Eclipse SUMO - Simulation of Urban MObility
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /****************************************************************************/
2 // Eclipse SUMO, Simulation of Urban MObility; see
3 // Copyright (C) 2001-2024 German Aerospace Center (DLR) and others.
4 // This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
5 // terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at
6 //
7 // This Source Code may also be made available under the following Secondary
8 // Licenses when the conditions for such availability set forth in the Eclipse
9 // Public License 2.0 are satisfied: GNU General Public License, version 2
10 // or later which is available at
11 //
12 // SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 OR GPL-2.0-or-later
13 /****************************************************************************/
22 // Container for nodes during the netbuilding process
23 /****************************************************************************/
24 #pragma once
25 #include <config.h>
27 #include <string>
28 #include <map>
29 #include <vector>
30 #include <set>
32 #include <utils/geom/Position.h>
33 #include "NBCont.h"
34 #include "NBEdgeCont.h"
35 #include "NBNode.h"
39 // ===========================================================================
40 // class declarations
41 // ===========================================================================
42 class NBDistrict;
43 class OptionsCont;
44 class OutputDevice;
45 class NBParkingCont;
46 class NBPTLineCont;
47 class NBPTStopCont;
50 // ===========================================================================
51 // class definitions
52 // ===========================================================================
57 class NBNodeCont {
59 public:
61  typedef std::vector<NodeSet> NodeClusters;
62  typedef std::pair<NBNode*, double> NodeAndDist;
68  ~NBNodeCont();
78  bool insert(const std::string& id, const Position& position, NBDistrict* district = 0);
84  bool insert(NBNode* node);
90  bool erase(NBNode* node);
97  bool extract(NBNode* node, bool remember = false);
103  NBNode* retrieve(const std::string& id) const;
110  NBNode* retrieve(const Position& position, const double offset = 0.) const;
113  std::map<std::string, NBNode*>::const_iterator begin() const {
114  return myNodes.begin();
115  }
118  std::map<std::string, NBNode*>::const_iterator end() const {
119  return myNodes.end();
120  }
125  /* @brief add ids of nodes wich shall not be joined
126  * @param[in] ids A list of ids to exclude from joining
127  * @note it does not check whether the nodes exist because all nodes may not have been loaded yet
128  */
129  void addJoinExclusion(const std::vector<std::string>& ids);
136  std::string createClusterId(const NodeSet& cluster, const std::string& prefix = "cluster_") {
137  std::set<std::string> clusterIds;
138  for (NBNode* j : cluster) {
139  clusterIds.insert(j->getID());
140  }
141  return createClusterId(clusterIds, prefix);
142  }
149  std::string createClusterId(const std::set<std::string>& cluster, const std::string& prefix = "cluster_");
154  void addCluster2Join(const std::set<std::string>& cluster, NBNode* node);
160  int joinJunctions(double maxDist, NBDistrictCont& dc, NBEdgeCont& ec, NBTrafficLightLogicCont& tlc, NBPTStopCont& sc);
166  static NodeSet getClusterNeighbors(const NBNode* n, double longThreshold, NodeSet& cluster);
169  static bool isSlipLaneContinuation(const NBNode* cont);
172  bool maybeSlipLaneStart(const NBNode* n, EdgeVector& outgoing, double& inAngle) const;
174  bool maybeSlipLaneEnd(const NBNode* n, EdgeVector& incoming, double& outAngle) const;
177  bool reduceToCircle(NodeSet& cluster, int circleSize, NodeSet startNodes, double maxDist, std::vector<NBNode*> cands = std::vector<NBNode*>()) const;
180  NBEdge* shortestEdge(const NodeSet& cluster, const NodeSet& startNodes, const std::vector<NBNode*>& exclude) const;
200  void joinSimilarEdges(NBDistrictCont& dc, NBEdgeCont& ec, NBTrafficLightLogicCont& tlc, bool removeDuplicates);
203  void avoidOverlap();
223  int removeComponents(NBDistrictCont& dc, NBEdgeCont& ec, const int numKeep, bool hasPTStops);
225  /* @brief remove rail components after ptstops are built
226  * @return The number of removed edges
227  */
248  bool removeGeometryNodes);
