Changes in the 2022 releases (versions 1.12.0, 1.13.0, 1.14.0, 1.14.1 and 1.15.0)

Version 1.15.0 (08.11.2022)#


  • Simulation
    • Fixed crash when using bluelight vehicle and SSM device. Issue #11336 (regression in 1.12.0)
    • Rerouter attribute timeThreshold is working again after a vehicle has changed lanes. Issue #11405 (regression in 1.14.0)
    • Taxi drop-off is no longer interrupted by new dispatch. Also, persons only continue their plan after the drop-off duration. Issue #11311
    • Fixed bug where emergency vehicle fails to overtake. Issue #11345
    • Fixed bug where emergency vehicle performs invalid (unstrategic) lanechange. Issue #11337
    • A persons individual speedFactor is now applied during access stage. Issue #11452
    • Fixed invalid pedestrian routing when using the striping model to navigate within an intersection. Issue #11674
    • Fixed invalid parking maneuver times. Issue #11420
    • Option --scale and vType attribute scale now apply evenly to all defined <flow> elements when set to values below 1. Issue #11441
    • Fixed invalid braking at intersection in sublane simulation. Issue #11484
    • Fixed emergency braking at lane-width change in sublane simulation. Issue #11467, #11639
    • Fixed junction collision while turning with the sublane model. Issue #11482
    • Fixed invalid (slightly exaggerated) estimate of junction passing time. Issue #11106
    • Fixed prolonged waiting at side roads despite sufficient gaps. Issue #11106
    • Cars generated for a <personTrip> now slow down before dropping of the person. Issue #11532
    • Fixed vehicle collision with pedestrian on shared lane after lane width change. Issue #11602
    • Fixed emergency breaking near shared walkingarea. Issue #11478
    • Fixed invalid junction collision warning involving short approach edges. Issue #11609
    • Fixed crash on inconsistent opposite-direction edge definitions. Issue #11661
    • Fixed deadlock between car and pedestrian on shared walkingarea. Issue #11734
    • Fixed error when a personTrip with toJunction is followed by another trip. Issue #11820
    • Fixed incorrect/delayed vehicle inserting on bidi-edge. Issue #11419
    • Fixed collisions on bidi-edge. Issue #11477
    • Fixed missing error after routing failure. Issue #11840
    • Fixed invalid slow-down on intersections by vehicles equipped with bluelight device due to driveRedSpeed. Issue #11878
    • Fixed bug where person/container stop does not terminate. Issue #11900
    • Fixed emergency braking when using carFollowModel IDM. Issue #11498, #11564, #11564
    • Fixed emergency braking when using carFollowModel CACC. Issue #11679, #11653
    • Fixed emergency braking and collisions when using carFollowModel ACC. Issue #4551
    • EIDM carFollowModel:
      • Fixed multiple EIDM issues related to imprecise driving at stop lines. #11242, #11182, #11183
      • Fixed bug where vehicles did not reach a defined stop. Issue #11364
      • Fixed collision. Issue #11361
      • Slow-to-start now works after stopping. Issue #11374
      • Fixed emergency braking when approaching stop. Issue #11461
    • lane changing
      • Fixed bug where vehicles take to long to overtake pedestrians. Issue #11608
      • Fixed bug where vehicle drives outside lane bound after lane width change. Issue #11468
      • Fixed emergency braking during opposite direction driving. Issue #11481
      • Fixed bug where car blocks itself during continuous laneChange after loading state. Issue #11394
      • Fixed invalid speed adaptations for lane changing while on an intersection. Issue #11507
      • Fixed strategic change happening despite lcStrategic=-1. Issue #11752
      • A stopped leader now triggers strategic changing in the sublane model. Issue #11773
      • Fixed bug where lane-changing deadlock-avoidance caused excessive braking. Issue #11695
    • output
      • fcd-output now includes riding persons even if their vehicle is not equipped with fcd device. Issue #11454
      • fcd-output of persons now respects edge and shape filters. Issue #11455
      • Output of a persons speed in access stage is now correct (was given as 0 before). Issue #11453
      • Fixed several bugs that prevented intermodal vehroute output from being re-used as simulation input. Issue #7006
      • Vehroute-output no longer includes unfinished persons by default. Issue #11730
    • railways:
      • Fixed unsafe train insertion with oncoming vehicle. Issue #11384
      • Fixed invalid error when trying to insert train before red signal with high speed. Issue #11440
      • Fixed emergency braking due to unsuitable rail signal choice between rivaling trains. Issue #11442
      • Fixed railway routing failure. Issue #11835
  • netedit
    • Fixed missing coordinate indicator in status bar. Issue #11230 (regression in 1.14.0)
    • Loading an additional file and saving modifications no longer prompts for a file name. Issue #11030
    • Clicking over column labels no longer clears the traffic phase table. Issue #11240
    • Flow probability is no longer limited to full percent. Issue #11259
    • Directional arrows are now drawn on top of detectors. Issue #11381
    • Fixed bug that prevented bidi-edges from being defined. Issue #11397
    • Fixed bugs related to object locking (via the lock menu). Issue #10863
    • Additional object chooser no longer lists POIs and polygons. Issue #11580
    • Fixed invalid context menu after clicking on overlapped lanes. Issue #11577
    • Junctions covered by a walkingarea can now be moved. Issue #11622
    • In tls mode, icons are now drawn on top of walkingarea shapes. Issue #11302
    • Setting a numerical value for departPosLat is now working. Issue #11694
    • Fixed parsing of <closingReroute> permissions. Issue #11699
    • Ids of crossings and walkingareas can now be drawn. Issue #11664
    • Visual scaling for selected data elements now works. Issue #10937
    • Fixed crash when using the "undo/redo history" dialog. Issue #11370
    • Setting custom arrivalPos in personPlan frame is now working. Issue #11800
    • Continuous PersonPlans between Junctions can now be created. Issue #11813
    • Walks over routes can now be created. Issue #11845
    • Subsequent stops can now be created for personPlans and containerPlans. Issue #11848
    • Fixed invalid geometry when splitting edge and there is a parallel edge connection the same junctions. Issue #11837
  • sumo-gui
    • Fixed crash when opening busStop parameters after simulation end. Issue #11499 (regression in 1.13.0)
    • Lane menu functions select reachable, close lane, add rerouter are now working again. Issue #11448 (regression in 1.14.0)
    • Directional arrows are now drawn on top of detectors. Issue #11380
    • 3D view now updates lane colors after updating of selected lanes. Issue #10908
    • Fixed invalid occupancy values caused by vehicles that are partially on a lane (i.e. with the sublane model). Issue #11404
    • Opening the object chooser now brings existing dialogs into focus. Issue #11579
    • Detector names are now shown in the parameter dialog. Issue #11029
    • TAZs parameters are now loaded. Issue #7479
    • Fixed insufficient precision when saving edge scaling scheme. Issue #11711
    • Fixed corrupted 3D view after window resize and minimize operation. Issue #11727
    • Initial camera coordinates are now matching for the 3D view. Issue #11742
    • Fixed invalid displayed settings for asymmetrical background grid. Issue #11809
    • Fixed appearance of guiShape=rail when applied to "normal" cars. Issue #11919
    • Fixed invalid lateral rendering position of vehicles with potential carriages (i.e. 'trailer'). Issue #11901
  • netconvert
    • Fixed invalid red phase at traffic lights with very low connection speeds. Issue #11307 (regression in 1.14.0)
    • Fixed invalid turn-around connection at roundabout with unusual geometry. Issue #11344
    • Fixed projection error when importing OpenDRIVE. Issue #11263
    • Fixed too short busStops when import OSM data. Issue #11372
    • Option --geometry.remove now works if edges are running on top of each other (i.e. tram and road). Issue #11516
    • Fixed crash when loading ptstops and reducing the network extent. Issue #11546
    • Fixed bug that caused internal junctions for railways. Issue #11558
    • Fixed invalid walkingarea shapes. Issue #11590
    • Lane types are now preserved after <split>s. Issue #11592
    • Tram edge merging now preserves origId. Issue #11582
    • Fixed bug where tram stop was assigned to street instead of rail. Issue #11645
    • Fixed invalid bidi edges with --ptline-output. Issue #11497
    • Invalid state string length now always triggers a warning. Issue #11637
    • Activating option --ptline-output no longer modifies the network. Issue #10732
    • Fixed bug that caused inconsistent opposite-edge declarations to be written. Issue #11731
    • OSM import: fixed public transport stop assignment to edge without proper permissions. Issue #11656
    • Fixed missing bidi edges on long rail edges with multiple stops after topology repair. Issue #11828
    • OSM: Fixed invalid public transport route on bidirectional way. Issue #11829
    • Fixed crash while processing public transport stops. Issue #11839
    • Filtering access from ptstops input. Issue #11963
  • duarouter
    • vTypeDistributions with attribute vTypes now consider vType-probabilities. Issue #11376
  • jtrrouter
    • Fixed infinite loop when loading poisson flow. Issue #11834
  • polyconvert
    • Option can now specify all possible offsets. Also the interpretation was changed, so that positive values now cause enlargement on all sides. Issue #11438
  • od2trips
    • XML validation now permits taz-relation intervals with human readable times. Issue #11554
    • Option --scale now works when loading tazrelation-files and amitran-files. Issue #11853
  • marouter
    • Option --scale now works when loading tazrelation-files and amitran-files. Issue #11853
  • TraCI
    • Function vehicle.highlight is now tracking the vehicle again. Issue #11352 (regression in 1.13.0)
    • Simpla: fixed crash due to unclear speed factor semantics. Issue #11223
    • Simpla: fixed invalid behavior when subsequent edges vary in lane number. Issue #11276
    • Simpla: fixed input error handling. Issue #11789
    • traceFile no longer contains redundant calls to helper method person.removeStages. Issue #11418
    • Libsumo can now be compiled without having fox-toolkit installed. Issue #11115
    • Libsumo simulation outputs now include version information. Issue #11808
    • Context subscription filters for vTypes and vClasses are now compatible with all other filters. Issue #11540
    • Function simulation.getDistance2D(..., isGeo=True) now works. Issue #11610
    • Fixed error after Canceling stop via TraCI and then calling moveToXY. Issue #11870
    • Stops may now be defined at position=0. Issue #11891
    • Fixed bug where CACC model had invalid speed while activating ToC. Issue #6192
    • View boundaries returned for a 3D view now better match the actual field of vision. Issue #11471
    • Fixed memory leak when closing the last connection
  • Tools
    • and now properly report unknown options again. Issue #11258 (regression in 1.14.1)
    • fixed error when combining options --additional-files, --vtype-output, --vehicle-class. Issue #11431
    • Option --fringe-factor is now applied for pedestrians. Issue #11909
    • Now handles rail crossings. Issue #11250
    • Now handles unsorted route files. Issue #11251
    • Fixed invalid error message when closing figure window. Issue #11280
    • fixed error when trying to plot homogeneous edgeData. Issue #11351
    • Fixed missing inactive insertion constraints when --write-inactive is set. Issue #11375
    • Added missing constraints from bidirectional stop usage. Issue #11371
    • now detecting swapped ended times. Issue #11687, #11741
    • Fixed use of gapPenalty parameter in function sumolib.route.mapTrace. Issue #11292
    • Now aborts early if the OSM download fails and no longer leaves empty directories behind. Issue #11722
    • Now gives better feedback on certificate errors. Issue #10804
    • Fixed invalid end element, preserving comments. Issue #11748
    • Now handling empty timetable. Issue #11763
    • Fixed invalid route references in output. Issue #11797
    • Fixed error when using --min-count. Issue #11915


