Eclipse SUMO - Simulation of Urban MObility
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /****************************************************************************/
2 // Eclipse SUMO, Simulation of Urban MObility; see
3 // Copyright (C) 2001-2024 German Aerospace Center (DLR) and others.
4 // This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
5 // terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at
6 //
7 // This Source Code may also be made available under the following Secondary
8 // Licenses when the conditions for such availability set forth in the Eclipse
9 // Public License 2.0 are satisfied: GNU General Public License, version 2
10 // or later which is available at
11 //
12 // SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 OR GPL-2.0-or-later
13 /****************************************************************************/
21 // The GUI-version of a polygon
22 /****************************************************************************/
23 #include <config.h>
25 #include <string>
26 #include <utils/geom/GeomHelper.h>
33 #include <utils/gui/div/GLHelper.h>
36 #include "GUIPolygon.h"
38 #ifndef CALLBACK
39 #define CALLBACK
40 #endif
42 // ===========================================================================
43 // static members
44 // ===========================================================================
46 // minimum number of extra vertices per shape before tesselation artefacts occur
47 // (new vertices are needed for some concave polygons)
48 #define MAX_COMBINE_INDEX 1024
49 // ring buffer to store temporary vertices (x,y,z) needed by combineCallback
51 // array index for above array; incremented inside combineCallback
53 GLenum myCurrentType = 0;
54 std::vector<Position> myCurrentPoints;
57 // ===========================================================================
58 // callbacks definitions
59 // ===========================================================================
61 void CALLBACK beginCallback(GLenum which) {
62  //std::cout << " beginCallback id=" << Named::getIDSecure(myCurrentTesselated) << " type=" << which << "\n";
63  myCurrentType = which;
64  myCurrentPoints.clear();
65 }
68 void CALLBACK endCallback(void) {
71  glp.type = myCurrentType;
72  glp.vert = myCurrentPoints;
73  myCurrentPoints.clear();
74 }
77 void CALLBACK vertexCallback(GLvoid* vertex) {
78  GLdouble* p3 = (GLdouble*) vertex;
79  //std::cout << " vertexCallback id=" << Named::getIDSecure(myCurrentTesselated) << " point=" << p3 << "\n";
80  myCurrentPoints.push_back(Position(p3[0], p3[1], p3[2]));
81 }
84 void CALLBACK combineCallback(GLdouble coords[3],
85  GLdouble* vertex_data[4],
86  GLfloat weight[4], GLdouble** dataOut) {
88  UNUSED_PARAMETER(*vertex_data);
90  myCombineVertices[myCombineIndex][0] = coords[0];
91  myCombineVertices[myCombineIndex][1] = coords[1];
92  myCombineVertices[myCombineIndex][2] = coords[2];
94 }
96 void CALLBACK errorCallback(GLenum errorCode) {
97  const GLubyte* estring;
99  estring = gluErrorString(errorCode);
100  fprintf(stderr, "Tessellation Error: %s\n", estring);
101  exit(0);
102 }
106 static const GLdouble INV_POLY_TEX_DIM = 1.0 / 256.0;
107 static const GLdouble xPlane[] = {INV_POLY_TEX_DIM, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0};
108 static const GLdouble yPlane[] = {0.0, INV_POLY_TEX_DIM, 0.0, 0.0};
111 // ===========================================================================
112 // TesselatedPolygon method definitions
113 // ===========================================================================
116 void
118  if (myTesselation.empty()) {
119  myCurrentTesselated = this;
120  // draw the tesselated shape
121  size_t numPoints = shape.size() * 3;
122  for (const PositionVector& hole : myHoles) {
123  numPoints += hole.size() * 3;
124  }
125  double* points = new double[numPoints];