264  bool recheckTLSThreshold(NBNode* node);
267  void computeKeepClear();
274  void joinTLS(NBTrafficLightLogicCont& tlc, double maxdist);
283  void setAsTLControlled(NBNode* node, NBTrafficLightLogicCont& tlc, TrafficLightType type, std::string id = "");
287  bool wasRemoved(std::string id) const {
288  return myExtractedNodes.count(id) != 0;
289  }
292  void addPrefix(const std::string& prefix);
295  void rename(NBNode* node, const std::string& newID);
298  void computeLanes2Lanes();
301  void computeLogics(const NBEdgeCont& ec);
304  void computeLogics2(const NBEdgeCont& ec, OptionsCont& oc);
307  int size() const {
308  return (int) myNodes.size();
309  }
312  void clear();
315  std::string getFreeID();
320  void computeNodeShapes(double mismatchThreshold = -1);
327  void printBuiltNodesStatistics() const;
330  std::vector<std::string> getAllNames() const;
332  /* @brief analyzes a cluster of nodes which shall be joined
333  * @param[in] cluster The nodes to be joined
334  * @param[out] id The name for the new node
335  * @param[out] pos The position of the new node
336  * @param[out] hasTLS Whether the new node has a traffic light
337  * @param[out] tlType The type of traffic light (if any)
338  */
339  void analyzeCluster(NodeSet cluster, std::string& id, Position& pos,
340  bool& hasTLS, TrafficLightType& type, SumoXMLNodeType& nodeType);
343  void registerJoinedCluster(const NodeSet& cluster);
344  void registerJoinedCluster(const std::set<std::string>& cluster);
347  void unregisterJoinedCluster(const std::set<std::string>& cluster);
350  const std::vector<std::set<std::string> >& getJoinedClusters() const {
351  return myJoinedClusters;
352  }
354  /* @brief discards traffic lights
355  * @param[in] geometryLike Whether only tls at geometry-like nodes shall be discarded
356  */
357  void discardTrafficLights(NBTrafficLightLogicCont& tlc, bool geometryLike, bool guessSignals);
360  void discardRailSignals();
363  void markAsSplit(const NBNode* node) {
364  mySplit.insert(node);
365  }
368  void markAsNotTLS(const NBNode* node) {
369  myUnsetTLS.insert(node);
370  }
373  int remapIDs(bool numericaIDs, bool reservedIDs, const std::string& prefix, NBTrafficLightLogicCont& tlc);
376  int guessFringe();
382  bool resetNodeShapes();
384 private:
395  void generateNodeClusters(double maxDist, NodeClusters& into) const;
398  void pruneClusterFringe(NodeSet& cluster, double maxDist) const;
401  static int pruneLongEdges(NodeSet& cluster, double maxDist, const bool dryRun = false);
404  static double getDiameter(const NodeSet& cluster);
407  static bool geometryLikeForClass(const NBNode* n, SVCPermissions permissions);
410  void pruneSlipLaneNodes(NodeSet& cluster, double maxDist) const;
413  bool feasibleCluster(const NodeSet& cluster, const std::map<const NBNode*, std::vector<NBNode*> >& ptStopEnds,
414  double maxDist, std::string& reason) const;
417  void joinNodeClusters(NodeClusters clusters, NBDistrictCont& dc, NBEdgeCont& ec, NBTrafficLightLogicCont& tlc, bool resetConnections = false);
419  NBNode* predefined = nullptr, bool resetConnections = false);
430  bool shouldBeTLSControlled(const NodeSet& c, double laneSpeedThreshold, bool recheck = false) const;
433  bool onlyCrossings(const NodeSet& c) const;
436  bool customTLID(const NodeSet& c) const;
440  void paretoCheck(NBNode* node, NodeSet& frontier, int xSign, int ySign);
443  typedef std::map<std::string, NBNode*> NodeCont;
452  std::set<std::string> myJoinExclusions;
455  std::vector<std::pair<std::set<std::string>, NBNode*> > myClusters2Join;
458  std::vector<std::set<std::string> > myJoinedClusters;
461  std::set<std::string> myJoined;
464  std::set<const NBNode*> mySplit;
467  std::set<NBNode*, ComparatorIdLess> myGuessedTLS;
470  std::set<const NBNode*> myUnsetTLS;
476  std::vector<std::vector<std::string> > myRailComponents;
479  NBNodeCont(const NBNodeCont& s) = delete;
482  NBNodeCont& operator=(const NBNodeCont& s) = delete;
483 };
std::set< NBNode *, ComparatorIdLess > NodeSet
Definition: NBCont.h:52
std::vector< NBEdge * > EdgeVector
container for (sorted) edges
Definition: NBCont.h:35
long long int SVCPermissions
bitset where each bit declares whether a certain SVC may use this edge/lane
Numbers representing special SUMO-XML-attribute values for representing node- (junction-) types used ...