  • Simulation
    • Added option --tls.actuated.detector-length to set the default length of actuation detectors. Issue #11335
    • Verbose output and --statistic-output now always include the count of vehicles for the trip statistics. Issue #11366
    • carFollowModels ACC and CACC can now be configured with vType attribute 'collisionAvoidanceOverride' (previously hard-coded to 2). Issue #11383
    • Tripinfo-output for persons now includes the individual speedFactor (in personInfo). Issue #11450
    • The new vType attribute desiredMaxSpeed can be used to configure speed distributions for vehicles that are not constrained by the road speed limit (i.e. bicycles). Issue #11102
    • Bicycles speeds now follow a speed distribution by default (centered on 20km/h, configurable with desiredMaxSpeed). Issue #11102
    • Option --emission-output.precision now also applies to emissions in tripinfo-output. Issue #11474
    • Added option --time-to-teleport.bidi to resolve deadlocks on bidirectional edges. Issue #11435
    • The vType attributes timeToTeleport and timeToTeleportBidi can now be used to customize teleporting behavior. Issue #9497
    • Pedestrians now react to edge speed limit (i.e. for modelling stairs). Issue #11526
    • Added option --vehroute-output.internal to include internal edges in the output. Issue #10601
    • Specifying pedestrian <walk> with departPosLat="random" is now supported. Issue #10573
    • Option --devices.ssm.measures now supports comma-separated values. Issue #10478
    • When using the special string 'TIME' in file names, all written files now use the same time stamp. Issue #10346
    • Added option --pedestrian.striping.walkingarea-detail INT to increase the smoothness of pedestrian trajectories. Issue #8797
    • Added option --summary-output.period to reduce the frequency of summary output. Issue #2445
    • The slope of a vehicle now takes into account its length. Issue #8802
    • Rail signal constraints now support loading generic parameters. Issue #11880
    • Added options --edgedata-output FILE and --lanedata-output FILE to configure a very basic meanData output without the need for additional files. Issue #11939
    • Wireless simulation (btsender and btreciever devices) can now be enabled for persons. Issue #11950
  • netedit
    • Context menus on ambiguously overlapping objects now gives a choice of object. Holding ALT always gives all choices. Issue #10916
    • Saved detector names use descriptive tags instead of the 'E1,E2, ...' tags. Issue #11028
    • Hovering over an attribute now displays its full value in a tooltip if field is too narrow. Issue #11194
    • Added button to inspect vTypes/vTypeDistributions during vehicle inspection. Issue #10041
    • Added edge color legend in vehicle mode. Issue #10866
    • Now using distinct default id-prefix for flow, personFlow and containerFlow. Issue #11077
    • Adding network-recomputation status in the lower right corner. Issue #4725
    • Adding a reverse edge now supports adding an edge with the same or with shifted geometry for all spreadType values. Issue #11046
    • Add shortcut to open current location in Google Maps and OSM map to context menu. Issue #10506
    • A sumo configuration file can now be saved directly. Issue #11036
    • Joined traffic lights can now be defined for selected junctions via the context menu. Issue #11396
    • Create edge frame has two new checkboxes (disallow pedestrians,add sidewalk) to simplify creation of edges for pedestrian simulation. Issue #10969
    • In networks with pedestrian crossings, create edge frame disallows pedestrians on road lanes by default. Issue #10970
    • In move mode, alt+right-click on overlapped objects now allows marking the front element to be moved. Issue #10900
    • In vehicle mode: alt+right-click on overlapping routes, now allows marking the front element to be used when creating 'vehicle over route'. Issue #11009
    • In delete mode, ambiguous clicks now open a context menu for selecting the intended target. Issue #11606
    • In delete mode, the object to be deleted is now outlined. Issue #11636
    • Button tooltips can be enabled/disabled with a persistent toggle-button. Issue #11550
    • Creating accidental double stops for the same vehicle is now prevented. Issue #10078
    • Holding the middle button now allows panning the view (also in sumo-gui). Issue #11632
    • "Undo-Redo list" dialog now includes color codes and entity ids. Issue #4765
    • Using distinct walkingArea color to distinguish them from other objects. Issue #11724
    • Every vClass has its own icon now. Issue #9872, #11801
    • Kilometrage at cursor position is now shown in the edge context menu. Issue #11815
    • Added (optional) tooltips in attribute labels. Issue #11490
    • Hierarchical selection can now select connections and crossings as children. Issue #11863
    • Hierarchical selection now uses undo-group. Issue #11917
    • In data mode, the visualized attribute now remains active when changing between intervals. Issue #11881
    • By default, network geometry is now computed before entering data mode (to improve visualization of turn counts). To improve performance in large networks, this can be disabled with a (persistent) setting in the Processing menu. Issue #11918
    • Can now set and apply edge templates via context menu. Issue #2353
    • Traffic light mode:
      • phase table now permits moving phases up and down. Issue #10856
      • Added buttons reset either the current program or all programs of the current traffic light to their default. Issue #9072, #11357
      • phase table now shows index of each phase. Issue #11343
      • phase table has additional options when inserting a phase (i.e. duplicate, all green). Issue #10672, #3419
      • traffic lights can be renamed. Issue #11386
      • the list of programs is sorted by programID. Issue #11358
      • phase table shows cumulative time when hovering over the duration column. Issue #7962
      • tlType can now be changed directly. Issue #10757
      • Detectors for actuated traffic lights can now be customized visually. Issue #9598
      • Add buttons for visually creating and changing joined traffic lights. Issue #11367
  • sumo-gui
    • EdgeData and laneData values recorded by the current simulation can now be used for live edge coloring. Issue #9756
    • 3D view now permits clicking on more objects (lanes, junctions, traffic lights). Issue #10882
    • 3D view now supports realistic drawing of traffic signals for cars and pedestrians. Issue #10913, #11162
    • 3D view brightness can now be configured. Issue #11865
    • Stopped two-wheelers are now drawn without rider. Issue #10917
    • The front of the first rail carriage is now indicated by a black window in 'simple shape' mode. Issue #11369
    • Vehicle class 'taxi' is now indicated by additional decorations in simple shapes mode. Issue #11424
    • vClass-specific speed limits are now listed in lane parameter dialog if defined. Issue #11100
    • Fixed overlapping text for stop information (when show route is active). Issue #11462
    • The timeSinceStartup (from standing) is now listed in vehicle parameter dialog. Issue #11463
    • Status bar now indicates successful screenshot. Issue #11279
    • If a car has a custom arrivalPos or arrivalLane, these are now indicated when 'show route' is active. Issue #11533
    • Opening a second breakpoint editor is now prevented. Issue #10365
    • An active traci-server is now indicated in the status bar. Issue #5054
    • Kilometrage at cursor position is now shown in the lane context menu. Issue #11815
    • Added 'hide above threshold' to rainbow calibrator. Issue #11814
    • Generated color rainbow now includes MISSING_DATA color if data is missing. Issue #11927
  • netconvert
    • Input given via option --ptline-files is now filtered when reducing the network extent. Issue #11548
    • Declaring a node as fringe (attribute fringe) now disables walkingareas (that would be appropriate at a dead-end). Issue #11614
    • Added extra consistency checks for public transport stop ordering in OSM input (with regard to bidi-edges). Issue #11612
    • Original ids of edges of removed edges are now stored in joined junctions parameters. Issue #11428
    • OSM import now support more symbolic speed restrictions. Issue #11682, #11683
    • OSM import now sets the fringe type of nodes for dead-ends. Issue #6623
    • Option --fringe.guess now detects more outer fringe nodes. Issue #11754
    • Node clusters and joint traffic lights now get similar ids of the form "cluster_id0_id1" or "joinedS_...", "joinedG_...". Issue #3871
    • Joined ids are abbreviated with the scheme "cluster_id0_id1_id2_id3_#5more" if too many junctions / traffic lights are participating, see also -max-join-ids. Issue #10795
    • OSM: monorail import is now supported. Issue #11799
    • OSM: cable car (aerialway) import is now supported. Issue #11798
    • Added new junction type left_before_right (needed for right-hand traffic with special rules, i.e. Madagascar). Issue #11855
  • netgenerate
    • Now supports options --geometry.remove and --tls.discard-simple. Issue #11422
  • activitygen
    • Edges are now checked for their permissions before being used for passenger cars origin / destination. Issue #11445
  • polyconvert
    • Warning messages are now aggregated by default. Issue #11585
  • TraCI
    • Simpla: Added additional platooning criteria via new attributes 'edgeLookAhead', 'distLookAhead' and 'lcMinDist'. Issue #9252, #11236 (Thanks to Jörg Schweizer)
    • Simpla: platooning distances are now time-headways instead of gap-in-meters by default. Configurable with new attributes 'maxPlatoonHeadway', 'catchupHeadway', 'useHeadway'. Issue #11124
    • Net method traci.simulation.getOption can now be used to retrieve any simulation option. Issue #11319
    • person.getTaxiReservation parameter stateFilter now supports setting multiple bits. Issue #11501
    • Added function traci.trafficlight.updateConstraints for automated updating of rail signal constraints after rerouting. Issue #10134
    • Added function traci.gui.setAngle to change viewport angle. Issue #11239
    • Added functions traci.gui.addView, traci.gui.removeView to add/remove view windows. Issue #11760
    • TraCISignalConstraint now includes param data. Issue #11880
  • tools
    • now supports options --depart-attribute, --arrival-attribute to set extra constraints. Issue #6727
    • added more statistics on processed intervals. Issue #11328
    • Added option --total-count to set the total number of desired vehicles. Setting this to input reproduces counts from the loaded route files. Issue #11895, #11911
    • Can now load multiple route files. Issue #11338
    • added constraints for vehicles inserted at the same stop. Issue #11378
    • added option --params to make all comment information accessible as generic parameters (i.e. and see them in the gui). Issue #11880
    • Added option --bidi-conflicts to generated conflicts for bidirectional track use. Issue #11709
    • now supports option --tracefile to allow for quick replication of a simulation. Issue #11414
    • Added new tool to solve DRT problems with the ortools package. Issue #11413
    • Now prevents turn-arounds at the start and end of routes to improve traffic flow. Issue #10167
    • Now reliably generates trips in small networks. Issue #11563
    • Now aborts scenario building if when trying and failing to retrieve satellite data. Issue #11423
    • Now includes stdDev in outputs. Issue #10869
    • Can now extract csv descriptions from a .net.xml file. Issue #10756
    • Now handles missing attributes when removing attribute. Issue #11888
    • New option --min-dist-fringe which allows short fringe-to-fringe trips if trip generation with --min-dist fails repeatedly. Issue #10592
    • Option --fringe-factor now supports value max to force all departures and arrivals onto the fringe. Issue #11894
    • Now support plotting by rank (by specifying attribute @RANK). Issue #11605
    • Added new tool to evaluate the differenced between counting data (edge counts, turn counts, ...) and traffic recorded by a simulation (--vehroute-output with exit-times).
    • Now supports loading input with named routes. Issue #11879


