Eclipse SUMO - Simulation of Urban MObility
NBNodeCont Class Reference

Container for nodes during the netbuilding process. More...

#include <NBNodeCont.h>

Collaboration diagram for NBNodeCont:

Public Types

typedef std::pair< NBNode *, double > NodeAndDist
typedef std::vector< NodeSetNodeClusters
 Definition of a node cluster container. More...

Public Member Functions

void addPrefix (const std::string &prefix)
 add prefix to all nodes More...
void analyzeCluster (NodeSet cluster, std::string &id, Position &pos, bool &hasTLS, TrafficLightType &type, SumoXMLNodeType &nodeType)
void applyConditionalDefaults ()
 apply default values after loading More...
void clear ()
 deletes all nodes More...
void computeLanes2Lanes ()
 divides the incoming lanes on outgoing lanes More...
void computeLogics (const NBEdgeCont &ec)
 build the list of outgoing edges and lanes More...
void computeLogics2 (const NBEdgeCont &ec, OptionsCont &oc)
 compute right-of-way logic for all lane-to-lane connections More...
void computeNodeShapes (double mismatchThreshold=-1)
 Compute the junction shape for this node. More...
void discardRailSignals ()
 discards rail signals More...
void discardTrafficLights (NBTrafficLightLogicCont &tlc, bool geometryLike, bool guessSignals)
std::vector< std::string > getAllNames () const
 get all node names More...
std::string getFreeID ()
 generates a new node ID More...
const std::vector< std::set< std::string > > & getJoinedClusters () const
 gets all joined clusters (see doc for myClusters2Join) More...
int guessFringe ()
 guess and mark fringe nodes More...
void markAsNotTLS (const NBNode *node)
 mark a node as explicitly not controlled by a TLS More...
void markAsSplit (const NBNode *node)
 mark a node as being created form a split More...
 NBNodeCont ()
 Constructor. More...
void printBuiltNodesStatistics () const
 Prints statistics about built nodes. More...
void registerJoinedCluster (const NodeSet &cluster)
 gets all joined clusters (see doc for myClusters2Join) More...
void registerJoinedCluster (const std::set< std::string > &cluster)
int remapIDs (bool numericaIDs, bool reservedIDs, const std::string &prefix, NBTrafficLightLogicCont &tlc)
 remap node IDs according to options –numerical-ids and –reserved-ids More...
void rename (NBNode *node, const std::string &newID)
 Renames the node. Throws exception if newID already exists. More...
bool resetNodeShapes ()
 reset all node shapes More...
int size () const
 Returns the number of nodes stored in this container. More...
void unregisterJoinedCluster (const std::set< std::string > &cluster)
 remove cluster from list (on netedit-undo) More...
bool wasRemoved (std::string id) const
 Returns whether the node with the id was deleted explicitly. More...
 ~NBNodeCont ()
 Destructor. More...
Insertion/removal/retrieval of nodes
bool insert (const std::string &id, const Position &position, NBDistrict *district=0)
 Inserts a node into the map. More...
bool insert (NBNode *node)
 Inserts a node into the map. More...
bool erase (NBNode *node)
 Removes the given node, deleting it. More...
bool extract (NBNode *node, bool remember=false)
 Removes the given node but does not delete it. More...
NBNoderetrieve (const std::string &id) const
 Returns the node with the given name. More...
NBNoderetrieve (const Position &position, const double offset=0.) const
 Returns the node with the given coordinates. More...
std::map< std::string, NBNode * >::const_iterator begin () const
 Returns the pointer to the begin of the stored nodes. More...
std::map< std::string, NBNode * >::const_iterator end () const
 Returns the pointer to the end of the stored nodes. More...
Adapting the input
int removeSelfLoops (NBDistrictCont &dc, NBEdgeCont &ec, NBTrafficLightLogicCont &tc)
 Removes self-loop edges (edges where the source and the destination node are the same) More...
void joinSimilarEdges (NBDistrictCont &dc, NBEdgeCont &ec, NBTrafficLightLogicCont &tlc, bool removeDuplicates)
 Joins edges connecting the same nodes. More...
void avoidOverlap ()
 fix overlap More...
int removeIsolatedRoads (NBDistrictCont &dc, NBEdgeCont &ec)
 Removes sequences of edges that are not connected with a junction. Simple roads without junctions sometimes remain when converting from OpenStreetMap, but they make no sense. Remaining empty nodes are also deleted. More...
int removeComponents (NBDistrictCont &dc, NBEdgeCont &ec, const int numKeep, bool hasPTStops)
 Checks the network for weak connectivity and removes all but the largest components. The connectivity check is done regardless of edge direction and vclass. More...
int removeRailComponents (NBDistrictCont &dc, NBEdgeCont &ec, NBPTStopCont &sc)
int removeUnwishedNodes (NBDistrictCont &dc, NBEdgeCont &ec, NBTrafficLightLogicCont &tlc, NBPTStopCont &sc, NBPTLineCont &lc, NBParkingCont &pc, bool removeGeometryNodes)
 Removes "unwished" nodes. More...
Methods for guessing/computing traffic lights
void guessTLs (OptionsCont &oc, NBTrafficLightLogicCont &tlc)
 Guesses which junctions or junction clusters shall be controlled by tls. More...
void recheckGuessedTLS (NBTrafficLightLogicCont &tlc)
 recheck myGuessedTLS after node logics are computed More...
bool recheckTLSThreshold (NBNode *node)
 check whether a specific guessed tls should keep its type More...
void computeKeepClear ()
 compute keepClear status for all connections More...
void joinTLS (NBTrafficLightLogicCont &tlc, double maxdist)
 Builds clusters of tls-controlled junctions and joins the control if possible. More...
void setAsTLControlled (NBNode *node, NBTrafficLightLogicCont &tlc, TrafficLightType type, std::string id="")
 Sets the given node as being controlled by a tls. More...