A container for districts.
A class representing a single district.
Definition: NBDistrict.h:62
Storage for edges, including some functionality operating on multiple edges.
Definition: NBEdgeCont.h:59
The representation of a single edge during network building.
Definition: NBEdge.h:92
Container for nodes during the netbuilding process.
Definition: NBNodeCont.h:57
void clear()
deletes all nodes
std::set< std::string > myJoinExclusions
set of node ids which should not be joined
Definition: NBNodeCont.h:452
std::vector< std::vector< std::string > > myRailComponents
network components that must be removed if not connected to the road network via stop access
Definition: NBNodeCont.h:476
void pruneClusterFringe(NodeSet &cluster, double maxDist) const
remove geometry-like fringe nodes from cluster
Definition: NBNodeCont.cpp:955
bool wasRemoved(std::string id) const
Returns whether the node with the id was deleted explicitly.
Definition: NBNodeCont.h:287
static double getDiameter(const NodeSet &cluster)
compute the maximum distance between any two cluster nodes
NamedRTree myRTree
node positions for faster lookup
Definition: NBNodeCont.h:473
std::map< std::string, NBNode * >::const_iterator begin() const
Returns the pointer to the begin of the stored nodes.
Definition: NBNodeCont.h:113
void avoidOverlap()
fix overlap
Definition: NBNodeCont.cpp:538
int removeRailComponents(NBDistrictCont &dc, NBEdgeCont &ec, NBPTStopCont &sc)
Definition: NBNodeCont.cpp:417
bool onlyCrossings(const NodeSet &c) const
check wheter the set of nodes only contains pedestrian crossings
std::vector< std::pair< std::set< std::string >, NBNode * > > myClusters2Join
loaded sets of node ids to join (cleared after use)
Definition: NBNodeCont.h:455
void markAsNotTLS(const NBNode *node)
mark a node as explicitly not controlled by a TLS
Definition: NBNodeCont.h:368
std::string createClusterId(const NodeSet &cluster, const std::string &prefix="cluster_")
generate id from cluster node ids
Definition: NBNodeCont.h:136
int size() const
Returns the number of nodes stored in this container.
Definition: NBNodeCont.h:307
void recheckGuessedTLS(NBTrafficLightLogicCont &tlc)
recheck myGuessedTLS after node logics are computed
std::vector< NodeSet > NodeClusters
Definition of a node cluster container.
Definition: NBNodeCont.h:61
void computeKeepClear()
compute keepClear status for all connections
NodeCont myNodes
The map of names to nodes.
Definition: NBNodeCont.h:446
bool reduceToCircle(NodeSet &cluster, int circleSize, NodeSet startNodes, double maxDist, std::vector< NBNode * > cands=std::vector< NBNode * >()) const
try to find a joinable subset (recursively)
bool feasibleCluster(const NodeSet &cluster, const std::map< const NBNode *, std::vector< NBNode * > > &ptStopEnds, double maxDist, std::string &reason) const
determine wether the cluster is not too complex for joining
void registerJoinedCluster(const NodeSet &cluster)
gets all joined clusters (see doc for myClusters2Join)
std::string getFreeID()
generates a new node ID
int removeSelfLoops(NBDistrictCont &dc, NBEdgeCont &ec, NBTrafficLightLogicCont &tc)
Removes self-loop edges (edges where the source and the destination node are the same)
Definition: NBNodeCont.cpp:175
NBNodeCont(const NBNodeCont &s)=delete
invalidated copy constructor
bool recheckTLSThreshold(NBNode *node)
check whether a specific guessed tls should keep its type
void paretoCheck(NBNode *node, NodeSet &frontier, int xSign, int ySign)
update pareto frontier with the given node
bool maybeSlipLaneStart(const NBNode *n, EdgeVector &outgoing, double &inAngle) const
check whether the given node maybe the start of a slip lane
void addJoinExclusion(const std::vector< std::string > &ids)
Definition: NBNodeCont.cpp:691
bool erase(NBNode *node)
Removes the given node, deleting it.