  • Translation efforts for the graphical applications and command line messages have begun and contributions are welcome at Weblate. Issue #11237
  • Added xsd-schema for battery-export. Issue #11173
  • ACC model description now has additional information on platoon stability. Issue #11382
  • Github source download now includes all tests. Issue #11403
  • All applications now support appending list-type options in a configuration file with extra items via the command line. Issue #405
  • now stores network files as .net.xml.gz to conserve space. Issue #7713
  • Walk attribute departPosLat is now interpreted in the same coordinate system as used by the vehicles. For backward compatibility, the option --pedestrian.striping.legacy-departposlat may be set. Issue #11705
  • Added more entries to help menus of sumo-gui and netedit. Issue #11604
  • The new default --xml-validation mode is local which only reads the local schema file but does not do network access to prevent XXE attacks. Issue #11054
  • Cadyts-files can be downloaded again. Issue #11014
  • Fixed the default state of some netedit toggle buttons (but kept their default semantics). Issue #10066
  • Improved documentation for 3D-Visualization. Issue #10926

Version 1.14.1 (19.07.2022)#


  • Simulation
    • Fixed avoidable simulation slow-down (~20% in some scenarios). #11203 (regression in 1.9.0)
    • RailSignalConstraint-attribute 'active' is now saved in simulation state. Issue #11150
    • Fixed collisions with carFollowModel EIDM when running with option --ignore-junction-blocker. Issue #11184
    • Fixed bug where carFollowModel EIDM gets "stuck" at low speed. Issue #11165
    • Fixed emergency braking after lane change on junction. Issue #10988
    • Fixed IDM collision warnings due to imprecise braking when configured with low 'accel'. Issue #11199
    • Fixed bug where person fails to enter vehicle. Issue #11210
  • netedit
    • Fixed freezing when deleting an edge that is part of a multi-step person plan. Issue #11176 (regression in 1.14.0)
  • netconvert
    • Fixed invalid right of way rules when using custom contPos from side road at straight connection. Issue #11160
    • Fixed generation of rail crossing at junctions that require a traffic light. Issue #10777
  • TraCI
    • Fixed railSignalConstraints-deadlock after calling traci.trafficlight.swapConstraints. Issue #11007
    • Simpla now handles missing vType settings. Issue #11219
  • tools
    • Restored support for Python version 2 (regression in 1.14.0). Issue #11159
    • fixed distance computation. Issue #11170
    • now works with Ubuntu 22 stock pulp package. Issue #11179
    • Fixed import of railway types and usability with python2. Issue #9550
    • fixed mapping loops when the first point was off the map
  • TraCI / libsumo
    • Function 'traci.vehicle.rerouteTraveltime' now again respects custom travel times if currentTravelTimes is set to True. Issue #5943 (regression in 1.14.0)
  • Linux packaging
    • enabled Eigen3 support (needed for the overheadwires) for the RPM packages


  • Simulation
    • Added new laneChangeModel parameter lcOvertakeDeltaSpeedFactor to configure the threshold for not overtaking a slightly faster leader vehicle. Issue #11010
  • netedit
    • Warning dialog for loading the same file twice now permits overwriting duplicate elements. Issue #11058
    • View focus is now kept when transforming vehicles and persons between their trip/flow variants. Issue #11072
    • Improved generation of roundabouts involving edges with custom geometry endpoints. Issue #11045
    • Added junction context menu function for resetting edge endpoints. Issue #11044
    • Now showing a radius preview before converting junction to roundabout. Issue #11178
  • tools
    • Objects parsed from XML (sumolib.xml.CompoundObject) can now maintain their attribute order. Issue #11174
    • options (--period, --insertion-rate, --insertion-density) now permit a comma-separated list of time values (not only space-separated). Issue #11151
    • Now supports option --threads to enable parallelization. Issue #11187
    • Added validation of vehicle class options. Issue #11195

