Eclipse SUMO - Simulation of Urban MObility
NBEdge Class Reference

The representation of a single edge during network building. More...

#include <NBEdge.h>

Inheritance diagram for NBEdge:
Collaboration diagram for NBEdge:

Data Structures

struct  Connection
 A structure which describes a connection between edges or lanes. More...
class  connections_conflict_finder
class  connections_finder
class  connections_fromlane_finder
class  connections_relative_edgelane_sorter
 Class to sort edges by their angle. More...
class  connections_toedge_finder
class  connections_toedgelane_finder
struct  Lane
 An (internal) definition of a single lane of an edge. More...
class  MainDirections
 Holds (- relative to the edge it is build from -!!!) the list of main directions a vehicle that drives on this street may take on the junction the edge ends in The back direction is not regarded. More...
class  ToEdgeConnectionsAdder
 A class that being a bresenham-callback assigns the incoming lanes to the edges. More...

Public Types

enum class  EdgeBuildingStep {
 Current state of the edge within the building process. More...
enum  JunctionPriority { MINOR_ROAD = 0 , PRIORITY_ROAD = 1 , ROUNDABOUT = 1000 }
 junction priority values set by setJunctionPriority More...
enum class  Lane2LaneInfoType { COMPUTED , USER , VALIDATED }
 Modes of setting connections between lanes. More...
typedef std::map< std::string, std::string > Map
 parameters map More...

Public Member Functions

void addBikeLane (double width)
 add a bicycle lane of the given width and shift existing connctions More...
void addLane (int index, bool recomputeShape, bool recomputeConnections, bool shiftIndices)
 add lane More...
void addRestrictedLane (double width, SUMOVehicleClass vclass)
 add a lane of the given width, restricted to the given class and shift existing connections More...
void addSidewalk (double width)
 add a pedestrian sidewalk of the given width and shift existing connctions More...
void addSign (NBSign sign)
 add Sign More...
void addTo (const StoringVisitor &cont) const
 Adds this object to the given container. More...
void allowVehicleClass (int lane, SUMOVehicleClass vclass)
 set allowed class for the given lane or for all lanes if -1 is given More...
void append (NBEdge *continuation)
 append another edge More...
void appendTurnaround (bool noTLSControlled, bool noFringe, bool onlyDeadends, bool onlyTurnlane, bool noGeometryLike, bool checkPermissions)
 Add a connection to the previously computed turnaround, if wished and a turning direction exists (myTurnDestination!=0) More...
double buildInnerEdges (const NBNode &n, int noInternalNoSplits, int &linkIndex, int &splitIndex)
void clearControllingTLInformation ()
 clears tlID for all connections More...
void clearParameter ()
 Clears the parameter map. More...
bool computeEdge2Edges (bool noLeftMovers)
 computes the edge (step1: computation of approached edges) More...
bool computeLanes2Edges ()
 computes the edge, step2: computation of which lanes approach the edges) More...
PositionVector cutAtIntersection (const PositionVector &old) const
 cut shape at the intersection shapes More...
void debugPrintConnections (bool outgoing=true, bool incoming=false) const
 debugging helper to print all connections More...
void decLaneNo (int by)
 decrement lane More...
void declareConnectionsAsLoaded (EdgeBuildingStep step=EdgeBuildingStep::LANES2LANES_USER)
 declares connections as fully loaded. This is needed to avoid recomputing connections if an edge has no connections intentionally. More...
void deleteLane (int index, bool recompute, bool shiftIndices)
 delete lane More...
void disallowVehicleClass (int lane, SUMOVehicleClass vclass)
 set disallowed class for the given lane or for all lanes if -1 is given More...
void dismissVehicleClassInformation ()
 dimiss vehicle class information More...
bool expandableBy (NBEdge *possContinuation, std::string &reason) const
 Check if Node is expandable. More...
double getAngleAtNode (const NBNode *const node) const
 Returns the angle of the edge's geometry at the given node. More...
double getAngleAtNodeNormalized (const NBNode *const node) const
 Returns the angle of the edge's geometry at the given node and disregards edge direction. More...
double getAngleAtNodeToCenter (const NBNode *const node) const
 Returns the angle of from the node shape center to where the edge meets the node shape. More...
PositionVector getCCWBoundaryLine (const NBNode &n) const
 get the outer boundary of this edge when going counter-clock-wise around the given node More...
PositionVector getCWBoundaryLine (const NBNode &n) const
 get the outer boundary of this edge when going clock-wise around the given node More...
double getDouble (const std::string &key, const double defaultValue) const
 Returns the value for a given key converted to a double. More...
std::vector< double > getDoubles (const std::string &key, std::vector< double > defaultValue=std::vector< double >()) const
 Returns the value for a given key converted to a list of doubles. More...
int getJunctionPriority (const NBNode *const node) const
 Returns the junction priority (normalised for the node currently build) More...
double getLaneFriction (int lane) const
 get lane friction of specified lane More...
std::string getLaneID (int lane) const
 get lane ID More...
double getLaneSpeed (int lane) const
 get lane speed More...
LanegetLaneStruct (int lane)
const LanegetLaneStruct (int lane) const
double getMaxLaneOffset ()
 get max lane offset More...
const PositionVectorgetNodeBorder (const NBNode *node) const
virtual const std::string getParameter (const std::string &key, const std::string defaultValue="") const
 Returns the value for a given key. More...
const Parameterised::MapgetParametersMap () const
 Returns the inner key/value map. More...
std::string getParametersStr (const std::string kvsep="=", const std::string sep="|") const
 Returns the inner key/value map in string format "key1=value1|key2=value2|...|keyN=valueN". More...
SVCPermissions getPermissions (int lane=-1) const
 get the union of allowed classes over all lanes or for a specific lane More...
const std::vector< NBSign > & getSigns () const
 get Signs More...
NBEdgegetTurnDestination (bool possibleDestination=false) const
const std::string & getTypeID () const
 get ID of type More...
bool hasAccelLane () const
 whether one of the lanes is an acceleration lane More...
bool hasCustomLaneShape () const
 whether one of the lanes has a custom shape More...
bool hasLaneParams () const
 whether one of the lanes has parameters set More...
bool hasLaneSpecificEndOffset () const
 whether lanes differ in offset More...
bool hasLaneSpecificFriction () const
 whether lanes differ in friction More...
bool hasLaneSpecificPermissions () const
 whether lanes differ in allowed vehicle classes More...
bool hasLaneSpecificSpeed () const
 whether lanes differ in speed More...
bool hasLaneSpecificStopOffsets () const
 whether lanes differ in stopOffsets More...
bool hasLaneSpecificType () const
 whether lanes differ in type More...
bool hasLaneSpecificWidth () const
 whether lanes differ in width More...
bool hasParameter (const std::string &key) const
 Returns whether the parameter is set. More...
bool hasPermissions () const
 whether at least one lane has restrictions More...
bool hasSignalisedConnectionTo (const NBEdge *const e) const
 Check if edge has signalised connections. More...
void incLaneNo (int by)
 increment lane More...
bool isBidi ()
 return whether this edge should be a bidi edge More...
bool isBidiEdge (bool checkPotential=false) const
 whether this edge is part of a bidirectional edge pair More...
bool isBidiRail (bool ignoreSpread=false) const
 whether this edge is part of a bidirectional railway More...
virtual bool isInternal () const
bool isNearEnough2BeJoined2 (NBEdge *e, double threshold) const
 Check if edge is near enought to be joined to another edge. More...
bool isOffRamp () const
bool isRailDeadEnd () const
 whether this edge is a railway edge that does not continue More...
bool isTurningDirectionAt (const NBEdge *const edge) const
 Returns whether the given edge is the opposite direction to this edge. More...
bool lanesWereAssigned () const
 Check if lanes were assigned. More...
void markAsInLane2LaneState ()
 mark edge as in lane to state lane More...
void markOffRamp (bool isOffRamp)
 marks this edge has being an offRamp or leading to one (used for connection computation) More...
bool mayBeTLSControlled (int fromLane, NBEdge *toEdge, int toLane) const
 return true if certain connection must be controlled by TLS More...
void mergeParameters (const Parameterised::Map &mapArg, const std::string separator=" ", bool uniqueValues=true)
 Adds or appends all given parameters from the map. More...
void moveOutgoingConnectionsFrom (NBEdge *e, int laneOff)
 move outgoing connection More...
 NBEdge (const std::string &id, NBNode *from, NBNode *to, const NBEdge *tpl, const PositionVector &geom=PositionVector(), int numLanes=-1)
 Constructor. More...
 NBEdge (const std::string &id, NBNode *from, NBNode *to, std::string type, double speed, double friction, int nolanes, int priority, double width, double endOffset, LaneSpreadFunction spread, const std::string &streetName="")
 Constructor. More...
 NBEdge (const std::string &id, NBNode *from, NBNode *to, std::string type, double speed, double friction, int nolanes, int priority, double width, double endOffset, PositionVector geom, LaneSpreadFunction spread, const std::string &streetName="", const std::string &origID="", bool tryIgnoreNodePositions=false)
 Constructor. More...
bool needsLaneSpecificOutput () const
 whether at least one lane has values differing from the edges values More...
void preferVehicleClass (int lane, SVCPermissions vclasses)
 prefer certain vehicle classes for the given lane or for all lanes if -1 is given (ensures also permissions) More...
bool prohibits (const NBVehicle *const) const
bool prohibitsChanging () const
 whether one of the lanes prohibits lane changing More...
bool recheckLanes ()
 recheck whether all lanes within the edge are all right and optimises the connections once again More...
void reinit (NBNode *from, NBNode *to, const std::string &type, double speed, double friction, int nolanes, int priority, PositionVector geom, double width, double endOffset, const std::string &streetName, LaneSpreadFunction spread, bool tryIgnoreNodePositions=false)
 Resets initial values. More...
void reinitNodes (NBNode *from, NBNode *to)
 Resets nodes but keeps all other values the same (used when joining) More...
void resetNodeBorder (const NBNode *node)
void restoreBikelane (std::vector< NBEdge::Lane > oldLanes, PositionVector oldGeometry, std::vector< NBEdge::Connection > oldConnections)
 restore an previously added BikeLane More...
void restoreSidewalk (std::vector< NBEdge::Lane > oldLanes, PositionVector oldGeometry, std::vector< NBEdge::Connection > oldConnections)
 restore an previously added sidewalk More...
bool restricts (const NBVehicle *const) const
void setAcceleration (int lane, bool accelRamp)
 marks one lane as acceleration lane More...
void setAverageLengthWithOpposite (double val)
 patch average lane length in regard to the opposite edge More...
void setBidi (bool isBidi)
 mark this edge as a bidi edge More...
bool setControllingTLInformation (const NBConnection &c, const std::string &tlID)
 Returns if the link could be set as to be controlled. More...
void setDistance (double distance)
 set kilometrage at start of edge (negative value implies couting down along the edge) More...
bool setEdgeStopOffset (int lane, const StopOffset &offset, bool overwrite=false)
 set lane and vehicle class specific stopOffset (negative lane implies set for all lanes) More...
void setEndOffset (int lane, double offset)
 set lane specific end-offset (negative lane implies set for all lanes) More...
void setFriction (int lane, double friction)
 set lane specific friction (negative lane implies set for all lanes) More...
virtual void setID (const std::string &newID)
 resets the id More...
void setJunctionPriority (const NBNode *const node, int prio)
 Sets the junction priority of the edge. More...
void setLaneShape (int lane, const PositionVector &shape)
 sets a custom lane shape More...
void setLaneType (int lane, const std::string &type)
 set lane specific type (negative lane implies set for all lanes) More...
void setLaneWidth (int lane, double width)
 set lane specific width (negative lane implies set for all lanes) More...
void setLoadedLength (double val)
 set loaded length More...
void setNodeBorder (const NBNode *node, const Position &p, const Position &p2, bool rectangularCut)
 Set Node border. More...
void setOrigID (const std::string origID, const bool append, const int laneIdx=-1)
 set origID for all lanes or for a specific lane More...
virtual void setParameter (const std::string &key, const std::string &value)
 Sets a parameter. More...
void setParameters (const Parameterised &params)
 set the inner key/value map in map<string, string> format More...
void setParametersStr (const std::string &paramsString, const std::string kvsep="=", const std::string sep="|")
 set the inner key/value map in string format "key1=value1|key2=value2|...|keyN=valueN" More...
void setPermissions (SVCPermissions permissions, int lane=-1)
 set allowed/disallowed classes for the given lane or for all lanes if -1 is given More...
void setPermittedChanging (int lane, SVCPermissions changeLeft, SVCPermissions changeRight)
 set allowed classes for changing to the left and right from the given lane More...
void setPreferredVehicleClass (SVCPermissions permissions, int lane=-1)
 set preferred Vehicle Class More...
void setSpeed (int lane, double speed)
 set lane specific speed (negative lane implies set for all lanes) More...
void setTurningDestination (NBEdge *e, bool onlyPossible=false)
 Sets the turing destination at the given edge. More...
NBNodetryGetNodeAtPosition (double pos, double tolerance=5.0) const
 Returns the node at the given edges length (using an epsilon) More...
void unsetParameter (const std::string &key)
 Removes a parameter. More...
void updateParameters (const Parameterised::Map &mapArg)
 Adds or updates all given parameters from the map. More...
void writeParams (OutputDevice &device) const
 write Params in the given outputdevice More...
 ~NBEdge ()
 Destructor. More...
Applying offset
void reshiftPosition (double xoff, double yoff)
 Applies an offset to the edge. More...
void mirrorX ()
 mirror coordinates along the x-axis More...
Atomar getter methods
int getNumLanes () const
 Returns the number of lanes. More...
int getPriority () const
 Returns the priority of the edge. More...
void setPriority (int priority)
 Sets the priority of the edge. More...
NBNodegetFromNode () const
 Returns the origin node of the edge. More...
NBNodegetToNode () const
 Returns the destination node of the edge. More...
double getStartAngle () const
 Returns the angle at the start of the edge (relative to the node shape center) The angle is computed in computeAngle() More...
double getEndAngle () const
 Returns the angle at the end of the edge (relative to the node shape center) The angle is computed in computeAngle() More...
double getShapeStartAngle () const
 Returns the angle at the start of the edge. More...
double getShapeEndAngle () const
 Returns the angle at the end of the edge. More...
double getTotalAngle () const
 Returns the angle at the start of the edge. More...
double getLength () const
 Returns the computed length of the edge. More...
double getLoadedLength () const
 Returns the length was set explicitly or the computed length if it wasn't set. More...
double getFinalLength () const
 get length that will be assigned to the lanes in the final network More...
bool hasLoadedLength () const
 Returns whether a length was set explicitly. More...
double getSpeed () const
 Returns the speed allowed on this edge. More...
double getFriction () const
 Returns the friction on this edge. More...
EdgeBuildingStep getStep () const
 The building step of this edge. More...
double getLaneWidth () const
 Returns the default width of lanes of this edge. More...
double getLaneWidth (int lane) const
 Returns the width of the lane of this edge. More...
double getInternalLaneWidth (const NBNode &node, const NBEdge::Connection &connection, const NBEdge::Lane &successor, bool isVia) const
 Returns the width of the internal lane associated with the connection. More...
double getTotalWidth () const
 Returns the combined width of all lanes of this edge. More...
const std::string & getStreetName () const
 Returns the street name of this edge. More...
void setStreetName (const std::string &name)
 sets the street name of this edge More...
double getDistance () const
 get distance More...
double getDistancAt (double pos) const
 get distance at the given offset More...
double getEndOffset () const
 Returns the offset to the destination node. More...
double getEndOffset (int lane) const
 Returns the offset to the destination node a the specified lane. More...
const StopOffsetgetEdgeStopOffset () const
 Returns the stopOffset to the end of the edge. More...
const StopOffsetgetLaneStopOffset (int lane) const
 Returns the stop offset to the specified lane's end. More...
double getSignalOffset () const
 Returns the offset of a traffic signal from the end of this edge. More...
const PositiongetSignalPosition () const
 Returns the position of a traffic signal on this edge. More...
const NBNodegetSignalNode () const
 Returns the node that (possibly) represents a traffic signal controlling at the end of this edge. More...
void setSignalPosition (const Position &pos, const NBNode *signalNode)
 sets the offset of a traffic signal from the end of this edge More...
const std::vector< NBEdge::Lane > & getLanes () const
 Returns the lane definitions. More...
int getFirstNonPedestrianLaneIndex (int direction, bool exclusive=false) const
 return the first lane with permissions other than SVC_PEDESTRIAN and 0 More...
int getFirstNonPedestrianNonBicycleLaneIndex (int direction, bool exclusive=false) const
 return the first lane with permissions other than SVC_PEDESTRIAN, SVC_BICYCLE and 0 More...
int getSpecialLane (SVCPermissions permissions) const
 return index of the first lane that allows the given permissions More...
int getFirstAllowedLaneIndex (int direction) const
 return the first lane that permits at least 1 vClass or the last lane if search direction of there is no such lane More...
NBEdge::Lane getFirstNonPedestrianLane (int direction) const
 @brif get first non-pedestrian lane More...
std::set< SVCPermissionsgetPermissionVariants (int iStart, int iEnd) const
 return all permission variants within the specified lane range [iStart, iEnd[ More...
int getNumLanesThatAllow (SVCPermissions permissions, bool allPermissions=true) const
bool allowsChangingLeft (int lane, SUMOVehicleClass vclass) const
 Returns whether the given vehicle class may change left from this lane. More...
bool allowsChangingRight (int lane, SUMOVehicleClass vclass) const
 Returns whether the given vehicle class may change left from this lane. More...
double getCrossingAngle (NBNode *node)
 return the angle for computing pedestrian crossings at the given node More...
std::string getSidewalkID ()
 get the lane id for the canonical sidewalk lane More...
Edge geometry access and computation
const PositionVectorgetGeometry () const
 Returns the geometry of the edge. More...
const PositionVector getInnerGeometry () const
 Returns the geometry of the edge without the endpoints. More...
bool hasDefaultGeometry () const
 Returns whether the geometry consists only of the node positions. More...
bool hasDefaultGeometryEndpoints () const
 Returns whether the geometry is terminated by the node positions This default may be violated by initializing with tryIgnoreNodePositions=true' or with setGeometry() non-default endpoints are useful to control the generated node shape. More...
bool hasDefaultGeometryEndpointAtNode (const NBNode *node) const
 Returns whether the geometry is terminated by the node positions This default may be violated by initializing with tryIgnoreNodePositions=true' or with setGeometry() non-default endpoints are useful to control the generated node shape. More...
Position getEndpointAtNode (const NBNode *node) const
void resetEndpointAtNode (const NBNode *node)
void setGeometry (const PositionVector &g, bool inner=false)
 (Re)sets the edge's geometry More...
void addGeometryPoint (int index, const Position &p)
 Adds a further geometry point. More...
void extendGeometryAtNode (const NBNode *node, double maxExtent)
 linearly extend the geometry at the given node More...
void shortenGeometryAtNode (const NBNode *node, double reduction)
 linearly extend the geometry at the given node More...
void shiftPositionAtNode (NBNode *node, NBEdge *opposite)
 shift geometry at the given node to avoid overlap More...
Position geometryPositionAtOffset (double offset) const
 return position taking into account loaded length More...
void computeEdgeShape (double smoothElevationThreshold=-1)
 Recomputeds the lane shapes to terminate at the node shape For every lane the intersection with the fromNode and toNode is calculated and the lane shorted accordingly. The edge length is then set to the average of all lane lengths (which may differ). This average length is used as the lane length when writing the network. More...
const PositionVectorgetLaneShape (int i) const
 Returns the shape of the nth lane. More...
void setLaneSpreadFunction (LaneSpreadFunction spread)
 (Re)sets how the lanes lateral offset shall be computed More...
LaneSpreadFunction getLaneSpreadFunction () const
 Returns how this edge's lanes' lateral offset is computed. More...
void reduceGeometry (const double minDist)
 Removes points with a distance lesser than the given. More...
void checkGeometry (const double maxAngle, bool fixAngle, const double minRadius, bool fix, bool silent)
 Check the angles of successive geometry segments. More...
Setting/getting special types

Marks this edge as a macroscopic connector

void setAsMacroscopicConnector ()
bool isMacroscopicConnector () const
 Returns whether this edge was marked as a macroscopic connector. More...
void setInsideTLS (bool inside)
 Marks this edge being within an intersection. More...
bool isInsideTLS () const
 Returns whether this edge was marked as being within an intersection. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static bool areAttributesValid (const std::string &value, bool report=false, const std::string kvsep="=", const std::string sep="|")
 check if given string can be parsed to an attributes map "key1=value1|key2=value2|...|keyN=valueN" (used in generic datas) More...
static bool areParametersValid (const std::string &value, bool report=false, const std::string kvsep="=", const std::string sep="|")
 check if given string can be parsed to a parameters map "key1=value1|key2=value2|...|keyN=valueN" More...
static bool connections_sorter (const Connection &c1, const Connection &c2)
 connections_sorter sort by fromLane, toEdge and toLane More...
static double firstIntersection (const PositionVector &v1, const PositionVector &v2, double width1, double width2, const std::string &error="", bool secondIntersection=false)
 compute the first intersection point between the given lane geometries considering their rspective widths More...
template<class T >
static std::string getIDSecure (const T *obj, const std::string &fallBack="NULL")
 get an identifier for Named-like object which may be Null More...
static double getTravelTimeStatic (const NBRouterEdge *const edge, const NBVehicle *const, double)
static void setDefaultConnectionLength (double length)
static PositionVector startShapeAt (const PositionVector &laneShape, const NBNode *startNode, PositionVector nodeShape)

Static Public Attributes

static const double ANGLE_LOOKAHEAD = 10.0
 the distance at which to take the default angle More...
static NBEdge DummyEdge
 Dummy edge to use when a reference must be supplied in the no-arguments constructor (FOX technicality) More...
static const int TURN_SIGN_SHIFT_BICYCLE = 24
static const int TURN_SIGN_SHIFT_BUS = 8
 shift values for decoding turn signs More...
static const int TURN_SIGN_SHIFT_TAXI = 16
 TLS-controlled despite its node controlled not specified. More...
static const double UNSPECIFIED_CONTPOS = -1
 unspecified internal junction position More...
static const double UNSPECIFIED_FRICTION = 1.
 unspecified lane friction More...
 internal lane computation not yet done More...
static const double UNSPECIFIED_LOADED_LENGTH = -1
 no length override given More...
static const double UNSPECIFIED_OFFSET = 0
 unspecified lane offset More...
static const double UNSPECIFIED_SIGNAL_OFFSET = -1
 unspecified signal offset More...
static const double UNSPECIFIED_SPEED = -1
 unspecified lane speed More...
 unspecified foe visibility for connections More...
static const double UNSPECIFIED_WIDTH = -1
 unspecified lane width More...

Protected Attributes

std::string myID
 The name of the object. More...

Private Member Functions

bool applyTurnSigns ()
 apply loaded turn sign information More...
double assignInternalLaneLength (std::vector< Connection >::iterator i, int numLanes, double lengthSum, bool averageLength)
 assign length to all lanes of an internal edge More...
bool bothLeftTurns (LinkDirection dir, const NBEdge *otherFrom, LinkDirection dir2) const
 determine conflict between opposite left turns More...
void computeAngle ()
 computes the angle of this edge and stores it in myAngle More...
bool hasRestrictedLane (SUMOVehicleClass vclass) const
 returns whether any lane already allows the given vclass exclusively More...
bool haveIntersection (const NBNode &n, const PositionVector &shape, const NBEdge *otherFrom, const NBEdge::Connection &otherCon, int numPoints, double width1, double width2, int shapeFlag=0) const
 NBEdge ()
 constructor for dummy edge More...
 NBEdge (const NBEdge &s)=delete
 invalidated copy constructor More...
NBEdgeoperator= (const NBEdge &s)=delete
 invalidated assignment operator More...
void removeInvalidConnections ()
void restoreRestrictedLane (SUMOVehicleClass vclass, std::vector< NBEdge::Lane > oldLanes, PositionVector oldGeometry, std::vector< NBEdge::Connection > oldConnections)
 restore a restricted lane More...