Definition: NBNodeCont.cpp:146
std::map< std::string, NBNode * > NodeCont
Definition of the map of names to nodes.
Definition: NBNodeCont.h:443
int joinLoadedClusters(NBDistrictCont &dc, NBEdgeCont &ec, NBTrafficLightLogicCont &tlc)
Joins loaded junction clusters (see NIXMLNodesHandler)
Definition: NBNodeCont.cpp:752
static bool geometryLikeForClass(const NBNode *n, SVCPermissions permissions)
check whether the node is geometryLike when only considering edges that support the given permissions
Definition: NBNodeCont.cpp:669
void applyConditionalDefaults()
apply default values after loading
void pruneSlipLaneNodes(NodeSet &cluster, double maxDist) const
remove nodes that form a slip lane from cluster
bool insert(const std::string &id, const Position &position, NBDistrict *district=0)
Inserts a node into the map.
Definition: NBNodeCont.cpp:87
std::set< const NBNode * > myUnsetTLS
nodes that are excluded from tls-guessing
Definition: NBNodeCont.h:470
int remapIDs(bool numericaIDs, bool reservedIDs, const std::string &prefix, NBTrafficLightLogicCont &tlc)
remap node IDs according to options –numerical-ids and –reserved-ids
NBNode * retrieve(const std::string &id) const
Returns the node with the given name.
Definition: NBNodeCont.cpp:116
NodeCont myExtractedNodes
The extracted nodes which are kept for reference.
Definition: NBNodeCont.h:449
void joinTLS(NBTrafficLightLogicCont &tlc, double maxdist)
Builds clusters of tls-controlled junctions and joins the control if possible.
int removeUnwishedNodes(NBDistrictCont &dc, NBEdgeCont &ec, NBTrafficLightLogicCont &tlc, NBPTStopCont &sc, NBPTLineCont &lc, NBParkingCont &pc, bool removeGeometryNodes)
Removes "unwished" nodes.
Definition: NBNodeCont.cpp:459
Definition: NBNodeCont.cpp:80
NBNodeCont & operator=(const NBNodeCont &s)=delete
invalidated assignment operator
bool extract(NBNode *node, bool remember=false)
Removes the given node but does not delete it.
Definition: NBNodeCont.cpp:157
int removeComponents(NBDistrictCont &dc, NBEdgeCont &ec, const int numKeep, bool hasPTStops)
Checks the network for weak connectivity and removes all but the largest components....
Definition: NBNodeCont.cpp:330
Definition: NBNodeCont.h:65
std::vector< std::string > getAllNames() const
get all node names
void computeLogics2(const NBEdgeCont &ec, OptionsCont &oc)
compute right-of-way logic for all lane-to-lane connections
bool shouldBeTLSControlled(const NodeSet &c, double laneSpeedThreshold, bool recheck=false) const
Returns whethe the given node cluster should be controlled by a tls.
void rename(NBNode *node, const std::string &newID)
Renames the node. Throws exception if newID already exists.
void joinSimilarEdges(NBDistrictCont &dc, NBEdgeCont &ec, NBTrafficLightLogicCont &tlc, bool removeDuplicates)
Joins edges connecting the same nodes.
Definition: NBNodeCont.cpp:188
int removeIsolatedRoads(NBDistrictCont &dc, NBEdgeCont &ec)
Removes sequences of edges that are not connected with a junction. Simple roads without junctions som...