Version 1.14.0 (12.07.2022)#


  • Simulation
    • Fixed invalid speed when approaching stop for carFollowModel IDM. Issue #8577
    • Fixed unsafe insertion speed when the insertion lane requires multiple lane changes close to the insertion point. Issue #10761
    • Fixed invalid warnings about missing green phase for "off" and "stop" links. Issue #10835
    • Fixed pedestrian collision after jamming. Issue #10823
    • Fixed invalid jamming that persists after an overfilled busStop has cleared. Issue #10822
    • Fixed invalid detector placement for joined actuated traffic lights. Issue #10837
    • Fixed bug where taxi fails to drop off customer. Issue #10860
    • Setting a subsecond timeThreshold for e3detectors is now working. Issue #10881
    • Coasting decelerations have been implemented for HBEFA models. Issue #2110
    • Fixed invalid emissions for decelerating / standing vehicles for HBEFA and HBEFA3. Issue #2110, #4019
    • inductionLoop near lane end no longer miscounts pedestrians. Issue #10909
    • Fixed bug where person 'jumps' to stop when using option --persontrip.transfer.walk-taxi ptStops. Issue #10920
    • Fixed ride arrival position when using option ptStops. Issue #10919
    • routeProbReroute is now triggered only once per edge regardless of lane-changing. Issue #10943
    • Fixed inconsistent value for previous vehicle speed after loading simulation state. Issue #10922
    • Fixed errors when using departSpeed="avg" or departSpeed="last". Issue #10868
    • Fixed teleporting taxis when combining randomCircling with automatic rerouting. Issue #11079
    • Attribute startupDelay now has higher priority than speed adaptations for lane changing. Issue #11067
    • Fixed emergency breaking on approach to junction. Issue #11130
    • Lane changing fixes
      • Vehicles waiting at a red light no longer change lanes in response to vehicles passing the intersection. Issue #10665
      • Lane-specific speed limits now influence lane-changing decisions. Issue #8984
      • Inconvenience of slower lanes is now taken into account for cooperative changing. Issue #10714
      • Fixed invalid estimation of the number of required lane changes if multiple lanes are equally suitable. Issue #10769
      • Fixed bug where vehicles would enter lanes that are separated from a required lane by a forbidden lane. Issue #10512
      • Fixed unsafe speed adaptation for lane changing. Issue #10767
      • Fixed bug where cars performed strategic changes despite setting lcStrategic="-1". Issue #11109
      • Fixed collision during opposite direction driving. Issue #11118
      • Fixed issues during opposite-overtaking with the sublane model. Issue #10927
      • Fixed invalid vehicle angle during lane changing on internal edge. Issue #5879
    • NEMA controller fixes
      • Fixed crash when loading NEMA controller with invalid phases. Issue #10704
      • Fixed crash when loading NEMA controller embedded in .net.xml. Issue #10705
      • Fixed invalid initial state (until the first switch). Issue #10743
      • Fixed crash when custom detectors are missing. Issue #10745
      • NEMA Controller now prioritizes permitted left 'y' & 'r' over linked phase 'g'. Issue #10897
  • netedit
    • Fixed crash when loading a network (on very slow computers / builds). Issue #10750 (regression in 1.9.0)
    • Greatly increased rendering speed. Issue #10425 (regression in 1.11.0)
    • Fixed crash when drawing tazRelations. Issue #10929 (regression in 1.11.0)
    • Loaded named routes are now visible again. Issue #11008 (regression in 1.12.0)
    • Setting allow/disallow in create-edge frame is now working again. Issue #11096 (regression in 1.12.0)
    • Fixed incomplete demand output when defining a <flow> and a <pedestrianFlow> with the same id. Issue #11049
    • tls mode coloring of 'yellow' phase is now consistent with sumo-gui. Issue #10651
    • Loading a demand file only triggers a 'demand is modified' warning after actual modification. Issue #9529
    • Locate dialog buttons "select all" and "deselect all" now toggle selection status. Issue #10707
    • Editing traffic light parameters now marks it as changed. Issue #10673
    • Fixed various issues related to containers. Issue #10844
    • Fixed crash selecting tractionSubstation with rectangle selection. Issue #10896
    • Fixed handling of disconnected lanes of consecutive edges for e2Detectors and wires. Issue #10903
    • Fixed tazRelation coloring issues. Issue #10930
    • Checkbox 'Draw TAZ fill' now overrides taz attribute fill as intended. Issue #10928
    • Loading and saving a selection is now working for all data elements. Issue #10936
    • Fixed duplicate TAZ id when rendering filled taz. Issue #10944
    • tlType selection from drop-down list is now working after changing junction type. Issue #10956
    • Fixed bug where lanes could not be clicked after changing attribute numLanes. Issue #10964
    • Fixed narrow drop-down boxes in inspect mode. Issue #10955
    • Fixed wrong shortcuts listed in the Edit menu. Issue #10940
    • Fixed inconsistent traffic light settings when removing node from a joined traffic light by changing its type. Issue #11012
    • Fixed visualization of edge-data elements in dataMode. Issue #11032
    • Fixed inconsistent behavior of allow/disallow dialog in create-edge frame. Issue #11095
  • sumo-gui
    • Background images (decals) and multi-view settings are now restored on reload. Issue #10788 (regression in 1.13.0)
    • Background grid configured in settings is now shown when first opening gui. Issue #10789
    • Fixed invalid tranship color when coloring container by mode. Issue #10849
    • Fixed inconsistent treatment of missing data when coloring by attribute/param. Issue #10932
    • An opened breakpoint editor is now updated when clicking on 'time' links. Issue #11035
    • Fixed crash when drawing persons that enter a vehicle. Issue #11076
    • Detectors are no longer drawn on top of traffic light signals and right-of-way indicators. Issue #11132
    • 3D View:
      • Fixed 3D rendering of edge geometry with varying incline. Issue #4952
      • Fixed Vehicle orientation on sloped edges in 3D view. Issue #10905
      • Fixed invalid OSG light def written in decal (background image) settings. Issue #10950
      • Exported viewport settings mismatch with actual 3D-view #10949
      • Fixed Crash when setting up GL2 compatible shaders. Issue #10895
      • Visualisation settings now maintain their type (3D/2D). Issue #11000
      • Coloring vehicles by type attribute or randomly is now working. Issue #2120
      • Avoid duplicated background objects after loading/reloading. Issue #11047
      • Fixed rendering of walkingareas (they are now raised above the road level). Issue #10773
  • netconvert
    • Fixed invalid reduction in edge shape detail at very dense geometry. Issue #10727 (regression in 1.12.0)
    • Fixed crash when importing plain-xml with self-looped edge and re-occurring edge ids. Issue #10700
    • Fixed crash when loading OpenDRIVE road object validity record. Issue #10701
    • Reduced overly verbose ambiguous node type warnings. Issue #10827
    • Fixed missing tram connections at sharper turns on large junctions. Issue #10826
    • Option --geometry.remove now works correctly when merging networks. Issue #10853
    • Fixed generation of invalid pedestrian crossings. Issue #7625, #10894
    • Fixed invalid walkingarea shapes. Issue #11087, #11090
    • Patching the type of a loaded junction now has priority over option --tls.guess. Issue #11013
    • Fixed invalid right-of-way rules when using custom contPos at connections from a side road. Issue #11146
    • Generated traffic light plans now include all-red phases at very large junctions to ensure safe transitions between phases. Issue #10796
  • TraCI / libsumo
    • Function vehicle.setAcceleration now supports negative values. Issue #10693
    • Fixed invalid added stop on previous edge while already on junction. Issue #10859
    • Fixed invalid taxi state after re-dispatch (causing early taxi removal). Issue #10933
    • Function traci.load now resets a previous log file by the same name. Issue #10979
    • Fixed invalid mapping with vehicle.moveToXY onto intersections with parallel internal edges. Issue #10952
    • Fixed missing collision detection after vehicle.moveToXY where the vehicle makes a large "jump". Issue #10952
    • Fixed incomplete rail signal state reset after calling simulation.loadState. Issue #11001
    • Fixed crash when calling inductionloop.getVehicleData for detected pedestrians. Issue #11011
    • Fixed non-deterministic results for simulation.convertRoad. Issue #11002
    • Function 'traci.vehicle.rerouteTraveltime' now behaves the same in traci and libsumo in all cases. Previously, the argument currentTravelTimes was ignored by libsumo. The behavior in traci changed slightly: instead of using the current edge speeds and updating them for all vehicles, it now uses the aggregated routing mode (which also reacts to current speeds). Issue #5943
    • Fixed crash when calling traci.vehicle.updateBestLanes for vehicles not on the road network. Issue #11121
    • Fixed invalid choice of lane after calling traci.vehicletype.setVehicleClass. Issue #11117
    • Fixed some corner case of non-existing dll search paths for libsumo on Windows. Issue #10995
    • Fixed invalid active person count after removing waiting-for-depart stage. Issue #11127
    • Function traci.person.moveTo is now working (for pedestrians). Issue #11081
  • tools
    • game/ now uses the intended vehicle scaling and simulation delay. Issues #10783 (regression in 1.0.0)
    • sumolib now raises an exception instead of calling sys.exit if rtree module is missing and fallback is disabled. Issue #10666
    • sumolib uses the warnings module if rtree is missing which can be used to disable warnings. Issue #10666
    • emissionsDrivingCycle now aborts on an unreadable cycle. Issue #10754
    • Fixed bug where constraints for invalid stops were generated. Issue #10843
    • Fixed invalid handling of TAZ defined with tazSource and tazSink elements. Issue #10873
    • now longer writes flows with probability > 1. Issue #10887
    • No longer creates temporary route files in the base working directory. Issue #10878


  • Simulation
    • Added support for PHEMlight V5. Among other things, this permits modelling of fleet aging. Issue #10237
    • Added support for the HBEFA4 emission model with more than 800 emission classes. Issue #7277
    • Vehicles at longer planned stops now switch off their engine. Issue #10491, #4019
    • Automated engine start/stop can be modelled. Issue #10441
    • Jammed detectors of actuated traffic lights can now be ignored for phase extension after a configurable time threshold. Issue #5212
    • When jam detection is activated (i.e. via option --tls.actuated.jam-threshold), all detectors are usable for activation and this eliminates the warnings about "no controlling detectors". Issue #9280, #10682
    • InductionLoop detectors now support optional attribute 'length'. Issue #10668
    • Actuated traffic lights now support param key 'detector-length' to set the default length of its detectors. Issue #10668
    • Option --fcd-output.attributes now supports the value posLat to include lateral positions in fcd-output. Issue #10695
    • Setting lcSpeedGain="0" now fully disables changing for speedGain. Issue #10709
    • RailSignalConstraints can now be loaded in a deactivated state by setting attribute active="false". They can still be retrieved via TraCI. Issue #10799
    • Attribute 'period' is now an alias for attribute 'freq' in all detectors and both are now optional. Issue #10390
    • Added option --device.fcd.begin to customize begin time of fcd-output. Issue #10996
    • Added option --device.emissions.begin to customize begin time of emission-output. Issue #11052
    • Vehicle stops now support attribute onDemand="true" which lets them skip stopping if no persons wish to embark or disembark. Issue #11039
    • Added option --fcd-output.filter-shapes to restrict output to custom polygonal areas. Issue #11055
    • VType attribute 'lcOvertakeRight' is now supported by the sublane mode. Issue #11097
    • CarFollowModel EIDM now supports attribute startupDelay. Issue #10736
    • There is no warning about a missing green phase any longer for traffic light links which show "off" or "stop". Issue #10835
  • netedit
    • Persons and personFlows can now be transformed into each other via context menu (similar to vehicles and flows). Issue #10607
    • Containers and containerFlows can now be transformed into each other via context menu. Issue #10685
    • Traffic light mode now supports phase attributes earliestEnd, latestEnd (tlType=actuated) and vehExt,yellow,red (tlType=NEMA). Issue #10656
    • PersonPlan-mode now permits selecting the person via clicking (deselect with ESC). Issue #9606
    • Taz Mode: Added new button to update source and sink weight for fringe edges. Issue #4991
    • Now supports creating and editing NEMA controller. Issue #9599
    • A tooltip is now shown when the mouse is over any button in the button bar. Issue #10085
    • Traffic light type is now show in traffic light mode. Issue #3423
    • All attributes can now be reset to their default value by deleting the attribute content if that attribute has a default. Issue #9350
    • TAZ-source and TAZ-sink elements can now be inspected and selected (upon activating a new toggle button). Issue #10273
    • Stops for containers can now be defined. Issue #10855
    • Walkingareas are now shown. Issue #9168
    • Walkingareas can now be located by id. Issue #8580
    • Added 'confirm relation' button to tazRelation mode. Issue #10733
    • Shift-click in demand-stop mode now sets parent element (i.e. vehicle). Issue #10288
    • Added gzip file endings in file selection dialogs. Issue #10513
    • Create edge mode now visually previews whether a new junction will be created or an existing junction will be re-used. Issue #8454
    • A click-preview-indicator is now provided when creating tazRelations and vehicle-over-route. Issue #10997
    • A click-preview-indicator is now provided when splitting edges in in create-edge-mode. Issue #10998
    • The hide/show-TAZRel buttons can now be used to hide all relations. Issue #10972
    • Added dialog for fixing / reporting network element problems. Issue #10151
    • Improved visualization of trips between junctions. Issue #9901
    • Added warning dialog if the same additional/demand/data file is loaded twice. Issue #11057
    • A custom color rainbow is now supported for all data elements. Issue #10934
  • sumo-gui
    • InductionLoop detectors now list the time of continuos occupation in their parameter dialog. Issue #10671
    • 3D-view now permits opening vehicle context menu via right-click. Issue #10191
    • Geometry points of polygons junctions and walkingareas can now be annotated to aid in debugging (activated in the openGL settings). Issue #10594
    • Can now color polygons (and TAZ) randomly. Issue #10938
    • Added gzip file endings in file selection dialogs. Issue #10513
    • Right clicking on a pedestrian crossing now always opens its context menu (rather than the menu for the junction). Issue #10914
    • Breakpoints set in sumo-gui now override breakpoints from option --breakpoints. Issue #11061
  • netconvert
    • Now supports generating NEMA controllers. Issue #9599
    • Option --prefix now also modifies tlLogic ids. Issue #11062
  • netgenerate
    • Add option synonyms --random.lanenumber and --random.priority for options that apply to all network types. Issue #10775
    • Added option --random.type to pick a random edge type from all loaded types. Issue #10774
    • Options --geometry.split, --geometry.max-segment-length and --junctions.join-same are now supported. Together, they allow for generating intermediate junctions along the generated edges (i.e. for merging shifted grids). Issue #10787
  • TraCI
    • Each domain now supports the member DOMAIN_ID to retrieve the constant for subscriptions (i.e. traci.vehicle.DOMAIN_ID == traci.constants.CMD_GET_VEHICLE_VARIABLE). Issue #10963
    • It is now possible to retrieve lanearea detectors using traci.domain.subscribeContext. Issue #10960
  • tools
    • tls_csvSignalGroups now supports keyword actuated to declare time ranges for shorting/extending phases and causes programs of type actuated to be written. Issue #10719
    • osmWebWizard now uses a different projection when activating the "satellite background" option to ensure that the network matches the background.
    • Can now write discarded constraints as inactive by setting option --write-inactive. Issue #10800
    • Now supports plotting type 'g' to plot by leaderGap (requires fcd output with option --fcd-output.max-leader-distance). Issue #10839
    • Added various options to randomize stop assignment (i.e. to model random break-down of cars). Issue #10871
    • now supports loading trips with attributes fromTaz and toTaz. Issue #10924
    • now supports option --write-flows poisson to generate flows with poisson arrival pattern. Issue #10886
    • Can now load pedestrian walks as candidate routes. Issue #11041
    • Can now set explicitly randomized departPos and arrivalPos attributes. Issue #7977
    • Can now pass any kind of duarouter option using --duarouter-option-name VALUE. Issue #7347
    • Can now define a timeline of different demand levels. Issue #5739
    • Now supports option --insertion-rate to define demand as vehicles-per-hour and option --insertion-density to define demand as vehicles-per-hour-per-km. Issue#11053
    • All generated trips and route files now record the used randomTrips options. Issue #10973
    • now adapts the departSpeed to 'max' and departLane to 'best' if vehicles start on a cut route. Issue #10611
    • The traffic light games with multiple junctions can now be controlled with the keyboard. Issue #11056
    • The traffic light games now use phase switching instead of program switching. Issue #11063
    • sumolib.shapes.polygon now handles missing attributes. Issue #11092
    • now support saving and loading configuration files. Issue #10942
    • The new function sumolib.xml.parse_fast_structured now provides very fast parsing for heterogeneous nested xml files (i.e. tripinfo-output for vehicles and persons). Issue #9033
    • The new script can reduce the number of lanes for multi lane roads in a network splitting the edges before and after junctions


