Eclipse SUMO - Simulation of Urban MObility
No Matches
MSRouteHandler Class Reference

Parser and container for routes during their loading. More...

#include <MSRouteHandler.h>

Inheritance diagram for MSRouteHandler:
Collaboration diagram for MSRouteHandler:

Public Types

enum class  ObjectTypeEnum { PERSON , CONTAINER , UNDEFINED }
 enum for object type More...
 enum for stops More...

Public Member Functions

void characters (const XMLCh *const chars, const XERCES3_SIZE_t length)
 The inherited method called when characters occurred.
void endElement (const XMLCh *const uri, const XMLCh *const localname, const XMLCh *const qname)
 The inherited method called when a tag is being closed.
const std::string & getFileName () const
 returns the current file name
SUMOTime getFirstDepart () const
 returns the first departure time that was ever read
SUMOTime getLastDepart () const
 Returns the last loaded depart time.
 MSRouteHandler (const std::string &file, bool addVehiclesDirectly)
 standard constructor
void parseGeoEdges (const PositionVector &positions, bool geo, SUMOVehicleClass vClass, std::vector< const MSEdge * > &into, const std::string &rid, bool isFrom, bool &ok, bool forceEdge=false)
void registerParent (const int tag, GenericSAXHandler *handler)
 Assigning a parent handler which is enabled when the specified tag is closed.
void setFileName (const std::string &name)
 Sets the current file name.
void startElement (const XMLCh *const uri, const XMLCh *const localname, const XMLCh *const qname, const XERCES_CPP_NAMESPACE::Attributes &attrs)
 The inherited method called when a new tag opens.
virtual ~MSRouteHandler ()
 standard destructor

Static Public Member Functions

static StopPos checkStopPos (double &startPos, double &endPos, const double laneLength, const double minLength, const bool friendlyPos)
 check start and end position of a stop
static SumoRNGgetParsingRNG ()
 get parsing RNG
static bool isStopPosValid (const double startPos, const double endPos, const double laneLength, const double minLength, const bool friendlyPos)
 check if start and end position of a stop is valid

Protected Member Functions

const MSLanegetClosestLane (const Position &pos, SUMOVehicleClass vClass, double distance=-1.)
 find closest lane within distance for the given position or nullptr
const MSEdgegetJunctionTaz (const Position &pos, const MSEdge *closestEdge, SUMOVehicleClass vClass, bool isFrom)
 find closest junction taz given the closest edge
const MSEdgegetTaz (const Position &pos, const MSEdge *closestEdge, bool isFrom)
 find closest junction taz given the closest edge
inherited from GenericSAXHandler
virtual void myEndElement (int element)
 Called when a closing tag occurs.

Protected Attributes

bool myMapMatchTAZ

Private Member Functions

NamedRTreegetLaneTree ()
 initialize lane-RTree

Private Attributes

 RTree for finding lanes.
double myMapMatchingDistance
bool myMapMatchJunctions

inherited from GenericSAXHandler

ConstMSEdgeVector myActiveRoute
 The current route.
int myActiveRouteRepeat
 number of repetitions of the active route
SUMOTime myActiveRoutePeriod
bool myActiveRoutePermanent
 whether the active route is stored indefinitely (used by state loader)
SUMOTime myActiveRouteReplacedAtTime
 The time at which this route was replaced (from vehroute-output)
int myActiveRouteReplacedIndex
 The index at which this route was replaced (from vehroute-output)
ObjectTypeEnum myActiveType
 The type of the current object.
std::string myActiveTypeName
 The name of the current object type.
bool myHaveVia
 Wether an object with 'via'-attribute is being parsed.
 The plan of the current transportable (person or container)
bool myAddVehiclesDirectly
 Information whether vehicles shall be directly added to the network or kept within the buffer.
RandomDistributor< MSVehicleType * > * myCurrentVTypeDistribution
 The currently parsed distribution of vehicle types (probability->vehicle type)
std::string myCurrentVTypeDistributionID
 The id of the currently parsed vehicle type distribution.
RandomDistributor< ConstMSRoutePtr > * myCurrentRouteDistribution
 The currently parsed distribution of routes (probability->route)
std::string myCurrentRouteDistributionID
 The id of the currently parsed route distribution.
bool myAmLoadingState
 whether a state file is being loaded
std::string myScaleSuffix
 prefix when copying vehicles with –scale
bool myReplayRerouting
 whether loaded rerouting events shall be replayed
bool myStartTriggeredInFlow
 whether we are loading a personFlow that is starting triggered in a vehicle flow
static SumoRNG myParsingRNG
 A random number generator used to choose from vtype/route distributions and computing the speed factors.
virtual void myStartElement (int element, const SUMOSAXAttributes &attrs) override
 Called on the opening of a tag;.
void parseFromViaTo (SumoXMLTag tag, const SUMOSAXAttributes &attrs)
 Called for parsing from and to and the corresponding taz attributes.
void openVehicleTypeDistribution (const SUMOSAXAttributes &attrs) override
 opens a type distribution for reading
void closeVehicleTypeDistribution () override
 closes (ends) the building of a distribution
void openRoute (const SUMOSAXAttributes &attrs) override
 opens a route for reading
void openFlow (const SUMOSAXAttributes &attrs) override
 opens a flow for reading
void openRouteFlow (const SUMOSAXAttributes &attrs) override
 opens a route flow for reading
void openTrip (const SUMOSAXAttributes &attrs) override
 opens a trip for reading
void closeRoute (const bool mayBeDisconnected=false) override
 closes (ends) the building of a route.
void openRouteDistribution (const SUMOSAXAttributes &attrs) override
 opens a route distribution for reading
void closeRouteDistribution () override
 closes (ends) the building of a distribution
virtual void closeVehicle () override
 Ends the processing of a vehicle (note: is virtual because is reimplemented in MSStateHandler)
void closeVType () override
 Ends the processing of a vehicle type.
void closePerson () override
 Ends the processing of a person.
void closePersonFlow () override
 Ends the processing of a personFlow.
void closeContainer () override
 Ends the processing of a container.
void closeContainerFlow () override
 Ends the processing of a containerFlow.
void closeFlow () override
 Ends the processing of a flow.
void closeTrip () override
 Ends the processing of a trip.
MSStoppingPlaceretrieveStoppingPlace (const SUMOSAXAttributes &attrs, const std::string &errorSuffix, SUMOVehicleParameter::Stop *stopParam=nullptr)
 Parse destination stop.
ParameterisedaddStop (const SUMOSAXAttributes &attrs) override
 Processing of a stop.
void addPersonTrip (const SUMOSAXAttributes &attrs) override
 add a routing request for a walking or intermodal person
void addWalk (const SUMOSAXAttributes &attrs) override
 add a fully specified walk
void addTransportable (const SUMOSAXAttributes &attrs, const bool isPerson) override
 Processing of a person.
void addRide (const SUMOSAXAttributes &attrs) override
 Processing of a ride.
void addTranship (const SUMOSAXAttributes &attrs) override
 Processing of a tranship.
void addTransport (const SUMOSAXAttributes &attrs) override
 Processing of a transport.
void parseWalkPositions (const SUMOSAXAttributes &attrs, const std::string &personID, const MSEdge *fromEdge, const MSEdge *&toEdge, double &departPos, double &arrivalPos, MSStoppingPlace *&bs, const MSStage *const lastStage, bool &ok)
 @ brief parse depart- and arrival positions of a walk
void initLaneTree (NamedRTree *tree) override
MSEdgeretrieveEdge (const std::string &id) override
SumoRNGgetRNG () override
void deleteActivePlanAndVehicleParameter ()
 delete already created MSTransportablePlans if error occurs before handing over responsibility to a MSTransportable.
void resetActivePlanAndVehicleParameter ()
 reset MSTransportablePlans after transportable tag closes
void closeTransportableFlow ()
 ends the flow of a transportable
void closeTransportable ()
 ends the processing of a transportable (as person or container)
int addFlowTransportable (SUMOTime depart, MSVehicleType *type, const std::string &baseID, int i)
 delete already created MSTransportablePlans if error occurs before handing over responsibility to a MSTransportable.
double interpretDepartPosLat (const std::string &value, int departLane, const std::string &element)
ConstMSRoutePtr addVehicleStopsToImplicitRoute (ConstMSRoutePtr route, bool isPermanent)
 adapt implicit route (edges derived from stops) to additional vehicle-stops
 MSRouteHandler (const MSRouteHandler &s)=delete
 Invalidated copy constructor.
MSRouteHandleroperator= (const MSRouteHandler &s)=delete
 Invalidated assignment operator.
void addRideOrTransport (const SUMOSAXAttributes &attrs, const SumoXMLTag modeTag)
 Processing of a transport.