Definition: NBNodeCont.cpp:239
void joinNodeClusters(NodeClusters clusters, NBDistrictCont &dc, NBEdgeCont &ec, NBTrafficLightLogicCont &tlc, bool resetConnections=false)
joins the given node clusters
void discardRailSignals()
discards rail signals
void addPrefix(const std::string &prefix)
add prefix to all nodes
void printBuiltNodesStatistics() const
Prints statistics about built nodes.
void setAsTLControlled(NBNode *node, NBTrafficLightLogicCont &tlc, TrafficLightType type, std::string id="")
Sets the given node as being controlled by a tls.
std::set< const NBNode * > mySplit
nodes that were created when splitting an edge
Definition: NBNodeCont.h:464
static NodeSet getClusterNeighbors(const NBNode *n, double longThreshold, NodeSet &cluster)
return all cluster neighbors for the given node
void computeLogics(const NBEdgeCont &ec)
build the list of outgoing edges and lanes
void joinNodeCluster(NodeSet clusters, NBDistrictCont &dc, NBEdgeCont &ec, NBTrafficLightLogicCont &tlc, NBNode *predefined=nullptr, bool resetConnections=false)
std::map< std::string, NBNode * >::const_iterator end() const
Returns the pointer to the end of the stored nodes.
Definition: NBNodeCont.h:118
void unregisterJoinedCluster(const std::set< std::string > &cluster)
remove cluster from list (on netedit-undo)
void generateNodeClusters(double maxDist, NodeClusters &into) const
Builds node clusters.
Definition: NBNodeCont.cpp:547
static bool isSlipLaneContinuation(const NBNode *cont)
whether the given node may continue a slip lane
void computeNodeShapes(double mismatchThreshold=-1)
Compute the junction shape for this node.
std::vector< std::set< std::string > > myJoinedClusters
sets of node ids which were joined
Definition: NBNodeCont.h:458
NBEdge * shortestEdge(const NodeSet &cluster, const NodeSet &startNodes, const std::vector< NBNode * > &exclude) const
find closest neighbor for building circle
std::pair< NBNode *, double > NodeAndDist
Definition: NBNodeCont.h:62
void guessTLs(OptionsCont &oc, NBTrafficLightLogicCont &tlc)
Guesses which junctions or junction clusters shall be controlled by tls.
int guessFringe()
guess and mark fringe nodes
void markAsSplit(const NBNode *node)
mark a node as being created form a split
Definition: NBNodeCont.h:363
int joinJunctions(double maxDist, NBDistrictCont &dc, NBEdgeCont &ec, NBTrafficLightLogicCont &tlc, NBPTStopCont &sc)
Joins junctions that are very close together.
Definition: NBNodeCont.cpp:777
void computeLanes2Lanes()
divides the incoming lanes on outgoing lanes
void discardTrafficLights(NBTrafficLightLogicCont &tlc, bool geometryLike, bool guessSignals)
std::set< NBNode *, ComparatorIdLess > myGuessedTLS
nodes that received a traffic light due to guessing (–tls.guess)
Definition: NBNodeCont.h:467
std::set< std::string > myJoined
ids found in loaded join clusters used for error checking
Definition: NBNodeCont.h:461
int joinSameJunctions(NBDistrictCont &dc, NBEdgeCont &ec, NBTrafficLightLogicCont &tlc)
Joins junctions with the same coordinates regardless of topology.
Definition: NBNodeCont.cpp:925
void analyzeCluster(NodeSet cluster, std::string &id, Position &pos, bool &hasTLS, TrafficLightType &type, SumoXMLNodeType &nodeType)
void addCluster2Join(const std::set< std::string > &cluster, NBNode *node)
add ids of nodes which shall be joined into a single node
Definition: NBNodeCont.cpp:724
bool customTLID(const NodeSet &c) const
check wheter the set of nodes contains traffic lights with custom id
bool resetNodeShapes()
reset all node shapes
static int pruneLongEdges(NodeSet &cluster, double maxDist, const bool dryRun=false)
avoid removal of long edges when joining junction clusters
bool maybeSlipLaneEnd(const NBNode *n, EdgeVector &incoming, double &outAngle) const
check whether the given node maybe the end of a slip lane
const std::vector< std::set< std::string > > & getJoinedClusters() const
gets all joined clusters (see doc for myClusters2Join)
Definition: NBNodeCont.h:350
Represents a single node (junction) during network building.
Definition: NBNode.h:66
Container for public transport stops during the net building process.
Definition: NBPTStopCont.h:44
A container for traffic light definitions and built programs.
A RT-tree for efficient storing of SUMO's Named objects.
Definition: NamedRTree.h:61
A storage for options typed value containers)
Definition: OptionsCont.h:89
Static storage of an output device and its base (abstract) implementation.
Definition: OutputDevice.h:61
A point in 2D or 3D with translation and scaling methods.
Definition: Position.h:37