126  GLUtesselator* tobj = gluNewTess();
127 #ifdef _MSC_VER
128 #pragma warning(push)
129 #pragma warning(disable: 4191)
130 #endif
131 #if defined(__GNUC__) && __GNUC__ >= 8
132 #pragma GCC diagnostic push
133 #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wcast-function-type"
134 #endif
135  gluTessCallback(tobj, GLU_TESS_VERTEX, (GLvoid(CALLBACK*)()) &vertexCallback);
136  gluTessCallback(tobj, GLU_TESS_BEGIN, (GLvoid(CALLBACK*)()) &beginCallback);
137  gluTessCallback(tobj, GLU_TESS_END, (GLvoid(CALLBACK*)()) &endCallback);
138  //gluTessCallback(tobj, GLU_TESS_ERROR, (GLvoid (CALLBACK*) ()) &errorCallback);
139  gluTessCallback(tobj, GLU_TESS_COMBINE, (GLvoid(CALLBACK*)()) &combineCallback);
140 #if defined(__GNUC__) && __GNUC__ >= 8
141 #pragma GCC diagnostic pop
142 #endif
143 #ifdef _MSC_VER
144 #pragma warning(pop)
145 #endif
147  gluTessBeginPolygon(tobj, nullptr);
148  gluTessBeginContour(tobj);
149  for (int i = 0; i < (int)shape.size(); i++) {
150  points[3 * i] = shape[i].x();
151  points[3 * i + 1] = shape[i].y();
152  points[3 * i + 2] = 0.;
153  gluTessVertex(tobj, points + 3 * i, points + 3 * i);
154  }
155  gluTessEndContour(tobj);
156  size_t startIndex = shape.size() * 3;
157  for (const PositionVector& hole : myHoles) {
158  gluTessBeginContour(tobj);
159  for (int i = 0; i < (int)hole.size(); i++) {
160  points[startIndex + 3 * i] = hole[i].x();
161  points[startIndex + 3 * i + 1] = hole[i].y();
162  points[startIndex + 3 * i + 2] = 0.;
163  gluTessVertex(tobj, points + startIndex + 3 * i, points + startIndex + 3 * i);
164  }
165  startIndex += hole.size() * 3;
166  gluTessEndContour(tobj);
167  }
168  gluTessEndPolygon(tobj);
169  gluDeleteTess(tobj);
170  delete[] points;
171  }
172  for (GLPrimitive& pr : myTesselation) {
173  // XXX change to glDrawArrays
174  glBegin(pr.type);
175  for (const Position& p : pr.vert) {
176  glVertex3d(p.x(), p.y(), p.z());
177  }
178  glEnd();
179  }
180 }
183 // ===========================================================================
184 // GUIPolygon method definitions
185 // ===========================================================================
187 GUIPolygon::GUIPolygon(const std::string& id, const std::string& type, const RGBColor& color,
188  const PositionVector& shape, bool geo, bool fill,
189  double lineWidth, double layer, double angle, const std::string& imgFile,
190  bool relativePath, const std::string& name):
191  TesselatedPolygon(id, type, color, shape, geo, fill, lineWidth, layer, angle, imgFile, relativePath, name),
193  myRotatedShape(nullptr) {
194  if (angle != 0.) {
195  setShape(shape);
196  }
197 }
201  delete myRotatedShape;
202 }
207  GUISUMOAbstractView& parent) {
208  GUIGLObjectPopupMenu* ret = new GUIGLObjectPopupMenu(app, parent, *this);
209  buildPopupHeader(ret, app, false);
210  GUIDesigns::buildFXMenuCommand(ret, "(" + getShapeType() + ")", nullptr, nullptr, 0);
211  new FXMenuSeparator(ret);
215  buildShowParamsPopupEntry(ret, false);
216  buildPositionCopyEntry(ret, app);
217  return ret;
218 }
224  GUIParameterTableWindow* ret = new GUIParameterTableWindow(app, *this);
225  // add items
226  ret->mkItem("type", false, getShapeType());
227  ret->mkItem("layer", false, toString(getShapeLayer()));
228  ret->mkItem("name", false, toString(getShapeName()));
229  ret->closeBuilding(this);
230  return ret;
231 }
234 double
236  return s.polySize.getExaggeration(s, this);
237 }
240 Boundary
242  const PositionVector& shape = myRotatedShape != nullptr ? *myRotatedShape : myShape;
243  Boundary b;
244  b.add(shape.getBoxBoundary());
245  b.grow(2);
246  return b;
247 }
250 void
252  // first check if polygon can be drawn
253  if (myIsActive && checkDraw(s, this, this)) {
254  FXMutexLock locker(myLock);
255  // push name (needed for getGUIGlObjectsUnderCursor(...)