Static Private Member Functions

static std::vector< LinkDirectiondecodeTurnSigns (int turnSigns, int shift=0)
 decode bitset More...
static bool isParameterValid (const std::string &value, const std::string &kvsep, const std::string &sep)
 check if given string can be parsed to a parameter of type "key=value" More...
static void updateTurnPermissions (SVCPermissions &perm, LinkDirection dir, SVCPermissions spec, std::vector< LinkDirection > dirs)

Private Attributes

bool myAmInTLS
 Information whether this is lies within a joined tls. More...
bool myAmMacroscopicConnector
 Information whether this edge is a (macroscopic) connector. More...
std::vector< ConnectionmyConnections
 List of connections to following edges. More...
std::vector< ConnectionmyConnectionsToDelete
 List of connections marked for delayed removal. More...
double myDistance
 The mileage/kilometrage at the start of this edge in a linear coordination system. More...
StopOffset myEdgeStopOffset
 A vClass specific stop offset - assumed of length 0 (unspecified) or 1. For the latter case the int is a bit set specifying the vClasses, the offset applies to (see SUMOVehicleClass.h), and the double is the stopping offset in meters from the lane end. More...
double myEndOffset
 This edges's offset to the intersection begin (will be applied to all lanes) More...
double myFriction
 The current friction. More...
 The source and the destination node. More...
int myFromJunctionPriority
 The priority normalised for the node the edge is outgoing of. More...
PositionVector myGeom
 The geometry for the edge. More...
int myIndex
 the index of the edge in the list of all edges. Set by NBEdgeCont and requires re-set whenever the list of edges changes More...
bool myIsBidi
 whether this edge is part of a non-rail bidi edge pair More...
bool myIsOffRamp
 whether this edge is an Off-Ramp or leads to one More...
std::vector< LanemyLanes
 Lane information. More...
LaneSpreadFunction myLaneSpreadFunction
 The information about how to spread the lanes. More...
double myLaneWidth
 This width of this edge's lanes. More...
double myLength
 The length of the edge. More...
double myLoadedLength
 An optional length to use (-1 if not valid) More...
Parameterised::Map myMap
 The key->value map. More...
 The edge that would be the turn destination if there was one. More...
int myPriority
 The priority of the edge. More...
const NBNodemySignalNode
Position mySignalPosition
 the position of a traffic light signal on this edge More...
std::vector< NBSignmySigns
 the street signs along this edge More...
double mySpeed
 The maximal speed. More...
EdgeBuildingStep myStep
 The building step. More...
std::string myStreetName
 The street name (or whatever arbitrary string you wish to attach) More...
EdgeVector mySuccessors
int myToJunctionPriority
 The priority normalised for the node the edge is incoming in. More...
 The turn destination edge (if a connection exists) More...
std::string myTurnSignTarget
 node for which turnSign information applies More...
std::string myType
 The type of the edge. More...
ConstRouterEdgePairVector myViaSuccessors
double myStartAngle
 The angles of the edge. More...
double myEndAngle
double myTotalAngle
PositionVector myFromBorder
 intersection borders (because the node shape might be invalid) More...
PositionVector myToBorder

Static Private Attributes

static double myDefaultConnectionLength = NBEdge::UNSPECIFIED_LOADED_LENGTH


class GNEEdge
class GNEJunction
class GNELane
class NBEdgeCont

functions for router usage

static double getTravelTimeStatic (const NBEdge *const edge, const NBVehicle *const, double)
static int getLaneIndexFromLaneID (const std::string laneID)
static EdgeVector filterByPermissions (const EdgeVector &edges, SVCPermissions permissions)
 return only those edges that permit at least one of the give permissions More...
void setNumericalID (int index)
 sets the index of the edge in the list of all network edges More...
int getNumericalID () const
 Returns the index (numeric id) of the edge. More...
const NBEdgegetBidiEdge () const
const EdgeVectorgetSuccessors (SUMOVehicleClass vClass=SVC_IGNORING) const
 Returns the following edges for the given vClass. More...
const ConstRouterEdgePairVectorgetViaSuccessors (SUMOVehicleClass vClass=SVC_IGNORING, bool ignoreTransientPermissions=false) const
 Returns the following edges for the given vClass. More...
const std::string & getID () const
bool joinLanes (SVCPermissions perms)
 join adjacent lanes with the given permissions More...
void resetLaneShapes ()
 reset lane shapes to what they would be before cutting with the junction shapes More...
void updateChangeRestrictions (SVCPermissions ignoring)
 modify all existing restrictions on lane changing More...
NBEdgegetStraightContinuation (SVCPermissions permissions) const
 return the straightest follower edge for the given permissions or nullptr (never returns turn-arounds) More...
NBEdgegetStraightPredecessor (SVCPermissions permissions) const
 return the straightest predecessor edge for the given permissions or nullptr (never returns turn-arounds) More...
NBEdgeguessOpposite (bool reguess=false)
 set oppositeID and return opposite edge if found More...
const std::string & getTurnSignTarget () const
void setTurnSignTarget (const std::string &target)
PositionVector computeLaneShape (int lane, double offset) const
 Computes the shape for the given lane. More...
void computeLaneShapes ()
 compute lane shapes More...
void init (int noLanes, bool tryIgnoreNodePositions, const std::string &origID)
 Initialization routines common to all constructors. More...
void divideOnEdges (const EdgeVector *outgoing)
 divides the lanes on the outgoing edges More...
void divideSelectedLanesOnEdges (const EdgeVector *outgoing, const std::vector< int > &availableLanes)
 divide selected lanes on edges More...
void addStraightConnections (const EdgeVector *outgoing, const std::vector< int > &availableLanes, const std::vector< int > &priorities)
 add some straight connections More...
const std::vector< int > prepareEdgePriorities (const EdgeVector *outgoing, const std::vector< int > &availableLanes)
 recomputes the edge priorities and manipulates them for a distribution of lanes on edges which is more like in real-life More...

Setting and getting connections

bool addEdge2EdgeConnection (NBEdge *dest, bool overrideRemoval=false, SVCPermissions permission=SVC_UNSPECIFIED)
 Adds a connection to another edge. More...
bool addLane2LaneConnection (int fromLane, NBEdge *dest, int toLane, Lane2LaneInfoType type, bool mayUseSameDestination=false, bool mayDefinitelyPass=false, KeepClear keepClear=KEEPCLEAR_UNSPECIFIED, double contPos=UNSPECIFIED_CONTPOS, double visibility=UNSPECIFIED_VISIBILITY_DISTANCE, double speed=UNSPECIFIED_SPEED, double friction=UNSPECIFIED_FRICTION, double length=myDefaultConnectionLength, const PositionVector &customShape=PositionVector::EMPTY, const bool uncontrolled=UNSPECIFIED_CONNECTION_UNCONTROLLED, SVCPermissions permissions=SVC_UNSPECIFIED, const bool indirectLeft=false, const std::string &edgeType="", SVCPermissions changeLeft=SVC_UNSPECIFIED, SVCPermissions changeRight=SVC_UNSPECIFIED, bool postProcess=false)
 Adds a connection between the specified this edge's lane and an approached one. More...
bool addLane2LaneConnections (int fromLane, NBEdge *dest, int toLane, int no, Lane2LaneInfoType type, bool invalidatePrevious=false, bool mayDefinitelyPass=false)
 Builds no connections starting at the given lanes. More...
bool setConnection (int lane, NBEdge *destEdge, int destLane, Lane2LaneInfoType type, bool mayUseSameDestination=false, bool mayDefinitelyPass=false, KeepClear keepClear=KEEPCLEAR_UNSPECIFIED, double contPos=UNSPECIFIED_CONTPOS, double visibility=UNSPECIFIED_VISIBILITY_DISTANCE, double speed=UNSPECIFIED_SPEED, double friction=UNSPECIFIED_FRICTION, double length=myDefaultConnectionLength, const PositionVector &customShape=PositionVector::EMPTY, const bool uncontrolled=UNSPECIFIED_CONNECTION_UNCONTROLLED, SVCPermissions permissions=SVC_UNSPECIFIED, bool indirectLeft=false, const std::string &edgeType="", SVCPermissions changeLeft=SVC_UNSPECIFIED, SVCPermissions changeRight=SVC_UNSPECIFIED, bool postProcess=false)
 Adds a connection to a certain lane of a certain edge. More...
std::vector< ConnectiongetConnectionsFromLane (int lane, const NBEdge *to=nullptr, int toLane=-1) const
 Returns connections from a given lane. More...
const ConnectiongetConnection (int fromLane, const NBEdge *to, int toLane) const
 Returns the specified connection (unmodifiable) This method goes through "myConnections" and returns the specified one. More...
ConnectiongetConnectionRef (int fromLane, const NBEdge *to, int toLane)
 Returns reference to the specified connection This method goes through "myConnections" and returns the specified one. More...
bool hasConnectionTo (const NBEdge *destEdge, int destLane, int fromLane=-1) const
 Retrieves info about a connection to a certain lane of a certain edge. More...
bool isConnectedTo (const NBEdge *e, const bool ignoreTurnaround=false) const
 Returns the information whethe a connection to the given edge has been added (or computed) More...
const std::vector< Connection > & getConnections () const
 Returns the connections. More...
std::vector< Connection > & getConnections ()
 Returns the connections. More...
const EdgeVectorgetConnectedSorted ()
 Returns the list of outgoing edges without the turnaround sorted in clockwise direction. More...
EdgeVector getConnectedEdges () const
 Returns the list of outgoing edges unsorted. More...
EdgeVector getIncomingEdges () const
 Returns the list of incoming edges unsorted. More...
std::vector< int > getConnectionLanes (NBEdge *currentOutgoing, bool withBikes=true) const
 Returns the list of lanes that may be used to reach the given edge. More...
void sortOutgoingConnectionsByAngle ()
 sorts the outgoing connections by their angle relative to their junction More...
void sortOutgoingConnectionsByIndex ()
 sorts the outgoing connections by their from-lane-index and their to-lane-index More...
void remapConnections (const EdgeVector &incoming)
 Remaps the connection in a way that allows the removal of it. More...
void removeFromConnections (NBEdge *toEdge, int fromLane=-1, int toLane=-1, bool tryLater=false, const bool adaptToLaneRemoval=false, const bool keepPossibleTurns=false)
 Removes the specified connection(s) More...
bool removeFromConnections (const NBEdge::Connection &connectionToRemove)
 remove an existent connection of edge More...
void invalidateConnections (bool reallowSetting=false)
 invalidate current connections of edge More...
void replaceInConnections (NBEdge *which, NBEdge *by, int laneOff)
 replace in current connections of edge More...
void replaceInConnections (NBEdge *which, const std::vector< NBEdge::Connection > &origConns)
 replace in current connections of edge More...
void copyConnectionsFrom (NBEdge *src)
 copy connections from antoher edge More...
void shiftToLanesToEdge (NBEdge *to, int laneOff)
 modifify the toLane for all connections to the given edge More...
void moveConnectionToLeft (int lane)
void moveConnectionToRight (int lane)
bool canMoveConnection (const Connection &con, int newFromLane) const
 whether the connection can originate on newFromLane More...

Detailed Description

The representation of a single edge during network building.

Definition at line 92 of file NBEdge.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ Map

typedef std::map<std::string, std::string> Parameterised::Map

parameters map

Definition at line 45 of file Parameterised.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ EdgeBuildingStep

Current state of the edge within the building process.

As the network is build in a cascaded way, considering loaded information, a counter holding the current step is needed. This is done by using this enumeration.


The edge has been loaded and connections shall not be added.


The edge has been loaded, nothing is computed yet.


The relationships between edges are computed/loaded.


Lanes to edges - relationships are computed/loaded.


Lanes to lanes - relationships are computed; should be rechecked.


Lanes to lanes - relationships are computed; no recheck is necessary/wished.


Lanes to lanes - relationships are loaded; no recheck is necessary/wished.

Definition at line 109 of file NBEdge.h.

◆ JunctionPriority

junction priority values set by setJunctionPriority


Definition at line 380 of file NBEdge.h.

◆ Lane2LaneInfoType

Modes of setting connections between lanes.


The connection was computed.


The connection was given by the user.


The connection was computed and validated.

Definition at line 130 of file NBEdge.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ NBEdge() [1/5]

NBEdge::NBEdge ( const std::string &  id,
NBNode from,
NBNode to,
std::string  type,
double  speed,
double  friction,
int  nolanes,
int  priority,
double  width,
double  endOffset,
LaneSpreadFunction  spread,
const std::string &  streetName = "" 


Use this if no edge geometry is given.

[in]idThe id of the edge
[in]fromThe node the edge starts at
[in]toThe node the edge ends at
[in]typeThe type of the edge (my be =="")
[in]speedThe maximum velocity allowed on this edge
[in]frictionThe current friction coefficient on this edge
[in]nolanesThe number of lanes this edge has
[in]priorityThis edge's priority
[in]widthThis edge's lane width
[in]endOffsetAdditional offset to the destination node
[in]spreadHow the lateral offset of the lanes shall be computed
[in]streetNameThe street name (need not be unique)
See also

Definition at line 250 of file NBEdge.cpp.

References init().

◆ NBEdge() [2/5]

NBEdge::NBEdge ( const std::string &  id,
NBNode from,
NBNode to,
std::string  type,
double  speed,
double  friction,
int  nolanes,
int  priority,
double  width,
double  endOffset,
PositionVector  geom,
LaneSpreadFunction  spread,
const std::string &  streetName = "",
const std::string &  origID = "",
bool  tryIgnoreNodePositions = false 


Use this if the edge's geometry is given.

[in]idThe id of the edge
[in]fromThe node the edge starts at
[in]toThe node the edge ends at
[in]typeThe type of the edge (may be =="")
[in]speedThe maximum velocity allowed on this edge
[in]frictionThe current friction coefficient on this edge
[in]nolanesThe number of lanes this edge has
[in]priorityThis edge's priority
[in]widthThis edge's lane width
[in]endOffsetAdditional offset to the destination node
[in]geomThe edge's geomatry
[in]spreadHow the lateral offset of the lanes shall be computed
[in]streetNameThe street name (need not be unique)
[in]origIDThe original ID in the source network (need not be unique)
[in]spreadHow the lateral offset of the lanes shall be computed
[in]tryIgnoreNodePositionsDoes not add node geometries if geom.size()>=2
See also

Definition at line 278 of file NBEdge.cpp.

References init(), and INVALID.

◆ NBEdge() [3/5]

NBEdge::NBEdge ( const std::string &  id,
NBNode from,
NBNode to,
const NBEdge tpl,
const PositionVector geom = PositionVector(),
int  numLanes = -1 


Use this to copy attributes from another edge

[in]idThe id of the edge
[in]fromThe node the edge starts at
[in]toThe node the edge ends at
[in]tplThe template edge to copy attributes from
[in]geomThe geometry to use (may be empty)
[in]numLanesThe number of lanes of the new edge (copy from tpl by default)

Definition at line 310 of file NBEdge.cpp.

References getFromNode(), getGeometry(), getLaneFriction(), getLaneSpeed(), getNumLanes(), Parameterised::getParametersMap(), getPermissions(), getToNode(), init(), INVALID, MIN2(), myGeom, myLanes, myLoadedLength, myTo, PositionVector::reverse(), setEdgeStopOffset(), setEndOffset(), setFriction(), setLaneType(), setLaneWidth(), setPermissions(), setSpeed(), and Parameterised::updateParameters().

◆ ~NBEdge()

NBEdge::~NBEdge ( )


Definition at line 539 of file NBEdge.cpp.

◆ NBEdge() [4/5]

NBEdge::NBEdge ( const NBEdge s)

invalidated copy constructor

◆ NBEdge() [5/5]

NBEdge::NBEdge ( )

constructor for dummy edge

Definition at line 357 of file NBEdge.cpp.

References INVALID, and RIGHT.

Member Function Documentation

◆ addBikeLane()

void NBEdge::addBikeLane ( double  width)

add a bicycle lane of the given width and shift existing connctions

Definition at line 4574 of file NBEdge.cpp.

References addRestrictedLane(), and SVC_BICYCLE.

Referenced by NIImporter_OpenStreetMap::insertEdge(), and NIXMLEdgesHandler::myEndElement().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ addEdge2EdgeConnection()

bool NBEdge::addEdge2EdgeConnection ( NBEdge dest,
bool  overrideRemoval = false,
SVCPermissions  permission = SVC_UNSPECIFIED 

Adds a connection to another edge.

If the given edge does not start at the node this edge ends on, false is returned.

All other cases return true. Though, a connection may not been added if this edge is in step "INIT_REJECT_CONNECTIONS". Also, this method assures that a connection to an edge is set only once, no multiple connections to next edge are stored.

After a first connection to an edge was set, the process step is set to "EDGE2EDGES".

Passing 0 implicitly removes all existing connections
[in]destThe connection's destination edge
Whether the connection was valid

Definition at line 1091 of file NBEdge.cpp.

References EDGE2EDGES, INIT_REJECT_CONNECTIONS, invalidateConnections(), myConnections, myConnectionsToDelete, myFrom, myStep, and myTo.

Referenced by addLane2LaneConnection(), NIImporter_OpenStreetMap::RelationHandler::applyRestriction(), NBEdgeCont::joinSameNodeConnectingEdges(), NIImporter_VISUM::parse_Turns(), NIXMLConnectionsHandler::parseConnection(), and remapConnections().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ addGeometryPoint()

void NBEdge::addGeometryPoint ( int  index,
const Position p 

Adds a further geometry point.

Some importer do not know an edge's geometry when it is initialised. This method allows to insert further geometry points after the edge has been built.

[in]indexThe position at which the point shall be added
[in]pThe point to add

Definition at line 998 of file NBEdge.cpp.

References myGeom.

Referenced by NIImporter_VISUM::parse_EdgePolys().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ addLane()

void NBEdge::addLane ( int  index,
bool  recomputeShape,
bool  recomputeConnections,
bool  shiftIndices 

add lane

Definition at line 4020 of file NBEdge.cpp.

References computeLaneShapes(), NBNode::getIncomingEdges(), Parameterised::getParametersMap(), invalidateConnections(), myConnections, myFrom, myLanes, myTo, NBNode::shiftTLConnectionLaneIndex(), NBEdge::Connection::toEdge, and NBEdge::Connection::toLane.

Referenced by GNEEdge::addLane(), and incLaneNo().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ addLane2LaneConnection()

bool NBEdge::addLane2LaneConnection ( int  fromLane,
NBEdge dest,
int  toLane,
Lane2LaneInfoType  type,
bool  mayUseSameDestination = false,
bool  mayDefinitelyPass = false,
double  contPos = UNSPECIFIED_CONTPOS,
double  speed = UNSPECIFIED_SPEED,
double  friction = UNSPECIFIED_FRICTION,
double  length = myDefaultConnectionLength,
const PositionVector customShape = PositionVector::EMPTY,
SVCPermissions  permissions = SVC_UNSPECIFIED,
const bool  indirectLeft = false,
const std::string &  edgeType = "",
SVCPermissions  changeLeft = SVC_UNSPECIFIED,
SVCPermissions  changeRight = SVC_UNSPECIFIED,
bool  postProcess = false 

Adds a connection between the specified this edge's lane and an approached one.

If the given edge does not start at the node this edge ends on, false is returned.

All other cases return true. Though, a connection may not been added if this edge is in step "INIT_REJECT_CONNECTIONS". Before the lane-to-lane connection is set, a connection between edges is established using "addEdge2EdgeConnection". Then, "setConnection" is called for inserting the lane-to-lane connection.

[in]fromLaneThe connection's starting lane (of this edge)
[in]destThe connection's destination edge
[in]toLaneThe connection's destination lane
[in]typeThe connections's type
[in]mayUseSameDestinationWhether this connection may be set though connecting an already connected lane
[in]mayDefinitelyPassWhether this connection is definitely undistrubed (special case for on-ramps)
Whether the connection was added / exists
See also
Check difference between "setConnection" and "addLane2LaneConnection"

Definition at line 1126 of file NBEdge.cpp.

References addEdge2EdgeConnection(), INIT_REJECT_CONNECTIONS, myFrom, myStep, myTo, and setConnection().

Referenced by NIImporter_SUMO::_loadNetwork(), addLane2LaneConnections(), NIVissimConnection::buildEdgeConnections(), NIImporter_OpenDrive::loadNetwork(), moveOutgoingConnectionsFrom(), NIImporter_VISUM::parse_LanesConnections(), NIXMLConnectionsHandler::parseLaneBound(), NBEdgeCont::processSplits(), NBEdgeCont::recheckPostProcessConnections(), NIImporter_DlrNavteq::ConnectedLanesHandler::report(), and NBEdgeCont::splitAt().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ addLane2LaneConnections()

bool NBEdge::addLane2LaneConnections ( int  fromLane,
NBEdge dest,
int  toLane,
int  no,
Lane2LaneInfoType  type,
bool  invalidatePrevious = false,
bool  mayDefinitelyPass = false 

Builds no connections starting at the given lanes.

If "invalidatePrevious" is true, a call to "invalidateConnections(true)" is done. This method loops through the given connections to set, calling "addLane2LaneConnection" for each.

[in]fromLaneThe first of the connections' starting lanes (of this edge)
[in]destThe connections' destination edge
[in]toLaneThe first of the connections' destination lanes
[in]noThe number of connections to set
[in]typeThe connections' type
[in]invalidatePreviousWhether previously set connection shall be deleted
[in]mayDefinitelyPassWhether these connections are definitely undistrubed (special case for on-ramps)
Whether the connections were added / existed
See also

Definition at line 1162 of file NBEdge.cpp.

References addLane2LaneConnection(), and invalidateConnections().

Referenced by NBRampsComputer::buildOffRamp(), NBRampsComputer::buildOnRamp(), and NBNode::computeLanes2Lanes().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ addRestrictedLane()

void NBEdge::addRestrictedLane ( double  width,
SUMOVehicleClass  vclass 

add a lane of the given width, restricted to the given class and shift existing connections

Definition at line 4596 of file NBEdge.cpp.

References CENTER, computeLaneShapes(), disallowVehicleClass(), NBEdge::Connection::fromLane, getID(), NBNode::getIncomingEdges(), Parameterised::getParameter(), hasRestrictedLane(), PositionVector::move2side(), myConnections, myFrom, myGeom, myLanes, myLaneSpreadFunction, myTo, NBNode::shiftTLConnectionLaneIndex(), SUMO_PARAM_ORIGID, SVC_PEDESTRIAN, TL, toString(), and WRITE_WARNINGF.

Referenced by addBikeLane(), addSidewalk(), and NBEdgeCont::guessSpecialLanes().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ addSidewalk()

void NBEdge::addSidewalk ( double  width)

add a pedestrian sidewalk of the given width and shift existing connctions

Definition at line 4562 of file NBEdge.cpp.

References addRestrictedLane(), and SVC_PEDESTRIAN.

Referenced by NIImporter_OpenStreetMap::insertEdge(), and NIXMLEdgesHandler::myEndElement().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ addSign()

void NBEdge::addSign ( NBSign  sign)

add Sign

Definition at line 1456 of file NBEdge.h.

References mySigns.

Referenced by NBEdgeCont::generateStreetSigns().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ addStraightConnections()

void NBEdge::addStraightConnections ( const EdgeVector outgoing,
const std::vector< int > &  availableLanes,
const std::vector< int > &  priorities 

add some straight connections

Definition at line 3399 of file NBEdge.cpp.

References DEBUGCOND, NBNode::getDirection(), getID(), getNumLanes(), getPermissions(), MIN2(), myConnections, myLanes, myTo, STRAIGHT, and SVC_PEDESTRIAN.

Referenced by divideSelectedLanesOnEdges().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ addTo()

void Named::addTo ( const StoringVisitor cont) const

Adds this object to the given container.

[in,filled]cont The container to add this item to

Definition at line 118 of file Named.h.

References Named::StoringVisitor::add().

◆ allowsChangingLeft()

bool NBEdge::allowsChangingLeft ( int  lane,
SUMOVehicleClass  vclass 
) const

Returns whether the given vehicle class may change left from this lane.

Definition at line 4509 of file NBEdge.cpp.

References getNumLanes(), myLanes, and SVC_UNSPECIFIED.

Referenced by GNELane::drawMarkingsAndBoundings().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ allowsChangingRight()

bool NBEdge::allowsChangingRight ( int  lane,
SUMOVehicleClass  vclass 
) const

Returns whether the given vehicle class may change left from this lane.

Definition at line 4515 of file NBEdge.cpp.

References getNumLanes(), myLanes, and SVC_UNSPECIFIED.

Referenced by GNELane::drawMarkingsAndBoundings().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ allowVehicleClass()

void NBEdge::allowVehicleClass ( int  lane,
SUMOVehicleClass  vclass 

set allowed class for the given lane or for all lanes if -1 is given

Definition at line 4114 of file NBEdge.cpp.

References myLanes.

Referenced by NINavTeqHelper::addCommonVehicleClasses(), NINavTeqHelper::addVehicleClasses(), and NINavTeqHelper::addVehicleClassesV6().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ append()

void NBEdge::append ( NBEdge continuation)

◆ appendTurnaround()

void NBEdge::appendTurnaround ( bool  noTLSControlled,
bool  noFringe,
bool  onlyDeadends,
bool  onlyTurnlane,
bool  noGeometryLike,
bool  checkPermissions 

Add a connection to the previously computed turnaround, if wished and a turning direction exists (myTurnDestination!=0)

[in]noTLSControlledWhether the turnaround shall not be connected if the edge is controlled by a tls
[in]noFringeWhether the turnaround shall not be connected if the junction is at the (outer) fringe
[in]onlyDeadendsWhether the turnaround shall only be built at deadends
[in]onlyTurnlaneWhether the turnaround shall only be built when there is an exclusive (left) turn lane
[in]noGeometryLikeWhether the turnaround shall be built at geometry-like nodes

Definition at line 3574 of file NBEdge.cpp.

References NBNode::BACKWARD, filterByPermissions(), NBNode::geometryLike(), getAngleAtNode(), getConnectionsFromLane(), NBNode::getDirection(), getFirstAllowedLaneIndex(), NBNode::getFringeType(), getIncomingEdges(), NBNode::getIncomingEdges(), NBNode::getOutgoingEdges(), getPermissions(), NBNode::getType(), isBidiRail(), isRailDeadEnd(), isRailway(), NBNode::isTLControlled(), KEEPCLEAR_UNSPECIFIED, LEFT, myConnections, myTo, myTurnDestination, NBHelpers::normRelAngle(), OUTER, PARTLEFT, RAIL_CROSSING, setConnection(), SUMO_const_haltingSpeed, SVC_BICYCLE, SVC_DELIVERY, SVC_PASSENGER, SVC_PEDESTRIAN, UNSPECIFIED_CONTPOS, UNSPECIFIED_VISIBILITY_DISTANCE, and VALIDATED.

◆ applyTurnSigns()

◆ areAttributesValid()

bool Parameterised::areAttributesValid ( const std::string &  value,
bool  report = false,
const std::string  kvsep = "=",
const std::string  sep = "|" 

check if given string can be parsed to an attributes map "key1=value1|key2=value2|...|keyN=valueN" (used in generic datas)

Definition at line 219 of file Parameterised.cpp.

References StringTokenizer::getVector(), Parameterised::isParameterValid(), TL, and WRITE_WARNINGF.

Referenced by GNEFrameAttributeModules::GenericDataAttributes::areAttributesValid(), GNEEdgeData::isValid(), GNEEdgeRelData::isValid(), and GNETAZRelData::isValid().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ areParametersValid()

bool Parameterised::areParametersValid ( const std::string &  value,
bool  report = false,
const std::string  kvsep = "=",
const std::string  sep = "|" 

◆ assignInternalLaneLength()

double NBEdge::assignInternalLaneLength ( std::vector< Connection >::iterator  i,
int  numLanes,
double  lengthSum,
bool  averageLength 

assign length to all lanes of an internal edge

Definition at line 1999 of file NBEdge.cpp.

