227 void buildConnection(
GNELane* lane,
const bool mayDefinitelyPass,
const bool allowConflict,
const bool toggle);
long onCmdSaveModifications(FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
Called when the user presses the OK-Button saves any connection modifications.
long onCmdCancelModifications(FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
Called when the user presses the Cancel-button discards any connection modifications.
FXButton * mySaveButton
"OK" button
FXButton * myCancelButton
"Cancel" button
FXCheckButton * myProtectRoutesCheckBox
protect routes checkbox
GNEConnectorFrame * myConnectorFrameParent
pointer to connectorFrame parent
FXButton * mySelectDeadStartsButton
"Select Dead Starts" button
GNEConnectorFrame * myConnectorFrameParent
pointer to connectorFrame parent
FXButton * mySelectConflictsButton
"Select Conflicts" button
long onCmdSelectDeadEnds(FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
Called when the user presses the select dead ends button.
long onCmdResetSelectedConnections(FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
Called when the user presses the reset selected connections button.
long onCmdSelectDeadStarts(FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
Called when the user presses the select dead starts button.
long onCmdSelectPass(FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
Called when the user presses the select pass button.
FXButton * mySelectDeadEndsButton
"Select Dead Ends" button
long onCmdClearSelectedConnections(FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
Called when the user presses the clear selected connections button.
FXButton * myClearSelectedButton
"Clear Selected"
long onCmdSelectConflicts(FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
Called when the user presses the select conflicts button.
FXButton * myResetSelectedButton
"Reset Selected"
FXButton * mySelectPassingButton
"Select Edges which may always pass"
FXLabel * myCurrentLaneLabel
Label for current Lane.
void updateCurrentLaneLabel(const std::string &laneID)
set current junction label
int myNumChanges
number of changes
std::vector< NBEdge::Connection > myDeletedConnections
vector of connections deleted in the current editing step
void cleanup()
clean up when deselecting current lane
void initTargets()
init targets
ConnectionModifications * getConnectionModifications() const
get pointer to ConnectionModifications module
GNEConnectorFrame::ConnectionOperations * myConnectionOperations
ConnectionOperations module.
GNEConnectorFrame::Legend * myLegend
Legend module.
void buildConnection(GNELane *lane, const bool mayDefinitelyPass, const bool allowConflict, const bool toggle)
either sets the current lane or toggles the connection of the current lane to this lane (if they shar...
void removeConnections(GNELane *lane)
remove connections
std::map< int, GNEInternalLane * > myInternalLanes
the internal lanes belonging the current junction indexed by their tl-index
std::set< GNELane * > myPotentialTargets
the set of lanes to which the current lane may be connected
LaneStatus getLaneStatus(const std::vector< NBEdge::Connection > &connections, const GNELane *targetLane) const
return the status of toLane
GNEConnectorFrame::ConnectionModifications * myConnectionModifications
ConnectionModifications module.
void handleLaneClick(const GNEViewNetHelper::ViewObjectsSelector &viewObjects)
either sets the current lane or toggles the connection of the
GNELane * myCurrentEditedLane
the lane of which connections are to be modified
the status of a target lane
GNEConnectorFrame::ConnectionSelection * myConnectionSelection
ConnectionSelection module.
CurrentLane * myCurrentLane
CurrentLane module.
This lane is powered by an underlying GNEEdge and basically knows how to draw itself.
class used to group all variables related with objects under cursor after a click over view
A single child window which contains a view of the simulation area.
MFXGroupBoxModule (based on FXGroupBox)