Representation of a lane in the micro simulation.
virtual int countVehicles(std::string laneId)=0
virtual double meanVehiclesSpeed(MSLane *lane)=0
const MSTrafficLightLogic::Phases * myPhases
virtual void buildOutSensors(MSTrafficLightLogic::LaneVectorVector controlledLanes, NLDetectorBuilder &nb)=0
This function member has to be extended to properly build sensors for the output lanes Sensors has to...
virtual void stepChanged(int newStep)
virtual double meanVehiclesSpeed(std::string laneId)=0
virtual double getMaxSpeed(std::string laneId)=0
virtual void buildSensors(MSTrafficLightLogic::LaneVectorVector controlledLanes, NLDetectorBuilder &nb)=0
This function member has to be extended to properly build sensors for the input lanes Sensors has to ...
virtual void buildSensorForLane(MSLane *lane, NLDetectorBuilder &nb)=0
This function member has to be extended to properly build a sensor for a specific input lane Sensors ...
virtual int countVehicles(MSLane *lane)=0
virtual void buildSensorForOutLane(MSLane *lane, NLDetectorBuilder &nb)=0
This function member has to be extended to properly build a sensor for a specific output lane Sensors...
std::vector< LaneVector > LaneVectorVector
Definition of a list that holds lists of lanes that do have the same attribute.
std::vector< MSPhaseDefinition * > Phases
Definition of a list of phases, being the junction logic.
Builds detectors for microsim.