References NBEdge::Connection::customLength, gPrecision, NBEdge::Connection::haveVia, NBEdge::Connection::indirectLeft, NBEdge::Connection::length, PositionVector::length(), MAX2(), NBOwnTLDef::MIN_SPEED_CROSSING_TIME, myConnections, NBEdge::Connection::shape, UNSPECIFIED_LOADED_LENGTH, NBEdge::Connection::viaLength, NBEdge::Connection::viaShape, and NBEdge::Connection::vmax.

Referenced by buildInnerEdges().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ bothLeftTurns()

bool NBEdge::bothLeftTurns ( LinkDirection  dir,
const NBEdge otherFrom,
LinkDirection  dir2 
) const

determine conflict between opposite left turns

Definition at line 2103 of file NBEdge.cpp.

References LEFT, and PARTLEFT.

Referenced by buildInnerEdges().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ buildInnerEdges()

double NBEdge::buildInnerEdges ( const NBNode n,
int  noInternalNoSplits,
int &  linkIndex,
int &  splitIndex 

Definition at line 1687 of file NBEdge.cpp.

References PositionVector::angleAt2D(), GeomHelper::angleDiff(), assignInternalLaneLength(), NBNode::AVOID_INTERSECTING_LEFT_TURNS, NBNode::bidiConflict(), bothLeftTurns(), NBNode::computeInternalLaneShape(), NBEdge::Connection::contPos, NBEdge::Connection::customLength, NBEdge::Connection::customShape, DEG2RAD, NBNode::Crossing::edges, PositionVector::extrapolate(), firstIntersection(), NBEdge::Connection::foeIncomingLanes, NBEdge::Connection::foeInternalLinks, NBNode::foes(), NBNode::forbids(), NBEdge::Connection::friction, NBEdge::Connection::fromLane, OptionsCont::getBool(), NBNode::getCrossings(), NBEdge::Connection::getDescription(), NBNode::getDirection(), getEndOffset(), OptionsCont::getFloat(), getID(), Named::getID(), NBNode::getIncomingEdges(), OptionsCont::getInt(), getJunctionPriority(), getLaneID(), getLanes(), getLaneShape(), getLaneWidth(), OptionsCont::getOptions(), getPermissions(), getTurnDestination(), NBNode::getType(), hasSignalisedConnectionTo(), haveIntersection(), NBEdge::Connection::haveVia, NBEdge::Connection::id, NBEdge::Connection::indirectLeft, NBEdge::Connection::internalLaneIndex, isBidiRail(), isRailway(), NBNode::isTLControlled(), LEFT, PositionVector::length(), PositionVector::length2D(), MAX2(), NBNode::mergeConflict(), MIN2(), myConnections, myFrom, myLanes, myTo, NBNode::needsCont(), NOJUNCTION, PARTLEFT, PARTRIGHT, NBNode::Crossing::priority, RAD2DEG, RIGHT, NBNode::rightTurnConflict(), NBNode::SCURVE_IGNORE, NBEdge::Connection::shape, NBNode::Crossing::shape, NBEdge::Connection::speed, split(), PositionVector::splitAt(), STRAIGHT, SVC_BICYCLE, SVC_DELIVERY, SVC_PEDESTRIAN, SVC_RAIL_CLASSES, SVCAll, TL, NBEdge::Connection::tlID, NBEdge::Connection::toEdge, NBEdge::Connection::toLane, toString(), TURN, UNSPECIFIED_CONTPOS, UNSPECIFIED_FRICTION, UNSPECIFIED_LOADED_LENGTH, UNSPECIFIED_SPEED, NBEdge::Connection::viaID, NBEdge::Connection::viaShape, NBEdge::Connection::vmax, NBNode::Crossing::width, and WRITE_WARNINGF.

◆ canMoveConnection()

bool NBEdge::canMoveConnection ( const Connection con,
int  newFromLane 
) const

whether the connection can originate on newFromLane

Definition at line 1644 of file NBEdge.cpp.

References getPermissions(), SVC_PEDESTRIAN, NBEdge::Connection::toEdge, and NBEdge::Connection::toLane.

Referenced by moveConnectionToLeft(), and moveConnectionToRight().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ checkGeometry()

void NBEdge::checkGeometry ( const double  maxAngle,
bool  fixAngle,
const double  minRadius,
bool  fix,
bool  silent 

Check the angles of successive geometry segments.

[in]maxAngleThe maximum angle allowed
[in]minRadiusThe minimum turning radius allowed at the start and end
[in]fixWhether to prune geometry points to avoid sharp turns at start and end

Definition at line 1030 of file NBEdge.cpp.

References PositionVector::angleAt2D(), GeomHelper::angleDiff(), DEG2RAD, getBidiEdge(), getID(), M_PI, myGeom, RAD2DEG, PositionVector::reverse(), TL, toString(), WRITE_MESSAGEF, and WRITE_WARNINGF.

◆ clearControllingTLInformation()

void NBEdge::clearControllingTLInformation ( )

clears tlID for all connections

Definition at line 3779 of file NBEdge.cpp.

References myConnections.

◆ clearParameter()

void Parameterised::clearParameter ( )

Clears the parameter map.

Definition at line 139 of file Parameterised.cpp.

References Parameterised::myMap.

Referenced by NLHandler::beginEdgeParsing(), and GNESingleParametersDialog::onCmdAccept().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ computeAngle()

◆ computeEdge2Edges()

◆ computeEdgeShape()

void NBEdge::computeEdgeShape ( double  smoothElevationThreshold = -1)

Recomputeds the lane shapes to terminate at the node shape For every lane the intersection with the fromNode and toNode is calculated and the lane shorted accordingly. The edge length is then set to the average of all lane lengths (which may differ). This average length is used as the lane length when writing the network.

All lanes of an edge in a sumo net must have the same nominal length but may differ in actual geomtric length.
Depends on previous call to NBNodeCont::computeNodeShapes

Definition at line 879 of file NBEdge.cpp.

References computeAngle(), computeLaneShapes(), cutAtIntersection(), NBNode::geometryLike(), NBNode::getPosition(), PositionVector::hasElevation(), PositionVector::length2D(), MIN2(), myFrom, myGeom, myLanes, myLength, myTo, PositionVector::reverse(), PositionVector::smoothedZFront(), and Position::z().

Referenced by reshiftPosition().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ computeLanes2Edges()

bool NBEdge::computeLanes2Edges ( )

computes the edge, step2: computation of which lanes approach the edges)

Definition at line 2621 of file NBEdge.cpp.

References DEBUGCOND, divideOnEdges(), EDGE2EDGES, getConnectedSorted(), getID(), LANES2EDGES, myConnections, myConnectionsToDelete, and myStep.

◆ computeLaneShape()

PositionVector NBEdge::computeLaneShape ( int  lane,
double  offset 
) const

Computes the shape for the given lane.

Definition at line 2289 of file NBEdge.cpp.

References getLaneID(), PositionVector::move2side(), myGeom, TL, and WRITE_WARNINGF.

Referenced by computeLaneShapes().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ computeLaneShapes()

void NBEdge::computeLaneShapes ( )

compute lane shapes

Definition at line 2237 of file NBEdge.cpp.

References CENTER, computeLaneShape(), getInnerGeometry(), getLaneID(), getLaneWidth(), NBNode::getOutgoingEdges(), getTotalWidth(), myFrom, myGeom, myLanes, myLaneSpreadFunction, myTo, ROADCENTER, SUMO_const_laneWidth, TL, UNSPECIFIED_WIDTH, and WRITE_WARNINGF.

Referenced by addLane(), addRestrictedLane(), computeEdgeShape(), deleteLane(), init(), resetLaneShapes(), reshiftPosition(), restoreRestrictedLane(), setGeometry(), and shortenGeometryAtNode().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ connections_sorter()

bool NBEdge::connections_sorter ( const Connection c1,
const Connection c2 

connections_sorter sort by fromLane, toEdge and toLane

Definition at line 4403 of file NBEdge.cpp.

References NBEdge::Connection::fromLane, NBEdge::Connection::toEdge, and NBEdge::Connection::toLane.

Referenced by sortOutgoingConnectionsByIndex().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ copyConnectionsFrom()

void NBEdge::copyConnectionsFrom ( NBEdge src)

copy connections from antoher edge

Definition at line 1637 of file NBEdge.cpp.

References myConnections, and myStep.

Referenced by NBEdgeCont::splitAt().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ cutAtIntersection()

PositionVector NBEdge::cutAtIntersection ( const PositionVector old) const

cut shape at the intersection shapes

Definition at line 788 of file NBEdge.cpp.

References GeomHelper::angleDiff(), PositionVector::beginEndAngle(), DEBUGCOND, DEG2RAD, getID(), PositionVector::getSubpart(), PositionVector::length(), myFrom, myFromBorder, myTo, myToBorder, PositionVector::reverse(), and startShapeAt().

Referenced by computeEdgeShape(), and getFinalLength().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ debugPrintConnections()

void NBEdge::debugPrintConnections ( bool  outgoing = true,
bool  incoming = false 
) const

debugging helper to print all connections

Definition at line 4792 of file NBEdge.cpp.

References NBEdge::Connection::fromLane, getID(), NBNode::getIncomingEdges(), myConnections, myFrom, NBEdge::Connection::toEdge, and NBEdge::Connection::toLane.

◆ decLaneNo()

void NBEdge::decLaneNo ( int  by)

decrement lane

Definition at line 4095 of file NBEdge.cpp.

References deleteLane(), LANES2LANES_USER, myLanes, and myStep.

Referenced by NBEdgeCont::processSplits().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ declareConnectionsAsLoaded()

void NBEdge::declareConnectionsAsLoaded ( EdgeBuildingStep  step = EdgeBuildingStep::LANES2LANES_USER)

declares connections as fully loaded. This is needed to avoid recomputing connections if an edge has no connections intentionally.

Definition at line 1438 of file NBEdge.h.

References myStep.

Referenced by NIImporter_SUMO::_loadNetwork(), NIImporter_DlrNavteq::ConnectedLanesHandler::report(), and GNEEdge::setAttribute().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ decodeTurnSigns()

std::vector< LinkDirection > NBEdge::decodeTurnSigns ( int  turnSigns,
int  shift = 0 

decode bitset

Definition at line 2656 of file NBEdge.cpp.

Referenced by applyTurnSigns().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ deleteLane()

void NBEdge::deleteLane ( int  index,
bool  recompute,
bool  shiftIndices 

delete lane

Definition at line 4075 of file NBEdge.cpp.

References computeLaneShapes(), NBNode::getIncomingEdges(), invalidateConnections(), myFrom, myLanes, and removeFromConnections().

Referenced by decLaneNo(), NIXMLEdgesHandler::deleteEdge(), joinLanes(), GNEEdge::removeLane(), and NBEdgeCont::removeLanesByWidth().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ disallowVehicleClass()

void NBEdge::disallowVehicleClass ( int  lane,
SUMOVehicleClass  vclass 

set disallowed class for the given lane or for all lanes if -1 is given

Definition at line 4127 of file NBEdge.cpp.

References myLanes.

Referenced by NINavTeqHelper::addCommonVehicleClasses(), addRestrictedLane(), NINavTeqHelper::addVehicleClasses(), NINavTeqHelper::addVehicleClassesV6(), and NIImporter_DlrNavteq::EdgesHandler::report().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ dismissVehicleClassInformation()

void NBEdge::dismissVehicleClassInformation ( )

dimiss vehicle class information

Definition at line 4394 of file NBEdge.cpp.

References myLanes, and SVCAll.

Referenced by NBEdgeCont::insert().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ divideOnEdges()

void NBEdge::divideOnEdges ( const EdgeVector outgoing)

divides the lanes on the outgoing edges

Definition at line 3204 of file NBEdge.cpp.

References DEBUGCOND, divideSelectedLanesOnEdges(), getID(), getNumLanes(), getPermissions(), isForbidden(), myConnections, myLanes, myTurnDestination, sortOutgoingConnectionsByIndex(), SVC_BICYCLE, SVC_BUS, SVC_PASSENGER, SVC_PEDESTRIAN, SVC_UNSPECIFIED, and toString().

Referenced by computeLanes2Edges().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ divideSelectedLanesOnEdges()

void NBEdge::divideSelectedLanesOnEdges ( const EdgeVector outgoing,
const std::vector< int > &  availableLanes 

divide selected lanes on edges

Definition at line 3294 of file NBEdge.cpp.

References addStraightConnections(), Bresenham::compute(), DEBUGCOND, NBEdge::ToEdgeConnectionsAdder::getBuiltConnections(), getConnectionsFromLane(), getID(), getPermissions(), myConnections, myLanes, prepareEdgePriorities(), SVC_PEDESTRIAN, and toString().

Referenced by divideOnEdges().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ expandableBy()

◆ extendGeometryAtNode()

void NBEdge::extendGeometryAtNode ( const NBNode node,
double  maxExtent 

◆ filterByPermissions()

EdgeVector NBEdge::filterByPermissions ( const EdgeVector edges,
SVCPermissions  permissions 

return only those edges that permit at least one of the give permissions

Definition at line 4836 of file NBEdge.cpp.

Referenced by appendTurnaround(), getStraightContinuation(), getStraightPredecessor(), and NBNodeCont::pruneLongEdges().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ firstIntersection()

double NBEdge::firstIntersection ( const PositionVector v1,
const PositionVector v2,
double  width1,
double  width2,
const std::string &  error = "",
bool  secondIntersection = false 

compute the first intersection point between the given lane geometries considering their rspective widths

Definition at line 2039 of file NBEdge.cpp.

References PositionVector::intersectsAtLengths2D(), PositionVector::length(), MIN2(), PositionVector::move2side(), and WRITE_WARNING.

Referenced by buildInnerEdges(), haveIntersection(), and NBRequest::oppositeLeftTurnConflict().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ geometryPositionAtOffset()

Position NBEdge::geometryPositionAtOffset ( double  offset) const

return position taking into account loaded length

Definition at line 4694 of file NBEdge.cpp.

References myGeom, myLength, myLoadedLength, and PositionVector::positionAtOffset().

Referenced by NIXMLPTHandler::addPTStop().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getAngleAtNode()

double NBEdge::getAngleAtNode ( const NBNode *const  node) const

Returns the angle of the edge's geometry at the given node.

The angle is in degrees between -180 and 180.

[in]nodeThe node for which the edge's angle shall be returned
This edge's angle at the given node

Definition at line 2148 of file NBEdge.cpp.

References PositionVector::angleAt2D(), GeomHelper::legacyDegree(), myFrom, myGeom, and myTo.

Referenced by appendTurnaround(), computeAngle(), computeEdge2Edges(), NBNode::computeLanes2Lanes(), NBNodeCont::feasibleCluster(), NBRampsComputer::fulfillsRampConstraints(), NBNode::geometryLike(), getCrossingAngle(), NBNode::getDirection(), NBEdgeCont::guessRoundabouts(), NBNode::isLeftMover(), NBRailwayTopologyAnalyzer::isStraight(), NBNode::isStraighter(), NBRequest::laneConflict(), NBEdgePriorityComputer::markBestParallel(), NBEdgePriorityComputer::setPriorityJunctionPriorities(), and NBRailwayGeometryHelper::straigthenCorrdidor().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getAngleAtNodeNormalized()

double NBEdge::getAngleAtNodeNormalized ( const NBNode *const  node) const

Returns the angle of the edge's geometry at the given node and disregards edge direction.

[in]nodeThe node for which the edge's angle shall be returned
This edge's angle at the given node (normalized to point towards the node)

Definition at line 2158 of file NBEdge.cpp.

References PositionVector::angleAt2D(), GeomHelper::legacyDegree(), myFrom, myGeom, and myTo.

Referenced by NBNodesEdgesSorter::edge_by_junction_angle_sorter::operator()().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getAngleAtNodeToCenter()

double NBEdge::getAngleAtNodeToCenter ( const NBNode *const  node) const

Returns the angle of from the node shape center to where the edge meets the node shape.

The angle is signed, disregards direction, and starts at 12 o'clock (north->south), proceeds positive clockwise.

[in]nodeThe node for which the edge's angle shall be returned
This edge's angle at the given node shape

Definition at line 2174 of file NBEdge.cpp.

References myEndAngle, myFrom, myStartAngle, and myTo.

Referenced by NBContHelper::edge_by_angle_to_nodeShapeCentroid_sorter::operator()().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getBidiEdge()

const NBEdge* NBEdge::getBidiEdge ( ) const

◆ getCCWBoundaryLine()

PositionVector NBEdge::getCCWBoundaryLine ( const NBNode n) const

get the outer boundary of this edge when going counter-clock-wise around the given node

Definition at line 3805 of file NBEdge.cpp.

References NBNode::BACKWARD, NBNode::FORWARD, getFirstAllowedLaneIndex(), getLaneWidth(), PositionVector::move2side(), myFrom, and myLanes.

Referenced by NBEdgeCont::checkOverlap().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getConnectedEdges()

EdgeVector NBEdge::getConnectedEdges ( ) const

Returns the list of outgoing edges unsorted.

Connected edges

Definition at line 1374 of file NBEdge.cpp.

References myConnections.

Referenced by NIVissimDisturbance::addToNode(), expandableBy(), NBTrafficLightDefinition::forbids(), NBContHelper::same_connection_edge_sorter::getMinMaxRelAngles(), remapConnections(), and NBNode::removeSelfLoops().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getConnectedSorted()

const EdgeVector * NBEdge::getConnectedSorted ( )

Returns the list of outgoing edges without the turnaround sorted in clockwise direction.

Connected edges, sorted clockwise

Definition at line 1337 of file NBEdge.cpp.

References NBNode::getOutgoingEdges(), myConnections, myConnectionsToDelete, myTo, and myTurnDestination.

Referenced by computeLanes2Edges().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getConnection()

const NBEdge::Connection & NBEdge::getConnection ( int  fromLane,
const NBEdge to,
int  toLane 
) const

Returns the specified connection (unmodifiable) This method goes through "myConnections" and returns the specified one.

See also

Definition at line 1294 of file NBEdge.cpp.

References getID(), myConnections, and toString().

Referenced by NBRequest::getFoesString(), NBRequest::getResponseString(), NBNode::mergeConflictYields(), and NBRequest::mustBrake().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getConnectionLanes()

std::vector< int > NBEdge::getConnectionLanes ( NBEdge currentOutgoing,
bool  withBikes = true 
) const

Returns the list of lanes that may be used to reach the given edge.

Lanes approaching the given edge

Definition at line 1399 of file NBEdge.cpp.

References getPermissions(), myConnections, myTurnDestination, and SVC_BICYCLE.

Referenced by NBNode::ApproachingDivider::execute(), and expandableBy().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getConnectionRef()

NBEdge::Connection & NBEdge::getConnectionRef ( int  fromLane,
const NBEdge to,
int  toLane 

Returns reference to the specified connection This method goes through "myConnections" and returns the specified one.

See also

Definition at line 1306 of file NBEdge.cpp.

References getID(), myConnections, and toString().

Referenced by NIImporter_SUMO::_loadNetwork(), GNEConnection::getNBEdgeConnection(), and recheckLanes().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getConnections() [1/2]

std::vector<Connection>& NBEdge::getConnections ( )

Returns the connections.

This edge's connections to following edges

Definition at line 1044 of file NBEdge.h.

References myConnections.

◆ getConnections() [2/2]

◆ getConnectionsFromLane()

std::vector< NBEdge::Connection > NBEdge::getConnectionsFromLane ( int  lane,
const NBEdge to = nullptr,
int  toLane = -1 
) const

Returns connections from a given lane.

This method goes through "myConnections" and copies those which are starting at the given lane.

[in]laneThe lane which connections shall be returned
[in]toThe target Edge (ignore nullptr)
[in]toLaneThe target lane (ignore if > 0)
The connections from the given lane
See also

Definition at line 1280 of file NBEdge.cpp.

References myConnections.

Referenced by NIVissimTL::NIVissimTLSignal::addTo(), appendTurnaround(), GNEConnectorFrame::buildConnection(), NBTrafficLightDefinition::collectAllLinks(), NBLoadedTLDef::collectLinks(), NBRequest::computeCrossingResponse(), NBRequest::computeLaneResponse(), NBOwnTLDef::computeUnblockedWeightedStreamNumber(), GNEPathManager::connectedLanes(), divideSelectedLanesOnEdges(), GNELane::drawLane2LaneConnections(), GNELane::drawLinkNo(), GNELane::drawTLSLinkNo(), GNEConnection::existNBEdgeConnection(), NBPTLineCont::fixPermissions(), NWWriter_SUMO::getInternalBidi(), GNEConnectorFrame::initTargets(), moveOutgoingConnectionsFrom(), NIXMLConnectionsHandler::parseLaneBound(), and recheckLanes().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getCrossingAngle()

double NBEdge::getCrossingAngle ( NBNode node)

return the angle for computing pedestrian crossings at the given node

Definition at line 4521 of file NBEdge.cpp.

References gDebugFlag1, getAngleAtNode(), getFromNode(), and getID().

Referenced by NBNode::checkCrossing().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getCWBoundaryLine()

PositionVector NBEdge::getCWBoundaryLine ( const NBNode n) const

get the outer boundary of this edge when going clock-wise around the given node

Definition at line 3787 of file NBEdge.cpp.

References NBNode::BACKWARD, NBNode::FORWARD, getFirstAllowedLaneIndex(), getLaneWidth(), PositionVector::move2side(), myFrom, and myLanes.

◆ getDistancAt()

double NBEdge::getDistancAt ( double  pos) const

get distance at the given offset

Definition at line 4906 of file NBEdge.cpp.

References myDistance.

Referenced by GNELane::getPopUpMenu().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getDistance()

double NBEdge::getDistance ( ) const

get distance

Definition at line 675 of file NBEdge.h.

References myDistance.

Referenced by NIXMLEdgesHandler::addEdge(), GNEEdge::getAttribute(), GNELane::getColorValue(), GNELane::getPopUpMenu(), NBEdgeCont::splitAt(), NWWriter_SUMO::writeEdge(), and NWWriter_XML::writeEdgesAndConnections().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getDouble()

double Parameterised::getDouble ( const std::string &  key,
const double  defaultValue 
) const

◆ getDoubles()

std::vector< double > Parameterised::getDoubles ( const std::string &  key,
std::vector< double >  defaultValue = std::vector<double>() 
) const

Returns the value for a given key converted to a list of doubles.

[in]keyThe key to ask for
[in]defaultValueThe default value to return if no value is stored under the key
The value stored under the key

Definition at line 118 of file Parameterised.cpp.

References StringTokenizer::getVector(), Parameterised::myMap, TL, StringUtils::toDouble(), WRITE_WARNING, and WRITE_WARNINGF.

Referenced by EnergyParams::EnergyParams().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getEdgeStopOffset()

const StopOffset & NBEdge::getEdgeStopOffset ( ) const

Returns the stopOffset to the end of the edge.

The offset to the end of the edge

Definition at line 4221 of file NBEdge.cpp.

References myEdgeStopOffset.

Referenced by NIImporter_SUMO::_loadNetwork(), NIXMLEdgesHandler::myEndElement(), NWWriter_SUMO::writeEdge(), and NWWriter_XML::writeEdgesAndConnections().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getEndAngle()

double NBEdge::getEndAngle ( ) const

Returns the angle at the end of the edge (relative to the node shape center) The angle is computed in computeAngle()

This edge's end angle

Definition at line 560 of file NBEdge.h.

References myEndAngle.

Referenced by NBContHelper::relative_incoming_edge_sorter::operator()(), and NBNode::rightTurnConflict().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getEndOffset() [1/2]

double NBEdge::getEndOffset ( ) const

Returns the offset to the destination node.

The offset to the destination node

Definition at line 685 of file NBEdge.h.

References myEndOffset.

Referenced by NIImporter_SUMO::_loadNetwork(), buildInnerEdges(), NBNode::computeInternalLaneShape(), GNEEdge::getAttribute(), getEndOffset(), getFinalLength(), NBEdgeCont::recheckLanes(), NWWriter_SUMO::writeEdge(), and NWWriter_XML::writeEdgesAndConnections().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getEndOffset() [2/2]

double NBEdge::getEndOffset ( int  lane) const

Returns the offset to the destination node a the specified lane.

The offset to the destination node

Definition at line 4215 of file NBEdge.cpp.

References getEndOffset(), myLanes, and UNSPECIFIED_OFFSET.

◆ getEndpointAtNode()

Position NBEdge::getEndpointAtNode ( const NBNode node) const

Definition at line 614 of file NBEdge.cpp.

References myFrom, and myGeom.

Referenced by NBNodeShapeComputer::isDivided().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getFinalLength()

◆ getFirstAllowedLaneIndex()

int NBEdge::getFirstAllowedLaneIndex ( int  direction) const

return the first lane that permits at least 1 vClass or the last lane if search direction of there is no such lane

[in]directionThe direction in which the lanes shall be checked

Definition at line 4471 of file NBEdge.cpp.

References NBNode::BACKWARD, NBNode::FORWARD, and myLanes.

Referenced by appendTurnaround(), getCCWBoundaryLine(), and getCWBoundaryLine().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getFirstNonPedestrianLane()

NBEdge::Lane NBEdge::getFirstNonPedestrianLane ( int  direction) const

@brif get first non-pedestrian lane

Definition at line 4537 of file NBEdge.cpp.

References getFirstNonPedestrianLaneIndex(), getID(), myLanes, and TLF.

◆ getFirstNonPedestrianLaneIndex()

int NBEdge::getFirstNonPedestrianLaneIndex ( int  direction,
bool  exclusive = false 
) const

return the first lane with permissions other than SVC_PEDESTRIAN and 0

[in]directionThe direction in which the lanes shall be checked
[in]exclusiveWhether lanes that allow pedestrians along with other classes shall be counted as non-pedestrian

Definition at line 4428 of file NBEdge.cpp.

References NBNode::BACKWARD, NBNode::FORWARD, myLanes, and SVC_PEDESTRIAN.

