Some people extended SUMO or built tools to make it more usable. Not all of these extensions have found its way to what we would call "SUMO core".
Within SUMO#
The following extensions became a core part of the SUMO package.
- TraCI
online interaction with the simulation
Included in the Distribution#
The following contributions are included in the package, but are less supported.
- Cadyts
a tool by Gunnar Flötteröd which adapts the simulate flows to the real flows in a known net
a tool by Joerg Schweizer supporting the whole SUMO toolchain with a GUI especially for demand modelling
- LiSuM
a middleware that couples LISA+ and SUMO to simulate real-world traffic light controllers and execute real-world traffic control software within SUMO.
a scriptable and user-defined activity-based mobility scenario generator for SUMO. Generate intermodal traffic demand from OSM input howto
SUMO Traffic Modelera graphical user interface for defining high-level traffic for SUMO(obsolete)
External extensions#
The following extensions are managed and supported by other parties.
Demand Generators#
- Citymob for Roadmaps
mobility pattern generator for vehicular networks (VANet focus)
Scenario and Network Editors#
- eWorld
an application that allows to convert and enrich roads networks
- Sumo2Unreal
an importer for SUMO's .net.xml road network files into the Unreal Engine 4 environment.
Connections to Network Simulators#
- Veins
connects SUMO to OMNeT++
- iTetris
connects SUMO to ns-3
- TraNS
connects SUMO to ns-2
connects SUMO to ns-2
C2X environment connecting SUMO to different network and application simulators (OMNeT++ and JiST/SWANS)
- TraCI4Matlab
A Matlab interface for connecting and extending information via TraCI
- TraaS
A SOAP(webservice) interface for connecting and extending information via TraCI. Also a Java TraCI client library
- ocit2SUMO
Generate traffic light signal plans from OCIT® data
a framework for applying reinforcement learning and custom controllers to SUMO, developed at the University of California, Berkeley [1]
- Webots
coupling with a robot simulator
supports VANET simulations by interfacing with SUMO
- SumoNetVis
A python library to render Sumo network files and trajectories with matplotlib or as an OBJ file.
SUMO as a cloud service to build, run and analyze simulation scenarios, developed by the DLR spin-off company co4e GmbH
The following extensions exist or have existed, but their state is unclear.
- iTranSIM
extension by online-calibration using induction loop data by Tino Morenz
- SmallMaps
prunes road networks to a given boundary; by Andreas Florides
SUMOPlayer was removed in release 0.24.0. You should be able to use for the same task.