add element functions

const bool myHardFail
 flag to enable or disable hard fails
 Parameter of the current vehicle, trip, person, container or flow.
std::vector< Parameterised * > myParamStack
 The stack of currently parsed parameterised objects.
SUMOTime myLastDepart
 The insertion time of the vehicle read last.
std::string myActiveRouteID
 The id of the current route.
std::string myActiveRouteRefID
 The id of the route the current route references to.
double myActiveRouteProbability
 The probability of the current route.
const RGBColormyActiveRouteColor
 The currently parsed route's color.
double myCurrentCosts
 The currently parsed route costs.
std::vector< SUMOVehicleParameter::StopmyActiveRouteStops
 List of the stops on the parsed route.
 The currently parsed vehicle type.
SUMOTime myBeginDefault
 The default value for flow begins.
SUMOTime myEndDefault
 The default value for flow ends.
SUMOTime myFirstDepart
 the first read departure time
int myInsertStopEdgesAt
 where stop edges can be inserted into the current route (-1 means no insertion)
std::vector< int > myElementStack
 hierarchy of elements being parsed
bool myAllowInternalRoutes
 whether references to internal routes are allowed in this context
virtual bool checkLastDepart ()
 Checks whether the route file is sorted by departure time if needed.
void registerLastDepart ()
 save last depart (only to be used if vehicle is not discarded)
void addParam (const SUMOSAXAttributes &attrs)
 assign arbitrary vehicle parameters
bool parseStop (SUMOVehicleParameter::Stop &stop, const SUMOSAXAttributes &attrs, std::string errorSuffix, MsgHandler *const errorOutput)
 parses attributes common to all stops

SAX ErrorHandler callbacks

void warning (const XERCES_CPP_NAMESPACE::SAXParseException &exception)
 Handler for XML-warnings.
void error (const XERCES_CPP_NAMESPACE::SAXParseException &exception)
 Handler for XML-errors.
void fatalError (const XERCES_CPP_NAMESPACE::SAXParseException &exception)
 Handler for XML-errors.
void setSection (const int element, const bool seen)
bool sectionFinished () const
std::pair< int, SUMOSAXAttributes * > retrieveNextSectionStart ()
void needsCharacterData (const bool value=true)
std::string buildErrorMessage (const XERCES_CPP_NAMESPACE::SAXParseException &exception)
 Builds an error message.
virtual void myCharacters (int element, const std::string &chars)
 Callback method for characters to implement by derived classes.
void callParentEnd (int element)
 signal endElement to the parent handler (special case for MSCalibrator)
XMLCh * convert (const std::string &name) const
 converts from c++-string into unicode
int convertTag (const std::string &tag) const
 Converts a tag from its string into its numerical representation.

attributes parsing

typedef std::vector< XMLCh * > AttrMap
AttrMap myPredefinedTags
std::vector< std::string > myPredefinedTagsMML
 the map from ids to their string representation

elements parsing

typedef std::map< std::string, int > TagMap
TagMap myTagMap
std::vector< std::string > myCharactersVector
 A list of character strings obtained so far to build the complete characters string at the end.
 The handler to give control back to.
int myParentIndicator
 The tag indicating that control should be given back.
std::string myFileName
 The name of the currently parsed file.
std::string myExpectedRoot
 The root element to expect, empty string disables the check.
bool myCollectCharacterData = false
 whether the reader should collect character data
bool myRootSeen = false
 whether the reader has already seen the root element
int mySection = -1
 The tag indicating the current section to parse.
bool mySectionSeen = false
 whether the reader has already seen the begin of the section
bool mySectionEnded = false
 whether the reader has already seen the end of the section
bool mySectionOpen = false
 whether an element of the current section is open
std::pair< int, SUMOSAXAttributes * > myNextSectionStart

Detailed Description

Parser and container for routes during their loading.

MSRouteHandler is the container for routes while they are build until their transfering to the MSNet::RouteDict The result of the operations are single MSNet::Route-instances

Definition at line 52 of file MSRouteHandler.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ AttrMap

typedef std::vector<XMLCh*> GenericSAXHandler::AttrMap

Definition at line 303 of file GenericSAXHandler.h.

◆ TagMap

typedef std::map<std::string, int> GenericSAXHandler::TagMap

Definition at line 317 of file GenericSAXHandler.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ ObjectTypeEnum

enum for object type


Definition at line 56 of file MSRouteHandler.h.

◆ StopPos

enum SUMORouteHandler::StopPos

enum for stops


Definition at line 51 of file SUMORouteHandler.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ MSRouteHandler() [1/2]

MSRouteHandler::MSRouteHandler ( const std::string &  file,
bool  addVehiclesDirectly 

standard constructor

Definition at line 58 of file MSRouteHandler.cpp.

References myActiveRoute.

◆ ~MSRouteHandler()

MSRouteHandler::~MSRouteHandler ( )

standard destructor

Definition at line 81 of file MSRouteHandler.cpp.

◆ MSRouteHandler() [2/2]

MSRouteHandler::MSRouteHandler ( const MSRouteHandler s)

Invalidated copy constructor.

Member Function Documentation

◆ addFlowTransportable()

int MSRouteHandler::addFlowTransportable ( SUMOTime  depart,
MSVehicleType type,
const std::string &  baseID,
int  i 

delete already created MSTransportablePlans if error occurs before handing over responsibility to a MSTransportable.

Definition at line 920 of file MSRouteHandler.cpp.

References MSTransportableControl::add(), MSTransportableControl::addDiscarded(), MSTransportableControl::buildContainer(), MSTransportableControl::buildPerson(), MSInsertionControl::computeRandomDepartOffset(), deleteActivePlanAndVehicleParameter(), SUMOVehicleParameter::depart, SUMOVehicleParameter::departPosProcedure, GenericSAXHandler::error(), MSTransportableControl::get(), MSStoppingPlace::getAccessPos(), MSNet::getContainerControl(), MSStage::getDestinationStop(), MSStageMoving::getEdge(), MSNet::getInsertionControl(), MSNet::getInstance(), MSTransportableControl::getLoadedNumber(), MSVehicleType::getParameter(), MSNet::getPersonControl(), MSVehicleControl::getQuota(), MSVehicleControl::getScale(), MSStage::getStageType(), MSNet::getVehicleControl(), MSGlobals::gStateLoaded, MSNet::hasContainers(), MSNet::hasPersons(), SUMOVehicleParameter::id, myActiveTransportablePlan, myActiveType, myActiveTypeName, myParsingRNG, SUMORouteHandler::myVehicleParameter, PERSON, RandHelper::rand(), RANDOM, resetActivePlanAndVehicleParameter(), SUMOVTypeParameter::scale, MSStageMoving::setDepartPos(), TL, toString(), WALKING, and WRITE_WARNINGF.

Referenced by closeTransportable(), and closeTransportableFlow().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ addParam()

void SUMORouteHandler::addParam ( const SUMOSAXAttributes attrs)

assign arbitrary vehicle parameters

Definition at line 375 of file SUMORouteHandler.cpp.

References SUMOSAXAttributes::get(), SUMOSAXAttributes::getString(), SUMOSAXAttributes::hasAttribute(), SUMORouteHandler::myParamStack, SUMO_ATTR_KEY, and SUMO_ATTR_VALUE.

Referenced by SUMORouteHandler::myStartElement().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ addPersonTrip()

void MSRouteHandler::addPersonTrip ( const SUMOSAXAttributes attrs)

add a routing request for a walking or intermodal person

Implements SUMORouteHandler.

Definition at line 1529 of file MSRouteHandler.cpp.

References deleteActivePlanAndVehicleParameter(), SUMOVehicleParameter::depart, SUMOVehicleParameter::departPos, SUMOVehicleParameter::departPosProcedure, MSLane::getEdge(), OptionsCont::getFloat(), MSNet::getInstance(), MSStoppingPlace::getLane(), MSEdge::getLength(), SUMOSAXAttributes::getOpt(), OptionsCont::getOptions(), SUMOSAXAttributes::getOptSUMOTimeReporting(), OptionsCont::getString(), MSVehicleType::getVehicleClass(), MSNet::getVehicleControl(), SUMOSAXAttributes::hasAttribute(), StringTokenizer::hasNext(), SUMOVehicleParameter::id, interpretDepartPosLat(), SUMOVehicleParameter::modes, myActiveRoute, myActiveTransportablePlan, SUMORouteHandler::myInsertStopEdgesAt, SUMORouteHandler::myParamStack, myParsingRNG, SUMORouteHandler::myVehicleParameter, SUMOVehicleParameter::parametersSet, parseFromViaTo(), SUMOVehicleParameter::parsePersonModes(), parseWalkPositions(), RandHelper::rand(), RANDOM, SUMO_ATTR_ARRIVALPOS, SUMO_ATTR_DEPARTPOS_LAT, SUMO_ATTR_DURATION, SUMO_ATTR_FROM, SUMO_ATTR_FROM_JUNCTION, SUMO_ATTR_FROM_TAZ, SUMO_ATTR_FROMLONLAT, SUMO_ATTR_FROMXY, SUMO_ATTR_GROUP, SUMO_ATTR_MODES, SUMO_ATTR_SPEED, SUMO_ATTR_TO, SUMO_ATTR_TO_JUNCTION, SUMO_ATTR_TO_TAZ, SUMO_ATTR_TOLONLAT, SUMO_ATTR_TOXY, SUMO_ATTR_VTYPES, SUMO_ATTR_WALKFACTOR, SUMO_TAG_PERSON, SVC_BICYCLE, SVC_PASSENGER, TL, TLF, VEHPARS_ARRIVALPOS_SET, VEHPARS_FORCE_REROUTE, and SUMOVehicleParameter::vTypes.