257  // draw inner polygon
258  if (myRotatedShape) {
259  drawInnerPolygon(s, this, this, *myRotatedShape, s.altKeyPressed ? 0 : getShapeLayer(), getFill());
260  } else {
261  drawInnerPolygon(s, this, this, myShape, s.altKeyPressed ? 0 : getShapeLayer(), getFill());
262  }
263  // pop name
265  }
266 }
269 void
271  FXMutexLock locker(myLock);
272  SUMOPolygon::setShape(shape);
273  if (getShapeNaviDegree() != 0.) {
274  if (myRotatedShape == nullptr) {
276  }
277  const Position& centroid = myShape.getCentroid();
279  myRotatedShape->sub(centroid);
281  myRotatedShape->add(centroid);
282  } else {
283  delete myRotatedShape;
284  myRotatedShape = nullptr;
285  }
286  myTesselation.clear();
287 }
290 RGBColor
291 GUIPolygon::setColor(const GUIVisualizationSettings& s, const SUMOPolygon* polygon, const GUIGlObject* o, bool disableSelectionColor, int alphaOverride) {
292  const GUIColorer& c = s.polyColorer;
293  const int active = c.getActive();
294  RGBColor color;
295  if (s.netedit && active != 1 && gSelected.isSelected(o->getType(), o->getGlID()) && disableSelectionColor) {
296  // override with special selection colors (unless the color scheme is based on selection)
297  color = RGBColor(0, 0, 204);
298  } else if (active == 0) {
299  color = polygon->getShapeColor();
300  } else if (active == 1) {
301  color = c.getScheme().getColor(gSelected.isSelected(o->getType(), o->getGlID()));
302  } else if (active == 2) {
303  color = c.getScheme().getColor(0);
304  } else {
305  // color randomly (by pointer hash)
306  std::hash<const SUMOPolygon*> ptr_hash;
307  const double hue = (double)(ptr_hash(polygon) % 360); // [0-360]
308  const double sat = (double)((ptr_hash(polygon) / 360) % 67) / 100.0 + 0.33; // [0.33-1]
309  color = RGBColor::fromHSV(hue, sat, 1.);
310  }
311  if (alphaOverride >= 0 && alphaOverride <= 255) {
312  color.setAlpha((unsigned char)alphaOverride);
313  }
314  GLHelper::setColor(color);
315  return color;
316 }
319 bool
321  if (o->getExaggeration(s) == 0) {
322  return false;
323  }
324  Boundary boundary = polygon->getShape().getBoxBoundary();
325  if (s.scale * MAX2(boundary.getWidth(), boundary.getHeight()) < s.polySize.minSize) {
326  return false;
327  }
328  if (polygon->getFill()) {
329  if (polygon->getShape().size() < 3) {
330  return false;
331  }
332  } else {
333  if (polygon->getShape().size() < 2) {
334  return false;
335  }
336  }
337  return true;
338 }
341 void
343  const PositionVector shape, const double layer, const bool fill,
344  const bool disableSelectionColor, const int alphaOverride, const bool disableText) {
346  glTranslated(0, 0, layer);
347  setColor(s, polygon, o, disableSelectionColor, alphaOverride);
348  int textureID = -1;
349  if (fill) {
350  const std::string& file = polygon->getShapeImgFile();
351  if (file != "") {
352  textureID = GUITexturesHelper::getTextureID(file, true);
353  }
354  }
355  // init generation of texture coordinates
356  if (textureID >= 0) {
357  glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
358  glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_FILL);
359  glDisable(GL_CULL_FACE);
360  glDisable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); // without DEPTH_TEST vehicles may be drawn below roads
361  glDisable(GL_LIGHTING);
362  glDisable(GL_COLOR_MATERIAL);
363  glDisable(GL_ALPHA_TEST);
364  glEnable(GL_BLEND);
367  glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, textureID);
370  //
371  glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_GEN_S);
372  glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_GEN_T);
374  glTexGendv(GL_S, GL_OBJECT_PLANE, xPlane);
376  glTexGendv(GL_T, GL_OBJECT_PLANE, yPlane);
377  }
378  if (fill) {
379  polygon->drawTesselation(shape);
380  } else {
381  GLHelper::drawLine(shape);
382  GLHelper::drawBoxLines(shape, polygon->getLineWidth() * o->getExaggeration(s));
383  }
385  // de-init generation of texture coordinates
386  if (textureID >= 0) {
387  glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST);
388  glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0);
389  glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
390  glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_GEN_S);
391  glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_GEN_T);
392  }
394  if ( {
396  }
397  if (!disableText) {
398  const Position& namePos = shape.getPolygonCenter();
399  o->drawName(namePos, s.scale, s.polyName, s.angle);
400  if ( {
401  const Position p = namePos + Position(0, -0.6 * s.polyType.size / s.scale);
403  }
404  }
405 }
407 /****************************************************************************/
GUISelectedStorage gSelected
A global holder of selected objects.