Private Types

typedef std::map< std::string, NBNode * > NodeCont
 Definition of the map of names to nodes. More...

Private Member Functions

 NBNodeCont (const NBNodeCont &s)=delete
 invalidated copy constructor More...
NBNodeContoperator= (const NBNodeCont &s)=delete
 invalidated assignment operator More...
void paretoCheck (NBNode *node, NodeSet &frontier, int xSign, int ySign)
 update pareto frontier with the given node More...
Helper methods for guessing/computing traffic lights
bool shouldBeTLSControlled (const NodeSet &c, double laneSpeedThreshold, bool recheck=false) const
 Returns whethe the given node cluster should be controlled by a tls. More...
bool onlyCrossings (const NodeSet &c) const
 check wheter the set of nodes only contains pedestrian crossings More...
bool customTLID (const NodeSet &c) const
 check wheter the set of nodes contains traffic lights with custom id More...

Private Attributes

std::vector< std::pair< std::set< std::string >, NBNode * > > myClusters2Join
 loaded sets of node ids to join (cleared after use) More...
NodeCont myExtractedNodes
 The extracted nodes which are kept for reference. More...
std::set< NBNode *, ComparatorIdLessmyGuessedTLS
 nodes that received a traffic light due to guessing (–tls.guess) More...
std::set< std::string > myJoined
 ids found in loaded join clusters used for error checking More...
std::vector< std::set< std::string > > myJoinedClusters
 sets of node ids which were joined More...
std::set< std::string > myJoinExclusions
 set of node ids which should not be joined More...
NodeCont myNodes
 The map of names to nodes. More...
std::vector< std::vector< std::string > > myRailComponents
 network components that must be removed if not connected to the road network via stop access More...
NamedRTree myRTree
 node positions for faster lookup More...
std::set< const NBNode * > mySplit
 nodes that were created when splitting an edge More...
std::set< const NBNode * > myUnsetTLS
 nodes that are excluded from tls-guessing More...

Methods for joining nodes

void addJoinExclusion (const std::vector< std::string > &ids)
std::string createClusterId (const NodeSet &cluster, const std::string &prefix="cluster_")
 generate id from cluster node ids More...
std::string createClusterId (const std::set< std::string > &cluster, const std::string &prefix="cluster_")
 generate id from cluster node ids More...
void addCluster2Join (const std::set< std::string > &cluster, NBNode *node)
 add ids of nodes which shall be joined into a single node More...
int joinLoadedClusters (NBDistrictCont &dc, NBEdgeCont &ec, NBTrafficLightLogicCont &tlc)
 Joins loaded junction clusters (see NIXMLNodesHandler) More...
int joinJunctions (double maxDist, NBDistrictCont &dc, NBEdgeCont &ec, NBTrafficLightLogicCont &tlc, NBPTStopCont &sc)
 Joins junctions that are very close together. More...
int joinSameJunctions (NBDistrictCont &dc, NBEdgeCont &ec, NBTrafficLightLogicCont &tlc)
 Joins junctions with the same coordinates regardless of topology. More...
bool maybeSlipLaneStart (const NBNode *n, EdgeVector &outgoing, double &inAngle) const
 check whether the given node maybe the start of a slip lane More...
bool maybeSlipLaneEnd (const NBNode *n, EdgeVector &incoming, double &outAngle) const
 check whether the given node maybe the end of a slip lane More...
bool reduceToCircle (NodeSet &cluster, int circleSize, NodeSet startNodes, double maxDist, std::vector< NBNode * > cands=std::vector< NBNode * >()) const
 try to find a joinable subset (recursively) More...
NBEdgeshortestEdge (const NodeSet &cluster, const NodeSet &startNodes, const std::vector< NBNode * > &exclude) const
 find closest neighbor for building circle More...
static NodeSet getClusterNeighbors (const NBNode *n, double longThreshold, NodeSet &cluster)
 return all cluster neighbors for the given node More...
static bool isSlipLaneContinuation (const NBNode *cont)
 whether the given node may continue a slip lane More...