Referenced by addWalk().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ addRide()

void MSRouteHandler::addRide ( const SUMOSAXAttributes attrs)

Processing of a ride.

Implements SUMORouteHandler.

Definition at line 1081 of file MSRouteHandler.cpp.

References addRideOrTransport(), and SUMO_TAG_RIDE.

◆ addRideOrTransport()

void MSRouteHandler::addRideOrTransport ( const SUMOSAXAttributes attrs,
const SumoXMLTag  modeTag 

◆ addStop()

Parameterised * MSRouteHandler::addStop ( const SUMOSAXAttributes attrs)

Processing of a stop.

Implements SUMORouteHandler.

Definition at line 1263 of file MSRouteHandler.cpp.

References SUMOVehicleParameter::Stop::chargingStation, SUMORouteHandler::checkStopPos(), CONTAINER, deleteActivePlanAndVehicleParameter(), SUMOVehicleParameter::depart, SUMOVehicleParameter::departPos, MSEdge::dictionary(), MSLane::dictionary(), SUMOVehicleParameter::Stop::duration, SUMOVehicleParameter::Stop::edge, SUMOVehicleParameter::Stop::endPos, MSGlobals::gCheckRoutes, SUMOSAXAttributes::get(), MSStoppingPlace::getBeginLanePosition(), MSLane::getEdge(), MSStoppingPlace::getEndLanePosition(), MsgHandler::getErrorInstance(), GeoConvHelper::getFinal(), Named::getID(), MSNet::getInstance(), MSStoppingPlace::getLane(), MSEdge::getLanes(), MSEdge::getLength(), MSEdge::getNormalBefore(), MSEdge::getNormalSuccessor(), SUMOSAXAttributes::getOpt(), MSVehicleType::getParameter(), MSChargingStation::getParkingArea(), MSNet::getStoppingPlace(), MSNet::getVehicleControl(), MSGlobals::gUsingInternalLanes, SUMOSAXAttributes::hasAttribute(), SUMOVehicleParameter::id, SUMOVehicleParameter::interpretEdgePos(), MSBaseVehicle::interpretOppositeStop(), MSEdge::isInternal(), MSLane::isInternal(), SUMOVehicleParameter::Stop::lane, MAX2(), MIN_STOP_LENGTH, myActiveRoute, SUMORouteHandler::myActiveRouteID, SUMORouteHandler::myActiveRouteStops, myActiveTransportablePlan, myActiveType, myActiveTypeName, myAmLoadingState, myHaveVia, SUMORouteHandler::myInsertStopEdgesAt, myParsingRNG, SUMORouteHandler::myVehicleParameter, OFFROAD, SUMOVehicleParameter::Stop::parametersSet, SUMOVehicleParameter::Stop::parking, SUMOVehicleParameter::Stop::parkingarea, MapMatcher< MSEdge, MSLane, MSJunction >::parseGeoEdges(), SUMORouteHandler::parseStop(), PERSON, retrieveStoppingPlace(), SUMOVehicleParameter::Stop::startPos, STOP_END_SET, SUMORouteHandler::STOPPOS_VALID, SUMOVehicleParameter::stops, SUMO_ATTR_ACTTYPE, SUMO_ATTR_EDGE, SUMO_ATTR_ENDPOS, SUMO_ATTR_FRIENDLY_POS, SUMO_ATTR_LANE, SUMO_ATTR_LAT, SUMO_ATTR_LON, SUMO_ATTR_POSITION, SUMO_ATTR_STARTPOS, SUMO_ATTR_X, SUMO_ATTR_Y, SUMO_TAG_CHARGING_STATION, SVC_PASSENGER, TL, TLF, toString(), SUMOVehicleParameter::Stop::until, SUMOVTypeParameter::vehicleClass, VEHPARS_DEPARTPOS_SET, SUMOVehicleParameter::vtypeid, WAITING, SUMOVehicleParameter::wasSet(), WRITE_WARNING, WRITE_WARNINGF, and GeoConvHelper::x2cartesian_const().

◆ addTranship()

◆ addTransport()

void MSRouteHandler::addTransport ( const SUMOSAXAttributes attrs)

Processing of a transport.

Implements SUMORouteHandler.

Definition at line 1086 of file MSRouteHandler.cpp.

References addRideOrTransport(), and SUMO_TAG_TRANSPORT.

◆ addTransportable()

void MSRouteHandler::addTransportable ( const SUMOSAXAttributes attrs,
const bool  isPerson 

Processing of a person.

Reimplemented from SUMORouteHandler.

Definition at line 1730 of file MSRouteHandler.cpp.

References CONTAINER, deleteActivePlanAndVehicleParameter(), GenericSAXHandler::error(), MSNet::getInstance(), SUMOVehicleParameter::id, myActiveTransportablePlan, myActiveType, myActiveTypeName, SUMORouteHandler::myVehicleParameter, PERSON, TLF, and SUMOVehicleParameter::vtypeid.

Referenced by myStartElement().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ addVehicleStopsToImplicitRoute()

ConstMSRoutePtr MSRouteHandler::addVehicleStopsToImplicitRoute ( ConstMSRoutePtr  route,
bool  isPermanent 

adapt implicit route (edges derived from stops) to additional vehicle-stops

Definition at line 776 of file MSRouteHandler.cpp.

References MSRoute::dictionary(), MSEdge::dictionary(), SUMOVehicleParameter::id, SUMORouteHandler::myVehicleParameter, STOP_INDEX_END, SUMOVehicleParameter::stops, TL, VEHPARS_ROUTE_SET, SUMOVehicleParameter::wasSet(), and WRITE_WARNINGF.

Referenced by closeFlow(), and closeVehicle().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ addWalk()

◆ buildErrorMessage()

std::string GenericSAXHandler::buildErrorMessage ( const XERCES_CPP_NAMESPACE::SAXParseException &  exception)

Builds an error message.

The error message includes the file name and the line/column information as supported by the given SAXParseException

[in]exceptionThe name of the currently processed file
A string describing the given exception

Definition at line 205 of file GenericSAXHandler.cpp.

References GenericSAXHandler::getFileName(), and TL.

Referenced by GenericSAXHandler::error(), GenericSAXHandler::fatalError(), and GenericSAXHandler::warning().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ callParentEnd()

void GenericSAXHandler::callParentEnd ( int  element)

signal endElement to the parent handler (special case for MSCalibrator)

Definition at line 247 of file GenericSAXHandler.cpp.

References GenericSAXHandler::myEndElement(), and GenericSAXHandler::myParentHandler.

Referenced by MSCalibrator::myEndElement().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ characters()

void GenericSAXHandler::characters ( const XMLCh *const  chars,
const XERCES3_SIZE_t  length 

The inherited method called when characters occurred.

The retrieved characters are converted into a string and appended into a private buffer. They are reported as soon as the element ends.


recheck/describe what happens with characters when a new element is opened

describe characters processing in the class' head

Definition at line 186 of file GenericSAXHandler.cpp.

References GenericSAXHandler::myCharactersVector, GenericSAXHandler::myCollectCharacterData, and StringUtils::transcode().

◆ checkLastDepart()

bool SUMORouteHandler::checkLastDepart ( )

Checks whether the route file is sorted by departure time if needed.

Reimplemented in RORouteHandler.

Definition at line 61 of file SUMORouteHandler.cpp.

References SUMOVehicleParameter::depart, SUMOVehicleParameter::departProcedure, GIVEN, SUMOVehicleParameter::id, SUMORouteHandler::myLastDepart, SUMORouteHandler::myVehicleParameter, TL, and WRITE_WARNINGF.

Referenced by RORouteHandler::checkLastDepart(), closeFlow(), closeTransportable(), closeTransportableFlow(), and closeVehicle().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ checkStopPos()

SUMORouteHandler::StopPos SUMORouteHandler::checkStopPos ( double &  startPos,
double &  endPos,
const double  laneLength,
const double  minLength,
const bool  friendlyPos 

◆ closeContainer()

void MSRouteHandler::closeContainer ( )

Ends the processing of a container.