  • Outputfile comment header no longer includes options that were set automatically (only user defined options). Issue #10712
  • Outputs now use attribute period instead of freq whenever denoting a time period. Issue #10657
  • Updated default bicycle speed on highway.path and highway.cycleway. Issue #10976
  • Fuel consumption is now given in mg/s instead of ml/s to achieve consistency across liquid an gaseous fuels. For backward compatibility, the option --emissions.volumetric-fuel may be set. Issues #7277, #11026
  • The default parameters of the battery model have been changed to that of a KIA Soul EV (formerly the parameters were for a large electric bus). Issue #10883
  • The documentation now has a Copy-button next to every code block. Issue #11050

Version 1.13.0 (03.05.2022)#


  • Simulation
    • Fixed crash with departLane=best and given arrivalLane. Issue #10614 (regression in 1.9.0)
    • Fixed invalid switching for actuated traffic light in coordinated mode. Issue #10055
    • Various NEMA fixes. Issue #10081, #10082, #10090
    • Sorted vehroute output now preserves the loading order of vehicles that depart in the same simulation step. Issue #10087
    • Fixed failing train reversal after waypoint. Issue #10093
    • Fixed invalid route when specifying a trip that loops back onto the start edge with arrivalPos < departPos. Issue #2757
    • Fixed invalid error message when using mismatched parentheses in traffic light switching conditions
    • Fixed invalid arithmetic in custom logic for actuated tls ('-' was working as '+'). Issue #10224
    • Fixed sub-optimal insertion flow with departLane="best". Issue #10137
    • Scaling vehicles with vTypeDistribution now resamples the type for each added vehicle. Issue #10155
    • Trips with fromJunction, toJunction can now be loaded from additional file. Issue #10306
    • Rerouting now takes empty lanes into account in mean speed calculation. Issue #10345
    • Rerouting now ignores stopped vehicles in mean speed calculation if they can be overtaken. Issue #10336
    • Teleporting of blocked vehicles now works if they are blocked behind a stopping vehicles. Issue #1078
    • Vehicles that do not park at a stopping place now ignore attribute parkingLength. Issue #10463
    • Fixed creeping collision with carFollowModel "W99". Issue #10472
    • Fixed collision with carFollowModel "IDM". Issue #10471
    • Fixed warnings after a long vehicle changes lanes after turning. Issue #10481
    • Added vType attribute 'sigmaStep' to decouple the driving imperfection dynamics (sigma) of Krauss and related Models from the simulation step-length. Issue #10494
    • Fixed junction collision in sublane model. Issue #10458
    • Fixed xml schema error when loading data files written by netedit. Issue #1051
    • Fixed error related to NEMA detector naming. Issue #10517
    • CarFollowModel IDM with low decel values no longer overshoots stop position. Issue #10556
    • Unfinished (started) stops are now included in vehroute-output when setting option --vehroute-output.write-unfinished. Issue #10565
    • Fixed NaN-value in summary-output when setting speed limit to 0. Issue #10603
    • Fixed negative timeloss in person-walk tripinfo. Issue #10270
    • personFlow now re-samples walks from a routeDistribution. Issue #10632
    • Fixed invalid junction collision error. Issue #10637
    • Fixed bug where vehicles waiting within an intersection violate right-of-way after their green phase ends. Issue #8124
    • Fixed exaggerated precision of non-geodetic fcd-output attributes when using option --fcd-output.geo. Issue #10465
    • Fixed vehicle being discard with departPos="random_free" due to invalid memory-reuse. Issue #10647
    • opposite-direction driving
      • Can now overtake stopped vehicle when there is only a short gap afterwards. Issue #9994, #10338
      • Fixed failure to overtake fast vehicles. Issue #10194
      • Fixed error "unexpected end of opposite lane" when the number of lanes changes during overtaking. Issue #10193
      • Fixed invalid lane occupancy after opposite change (could lead to insertion failure). Issue #10314
      • Fixed crash after rerouting during opposite direction driving. Issue #10312
      • Fixed frontal collision. Issue #10340, #10383
      • Fixed deadlock on opposite overtaking slalom #10360
      • Fixed emergency braking in sublane-opposite-direction driving. Issue #10473
    • state loading
      • flows are now fully restored from a state file (without also loading the original route file). Issue #7471
      • route files are now fully reset when loading a state file. Issue #7471
      • Fixed crash on simulation.loadState with persons. Issue #10228, #10261
      • Fixed pedestrians behavior after quick-loading state. Issue #10229, #10245, #10250, #10260, #10257
      • Simulation with persons in loaded state now terminates reliably. Issue #10233
      • stops of named routes are now restored when loading state. Issue #10230
      • Fixed different randomness after loading state. Issue #10251
      • Fixed invalid fcd-output after loading persons from state. Issue #10259
      • Fixed invalid phase of actuated tls after loading state. Issue #10263
      • Fixed undetermined order of tls and pedestrian events #10265
      • Fixed invalid stopping duration of public transport vehicles after loading state. Issue #10266
      • Fixed crash when loading state with calibrators. Issue #10277
      • Fixed crash when loading state that was written with --vehroute-output.exit-times. Issue #10410
    • Fixed various crashes
      • Fixed emergency braking / crashing when using --extrapolate-departpos. Issue #10294, #10298
      • Fixed crash when defining a trip between junctions and triggered departure. Issue #10188
      • Fixed crash on parkingAreaReroute. Issue #10201
      • Fixed crash with waypoint on 0-capacity parkingArea #10211
      • Fixed crash when using arrivalEdge and rerouting. Issue #10276
      • Fixed crash when using option --weights.separate-turns with intermodal network. Issue #10416
      • Fixed crash when coloring streets by free parking spaces. Issue #10606
      • Fixed crash after teleporting within circular route. Issue #10634
    • Fixed various deadlocks
      • Fixed deadlock at on-off-ramp despite relief connection. Issue #10037 (regression in 1.6.0)
      • Fixed preventable deadlock in weaving situation by applying stronger braking. Issue #10028
      • Fixed lane-changing related deadlock in sublane simulation. Issue #10054
      • Fixed failure to overtake extremely long vehicle. Issue #10060
      • Fixed sublane model deadlock at width change on junction. Issue #10509
      • Fixed wide vehicle being blocked on junction. Issue #10521, #10523
      • Fixed blocked vehicle when combining opposite driving with parking search. Issue #10625
  • sumo-gui
    • Fixed crash when opening phase tracker window on invalid switching conditions. Issue #10121
    • Vehicles in the 3D-view are no longer hidden beneath a colored bubble. Issue #5735
    • Fixed frozen GUI after interactively removing vehicle. Issue #10291
    • param show-detectors now takes effect for NEMA controllers. Issue #10519
    • Fixed bug where color threshold names were not restored from settings file. Issue #10507
    • Setting 3D viewing angle in the viewport dialog is now working. Issue #5663
    • Fixed incorrect interpretation of some projection parameters (Windows only). Issue #10526
    • 3D options are no longer shown in viewport editor for 2D view. Issue #10540
    • exaggerated person-as-circle no longer exceeds car size when zoomed out. Issue #10633
    • Exaggerated trucks are now slightly larger than vehicles when zoomed out. Issue #10635
    • Fixed partially invisible individually defined parking spaces. Issue #10568 (regression in 1.10.0)
    • Fixed missing window focus at startup. Issue #10499
    • Fixed crash in phase tracker when annotating by 'time in cycle'. Issue #10069
    • GUI-defined traffic scaling is now preserved on reload. Issue #10096
    • Fixed several problems when clicking on time links in the message area. Issue #10225
    • Fixed memory leak when drawing polygons. Issue #10232
    • Fixed unnecessary wide parameter dialog for lanes that prohibit all vClasses. Issue #10341
    • Files saved via dialogs now ignore option --output-prefix. Issue #10347
    • Fixed red/black GUI on MacOS. Issue #7830
    • Fixed invalid exaggerated vehicle size when drawing vehicle as imgFile. Issue #10381
    • Loading edge data for unknown edges is no longer an error. Issue #10379
    • Fixed inconsistent gui settings on reload (settings will be kept on reload unless the settings-file was modified). Issue #10398
    • Cancelling a change in viewsettings now takes effect immediately. Issue #10495
    • Fixed x-axis annotation of moused-over value in plot window.
    • Fixed slow simulation when there are many vehicles at a parkingArea. Issue #10570
  • netconvert
    • Fixed crash when using option --railway.topology.extend-priority. Issue #10043
    • Fixed platform dependency in OpenDRIVE export. Issue #10030
    • Internal bicycle lanes which originate from a narrow bicycle lane are now narrow themselves. Issue #10051
    • removed obsolete multiple-connections warnings. Issue #10089
    • Fixed invalid junction shape when patching node positions to create zero-length edge (also affected netedit). Issue #10150
    • Now importing all types of traffic light signals from OpenDRIVE. Issue #10153
    • Fixed missing attribute in OpenDRIVE export. Issue #10301
    • Improve default shape for diagonal pedestrian crossings. Issue #10287
    • Fixed invalid XML characters in written junction names. Issue #10461
    • Fixed interpretation of OSM key junction=circular. Issue #10479
    • Fixed missing bus connection. Issue #10502
    • Fixed crash when merging overlapping networks with junction params. Issue #10528
    • Connections without conflict now have state Major (M) at "right_before_left" junctions. Issue #10439
  • netedit
    • Fixed undo related crashes. Issue #10588, #10591 (regression in 1.0.0)
    • Fixed invalid geometry when loading geo-polygons. Issue #10101 (regression in 1.10.0)
    • Fixed crash when creating geo-poi. Issue #10505 (regression in 1.10.0)
    • regressions in 1.12.0
      • Fixed crash when deleting last (or only) personTrip-element. Issue #10192
      • Fixed crash when changing departSpeed for flow. Issue #10165
      • Fixed inconsistent behavior of attributes in flow creation frame. Issue #10075
      • Fixed invalid error when loading shapes with location element. Issue #10112
      • Fixed invalid junction color after creating a trip (from/to). Issue #9980
      • Persons with an stop in their plan can now be created again Issue #10181
      • EdgeData und edgeRelData can be inspected and selected again. Issue #10130
      • When adding stops in demand mode, the list of potential parent elements (i.e. vehicles) now shows all possible candidates again. Issue #10074
    • Fixed invalid route when creating flow (embedded route) with via edges. Issue #10120
    • Vehicles and flows with embedded routes and junctions now appear in locate dialog. Issue #10173
    • Now validating route IDs. Issue #10235
    • Fixed conversion of junction to roundabout in lefthand network. Issue #10258
    • Fixed inconsistent move-mode behavior of E2Detector. Issue #10305
    • Data elements can no longer be given invalid attributes. Issue #10373
    • Rerouters and VSS no longer lose their edges and lanes after recomputing with volatile options. Issue #10386
    • Fixed error when deleting trips/flows between junctions. Issue #10391
    • Fixed crash when setting departLane of trips/flows between junctions. Issue #10396
    • Stops can now load tripId attribute. Issue #10475
    • Stops within embedded routes are now written sorted. Issue #10476
    • Fixed crash in edgeRelation mode. Issue #10485
    • Train visualization parameters (i.e. carriageLength) are now written. Issue #10553
    • Empty person plans now trigger a warning when saving. Issue #10566
    • Fixed bad visibility of dotted contour for very short edge. Issue #10555
    • Person drawing style takes now effect. Issue #10636
    • TLS index is no longer shown for non tls junctions. Issue #10649
  • duarouter
    • Route errors are now detected when using option --skip-new-routes. Issue #6113
  • polyconvert
    • Fixed bug that prevented shapefile import without projection. Issue #10420
  • meso
    • Fixed missing rerouting after delayed insertion. Issue #10328
    • Fix underestimated penalties when using option --meso-tls-penalty. Issue #10415
    • Penalties set by option --meso-minor-penalty are no longer affected by initial tls states. Issue #10419
    • Fixed exaggerated speeds at triggered stops. Issue #10488
    • Fixed crash with option --vehroute-output.stop-edges. Issue #10600
  • traci
    • Fixed invalid length value in TraCI response for context subscription. Issue #10108
    • Fixed crash when calling 'vehicle.replaceStop' to replace stop that was added from a named route before a vehicle departed. Issue #10135
    • libsumo and traci no longer differ on context subscriptions to TRACI_ID_LIST. Issue #7288
    • Fixed superfluous simulation step after traci.load. Issue #10164
    • traci.person.setSpeed is now working. Issue #10166
    • Added missing vType related functions from person domain (i.e. traci.person.getMaxSpeed). Issue #10169
    • Fixed invalid route and errors after removing stops with replaceStop on departure and rerouting. Issue #10209
    • Fixed inconsistent lane change state (left+right at the same time). Issue #10212
    • Fixed missing attributes in vehroute output after adding vehicle. Issue #10282
    • Fixed invalid collision when using moveToXY with high implicit speed. Issue #10367
    • Fixed discontinuous moveToXY mapping at low step length. Issue #10448
  • tools
    • now writes correct closing tag. Issue #10140 (regression in 1.11.0)
    • now supports complex tests and option CLEAR. Issue #10264, #8473
    • now works if an edge is part of multiple TAZ. Issue #10586
    • now works if an edge is part of multiple TAZ. Issue #10599
    • addStops2Routes now works when no type file is set. Issue #10610
  • miscellaneous
    • Fixed missing data files in libsumo wheel installation. Issue #9945****