Referenced by NBNode::addedLanesRight(), NBTrafficLightDefinition::collectEdges(), NBNode::computeLanes2Lanes(), expandableBy(), getFirstNonPedestrianLane(), and NBNode::getReduction().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getFirstNonPedestrianNonBicycleLaneIndex()

int NBEdge::getFirstNonPedestrianNonBicycleLaneIndex ( int  direction,
bool  exclusive = false 
) const

return the first lane with permissions other than SVC_PEDESTRIAN, SVC_BICYCLE and 0

[in]directionThe direction in which the lanes shall be checked
[in]exclusiveWhether lanes that allow pedestrians along with other classes shall be counted as non-pedestrian

Definition at line 4444 of file NBEdge.cpp.


Referenced by NBNode::addedLanesRight(), NBNode::computeLanes2Lanes(), and NBNode::getReduction().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getFriction()

double NBEdge::getFriction ( ) const

Returns the friction on this edge.

The friction on this edge

Definition at line 622 of file NBEdge.h.

References myFriction.

Referenced by GNEEdge::getAttribute(), and NWWriter_XML::writeEdgesAndConnections().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getFromNode()

NBNode* NBEdge::getFromNode ( ) const

Returns the origin node of the edge.

The node this edge starts at

Definition at line 535 of file NBEdge.h.

References myFrom.

Referenced by NIImporter_SUMO::_loadNetwork(), NBRailwayTopologyAnalyzer::addBidiEdge(), NBRailwayTopologyAnalyzer::addBidiEdgesBetweenSwitches(), NBRailwayTopologyAnalyzer::addBidiEdgesForBufferStops(), NBLoadedSUMOTLDef::addConnection(), NIXMLConnectionsHandler::addCrossing(), NIXMLEdgesHandler::addLane(), NIXMLEdgesHandler::addSplit(), NIVissimDisturbance::addToNode(), NBLoadedTLDef::addToSignalGroup(), NIXMLConnectionsHandler::addWalkingArea(), NBNode::alreadyConnectedPaths(), NBRampsComputer::buildOffRamp(), NBNode::buildWalkingAreas(), NBEdgeCont::checkConsistency(), NBNode::checkCrossing(), NBEdgeCont::checkOverlap(), NBRampsComputer::computeRamps(), NIVissimDistrictConnection::dict_BuildDistricts(), NBRailwayTopologyAnalyzer::extendBidiEdges(), NBEdgeCont::extractRoundabouts(), NBNodeCont::feasibleCluster(), NBRampsComputer::fulfillsRampConstraints(), GNEEdge::getAttribute(), getCrossingAngle(), NBContHelper::edge_opposite_direction_sorter::getEdgeAngleAt(), getFinalLength(), NWWriter_DlrNavteq::getGraphLength(), NIImporter_VISUM::getNamedEdgeContinuating(), NBPTStopCont::getReverseEdge(), GNEEdge::GNEEdge(), NBRailwaySignalGuesser::guessByStops(), NBNode::guessCrossings(), guessOpposite(), NBEdgeCont::guessRoundabouts(), NBEdgeCont::guessSpecialLanes(), NBOwnTLDef::hasCrossing(), NBEdgeCont::insert(), GNENetHelper::AttributeCarriers::insertEdge(), isBidiEdge(), NBRailwayTopologyAnalyzer::isStraight(), GNELane::isValid(), NBNodeCont::joinJunctions(), NBEdgeCont::joinSameNodeConnectingEdges(), NBEdgeCont::joinTramEdges(), NBRequest::laneConflict(), NBEdge(), NBNodeShapeComputer::needsLargeTurn(), NBContHelper::relative_outgoing_edge_sorter::operator()(), NBContHelper::edge_by_angle_to_nodeShapeCentroid_sorter::operator()(), NBNode::edge_by_direction_sorter::operator()(), NIImporter_VISUM::parse_Lanes(), NIImporter_VISUM::parse_stopPoints(), NBRampsComputer::patchRampGeometry(), NBEdgeCont::processSplits(), NBNodeCont::pruneSlipLaneNodes(), NBEdgeCont::recheckLanes(), NBEdgeCont::recheckPostProcessConnections(), NIImporter_OpenStreetMap::reconstructLayerElevation(), NBNodeCont::reduceToCircle(), NBNodeCont::removeComponents(), NBNodeCont::removeIsolatedRoads(), NBNodeCont::removeRailComponents(), NBEdgeCont::removeUnwishedEdges(), NIImporter_OpenDrive::retrieveSignalEdges(), NIXMLEdgesHandler::setNodes(), GNEEdge::smoothShape(), GNEEdge::straightenElevation(), NBRailwayGeometryHelper::straigthenCorrdidor(), NGNet::toNB(), NBRailwayTopologyAnalyzer::updateTurns(), NWWriter_SUMO::writeEdge(), NWWriter_XML::writeEdgesAndConnections(), NWWriter_DlrNavteq::writeLinksUnsplitted(), and NWWriter_OpenDrive::writeNetwork().

◆ getGeometry()

const PositionVector& NBEdge::getGeometry ( ) const

Returns the geometry of the edge.

The edge's geometry

Definition at line 779 of file NBEdge.h.

References myGeom.

Referenced by NBRailwayTopologyAnalyzer::addBidiEdge(), NIXMLEdgesHandler::addEdge(), GNENet::addReversedEdge(), NIXMLEdgesHandler::addSplit(), NBPTStopCont::assignEdgeForFloatingStops(), NBNodeShapeComputer::badIntersection(), NBRampsComputer::buildOffRamp(), NBRampsComputer::buildOnRamp(), GNEContour::calculateContourEdgeGeometryPoints(), GNEEdge::calculateEdgeContour(), GNEViewNetHelper::MoveMultipleElementModul::calculateEdgeSelection(), NBEdgeCont::checkOverlap(), GNEEdge::clickedOverShapeEnd(), GNEEdge::clickedOverShapeStart(), NBPTStopCont::computeCrossProductEdgePosition(), GNEEdge::drawEdgeGeometryPoints(), GNEEdge::drawEdgeShape(), GNEEdge::drawEndGeometryPoint(), GNEEdge::drawStartGeometryPoint(), GNEEdge::editEndpoint(), NBNode::geometryLike(), GNEEdge::getAttribute(), NBNode::getDirection(), NBContHelper::edge_opposite_direction_sorter::getEdgeAngleAt(), NBTurningDirectionsComputer::getFarAngleAtNode(), NWWriter_DlrNavteq::getGraphLength(), GNEEdge::getMoveOperation(), GNEEdge::getSplitPos(), GNEEdge::hasCustomEndPoints(), NBEdgeCont::ignoreFilterMatch(), isBidiEdge(), isBidiRail(), isNearEnough2BeJoined2(), GNEEdge::isValid(), NBEdgeCont::joinTramEdges(), NIImporter_ArcView::load(), NWWriter_OpenDrive::mapmatchRoadObjects(), NBRampsComputer::moveRampRight(), NBEdge(), GNEViewNet::onCmdSetCustomGeometryPoint(), NBContHelper::relative_outgoing_edge_sorter::operator()(), NBContHelper::relative_incoming_edge_sorter::operator()(), NIImporter_VISUM::parse_Lanes(), NIImporter_VISUM::parse_stopPoints(), NBRampsComputer::patchRampGeometry(), GNEEdge::processMoveBothJunctionSelected(), GNEEdge::processNoneJunctionSelected(), NBEdgeCont::processSplits(), NIImporter_OpenStreetMap::reconstructLayerElevation(), GNEEdge::removeGeometryPoint(), NBPTStop::replaceEdge(), GNENet::replaceJunctionByGeometry(), GNEEdge::setAttribute(), GNEEdge::setShapeEndPos(), GNEEdge::setShapeStartPos(), shiftPositionAtNode(), GNEEdge::smooth(), GNEEdge::smoothElevation(), NBEdgeCont::splitAt(), GNENet::splitEdge(), NBEdgeCont::splitGeometry(), GNEEdge::straightenElevation(), NGNet::toNB(), GNEEdge::updateCenteringBoundary(), GNEEdge::updateJunctionPosition(), NWWriter_SUMO::writeEdge(), NWWriter_XML::writeEdgesAndConnections(), and NWWriter_DlrNavteq::writeNodesUnsplitted().

◆ getID()

const std::string& NBEdge::getID ( ) const

Implements NBRouterEdge.

Definition at line 1524 of file NBEdge.h.

References Named::getID().

Referenced by NIImporter_SUMO::_loadNetwork(), NBRailwayTopologyAnalyzer::addBidiEdge(), NBRailwayTopologyAnalyzer::addBidiEdgesForStops(), NBLoadedSUMOTLDef::addConnection(), NBNode::addedLanesRight(), addRestrictedLane(), NBDistrict::addSink(), NBDistrict::addSource(), NIXMLEdgesHandler::addSplit(), addStraightConnections(), NIXMLTrafficLightsHandler::addTlConnection(), NIVissimDisturbance::addToNode(), NBRailwayTopologyAnalyzer::allBroken(), append(), NBEdgeCont::appendRailwayTurnarounds(), applyTurnSigns(), NIImporter_OpenStreetMap::applyTurnSigns(), NBPTStopCont::assignAndCreatNewPTStopAsNeeded(), NBPTStopCont::assignPTStopToEdgeOfClosestPlatform(), NIVissimConnection::buildEdgeConnections(), buildInnerEdges(), NIVissimEdge::buildNBEdge(), NBRampsComputer::buildOffRamp(), NBRampsComputer::buildOnRamp(), NBNode::buildWalkingAreas(), NBEdgeCont::checkConsistency(), checkGeometry(), NBEdgeCont::checkGrade(), NBEdgeCont::checkOverlap(), NBTrafficLightDefinition::collectAllLinks(), NBLoadedSUMOTLDef::collectEdges(), NBTrafficLightDefinition::collectEdges(), computeAngle(), NBPTStopCont::computeCrossProductEdgePosition(), computeEdge2Edges(), NBNode::computeInternalLaneShape(), computeLanes2Edges(), NBOwnTLDef::computeUnblockedWeightedStreamNumber(), cutAtIntersection(), debugPrintConnections(), NIXMLConnectionsHandler::delConnection(), divideOnEdges(), divideSelectedLanesOnEdges(), NBNode::ApproachingDivider::execute(), NBRailwayTopologyAnalyzer::extendBidiEdges(), NBRailwayTopologyAnalyzer::extendDirectionPriority(), NBEdgeCont::extract(), NBNodeCont::feasibleCluster(), NBPTStop::findLaneAndComputeBusStopExtent(), NBPTLineCont::findWay(), NBTrafficLightDefinition::forbids(), NBRampsComputer::fulfillsRampConstraints(), NBPTStopCont::generateBidiStops(), NBRailwayTopologyAnalyzer::getBrokenRailNodes(), getConnection(), getConnectionRef(), getCrossingAngle(), getFirstNonPedestrianLane(), NIImporter_VISUM::getNamedEdgeContinuating(), NBNode::getPossiblySplittedIncoming(), NBNode::getPossiblySplittedOutgoing(), NIImporter_VISUM::getReversedContinuating(), NBPTStopCont::getReverseStop(), NBPTLine::getRouteEnd(), NBPTLine::getRouteStart(), NBPTLine::getStopEdges(), NBNode::guessCrossings(), NBEdgeCont::guessRoundabouts(), NBEdgeCont::guessSpecialLanes(), NBNodeCont::guessTLs(), NBEdgeCont::ignoreFilterMatch(), init(), NBEdgeCont::insert(), NIImporter_VISUM::isSplitEdge(), GNELane::isValid(), NBNodeCont::joinNodeCluster(), NBEdgeCont::joinTramEdges(), NIImporter_ArcView::load(), NIImporter_OpenDrive::loadNetwork(), NBEdge::MainDirections::MainDirections(), NWWriter_OpenDrive::mapmatchRoadObjects(), GNEJunction::markAsModified(), NBRampsComputer::mayNeedOffRamp(), NBRampsComputer::mayNeedOnRamp(), moveConnectionToLeft(), moveConnectionToRight(), NBRampsComputer::moveRampRight(), NIXMLEdgesHandler::myStartElement(), NBConnection::NBConnection(), NBRequest::NBRequest(), NBTurningDirectionsComputer::combination_by_angle_sorter::operator()(), NBOwnTLDef::edge_by_incoming_priority_sorter::operator()(), NBContHelper::relative_outgoing_edge_sorter::operator()(), NBContHelper::relative_incoming_edge_sorter::operator()(), NBContHelper::edge_by_angle_to_nodeShapeCentroid_sorter::operator()(), NBContHelper::same_connection_edge_sorter::operator()(), NBRequest::oppositeLeftTurnConflict(), NIImporter_VISUM::parse_Lanes(), NIImporter_VISUM::parse_LanesConnections(), NIImporter_VISUM::parse_stopPoints(), NIImporter_VISUM::parse_TurnsToSignalGroups(), NIXMLConnectionsHandler::parseConnection(), NIXMLConnectionsHandler::parseDeprecatedLaneDefinition(), NIXMLConnectionsHandler::parseLaneBound(), prepareEdgePriorities(), GNECreateEdgeFrame::processClick(), NBEdgeCont::processSplits(), NWWriter_SUMO::prohibitionConnection(), NBTrafficLightDefinition::railSignalUncontrolled(), recheckLanes(), NBEdgeCont::recheckLanes(), NBEdgeCont::recheckPostProcessConnections(), NBNode::recheckVClassConnections(), NBLoadedTLDef::SignalGroup::remapIncoming(), NBLoadedTLDef::SignalGroup::remapOutgoing(), GNEJunction::removeConnectionsFrom(), removeFromConnections(), NBNodeCont::removeIsolatedRoads(), NBNode::removeSelfLoops(), NBEdgeCont::removeUnwishedEdges(), NBNodeCont::removeUnwishedNodes(), NBEdgeCont::rename(), NBConnection::replaceFrom(), replaceInConnections(), NBConnection::replaceTo(), NIImporter_DlrNavteq::ConnectedLanesHandler::report(), restoreRestrictedLane(), GNEEdge::retrieveGNEConnection(), NIXMLTrafficLightsHandler::retrieveLaneIndex(), NBPTLineCont::reviseStops(), GNEEdge::setAttribute(), NBRequest::setBlocking(), setControllingTLInformation(), setEdgeStopOffset(), GNEJunction::setMoveShape(), setNodeBorder(), NBEdgePriorityComputer::setPriorityJunctionPriorities(), shiftPositionAtNode(), NBEdgeCont::splitAt(), NBEdgeCont::splitGeometry(), GNENetHelper::AttributeCarriers::updateEdgeID(), NBParking::write(), NBSign::writeAsPOI(), NWWriter_DlrNavteq::writeConnectedLanes(), NWWriter_SUMO::writeConnection(), NWWriter_SUMO::writeEdge(), NWWriter_XML::writeEdgesAndConnections(), NWWriter_DlrNavteq::writeLinksUnsplitted(), NWWriter_OpenDrive::writeNetwork(), NWWriter_DlrNavteq::writeNodesUnsplitted(), NWWriter_OpenDrive::writeNormalEdge(), NWWriter_DlrNavteq::writeProhibitedManoeuvres(), NWWriter_OpenDrive::writeRoadObjectPOI(), NWWriter_OpenDrive::writeRoadObjectPoly(), NWWriter_OpenDrive::writeRoadObjects(), NWWriter_SUMO::writeRoundabout(), and NWWriter_DlrNavteq::writeTrafficSignals().

◆ getIDSecure()

template<class T >
static std::string Named::getIDSecure ( const T *  obj,
const std::string &  fallBack = "NULL" 

get an identifier for Named-like object which may be Null

Definition at line 67 of file Named.h.

Referenced by MSLCM_LC2013::_wantsChange(), MSLCM_SL2015::_wantsChangeSublane(), MSLaneChanger::avoidDeadlock(), MSLaneChanger::changeOpposite(), MSLaneChanger::checkChangeOpposite(), MSRailSignal::DriveWay::checkFlanks(), MSVehicle::checkReversal(), MSVehicle::checkRewindLinkLanes(), AStarRouter< E, V >::compute(), DijkstraRouter< E, V >::compute(), NBOwnTLDef::computeLogicAndConts(), MSRailSignal::DriveWay::conflictLaneOccupied(), NBPTLineCont::constructRoute(), MSLaneChanger::continueChange(), MSLane::detectCollisions(), MSVehicle::enterLaneAtLaneChange(), MSVehicle::executeMove(), NBRailwayTopologyAnalyzer::extendDirectionPriority(), MSRailSignal::DriveWay::findProtection(), NBPTLineCont::findWay(), MSCFModel_CACC::followSpeed(), MSCFModel_W99::followSpeed(), MSStopOut::generateOutputForUnfinished(), MSVehicle::getBackPositionOnLane(), NBOwnTLDef::getBestCombination(), NBOwnTLDef::getBestPair(), MSVehicle::getCenterOnEdge(), MSLaneChanger::getColumnleader(), NBEdge::Connection::getDescription(), MSLane::getFollowersOnConsecutive(), GUIVehicle::getLaneID(), LIBSUMO_NAMESPACE::Person::getLaneID(), MSVehicle::getLatOffset(), MSLane::getLeaderOnConsecutive(), MSLaneChanger::getOncomingOppositeVehicle(), MSLaneChanger::getRealLeader(), GUIVehicle::getShadowLaneID(), GUIVehicle::getTargetLaneID(), MSDevice_SSM::getVehiclesOnJunction(), NBEdgeCont::guessRoundabouts(), MSCFModel_IDM::insertionFollowSpeed(), MSLane::isInsertionSuccess(), MESegment::isOpen(), joinNamedToString(), joinNamedToStringSorting(), MSPModel_Striping::PState::moveToNextLane(), LIBSUMO_NAMESPACE::Person::moveToXY(), LIBSUMO_NAMESPACE::Vehicle::moveToXY(), MSPModel_Striping::PState::moveToXY(), libsumo::Helper::moveToXYMap(), libsumo::Helper::moveToXYMap_matchingRoutePosition(), MSDevice_Bluelight::notifyEnter(), MSDevice_Bluelight::notifyLeave(), MSVehicle::Influencer::postProcessRemoteControl(), MSVehicle::processNextStop(), MSBaseVehicle::replaceRoute(), MSStoppingPlaceRerouter::reroute(), MSBaseVehicle::reroute(), MSRailSignal::DriveWay::reserve(), MSLaneChanger::resolveDeadlock(), MSLCM_LC2013::slowDownForBlocked(), MSLCM_SL2015::slowDownForBlocked(), MSLaneChangerSublane::startChangeSublane(), MSLeaderInfo::toString(), MSLeaderDistanceInfo::toString(), MSCriticalFollowerDistanceInfo::toString(), toString(), MSTriggeredRerouter::triggerRouting(), MSVehicle::updateBestLanes(), MSLCHelper::updateBlockerLength(), MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::updateShadowLane(), MSPModel_Striping::PState::walk(), and MSLaneChanger::yieldToDeadlockOncoming().

◆ getIncomingEdges()

EdgeVector NBEdge::getIncomingEdges ( ) const

Returns the list of incoming edges unsorted.

Connected predecessor edges

Definition at line 1386 of file NBEdge.cpp.

References NBNode::getIncomingEdges(), and myFrom.

Referenced by appendTurnaround(), NBEdgePriorityComputer::computeEdgePriorities(), NBNodeCont::feasibleCluster(), NBEdgeCont::fixSplitCustomLength(), NBNodeCont::onlyCrossings(), NBEdgeCont::processSplits(), NBNodeCont::recheckGuessedTLS(), NBNode::removeSelfLoops(), NBRailwayGeometryHelper::straigthenCorrdidor(), and NWWriter_OpenDrive::writeNetwork().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getInnerGeometry()

const PositionVector NBEdge::getInnerGeometry ( ) const

Returns the geometry of the edge without the endpoints.

Definition at line 584 of file NBEdge.cpp.

References PositionVector::getSubpartByIndex(), and myGeom.

Referenced by GNENet::addReversedEdge(), GNELane::buildEdgeOperations(), GNEEdge::clickedOverGeometryPoint(), computeLaneShapes(), GNEEdge::drawEndGeometryPoint(), GNEEdge::drawStartGeometryPoint(), GNEEdge::getAttribute(), GNEEdge::getAttributePositionVector(), GNEViewNet::onCmdSplitEdgeBidi(), GNENet::replaceJunctionByGeometry(), and GNENet::reverseEdge().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getInternalLaneWidth()

double NBEdge::getInternalLaneWidth ( const NBNode node,
const NBEdge::Connection connection,
const NBEdge::Lane successor,
bool  isVia 
) const

Returns the width of the internal lane associated with the connection.

[in]nodeThe node for which this edge is an incoming one
[in]connectionThe connection from this edge to the successor lane
[in]successorThe outgoing lane of the connection
[in]isViaWhether it is computing the Via stage
The width of the internal lane
validity checks

Definition at line 4190 of file NBEdge.cpp.

References NBEdge::Connection::fromLane, getLaneWidth(), getNumLanes(), getPermissions(), isBikepath(), NBNode::isConstantWidthTransition(), myLanes, NBEdge::Connection::toEdge, UNSPECIFIED_WIDTH, and NBEdge::Lane::width.

◆ getJunctionPriority()

int NBEdge::getJunctionPriority ( const NBNode *const  node) const

Returns the junction priority (normalised for the node currently build)

If the given node is neither the edge's start nor the edge's ending node, the behaviour is undefined.

[in]nodeThe node for which the edge's priority shall be returned
The edge's priority at the given node
Maybe the edge priority whould be stored in the node

Definition at line 2122 of file NBEdge.cpp.

References myFrom, myFromJunctionPriority, and myToJunctionPriority.

Referenced by buildInnerEdges(), NBOwnTLDef::computeUnblockedWeightedStreamNumber(), NBNode::ApproachingDivider::execute(), NBEdgeCont::extractRoundabouts(), NBEdgeCont::generateStreetSigns(), NBNode::getDirection(), NWWriter_DlrNavteq::getFormOfWay(), NBOwnTLDef::getToPrio(), NBEdge::MainDirections::MainDirections(), NBNode::needsCont(), NBOwnTLDef::edge_by_incoming_priority_sorter::operator()(), NBRequest::setBlocking(), and NWWriter_SUMO::writeConnection().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getLaneFriction()

double NBEdge::getLaneFriction ( int  lane) const

get lane friction of specified lane

Definition at line 2204 of file NBEdge.cpp.

References myLanes.

Referenced by NBEdge().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getLaneID()

◆ getLaneIndexFromLaneID()

int NBEdge::getLaneIndexFromLaneID ( const std::string  laneID)

Definition at line 4811 of file NBEdge.cpp.

References StringUtils::toInt().

Referenced by NIXMLPTHandler::addPTStop().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getLanes()

◆ getLaneShape()

const PositionVector & NBEdge::getLaneShape ( int  i) const

Returns the shape of the nth lane.

The shape of the lane given by its index (counter from right)

Definition at line 980 of file NBEdge.cpp.

References myLanes.

Referenced by NBRequest::bidiConflict(), buildInnerEdges(), NBNode::buildWalkingAreas(), NBEdgeCont::checkGrade(), NWWriter_OpenDrive::checkLaneGeometries(), NBNode::computeInternalLaneShape(), NBPTStop::findLaneAndComputeBusStopExtent(), NBPTLineCont::findWay(), NWWriter_OpenDrive::getInnerLaneBorder(), GNELane::getLaneShape(), NBEdgeCont::guessRoundabouts(), NBEdgeCont::joinTramEdges(), NWWriter_OpenDrive::mapmatchRoadObjects(), NBRampsComputer::patchRampGeometry(), and GNELane2laneConnection::updateLane2laneConnection().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getLaneSpeed()

double NBEdge::getLaneSpeed ( int  lane) const

get lane speed

Definition at line 2198 of file NBEdge.cpp.

References myLanes.

Referenced by NBNetBuilder::compute(), GNELane::getAttribute(), GNELane::getColorValue(), GNELane::getSpeed(), and NBEdge().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getLaneSpreadFunction()

LaneSpreadFunction NBEdge::getLaneSpreadFunction ( ) const

Returns how this edge's lanes' lateral offset is computed.

The type of lateral offset that is applied on this edge
See also

Definition at line 992 of file NBEdge.cpp.

References myLaneSpreadFunction.

Referenced by NBRailwayTopologyAnalyzer::addBidiEdge(), NBRailwayTopologyAnalyzer::addBidiEdgesBetweenSwitches(), NBRailwayTopologyAnalyzer::addBidiEdgesForStops(), NIXMLEdgesHandler::addEdge(), NBNodeShapeComputer::badIntersection(), GNEEdge::getAttribute(), isBidiEdge(), isBidiRail(), NBRampsComputer::moveRampRight(), NBRampsComputer::patchRampGeometry(), NBEdgeCont::processSplits(), NWWriter_SUMO::writeEdge(), NWWriter_XML::writeEdgesAndConnections(), and NWWriter_DlrNavteq::writeNodesUnsplitted().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getLaneStopOffset()

const StopOffset & NBEdge::getLaneStopOffset ( int  lane) const

Returns the stop offset to the specified lane's end.

The stop offset to the specified lane's end

Definition at line 4227 of file NBEdge.cpp.

References myEdgeStopOffset, and myLanes.

Referenced by NIXMLEdgesHandler::myStartElement().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getLaneStruct() [1/2]

◆ getLaneStruct() [2/2]

const Lane& NBEdge::getLaneStruct ( int  lane) const

Definition at line 1431 of file NBEdge.h.

References myLanes.

◆ getLaneWidth() [1/2]

◆ getLaneWidth() [2/2]

double NBEdge::getLaneWidth ( int  lane) const

Returns the width of the lane of this edge.

The width of the lane of this edge

Definition at line 4183 of file NBEdge.cpp.

References getLaneWidth(), myLanes, SUMO_const_laneWidth, and UNSPECIFIED_WIDTH.