Helper methods for for joining nodes

void generateNodeClusters (double maxDist, NodeClusters &into) const
 Builds node clusters. More...
void pruneClusterFringe (NodeSet &cluster, double maxDist) const
 remove geometry-like fringe nodes from cluster More...
void pruneSlipLaneNodes (NodeSet &cluster, double maxDist) const
 remove nodes that form a slip lane from cluster More...
bool feasibleCluster (const NodeSet &cluster, const std::map< const NBNode *, std::vector< NBNode * > > &ptStopEnds, double maxDist, std::string &reason) const
 determine wether the cluster is not too complex for joining More...
void joinNodeClusters (NodeClusters clusters, NBDistrictCont &dc, NBEdgeCont &ec, NBTrafficLightLogicCont &tlc, bool resetConnections=false)
 joins the given node clusters More...
void joinNodeCluster (NodeSet clusters, NBDistrictCont &dc, NBEdgeCont &ec, NBTrafficLightLogicCont &tlc, NBNode *predefined=nullptr, bool resetConnections=false)
static int pruneLongEdges (NodeSet &cluster, double maxDist, const bool dryRun=false)
 avoid removal of long edges when joining junction clusters More...
static double getDiameter (const NodeSet &cluster)
 compute the maximum distance between any two cluster nodes More...
static bool geometryLikeForClass (const NBNode *n, SVCPermissions permissions)
 check whether the node is geometryLike when only considering edges that support the given permissions More...

Detailed Description

Container for nodes during the netbuilding process.

Definition at line 57 of file NBNodeCont.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ NodeAndDist

typedef std::pair<NBNode*, double> NBNodeCont::NodeAndDist

Definition at line 62 of file NBNodeCont.h.

◆ NodeClusters

typedef std::vector<NodeSet> NBNodeCont::NodeClusters

Definition of a node cluster container.

Definition at line 61 of file NBNodeCont.h.

◆ NodeCont

typedef std::map<std::string, NBNode*> NBNodeCont::NodeCont

Definition of the map of names to nodes.

Definition at line 443 of file NBNodeCont.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ NBNodeCont() [1/2]

NBNodeCont::NBNodeCont ( )


Definition at line 65 of file NBNodeCont.h.

◆ ~NBNodeCont()

NBNodeCont::~NBNodeCont ( )


Definition at line 80 of file NBNodeCont.cpp.

References clear().

◆ NBNodeCont() [2/2]

NBNodeCont::NBNodeCont ( const NBNodeCont s)

invalidated copy constructor

Member Function Documentation

◆ addCluster2Join()

void NBNodeCont::addCluster2Join ( const std::set< std::string > &  cluster,
NBNode node 

add ids of nodes which shall be joined into a single node

[in]clusterThe cluster to add

Definition at line 724 of file NBNodeCont.cpp.

References Named::getID(), myClusters2Join, myJoined, myJoinExclusions, retrieve(), TL, WRITE_ERRORF, and WRITE_WARNINGF.

Referenced by NIXMLNodesHandler::addJoinCluster().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ addJoinExclusion()

void NBNodeCont::addJoinExclusion ( const std::vector< std::string > &  ids)

Definition at line 691 of file NBNodeCont.cpp.

References myJoined, myJoinExclusions, TL, and WRITE_WARNINGF.

Referenced by NIXMLNodesHandler::addJoinExclusion(), and NBNetBuilder::compute().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ addPrefix()

void NBNodeCont::addPrefix ( const std::string &  prefix)

add prefix to all nodes

Definition at line 2666 of file NBNodeCont.cpp.

References myNodes.

Referenced by GNELoadThread::run().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ analyzeCluster()

void NBNodeCont::analyzeCluster ( NodeSet  cluster,
std::string &  id,
Position pos,
bool &  hasTLS,
TrafficLightType type,
SumoXMLNodeType nodeType 

Definition at line 1993 of file NBNodeCont.cpp.

References Position::add(), createClusterId(), StringBijection< T >::get(), OptionsCont::getOptions(), Position::mul(), NOJUNCTION, PRIORITY, TL, toString(), TRAFFIC_LIGHT, SUMOXMLDefinitions::TrafficLightTypes, UNKNOWN, and WRITE_WARNINGF.

Referenced by joinNodeCluster(), GNENet::joinSelectedJunctions(), and joinTLS().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ applyConditionalDefaults()

void NBNodeCont::applyConditionalDefaults ( )

apply default values after loading

Definition at line 2870 of file NBNodeCont.cpp.

References ALLWAYSTOP, DEFAULT, NBNode::getControllingTLS(), NBNode::getRightOfWay(), NBNode::isTLControlled(), myNodes, NEMA, and NBNode::setRightOfWay().