An enumeration of icons used by the gui applications.
Definition: GUIIcons.h:33
void CALLBACK errorCallback(GLenum errorCode)
Definition: GUIPolygon.cpp:96
static const GLdouble INV_POLY_TEX_DIM
Definition: GUIPolygon.cpp:106
void CALLBACK combineCallback(GLdouble coords[3], GLdouble *vertex_data[4], GLfloat weight[4], GLdouble **dataOut)
Definition: GUIPolygon.cpp:84
const TesselatedPolygon * myCurrentTesselated
Definition: GUIPolygon.cpp:55
GLdouble myCombineVertices[MAX_COMBINE_INDEX][3]
Definition: GUIPolygon.cpp:50
Definition: GUIPolygon.cpp:48
int myCombineIndex
Definition: GUIPolygon.cpp:52
static const GLdouble yPlane[]
Definition: GUIPolygon.cpp:108
void CALLBACK beginCallback(GLenum which)
Definition: GUIPolygon.cpp:61
GLenum myCurrentType
Definition: GUIPolygon.cpp:53
void CALLBACK endCallback(void)
Definition: GUIPolygon.cpp:68
#define CALLBACK
Definition: GUIPolygon.cpp:39
std::vector< Position > myCurrentPoints
Definition: GUIPolygon.cpp:54
void CALLBACK vertexCallback(GLvoid *vertex)
Definition: GUIPolygon.cpp:77
static const GLdouble xPlane[]
Definition: GUIPolygon.cpp:107
#define DEG2RAD(x)
Definition: GeomHelper.h:35
Definition: StdDefs.h:30
T MAX2(T a, T b)
Definition: StdDefs.h:82
std::string toString(const T &t, std::streamsize accuracy=gPrecision)
Definition: ToString.h:46
A class that stores a 2D geometrical boundary.
Definition: Boundary.h:39
void add(double x, double y, double z=0)
Makes the boundary include the given coordinate.
Definition: Boundary.cpp:78
Boundary & grow(double by)
extends the boundary by the given amount
Definition: Boundary.cpp:319
double getHeight() const
Returns the height of the boundary (y-axis)
Definition: Boundary.cpp:160
double getWidth() const
Returns the width of the boudary (x-axis)
Definition: Boundary.cpp:154
static void drawLine(const Position &beg, double rot, double visLength)
Draws a thin line.
Definition: GLHelper.cpp:438
static void setColor(const RGBColor &c)
Sets the gl-color to this value.
Definition: GLHelper.cpp:654
static void pushName(unsigned int name)
push Name
Definition: GLHelper.cpp:139
static void popMatrix()
pop matrix
Definition: GLHelper.cpp:130
static void drawBoxLines(const PositionVector &geom, const std::vector< double > &rots, const std::vector< double > &lengths, double width, int cornerDetail=0, double offset=0)
Draws thick lines.