  • Simulation
    • traffic lights
      • Traffic light type 'NEMA' now supports TS1 and TS2 offsets as well as Type 170. Issue #10013
      • Phase attributes 'minDur, maxDur, earliestEnd, latestEnd' can now be overridden with condition-expressions. Issue #10047
      • Traffic lights with custom switching rules now support custom runtime variables. Issue #10049
      • Traffic lights with custom switching rules now support user-defined functions. Issue #10123
      • Actuated traffic lights with custom switching rules can now retrieve the current time within the cycle using expression c:. Issue #10109
      • Improved error messages for invalid switching conditions of traffic lights to better identify the faulty input.
      • Actuated traffic lights may not omit phase attribute 'maxDur' which defaults to ~24days as long as attribute minDur is set. Issue #10204
      • Detector and condition states can now be included in tls output. Issue #10065
      • NEMA now supports cross phase switching. Issue #9983
    • Added support for poisson distributed flows #10302
    • vType attribute 'startupDelay' can now be used to configure startup loss time. Issue #7832
    • The default lateral alignment of bicycles is now "right" instead of "center". Issue #9959
    • edgeData output now supports attributes 'edges' and 'edgesFile' to reduce the output to a configurable list of edges. Issues #10025
    • edgeData output now supports attribute 'aggregate' to aggregate data for all (selected) edges. Issue #10026
    • Vehroute-output now includes attribute 'replacedOnIndex' for routes that were replaced after departure to resolve ambiguity for looped routes. Issue #10092
    • Added option --replay-rerouting to re-run scenarios from vehroute-output in the same way as the original run. Issue #3024
    • Added new vehicle attribute 'insertionChecks' that allows forcing vehicle insertion in unsafe situations. #10114
    • Added option --save-configuration.relative to write config-relative file paths when saving configuration. Issue #6578
    • Smoothed the effect size curve of vehicle impatience. Previously, most of the effect occurred at low impatience values and larger values did not matter. To compensate for the reduced gradient, the default of option --time-to-impatience was reduced from 300s to 180s. Issue #8507
    • Vehicle flows with equidistant spacing (i.e. period="x") now remain equidistant when the flow is increased via option --scale. Issue #10126
    • Added vType attribute 'scale' to allow type-specific demand scaling. Issue #1478
    • Option --emission-output.geo can be used to switch emission location data to lon,lat. Issue #10216
    • Person attribute 'speedFactor' can now be used to override speed distribution. Issue #10254
    • Added option --personroute-output to separate vehroute output for persons/containers from vehicle routes. Issue #10317
    • Option --fcd-output.attributes now supports value 'odometer' to include the odometer value and 'all' to include all values. Issue #10323
    • Option --time-to-teleport.ride causes persons and containers to "teleport" after waiting for too long for a ride. Issue #10281
    • Vehicles on long stops should no longer recompute their route. Issue #8851
    • Added warnings when a vehicle has stops with inconsistent timing information. Issue #10460
    • Added option --time-to-teleport.highways.min-speed to configure the speed threshold for applying --time-to-teleport.highways. Issue #8268
    • All carFollowModels now support attribute 'collisionMinGapFactor'. Issue #10466
    • Stop attribute 'endPos' can now be used to override automated stop position choice at busStop. Issue #10550
    • Flows now support attribute begin="triggered". Issue #10560
    • Added option emergency-insert to permit inserting vehicles at dangerous speeds. This behavior was previously a side effect of option --ignore-route-errors. Issue #10581
    • Attribute 'departEdge' can now be used with trips and flows. Issue #8992
  • sumo-gui
    • Enabled dpi awareness. Issue #9985
    • Traffic light type 'actuated' now supports parameters 'show-conditions' and 'hide-conditions' to customize visualization in the Phase Tracker Window Issue #10046
    • Traffic light type 'actuated' now supports parameters 'extra-detectors' to included additional detectors in the Phase Tracker Window Issue #10290
    • Detectors can now be triggered from the context menu even if there are no vehicles on it. Issue #10067
    • Saved configuration now always contains relative file paths. Issue #6578
    • Added menu entry 'Simulation->Load' to quick-load a saved state for the current network.
    • The keys pgdup/pgdown can now be used to change simulation delay (their former functionality of quick-panning the view was taken up by alt+arrows). Issue #10199
    • Greatly improved rendering speed of polygons. Issue #10240
    • Hotkey Ctrl + j now toggles drawing of junction shapes. Issue #10362
    • Background images (decals) now support environment variable resolution in their paths. Issue #10371
    • The space key can be used to toggle run/stop. Issue #10068
    • Improved visibility of vehicles with exaggerated size on multi-lane roads with exaggerated size. Issue #10483
    • Vehicle length no longer affects size when drawing as circles. Issue #10629
    • Improved positioning when drawing persons as circles. Issue #10608
  • netedit
    • Added (experimental) support for editing overhead-wire infrastructure. Issue #9480
    • Can now set stop attributes "tripID" and "line". Issue #6011
    • Hierarchy view now contains object ids. Issue #10076
    • Defining waypoints is now supported. Issue #10111
    • Improved accuracy of POI geo-positions. Issue #9353
    • Creating an element with custom id now works without setting a checkbox. Issue #10038
    • Stops of the current vehicle are now distinguished in color. Issue #10079
    • Reducing a network to a selection now works with the new "Reduce" button (instead of the less intuitive Invert+Delete). Issue #10084
    • Writing shortened xml header for additional files. Issue #10247
    • Vehicle stops and waypoints are now annotated with an index when inspecting the vehicle (and zooming in). Issue #10077
    • The context menu for vehicles and routes now includes the current route length. Issue #9354v
    • Lane members (i.e. for variableSpeedSign) can now be set by clicking in the view. Issue #9442
    • Parent elements (i.e. the busStop of an <access>) can now be set by clicking in the view. Issue #9652
    • In vType frame, an orange contour is drawn around vehicles with the current selected vType. Issue #10356
    • Improved feedback after reloading additionals. Issue #9362
    • Hotkey Ctrl + j now toggles drawing of junction shapes. Issue #10362
    • Added 'smooth shape' to the connections context menu. Issue #10352
    • Deleting lanes in now works in create-edge mode. Issue #10409
    • Saving (compressed) networks with '.net.xml.gz' extension is now possible. Issue #10624
  • netconvert
    • Improved speed of OSM import. Issue #8147
    • OpenDRIVE export now includes <signal> and <controller> information. Issue #2367
    • OpenDRIVE import now uses more information to compute junction shapes. Issue #10337
    • Option --opposites.guess.fix-lengths is now enabled by default. Issue #10326
    • The character ':' is now permitted edge and junction ids except as leading character. Issue #10421
    • OSM: now importing additional bus stops. Issue #10503
    • Short roads without streetname can now be merged with longer roads that define a name. Issue #10582
    • A network file can now be patched with geo-coded plain-xml files by setting a projection (i.e. --proj.utm). Issue #10628
  • polyconvert
    • Shapefile with geometry encoded as linestring2D is now supported. Issue #10100
  • duarouter
    • Option --randomize-flows now applies to personFlow. Issue #10182
  • traci
    • Added function 'traci.inductionloop.overrideTimeSinceDetection' and 'traci.lanearea.overrideVehicleNumber' to trigger the detector without the need for vehicles and facilitate traffic light testing. Issue #10045, #10048
    • function 'traci.vehicle.setPreviousSpeed' now supports an optional parameter to set the previous acceleration. Issue #10097
    • function `traci.simulation.subscribeContext' can now be used to subscribe to all objects in the simulation network. Issue #8388
    • Added function 'vehicle.insertStop' to add stops anywhere in the stop list and reroute automatically. Issue #10132
    • Added function 'vehicle.setStopParameter' to set any possible attribute for any upcoming stop. Issue #7981
    • Added function 'vehicle.getStopParameter' to retrieve any possible attribute for any past or upcoming stop. Issue #10160
    • Added functions 'simulation.getScale' and 'simulation.setScale' to access the global traffic scaling factor. Issue #10161
    • Added functions 'vehicletype.getScale' and 'vehicletype.setScale' to access the type-specific traffic scaling factor. Issue #10161
    • Added functions 'getDetEntryLanes, getDetExitLanes, getDetEntryPositions, getDetExitPositions' to 'multientryexit' domain. Issue #10083
    • Actuated traffic lights now supports the keys cycleTime, cycleSecond, coordinated, offset in setParameter and getParameter calls. Issue #10234
    • Actuated traffic lights can now retrieve switching condition states via trafficlight.getParameter(tlsID, "condition.CONDITION_ID") #10561
    • Added function 'vehicle.setAcceleration' Issue #10197
    • Function vehicle.replaceStop now supports the flag 'teleport=2' to trigger rerouting after stop removal. Issue #10131
    • Function vehicle.moveToXY now "guesses" the next route edges to prevent artifacts when reaching the end of the current route. Issue #4250
    • Experimental support for libsumo with GUI (only works on Linux / Mac yet). Issue #6663
  • tools
    • Can use measures "speed", "speedKmh", "routeLength", can switch to the fast XML parser and can also filter by route length . Issue #10044
    • now supports the same signal states as the simulation. Issue #10063
    • allow filtering road types and shapes in OSM API query to reduce download size. Issue #7585
    • can now select desired road types to reduce download size. Issue #7585
    • added new option --edge-relations to write edge-based OD relations (without the need for a TAZ file). This type of output can be usd with Issue #10058
    • When setting option --random-depart, with a fractional value for option --period, the depart times now have sub-second resolution. Issue #10122
    • now supports option --random-routing-factor to increase the variance of generated routes. Issue #10172
    • added library function Issue #10318
    • now supports error propagation for attributes starting with _std. Issue #10103
    • Option --taz now works together with time filtering and --subpart filtering. Issue #10404
    • Added tool which creates detector definitions based on geographic coordinates.
    • now supports option --keep-all to keep 0-capacity areas. Issue #10612
    • now supports options --edge-type.keep and --edge-type.remove to filter by edge type. Issue #10615
    • should now preserves vTypes. Issue #10613
    • now supports reading attributes from multiple files. Issue #10643
    • added new tool to run a configuration multiple times with different random seeds and collect distinct outputs. Issue #10642