Referenced by NILoader::load().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ avoidOverlap()

void NBNodeCont::avoidOverlap ( )

fix overlap

Definition at line 538 of file NBNodeCont.cpp.

References myNodes.

Referenced by NBNetBuilder::compute().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ begin()

◆ clear()

void NBNodeCont::clear ( )

deletes all nodes

Definition at line 2523 of file NBNodeCont.cpp.

References myExtractedNodes, and myNodes.

Referenced by ~NBNodeCont().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ computeKeepClear()

void NBNodeCont::computeKeepClear ( )

compute keepClear status for all connections

Definition at line 2410 of file NBNodeCont.cpp.

References myNodes.

Referenced by NBNetBuilder::compute().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ computeLanes2Lanes()

void NBNodeCont::computeLanes2Lanes ( )

divides the incoming lanes on outgoing lanes

Definition at line 2486 of file NBNodeCont.cpp.

References myNodes.

Referenced by NBNetBuilder::compute().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ computeLogics()

void NBNodeCont::computeLogics ( const NBEdgeCont ec)

build the list of outgoing edges and lanes

Definition at line 2495 of file NBNodeCont.cpp.

References myNodes.

Referenced by NBNetBuilder::compute().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ computeLogics2()

void NBNodeCont::computeLogics2 ( const NBEdgeCont ec,
OptionsCont oc 

compute right-of-way logic for all lane-to-lane connections

Definition at line 2503 of file NBNodeCont.cpp.

References OptionsCont::getBool(), NBEdgeCont::getRoundabouts(), and myNodes.

Referenced by NBNetBuilder::compute().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ computeNodeShapes()

void NBNodeCont::computeNodeShapes ( double  mismatchThreshold = -1)

Compute the junction shape for this node.

[in]mismatchThresholdThe threshold for warning about shapes which are away from myPosition

Definition at line 2550 of file NBNodeCont.cpp.

References myNodes.

Referenced by NBNetBuilder::compute().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ createClusterId() [1/2]

std::string NBNodeCont::createClusterId ( const NodeSet cluster,
const std::string &  prefix = "cluster_" 

generate id from cluster node ids

[in]clusterThe cluster ids
[in]prefixThe cluster prefix
the generated id

Definition at line 136 of file NBNodeCont.h.

Referenced by NIXMLNodesHandler::addJoinCluster(), analyzeCluster(), guessTLs(), and NIImporter_OpenDrive::loadNetwork().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ createClusterId() [2/2]

std::string NBNodeCont::createClusterId ( const std::set< std::string > &  cluster,
const std::string &  prefix = "cluster_" 

generate id from cluster node ids

[in]clusterThe cluster ids
[in]prefixThe cluster prefix
the generated id

Definition at line 705 of file NBNodeCont.cpp.

References OptionsCont::getInt(), OptionsCont::getOptions(), joinToString(), and toString().

◆ customTLID()

bool NBNodeCont::customTLID ( const NodeSet c) const

check wheter the set of nodes contains traffic lights with custom id

Definition at line 2092 of file NBNodeCont.cpp.

References Named::getID(), NBTrafficLightDefinition::getNodes(), and StringUtils::startsWith().

Referenced by joinTLS().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ discardRailSignals()

void NBNodeCont::discardRailSignals ( )

discards rail signals

Definition at line 2721 of file NBNodeCont.cpp.

References NBNode::getPosition(), NBNode::getType(), myNodes, PRIORITY, RAIL_SIGNAL, and NBNode::reinit().

Referenced by NILoader::load().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ discardTrafficLights()

void NBNodeCont::discardTrafficLights ( NBTrafficLightLogicCont tlc,
bool  geometryLike,
bool  guessSignals 

Definition at line 2689 of file NBNodeCont.cpp.

References NBTrafficLightLogicCont::extract(), NBNode::geometryLike(), NBNode::getControllingTLS(), Named::getID(), NBNode::getOutgoingEdges(), NBNode::getPosition(), NBNodeTypeComputer::isRailwayNode(), NBNode::isTLControlled(), myNodes, RAIL_SIGNAL, NBNode::reinit(), NBNode::removeTrafficLight(), and UNKNOWN.

Referenced by NILoader::load(), and main().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ end()

◆ erase()

bool NBNodeCont::erase ( NBNode node)

Removes the given node, deleting it.

[in]nodeThe node to delete and remove
Whether the node could be removed (existed)

Definition at line 146 of file NBNodeCont.cpp.

References extract().

Referenced by joinNodeCluster(), NIVissimEdge::remapOneOfNodes(), removeComponents(), removeIsolatedRoads(), and removeRailComponents().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ extract()

bool NBNodeCont::extract ( NBNode node,
bool  remember = false 

Removes the given node but does not delete it.