Implements SUMORouteHandler.

Definition at line 850 of file MSRouteHandler.cpp.

References closeTransportable().

◆ closeContainerFlow()

void MSRouteHandler::closeContainerFlow ( )

Ends the processing of a containerFlow.

Implements SUMORouteHandler.

Definition at line 862 of file MSRouteHandler.cpp.

References closeTransportableFlow().

◆ closeFlow()

◆ closePerson()

void MSRouteHandler::closePerson ( )

Ends the processing of a person.

Implements SUMORouteHandler.

Definition at line 844 of file MSRouteHandler.cpp.

References closeTransportable().

◆ closePersonFlow()

void MSRouteHandler::closePersonFlow ( )

Ends the processing of a personFlow.

Implements SUMORouteHandler.

Definition at line 856 of file MSRouteHandler.cpp.

References closeTransportableFlow().

◆ closeRoute()

void MSRouteHandler::closeRoute ( const bool  mayBeDisconnected = false)

◆ closeRouteDistribution()

void MSRouteHandler::closeRouteDistribution ( )

◆ closeTransportable()

◆ closeTransportableFlow()

◆ closeTrip()

void MSRouteHandler::closeTrip ( )

◆ closeVehicle()

void MSRouteHandler::closeVehicle ( )

Ends the processing of a vehicle (note: is virtual because is reimplemented in MSStateHandler)

Implements SUMORouteHandler.

Reimplemented in MSStateHandler.

Definition at line 604 of file MSRouteHandler.cpp.

References MSInsertionControl::add(), MSEventControl::addEvent(), MSVehicleControl::addVehicle(), addVehicleStopsToImplicitRoute(), SUMOVehicleParameter::arrivalEdge, SUMOVehicleParameter::arrivalEdgeProcedure, BEGIN, MSVehicleControl::buildVehicle(), SUMORouteHandler::checkLastDepart(), MSInsertionControl::computeRandomDepartOffset(), DEFAULT, DEFAULT_VTYPE_ID, deleteActivePlanAndVehicleParameter(), MSVehicleControl::deleteVehicle(), SUMOVehicleParameter::depart, SUMOVehicleParameter::departEdge, SUMOVehicleParameter::departEdgeProcedure, SUMOVehicleParameter::departProcedure, MSRoute::dictionary(), MSRoute::distDictionary(), MSVehicleControl::fixVehicleCounts(), MSGlobals::gCheckRoutes, MSNet::getBeginOfTimestepEvents(), MSNet::getEndOfTimestepEvents(), MSVehicleType::getID(), Named::getID(), MSNet::getInsertionControl(), MSNet::getInstance(), OptionsCont::getOptions(), MSVehicleType::getParameter(), SUMOTrafficObject::getParameter(), MSVehicleControl::getQuota(), MSVehicleControl::getScale(), RandomDistributor< T >::getVals(), MSVehicleControl::getVehicle(), MSVehicleType::getVehicleClass(), MSNet::getVehicleControl(), MSVehicleControl::getVType(), GIVEN, MSGlobals::gStateLoaded, MSVehicleControl::hasVTypeDistribution(), SUMOVehicleParameter::id, SUMORouteHandler::myActiveRouteID, myAddVehiclesDirectly, myAmLoadingState, myParsingRNG, myReplayRerouting, myScaleSuffix, SUMORouteHandler::myVehicleParameter, SUMOVehicleParameter::parametersSet, SUMORouteHandler::registerLastDepart(), MSVehicleControl::ROUTEFILE, SUMOVehicleParameter::routeid, SUMOVTypeParameter::scale, MSVehicleControl::STATE, SUMOVehicleParameter::stops, string2time(), SVC_PEDESTRIAN, TL, TLF, toString(), VEHPARS_FORCE_REROUTE, VEHPARS_ROUTE_SET, SUMOVehicleParameter::vtypeid, SUMOVehicleParameter::wasSet(), WRITE_WARNING, and WRITE_WARNINGF.

Referenced by closeTrip(), and MSStateHandler::closeVehicle().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ closeVehicleTypeDistribution()

void MSRouteHandler::closeVehicleTypeDistribution ( )

◆ closeVType()

◆ convert()

XMLCh * GenericSAXHandler::convert ( const std::string &  name) const

converts from c++-string into unicode

recheck encoding
[in]nameThe string to convert
The string converted into a XMLCh-string

Definition at line 86 of file GenericSAXHandler.cpp.

Referenced by GenericSAXHandler::GenericSAXHandler().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ convertTag()

int GenericSAXHandler::convertTag ( const std::string &  tag) const

Converts a tag from its string into its numerical representation.

Returns the enum-representation stored for the given tag. If the tag is not known, SUMO_TAG_NOTHING is returned.

[in]tagThe string to convert
The int-value that represents the string, SUMO_TAG_NOTHING if the named attribute is not known

Definition at line 195 of file GenericSAXHandler.cpp.

References GenericSAXHandler::myTagMap, and SUMO_TAG_NOTHING.

Referenced by GenericSAXHandler::endElement(), and GenericSAXHandler::startElement().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ deleteActivePlanAndVehicleParameter()

void MSRouteHandler::deleteActivePlanAndVehicleParameter ( )

delete already created MSTransportablePlans if error occurs before handing over responsibility to a MSTransportable.

Definition at line 85 of file MSRouteHandler.cpp.

References myActiveTransportablePlan, SUMORouteHandler::myVehicleParameter, and resetActivePlanAndVehicleParameter().

Referenced by addFlowTransportable(), addPersonTrip(), addRideOrTransport(), addStop(), addTranship(), addTransportable(), addWalk(), closeRoute(), closeTransportable(), closeTransportableFlow(), closeVehicle(), myStartElement(), and parseWalkPositions().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ endElement()

void GenericSAXHandler::endElement ( const XMLCh *const  uri,
const XMLCh *const  localname,
const XMLCh *const  qname 

The inherited method called when a tag is being closed.

This method calls the user-implemented methods myCharacters with the previously collected and converted characters.

Then, myEndElement is called, supplying it the qname converted to its enum- and string-representations.


recheck/describe encoding of the string-representation

do not generate and report the string-representation

Definition at line 134 of file GenericSAXHandler.cpp.

References GenericSAXHandler::convertTag(), GenericSAXHandler::myCharacters(), GenericSAXHandler::myCharactersVector, GenericSAXHandler::myEndElement(), GenericSAXHandler::myParentHandler, GenericSAXHandler::myParentIndicator, GenericSAXHandler::mySection, GenericSAXHandler::mySectionOpen, XMLSubSys::setHandler(), SUMO_TAG_INCLUDE, SUMO_TAG_NOTHING, and StringUtils::transcode().

◆ error()

void GenericSAXHandler::error ( const XERCES_CPP_NAMESPACE::SAXParseException &  exception)

Handler for XML-errors.

The message is built using buildErrorMessage and thrown within a ProcessError.

[in]exceptionThe occurred exception to process
ProcessErrorOn any call

Definition at line 224 of file GenericSAXHandler.cpp.

References GenericSAXHandler::buildErrorMessage().

Referenced by addFlowTransportable(), addTransportable(), closeTransportable(), NIImporter_OpenDrive::geomFromSpiral(), and interpretDepartPosLat().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ fatalError()

void GenericSAXHandler::fatalError ( const XERCES_CPP_NAMESPACE::SAXParseException &  exception)

Handler for XML-errors.

The message is built using buildErrorMessage and thrown within a ProcessError.

ProcessErrorOn any call
[in]exceptionThe occurred exception to process

Definition at line 230 of file GenericSAXHandler.cpp.

References GenericSAXHandler::buildErrorMessage().

◆ getClosestLane()

const MSLane * MapMatcher< MSEdge , MSLane , MSJunction >::getClosestLane ( const Position pos,
SUMOVehicleClass  vClass,
double  distance = -1. 

find closest lane within distance for the given position or nullptr

Definition at line 110 of file MapMatcher.h.

◆ getFileName()

◆ getFirstDepart()

SUMOTime SUMORouteHandler::getFirstDepart ( ) const

returns the first departure time that was ever read

Definition at line 363 of file SUMORouteHandler.cpp.

References SUMORouteHandler::myFirstDepart.

Referenced by SUMORouteLoader::getFirstDepart().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getJunctionTaz()

const MSEdge * MapMatcher< MSEdge , MSLane , MSJunction >::getJunctionTaz ( const Position pos,
const MSEdge closestEdge,
SUMOVehicleClass  vClass,
bool  isFrom 

find closest junction taz given the closest edge

Definition at line 138 of file MapMatcher.h.

◆ getLaneTree()

NamedRTree * MapMatcher< MSEdge , MSLane , MSJunction >::getLaneTree ( )

initialize lane-RTree

Definition at line 221 of file MapMatcher.h.