◆ getLength()

double NBEdge::getLength ( ) const

◆ getLoadedLength()

double NBEdge::getLoadedLength ( ) const

◆ getMaxLaneOffset()

double NBEdge::getMaxLaneOffset ( )

get max lane offset

Definition at line 3699 of file NBEdge.cpp.

References myLanes, and SUMO_const_laneWidth.

◆ getNodeBorder()

const PositionVector & NBEdge::getNodeBorder ( const NBNode node) const

Definition at line 721 of file NBEdge.cpp.

References myFrom, myFromBorder, myTo, and myToBorder.

Referenced by NBNode::computeInternalLaneShape().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getNumericalID()

int NBEdge::getNumericalID ( ) const

Returns the index (numeric id) of the edge.

This is only used in the context of routing
This edge's numerical id

Implements NBRouterEdge.

Definition at line 1506 of file NBEdge.h.

References myIndex.

Referenced by NBContHelper::edge_similar_direction_sorter::operator()(), and NBNodesEdgesSorter::edge_by_junction_angle_sorter::operator()().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getNumLanes()

int NBEdge::getNumLanes ( ) const

Returns the number of lanes.

This edge's number of lanes

Definition at line 516 of file NBEdge.h.

References myLanes.

Referenced by NBLoadedTLDef::SignalGroup::addConnection(), NIXMLEdgesHandler::addEdge(), NIXMLEdgesHandler::addLane(), GNEEdge::addLane(), NIXMLPTHandler::addPTStop(), NIXMLEdgesHandler::addSplit(), addStraightConnections(), NIVissimTL::NIVissimTLSignal::addTo(), allowsChangingLeft(), allowsChangingRight(), NBEdgeCont::appendRailwayTurnarounds(), NIImporter_OpenStreetMap::applyChangeProhibition(), NIImporter_OpenStreetMap::applyLaneUse(), applyTurnSigns(), NIImporter_OpenStreetMap::applyTurnSigns(), NBNode::ApproachingDivider::ApproachingDivider(), NIVissimConnection::buildEdgeConnections(), NBRampsComputer::buildOffRamp(), NBRampsComputer::buildOnRamp(), NBNode::checkCrossing(), NBEdgeCont::checkGrade(), NWWriter_OpenDrive::checkLaneGeometries(), NBTrafficLightDefinition::collectAllLinks(), NBLoadedTLDef::collectLinks(), NBNetBuilder::compute(), computeAngle(), NBRequest::computeCrossingResponse(), NBEdgeCont::computeEdgeShapes(), NBNode::computeInternalLaneShape(), NBNode::computeLanes2Lanes(), NBOwnTLDef::computeUnblockedWeightedStreamNumber(), GNENet::createRoundabout(), GNENet::deleteLane(), NBNode::displaceShapeAtWidthChange(), divideOnEdges(), GNELane::drawMarkingsAndBoundings(), NBRampsComputer::fulfillsRampConstraints(), GNEEdge::getAttribute(), GNELane::getColorValue(), NWWriter_OpenDrive::getInnerLaneBorder(), NWWriter_SUMO::getInternalBidi(), getInternalLaneWidth(), getPermissionVariants(), NWWriter_DlrNavteq::getRoadClass(), NWWriter_OpenDrive::getRoadSideOffset(), NBEdgePriorityComputer::getScore(), getSignalOffset(), guessOpposite(), NBRampsComputer::hasWrongMode(), NBNode::isSimpleContinuation(), GNELane::isValid(), joinLanes(), NBEdge::MainDirections::MainDirections(), moveOutgoingConnectionsFrom(), NIXMLEdgesHandler::myStartElement(), NBEdge(), NBContHelper::edge_by_priority_sorter::operator()(), NIImporter_VISUM::parse_Lanes(), NIImporter_VISUM::parse_LanesConnections(), NBRampsComputer::patchRampGeometry(), NBEdgeCont::processSplits(), recheckLanes(), NBEdgeCont::recheckLanes(), NIVissimExtendedEdgePoint::recheckLanes(), NBNode::recheckVClassConnections(), removeInvalidConnections(), NBEdgeCont::removeLanesByWidth(), NBEdgeCont::rename(), NIImporter_DlrNavteq::ConnectedLanesHandler::report(), NIXMLTrafficLightsHandler::retrieveLaneIndex(), NBEdgePriorityComputer::samePriority(), GNELane::setAttribute(), setConnection(), NBEdgePriorityComputer::setPriorityJunctionPriorities(), NBLoadedSUMOTLDef::setTLControllingInformation(), NBEdgeCont::splitAt(), NBEdgeCont::splitGeometry(), GNEConnection::updateGeometry(), GNELane2laneConnection::updateLane2laneConnection(), NBParking::write(), NWWriter_XML::writeEdgesAndConnections(), NWWriter_OpenDrive::writeInternalEdge(), NWWriter_DlrNavteq::writeLinksUnsplitted(), NWWriter_OpenDrive::writeNormalEdge(), and NWWriter_OpenDrive::writeSignals().

◆ getNumLanesThatAllow()

int NBEdge::getNumLanesThatAllow ( SVCPermissions  permissions,
bool  allPermissions = true 
) const

Definition at line 4497 of file NBEdge.cpp.

References myLanes.

Referenced by applyTurnSigns(), NBNode::getDirection(), and NBNode::isStraighter().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getParameter()

const std::string Parameterised::getParameter ( const std::string &  key,
const std::string  defaultValue = "" 
) const

Returns the value for a given key.

[in]keyThe key to ask for
[in]defaultValueThe default value to return if no value is stored under the key
The value stored under the key

Reimplemented in NEMALogic, MSSimpleTrafficLightLogic, and MSActuatedTrafficLightLogic.

Definition at line 90 of file Parameterised.cpp.

References Parameterised::myMap.

Referenced by MSPModel_JuPedSim::add(), NBRailwayTopologyAnalyzer::addBidiEdge(), addRestrictedLane(), FareModul::addStop(), GUIInductLoop::buildDetectorGUIRepresentation(), MSDevice_ElecHybrid::buildVehicleDevices(), MSDevice_Example::buildVehicleDevices(), ROEdge::cacheParamRestrictions(), SUMOVTypeParameter::cacheParamRestrictions(), MSVehicleType::check(), MSRailSignal::constraintsAllow(), GUINet::createTLWrapper(), GNEEdge::drawEdgeName(), GNEConnection::drawEdgeValues(), GNEGenericData::drawFilteredAttribute(), GUIEdge::drawGL(), EnergyParams::EnergyParams(), MSDevice_SSM::filterByConflictType(), LIBSUMO_NAMESPACE::TrafficLight::findConstraintsDeadLocks(), LIBSUMO_NAMESPACE::Simulation::findIntermodalRoute(), NBRailwayTopologyAnalyzer::getBrokenRailNodes(), GUIVehicle::getColorValue(), GNEEdgeData::getColorValue(), GNEEdgeRelData::getColorValue(), GNETAZRelData::getColorValue(), GNELane::getColorValue(), GUIEdge::getColorValue(), GUILane::getColorValue(), MSDevice_SSM::getDetectionRange(), MSDevice_SSM::getExtraTime(), LIBSUMO_NAMESPACE::TrafficLight::getFutureTripIds(), MSTLLogicControl::WAUTSwitchProcedure::getGSPTime(), RORoutable::getMaxSpeed(), MSDevice_SSM::getMDRAC_PRT(), MSDevice_SSM::getMeasuresAndThresholds(), MSSOTLRequestPolicy::getMinDecisionalPhaseDuration(), GUIBaseVehicle::getOptionalName(), GUITrafficLightLogicWrapper::getOptionalName(), MSDevice_SSM::getOutputFilename(), MSSimpleTrafficLightLogic::getParameter(), NEMALogic::getParameter(), LIBSUMO_NAMESPACE::Simulation::getParameter(), MSBaseVehicle::getPrefixedParameter(), GUIBaseVehicle::getScaleValue(), LIBSUMO_NAMESPACE::Vehicle::getStopParameter(), SUMOTrafficObject::getStringParam(), LIBSUMO_NAMESPACE::TrafficLight::getVehicleByTripId(), MSRailSignalConstraint::getVehID(), MSStoppingPlaceRerouter::getWeight(), MSRailSignal::hasInsertionConstraint(), MSLink::ignoreFoe(), MSSOTLPhasePolicy::init(), MSStageDriving::init(), PushButtonLogic::init(), SigmoidLogic::init(), SUMOVTypeParameter::initRailVisualizationParameters(), NIImporter_OpenStreetMap::insertNodeChecking(), MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::laneChangeOutput(), NWWriter_OpenDrive::mapmatchRoadObjects(), Parameterised::mergeParameters(), MSSimpleTrafficLightLogic::MSSimpleTrafficLightLogic(), MSSOTLPolicy::MSSOTLPolicy(), MSSOTLPolicy5DFamilyStimulus::MSSOTLPolicy5DFamilyStimulus(), MSDevice_GLOSA::notifyEnter(), MSRailSignalConstraint_Predecessor::PassedTracker::notifyEnter(), GNEVType::overwriteVType(), NWWriter_OpenDrive::parseTrafficSign(), NBTrafficLightDefinition::railSignalUncontrolled(), MSDevice_Battery::readParameterValue(), MSDevice_SSM::requestsTrajectories(), MSDevice_Bluelight::resetVehicle(), GNEEdgeData::setColor(), GNEEdgeRelData::setColor(), NBTrafficLightLogicCont::setOpenDriveSignalParameters(), setOrigID(), MSVehicle::slowDownForSchedule(), NBEdgeCont::splitAt(), LIBSUMO_NAMESPACE::TrafficLight::swapParameters(), LIBSUMO_NAMESPACE::TrafficLight::updateConstraints(), MSDevice_SSM::useGeoCoords(), MSTLLogicControl::WAUTSwitchProcedure_Stretch::WAUTSwitchProcedure_Stretch(), MSDevice_SSM::writeLanesPositions(), NWWriter_DlrNavteq::writeLinksUnsplitted(), MSDevice_SSM::writePositions(), NWWriter_OpenDrive::writeRoadObjectPOI(), NWWriter_OpenDrive::writeRoadObjectPoly(), NWWriter_OpenDrive::writeRoadObjects(), and NWWriter_OpenDrive::writeSignals().

◆ getParametersMap()

const Parameterised::Map & Parameterised::getParametersMap ( ) const

Returns the inner key/value map.

Definition at line 145 of file Parameterised.cpp.

References Parameterised::myMap.

Referenced by NIImporter_SUMO::_loadNetwork(), NBNode::addCrossing(), addLane(), append(), LIBSUMO_NAMESPACE::TrafficLight::buildConstraint(), GUIParameterTableWindow::closeBuilding(), NLHandler::closeEdge(), NBTrafficLightDefinition::compute(), GNEGenericData::drawAttribute(), GNEGenericData::drawFilteredAttribute(), NLDetectorBuilder::endE3Detector(), GNEAccess::getACParametersMap(), GNECalibrator::getACParametersMap(), GNEDetector::getACParametersMap(), GNEMultiEntryExitDetector::getACParametersMap(), GNEOverheadWire::getACParametersMap(), GNEParkingSpace::getACParametersMap(), GNERerouter::getACParametersMap(), GNERouteProbe::getACParametersMap(), GNEStoppingPlace::getACParametersMap(), GNETAZ::getACParametersMap(), GNEVaporizer::getACParametersMap(), GNEVariableSpeedSign::getACParametersMap(), GNEDataInterval::getACParametersMap(), GNEDataSet::getACParametersMap(), GNEGenericData::getACParametersMap(), GNEContainer::getACParametersMap(), GNEPerson::getACParametersMap(), GNEPersonTrip::getACParametersMap(), GNERide::getACParametersMap(), GNERoute::getACParametersMap(), GNEStop::getACParametersMap(), GNEStopPlan::getACParametersMap(), GNETranship::getACParametersMap(), GNETransport::getACParametersMap(), GNEVehicle::getACParametersMap(), GNEVType::getACParametersMap(), GNEWalk::getACParametersMap(), GNEConnection::getACParametersMap(), GNECrossing::getACParametersMap(), GNEEdge::getACParametersMap(), GNEEdgeType::getACParametersMap(), GNEJunction::getACParametersMap(), GNELane::getACParametersMap(), GNELaneType::getACParametersMap(), GNEPOI::getACParametersMap(), GNEPoly::getACParametersMap(), MSRailSignalConstraint_Predecessor::getDescription(), NWWriter_OpenDrive::getDividerType(), GUILane::getParameterWindow(), GNESingleParametersDialog::GNESingleParametersDialog(), MSRailCrossing::init(), MSActuatedTrafficLightLogic::init(), MSDevice_Taxi::initDispatch(), MSPModel_JuPedSim::initialize(), NIImporter_OpenStreetMap::insertEdge(), NIImporter_OpenStreetMap::insertNodeChecking(), GNEEdgeData::isGenericDataVisible(), GNEEdgeRelData::isGenericDataVisible(), GNETAZRelData::isGenericDataVisible(), GNEGenericData::isVisibleInspectDeleteSelect(), NBEdge(), NBLoadedSUMOTLDef::NBLoadedSUMOTLDef(), NBTrafficLightLogic::NBTrafficLightLogic(), GUIParameterTableWindow::numParams(), GNESingleParametersDialog::onCmdReset(), GNEVType::overwriteVType(), TraCIServerAPI_TrafficLight::processGet(), Parameterised::setParameters(), LIBSUMO_NAMESPACE::TrafficLight::swapConstraints(), GNEEdgeData::writeGenericData(), GNEEdgeRelData::writeGenericData(), and GNETAZRelData::writeGenericData().

◆ getParametersStr()

std::string Parameterised::getParametersStr ( const std::string  kvsep = "=",
const std::string  sep = "|" 
) const

◆ getPermissions()

SVCPermissions NBEdge::getPermissions ( int  lane = -1) const

get the union of allowed classes over all lanes or for a specific lane

Definition at line 4368 of file NBEdge.cpp.

References myLanes.

Referenced by NBRailwayTopologyAnalyzer::addBidiEdgesForStops(), NWWriter_OpenDrive::addPedestrianConnection(), NIXMLPTHandler::addPTStop(), GNENet::addRestrictedLane(), addStraightConnections(), NBRailwayTopologyAnalyzer::Track::addSuccessor(), GNELane::allowPedestrians(), NBNode::alreadyConnectedPaths(), appendTurnaround(), NIImporter_OpenStreetMap::applyLaneUse(), applyTurnSigns(), NBNode::ApproachingDivider::ApproachingDivider(), NBPTStopCont::assignEdgeForFloatingStops(), NBRequest::bidiConflict(), GNEConnectorFrame::buildConnection(), buildInnerEdges(), canMoveConnection(), NBRequest::checkLaneFoesByClass(), NBTrafficLightDefinition::collectAllLinks(), computeAngle(), computeEdge2Edges(), NBOwnTLDef::computeLogicAndConts(), NBOwnTLDef::computeUnblockedWeightedStreamNumber(), NBNode::displaceShapeAtWidthChange(), divideOnEdges(), divideSelectedLanesOnEdges(), GNELane::drawAsWaterway(), NBNode::ApproachingDivider::execute(), NBRailwayTopologyAnalyzer::extendDirectionPriority(), NBNodeCont::feasibleCluster(), NBPTStopCont::findAccessEdgesForRailStops(), NBPTLineCont::fixPermissions(), GNEEdge::getAttribute(), GNELane::getAttribute(), GNELane::getColorValue(), getConnectionLanes(), NBNode::getDirection(), NBNodeShapeComputer::getExtraWidth(), NWWriter_DlrNavteq::getFormOfWay(), getInternalLaneWidth(), GNEConnectorFrame::getLaneStatus(), NBNode::getLinkState(), getPermissionVariants(), NWWriter_OpenDrive::getRoadSideOffset(), getSuccessors(), getViaSuccessors(), NBRailwaySignalGuesser::guessByStops(), NBEdgeCont::guessRoundabouts(), NBEdgeCont::guessSpecialLanes(), NBNodeCont::guessTLs(), NBRampsComputer::hasWrongMode(), NBEdgeCont::ignoreFilterMatch(), NIImporter_OpenStreetMap::insertEdge(), isBidiRail(), NBNode::isExplicitRailNoBidi(), isRailDeadEnd(), GNELane::isRestricted(), joinLanes(), NBNodeCont::joinNodeCluster(), NBNodeCont::joinSimilarEdges(), NBEdgeCont::joinTramEdges(), NBEdge::MainDirections::MainDirections(), NBEdgePriorityComputer::markBestParallel(), NBRequest::mergeConflict(), NBEdge(), NBNodeShapeComputer::needsLargeTurn(), NBTurningDirectionsComputer::combination_by_angle_sorter::operator()(), NBContHelper::edge_by_angle_to_nodeShapeCentroid_sorter::operator()(), recheckLanes(), NBNode::recheckVClassConnections(), NBNodeCont::removeComponents(), NBEdgeCont::removeEdgesByPermissions(), removeInvalidConnections(), NBPTStop::replaceEdge(), GNENet::restrictLane(), shiftPositionAtNode(), GNERerouterSymbol::updateGeometry(), NBParking::write(), NWWriter_DlrNavteq::writeConnectedLanes(), NWWriter_XML::writeEdgesAndConnections(), NWWriter_OpenDrive::writeInternalEdge(), NWWriter_DlrNavteq::writeLinksUnsplitted(), NWWriter_OpenDrive::writeNormalEdge(), and NWWriter_DlrNavteq::writeProhibitedManoeuvres().

◆ getPermissionVariants()

std::set< SVCPermissions > NBEdge::getPermissionVariants ( int  iStart,
int  iEnd 
) const

return all permission variants within the specified lane range [iStart, iEnd[

Definition at line 4485 of file NBEdge.cpp.

References getNumLanes(), getPermissions(), and toString().

Referenced by NBNode::computeLanes2Lanes().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getPriority()

◆ getShapeEndAngle()

double NBEdge::getShapeEndAngle ( ) const

Returns the angle at the end of the edge.

only using edge shape
The angle is computed in computeAngle()
This edge's end angle

Definition at line 2407 of file NBEdge.cpp.

References ANGLE_LOOKAHEAD, Position::angleTo2D(), GeomHelper::legacyDegree(), PositionVector::length2D(), MIN2(), myGeom, and PositionVector::positionAtOffset2D().

Referenced by NBContHelper::edge_similar_direction_sorter::operator()().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getShapeStartAngle()

double NBEdge::getShapeStartAngle ( ) const

Returns the angle at the start of the edge.

only using edge shape
This edge's start angle

Definition at line 2399 of file NBEdge.cpp.

References ANGLE_LOOKAHEAD, GeomHelper::legacyDegree(), PositionVector::length2D(), MIN2(), myGeom, and PositionVector::positionAtOffset2D().

Referenced by NBContHelper::edge_similar_direction_sorter::operator()().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getSidewalkID()

std::string NBEdge::getSidewalkID ( )

get the lane id for the canonical sidewalk lane

Definition at line 4546 of file NBEdge.cpp.

References getLaneID(), myLanes, and SVC_PEDESTRIAN.

Referenced by NBNode::buildWalkingAreas().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getSignalNode()

const NBNode* NBEdge::getSignalNode ( ) const

Returns the node that (possibly) represents a traffic signal controlling at the end of this edge.

Definition at line 713 of file NBEdge.h.

References mySignalNode.

Referenced by NBNodeCont::guessTLs().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getSignalOffset()

double NBEdge::getSignalOffset ( ) const

Returns the offset of a traffic signal from the end of this edge.

Definition at line 4415 of file NBEdge.cpp.

References Position::distanceTo2D(), getNumLanes(), Position::INVALID, myLanes, myLaneSpreadFunction, mySignalPosition, RIGHT, and UNSPECIFIED_SIGNAL_OFFSET.

Referenced by NBNodeCont::guessTLs().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getSignalPosition()

const Position& NBEdge::getSignalPosition ( ) const

Returns the position of a traffic signal on this edge.

Definition at line 708 of file NBEdge.h.

References mySignalPosition.

Referenced by NBNodeCont::guessTLs().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getSigns()

const std::vector<NBSign>& NBEdge::getSigns ( ) const

get Signs

Definition at line 1451 of file NBEdge.h.

References mySigns.

Referenced by NWWriter_XML::writeStreetSigns().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getSpecialLane()

int NBEdge::getSpecialLane ( SVCPermissions  permissions) const

return index of the first lane that allows the given permissions

Definition at line 4461 of file NBEdge.cpp.

References myLanes.

Referenced by NBNode::computeLanes2Lanes(), and NBNode::recheckVClassConnections().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getSpeed()

◆ getStartAngle()

double NBEdge::getStartAngle ( ) const

Returns the angle at the start of the edge (relative to the node shape center) The angle is computed in computeAngle()

This edge's start angle

Definition at line 551 of file NBEdge.h.

References myStartAngle.

Referenced by NBContHelper::relative_outgoing_edge_sorter::operator()(), and NBNode::rightTurnConflict().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getStep()

EdgeBuildingStep NBEdge::getStep ( ) const

The building step of this edge.

The current building step for this edge
Recheck usage!
See also

Definition at line 631 of file NBEdge.h.

References myStep.

Referenced by NBRampsComputer::buildOffRamp(), NBRampsComputer::buildOnRamp(), NBNode::computeLanes2Lanes(), NIXMLConnectionsHandler::delConnection(), NBNode::ApproachingDivider::execute(), NBNode::isExplicitRailNoBidi(), NBNodeCont::joinNodeCluster(), NIXMLConnectionsHandler::parseLaneBound(), replaceInConnections(), and GNENet::restrictLane().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getStraightContinuation()

NBEdge * NBEdge::getStraightContinuation ( SVCPermissions  permissions) const

return the straightest follower edge for the given permissions or nullptr (never returns turn-arounds)

: this method is called before connections are built and simply goes by node graph topology

Definition at line 4847 of file NBEdge.cpp.

References filterByPermissions(), NBNode::getOutgoingEdges(), isTurningDirectionAt(), and myTo.

Referenced by NBRailwayTopologyAnalyzer::extendDirectionPriority(), and NBNodeCont::pruneLongEdges().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getStraightPredecessor()

NBEdge * NBEdge::getStraightPredecessor ( SVCPermissions  permissions) const

return the straightest predecessor edge for the given permissions or nullptr (never returns turn-arounds)

: this method is called before connections are built and simply goes by node graph topology

Definition at line 4862 of file NBEdge.cpp.

References filterByPermissions(), NBNode::getIncomingEdges(), isTurningDirectionAt(), and myFrom.

Referenced by NBRailwayTopologyAnalyzer::extendDirectionPriority().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getStreetName()

const std::string& NBEdge::getStreetName ( ) const

Returns the street name of this edge.

Definition at line 665 of file NBEdge.h.

References myStreetName.

Referenced by NIXMLEdgesHandler::addEdge(), GNEEdge::drawEdgeName(), expandableBy(), GNEEdge::getAttribute(), GNEEdge::getOptionalName(), NBEdgeCont::joinSameNodeConnectingEdges(), NWWriter_SUMO::writeEdge(), NWWriter_XML::writeEdgesAndConnections(), NWWriter_DlrNavteq::writeLinksUnsplitted(), and NWWriter_OpenDrive::writeNormalEdge().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getSuccessors()

const EdgeVector & NBEdge::getSuccessors ( SUMOVehicleClass  vClass = SVC_IGNORING) const

Returns the following edges for the given vClass.

Definition at line 4751 of file NBEdge.cpp.

References getPermissions(), myConnections, mySuccessors, and SVC_IGNORING.

Referenced by recheckLanes(), and replaceInConnections().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getToNode()

NBNode* NBEdge::getToNode ( ) const

Returns the destination node of the edge.

The node this edge ends at

Definition at line 542 of file NBEdge.h.

References myTo.