  • simulation
    • Rerouter attribute 'file' is no longer supported. Intervals should be child elements of rerouters. Alternatively, element <include href="FILE"/> may be used. Issue #9579
    • Improved error message when using <stop> elements and attribute via in an inconsistent manner. Issue #10110
    • limit internal precision of random variables (i.e. sampled speedFactor or random departSpeed) to 4 decimal digits and enforced the same minimum output precision. This avoids problems when replicating a scenario based on vehroute-output. Issue #10091

Version 1.12.0 (25.01.2022)#


  • simulation
    • Fixed bug where persons could enter the wrong vehicle and thereby cause a taxis simulation to crash. Issue #9821, #9733 (regression in 1.11.0)
    • tripId is now updated again when passing waypoints. Issue #9751 (regression in 1.11.0)
    • calibrator speed -1 no longer triggers error. Issue #9767 (regression in 1.11.0)
    • Fixed invalid error on taxi dispatch. Issue #9695, #9867
    • Fix person model bug where person enters jammed state without good reason. Issue #9717
    • Fixed invalid error on mismatch between ride destination stop and vehicle destination stop. Issue #9712
    • Parking search no longer stalls when all current alternatives are known to be full. Issue #9678
    • Fixed crash when retrieving detected persons with an active vTypes filter. Issue #9772
    • Fixed various issues with emergency vehicle behavior, Issue #9310, #9768
    • Fixed bug where parkingReroute failed due to invalid rerouteOrigin. Issue #9778
    • Fixed inconsistent arrival times for trains approaching red and green signals. Issue #9788
    • Fixed slow sublane simulation on large networks with only a few vehicles. Issue #9816
    • Fixed emergency braking of carFollowModel CACC at small step lengths. Issue #9831
    • Setting --step-length > 1 now raises a warning for default tau. Issue #1375
    • Fixed superfluous route extension for taxi with idle-algorithm 'randomCircling'. Issue #9866
    • Fixed collisions and emergency braking for Wiedemann carFollowModel. Issue #1351, #5715, #9832
    • CarFollowModel EIDM now respects emergencyDecel. Issue #9618
    • Fixed bug in driving speed calculation for EIDM. Issue #9878
    • Stop positions between 0 and 0.1 can now be defined. Issue #9915
    • Fixed invalid collider/victim classification for junction collision. Issue #9916
    • Fixed collision on junction when long vehicle cuts a corner. Issue #4431
    • Fixed invalid junction collision warning. Issue #9920
    • Fixed junction collision when bluelight vehicle drives on red. Issue #9919
    • Fixed missing access stage after ride to busStop. Issue #9958
    • Detector <param>s are noW loaded. Issue #9578
    • Various NEMA fixes. Issue #9965, #9971, #9940, #9987
    • Fixed invalid tripinfo for persons that did not finish their plan by simulation end. Issue #8461
    • When setting option --vehroute-output.sorted, all persons are now sorted. Issue #9929
    • Fixed deadlock at parkingArea with onRoad="true". Issue #10005
    • opposite direction driving
      • Fixed crash on opposite direction driving (at looped road). Issue #9718
      • Opposite direction overtaking now takes into account slopes. Issue #9719
      • Fixed collision during opposite direction driving near junction. Issue #9721
      • Fixed invalid maneuver distance when returning from opposite side. Issue #9536
  • netedit
    • Fixed bug preventing inspection of tazRelations. Issue #9728
    • splitting and merging edges with custom length now preserves total length. Issue #9617
    • can now load parkingAreaReroute without probability attribute. Issue #9640
    • Fixed invalid weights of sinks and sources when loading taz from file. Issue #9672
    • Fixed unclickable ParkingArea after moving junction with active grid. Issue #9639
    • Fixed rendering of turn direction arrows for narrow lanes. Issue #9738
    • In create-edge mode: shift-click to split edge now takes into account active grid. Issue #9624
    • Fixed crash on undo after resetting connections. Issue #9673
    • Stop attribute "triggered" now supports symbolic string values. Issue #9563
    • Fixed missing 'end' attribute when converting trip to flow. Issue #9834
    • Routes now longer have a color unless set by the user. Issue #9512
    • Stops can no longer be created on edges that do not belong to the route. Issue #9923
    • Routes with invalid stops (invalid order or edge) now trigger a dialog for corrections on saving. Issue #9921
    • TLS mode now always shows the correct connection shape. Issue #9962
    • When splitting an edge, all routes passing that edge are now adapted. Issue #9511
  • sumo-gui
    • Fixed crash when using guiShape "truck/trailer" or "truck/semitrailer" for short vehicles. #9682 (regression in 1.11.0)
    • Fixed inconsistent behavior when storing gui settings in registry. Issue #9693
    • Fixed meso vehicle tracking focus. Issue #9711
    • Exaggerating stopping place size only increases symbol size. Issue #9370
    • Fixed invisible rerouter on short edge. Issue #9779
    • Fixed invalid detector visibility when switching actuated traffic light program on. Issue #9877
    • Fixed keyboard navigation in locate object dialogs. Issue #9740
    • Rerouter symbols are no longer drawn on sidewalks. Issue #9908
    • Fixed various inconsistencies in the TLS Phase tracker. Issue #9963
    • Fixed occasional freezing during person simulation. Issue #9973
  • netconvert
    • Fixed unsafe location of internal junctions that were causing collisions in the simulation. Positioning can be controlled with option --internal-junctions.vehicle-width and setting this to 0 restores legacy behavior. Issue #4397
    • Fixed invalid network when importing public transport and sidewalks. Issue #9701 (regression in 1.10.0)
    • Fixed invalid internal junction location. Issue #9381
    • Fixed unsafe intersection rules that could cause emergency braking at pedestrian crossing. Issue #9671
    • Fixed invalid error when loading projections with '+geogrids' entry on windows. Issue #9766
    • Fixed invalid handling of loaded roundabouts when the network is modified. Issue #9810
    • Network building now aborts when a type file could not be loaded. Issue #9392
    • Option --ignore-errors now ignores duplicate node ids in dlr-navteq input. Issue #8581
    • Reduced variation between platforms. Issue #9874
    • Fixed invalid connectivity at motorway ramp when importing OSM lane change prohibitions. Issue #9939
    • Fixed invalid link direction when there are multiple turnaround edges. Issue #9957
    • Options and --tls.ungroup-signals now work for pedestrian crossings. Issue #9521, #9997
    • Fixed invalid permissions when leaving multi--lane-roundabout from inner lane. Issue #10017
    • invalid edge geometry after trying to patch very short edge. Issue #10018
    • OpenDRIVE
      • Fixed invalid LaneLink index in OpenDRIVE export. Issue #9637
      • Fixed too sparse geometry in OpenDRIVE import when using --geometry.min-dist. Issue #10012
      • Fixed geometry affected by spacing of non-driving lanes. Issue #4913
      • Several geometry fixes that mostly affect OpenDRIVE: #10018, #1498
  • meso
    • Fixed invalid stop arrival time in meso. Issue #9713
    • Fixed invalid ride depart time and route length when starting directly after stop. Issue #9560
    • No more warnings about small tau. Issue #9505
    • Dynamically modified road permissions (i.e. closingReroute with disallow and closingLaneReroute) are no longer ignored and can now cause jamming. Issue #9950, #10010
    • Fixed invalid capacity in intermodal scenario. Issue #8167
  • duarouter
    • Option --write-costs now also applies to walks/rides, Option --route-length now applies to normal vehicles. Issue #9698
    • Fixed invalid error on mismatch between ride destination stop and vehicle destination stop. Issue #9730
    • Fixed invalid route output when using option --remove-loops on routes with multiple loops. Issue #9837
    • Fixed inconsistent vType defaults for speedFactor. Issue #9864
    • Fixed inconsistent railway routing results for stops on consecutive bidi-edges. Issue #9949
    • Fixed inconsistent handling of personTrips and explicit trip items. Issue #5821
    • Setting --vtype-output NUL now discards vtypes. Issue #9991
  • jtrrouter
    • Unsorted flows now trigger a warning. Issue #9327
    • Fixed inconsistent vType defaults for speedFactor. Issue #9864
  • marouter
    • Fixed wrong begin and end times in marouter output with additive traffic. Issue #10004
  • traci
    • New programs created via 'trafficlight.setProgramLogic' now support GUI access. Issue #549
    • turn subscription filter no longer crashes when crossings are present in foe lanes. Issue #9630
    • Fixed crash when calling vehicle.rerouteParkingArea for newly added vehicle. Issue #9755
    • Fixed invalid warnings when adding turn/lanes filter with context domain person. Issue #9760
    • TraCI server no longer hangs when trying to add a subscription filter without previous vehicle subscription. Issue #9770
    • Fixed memory leak in libsumo::TrafficLight::getCompleteRedYellowGreenDefinition. Issue #9818
    • Fixed bug where calling changeSublane with high 'latDist' value, causes exaggerated maneuverDistance. Issue #9863
    • Fixed crash when calling getStopDelay for a vehicle that isn't in the network. Issue #9944
  • tools
    • fixed distance bias against long parkingAreas. Issue #9644
    • warning message instead of crash when trying to load an empty interval. Issue #9754
    • Now handles disallowed vClass and vTypes with undefined vClass. Issue #9792
    • Now handles intermediate parking stops. Issue #9806
    • Fixed encoding problems in #9893
    • now supports python3. Issue #9951
    • can now handle gzipped input on Windows. Issue #8807
  • Miscellaneous
    • Specifying NUL output on the command line finally works. Issue #3400
    • Fixed unhelpful error message when defining invalid color in XML input. Issue #9623
    • Time output beyond 25 days now works correctly with all compilers. Issue #8912