◆ getLastDepart()

SUMOTime SUMORouteHandler::getLastDepart ( ) const

Returns the last loaded depart time.

Definition at line 369 of file SUMORouteHandler.cpp.

References SUMORouteHandler::myLastDepart.

Referenced by SUMORouteLoader::loadUntil().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getParsingRNG()

static SumoRNG * MSRouteHandler::getParsingRNG ( )

◆ getRNG()

SumoRNG * MSRouteHandler::getRNG ( )

Reimplemented from MapMatcher< MSEdge, MSLane, MSJunction >.

Definition at line 1848 of file MSRouteHandler.cpp.

References myParsingRNG.

◆ getTaz()

const MSEdge * MapMatcher< MSEdge , MSLane , MSJunction >::getTaz ( const Position pos,
const MSEdge closestEdge,
bool  isFrom 

find closest junction taz given the closest edge

Definition at line 179 of file MapMatcher.h.

◆ initLaneTree()

◆ interpretDepartPosLat()

double MSRouteHandler::interpretDepartPosLat ( const std::string &  value,
int  departLane,
const std::string &  element 
must be randomized for every person individually when loading a personFlow

Definition at line 1688 of file MSRouteHandler.cpp.

References CENTER, MSStageMoving::checkDepartLane(), GenericSAXHandler::error(), FREE, MSLane::getWidth(), GIVEN, SUMOVehicleParameter::id, LEFT, myActiveRoute, SUMORouteHandler::myVehicleParameter, SUMOVehicleParameter::parseDepartPosLat(), RANDOM, RANDOM_FREE, MSPModel::RANDOM_POS_LAT, RIGHT, SVC_IGNORING, TLF, and MSPModel::UNSPECIFIED_POS_LAT.

Referenced by addPersonTrip(), and addWalk().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ isStopPosValid()

bool SUMORouteHandler::isStopPosValid ( const double  startPos,
const double  endPos,
const double  laneLength,
const double  minLength,
const bool  friendlyPos 

check if start and end position of a stop is valid

Definition at line 353 of file SUMORouteHandler.cpp.

References SUMORouteHandler::checkStopPos(), and SUMORouteHandler::STOPPOS_VALID.

Referenced by GNEBusStop::isValid(), GNEChargingStation::isValid(), GNEContainerStop::isValid(), GNEParkingArea::isValid(), and GNEStop::isValid().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ myCharacters()

void GenericSAXHandler::myCharacters ( int  element,
const std::string &  chars 

Callback method for characters to implement by derived classes.

Called by "endElement" (see there).

[in]elementThe opened element, given as a int
[in]charsThe complete embedded character string @exceptions ProcessError These method may throw a ProcessError if something fails

Reimplemented in NIImporter_ITSUMO::Handler, and NIImporter_OpenDrive.

Definition at line 240 of file GenericSAXHandler.cpp.

Referenced by GenericSAXHandler::endElement().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ myEndElement()

void SUMORouteHandler::myEndElement ( int  element)

Called when a closing tag occurs.

[in]elementID of the currently opened element
ProcessErrorIf something fails
See also

Reimplemented from GenericSAXHandler.

Reimplemented in MSStateHandler, MSCalibrator, and NLHandler.

Definition at line 220 of file SUMORouteHandler.cpp.

References SUMORouteHandler::closeContainer(), SUMORouteHandler::closeContainerFlow(), SUMORouteHandler::closeFlow(), SUMORouteHandler::closePerson(), SUMORouteHandler::closePersonFlow(), SUMORouteHandler::closeRoute(), SUMORouteHandler::closeRouteDistribution(), SUMORouteHandler::closeTrip(), SUMORouteHandler::closeVehicle(), SUMORouteHandler::closeVehicleTypeDistribution(), SUMORouteHandler::closeVType(), FALLTHROUGH, OptionsCont::getOptions(), SUMORouteHandler::myBeginDefault, SUMORouteHandler::myCurrentVType, SUMORouteHandler::myElementStack, SUMORouteHandler::myEndDefault, SUMORouteHandler::myInsertStopEdgesAt, SUMORouteHandler::myParamStack, SUMORouteHandler::myVehicleParameter, SUMOVehicleParameter::repetitionNumber, string2time(), SUMO_TAG_CONTAINER, SUMO_TAG_CONTAINERFLOW, SUMO_TAG_FLOW, SUMO_TAG_INTERVAL, SUMO_TAG_PERSON, SUMO_TAG_PERSONFLOW, SUMO_TAG_PERSONTRIP, SUMO_TAG_RIDE, SUMO_TAG_ROUTE, SUMO_TAG_ROUTE_DISTRIBUTION, SUMO_TAG_STOP, SUMO_TAG_TRANSHIP, SUMO_TAG_TRANSPORT, SUMO_TAG_TRIP, SUMO_TAG_VEHICLE, SUMO_TAG_VTYPE, SUMO_TAG_VTYPE_DISTRIBUTION, and SUMO_TAG_WALK.

Referenced by MSStateHandler::myEndElement(), MSCalibrator::myEndElement(), and NLHandler::myEndElement().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ myStartElement()

void MSRouteHandler::myStartElement ( int  element,
const SUMOSAXAttributes attrs 

Called on the opening of a tag;.

[in]elementID of the currently opened element
[in]attrsAttributes within the currently opened element
ProcessErrorIf something fails
See also

Reimplemented from SUMORouteHandler.

Reimplemented in MSStateHandler, MSCalibrator, and NLHandler.

Definition at line 228 of file MSRouteHandler.cpp.

References addTransportable(), deleteActivePlanAndVehicleParameter(), SUMOVehicleParameter::departProcedure, SUMOVehicleParameter::id, myActiveTransportablePlan, myActiveType, myActiveTypeName, myHaveVia, SUMORouteHandler::myStartElement(), SUMORouteHandler::myVehicleParameter, parseFromViaTo(), PERSON, SUMO_TAG_CONTAINERFLOW, SUMO_TAG_FLOW, SUMO_TAG_PARAM, SUMO_TAG_PERSONFLOW, SUMO_TAG_RIDE, SUMO_TAG_TRANSPORT, SUMO_TAG_TRIP, toString(), and TRIGGERED.

Referenced by MSStateHandler::myStartElement(), MSCalibrator::myStartElement(), and NLHandler::myStartElement().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ needsCharacterData()

void GenericSAXHandler::needsCharacterData ( const bool  value = true)

Definition at line 220 of file GenericSAXHandler.h.

References GenericSAXHandler::myCollectCharacterData.

Referenced by NIImporter_ITSUMO::loadNetwork(), NIImporter_OpenDrive::loadNetwork(), and NIImporter_OpenDrive::myCharacters().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ openFlow()

void MSRouteHandler::openFlow ( const SUMOSAXAttributes attrs)

opens a flow for reading

Implements SUMORouteHandler.

Definition at line 386 of file MSRouteHandler.cpp.

◆ openRoute()

◆ openRouteDistribution()

◆ openRouteFlow()

void MSRouteHandler::openRouteFlow ( const SUMOSAXAttributes attrs)

opens a route flow for reading

Implements SUMORouteHandler.

Definition at line 392 of file MSRouteHandler.cpp.

◆ openTrip()

void MSRouteHandler::openTrip ( const SUMOSAXAttributes attrs)

opens a trip for reading

Implements SUMORouteHandler.

Definition at line 398 of file MSRouteHandler.cpp.

◆ openVehicleTypeDistribution()

◆ operator=()

MSRouteHandler & MSRouteHandler::operator= ( const MSRouteHandler s)

Invalidated assignment operator.

◆ parseFromViaTo()

void MSRouteHandler::parseFromViaTo ( SumoXMLTag  tag,
const SUMOSAXAttributes attrs 

Called for parsing from and to and the corresponding taz attributes.

[in]elementdescription of the currently opened element
[in]attrsAttributes within the currently opened element
ProcessErrorIf something fails

Definition at line 106 of file MSRouteHandler.cpp.

