
Asks for the value of a certain variable of the named ParkingArea. The value returned is the state of the asked variable/value within the last simulation step. Please note that for asking values from your ParkingArea you have to define them within an additional-file and load them at the start of the simulation. The period and file attributes do not affect TraCI.

The following variable values can be retrieved, the type of the return value is also shown in the table.

Overview ParkingArea Variables

Variable ValueType Description Python Method
end pos double The end position of the stop along the lane measured in m. getEndPos
lane ID string Returns the lane of this calibrator (if it applies to a single lane) getLaneID
name string Returns the name of this stop getName
start pos double The starting position of the stop along the lane measured in m. getStartPos
vehicle count integer Get the total number of vehicles stopped at the named parking area. getVehicleCount
vehicle ID stringList Get the IDs of vehicles stopped at the named parking area. getVehicleIDs