in the <SUMO_HOME>/tools folder are written in the python programming language. To use them, Python 3.7 or later must be installed on your computer.

Then you need to make sure that the environment variable SUMO_HOME is set. The easiest way is to open the command-line window using start-command-line.bat.

Furthermore you need to make sure that your computer knows where to find the python tools. The easiest (but somewhat cumbersome) method is to run the tool using its full path:

C:\Users\yourname>D:\path_to_sumo\tools\  ... arguments ...

Alternatively, you can add the directory in which the tool lies to your PATH-Variable.