References MSEdge::dictionary(), SUMOVehicleParameter::fromTaz, SUMOSAXAttributes::get(), OptionsCont::getBool(), MSNet::getInstance(), SUMOSAXAttributes::getOpt(), OptionsCont::getOptions(), MSVehicleType::getParameter(), MSNet::getVehicleControl(), SUMOSAXAttributes::hasAttribute(), SUMOVehicleParameter::id, JUNCTION_TAZ_MISSING_HELP, myActiveRoute, SUMORouteHandler::myActiveRouteID, myHaveVia, SUMORouteHandler::myInsertStopEdgesAt, MapMatcher< MSEdge, MSLane, MSJunction >::myMapMatchTAZ, myParsingRNG, SUMORouteHandler::myVehicleParameter, SUMOVehicleParameter::parametersSet, MSEdge::parseEdgesList(), MapMatcher< MSEdge, MSLane, MSJunction >::parseGeoEdges(), SUMOVehicleParameter::routeid, SUMO_ATTR_FROM, SUMO_ATTR_FROM_JUNCTION, SUMO_ATTR_FROM_TAZ, SUMO_ATTR_FROMLONLAT, SUMO_ATTR_FROMXY, SUMO_ATTR_ROUTE, SUMO_ATTR_TO, SUMO_ATTR_TO_JUNCTION, SUMO_ATTR_TO_TAZ, SUMO_ATTR_TOLONLAT, SUMO_ATTR_TOXY, SUMO_ATTR_VIA, SUMO_ATTR_VIAJUNCTIONS, SUMO_ATTR_VIALONLAT, SUMO_ATTR_VIAXY, SUMO_TAG_PERSON, SVC_PASSENGER, TL, toString(), SUMOVehicleParameter::toTaz, SUMOVTypeParameter::vehicleClass, VEHPARS_FROM_TAZ_SET, VEHPARS_TO_TAZ_SET, SUMOVehicleParameter::via, SUMOVehicleParameter::vtypeid, SUMOVehicleParameter::wasSet(), and WRITE_WARNINGF.

Referenced by addPersonTrip(), and myStartElement().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ parseGeoEdges()

void MapMatcher< MSEdge , MSLane , MSJunction >::parseGeoEdges ( const PositionVector positions,
bool  geo,
SUMOVehicleClass  vClass,
std::vector< const MSEdge * > &  into,
const std::string &  rid,
bool  isFrom,
bool &  ok,
bool  forceEdge = false 

Definition at line 48 of file MapMatcher.h.

◆ parseStop()

bool SUMORouteHandler::parseStop ( SUMOVehicleParameter::Stop stop,
const SUMOSAXAttributes attrs,
std::string  errorSuffix,
MsgHandler *const  errorOutput 

parses attributes common to all stops

Definition at line 391 of file SUMORouteHandler.cpp.

References SUMOVehicleParameter::Stop::actType, SUMOVehicleParameter::Stop::arrival, SUMOVehicleParameter::Stop::awaitedContainers, SUMOVehicleParameter::Stop::awaitedPersons, SUMOVehicleParameter::Stop::busstop, SUMOVehicleParameter::Stop::chargingStation, SUMOVehicleParameter::Stop::collision, SUMOVehicleParameter::Stop::containerstop, SUMOVehicleParameter::Stop::containerTriggered, SUMOVehicleParameter::Stop::duration, SUMOVehicleParameter::Stop::ended, SUMOVehicleParameter::Stop::extension, SUMOSAXAttributes::get(), SUMOSAXAttributes::getOpt(), SUMOSAXAttributes::getOptSUMOTimeReporting(), SUMOSAXAttributes::hasAttribute(), SUMOVehicleParameter::Stop::index, MsgHandler::inform(), INVALID_DOUBLE, SUMOVehicleParameter::Stop::join, SUMOVehicleParameter::Stop::jump, SUMOVehicleParameter::Stop::line, OFFROAD, SUMOVehicleParameter::Stop::onDemand, ONROAD, SUMOVehicleParameter::Stop::overheadWireSegment, SUMOVehicleParameter::Stop::parametersSet, SUMOVehicleParameter::Stop::parking, SUMOVehicleParameter::Stop::parkingarea, SUMOVehicleParameter::parseStopTriggers(), SUMOVehicleParameter::Stop::permitted, SUMOVehicleParameter::Stop::posLat, SUMOVehicleParameter::Stop::speed, SUMOVehicleParameter::Stop::split, SUMOVehicleParameter::Stop::started, STOP_ARRIVAL_SET, STOP_DURATION_SET, STOP_END_SET, STOP_ENDED_SET, STOP_EXPECTED_CONTAINERS_SET, STOP_EXPECTED_SET, STOP_EXTENSION_SET, STOP_INDEX_END, STOP_INDEX_FIT, STOP_JOIN_SET, STOP_JUMP_SET, STOP_LINE_SET, STOP_ONDEMAND_SET, STOP_PARKING_SET, STOP_PERMITTED_SET, STOP_POSLAT_SET, STOP_SPEED_SET, STOP_SPLIT_SET, STOP_START_SET, STOP_STARTED_SET, STOP_TRIGGER_SET, STOP_TRIP_ID_SET, STOP_UNTIL_SET, SUMO_ATTR_ACTTYPE, SUMO_ATTR_ARRIVAL, SUMO_ATTR_BUS_STOP, SUMO_ATTR_CHARGING_STATION, SUMO_ATTR_COLLISION, SUMO_ATTR_CONTAINER_STOP, SUMO_ATTR_CONTAINER_TRIGGERED, SUMO_ATTR_DURATION, SUMO_ATTR_EDGE, SUMO_ATTR_ENDED, SUMO_ATTR_ENDPOS, SUMO_ATTR_EXPECTED, SUMO_ATTR_EXPECTED_CONTAINERS, SUMO_ATTR_EXTENSION, SUMO_ATTR_INDEX, SUMO_ATTR_JOIN, SUMO_ATTR_JUMP, SUMO_ATTR_LANE, SUMO_ATTR_LINE, SUMO_ATTR_ONDEMAND, SUMO_ATTR_OVERHEAD_WIRE_SEGMENT, SUMO_ATTR_PARKING, SUMO_ATTR_PARKING_AREA, SUMO_ATTR_PERMITTED, SUMO_ATTR_POSITION_LAT, SUMO_ATTR_SPEED, SUMO_ATTR_SPLIT, SUMO_ATTR_STARTED, SUMO_ATTR_STARTPOS, SUMO_ATTR_TRAIN_STOP, SUMO_ATTR_TRIGGERED, SUMO_ATTR_TRIP_ID, SUMO_ATTR_UNTIL, SUMO_TAG_CONTAINER, TL, TLF, toString(), SUMOVehicleParameter::Stop::triggered, SUMOVehicleParameter::Stop::tripId, SUMOVehicleParameter::Stop::until, and WRITE_WARNINGF.

Referenced by addStop(), and RORouteHandler::addStop().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ parseWalkPositions()

void MSRouteHandler::parseWalkPositions ( const SUMOSAXAttributes attrs,
const std::string &  personID,
const MSEdge fromEdge,
const MSEdge *&  toEdge,
double &  departPos,
double &  arrivalPos,
MSStoppingPlace *&  bs,
const MSStage *const  lastStage,
bool &  ok 

◆ registerLastDepart()

void SUMORouteHandler::registerLastDepart ( )

◆ registerParent()

void GenericSAXHandler::registerParent ( const int  tag,
GenericSAXHandler handler 

Assigning a parent handler which is enabled when the specified tag is closed.

Definition at line 178 of file GenericSAXHandler.cpp.

References GenericSAXHandler::myParentHandler, GenericSAXHandler::myParentIndicator, and XMLSubSys::setHandler().

Referenced by NLTriggerBuilder::parseAndBuildCalibrator(), NLTriggerBuilder::parseAndBuildLaneSpeedTrigger(), and NLTriggerBuilder::parseAndBuildRerouter().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ resetActivePlanAndVehicleParameter()

void MSRouteHandler::resetActivePlanAndVehicleParameter ( )

reset MSTransportablePlans after transportable tag closes

Definition at line 98 of file MSRouteHandler.cpp.

References myActiveTransportablePlan, myActiveType, SUMORouteHandler::myVehicleParameter, and UNDEFINED.

Referenced by addFlowTransportable(), closeTransportable(), closeTransportableFlow(), and deleteActivePlanAndVehicleParameter().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ retrieveEdge()

MSEdge * MSRouteHandler::retrieveEdge ( const std::string &  id)

Implements MapMatcher< MSEdge, MSLane, MSJunction >.

Definition at line 1854 of file MSRouteHandler.cpp.

References MSEdge::dictionary().

◆ retrieveNextSectionStart()

std::pair< int, SUMOSAXAttributes * > GenericSAXHandler::retrieveNextSectionStart ( )

Definition at line 213 of file GenericSAXHandler.h.

References GenericSAXHandler::myNextSectionStart.

Referenced by SUMOSAXReader::parseSection().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ retrieveStoppingPlace()

◆ sectionFinished()

bool GenericSAXHandler::sectionFinished ( ) const

Definition at line 209 of file GenericSAXHandler.h.

References GenericSAXHandler::mySectionEnded.

Referenced by SUMOSAXReader::parseSection().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ setFileName()

void GenericSAXHandler::setFileName ( const std::string &  name)

Sets the current file name.

[in]nameThe name of the currently processed file
Hmmm - this is as unsafe as having a direct access to the variable; recheck

Definition at line 74 of file GenericSAXHandler.cpp.

References GenericSAXHandler::myFileName.