Referenced by NIImporter_SUMO::_loadNetwork(), NBRailwayTopologyAnalyzer::addBidiEdge(), NBRailwayTopologyAnalyzer::addBidiEdgesBetweenSwitches(), NBRailwayTopologyAnalyzer::addBidiEdgesForBufferStops(), NBLoadedSUMOTLDef::addConnection(), NIXMLConnectionsHandler::addCrossing(), NBNode::addedLanesRight(), NIXMLEdgesHandler::addLane(), NIXMLConnectionsHandler::addProhibition(), NIXMLEdgesHandler::addSplit(), NIXMLTrafficLightsHandler::addTlConnection(), NIVissimDisturbance::addToNode(), NBLoadedTLDef::addToSignalGroup(), NIXMLConnectionsHandler::addWalkingArea(), NBNode::alreadyConnectedPaths(), NIImporter_OpenStreetMap::RelationHandler::applyRestriction(), NBNodeShapeComputer::badIntersection(), NBRampsComputer::buildOffRamp(), NBRampsComputer::buildOnRamp(), GNEConnection::changeTLIndex(), NBEdgeCont::checkConsistency(), NBNode::checkCrossing(), NBEdgeCont::checkOverlap(), NBTrafficLightDefinition::collectAllLinks(), NBLoadedTLDef::collectNodes(), NBOwnTLDef::computeLogicAndConts(), NBRampsComputer::computeRamps(), NBOwnTLDef::computeUnblockedWeightedStreamNumber(), NIVissimDistrictConnection::dict_BuildDistricts(), GNELane::drawLane2LaneConnections(), GNELane::drawLinkNo(), NBNode::ApproachingDivider::execute(), NBRailwayTopologyAnalyzer::extendBidiEdges(), NBEdgeCont::extractRoundabouts(), NBNodeCont::feasibleCluster(), NBRampsComputer::fulfillsRampConstraints(), NBEdgeCont::generateStreetSigns(), GNEEdge::getAttribute(), NBTurningDirectionsComputer::getFarAngleAtNode(), getFinalLength(), NWWriter_DlrNavteq::getFormOfWay(), NWWriter_DlrNavteq::getGraphLength(), NIImporter_VISUM::getNamedEdgeContinuating(), NBNode::getOppositeIncoming(), NWWriter_SUMO::getOppositeInternalID(), NBPTStopCont::getReverseEdge(), NIImporter_OpenDrive::getTLSSecure(), NBOwnTLDef::getToPrio(), GNEEdge::GNEEdge(), NBRailwaySignalGuesser::guessByStops(), guessOpposite(), NBEdgeCont::guessRoundabouts(), NBEdgeCont::guessSpecialLanes(), NBNodeCont::guessTLs(), NBOwnTLDef::hasStraightConnection(), NBEdgeCont::insert(), GNENetHelper::AttributeCarriers::insertEdge(), GNEConnection::isAttributeEnabled(), isBidiEdge(), NBNode::isLongEnough(), NBRailwayTopologyAnalyzer::isStraight(), GNEConnection::isValid(), GNELane::isValid(), NBNodeCont::joinJunctions(), NBNodeCont::joinNodeCluster(), NBEdgeCont::joinSameNodeConnectingEdges(), NBEdgeCont::joinTramEdges(), NBRequest::laneConflict(), NBRampsComputer::mayNeedOnRamp(), NBEdge(), NBNodeShapeComputer::needsLargeTurn(), NBOwnTLDef::edge_by_incoming_priority_sorter::operator()(), NBContHelper::relative_incoming_edge_sorter::operator()(), NBContHelper::edge_by_angle_to_nodeShapeCentroid_sorter::operator()(), NBContHelper::edge_with_destination_finder::operator()(), NIImporter_VISUM::parse_Lanes(), NIImporter_VISUM::parse_LanesConnections(), NIImporter_VISUM::parse_stopPoints(), NIXMLConnectionsHandler::parseConnection(), NIXMLConnectionsHandler::parseLaneBound(), NBOwnTLDef::patchNEMAStateForCrossings(), NBRampsComputer::patchRampGeometry(), NBEdgeCont::processSplits(), NBNodeCont::pruneLongEdges(), NBNodeCont::pruneSlipLaneNodes(), NBTrafficLightDefinition::railSignalUncontrolled(), NBEdgeCont::recheckLanes(), NBEdgeCont::recheckPostProcessConnections(), NIImporter_OpenStreetMap::reconstructLayerElevation(), NBNodeCont::reduceToCircle(), NBNodeCont::removeComponents(), NBNode::removeEdge(), NBNodeCont::removeIsolatedRoads(), NBNodeCont::removeRailComponents(), NBEdgeCont::removeUnwishedEdges(), NBNodeCont::removeUnwishedNodes(), GNENet::replaceJunctionByGeometry(), NIImporter_DlrNavteq::TrafficlightsHandler::report(), NIImporter_OpenDrive::retrieveSignalEdges(), NBNode::rightTurnConflict(), GNEConnection::setAttribute(), NIXMLEdgesHandler::setNodes(), NIVissimConflictArea::setPriorityRegulation(), GNEEdge::smoothShape(), GNEEdge::straightenElevation(), NBRailwayGeometryHelper::straigthenCorrdidor(), NBNodesEdgesSorter::swapWhenReversed(), GNELane2laneConnection::updateLane2laneConnection(), GNEConnection::updateLinkState(), NBRailwayTopologyAnalyzer::updateTurns(), NWWriter_SUMO::writeConnection(), NWWriter_SUMO::writeEdge(), NWWriter_XML::writeEdgesAndConnections(), NWWriter_OpenDrive::writeInternalEdge(), NWWriter_DlrNavteq::writeLinksUnsplitted(), NWWriter_OpenDrive::writeNetwork(), NWWriter_SUMO::writeRoundabout(), and NWWriter_OpenDrive::writeSignals().

◆ getTotalAngle()

double NBEdge::getTotalAngle ( ) const

Returns the angle at the start of the edge.

The angle is computed in computeAngle()
This edge's angle

Definition at line 582 of file NBEdge.h.

References myTotalAngle.

Referenced by NBContHelper::same_connection_edge_sorter::getMinMaxRelAngles().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getTotalWidth()

double NBEdge::getTotalWidth ( ) const

Returns the combined width of all lanes of this edge.

Definition at line 4206 of file NBEdge.cpp.

References getLaneWidth(), and myLanes.

Referenced by GNENet::addReversedEdge(), NBNodeShapeComputer::badIntersection(), NBEdgeCont::checkOverlap(), computeLaneShapes(), NBNodeShapeComputer::divisionWidth(), NBNodeShapeComputer::isDivided(), NBNode::isSimpleContinuation(), setNodeBorder(), shiftPositionAtNode(), and NWWriter_DlrNavteq::writeNodesUnsplitted().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getTravelTimeStatic() [1/2]

static double NBEdge::getTravelTimeStatic ( const NBEdge *const  edge,
const NBVehicle * const  ,

Definition at line 1491 of file NBEdge.h.

References getLength(), and getSpeed().

Referenced by NBRailwayTopologyAnalyzer::getTravelTimeStatic().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getTravelTimeStatic() [2/2]

static double NBRouterEdge::getTravelTimeStatic ( const NBRouterEdge *const  edge,
const NBVehicle * const  ,

Definition at line 82 of file NBEdge.h.

References NBRouterEdge::getLength(), and NBRouterEdge::getSpeed().

Referenced by NBPTLineCont::fixBidiStops(), GNEPathManager::PathCalculator::PathCalculator(), and GNEPathManager::PathCalculator::updatePathCalculator().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getTurnDestination()

◆ getTurnSignTarget()

const std::string& NBEdge::getTurnSignTarget ( ) const

Definition at line 1549 of file NBEdge.h.

References myTurnSignTarget.

◆ getTypeID()

const std::string& NBEdge::getTypeID ( ) const

get ID of type

Definition at line 1177 of file NBEdge.h.

References myType.

Referenced by NIXMLEdgesHandler::addEdge(), GNEEdge::getAttribute(), NWWriter_DlrNavteq::getBrunnelType(), NWWriter_DlrNavteq::getFormOfWay(), NWWriter_DlrNavteq::getRoadClass(), NBEdgeCont::ignoreFilterMatch(), NWWriter_SUMO::writeEdge(), and NWWriter_XML::writeEdgesAndConnections().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getViaSuccessors()

const ConstRouterEdgePairVector & NBEdge::getViaSuccessors ( SUMOVehicleClass  vClass = SVC_IGNORING,
bool  ignoreTransientPermissions = false 
) const

Returns the following edges for the given vClass.

Implements NBRouterEdge.

Definition at line 4769 of file NBEdge.cpp.

References getPermissions(), myConnections, myViaSuccessors, and SVC_PEDESTRIAN.

◆ guessOpposite()

NBEdge * NBEdge::guessOpposite ( bool  reguess = false)

set oppositeID and return opposite edge if found

Definition at line 4878 of file NBEdge.cpp.

References PositionVector::distances(), getFromNode(), getLaneID(), getLaneWidth(), getNumLanes(), getToNode(), VectorHelper< T >::maxValue(), myLanes, NBEdge::Lane::oppositeID, and NBEdge::Lane::shape.

Referenced by NBEdgeCont::guessOpposites().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ hasAccelLane()

bool NBEdge::hasAccelLane ( ) const

whether one of the lanes is an acceleration lane

Definition at line 2506 of file NBEdge.cpp.

References myLanes.

Referenced by needsLaneSpecificOutput().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ hasConnectionTo()

bool NBEdge::hasConnectionTo ( const NBEdge destEdge,
int  destLane,
int  fromLane = -1 
) const

Retrieves info about a connection to a certain lane of a certain edge.

Turnaround edge is ignored!

[in]destEdgeThe connection's destination edge
[in]destLaneThe connection's destination lane
[in]fromLaneIf a value >= 0 is given, only return true if a connection from the given lane exists
whether a connection to the specified lane exists

Definition at line 1318 of file NBEdge.cpp.

References myConnections.

Referenced by NBNode::buildWalkingAreas(), NIXMLConnectionsHandler::delConnection(), GNEConnectorFrame::getLaneStatus(), recheckLanes(), NBLoadedSUMOTLDef::reconstructLogic(), removeInvalidConnections(), and setConnection().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ hasCustomLaneShape()

bool NBEdge::hasCustomLaneShape ( ) const

whether one of the lanes has a custom shape

Definition at line 2517 of file NBEdge.cpp.

References myLanes.

Referenced by needsLaneSpecificOutput().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ hasDefaultGeometry()

bool NBEdge::hasDefaultGeometry ( ) const

Returns whether the geometry consists only of the node positions.

Definition at line 590 of file NBEdge.cpp.

References hasDefaultGeometryEndpoints(), and myGeom.

Referenced by NIXMLEdgesHandler::addEdge(), NWWriter_SUMO::writeEdge(), and NWWriter_XML::writeEdgesAndConnections().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ hasDefaultGeometryEndpointAtNode()

bool NBEdge::hasDefaultGeometryEndpointAtNode ( const NBNode node) const

Returns whether the geometry is terminated by the node positions This default may be violated by initializing with tryIgnoreNodePositions=true' or with setGeometry() non-default endpoints are useful to control the generated node shape.

Definition at line 603 of file NBEdge.cpp.

References NBNode::getPosition(), myFrom, myGeom, and myTo.

Referenced by NBNodeShapeComputer::badIntersection(), NBRampsComputer::patchRampGeometry(), and GNENet::replaceJunctionByGeometry().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ hasDefaultGeometryEndpoints()

bool NBEdge::hasDefaultGeometryEndpoints ( ) const

Returns whether the geometry is terminated by the node positions This default may be violated by initializing with tryIgnoreNodePositions=true' or with setGeometry() non-default endpoints are useful to control the generated node shape.

Definition at line 596 of file NBEdge.cpp.

References PositionVector::almostSame(), NBNode::getPosition(), myFrom, myGeom, and myTo.

Referenced by hasDefaultGeometry(), and NBRampsComputer::patchRampGeometry().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ hasLaneParams()

bool NBEdge::hasLaneParams ( ) const

whether one of the lanes has parameters set

Definition at line 2528 of file NBEdge.cpp.

References myLanes.

Referenced by needsLaneSpecificOutput().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ hasLaneSpecificEndOffset()

bool NBEdge::hasLaneSpecificEndOffset ( ) const

whether lanes differ in offset

Definition at line 2482 of file NBEdge.cpp.

References myLanes.

Referenced by NIImporter_SUMO::_loadNetwork(), GNEEdge::getAttribute(), needsLaneSpecificOutput(), and NWWriter_XML::writeEdgesAndConnections().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ hasLaneSpecificFriction()

bool NBEdge::hasLaneSpecificFriction ( ) const

whether lanes differ in friction

Definition at line 2450 of file NBEdge.cpp.

References myLanes.

Referenced by GNEEdge::getAttribute(), and NWWriter_XML::writeEdgesAndConnections().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ hasLaneSpecificPermissions()

bool NBEdge::hasLaneSpecificPermissions ( ) const

whether lanes differ in allowed vehicle classes

Definition at line 2426 of file NBEdge.cpp.

References myLanes.

Referenced by GNEEdge::getAttribute(), needsLaneSpecificOutput(), and NWWriter_XML::writeEdgesAndConnections().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ hasLaneSpecificSpeed()

bool NBEdge::hasLaneSpecificSpeed ( ) const

whether lanes differ in speed

Definition at line 2440 of file NBEdge.cpp.

References getSpeed(), and myLanes.

Referenced by GNEEdge::getAttribute(), needsLaneSpecificOutput(), and NWWriter_XML::writeEdgesAndConnections().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ hasLaneSpecificStopOffsets()

bool NBEdge::hasLaneSpecificStopOffsets ( ) const

whether lanes differ in stopOffsets

Definition at line 2493 of file NBEdge.cpp.

References StopOffset::isDefined(), myEdgeStopOffset, and myLanes.

Referenced by NIImporter_SUMO::_loadNetwork(), needsLaneSpecificOutput(), and NWWriter_XML::writeEdgesAndConnections().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ hasLaneSpecificType()

bool NBEdge::hasLaneSpecificType ( ) const

whether lanes differ in type

Definition at line 2471 of file NBEdge.cpp.

References myLanes.

Referenced by needsLaneSpecificOutput().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ hasLaneSpecificWidth()

bool NBEdge::hasLaneSpecificWidth ( ) const

whether lanes differ in width

Definition at line 2460 of file NBEdge.cpp.

References myLanes.

Referenced by NIImporter_SUMO::_loadNetwork(), GNEEdge::getAttribute(), GNEEdge::isAttributeComputed(), needsLaneSpecificOutput(), and NWWriter_XML::writeEdgesAndConnections().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ hasLoadedLength()

bool NBEdge::hasLoadedLength ( ) const

Returns whether a length was set explicitly.

Wether the edge's length was specified

Definition at line 608 of file NBEdge.h.

References myLoadedLength.

Referenced by NIXMLEdgesHandler::addEdge(), NIXMLEdgesHandler::addSplit(), NBEdgeCont::fixSplitCustomLength(), getFinalLength(), GNEEdge::isAttributeComputed(), GNENet::replaceJunctionByGeometry(), NBEdgeCont::splitAt(), GNENet::splitEdge(), NWWriter_SUMO::writeEdge(), and NWWriter_XML::writeEdgesAndConnections().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ hasParameter()

bool Parameterised::hasParameter ( const std::string &  key) const

Returns whether the parameter is set.

[in]keyThe key to ask for
Whether the key is known

Definition at line 84 of file Parameterised.cpp.

References Parameterised::myMap.

Referenced by MSStageWalking::activateEntryReminders(), append(), MSVehicleType::build(), GUIInductLoop::buildDetectorGUIRepresentation(), MSDevice_ElecHybrid::buildVehicleDevices(), MSDevice_Example::buildVehicleDevices(), GUINet::createTLWrapper(), EnergyParams::EnergyParams(), MSDevice_SSM::filterByConflictType(), NWWriter_DlrNavteq::getBrunnelType(), GNEEdgeData::getColorValue(), GNEEdgeRelData::getColorValue(), GNETAZRelData::getColorValue(), GNELane::getColorValue(), GUILane::getColorValue(), MSDevice_SSM::getDetectionRange(), MSDevice_SSM::getExtraTime(), MSDevice_SSM::getMDRAC_PRT(), MSDevice_SSM::getMeasuresAndThresholds(), MSDevice_SSM::getOutputFilename(), LIBSUMO_NAMESPACE::Simulation::getParameter(), MSStoppingPlaceRerouter::getWeight(), MSStageDriving::init(), SUMOVTypeParameter::initRailVisualizationParameters(), MSEdge::insertVehicle(), NIImporter_OpenStreetMap::load(), NWWriter_OpenDrive::mapmatchRoadObjects(), Parameterised::mergeParameters(), MSActuatedTrafficLightLogic::MSActuatedTrafficLightLogic(), MSSimpleTrafficLightLogic::MSSimpleTrafficLightLogic(), GNEVType::overwriteVType(), NWWriter_OpenDrive::parseTrafficSign(), NBTrafficLightDefinition::railSignalUncontrolled(), MSDevice_Battery::readParameterValue(), MSDevice_SSM::requestsTrajectories(), NBTrafficLightLogicCont::setOpenDriveSignalParameters(), MSVehicle::slowDownForSchedule(), MSDevice_SSM::useGeoCoords(), MSTLLogicControl::WAUTSwitchProcedure_Stretch::WAUTSwitchProcedure_Stretch(), MSDevice_SSM::writeLanesPositions(), MSDevice_SSM::writePositions(), NWWriter_OpenDrive::writeRoadObjectPoly(), NWWriter_OpenDrive::writeRoadObjects(), and NWWriter_OpenDrive::writeSignals().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ hasPermissions()

bool NBEdge::hasPermissions ( ) const

whether at least one lane has restrictions

Definition at line 2415 of file NBEdge.cpp.

References myLanes, and SVCAll.

◆ hasRestrictedLane()

bool NBEdge::hasRestrictedLane ( SUMOVehicleClass  vclass) const

returns whether any lane already allows the given vclass exclusively

Definition at line 4585 of file NBEdge.cpp.

References myLanes.

Referenced by addRestrictedLane(), and NBEdgeCont::guessSpecialLanes().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ hasSignalisedConnectionTo()

bool NBEdge::hasSignalisedConnectionTo ( const NBEdge *const  e) const

Check if edge has signalised connections.

Definition at line 3986 of file NBEdge.cpp.

References myConnections.

Referenced by buildInnerEdges(), and NBRequest::forbids().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ haveIntersection()

bool NBEdge::haveIntersection ( const NBNode n,
const PositionVector shape,
const NBEdge otherFrom,
const NBEdge::Connection otherCon,
int  numPoints,
double  width1,
double  width2,
int  shapeFlag = 0 
) const

Definition at line 2112 of file NBEdge.cpp.

References NBNode::computeInternalLaneShape(), firstIntersection(), and PositionVector::length().

Referenced by buildInnerEdges().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ incLaneNo()

void NBEdge::incLaneNo ( int  by)

increment lane

Definition at line 4064 of file NBEdge.cpp.

References addLane(), LANES2LANES_USER, myLanes, and myStep.

Referenced by NBRampsComputer::buildOffRamp(), NBRampsComputer::buildOnRamp(), NIImporter_VISUM::parse_Lanes(), and NBEdgeCont::processSplits().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ init()

void NBEdge::init ( int  noLanes,
bool  tryIgnoreNodePositions,
const std::string &  origID 

Initialization routines common to all constructors.

Checks whether the number of lanes>0, whether the junction's from- and to-nodes are given (!=0) and whether they are distict. Throws a ProcessError if any of these checks fails.

Adds the nodes positions to geometry if it shall not be ignored or if the geometry is empty.

Computes the angle and length, and adds this edge to its node as outgoing/incoming. Builds lane informations.

[in]noLanesThe number of lanes this edge has
[in]tryIgnoreNodePositionsDoes not add node geometries if geom.size()>=2
[in]origIDThe original ID this edge had

Definition at line 457 of file NBEdge.cpp.

References PositionVector::add(), NBNode::addIncomingEdge(), NBNode::addOutgoingEdge(), computeAngle(), computeLaneShapes(), DEBUGCOND, getID(), Named::getID(), NBNode::getIncomingEdges(), NBNode::getPosition(), SUMOXMLDefinitions::isValidNetID(), PositionVector::length(), myConnections, myConnectionsToDelete, myFrom, myGeom, Named::myID, myLanes, myLength, myTo, PositionVector::push_back_noDoublePos(), PositionVector::push_front_noDoublePos(), PositionVector::removeDoublePoints(), removeFromConnections(), PositionVector::reverse(), TL, TLF, and WRITE_WARNINGF.

Referenced by NBEdge(), and reinit().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ invalidateConnections()

void NBEdge::invalidateConnections ( bool  reallowSetting = false)

invalidate current connections of edge

Definition at line 1522 of file NBEdge.cpp.

References INIT, INIT_REJECT_CONNECTIONS, myConnections, myStep, and myTurnDestination.

Referenced by addEdge2EdgeConnection(), addLane(), addLane2LaneConnections(), NBRampsComputer::buildOffRamp(), NBRampsComputer::buildOnRamp(), deleteLane(), NBEdgeCont::guessSpecialLanes(), NBEdgeCont::joinTramEdges(), NBRailwayTopologyAnalyzer::makeAllBidi(), NBEdgeCont::processSplits(), and GNEEdge::setAttribute().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ isBidi()

bool NBEdge::isBidi ( )

return whether this edge should be a bidi edge

Definition at line 1419 of file NBEdge.h.

References myIsBidi.

Referenced by setBidi(), and NBEdgeCont::splitAt().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ isBidiEdge()

bool NBEdge::isBidiEdge ( bool  checkPotential = false) const

whether this edge is part of a bidirectional edge pair

Definition at line 755 of file NBEdge.cpp.

References CENTER, getFromNode(), getGeometry(), getLaneSpreadFunction(), getToNode(), myIsBidi, myLanes, myLaneSpreadFunction, myPossibleTurnDestination, and PositionVector::reverse().

Referenced by getBidiEdge(), GNEEdge::isAttributeEnabled(), GNEEdge::isValid(), NBNode::mustBrake(), and GNELane::DrawingConstants::update().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ isBidiRail()

◆ isConnectedTo()

bool NBEdge::isConnectedTo ( const NBEdge e,
const bool  ignoreTurnaround = false 
) const

Returns the information whethe a connection to the given edge has been added (or computed)

[in]eThe destination edge
[in]ignoreTurnaroundflag to ignore or not Turnaround
Whether a connection to the specified edge exists

Definition at line 1324 of file NBEdge.cpp.

References myConnections, and myTurnDestination.

Referenced by NBNode::addedLanesRight(), NIImporter_OpenStreetMap::RelationHandler::applyRestriction(), NBNode::computeLanes2Lanes(), NIXMLConnectionsHandler::delConnection(), NBEdgeCont::joinTramEdges(), NBRequest::setBlocking(), and NWWriter_DlrNavteq::writeProhibitedManoeuvres().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ isInsideTLS()

bool NBEdge::isInsideTLS ( ) const

Returns whether this edge was marked as being within an intersection.

Whether this edge was marked as being within an intersection

Definition at line 1144 of file NBEdge.h.

References myAmInTLS.

Referenced by NBNode::getLinkState().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ isInternal()

virtual bool NBRouterEdge::isInternal ( ) const

Reimplemented in NBEdge::Connection.

Definition at line 71 of file NBEdge.h.

◆ isMacroscopicConnector()

bool NBEdge::isMacroscopicConnector ( ) const

Returns whether this edge was marked as a macroscopic connector.

Whether this edge was marked as a macroscopic connector

Definition at line 1132 of file NBEdge.h.

References myAmMacroscopicConnector.

Referenced by NBRampsComputer::fulfillsRampConstraints(), GNELane::getColorValue(), and NWWriter_SUMO::writeEdge().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ isNearEnough2BeJoined2()

bool NBEdge::isNearEnough2BeJoined2 ( NBEdge e,
double  threshold 
) const

Check if edge is near enought to be joined to another edge.

Definition at line 4012 of file NBEdge.cpp.

References PositionVector::distances(), getGeometry(), VectorHelper< T >::maxValue(), and myGeom.

Referenced by NBNodeCont::joinSimilarEdges().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ isOffRamp()

bool NBEdge::isOffRamp ( ) const

Definition at line 1395 of file NBEdge.h.

References myIsOffRamp.

Referenced by NBNode::addedLanesRight(), and markOffRamp().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ isParameterValid()

bool Parameterised::isParameterValid ( const std::string &  value,
const std::string &  kvsep,
const std::string &  sep 

check if given string can be parsed to a parameter of type "key=value"

Definition at line 254 of file Parameterised.cpp.

References StringTokenizer::getVector(), and SUMOXMLDefinitions::isValidParameterKey().

Referenced by Parameterised::areAttributesValid(), and Parameterised::areParametersValid().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ isRailDeadEnd()

bool NBEdge::isRailDeadEnd ( ) const

whether this edge is a railway edge that does not continue

Definition at line 773 of file NBEdge.cpp.

References NBNode::getOutgoingEdges(), getPermissions(), getTurnDestination(), isRailway(), and myTo.

Referenced by appendTurnaround().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ isTurningDirectionAt()

bool NBEdge::isTurningDirectionAt ( const NBEdge *const  edge) const

◆ joinLanes()

bool NBEdge::joinLanes ( SVCPermissions  perms)

join adjacent lanes with the given permissions

Definition at line 4816 of file NBEdge.cpp.

References deleteLane(), getLaneWidth(), getNumLanes(), getPermissions(), myLanes, setLaneType(), and setLaneWidth().

◆ lanesWereAssigned()

bool NBEdge::lanesWereAssigned ( ) const

Check if lanes were assigned.

Definition at line 3693 of file NBEdge.cpp.


Referenced by NIVissimTL::NIVissimTLSignal::addTo().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ markAsInLane2LaneState()

void NBEdge::markAsInLane2LaneState ( )

mark edge as in lane to state lane

Definition at line 4107 of file NBEdge.cpp.

References NBNode::getOutgoingEdges(), LANES2LANES_DONE, myStep, and myTo.

◆ markOffRamp()

void NBEdge::markOffRamp ( bool  isOffRamp)

marks this edge has being an offRamp or leading to one (used for connection computation)

Definition at line 1391 of file NBEdge.h.

References isOffRamp(), and myIsOffRamp.

Referenced by NBRampsComputer::buildOffRamp().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ mayBeTLSControlled()

bool NBEdge::mayBeTLSControlled ( int  fromLane,
NBEdge toEdge,
int  toLane 
) const

return true if certain connection must be controlled by TLS

Definition at line 3705 of file NBEdge.cpp.

References myConnections.

Referenced by NBTrafficLightDefinition::collectAllLinks(), NBLoadedTLDef::collectLinks(), NBTrafficLightDefinition::collectReachable(), NBLoadedSUMOTLDef::reconstructLogic(), and setControllingTLInformation().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ mergeParameters()

void Parameterised::mergeParameters ( const Parameterised::Map mapArg,
const std::string  separator = " ",
bool  uniqueValues = true 

Adds or appends all given parameters from the map.

[in]mapArgThe keys/values to insert

Definition at line 65 of file Parameterised.cpp.

References Parameterised::getParameter(), Parameterised::hasParameter(), and Parameterised::setParameter().

Referenced by append().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ mirrorX()

void NBEdge::mirrorX ( )

mirror coordinates along the x-axis

Definition at line 564 of file NBEdge.cpp.

References computeAngle(), Position::INVALID, PositionVector::mirrorX(), myConnections, myGeom, myLanes, mySignalPosition, Position::sety(), and Position::y().

Referenced by GNEEdge::setGeometry().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ moveConnectionToLeft()

void NBEdge::moveConnectionToLeft ( int  lane)

@briefmoves a connection one place to the left;

Attention! no checking for field validity

Definition at line 1653 of file NBEdge.cpp.

References canMoveConnection(), getID(), myConnections, setConnection(), NBEdge::Connection::toEdge, NBEdge::Connection::toLane, and VALIDATED.

Referenced by recheckLanes().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ moveConnectionToRight()

void NBEdge::moveConnectionToRight ( int  lane)

@briefmoves a connection one place to the right; @noteAttention! no checking for field validity

Definition at line 1671 of file NBEdge.cpp.