[in]nodeThe node to delete and remove
[in]rememberWhether to keep the node for future reference
Whether the node could be removed (existed)

Definition at line 157 of file NBNodeCont.cpp.

References Named::getID(), NBNode::getPosition(), myExtractedNodes, myNodes, myRTree, NamedRTree::Remove(), NBNode::removeTrafficLights(), Position::x(), and Position::y().

Referenced by NIXMLNodesHandler::deleteNode(), erase(), NIImporter_OpenDrive::loadNetwork(), and removeUnwishedNodes().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ feasibleCluster()

bool NBNodeCont::feasibleCluster ( const NodeSet cluster,
const std::map< const NBNode *, std::vector< NBNode * > > &  ptStopEnds,
double  maxDist,
std::string &  reason 
) const

determine wether the cluster is not too complex for joining

Definition at line 1432 of file NBNodeCont.cpp.

References DEBUGCOND, NBEdge::getAngleAtNode(), NBNode::getEdges(), NBEdge::getFromNode(), NBEdge::getID(), NBEdge::getIncomingEdges(), NBEdge::getLoadedLength(), NBEdge::getPermissions(), NBEdge::getToNode(), joinNamedToString(), SVC_PASSENGER, and toString().

Referenced by joinJunctions().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ generateNodeClusters()

void NBNodeCont::generateNodeClusters ( double  maxDist,
NodeClusters into 
) const

Builds node clusters.

A node cluster is made up from nodes which are near by (distance<maxDist) and connected.

[in]maxDistThe maximum distance between two nodes for clustering
[in,filled]into The container to store the clusters in

Definition at line 547 of file NBNodeCont.cpp.

References DEBUGCOND, Position::distanceTo2D(), NBNode::geometryLike(), geometryLikeForClass(), NBNode::getEdges(), Named::getID(), NBNode::getIncomingEdges(), NBNode::getPosition(), NBNode::getType(), NBNode::hasIncoming(), NBNode::isTrafficLight(), joinNamedToString(), myNodes, RAIL_CROSSING, SUMO_const_laneWidth, SVC_DELIVERY, SVC_PASSENGER, SVC_PEDESTRIAN, SVC_RAIL_CLASSES, SVC_TRAM, and SVC_VULNERABLE.

Referenced by guessTLs(), joinJunctions(), and joinTLS().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ geometryLikeForClass()

bool NBNodeCont::geometryLikeForClass ( const NBNode n,
SVCPermissions  permissions 

check whether the node is geometryLike when only considering edges that support the given permissions

Definition at line 669 of file NBNodeCont.cpp.

References NBNode::geometryLike(), NBNode::getIncomingEdges(), and NBNode::getOutgoingEdges().

Referenced by generateNodeClusters().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getAllNames()

std::vector< std::string > NBNodeCont::getAllNames ( ) const

get all node names

Definition at line 2656 of file NBNodeCont.cpp.

References myNodes.

Referenced by GNENet::initJunctionsAndEdges(), remapIDs(), and NWWriter_DlrNavteq::writeNodesUnsplitted().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getClusterNeighbors()

NodeSet NBNodeCont::getClusterNeighbors ( const NBNode n,
double  longThreshold,
NodeSet cluster 

return all cluster neighbors for the given node

Definition at line 1132 of file NBNodeCont.cpp.

References NBNode::getEdges().

Referenced by pruneLongEdges().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getDiameter()

double NBNodeCont::getDiameter ( const NodeSet cluster)

compute the maximum distance between any two cluster nodes

Definition at line 1046 of file NBNodeCont.cpp.

References MAX2().

Referenced by pruneClusterFringe().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getFreeID()

std::string NBNodeCont::getFreeID ( )

generates a new node ID

Definition at line 2536 of file NBNodeCont.cpp.

References retrieve().

◆ getJoinedClusters()

const std::vector<std::set<std::string> >& NBNodeCont::getJoinedClusters ( ) const

gets all joined clusters (see doc for myClusters2Join)

Definition at line 350 of file NBNodeCont.h.

References myJoinedClusters.

Referenced by NWWriter_XML::writeJoinedJunctions().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ guessFringe()

int NBNodeCont::guessFringe ( )

guess and mark fringe nodes

Definition at line 2804 of file NBNodeCont.cpp.

References NBNode::getEdges(), OptionsCont::getFloat(), OptionsCont::getOptions(), myNodes, OUTER, paretoCheck(), and NBNode::setFringeType().

Referenced by NBNetBuilder::compute().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ guessTLs()

void NBNodeCont::guessTLs ( OptionsCont oc,
NBTrafficLightLogicCont tlc 

Guesses which junctions or junction clusters shall be controlled by tls.

[in]ocThe options that steer the guessing process
[filled]tlc The traffic lights control into which new traffic light definitions shall be stored
Recheck exception handling

Definition at line 2114 of file NBNodeCont.cpp.