Referenced by NIImporter_SUMO::_loadNetwork(), MSStateHandler::MSStateTimeHandler::getTime(), GUISettingsHandler::GUISettingsHandler(), NIImporter_OpenStreetMap::load(), NIImporter_Vissim::load(), PCNetProjectionLoader::load(), NITypeLoader::load(), loadNet(), ROLoader::loadNet(), NIImporter_ITSUMO::loadNetwork(), NIImporter_MATSim::loadNetwork(), NIImporter_OpenDrive::loadNetwork(), main(), and XMLSubSys::runParser().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ setSection()

void GenericSAXHandler::setSection ( const int  element,
const bool  seen 

Definition at line 202 of file GenericSAXHandler.h.

References GenericSAXHandler::mySection, GenericSAXHandler::mySectionEnded, GenericSAXHandler::mySectionOpen, and GenericSAXHandler::mySectionSeen.

Referenced by SUMOSAXReader::parseSection().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ startElement()

void GenericSAXHandler::startElement ( const XMLCh *const  uri,
const XMLCh *const  localname,
const XMLCh *const  qname,
const XERCES_CPP_NAMESPACE::Attributes &  attrs 

The inherited method called when a new tag opens.

The method parses the supplied XMLCh*-qname using the internal name/enum-map to obtain the enum representation of the attribute name.

Then, "myStartElement" is called supplying the enumeration value, the string-representation of the name and the attributes.


recheck/describe encoding of the string-representation

do not generate and report the string-representation

Definition at line 99 of file GenericSAXHandler.cpp.

References GenericSAXHandler::convertTag(), FileHelpers::getConfigurationRelative(), GenericSAXHandler::getFileName(), SUMOSAXAttributesImpl_Xerces::getString(), FileHelpers::isAbsolute(), GenericSAXHandler::myCharactersVector, GenericSAXHandler::myExpectedRoot, GenericSAXHandler::myNextSectionStart, GenericSAXHandler::myPredefinedTags, GenericSAXHandler::myPredefinedTagsMML, GenericSAXHandler::myRootSeen, GenericSAXHandler::mySection, GenericSAXHandler::mySectionEnded, GenericSAXHandler::mySectionOpen, GenericSAXHandler::mySectionSeen, GenericSAXHandler::myStartElement(), XMLSubSys::runParser(), SUMO_ATTR_HREF, SUMO_TAG_INCLUDE, TL, StringUtils::transcode(), and WRITE_WARNINGF.

◆ warning()

void GenericSAXHandler::warning ( const XERCES_CPP_NAMESPACE::SAXParseException &  exception)

Handler for XML-warnings.

The message is built using buildErrorMessage and reported to the warning-instance of the MsgHandler.

[in]exceptionThe occurred exception to process

Definition at line 218 of file GenericSAXHandler.cpp.

References GenericSAXHandler::buildErrorMessage(), and WRITE_WARNING.

Field Documentation

◆ myActiveRoute

ConstMSEdgeVector MSRouteHandler::myActiveRoute

◆ myActiveRouteColor

const RGBColor* SUMORouteHandler::myActiveRouteColor

The currently parsed route's color.

Definition at line 228 of file SUMORouteHandler.h.

Referenced by closeRoute(), RORouteHandler::closeRoute(), openRoute(), and RORouteHandler::openRoute().

◆ myActiveRouteID

◆ myActiveRoutePeriod

SUMOTime MSRouteHandler::myActiveRoutePeriod

Definition at line 195 of file MSRouteHandler.h.

Referenced by closeRoute(), and openRoute().

◆ myActiveRoutePermanent

bool MSRouteHandler::myActiveRoutePermanent

whether the active route is stored indefinitely (used by state loader)

Definition at line 198 of file MSRouteHandler.h.

Referenced by closeRoute(), and openRoute().

◆ myActiveRouteProbability

double SUMORouteHandler::myActiveRouteProbability

The probability of the current route.

Definition at line 225 of file SUMORouteHandler.h.

Referenced by closeRoute(), RORouteHandler::closeRoute(), RORouteHandler::myStartElement(), openRoute(), and RORouteHandler::openRoute().

◆ myActiveRouteRefID

std::string SUMORouteHandler::myActiveRouteRefID

The id of the route the current route references to.

Definition at line 222 of file SUMORouteHandler.h.

Referenced by closeRoute(), RORouteHandler::closeRoute(), openRoute(), and RORouteHandler::openRoute().

◆ myActiveRouteRepeat

int MSRouteHandler::myActiveRouteRepeat

number of repetitions of the active route

Definition at line 194 of file MSRouteHandler.h.

Referenced by closeRoute(), and openRoute().

◆ myActiveRouteReplacedAtTime

SUMOTime MSRouteHandler::myActiveRouteReplacedAtTime

The time at which this route was replaced (from vehroute-output)

Definition at line 201 of file MSRouteHandler.h.

Referenced by closeRoute(), and openRoute().

◆ myActiveRouteReplacedIndex

int MSRouteHandler::myActiveRouteReplacedIndex

The index at which this route was replaced (from vehroute-output)

Definition at line 204 of file MSRouteHandler.h.

Referenced by closeRoute(), and openRoute().

◆ myActiveRouteStops

std::vector<SUMOVehicleParameter::Stop> SUMORouteHandler::myActiveRouteStops

List of the stops on the parsed route.

Definition at line 234 of file SUMORouteHandler.h.

Referenced by addStop(), RORouteHandler::addStop(), closeRoute(), and RORouteHandler::closeRoute().

◆ myActiveTransportablePlan

◆ myActiveType

ObjectTypeEnum MSRouteHandler::myActiveType

◆ myActiveTypeName

std::string MSRouteHandler::myActiveTypeName

The name of the current object type.

Definition at line 210 of file MSRouteHandler.h.

Referenced by addFlowTransportable(), addStop(), addTransportable(), closeTransportable(), closeTransportableFlow(), and myStartElement().

◆ myAddVehiclesDirectly

bool MSRouteHandler::myAddVehiclesDirectly

Information whether vehicles shall be directly added to the network or kept within the buffer.

Definition at line 219 of file MSRouteHandler.h.

Referenced by closeFlow(), closeTransportable(), closeTransportableFlow(), and closeVehicle().

◆ myAllowInternalRoutes

bool SUMORouteHandler::myAllowInternalRoutes

whether references to internal routes are allowed in this context

Definition at line 255 of file SUMORouteHandler.h.

Referenced by MSStateHandler::MSStateHandler(), and SUMORouteHandler::myStartElement().

◆ myAmLoadingState

bool MSRouteHandler::myAmLoadingState

whether a state file is being loaded

Definition at line 234 of file MSRouteHandler.h.

Referenced by addStop(), closeRoute(), closeTransportable(), closeTransportableFlow(), closeVehicle(), and MSStateHandler::MSStateHandler().

◆ myBeginDefault

SUMOTime SUMORouteHandler::myBeginDefault

The default value for flow begins.

Definition at line 240 of file SUMORouteHandler.h.

Referenced by SUMORouteHandler::myEndElement(), and SUMORouteHandler::myStartElement().

◆ myCharactersVector

std::vector<std::string> GenericSAXHandler::myCharactersVector

A list of character strings obtained so far to build the complete characters string at the end.

Definition at line 324 of file GenericSAXHandler.h.

Referenced by GenericSAXHandler::characters(), GenericSAXHandler::endElement(), and GenericSAXHandler::startElement().

◆ myCollectCharacterData

bool GenericSAXHandler::myCollectCharacterData = false

whether the reader should collect character data

Definition at line 339 of file GenericSAXHandler.h.

Referenced by GenericSAXHandler::characters(), and GenericSAXHandler::needsCharacterData().

◆ myCurrentCosts

double SUMORouteHandler::myCurrentCosts

The currently parsed route costs.

Definition at line 231 of file SUMORouteHandler.h.

Referenced by closeRoute(), RORouteHandler::closeRoute(), openRoute(), and RORouteHandler::openRoute().

◆ myCurrentRouteDistribution

RandomDistributor<ConstMSRoutePtr>* MSRouteHandler::myCurrentRouteDistribution

The currently parsed distribution of routes (probability->route)

Definition at line 228 of file MSRouteHandler.h.

Referenced by closeRoute(), closeRouteDistribution(), openRoute(), and openRouteDistribution().

◆ myCurrentRouteDistributionID

std::string MSRouteHandler::myCurrentRouteDistributionID

The id of the currently parsed route distribution.

Definition at line 231 of file MSRouteHandler.h.

Referenced by closeRouteDistribution(), openRoute(), and openRouteDistribution().

◆ myCurrentVType

◆ myCurrentVTypeDistribution

RandomDistributor<MSVehicleType*>* MSRouteHandler::myCurrentVTypeDistribution

The currently parsed distribution of vehicle types (probability->vehicle type)

Definition at line 222 of file MSRouteHandler.h.

