Eclipse SUMO - Simulation of Urban MObility
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /****************************************************************************/
2 // Eclipse SUMO, Simulation of Urban MObility; see
3 // Copyright (C) 2001-2024 German Aerospace Center (DLR) and others.
4 // This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
5 // terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at
6 //
7 // This Source Code may also be made available under the following Secondary
8 // Licenses when the conditions for such availability set forth in the Eclipse
9 // Public License 2.0 are satisfied: GNU General Public License, version 2
10 // or later which is available at
11 //
12 // SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 OR GPL-2.0-or-later
13 /****************************************************************************/
21 // Some parser methods shared around several formats containing NavTeq-Nets
22 /****************************************************************************/
23 #include <config.h>
29 #include <netbuild/NBEdge.h>
31 #include "NINavTeqHelper.h"
34 // ===========================================================================
35 // method definitions
36 // ===========================================================================
37 double
38 NINavTeqHelper::getSpeed(const std::string& id, const std::string& speedClassS) {
39  try {
40  int speedClass = StringUtils::toInt(speedClassS);
41  switch (speedClass) {
42  case -1:
43  return (double) 1.0 / (double) 3.6;
44  case 1:
45  return (double) 200 / (double) 3.6; //> 130 KPH / > 80 MPH
46  case 2:
47  return (double) 120 / (double) 3.6; //101-130 KPH / 65-80 MPH
48  case 3:
49  return (double) 100 / (double) 3.6; // 91-100 KPH / 55-64 MPH
50  case 4:
51  return (double) 80 / (double) 3.6; // 71-90 KPH / 41-54 MPH
52  case 5:
53  return (double) 70 / (double) 3.6; // 51-70 KPH / 31-40 MPH
54  case 6:
55  return (double) 50 / (double) 3.6; // 31-50 KPH / 21-30 MPH
56  case 7:
57  return (double) 30 / (double) 3.6; // 11-30 KPH / 6-20 MPH
58  case 8:
59  return (double) 5 / (double) 3.6; //< 11 KPH / < 6 MPH
60  default:
61  throw ProcessError(TLF("Invalid speed code (edge '%').", id));
62  }
63  } catch (NumberFormatException&) {
64  throw ProcessError(TLF("Non-numerical value for an edge's speed type occurred (edge '%').", id));
65  }
66 }
69 int
70 NINavTeqHelper::getLaneNumber(const std::string& id, const std::string& laneNoS, double speed) {
71  try {
72  int nolanes = StringUtils::toInt(laneNoS);
73  if (nolanes < 0) {
74  return 1;
75  } else if (nolanes / 10 > 0) {
76  return nolanes / 10;
77  } else {
78  switch (nolanes % 10) {
79  case 1:
80  return 1;
81  case 2:
82  nolanes = 2;
83  if (speed > 78.0 / 3.6) {
84  nolanes = 3;
85  }
86  return nolanes;
87  case 3:
88  return 4;
89  default:
90  throw ProcessError(TLF("Invalid lane number (edge '%').", id));
91  }
92  }
93  } catch (NumberFormatException&) {
94  throw ProcessError(TLF("Non-numerical value for an edge's lane number occurred (edge '%').", id));
95  }
96 }
99 bool
100 NINavTeqHelper::addCommonVehicleClasses(NBEdge& e, const std::string& classS, const int offset) {
101  bool haveCar = false;
102  // High Occupancy Vehicle -- becomes SVC_PASSENGER|SVC_HOV
103  if (classS[offset] == '1') {
104  e.allowVehicleClass(-1, SVC_HOV);
106  haveCar = true;
107  } else {
109  }
110  // Emergency Vehicle -- becomes SVC_EMERGENCY
111  if (classS[offset + 1] == '1') {
113  } else {
115  }
116  // Taxi -- becomes SVC_TAXI
117  if (classS[offset + 2] == '1') {
119  haveCar = true;
120  } else {
122  }
123  // Public Bus -- becomes SVC_BUS|SVC_COACH
124  if (classS[offset + 3] == '1') {
125  e.allowVehicleClass(-1, SVC_BUS);
127  haveCar = true;
128  } else {
131  }
132  // Delivery Truck -- becomes SVC_DELIVERY
133  if (classS[offset + 4] == '1') {
135  haveCar = true;
136  } else {
138  }
139  // Transport Truck -- becomes SVC_TRUCK|SVC_TRAILER
140  if (classS[offset + 5] == '1') {
143  haveCar = true;