References createClusterId(), DEBUGCOND, OptionsCont::exists(), generateNodeClusters(), NBNode::geometryLike(), StringBijection< T >::get(), OptionsCont::getBool(), NBNode::getControllingTLS(), OptionsCont::getFloat(), NBEdge::getID(), Named::getID(), NBNode::getIncomingEdges(), OptionsCont::getInt(), OptionsCont::getOptions(), NBNode::getOutgoingEdges(), NBEdge::getPermissions(), NBNode::getPosition(), NBEdge::getSignalNode(), NBEdge::getSignalOffset(), NBEdge::getSignalPosition(), OptionsCont::getStringVector(), NBEdge::getToNode(), NBNode::getType(), NBTrafficLightLogicCont::insert(), Position::INVALID, NBNode::isNearDistrict(), NBNodeTypeComputer::isRailwayNode(), OptionsCont::isSet(), NBNode::isTLControlled(), MIN2(), myGuessedTLS, myNodes, myUnsetTLS, PRIORITY, RAIL_CROSSING, NBTrafficLightLogicCont::removeFully(), NBNode::removeTrafficLights(), retrieve(), setAsTLControlled(), shouldBeTLSControlled(), SVC_PASSENGER, TL, TLF, SUMOXMLDefinitions::TrafficLightTypes, NBEdge::UNSPECIFIED_SIGNAL_OFFSET, NBNode::updateSurroundingGeometry(), WRITE_WARNING, and WRITE_WARNINGF.

Referenced by NBNetBuilder::compute().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ insert() [1/2]

bool NBNodeCont::insert ( const std::string &  id,
const Position position,
NBDistrict district = 0 

◆ insert() [2/2]

bool NBNodeCont::insert ( NBNode node)

Inserts a node into the map.

[in]nodeThe node to insert
Whether the node could be added (no other with the same id or position is stored)

Definition at line 102 of file NBNodeCont.cpp.

References Named::getID(), NBNode::getPosition(), NamedRTree::Insert(), myNodes, myRTree, Position::x(), and Position::y().

◆ isSlipLaneContinuation()

bool NBNodeCont::isSlipLaneContinuation ( const NBNode cont)

whether the given node may continue a slip lane

Definition at line 1351 of file NBNodeCont.cpp.

References NBNode::getPassengerEdges().

Referenced by pruneSlipLaneNodes().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ joinJunctions()

int NBNodeCont::joinJunctions ( double  maxDist,
NBDistrictCont dc,
NBEdgeCont ec,
NBTrafficLightLogicCont tlc,
NBPTStopCont sc 

Joins junctions that are very close together.

Definition at line 777 of file NBNodeCont.cpp.

References DEBUGCOND, feasibleCluster(), gDebugFlag1, generateNodeClusters(), NBEdge::getFromNode(), NBPTStopCont::getStops(), NBEdge::getToNode(), joinNamedToString(), joinNodeClusters(), myJoinExclusions, pruneClusterFringe(), pruneLongEdges(), pruneSlipLaneNodes(), reduceToCircle(), NBEdgeCont::retrieve(), TL, and WRITE_WARNINGF.

Referenced by NBNetBuilder::compute().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ joinLoadedClusters()

int NBNodeCont::joinLoadedClusters ( NBDistrictCont dc,
NBEdgeCont ec,
NBTrafficLightLogicCont tlc 

Joins loaded junction clusters (see NIXMLNodesHandler)

Definition at line 752 of file NBNodeCont.cpp.

References joinNodeCluster(), myClusters2Join, myJoinExclusions, retrieve(), TL, and WRITE_ERRORF.

Referenced by NBNetBuilder::compute().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ joinNodeCluster()

◆ joinNodeClusters()

void NBNodeCont::joinNodeClusters ( NodeClusters  clusters,
NBDistrictCont dc,
NBEdgeCont ec,
NBTrafficLightLogicCont tlc,
bool  resetConnections = false 

joins the given node clusters

Definition at line 1718 of file NBNodeCont.cpp.

References joinNodeCluster().

Referenced by joinJunctions(), and joinSameJunctions().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ joinSameJunctions()

int NBNodeCont::joinSameJunctions ( NBDistrictCont dc,
NBEdgeCont ec,
NBTrafficLightLogicCont tlc 

Joins junctions with the same coordinates regardless of topology.

Definition at line 925 of file NBNodeCont.cpp.

References Named::getID(), gPrecision, joinNodeClusters(), myJoinExclusions, myNodes, OutputDevice::realString(), Position::x(), Position::y(), and Position::z().

Referenced by NBNetBuilder::compute().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ joinSimilarEdges()

void NBNodeCont::joinSimilarEdges ( NBDistrictCont dc,
NBEdgeCont ec,
NBTrafficLightLogicCont tlc,
bool  removeDuplicates 

Joins edges connecting the same nodes.