Referenced by closeVehicleTypeDistribution(), closeVType(), and openVehicleTypeDistribution().

◆ myCurrentVTypeDistributionID

std::string MSRouteHandler::myCurrentVTypeDistributionID

The id of the currently parsed vehicle type distribution.

Definition at line 225 of file MSRouteHandler.h.

Referenced by closeVehicleTypeDistribution(), and openVehicleTypeDistribution().

◆ myElementStack

std::vector<int> SUMORouteHandler::myElementStack

hierarchy of elements being parsed

Definition at line 252 of file SUMORouteHandler.h.

Referenced by SUMORouteHandler::myEndElement(), and SUMORouteHandler::myStartElement().

◆ myEndDefault

SUMOTime SUMORouteHandler::myEndDefault

The default value for flow ends.

Definition at line 243 of file SUMORouteHandler.h.

Referenced by SUMORouteHandler::myEndElement(), and SUMORouteHandler::myStartElement().

◆ myErrorOutput

MsgHandler* MapMatcher< MSEdge , MSLane , MSJunction >::myErrorOutput

Definition at line 233 of file MapMatcher.h.

◆ myExpectedRoot

std::string GenericSAXHandler::myExpectedRoot

The root element to expect, empty string disables the check.

Definition at line 336 of file GenericSAXHandler.h.

Referenced by GenericSAXHandler::startElement().

◆ myFileName

std::string GenericSAXHandler::myFileName

The name of the currently parsed file.

Definition at line 333 of file GenericSAXHandler.h.

Referenced by GenericSAXHandler::getFileName(), and GenericSAXHandler::setFileName().

◆ myFirstDepart

SUMOTime SUMORouteHandler::myFirstDepart

the first read departure time

Definition at line 246 of file SUMORouteHandler.h.

Referenced by SUMORouteHandler::getFirstDepart(), and SUMORouteHandler::registerLastDepart().

◆ myHardFail

const bool SUMORouteHandler::myHardFail

flag to enable or disable hard fails

Definition at line 207 of file SUMORouteHandler.h.

Referenced by RORouteHandler::addWalk(), SUMORouteHandler::myStartElement(), parseWalkPositions(), and RORouteHandler::parseWalkPositions().

◆ myHaveVia

bool MSRouteHandler::myHaveVia

Wether an object with 'via'-attribute is being parsed.

Definition at line 213 of file MSRouteHandler.h.

Referenced by addStop(), myStartElement(), and parseFromViaTo().

◆ myInsertStopEdgesAt

int SUMORouteHandler::myInsertStopEdgesAt

◆ myLaneTree

NamedRTree* MapMatcher< MSEdge , MSLane , MSJunction >::myLaneTree

RTree for finding lanes.

Definition at line 230 of file MapMatcher.h.

◆ myLastDepart

SUMOTime SUMORouteHandler::myLastDepart

The insertion time of the vehicle read last.

Definition at line 216 of file SUMORouteHandler.h.

Referenced by SUMORouteHandler::checkLastDepart(), SUMORouteHandler::getLastDepart(), and SUMORouteHandler::registerLastDepart().

◆ myMapMatchingDistance

double MapMatcher< MSEdge , MSLane , MSJunction >::myMapMatchingDistance

Definition at line 232 of file MapMatcher.h.

◆ myMapMatchJunctions

bool MapMatcher< MSEdge , MSLane , MSJunction >::myMapMatchJunctions

Definition at line 231 of file MapMatcher.h.

◆ myMapMatchTAZ

bool MapMatcher< MSEdge , MSLane , MSJunction >::myMapMatchTAZ

Definition at line 217 of file MapMatcher.h.

◆ myNextSectionStart

std::pair<int, SUMOSAXAttributes*> GenericSAXHandler::myNextSectionStart

◆ myParamStack

std::vector<Parameterised*> SUMORouteHandler::myParamStack

◆ myParentHandler

GenericSAXHandler* GenericSAXHandler::myParentHandler

The handler to give control back to.

Definition at line 327 of file GenericSAXHandler.h.

Referenced by GenericSAXHandler::callParentEnd(), GenericSAXHandler::endElement(), and GenericSAXHandler::registerParent().

◆ myParentIndicator

int GenericSAXHandler::myParentIndicator

The tag indicating that control should be given back.

Definition at line 330 of file GenericSAXHandler.h.

Referenced by GenericSAXHandler::endElement(), and GenericSAXHandler::registerParent().

◆ myParsingRNG

SumoRNG MSRouteHandler::myParsingRNG

◆ myPredefinedTags

AttrMap GenericSAXHandler::myPredefinedTags

◆ myPredefinedTagsMML

std::vector<std::string> GenericSAXHandler::myPredefinedTagsMML

the map from ids to their string representation

Definition at line 309 of file GenericSAXHandler.h.

Referenced by GenericSAXHandler::GenericSAXHandler(), and GenericSAXHandler::startElement().

◆ myReplayRerouting

bool MSRouteHandler::myReplayRerouting

whether loaded rerouting events shall be replayed

Definition at line 240 of file MSRouteHandler.h.

Referenced by closeVehicle().

◆ myRootSeen

bool GenericSAXHandler::myRootSeen = false

whether the reader has already seen the root element

Definition at line 342 of file GenericSAXHandler.h.

Referenced by GenericSAXHandler::startElement().

◆ myScaleSuffix

std::string MSRouteHandler::myScaleSuffix

prefix when copying vehicles with –scale

Definition at line 237 of file MSRouteHandler.h.

Referenced by closeVehicle().

◆ mySection

int GenericSAXHandler::mySection = -1

The tag indicating the current section to parse.

Definition at line 345 of file GenericSAXHandler.h.

Referenced by GenericSAXHandler::endElement(), GenericSAXHandler::setSection(), and GenericSAXHandler::startElement().

◆ mySectionEnded

bool GenericSAXHandler::mySectionEnded = false

whether the reader has already seen the end of the section

Definition at line 351 of file GenericSAXHandler.h.

Referenced by GenericSAXHandler::sectionFinished(), GenericSAXHandler::setSection(), and GenericSAXHandler::startElement().

◆ mySectionOpen

bool GenericSAXHandler::mySectionOpen = false

whether an element of the current section is open

Definition at line 354 of file GenericSAXHandler.h.

Referenced by GenericSAXHandler::endElement(), GenericSAXHandler::setSection(), and GenericSAXHandler::startElement().

◆ mySectionSeen

bool GenericSAXHandler::mySectionSeen = false

whether the reader has already seen the begin of the section

Definition at line 348 of file GenericSAXHandler.h.

Referenced by GenericSAXHandler::setSection(), and GenericSAXHandler::startElement().

◆ myStartTriggeredInFlow

bool MSRouteHandler::myStartTriggeredInFlow

whether we are loading a personFlow that is starting triggered in a vehicle flow

Definition at line 243 of file MSRouteHandler.h.

Referenced by addRideOrTransport(), and closeTransportableFlow().

◆ myTagMap

TagMap GenericSAXHandler::myTagMap

◆ myVehicleParameter

SUMOVehicleParameter* SUMORouteHandler::myVehicleParameter

Parameter of the current vehicle, trip, person, container or flow.

Definition at line 210 of file SUMORouteHandler.h.

Referenced by RORouteHandler::addFlowPerson(), addFlowTransportable(), addPersonTrip(), RORouteHandler::addPersonTrip(), RORouteHandler::addRide(), addRideOrTransport(), addStop(), RORouteHandler::addStop(), addTranship(), RORouteHandler::addTransport(), addTransportable(), addVehicleStopsToImplicitRoute(), addWalk(), RORouteHandler::addWalk(), SUMORouteHandler::checkLastDepart(), RORouteHandler::closeContainer(), RORouteHandler::closeContainerFlow(), closeFlow(), RORouteHandler::closeFlow(), RORouteHandler::closePerson(), RORouteHandler::closePersonFlow(), closeRoute(), RORouteHandler::closeRoute(), closeRouteDistribution(), closeTransportable(), closeTransportableFlow(), closeTrip(), MSStateHandler::closeVehicle(), closeVehicle(), RORouteHandler::closeVehicle(), deleteActivePlanAndVehicleParameter(), RORouteHandler::deleteActivePlanAndVehicleParameter(), interpretDepartPosLat(), MSStateHandler::myEndElement(), SUMORouteHandler::myEndElement(), MSStateHandler::myStartElement(), SUMORouteHandler::myStartElement(), myStartElement(), RORouteHandler::myStartElement(), openRoute(), RORouteHandler::openRoute(), openRouteDistribution(), RORouteHandler::openRouteDistribution(), parseFromViaTo(), RORouteHandler::parseFromViaTo(), RORouteHandler::parseWalkPositions(), SUMORouteHandler::registerLastDepart(), resetActivePlanAndVehicleParameter(), and SUMORouteHandler::~SUMORouteHandler().

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