  • simulation
    • Persons are now included in saved simulation state when setting option --save-state.transportables. Issue #2792
    • Traffic lights of type 'actuated' and 'delay_based' now support attributes 'earliestEnd', 'latestEnd' and param 'cycleTime' to configure coordination. Issue #9748, #9885, #9889
    • Traffic lights of type 'actuated' now support custom logical conditions for switching. Issue #9890
    • Added attribute speedRelative to edgeData output. Issue #9601
    • Option --fcd-output.attributes can now be used to active non-standard attributes (i.e. acceleration). Issue #9625
    • Rerouting period can now be customized via <param key="device.rerouting.period" value="X"/> in vType or vehicle. Issue #9646
    • Detector processing now takes less time if their output file is set to 'NUL'. Issue #7772, #9620
    • Vehicle attribute departSpeed now supports the values 'last' and 'avg'. Issue #2024
    • Traffic light type 'NEMA':
      • now supports param 'fixForceOff' which permits non-coordinated phases to use the unused time of previous phases. Issue #9848
      • Added "fully actuated" operation support. Issue #9933
      • Added "Rest in Green" functionality when not in coordinated mode. Issue #9937, #9968
      • Supporting phase skipping. Issue #9897
      • Supporting Green Transfer. Issue #9954
    • parking search:
      • Parking search now supports <param key="parking.anywhere" value="X"/> which permit using free parkingArea along the way after doing unsuccessful parkingAreaReroute x times. Issue #9577
      • Parking search now supports <param key="parking.frustration" value="X"/> which increases the preference for visibly free parkingAreas over time. Issue 9657
      • Parking search now supports <param key="parking.knowledge" value="x"/> to let driver "guess" the occupancy of invisible parkingAreas with probability x. Issue #9545
      • Vehicles now collect occupancy information for all parkingareas along the way during parking search. Issue #9645
  • sumo-gui
    • All text setting now have the checkbox "only for selected" to display text selectively. Issue #9574
    • Added vehicle setting "show parking info" which labels parking memory (block time and scores) for vehicles with active route visualization. Also, the vehicle is labeled with the number of parking reroutes since the last successful parkingArea stop. Issue #9572
    • Can now color roads "by free parking spaces". Issue #9643
    • Added context menu entry to open map location in an online map. Issue #9787
    • Vehicle size can now be scaled by attribute. Issue #9567
    • Added speedFactor to vehicle type parameter dialog. Issue #9865
    • The locate dialog has improved keyboard navigation, optional case-sensitivity and optional auto-centering. Issue #9902, #9876
    • Traffic light parameter dialog now includes cycle duration, timeInCycle, earliestEnd and latestEnd. Issue #9784
    • Parameter Tracker window enhancements:
      • The value at the cursor position is now highlighted and printed. Issue #9976
      • When saving data, the time values are now included. Issue #9977
      • Plotting multiple values in the same window is now supported by activating 'Multiplot' and starting more plots. Issue #9984
    • Phase Tracker window enhancements:
      • shows switch times with configure style (seconds, MM:SS, time-in-cycle). Issue #9785
      • optionally shows green phase durations.
      • remembers window position and size. Issue #9826
      • shows phase index or phase name. Issue #9836
      • optionally draws states of actuation detectors. Issue #9887, #9952
      • optionally draws states of custom switching conditions. Issue #9928
  • netedit
    • Trips and flows between junctions (fromJunction, toJunction) are now supported. Issue #9081
    • The name prefixes for all created additional elements can now be configured and their defaults have been shortened. Issue #9666
    • Add images for the guiShapes in the vType attributes editor. Issue #9457
    • All output elements now write 'id' as their first attribute. Issue #9664
    • All elements of a side frame can now be collapsed/expanded. Issue #6034
    • Trips with a single edge can now be created. Issue #9758
    • Added lane context menu function "set custom shape". Issue #9741
    • Loading and setting of vTypeDistributions is now supported. Issue #9435
    • List of issues from 'demand element problems'-dialog can now be saved to file. Issue #7868
    • Lane change prohibitions (changeLeft, changeRight) are now visualized. Issue #9942
    • Selections can now be modified based on object hierarchy (i.e. to selection junctions for all selected edges). Issue #9524
    • Improved visibility for short edges. Issue #9434
  • netconvert
    • OSM: import of public transport now supports share_taxi (PUJ) and minibus. Issue #9708
    • OSM: attribute turn:lanes is now used to determine lane-to-lane connections when option --osm.turn-lanes is set. Issue #1446
    • OSM: importing airports (aeroways) is now supported. Issue #9800
    • Simplified edge and junction names in OpenDRIVE import. (i.e. '42' instead of '42.0.00'). The option --opendrive.position-ids is provided for backward compatibility. #9463
    • Added option --opendrive.lane-shapes which uses custom lane shapes to account for spacing of discarded lanes. Issue #4913
    • Added option --railway.topology.extend-priority which extrapolates directional priorities in an all-bidi network based on initial priorities. Issue #9683
    • OpenDRIVE export and import now supports writing and reading the <offset> element for handling shifted geo references. Issue #4417, #10006
  • duarouter
    • can now write route costs in regular route output. Issue #9667
  • TraCI
    • 'traci.vehicle.getParameter' and 'setParameter' now support all laneChangeModel parameters. Issue #10011
  • tools
    • Option --prefix now also applies to route ids. Issue #9634
    • added option --prefer-visible which prefers visible alternatives regardless of distance. Issue #9642
    • added option --distribute which sets a distance distribution for the given number of alternatives (instead of always using the closest parkingAreas). Issue #9566
    • added option --visible-ids to set visible parkingAreas explicitly. Issue #9669
    • Can now generate stationary traffic to fill each parkingArea to a configurable occupancy. Issue #9660
    • added option --relpos for configuring stop position along edge. Issue #9795
    • Added tool to generate parkingAreas for some or all edges of a network. Issue #9659
    • now supports option --internal for plotting internal edges. Issue #9729
    • now supports option --random-depart to randomize departure times. Issue #9735
    • now supports option --interval to aggregated data by depart time (or by arrival time with option --by-arrivals) Issue #9746
    • now supports option --plain-geo to write locational diffs in geo coordinates. Issue #9808
    • now also writes diff for edge type file. Issue #9807
    • now supports option --xml-output to write route scores for post-processing. Issue #9862
    • now support option --fringe-junctions to determine the fringe from junction attribute 'fringe'. Issue #9948
    • emissionsDrivingCycle now permits loading of electric vehicle params via the new options --vtype and --additional-files. Issue #9930
    • Tool used for aggregate battery outputs in custom intervals. Issue #10583