[in,opt.changed] dc The districts container to update
[in,opt.changed] ec The edge container to remove the edges from
[in,opt.changed] tc The traffic lights container to update
No two edges with same geometry connecting same nodes exist

Definition at line 188 of file NBNodeCont.cpp.

References NBEdgeCont::extract(), NBEdge::getLoadedLength(), NBEdge::getPermissions(), NBEdge::getSpeed(), NBEdge::isNearEnough2BeJoined2(), NBEdgeCont::joinSameNodeConnectingEdges(), and myNodes.

Referenced by NBNetBuilder::compute().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ joinTLS()

void NBNodeCont::joinTLS ( NBTrafficLightLogicCont tlc,
double  maxdist 

Builds clusters of tls-controlled junctions and joins the control if possible.

[changed]tlc The traffic lights control for adding/removing new/prior tls
[in]maxdistThe maximum distance between nodes for clustering
Recheck exception handling

Definition at line 2418 of file NBNodeCont.cpp.

References analyzeCluster(), customTLID(), NBTrafficLightLogicCont::exist(), generateNodeClusters(), OptionsCont::getOptions(), OptionsCont::getStringVector(), NBTrafficLightLogicCont::insert(), onlyCrossings(), NBTrafficLightLogicCont::removeFully(), TL, UNKNOWN, WRITE_WARNING, and WRITE_WARNINGF.

Referenced by NBNetBuilder::compute().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ markAsNotTLS()

void NBNodeCont::markAsNotTLS ( const NBNode node)

mark a node as explicitly not controlled by a TLS

Definition at line 368 of file NBNodeCont.h.

References myUnsetTLS.

Referenced by NIXMLNodesHandler::processNodeType().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ markAsSplit()

void NBNodeCont::markAsSplit ( const NBNode node)

mark a node as being created form a split

Definition at line 363 of file NBNodeCont.h.

References mySplit.

Referenced by NBEdgeCont::processSplits().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ maybeSlipLaneEnd()

bool NBNodeCont::maybeSlipLaneEnd ( const NBNode n,
EdgeVector incoming,
double &  outAngle 
) const

check whether the given node maybe the end of a slip lane

Definition at line 1395 of file NBNodeCont.cpp.

References NBNode::getPassengerEdges(), and NBHelpers::relAngle().

Referenced by pruneSlipLaneNodes().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ maybeSlipLaneStart()

bool NBNodeCont::maybeSlipLaneStart ( const NBNode n,
EdgeVector outgoing,
double &  inAngle 
) const

check whether the given node maybe the start of a slip lane

Definition at line 1357 of file NBNodeCont.cpp.

References NBNode::getPassengerEdges(), and NBHelpers::relAngle().

Referenced by pruneSlipLaneNodes().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ onlyCrossings()

bool NBNodeCont::onlyCrossings ( const NodeSet c) const

check wheter the set of nodes only contains pedestrian crossings

Definition at line 2062 of file NBNodeCont.cpp.

References NBEdge::getIncomingEdges(), and SVC_PEDESTRIAN.

Referenced by joinTLS().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ operator=()

NBNodeCont& NBNodeCont::operator= ( const NBNodeCont s)

invalidated assignment operator

◆ paretoCheck()

void NBNodeCont::paretoCheck ( NBNode node,
NodeSet frontier,
int  xSign,
int  ySign 

update pareto frontier with the given node

Definition at line 2849 of file NBNodeCont.cpp.

References fn, NBNode::getPosition(), Position::x(), and Position::y().

Referenced by guessFringe().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ printBuiltNodesStatistics()

void NBNodeCont::printBuiltNodesStatistics ( ) const

Prints statistics about built nodes.

Goes through stored nodes, computes the numbers of unregulated, priority and right-before-left junctions and prints them.

Definition at line 2558 of file NBNodeCont.cpp.


Referenced by main().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ pruneClusterFringe()

void NBNodeCont::pruneClusterFringe ( NodeSet cluster,
double  maxDist 
) const

remove geometry-like fringe nodes from cluster

Definition at line 955 of file NBNodeCont.cpp.

References Position::distanceTo2D(), gDebugFlag1, getDiameter(), NBNode::getEdges(), Named::getID(), NBNode::getIncomingEdges(), NBNode::getOutgoingEdges(), NBNode::getPosition(), isForVulnerableModes(), isRailway(), NBNode::isTLControlled(), joinNamedToString(), MIN2(), SUMO_const_laneWidth, and SVC_PASSENGER.

Referenced by joinJunctions(), pruneSlipLaneNodes(), and reduceToCircle().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ pruneLongEdges()

int NBNodeCont::pruneLongEdges ( NodeSet cluster,
double  maxDist,
const bool  dryRun = false 

avoid removal of long edges when joining junction clusters

Definition at line 1057 of file NBNodeCont.cpp.