144  } else {
147  }
148  return haveCar;
149 }
152 void
153 NINavTeqHelper::addVehicleClasses(NBEdge& e, const std::string& oclassS, const SVCPermissions allPermissions, const SVCPermissions defaultPermissions) {
154  std::string classS = "0000000000" + oclassS;
155  classS = classS.substr(classS.length() - 10);
156  // 0: allow all vehicle types
157  if (classS[0] == '1') {
158  e.setPermissions(allPermissions);
159  return;
160  }
161  bool haveCar = false;
162  e.setPermissions(defaultPermissions);
163  // Passenger cars -- becomes SVC_PASSENGER
164  if (classS[1] == '1') {
166  haveCar = true;
167  } else {
169  }
170  haveCar |= addCommonVehicleClasses(e, classS, 2);
171  if (!haveCar) {
172  e.setPermissions(0);
173  }
174  // Bicycle -- becomes SVC_BICYCLE
175  if (classS[8] == '1') {
177  } else {
179  }
180  // Pedestrian -- becomes SVC_PEDESTRIAN
181  if (classS[9] == '1') {
183  } else {
185  }
186 }
189 void
190 NINavTeqHelper::addVehicleClassesV6(NBEdge& e, const std::string& oclassS, const SVCPermissions allPermissions, const SVCPermissions defaultPermissions) {
191  std::string classS = "0000000000" + oclassS;
192  classS = classS.substr(classS.length() - 12);
193  // 0: allow all vehicle types
194  if (classS[0] == '1') {
195  e.setPermissions(allPermissions);
196  return;
197  }
198  bool haveCar = false;
199  e.setPermissions(defaultPermissions);
200  // Passenger cars -- becomes SVC_PASSENGER
201  if (classS[1] == '1') {
203  haveCar = true;
204  } else {
206  }
207  // Residential Vehicle -- becomes SVC_PASSENGER
208  if (classS[2] == '1') {
210  haveCar = true;
211  }
212  haveCar |= addCommonVehicleClasses(e, classS, 3);
213  if (!haveCar) {
214  e.setPermissions(0);
215  }
216  // Motorcycle -- becomes SVC_MOTORCYCLE
217  if (classS[9] == '1') {
219  } else {
221  }
222  // Bicycle -- becomes SVC_BICYCLE
223  if (classS[10] == '1') {
225  } else {
227  }
228  // Pedestrian -- becomes SVC_PEDESTRIAN
229  if (classS[11] == '1') {
231  } else {
233  }
234 }
237 /****************************************************************************/
#define TLF(string,...)
Definition: MsgHandler.h:317
long long int SVCPermissions
bitset where each bit declares whether a certain SVC may use this edge/lane
vehicle is a HOV
vehicle is a large transport vehicle
vehicle is a coach
vehicle is a passenger car (a "normal" car)
vehicle is a bicycle
vehicle is a large transport vehicle
vehicle is a small delivery vehicle
vehicle is a motorcycle
public emergency vehicles
vehicle is a taxi
vehicle is a bus
The representation of a single edge during network building.
Definition: NBEdge.h:92
void setPermissions(SVCPermissions permissions, int lane=-1)
set allowed/disallowed classes for the given lane or for all lanes if -1 is given
Definition: NBEdge.cpp:4331
void disallowVehicleClass(int lane, SUMOVehicleClass vclass)
set disallowed class for the given lane or for all lanes if -1 is given
Definition: NBEdge.cpp:4127
void allowVehicleClass(int lane, SUMOVehicleClass vclass)
set allowed class for the given lane or for all lanes if -1 is given
Definition: NBEdge.cpp:4114
static void addVehicleClasses(NBEdge &e, const std::string &classS, const SVCPermissions allPermissions, const SVCPermissions defaultPermissions)
Adds vehicle classes parsing the given list of allowed vehicles.
static void addVehicleClassesV6(NBEdge &e, const std::string &classS, const SVCPermissions allPermissions, const SVCPermissions defaultPermissions)
same as addVehicleClasses but for version 6+
static int getLaneNumber(const std::string &id, const std::string &laneNoS, double speed)
Returns the lane number evaluating the given Navteq-description.
static double getSpeed(const std::string &id, const std::string &speedClassS)
Returns the speed evaluating the given Navteq-description.
static bool addCommonVehicleClasses(NBEdge &e, const std::string &classS, const int offset)
static int toInt(const std::string &sData)
converts a string into the integer value described by it by calling the char-type converter,...