121 void closeRoute(
const bool mayBeDisconnected =
181 const MSStage*
const lastStage,
bool& ok);
std::vector< const MSEdge * > ConstMSEdgeVector
std::shared_ptr< const MSRoute > ConstMSRoutePtr
Numbers representing SUMO-XML - element names.
A road/street connecting two junctions.
Parser and container for routes during their loading.
void closePerson() override
Ends the processing of a person.
RandomDistributor< ConstMSRoutePtr > * myCurrentRouteDistribution
The currently parsed distribution of routes (probability->route)
void addRideOrTransport(const SUMOSAXAttributes &attrs, const SumoXMLTag modeTag)
Processing of a transport.
void closeContainerFlow() override
Ends the processing of a containerFlow.
void openFlow(const SUMOSAXAttributes &attrs) override
opens a flow for reading
ConstMSRoutePtr addVehicleStopsToImplicitRoute(ConstMSRoutePtr route, bool isPermanent)
adapt implicit route (edges derived from stops) to additional vehicle-stops
void addWalk(const SUMOSAXAttributes &attrs) override
add a fully specified walk
void addTransport(const SUMOSAXAttributes &attrs) override
Processing of a transport.
void deleteActivePlanAndVehicleParameter()
delete already created MSTransportablePlans if error occurs before handing over responsibility to a M...
void initLaneTree(NamedRTree *tree) override
bool myAmLoadingState
whether a state file is being loaded
bool myStartTriggeredInFlow
whether we are loading a personFlow that is starting triggered in a vehicle flow
MSRouteHandler(const MSRouteHandler &s)=delete
Invalidated copy constructor.
void resetActivePlanAndVehicleParameter()
reset MSTransportablePlans after transportable tag closes
SUMOTime myActiveRoutePeriod
bool myHaveVia
Wether an object with 'via'-attribute is being parsed.
int addFlowTransportable(SUMOTime depart, MSVehicleType *type, const std::string &baseID, int i)
delete already created MSTransportablePlans if error occurs before handing over responsibility to a M...
void closeTransportable()
ends the processing of a transportable (as person or container)
MSEdge * retrieveEdge(const std::string &id) override
MSStoppingPlace * retrieveStoppingPlace(const SUMOSAXAttributes &attrs, const std::string &errorSuffix, SUMOVehicleParameter::Stop *stopParam=nullptr)
Parse destination stop.
std::string myCurrentVTypeDistributionID
The id of the currently parsed vehicle type distribution.
void openRoute(const SUMOSAXAttributes &attrs) override
opens a route for reading
MSRouteHandler & operator=(const MSRouteHandler &s)=delete
Invalidated assignment operator.
void closeVehicleTypeDistribution() override
closes (ends) the building of a distribution
void addTranship(const SUMOSAXAttributes &attrs) override
Processing of a tranship.
void closeRoute(const bool mayBeDisconnected=false) override
closes (ends) the building of a route.
static SumoRNG myParsingRNG
A random number generator used to choose from vtype/route distributions and computing the speed facto...
void parseFromViaTo(SumoXMLTag tag, const SUMOSAXAttributes &attrs)
Called for parsing from and to and the corresponding taz attributes.
void closeFlow() override
Ends the processing of a flow.
MSTransportable::MSTransportablePlan * myActiveTransportablePlan
The plan of the current transportable (person or container)
virtual void myStartElement(int element, const SUMOSAXAttributes &attrs) override
Called on the opening of a tag;.
std::string myCurrentRouteDistributionID
The id of the currently parsed route distribution.
RandomDistributor< MSVehicleType * > * myCurrentVTypeDistribution
The currently parsed distribution of vehicle types (probability->vehicle type)
void closeContainer() override
Ends the processing of a container.
SUMOTime myActiveRouteReplacedAtTime
The time at which this route was replaced (from vehroute-output)
void closeTrip() override
Ends the processing of a trip.
void openTrip(const SUMOSAXAttributes &attrs) override
opens a trip for reading
void addPersonTrip(const SUMOSAXAttributes &attrs) override
add a routing request for a walking or intermodal person
ConstMSEdgeVector myActiveRoute
The current route.
int myActiveRouteRepeat
number of repetitions of the active route
ObjectTypeEnum myActiveType
The type of the current object.
SumoRNG * getRNG() override
void closePersonFlow() override
Ends the processing of a personFlow.
int myActiveRouteReplacedIndex
The index at which this route was replaced (from vehroute-output)
void closeRouteDistribution() override
closes (ends) the building of a distribution
std::string myScaleSuffix
prefix when copying vehicles with –scale
enum for object type
double interpretDepartPosLat(const std::string &value, int departLane, const std::string &element)
virtual ~MSRouteHandler()
standard destructor
bool myAddVehiclesDirectly
Information whether vehicles shall be directly added to the network or kept within the buffer.
bool myReplayRerouting
whether loaded rerouting events shall be replayed
static SumoRNG * getParsingRNG()
get parsing RNG
void openVehicleTypeDistribution(const SUMOSAXAttributes &attrs) override
opens a type distribution for reading
Parameterised * addStop(const SUMOSAXAttributes &attrs) override
Processing of a stop.
virtual void closeVehicle() override
Ends the processing of a vehicle (note: is virtual because is reimplemented in MSStateHandler)
void openRouteFlow(const SUMOSAXAttributes &attrs) override
opens a route flow for reading
void openRouteDistribution(const SUMOSAXAttributes &attrs) override
opens a route distribution for reading
void addRide(const SUMOSAXAttributes &attrs) override
Processing of a ride.
void parseWalkPositions(const SUMOSAXAttributes &attrs, const std::string &personID, const MSEdge *fromEdge, const MSEdge *&toEdge, double &departPos, double &arrivalPos, MSStoppingPlace *&bs, const MSStage *const lastStage, bool &ok)
@ brief parse depart- and arrival positions of a walk
bool myActiveRoutePermanent
whether the active route is stored indefinitely (used by state loader)
std::string myActiveTypeName
The name of the current object type.
void closeVType() override
Ends the processing of a vehicle type.
void addTransportable(const SUMOSAXAttributes &attrs, const bool isPerson) override
Processing of a person.
void closeTransportableFlow()
ends the flow of a transportable
A lane area vehicles can halt at.
std::vector< MSStage * > MSTransportablePlan
the structure holding the plan of a transportable
The car-following model and parameter.
Provides utility functions for matching locations to edges (during route parsing)
A RT-tree for efficient storing of SUMO's Named objects.
An upper class for objects with additional parameters.
Represents a generic random distribution.
Parser for routes during their loading.
Encapsulated SAX-Attributes.
Definition of vehicle stop (position and duration)