Definition: GLHelper.cpp:347
static void debugVertices(const PositionVector &shape, const GUIVisualizationTextSettings &settings, double scale, double layer=1024)
draw vertex numbers for the given shape (in a random color)
Definition: GLHelper.cpp:953
static void popName()
pop Name
Definition: GLHelper.cpp:148
static void pushMatrix()
push matrix
Definition: GLHelper.cpp:117
static void drawTextSettings(const GUIVisualizationTextSettings &settings, const std::string &text, const Position &pos, const double scale, const double angle=0, const double layer=2048, const int align=0)
Definition: GLHelper.cpp:787
static FXMenuCommand * buildFXMenuCommand(FXComposite *p, const std::string &text, FXIcon *icon, FXObject *tgt, FXSelector sel, const bool disable=false)
build menu command
Definition: GUIDesigns.cpp:42
The popup menu of a globject.
void buildShowParamsPopupEntry(GUIGLObjectPopupMenu *ret, bool addSeparator=true)
Builds an entry which allows to open the parameter window.
void buildCenterPopupEntry(GUIGLObjectPopupMenu *ret, bool addSeparator=true)
Builds an entry which allows to center to the object.
void buildNameCopyPopupEntry(GUIGLObjectPopupMenu *ret, bool addSeparator=true)
Builds entries which allow to copy the name / typed name into the clipboard.
void buildPopupHeader(GUIGLObjectPopupMenu *ret, GUIMainWindow &app, bool addSeparator=true)
Builds the header.
GUIGlObjectType getType() const
Returns the type of the object as coded in GUIGlObjectType.
Definition: GUIGlObject.h:156
virtual double getExaggeration(const GUIVisualizationSettings &s) const
return exaggeration associated with this GLObject
Definition: GUIGlObject.h:176
void buildSelectionPopupEntry(GUIGLObjectPopupMenu *ret, bool addSeparator=true)
Builds an entry which allows to (de)select the object.
void buildPositionCopyEntry(GUIGLObjectPopupMenu *ret, const GUIMainWindow &app) const
Builds an entry which allows to copy the cursor position if geo projection is used,...
GUIGlID getGlID() const
Returns the numerical id of the object.
Definition: GUIGlObject.h:104
void drawName(const Position &pos, const double scale, const GUIVisualizationTextSettings &settings, const double angle=0, bool forceShow=false) const
draw name of item
A window containing a gl-object's parameter.
void mkItem(const char *name, bool dynamic, ValueSource< T > *src)
Adds a row which obtains its value from a ValueSource.
void closeBuilding(const Parameterised *p=0)
Closes the building of the table.
static void drawInnerPolygon(const GUIVisualizationSettings &s, const TesselatedPolygon *polygon, const GUIGlObject *o, const PositionVector shape, const double layer, const bool fill, const bool disableSelectionColor=false, const int alphaOverride=-1, const bool disableText=false)
draw inner Polygon (before pushName() )
Definition: GUIPolygon.cpp:342
static bool checkDraw(const GUIVisualizationSettings &s, const SUMOPolygon *polygon, const GUIGlObject *o)
check if Polygon can be drawn
Definition: GUIPolygon.cpp:320
virtual void drawGL(const GUIVisualizationSettings &s) const override
Draws the object.
Definition: GUIPolygon.cpp:251
Boundary getCenteringBoundary() const override
Returns the boundary to which the view shall be centered in order to show the object.
Definition: GUIPolygon.cpp:241
PositionVector * myRotatedShape
shape rotated on the centroid, if rotation is needed, nullptr otherwise
Definition: GUIPolygon.h:190
GUIPolygon(const std::string &id, const std::string &type, const RGBColor &color, const PositionVector &shape, bool geo, bool fill, double lineWidth, double layer=0, double angle=0, const std::string &imgFile="", bool relativePath=false, const std::string &name=DEFAULT_NAME)
Definition: GUIPolygon.cpp:187
Definition: GUIPolygon.cpp:200
FXMutex myLock
The mutex used to avoid concurrent updates of the shape.
Definition: GUIPolygon.h:187
GUIParameterTableWindow * getParameterWindow(GUIMainWindow &app, GUISUMOAbstractView &parent) override
Returns an own parameter window.
Definition: GUIPolygon.cpp:222
GUIGLObjectPopupMenu * getPopUpMenu(GUIMainWindow &app, GUISUMOAbstractView &parent) override
Returns an own popup-menu.