References canMoveConnection(), getID(), myConnections, setConnection(), NBEdge::Connection::toEdge, NBEdge::Connection::toLane, and VALIDATED.

Referenced by recheckLanes().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ moveOutgoingConnectionsFrom()

void NBEdge::moveOutgoingConnectionsFrom ( NBEdge e,
int  laneOff 

move outgoing connection

Definition at line 3681 of file NBEdge.cpp.

References addLane2LaneConnection(), COMPUTED, getConnectionsFromLane(), and getNumLanes().

Referenced by NBEdgeCont::joinSameNodeConnectingEdges().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ needsLaneSpecificOutput()

bool NBEdge::needsLaneSpecificOutput ( ) const

whether at least one lane has values differing from the edges values

Definition at line 2548 of file NBEdge.cpp.

References hasAccelLane(), hasCustomLaneShape(), hasLaneParams(), hasLaneSpecificEndOffset(), hasLaneSpecificPermissions(), hasLaneSpecificSpeed(), hasLaneSpecificStopOffsets(), hasLaneSpecificType(), hasLaneSpecificWidth(), myLanes, and prohibitsChanging().

Referenced by NWWriter_XML::writeEdgesAndConnections().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ operator=()

NBEdge& NBEdge::operator= ( const NBEdge s)

invalidated assignment operator

◆ preferVehicleClass()

void NBEdge::preferVehicleClass ( int  lane,
SVCPermissions  vclasses 

prefer certain vehicle classes for the given lane or for all lanes if -1 is given (ensures also permissions)

Definition at line 4140 of file NBEdge.cpp.

References myLanes.

Referenced by NIImporter_OpenStreetMap::applyLaneUse().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ prepareEdgePriorities()

const std::vector< int > NBEdge::prepareEdgePriorities ( const EdgeVector outgoing,
const std::vector< int > &  availableLanes 

recomputes the edge priorities and manipulates them for a distribution of lanes on edges which is more like in real-life

Definition at line 3481 of file NBEdge.cpp.

References DEBUGCOND, NBEdge::MainDirections::empty(), NBEdge::MainDirections::FORWARD, getID(), NBEdge::MainDirections::getStraightest(), NBNode::getType(), NBEdge::MainDirections::includes(), NBNode::isTrafficLight(), NBEdge::MainDirections::LEFTMOST, myLanes, myTo, NBEdge::MainDirections::RIGHTMOST, and toString().

Referenced by divideSelectedLanesOnEdges().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ prohibits()

bool NBRouterEdge::prohibits ( const NBVehicle * const  ) const

Definition at line 74 of file NBEdge.h.

◆ prohibitsChanging()

bool NBEdge::prohibitsChanging ( ) const

whether one of the lanes prohibits lane changing

Definition at line 2538 of file NBEdge.cpp.

References myLanes, and SVCAll.

Referenced by needsLaneSpecificOutput().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ recheckLanes()

◆ reduceGeometry()

void NBEdge::reduceGeometry ( const double  minDist)

Removes points with a distance lesser than the given.

[in]minDistThe minimum distance between two position to keep the second

Definition at line 1008 of file NBEdge.cpp.

References Named::getID(), myFrom, myGeom, myLanes, myTo, PositionVector::removeDoublePoints(), and PositionVector::reverse().

◆ reinit()

void NBEdge::reinit ( NBNode from,
NBNode to,
const std::string &  type,
double  speed,
double  friction,
int  nolanes,
int  priority,
PositionVector  geom,
double  width,
double  endOffset,
const std::string &  streetName,
LaneSpreadFunction  spread,
bool  tryIgnoreNodePositions = false 

Resets initial values.

[in]fromThe node the edge starts at
[in]toThe node the edge ends at
[in]typeThe type of the edge (may be =="")
[in]speedThe maximum velocity allowed on this edge
[in]nolanesThe number of lanes this edge has
[in]priorityThis edge's priority
[in]geomThe edge's geomatry
[in]widthThis edge's lane width
[in]endOffsetAdditional offset to the destination node
[in]streetNameThe street name (need not be unique)
[in]spreadHow the lateral offset of the lanes shall be computed
[in]tryIgnoreNodePositionsDoes not add node geometries if geom.size()>=2

Definition at line 380 of file NBEdge.cpp.

References StringUtils::convertUmlaute(), init(), MIN2(), myFrom, myGeom, myLanes, myLaneSpreadFunction, myLoadedLength, myPriority, myStreetName, myTo, myType, NBNode::removeEdge(), setEndOffset(), setFriction(), setLaneWidth(), setSpeed(), SUMO_PARAM_ORIGID, UNSPECIFIED_FRICTION, UNSPECIFIED_LOADED_LENGTH, UNSPECIFIED_OFFSET, UNSPECIFIED_SPEED, and UNSPECIFIED_WIDTH.

Referenced by NIXMLEdgesHandler::addEdge().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ reinitNodes()

void NBEdge::reinitNodes ( NBNode from,
NBNode to 

Resets nodes but keeps all other values the same (used when joining)

[in]fromThe node the edge starts at
[in]toThe node the edge ends at

Definition at line 431 of file NBEdge.cpp.

References NBNode::addIncomingEdge(), NBNode::addOutgoingEdge(), computeAngle(), myFrom, Named::myID, myTo, NBNode::removeEdge(), and TLF.

Referenced by GNENet::changeEdgeEndpoints().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ remapConnections()

void NBEdge::remapConnections ( const EdgeVector incoming)

Remaps the connection in a way that allows the removal of it.

This edge (which is a self loop edge, in fact) connections are spread over the valid incoming edges


Definition at line 1425 of file NBEdge.cpp.

References addEdge2EdgeConnection(), EDGE2EDGES, getConnectedEdges(), myStep, and removeFromConnections().

Referenced by NBNode::removeSelfLoops().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ removeFromConnections() [1/2]

bool NBEdge::removeFromConnections ( const NBEdge::Connection connectionToRemove)

remove an existent connection of edge

Definition at line 1507 of file NBEdge.cpp.

References NBEdge::Connection::fromLane, myConnections, NBEdge::Connection::toEdge, and NBEdge::Connection::toLane.

◆ removeFromConnections() [2/2]

void NBEdge::removeFromConnections ( NBEdge toEdge,
int  fromLane = -1,
int  toLane = -1,
bool  tryLater = false,
const bool  adaptToLaneRemoval = false,
const bool  keepPossibleTurns = false 

Removes the specified connection(s)

[in]toEdgeThe destination edge
[in]fromLaneThe lane from which connections shall be removed; -1 means remove all
[in]toLaneThe lane to which connections shall be removed; -1 means remove all
[in]tryLaterIf the connection does not exist, try again during recheckLanes()
[in]adaptToLaneRemovalwe are in the process of removing a complete lane, adapt all connections accordingly

Definition at line 1441 of file NBEdge.cpp.

References DEBUGCOND, NBEdge::Connection::fromLane, NBNode::getControllingTLS(), NBConnection::getFromLane(), getID(), NBConnection::getTo(), NBConnection::getToLane(), NBNode::isTLControlled(), myConnections, myConnectionsToDelete, myPossibleTurnDestination, myTo, myTurnDestination, NBConnection::shiftLaneIndex(), NBEdge::Connection::toEdge, and NBEdge::Connection::toLane.

Referenced by NIImporter_OpenStreetMap::RelationHandler::applyRestriction(), NIXMLConnectionsHandler::delConnection(), deleteLane(), init(), NIXMLConnectionsHandler::parseLaneBound(), recheckLanes(), NBEdgeCont::recheckPostProcessConnections(), remapConnections(), GNEEdge::removeConnection(), replaceInConnections(), and NIImporter_DlrNavteq::ProhibitionHandler::report().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ removeInvalidConnections()

void NBEdge::removeInvalidConnections ( )

Definition at line 3142 of file NBEdge.cpp.

References NBEdge::Connection::fromLane, NBEdge::Connection::getDescription(), getNumLanes(), getPermissions(), hasConnectionTo(), isRailway(), isTurningDirectionAt(), myConnections, SVC_PEDESTRIAN, NBEdge::Connection::toEdge, and NBEdge::Connection::toLane.

Referenced by recheckLanes().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ replaceInConnections() [1/2]

void NBEdge::replaceInConnections ( NBEdge which,
const std::vector< NBEdge::Connection > &  origConns 

◆ replaceInConnections() [2/2]

void NBEdge::replaceInConnections ( NBEdge which,
NBEdge by,
int  laneOff 

replace in current connections of edge

Definition at line 1534 of file NBEdge.cpp.

References myConnections, and myTurnDestination.

Referenced by replaceInConnections(), and NBNode::replaceOutgoing().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ resetEndpointAtNode()

void NBEdge::resetEndpointAtNode ( const NBNode node)

Definition at line 619 of file NBEdge.cpp.

References NBNode::getPosition(), myFrom, myGeom, and myTo.

◆ resetLaneShapes()

void NBEdge::resetLaneShapes ( )

reset lane shapes to what they would be before cutting with the junction shapes

Definition at line 2210 of file NBEdge.cpp.

References computeLaneShapes().

Referenced by NBRampsComputer::patchRampGeometry().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ resetNodeBorder()

void NBEdge::resetNodeBorder ( const NBNode node)

Definition at line 732 of file NBEdge.cpp.

References myFrom, myFromBorder, myTo, and myToBorder.

Referenced by GNENet::replaceJunctionByGeometry().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ reshiftPosition()

void NBEdge::reshiftPosition ( double  xoff,
double  yoff 

Applies an offset to the edge.

[in]xoffThe x-offset to apply
[in]yoffThe y-offset to apply

Definition at line 544 of file NBEdge.cpp.

References Position::add(), PositionVector::add(), computeAngle(), computeEdgeShape(), computeLaneShapes(), Position::INVALID, myConnections, myFromBorder, myGeom, myLanes, mySignalPosition, and myToBorder.

◆ restoreBikelane()

void NBEdge::restoreBikelane ( std::vector< NBEdge::Lane oldLanes,
PositionVector  oldGeometry,
std::vector< NBEdge::Connection oldConnections 

restore an previously added BikeLane

Definition at line 4580 of file NBEdge.cpp.

References restoreRestrictedLane(), and SVC_BICYCLE.

◆ restoreRestrictedLane()

void NBEdge::restoreRestrictedLane ( SUMOVehicleClass  vclass,
std::vector< NBEdge::Lane oldLanes,
PositionVector  oldGeometry,
std::vector< NBEdge::Connection oldConnections 

restore a restricted lane

Definition at line 4635 of file NBEdge.cpp.

References computeLaneShapes(), getID(), NBNode::getIncomingEdges(), myConnections, myFrom, myGeom, myLanes, myTo, NBNode::shiftTLConnectionLaneIndex(), TL, toString(), and WRITE_WARNINGF.

Referenced by restoreBikelane(), and restoreSidewalk().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ restoreSidewalk()

void NBEdge::restoreSidewalk ( std::vector< NBEdge::Lane oldLanes,
PositionVector  oldGeometry,
std::vector< NBEdge::Connection oldConnections 

restore an previously added sidewalk

Definition at line 4568 of file NBEdge.cpp.

References restoreRestrictedLane(), and SVC_PEDESTRIAN.

◆ restricts()

bool NBRouterEdge::restricts ( const NBVehicle * const  ) const

Definition at line 77 of file NBEdge.h.

◆ setAcceleration()

void NBEdge::setAcceleration ( int  lane,
bool  accelRamp 

marks one lane as acceleration lane

Definition at line 4315 of file NBEdge.cpp.

References myLanes.

Referenced by NIImporter_SUMO::_loadNetwork(), NIXMLEdgesHandler::addLane(), NBRampsComputer::buildOnRamp(), and GNELane::setAttribute().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ setAsMacroscopicConnector()

void NBEdge::setAsMacroscopicConnector ( )

Definition at line 1125 of file NBEdge.h.

References myAmMacroscopicConnector.

Referenced by NIImporter_VISUM::parse_Connectors_legacy().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ setAverageLengthWithOpposite()

void NBEdge::setAverageLengthWithOpposite ( double  val)

patch average lane length in regard to the opposite edge

Definition at line 4388 of file NBEdge.cpp.

References myLength.

Referenced by NBEdgeCont::computeEdgeShapes().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ setBidi()

void NBEdge::setBidi ( bool  isBidi)

mark this edge as a bidi edge

Definition at line 1414 of file NBEdge.h.

References isBidi(), and myIsBidi.

Referenced by NIImporter_SUMO::_loadNetwork(), NIXMLEdgesHandler::addEdge(), and GNEEdge::setAttribute().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ setConnection()

bool NBEdge::setConnection ( int  lane,
NBEdge destEdge,
int  destLane,
Lane2LaneInfoType  type,
bool  mayUseSameDestination = false,
bool  mayDefinitelyPass = false,
double  contPos = UNSPECIFIED_CONTPOS,
double  speed = UNSPECIFIED_SPEED,
double  friction = UNSPECIFIED_FRICTION,
double  length = myDefaultConnectionLength,
const PositionVector customShape = PositionVector::EMPTY,
SVCPermissions  permissions = SVC_UNSPECIFIED,
bool  indirectLeft = false,
const std::string &  edgeType = "",
SVCPermissions  changeLeft = SVC_UNSPECIFIED,
SVCPermissions  changeRight = SVC_UNSPECIFIED,
bool  postProcess = false 

Adds a connection to a certain lane of a certain edge.

[in]laneThe connection's starting lane (of this edge)
[in]destEdgeThe connection's destination edge
[in]destLaneThe connection's destination lane
[in]typeThe connections's type
[in]mayUseSameDestinationWhether this connection may be set though connecting an already connected lane
[in]mayDefinitelyPassWhether this connection is definitely undistrubed (special case for on-ramps)
Check difference between "setConnection" and "addLane2LaneConnection"

Definition at line 1179 of file NBEdge.cpp.

References COMPUTED, getLaneID(), getNumLanes(), hasConnectionTo(), INIT_REJECT_CONNECTIONS, LANES2LANES_DONE, LANES2LANES_RECHECK, LANES2LANES_USER, myConnections, myConnectionsToDelete, myLanes, myStep, SVC_UNSPECIFIED, TL, USER, and WRITE_WARNINGF.

Referenced by GNEEdge::addConnection(), addLane2LaneConnection(), NBEdgeCont::appendRailwayTurnarounds(), appendTurnaround(), applyTurnSigns(), NBNode::computeLanes2Lanes(), NBNode::ApproachingDivider::execute(), moveConnectionToLeft(), moveConnectionToRight(), recheckLanes(), and replaceInConnections().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ setControllingTLInformation()

bool NBEdge::setControllingTLInformation ( const NBConnection c,
const std::string &  tlID 

◆ setDefaultConnectionLength()

static void NBEdge::setDefaultConnectionLength ( double  length)

Definition at line 386 of file NBEdge.h.

References myDefaultConnectionLength.

Referenced by NBNetBuilder::applyOptions().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ setDistance()

void NBEdge::setDistance ( double  distance)

set kilometrage at start of edge (negative value implies couting down along the edge)

Definition at line 1409 of file NBEdge.h.

References myDistance.

Referenced by NIImporter_SUMO::_loadNetwork(), NIXMLEdgesHandler::addEdge(), NIImporter_OpenStreetMap::insertEdge(), GNEEdge::setAttribute(), and NBEdgeCont::splitAt().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ setEdgeStopOffset()

bool NBEdge::setEdgeStopOffset ( int  lane,
const StopOffset offset,
bool  overwrite = false 

set lane and vehicle class specific stopOffset (negative lane implies set for all lanes)

Whether given stop offset was applied.

Definition at line 4253 of file NBEdge.cpp.

References getID(), getLaneID(), StopOffset::getOffset(), StopOffset::isDefined(), myEdgeStopOffset, myLanes, TL, toString(), and WRITE_WARNINGF.

Referenced by NIImporter_SUMO::_loadNetwork(), NIXMLEdgesHandler::myEndElement(), NIXMLEdgesHandler::myStartElement(), and NBEdge().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ setEndOffset()

void NBEdge::setEndOffset ( int  lane,
double  offset 

set lane specific end-offset (negative lane implies set for all lanes)

Definition at line 4237 of file NBEdge.cpp.

References myEndOffset, and myLanes.

Referenced by NIImporter_SUMO::_loadNetwork(), NIXMLEdgesHandler::addLane(), GNEEdge::addLane(), NBEdgeCont::joinSameNodeConnectingEdges(), NBEdge(), reinit(), GNEEdge::setAttribute(), and GNELane::setAttribute().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ setFriction()

void NBEdge::setFriction ( int  lane,
double  friction 

set lane specific friction (negative lane implies set for all lanes)

Definition at line 4299 of file NBEdge.cpp.

References myFriction, and myLanes.

Referenced by NIImporter_SUMO::_loadNetwork(), NIXMLEdgesHandler::addEdge(), NIXMLEdgesHandler::addLane(), GNEEdge::addLane(), NBEdge(), reinit(), GNEEdge::setAttribute(), GNELane::setAttribute(), and NBEdgeCont::splitAt().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ setGeometry()

void NBEdge::setGeometry ( const PositionVector g,
bool  inner = false 

(Re)sets the edge's geometry

Replaces the edge's prior geometry by the given. Then, computes the geometries of all lanes using computeLaneShapes. Definitely not the best way to have it accessable from outside...

[in]gThe edge's new geometry
[in]innerwhether g should be interpreted as inner points
Recheck usage, disallow access
See also

Definition at line 631 of file NBEdge.cpp.

References PositionVector::add(), computeAngle(), computeLaneShapes(), Named::getID(), PositionVector::length(), myFrom, myGeom, Named::myID, myLength, myTo, TL, and WRITE_WARNINGF.

Referenced by NBRampsComputer::moveRampRight(), NBRampsComputer::patchRampGeometry(), NBEdgeCont::processSplits(), NIImporter_OpenStreetMap::reconstructLayerElevation(), GNEEdge::setGeometry(), and NGNet::toNB().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ setID()

virtual void Named::setID ( const std::string &  newID)

resets the id

[in]newIDThe new id of this object

Reimplemented in NBLoadedSUMOTLDef, MSTransportable, and MSBaseVehicle.

Definition at line 82 of file Named.h.

References Named::myID.

Referenced by Distribution_Parameterized::parse(), NBLoadedSUMOTLDef::reconstructLogic(), NBEdgeCont::rename(), NBNodeCont::rename(), GNEJunction::setAttribute(), NBLoadedSUMOTLDef::setID(), and IntermodalNetwork< E, L, N, V >::splitEdge().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ setInsideTLS()

void NBEdge::setInsideTLS ( bool  inside)

Marks this edge being within an intersection.

Definition at line 1137 of file NBEdge.h.

References myAmInTLS.

Referenced by NBLoadedSUMOTLDef::collectEdges(), and NBTrafficLightDefinition::collectEdges().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ setJunctionPriority()

void NBEdge::setJunctionPriority ( const NBNode *const  node,
int  prio 

Sets the junction priority of the edge.

[in]nodeThe node for which the edge's priority is given
[in]prioThe edge's new priority at this node
Maybe the edge priority whould be stored in the node

Definition at line 2132 of file NBEdge.cpp.

References myFrom, myFromJunctionPriority, myToJunctionPriority, Parameterised::setParameter(), and toString().

Referenced by NBEdgePriorityComputer::computeEdgePriorities(), NBEdgePriorityComputer::extractAndMarkFirst(), NIImporter_OpenStreetMap::insertEdge(), and NBEdgePriorityComputer::setPriorityJunctionPriorities().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ setLaneShape()

void NBEdge::setLaneShape ( int  lane,
const PositionVector shape 

sets a custom lane shape

Definition at line 4323 of file NBEdge.cpp.

References myLanes.

Referenced by NIImporter_SUMO::_loadNetwork(), NIXMLEdgesHandler::addLane(), and GNELane::setAttribute().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ setLaneSpreadFunction()

void NBEdge::setLaneSpreadFunction ( LaneSpreadFunction  spread)

(Re)sets how the lanes lateral offset shall be computed

[in]spreadThe type of lateral offset to apply
See also

Definition at line 986 of file NBEdge.cpp.

References myLaneSpreadFunction.

Referenced by NBRailwayTopologyAnalyzer::addBidiEdgesForBufferStops(), NIImporter_VISUM::parse_Edges(), NBEdgeCont::recheckLaneSpread(), and GNEEdge::setAttribute().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ setLaneType()

void NBEdge::setLaneType ( int  lane,
const std::string &  type 

set lane specific type (negative lane implies set for all lanes)

Definition at line 4169 of file NBEdge.cpp.

References myLanes.

Referenced by NIXMLEdgesHandler::addLane(), joinLanes(), and NBEdge().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ setLaneWidth()

void NBEdge::setLaneWidth ( int  lane,
double  width 

set lane specific width (negative lane implies set for all lanes)

Definition at line 4154 of file NBEdge.cpp.

References myLanes, and myLaneWidth.

Referenced by NIImporter_SUMO::_loadNetwork(), NIXMLEdgesHandler::addEdge(), NIXMLEdgesHandler::addLane(), GNEEdge::addLane(), NIVissimEdge::buildNBEdge(), NIImporter_OpenStreetMap::insertEdge(), joinLanes(), NBEdgeCont::joinSameNodeConnectingEdges(), NBEdge(), reinit(), GNEEdge::setAttribute(), and GNELane::setAttribute().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ setLoadedLength()

void NBEdge::setLoadedLength ( double  val)

set loaded length

Definition at line 4383 of file NBEdge.cpp.

References myLoadedLength.

Referenced by NIImporter_SUMO::_loadNetwork(), NIXMLEdgesHandler::addEdge(), NBEdgeCont::fixSplitCustomLength(), NIImporter_MATSim::EdgesHandler::insertEdge(), NIImporter_ArcView::load(), NBEdgeCont::recheckLanes(), NIImporter_DlrNavteq::EdgesHandler::report(), GNEEdge::setAttribute(), and NBEdgeCont::splitAt().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ setNodeBorder()

void NBEdge::setNodeBorder ( const NBNode node,
const Position p,
const Position p2,
bool  rectangularCut 

◆ setNumericalID()

void NBEdge::setNumericalID ( int  index)

sets the index of the edge in the list of all network edges

Definition at line 1498 of file NBEdge.h.

References myIndex.

◆ setOrigID()

void NBEdge::setOrigID ( const std::string  origID,
const bool  append,
const int  laneIdx = -1 

set origID for all lanes or for a specific lane

Definition at line 4726 of file NBEdge.cpp.

References append(), Parameterised::getParameter(), StringTokenizer::getVector(), myLanes, SUMO_PARAM_ORIGID, and toString().

Referenced by NBEdgeCont::joinTramEdges(), and NBEdgeCont::splitAt().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ setParameter()

void Parameterised::setParameter ( const std::string &  key,
const std::string &  value 

Sets a parameter.

[in]keyThe parameter's name
[in]valueThe parameter's value

Reimplemented in NEMALogic, MSSimpleTrafficLightLogic, MSRailSignal, MSActuatedTrafficLightLogic, and MSRailCrossing.

Definition at line 45 of file Parameterised.cpp.

References Parameterised::myMap.

Referenced by NBRailwayTopologyAnalyzer::addBidiEdge(), NLHandler::addDistrict(), RONetHandler::addParam(), ShapeHandler::addPOI(), NBOwnTLDef::buildNemaPhases(), MSParkingArea::enter(), NIImporter_MATSim::EdgesHandler::insertEdge(), NIImporter_OpenStreetMap::insertEdge(), NIImporter_OpenStreetMap::insertNodeChecking(), MSLane::isInsertionSuccess(), NBNodeCont::joinNodeCluster(), NBEdge::Lane::Lane(), NWWriter_OpenDrive::mapmatchRoadObjects(), Parameterised::mergeParameters(), MSStateHandler::myStartElement(), NIXMLConnectionsHandler::myStartElement(), NIXMLNodesHandler::myStartElement(), NIXMLTrafficLightsHandler::myStartElement(), ShapeHandler::myStartElement(), GNESingleParametersDialog::onCmdAccept(), NBRailwayTopologyAnalyzer::reverseEdges(), GNEVType::setAttribute(), setJunctionPriority(), NIImporter_OpenDrive::setLaneAttributes(), MSRailCrossing::setParameter(), MSActuatedTrafficLightLogic::setParameter(), MSRailSignal::setParameter(), MSSimpleTrafficLightLogic::setParameter(), NEMALogic::setParameter(), LIBSUMO_NAMESPACE::Simulation::setParameter(), Parameterised::setParametersStr(), LIBSUMO_NAMESPACE::Vehicle::setStopParameter(), LIBSUMO_NAMESPACE::TrafficLight::swapParameters(), Parameterised::updateParameters(), NWWriter_OpenDrive::writeNetwork(), and NIImporter_OpenDrive::writeRoadObjects().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ setParameters()

void Parameterised::setParameters ( const Parameterised params)

set the inner key/value map in map<string, string> format

Definition at line 167 of file Parameterised.cpp.

References Parameterised::getParametersMap(), and Parameterised::myMap.

Referenced by MSStageDriving::clone(), MSStageTranship::clone(), MSStageTrip::clone(), MSStageWaiting::clone(), MSStageWalking::clone(), and MSStageTrip::reroute().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ setParametersStr()

void Parameterised::setParametersStr ( const std::string &  paramsString,
const std::string  kvsep = "=",
const std::string  sep = "|" 

set the inner key/value map in string format "key1=value1|key2=value2|...|keyN=valueN"

[in]paramsStringA serialized key-value map
[in]kvsepThe separater between key and value
[in]sepThe separater between map entries

Definition at line 173 of file Parameterised.cpp.

References StringTokenizer::getVector(), Parameterised::myMap, and Parameterised::setParameter().

