
Supported export formats#


The default output format, when using no other options. While being partly similar in structure to the plain format below, this file is not meant to be edited by hand since there are complex dependencies between the various parts. The name of the file to write the network into can be given using the option --output-file <FILE>. --sumo-output <FILE> and --output <FILE> are synonyms. If any of the other outputs below is active the SUMO network will only be generated if the --output option is set.


Parsed node and edge definitions may be saved into XML-files which have the same format as the ones used for importing XML-networks as described in Networks/Building_Networks_from_own_XML-descriptions. This shall ease processing of networks read from other formats than XML. The option --plain-output <FILE> lets netconvert and netgenerate generate four files named "<FILE>.nod.xml", "<FILE>.edg.xml". "<FILE>.con.xml", and "<FILE>.tll.xml" which contain the previously imported nodes, edges, connections, and traffic light logics, respectively. If the original network contained edge type information a fifth file with the name "<FILE>.typ.xml" will be generated.

The edge file contains the list of previously read edges and each edge will have the information about the edge's id, the allowed velocity, the number of lanes, and the from/to - nodes stored. Geometry information is stored only if the imported edge has a shape, meaning that it is not only a straight connection between the from/to-nodes. The lane spread type and the basic edge type are only saved if differing from defaults ("right" and "normal", respectively). Additionally, if one of the lanes prohibits/allows vehicle classes, this information is saved, too (see also "Defining allowed Vehicle Types").


To write the imported/generated network as a OpenDRIVE file (version 1.4), use the option --opendrive-output <FILE>. The extension for OpenDRIVE networks is usually ".xodr".

Some notes:

  • The feature is currently under implementation
  • road - the normal ones
    • the road type is always set to "town" for the complete street
    • the lane type is set to either biking, sidewalk, tram, none or driving according to the edge permissions.
    • link
      • The road is always connected to the nodes it is outgoing (predecessor) / incoming (successor) from/to
    • planView
      • the geometry is given as lines and paramPoly3
    • no road widenings are modeled - if the number of lanes changes, the road changes
    • elevationProfile is written if the network contains 3D geometries
    • lateralProfile does not contain relevant information
    • the roads are always unidirectional, this means only the center lane and the right lanes are given
    • objects and signals do not contain relevant information

Recommended options

  • --junctions.scurve-stretch 1.0. This elongates junction shapes to allow for smooth transitions (values around 1.0 can be used to reduced or increase stretching)
  • --output.original-names. This records the edge IDs from the corresponding .net.xml within <userData sumoID="..."/> elements as children of the <road>

Embedding Road Objects#

To include road objects in the generated xodr-output, the following conditions must be met:

  • a polygon file is loaded with <poly> and <poi> elements
  • either:
    • edges include the generic parameter <param key="roadObjects" value="POLY_D1 POLY_ID2 ... POLY_IDK"/>
    • option --opendrive-output.shape-match-dist FLOAT is set to automatically match loaded polygons and POIs to the closest network edge

Such edges will receive the polygon objects with the indicated IDs as road objects


To write the imported/generated network as a MATSim file, use the option --matsim-output <FILE>. The extension for MATSim networks is usually ".xml".

Please note that the capacity is computed by multiplying an edge's lane number with the capacity norm:


The value of CAPACITY_NORM is controlled via the option --capacity-norm <FLOAT> (default: 1800).


The --dlr-navteq-output <FILE> generates a links, a nodes and a traffic lights file matching extraction version 6.5 by default. The version can be set using the option --dlr-navteq.version <STRING>. A version of 7 or larger will trigger the output of additional attributes such as maximum height and width.


The Amitran network format consists of a single XML file conforming to the schema at https://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/amitran/network.xsd. The option --amitran-output <FILE> writes the data to a file with the following format

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<network xmlns:xsi="https://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/amitran/network.xsd">
   <node id="0" type="rightBeforeLeft"/>
   <node id="1" type="priority"/>
   <link id="0" from="1" to="0" roadClass="4" length="136448" speedLimitKmh="20" laneNr="1"/>

where all values are integers (the length is in units of 0.01m, the road class is a functional road class in the Navteq sense)

Converting to other GIS formats#


Conversion of .net.xml file with python tool net2geojson


Conversion of .net.xml file with python tool net2kml

Seventh Framework Programme AMITRAN project This part of SUMO was developed, reworked, or extended within the project "AMITRAN", co-funded by the European Commission within the Seventh Framework Programme.