Definition: GUIPolygon.cpp:206
static RGBColor setColor(const GUIVisualizationSettings &s, const SUMOPolygon *polygon, const GUIGlObject *o, bool disableSelectionColor, int alphaOverride)
set color
Definition: GUIPolygon.cpp:291
double getExaggeration(const GUIVisualizationSettings &s) const override
return exaggeration associated with this GLObject
Definition: GUIPolygon.cpp:235
bool myIsActive
Is the polygon will be drawn or not.
Definition: GUIPolygon.h:193
virtual void setShape(const PositionVector &shape) override
set a new shape and update the tesselation
Definition: GUIPolygon.cpp:270
T getColor(const double value) const
bool isSelected(GUIGlObjectType type, GUIGlID id)
Returns the information whether the object with the given type and id is selected.
static int getTextureID(const std::string &filename, const bool mirrorX=false)
return texture id for the given filename (initialize on first use)
Stores the information about how to visualize structures.
bool altKeyPressed
alt key pressed (only used for draw polygons under other elements in SUMO-GUI, store is not needed)
GUIVisualizationTextSettings geometryIndices
GUIColorer polyColorer
The polygon colorer.
double scale
information about a lane's width (temporary, used for a single view)
bool netedit
Whether the settings are for Netedit.
GUIVisualizationTextSettings polyName
GUIVisualizationSizeSettings polySize
GUIVisualizationTextSettings polyType
double angle
The current view rotation angle.
A point in 2D or 3D with translation and scaling methods.
Definition: Position.h:37
double x() const
Returns the x-position.
Definition: Position.h:55
double z() const
Returns the z-position.
Definition: Position.h:65
double y() const
Returns the y-position.
Definition: Position.h:60
A list of positions.
void rotate2D(double angle)
Position getPolygonCenter() const
Returns the arithmetic of all corner points.
void add(double xoff, double yoff, double zoff)
Boundary getBoxBoundary() const
Returns a boundary enclosing this list of lines.
Position getCentroid() const
Returns the centroid (closes the polygon if unclosed)
void sub(const Position &offset)
void setAlpha(unsigned char alpha)
Sets a new alpha value.
Definition: RGBColor.cpp:108
static RGBColor fromHSV(double h, double s, double v)
Converts the given hsv-triplet to rgb, inspired by
Definition: RGBColor.cpp:371
const PositionVector & getShape() const
Returns the shape of the polygon.
Definition: SUMOPolygon.cpp:51
PositionVector myShape
The positions of the polygon.
Definition: SUMOPolygon.h:136
double getLineWidth() const
Returns whether the polygon is filled.
Definition: SUMOPolygon.cpp:69
virtual void setShape(const PositionVector &shape)
Sets the shape of the polygon.
Definition: SUMOPolygon.cpp:87
std::vector< PositionVector > myHoles
The collection of the holes of the polygon, each given by a sequence of coodinates.
Definition: SUMOPolygon.h:139
bool getFill() const
Returns whether the polygon is filled.
Definition: SUMOPolygon.cpp:63
const std::string getShapeName() const
Returns the name of the Shape.
Definition: Shape.h:110
const RGBColor & getShapeColor() const
Returns the color of the Shape.
Definition: Shape.h:84
const std::string & getShapeImgFile() const
Returns the imgFile of the Shape.
Definition: Shape.h:105
double getShapeLayer() const
Returns the layer of the Shape.
Definition: Shape.h:91
double getShapeNaviDegree() const
Returns the angle of the Shape in navigational degrees.
Definition: Shape.h:98
const std::string & getShapeType() const
Returns the (abstract) type of the Shape.
Definition: Shape.h:77
std::vector< GLPrimitive > myTesselation
id of the display list for the cached tesselation
Definition: GUIPolygon.h:74
void drawTesselation(const PositionVector &shape) const
perform the tesselation / drawing
Definition: GUIPolygon.cpp:117
most likely I'm reinventing the wheel here
Definition: GUIPolygon.h:37
std::vector< Position > vert
Definition: GUIPolygon.h:39
GLenum type
Definition: GUIPolygon.h:38
double getExaggeration(const GUIVisualizationSettings &s, const GUIGlObject *o, double factor=20) const
return the drawing size including exaggeration and constantSize values
double minSize
The minimum size to draw this object.
bool show(const GUIGlObject *o) const
whether to show the text