Referenced by MSDevice_Taxi::initDispatch(), GNEAccess::setAttribute(), GNEBusStop::setAttribute(), GNECalibrator::setAttribute(), GNECalibratorFlow::setAttribute(), GNEChargingStation::setAttribute(), GNEContainerStop::setAttribute(), GNEMultiEntryExitDetector::setAttribute(), GNEOverheadWire::setAttribute(), GNEParkingArea::setAttribute(), GNEParkingSpace::setAttribute(), GNERerouter::setAttribute(), GNERouteProbe::setAttribute(), GNETAZ::setAttribute(), GNETAZSourceSink::setAttribute(), GNETractionSubstation::setAttribute(), GNEVaporizer::setAttribute(), GNEVariableSpeedSign::setAttribute(), GNEEdgeData::setAttribute(), GNEEdgeRelData::setAttribute(), GNETAZRelData::setAttribute(), GNEContainer::setAttribute(), GNEPerson::setAttribute(), GNERoute::setAttribute(), GNEStop::setAttribute(), GNEVehicle::setAttribute(), GNEVType::setAttribute(), GNEConnection::setAttribute(), GNEEdge::setAttribute(), GNEEdgeType::setAttribute(), GNEJunction::setAttribute(), GNELane::setAttribute(), GNELaneType::setAttribute(), GNEPOI::setAttribute(), GNEPoly::setAttribute(), and GNEDetector::setDetectorAttribute().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ setPermissions()

◆ setPermittedChanging()

void NBEdge::setPermittedChanging ( int  lane,
SVCPermissions  changeLeft,
SVCPermissions  changeRight 

set allowed classes for changing to the left and right from the given lane

Definition at line 4359 of file NBEdge.cpp.

References myLanes.

Referenced by NIImporter_SUMO::_loadNetwork(), NIXMLEdgesHandler::addLane(), NIImporter_OpenStreetMap::applyChangeProhibition(), and GNELane::setAttribute().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ setPreferredVehicleClass()

void NBEdge::setPreferredVehicleClass ( SVCPermissions  permissions,
int  lane = -1 

set preferred Vehicle Class

Definition at line 4345 of file NBEdge.cpp.

References myLanes.

Referenced by NIXMLEdgesHandler::addLane(), and GNEEdge::addLane().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ setPriority()

void NBEdge::setPriority ( int  priority)

Sets the priority of the edge.

Definition at line 528 of file NBEdge.h.

References myPriority.

Referenced by NBRailwayTopologyAnalyzer::extendDirectionPriority().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ setSignalPosition()

void NBEdge::setSignalPosition ( const Position pos,
const NBNode signalNode 

sets the offset of a traffic signal from the end of this edge

Definition at line 718 of file NBEdge.h.

References mySignalNode, and mySignalPosition.

◆ setSpeed()

void NBEdge::setSpeed ( int  lane,
double  speed 

set lane specific speed (negative lane implies set for all lanes)

Definition at line 4283 of file NBEdge.cpp.

References myLanes, and mySpeed.

Referenced by NIImporter_SUMO::_loadNetwork(), NIXMLEdgesHandler::addEdge(), NIXMLEdgesHandler::addLane(), GNEEdge::addLane(), NIVissimEdge::buildNBEdge(), NBNetBuilder::compute(), NBEdge(), NBEdgeCont::processSplits(), reinit(), GNEEdge::setAttribute(), GNELane::setAttribute(), and NBEdgeCont::splitAt().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ setStreetName()

void NBEdge::setStreetName ( const std::string &  name)

sets the street name of this edge

Definition at line 670 of file NBEdge.h.

References myStreetName.

Referenced by GNEEdge::setAttribute().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ setTurningDestination()

void NBEdge::setTurningDestination ( NBEdge e,
bool  onlyPossible = false 

Sets the turing destination at the given edge.

[in]eThe turn destination
[in]onlyPossibleIf true, only sets myPossibleTurnDestination

Definition at line 2189 of file NBEdge.cpp.

References myPossibleTurnDestination, and myTurnDestination.

◆ setTurnSignTarget()

void NBEdge::setTurnSignTarget ( const std::string &  target)

Definition at line 1553 of file NBEdge.h.

References myTurnSignTarget.

Referenced by NIImporter_OpenStreetMap::insertEdge().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ shiftPositionAtNode()

void NBEdge::shiftPositionAtNode ( NBNode node,
NBEdge opposite 

shift geometry at the given node to avoid overlap

Definition at line 4669 of file NBEdge.cpp.

References CENTER, PositionVector::distance2D(), getBidiEdge(), getGeometry(), getID(), Named::getID(), getPermissions(), NBNode::getPosition(), getTotalWidth(), isRailway(), MIN2(), PositionVector::move2side(), myGeom, myLaneSpreadFunction, myTo, TL, and WRITE_WARNINGF.

Referenced by NBNode::avoidOverlap().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ shiftToLanesToEdge()

void NBEdge::shiftToLanesToEdge ( NBEdge to,
int  laneOff 

modifify the toLane for all connections to the given edge

XXX could we repurpose the function replaceInConnections ?

Definition at line 4658 of file NBEdge.cpp.

References myConnections.

◆ shortenGeometryAtNode()

void NBEdge::shortenGeometryAtNode ( const NBNode node,
double  reduction 

linearly extend the geometry at the given node

Definition at line 675 of file NBEdge.cpp.

References computeLaneShapes(), PositionVector::getSubpart2D(), PositionVector::length2D(), MIN2(), myFrom, and myGeom.

◆ sortOutgoingConnectionsByAngle()

void NBEdge::sortOutgoingConnectionsByAngle ( )

sorts the outgoing connections by their angle relative to their junction

Definition at line 1413 of file NBEdge.cpp.

References myConnections.

Referenced by applyTurnSigns(), and recheckLanes().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ sortOutgoingConnectionsByIndex()

void NBEdge::sortOutgoingConnectionsByIndex ( )

sorts the outgoing connections by their from-lane-index and their to-lane-index

Definition at line 1419 of file NBEdge.cpp.

References connections_sorter(), and myConnections.

Referenced by applyTurnSigns(), divideOnEdges(), and recheckLanes().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ startShapeAt()

PositionVector NBEdge::startShapeAt ( const PositionVector laneShape,
const NBNode startNode,
PositionVector  nodeShape 

returns a modified version of laneShape which starts at the outside of startNode. laneShape may be shorted or extended

see [wiki:Developer/Network_Building_Process]

Definition at line 920 of file NBEdge.cpp.

References PositionVector::closePolygon(), PositionVector::extrapolate2D(), NBNode::geometryLike(), NBNode::getPosition(), NBNode::getShape(), PositionVector::getSubpart2D(), PositionVector::getSubpartByIndex(), PositionVector::intersects(), PositionVector::intersectsAtLengths2D(), PositionVector::length2D(), VectorHelper< T >::maxValue(), MIN2(), PositionVector::positionAtOffset2D(), PositionVector::push_front_noDoublePos(), Position::setz(), and Position::z().

Referenced by NBNode::computeInternalLaneShape(), and cutAtIntersection().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ tryGetNodeAtPosition()

NBNode * NBEdge::tryGetNodeAtPosition ( double  pos,
double  tolerance = 5.0 
) const

Returns the node at the given edges length (using an epsilon)

When no node is existing at the given position, 0 is returned The epsilon is a static member of NBEdge, should be setable via program options

Definition at line 3667 of file NBEdge.cpp.

References myFrom, myLength, and myTo.

◆ unsetParameter()

void Parameterised::unsetParameter ( const std::string &  key)

Removes a parameter.

[in]keyThe parameter's name

Definition at line 51 of file Parameterised.cpp.

References Parameterised::myMap.

Referenced by NIImporter_OpenStreetMap::insertEdge(), MSLane::isInsertionSuccess(), NIImporter_OpenStreetMap::load(), GNEVType::setAttribute(), and LIBSUMO_NAMESPACE::TrafficLight::swapParameters().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ updateChangeRestrictions()

void NBEdge::updateChangeRestrictions ( SVCPermissions  ignoring)

modify all existing restrictions on lane changing

Definition at line 2216 of file NBEdge.cpp.

References myConnections, myLanes, SVC_UNSPECIFIED, and SVCAll.

◆ updateParameters()

void Parameterised::updateParameters ( const Parameterised::Map mapArg)

◆ updateTurnPermissions()

void NBEdge::updateTurnPermissions ( SVCPermissions perm,
LinkDirection  dir,
SVCPermissions  spec,
std::vector< LinkDirection dirs 

Definition at line 2668 of file NBEdge.cpp.

Referenced by applyTurnSigns().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ writeParams()

void Parameterised::writeParams ( OutputDevice device) const

write Params in the given outputdevice

Definition at line 188 of file Parameterised.cpp.

References OutputDevice::closeTag(), StringUtils::escapeXML(), Parameterised::myMap, OutputDevice::openTag(), SUMO_ATTR_KEY, SUMO_ATTR_VALUE, SUMO_TAG_PARAM, and OutputDevice::writeAttr().

Referenced by MSStageWaiting::routeOutput(), MSTransportable::routeOutput(), ROPerson::saveAsXML(), ROVehicle::saveAsXML(), MEVehicle::saveState(), MSVehicle::saveState(), MSStop::write(), SUMOVTypeParameter::write(), SUMOVehicleParameter::Stop::write(), NBPTStop::write(), MSRailSignalConstraint_Predecessor::write(), GNEBusStop::writeAdditional(), GNECalibrator::writeAdditional(), GNECalibratorFlow::writeAdditional(), GNEChargingStation::writeAdditional(), GNEContainerStop::writeAdditional(), GNEEntryExitDetector::writeAdditional(), GNEInductionLoopDetector::writeAdditional(), GNEInstantInductionLoopDetector::writeAdditional(), GNELaneAreaDetector::writeAdditional(), GNEMultiEntryExitDetector::writeAdditional(), GNEOverheadWire::writeAdditional(), GNEParkingArea::writeAdditional(), GNEParkingSpace::writeAdditional(), GNERerouter::writeAdditional(), GNERouteProbe::writeAdditional(), GNETAZ::writeAdditional(), GNETractionSubstation::writeAdditional(), GNEVaporizer::writeAdditional(), GNEVariableSpeedSign::writeAdditional(), NWWriter_SUMO::writeConnection(), GNEContainer::writeDemandElement(), GNEPerson::writeDemandElement(), GNERoute::writeDemandElement(), GNEVehicle::writeDemandElement(), NWWriter_SUMO::writeEdge(), NWWriter_XML::writeEdgesAndConnections(), NWWriter_SUMO::writeJunction(), NWWriter_SUMO::writeLane(), NWWriter_XML::writeNodes(), MSDevice_Vehroutes::writeOutput(), NWWriter_SUMO::writeTrafficLight(), SUMOPolygon::writeXML(), and PointOfInterest::writeXML().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

Friends And Related Function Documentation

◆ GNEEdge

friend class GNEEdge

Definition at line 97 of file NBEdge.h.

◆ GNEJunction

friend class GNEJunction

Definition at line 98 of file NBEdge.h.

◆ GNELane

friend class GNELane

used for visualization (netedit)

Definition at line 96 of file NBEdge.h.

◆ NBEdgeCont

friend class NBEdgeCont

Definition at line 93 of file NBEdge.h.

Field Documentation


const double NBEdge::ANGLE_LOOKAHEAD = 10.0

◆ DummyEdge

NBEdge NBEdge::DummyEdge

Dummy edge to use when a reference must be supplied in the no-arguments constructor (FOX technicality)

Definition at line 339 of file NBEdge.h.

◆ myAmInTLS

bool NBEdge::myAmInTLS

Information whether this is lies within a joined tls.

Definition at line 1810 of file NBEdge.h.

Referenced by isInsideTLS(), and setInsideTLS().

◆ myAmMacroscopicConnector

bool NBEdge::myAmMacroscopicConnector

Information whether this edge is a (macroscopic) connector.

Definition at line 1813 of file NBEdge.h.

Referenced by isMacroscopicConnector(), and setAsMacroscopicConnector().

◆ myConnections

◆ myConnectionsToDelete

std::vector<Connection> NBEdge::myConnectionsToDelete

List of connections marked for delayed removal.

Definition at line 1769 of file NBEdge.h.

Referenced by addEdge2EdgeConnection(), append(), computeEdge2Edges(), computeLanes2Edges(), getConnectedSorted(), init(), recheckLanes(), removeFromConnections(), and setConnection().

◆ myDefaultConnectionLength

double NBEdge::myDefaultConnectionLength = NBEdge::UNSPECIFIED_LOADED_LENGTH

Definition at line 1847 of file NBEdge.h.

Referenced by applyTurnSigns(), and setDefaultConnectionLength().

◆ myDistance

double NBEdge::myDistance

The mileage/kilometrage at the start of this edge in a linear coordination system.

Definition at line 1761 of file NBEdge.h.

Referenced by getDistancAt(), getDistance(), and setDistance().

◆ myEdgeStopOffset

StopOffset NBEdge::myEdgeStopOffset

A vClass specific stop offset - assumed of length 0 (unspecified) or 1. For the latter case the int is a bit set specifying the vClasses, the offset applies to (see SUMOVehicleClass.h), and the double is the stopping offset in meters from the lane end.

Definition at line 1796 of file NBEdge.h.

Referenced by GNEEdge::drawLaneStopOffset(), GNEEdge::getAttribute(), getEdgeStopOffset(), getLaneStopOffset(), hasLaneSpecificStopOffsets(), GNEEdge::isAttributeEnabled(), GNEEdge::setAttribute(), and setEdgeStopOffset().

◆ myEndAngle

double NBEdge::myEndAngle

Definition at line 1747 of file NBEdge.h.

Referenced by computeAngle(), getAngleAtNodeToCenter(), and getEndAngle().

◆ myEndOffset

double NBEdge::myEndOffset

This edges's offset to the intersection begin (will be applied to all lanes)

Definition at line 1790 of file NBEdge.h.

Referenced by getEndOffset(), and setEndOffset().

◆ myFriction

double NBEdge::myFriction

The current friction.

Definition at line 1758 of file NBEdge.h.

Referenced by getFriction(), and setFriction().

◆ myFrom

◆ myFromBorder

PositionVector NBEdge::myFromBorder

intersection borders (because the node shape might be invalid)

Definition at line 1827 of file NBEdge.h.

Referenced by cutAtIntersection(), getNodeBorder(), resetNodeBorder(), reshiftPosition(), and setNodeBorder().

◆ myFromJunctionPriority

int NBEdge::myFromJunctionPriority

The priority normalised for the node the edge is outgoing of.

Definition at line 1778 of file NBEdge.h.

Referenced by getJunctionPriority(), and setJunctionPriority().

◆ myGeom

◆ myID

std::string Named::myID

The name of the object.

Definition at line 125 of file Named.h.

Referenced by MSE2Collector::addDetectorToLanes(), RODFDetector::buildDestinationDistribution(), NGEdge::buildNBEdge(), NGNode::buildNBNode(), MSSOTLTrafficLightLogic::checkPhases(), NBNode::computeNodeShape(), NEMALogic::constructTimingAndPhaseDefs(), MSE2Collector::detectorUpdate(), GNEPOI::getAttribute(), GNEPoly::getAttribute(), MSLane::getCanonicalPredecessorLane(), MSLane::getCanonicalSuccessorLane(), Named::getID(), getLaneID(), NEMALogic::getPhaseObj(), ROEdge::getStoredEffort(), GNEPOI::getSumoBaseObject(), MSLane::getSurroundingVehicles(), ROEdge::getTravelTime(), init(), MSSOTLTrafficLightLogic::init(), MSDelayBasedTrafficLightLogic::init(), NEMALogic::init(), MSLane::isInsertionSuccess(), NBNode::NBNode(), MSE2Collector::notifyEnter(), MSE2Collector::notifyLeave(), MSE2Collector::notifyMove(), MSMeanData::openInterval(), NEMALogic::parseControllerType(), RORouteDef::preComputeCurrentRoute(), reinitNodes(), GNEPOI::setAttribute(), GNEPoly::setAttribute(), setGeometry(), Named::setID(), MSSOTLTrafficLightLogic::setToATargetPhase(), Distribution_Parameterized::toStr(), MSChargingStation::writeAggregatedChargingStationOutput(), MSChargingStation::writeChargingStationOutput(), RODFDetector::writeEmitterDefinition(), MSOverheadWire::writeOverheadWireSegmentOutput(), RODFDetector::writeSingleSpeedTrigger(), MSTractionSubstation::writeTractionSubstationOutput(), MEInductLoop::writeXMLOutput(), and MSE3Collector::writeXMLOutput().

◆ myIndex

int NBEdge::myIndex

the index of the edge in the list of all edges. Set by NBEdgeCont and requires re-set whenever the list of edges changes

Definition at line 1838 of file NBEdge.h.

Referenced by getNumericalID(), and setNumericalID().

◆ myIsBidi

bool NBEdge::myIsBidi

whether this edge is part of a non-rail bidi edge pair

Definition at line 1835 of file NBEdge.h.

Referenced by isBidi(), isBidiEdge(), and setBidi().

◆ myIsOffRamp

bool NBEdge::myIsOffRamp

whether this edge is an Off-Ramp or leads to one

Definition at line 1832 of file NBEdge.h.

Referenced by isOffRamp(), and markOffRamp().

◆ myLanes

std::vector<Lane> NBEdge::myLanes

Lane information.

See also

Definition at line 1804 of file NBEdge.h.

Referenced by addLane(), addRestrictedLane(), addStraightConnections(), allowsChangingLeft(), allowsChangingRight(), allowVehicleClass(), append(), applyTurnSigns(), buildInnerEdges(), computeAngle(), computeEdge2Edges(), computeEdgeShape(), computeLaneShapes(), decLaneNo(), deleteLane(), disallowVehicleClass(), dismissVehicleClassInformation(), divideOnEdges(), divideSelectedLanesOnEdges(), expandableBy(), getCCWBoundaryLine(), getCWBoundaryLine(), getEndOffset(), getFinalLength(), getFirstAllowedLaneIndex(), getFirstNonPedestrianLane(), getFirstNonPedestrianLaneIndex(), getFirstNonPedestrianNonBicycleLaneIndex(), getInternalLaneWidth(), getLaneFriction(), getLanes(), getLaneShape(), getLaneSpeed(), getLaneStopOffset(), getLaneStruct(), getLaneWidth(), getMaxLaneOffset(), getNumLanes(), getNumLanesThatAllow(), getPermissions(), getSidewalkID(), getSignalOffset(), getSpecialLane(), getTotalWidth(), guessOpposite(), hasAccelLane(), hasCustomLaneShape(), hasLaneParams(), hasLaneSpecificEndOffset(), hasLaneSpecificFriction(), hasLaneSpecificPermissions(), hasLaneSpecificSpeed(), hasLaneSpecificStopOffsets(), hasLaneSpecificType(), hasLaneSpecificWidth(), hasPermissions(), hasRestrictedLane(), incLaneNo(), init(), isBidiEdge(), joinLanes(), NBEdge::MainDirections::MainDirections(), mirrorX(), NBEdge(), needsLaneSpecificOutput(), preferVehicleClass(), prepareEdgePriorities(), prohibitsChanging(), recheckLanes(), reduceGeometry(), reinit(), reshiftPosition(), restoreRestrictedLane(), setAcceleration(), setConnection(), setControllingTLInformation(), setEdgeStopOffset(), setEndOffset(), setFriction(), setLaneShape(), setLaneType(), setLaneWidth(), setOrigID(), setPermissions(), setPermittedChanging(), setPreferredVehicleClass(), setSpeed(), NBEdgeCont::splitAt(), and updateChangeRestrictions().

◆ myLaneSpreadFunction

◆ myLaneWidth

double NBEdge::myLaneWidth

This width of this edge's lanes.

Definition at line 1799 of file NBEdge.h.

Referenced by getLaneWidth(), and setLaneWidth().

◆ myLength

double NBEdge::myLength

◆ myLoadedLength

double NBEdge::myLoadedLength

An optional length to use (-1 if not valid)

Definition at line 1807 of file NBEdge.h.

Referenced by append(), geometryPositionAtOffset(), getLoadedLength(), hasLoadedLength(), NBEdge(), reinit(), and setLoadedLength().

◆ myMap

◆ myPossibleTurnDestination

NBEdge* NBEdge::myPossibleTurnDestination

The edge that would be the turn destination if there was one.

Definition at line 1775 of file NBEdge.h.

Referenced by append(), getBidiEdge(), getFinalLength(), getTurnDestination(), isBidiEdge(), isBidiRail(), isTurningDirectionAt(), removeFromConnections(), and setTurningDestination().

◆ myPriority

int NBEdge::myPriority

The priority of the edge.

Definition at line 1752 of file NBEdge.h.

Referenced by getPriority(), reinit(), GNEEdge::setAttribute(), and setPriority().

◆ mySignalNode

const NBNode* NBEdge::mySignalNode

Definition at line 1823 of file NBEdge.h.

Referenced by getSignalNode(), and setSignalPosition().

◆ mySignalPosition

Position NBEdge::mySignalPosition

the position of a traffic light signal on this edge

Definition at line 1822 of file NBEdge.h.

Referenced by append(), getSignalOffset(), getSignalPosition(), mirrorX(), reshiftPosition(), and setSignalPosition().

◆ mySigns

std::vector<NBSign> NBEdge::mySigns

the street signs along this edge

Definition at line 1819 of file NBEdge.h.

Referenced by addSign(), and getSigns().

◆ mySpeed

double NBEdge::mySpeed

The maximal speed.

Definition at line 1755 of file NBEdge.h.

Referenced by expandableBy(), getSpeed(), and setSpeed().

◆ myStartAngle

double NBEdge::myStartAngle

The angles of the edge.

Definition at line 1746 of file NBEdge.h.

Referenced by computeAngle(), getAngleAtNodeToCenter(), and getStartAngle().

◆ myStep

◆ myStreetName

std::string NBEdge::myStreetName

The street name (or whatever arbitrary string you wish to attach)

Definition at line 1816 of file NBEdge.h.

Referenced by append(), expandableBy(), getStreetName(), reinit(), and setStreetName().

◆ mySuccessors

EdgeVector NBEdge::mySuccessors

Definition at line 1841 of file NBEdge.h.

Referenced by getSuccessors().

◆ myTo

◆ myToBorder

PositionVector NBEdge::myToBorder

◆ myToJunctionPriority

int NBEdge::myToJunctionPriority

The priority normalised for the node the edge is incoming in.

Definition at line 1781 of file NBEdge.h.

Referenced by getJunctionPriority(), and setJunctionPriority().

◆ myTotalAngle

double NBEdge::myTotalAngle

Definition at line 1748 of file NBEdge.h.

Referenced by computeAngle(), and getTotalAngle().

◆ myTurnDestination

◆ myTurnSignTarget

std::string NBEdge::myTurnSignTarget

node for which turnSign information applies

Definition at line 1739 of file NBEdge.h.

Referenced by append(), getTurnSignTarget(), recheckLanes(), and setTurnSignTarget().

◆ myType

std::string NBEdge::myType

The type of the edge.

Definition at line 1733 of file NBEdge.h.

Referenced by getTypeID(), reinit(), and GNEEdge::setAttribute().

◆ myViaSuccessors

ConstRouterEdgePairVector NBEdge::myViaSuccessors

Definition at line 1844 of file NBEdge.h.

Referenced by getViaSuccessors().


const int NBEdge::TURN_SIGN_SHIFT_BICYCLE = 24


const int NBEdge::TURN_SIGN_SHIFT_BUS = 8

shift values for decoding turn signs

Definition at line 375 of file NBEdge.h.

Referenced by applyTurnSigns(), and NIImporter_OpenStreetMap::EdgesHandler::myStartElement().


const int NBEdge::TURN_SIGN_SHIFT_TAXI = 16



TLS-controlled despite its node controlled not specified.

Definition at line 372 of file NBEdge.h.

Referenced by NIImporter_SUMO::addConnection(), and applyTurnSigns().





internal lane computation not yet done

Definition at line 369 of file NBEdge.h.





unspecified signal offset

Definition at line 363 of file NBEdge.h.

Referenced by getSignalOffset(), and NBNodeCont::guessTLs().




const double NBEdge::UNSPECIFIED_WIDTH = -1

unspecified lane width

Definition at line 342 of file NBEdge.h.

Referenced by NIImporter_SUMO::_loadNetwork(), NIXMLConnectionsHandler::addCrossing(), NIXMLEdgesHandler::addEdge(), NIImporter_SUMO::addLane(), NIXMLConnectionsHandler::addWalkingArea(), NBNode::buildCrossings(), NIVissimEdge::buildNBEdge(), NBNode::buildWalkingAreas(), NBNode::checkCrossing(), computeLaneShapes(), NBNodeShapeComputer::computeNodeShapeDefault(), GNENet::createEdge(), NIVissimDistrictConnection::dict_BuildDistricts(), NIVissimEdge::dictionary(), NBFrame::fillOptions(), GNEEdge::getAttribute(), GNELane::getAttribute(), getInternalLaneWidth(), getLaneWidth(), NIImporter_MATSim::EdgesHandler::insertEdge(), NIImporter_OpenStreetMap::insertEdge(), GNEEdge::isAttributeComputed(), GNELane::isAttributeComputed(), GNEEdge::isValid(), GNELane::isValid(), NBEdgeCont::joinSameNodeConnectingEdges(), NIImporter_OpenDrive::loadNetwork(), NBRampsComputer::moveRampRight(), NIImporter_ITSUMO::Handler::myEndElement(), NIXMLEdgesHandler::myEndElement(), NBTypeCont::EdgeTypeDefinition::needsLaneType(), NIVissimSingleTypeParser_Streckendefinition::parse(), NIImporter_VISUM::parse_Connectors_legacy(), NIImporter_VISUM::parse_Edges(), NIImporter_VISUM::parse_Types(), reinit(), NBEdgeCont::removeLanesByWidth(), NIImporter_DlrNavteq::EdgesHandler::report(), GNEEdge::setAttribute(), GNELane::setAttribute(), NIImporter_OpenDrive::setLaneAttributes(), NIImporter_OpenStreetMap::usableType(), NWWriter_XML::writeEdgesAndConnections(), NBTypeCont::writeEdgeTypes(), and NWWriter_SUMO::writeLane().

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