References NBEdge::filterByPermissions(), gDebugFlag1, NBNode::geometryLike(), getClusterNeighbors(), NBNode::getIncomingEdges(), NBEdge::getLoadedLength(), NBNode::getOutgoingEdges(), NBEdge::getStraightContinuation(), NBEdge::getToNode(), MAX2(), SUMO_const_laneWidth, SVC_PASSENGER, and toString().

Referenced by joinJunctions().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ pruneSlipLaneNodes()

void NBNodeCont::pruneSlipLaneNodes ( NodeSet cluster,
double  maxDist 
) const

remove nodes that form a slip lane from cluster

Definition at line 1148 of file NBNodeCont.cpp.

References gDebugFlag1, NBEdge::getFromNode(), Named::getID(), NBNode::getIncomingEdges(), NBEdge::getLength(), NBNode::getOutgoingEdges(), NBEdge::getToNode(), isSlipLaneContinuation(), joinNamedToString(), MAX_SLIPLANE_LENGTH, maybeSlipLaneEnd(), maybeSlipLaneStart(), pruneClusterFringe(), NBHelpers::relAngle(), SVC_PASSENGER, and toString().

Referenced by joinJunctions().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ recheckGuessedTLS()

void NBNodeCont::recheckGuessedTLS ( NBTrafficLightLogicCont tlc)

recheck myGuessedTLS after node logics are computed

Definition at line 2369 of file NBNodeCont.cpp.

References NBTrafficLightLogicCont::computeSingleLogic(), NBEdge::getIncomingEdges(), OptionsCont::getOptions(), myGuessedTLS, recheckTLSThreshold(), and NBTrafficLightLogicCont::removeFully().

Referenced by NBNetBuilder::compute().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ recheckTLSThreshold()

bool NBNodeCont::recheckTLSThreshold ( NBNode node)

check whether a specific guessed tls should keep its type

Definition at line 2394 of file NBNodeCont.cpp.

References NBNode::getControllingTLS(), OptionsCont::getFloat(), OptionsCont::getOptions(), NBNode::isTLControlled(), and shouldBeTLSControlled().

Referenced by recheckGuessedTLS().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ reduceToCircle()

bool NBNodeCont::reduceToCircle ( NodeSet cluster,
int  circleSize,
NodeSet  startNodes,
double  maxDist,
std::vector< NBNode * >  cands = std::vector<NBNode*>() 
) const

try to find a joinable subset (recursively)

Definition at line 1642 of file NBNodeCont.cpp.

References NBEdge::getFromNode(), NBEdge::getToNode(), pruneClusterFringe(), and shortestEdge().

Referenced by joinJunctions().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ registerJoinedCluster() [1/2]

void NBNodeCont::registerJoinedCluster ( const NodeSet cluster)

gets all joined clusters (see doc for myClusters2Join)

Definition at line 1970 of file NBNodeCont.cpp.

References myJoinedClusters.

Referenced by joinNodeCluster(), and GNEChange_RegisterJoin::redo().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ registerJoinedCluster() [2/2]

void NBNodeCont::registerJoinedCluster ( const std::set< std::string > &  cluster)

Definition at line 1979 of file NBNodeCont.cpp.

References myJoinedClusters.

◆ remapIDs()

int NBNodeCont::remapIDs ( bool  numericaIDs,
bool  reservedIDs,
const std::string &  prefix,
NBTrafficLightLogicCont tlc 

remap node IDs according to options –numerical-ids and –reserved-ids

Definition at line 2732 of file NBNodeCont.cpp.

References getAllNames(), OptionsCont::getBool(), IDSupplier::getNext(), OptionsCont::getOptions(), OptionsCont::isDefault(), NBHelpers::loadPrefixedIDsFomFile(), myNodes, rename(), NBTrafficLightLogicCont::rename(), StringUtils::startsWith(), SUMO_PARAM_ORIGID, StringUtils::toLong(), and toString().

Referenced by NBNetBuilder::compute().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ removeComponents()

int NBNodeCont::removeComponents ( NBDistrictCont dc,
NBEdgeCont ec,
const int  numKeep,
bool  hasPTStops 

Checks the network for weak connectivity and removes all but the largest components. The connectivity check is done regardless of edge direction and vclass.

[in,opt.changed] dc The district container needed if edges shall be removed
[in,opt.changed] ec The container with the edge to be tested
[in]numKeepThe number of components to keep
The number of removed edges

Definition at line 330 of file NBNodeCont.cpp.

References NBEdgeCont::begin(), NBEdgeCont::end(), NBEdgeCont::erase(), erase(), NBEdgeCont::getByID(), NBEdge::getFromNode(), NBNode::getIncomingEdges(), NBNode::getOutgoingEdges(), NBEdge::getPermissions(), NBEdge::getToNode(), isRailway(), isWaterway(), myRailComponents, NBEdgeCont::removeRoundaboutEdges(), TL, toString(), and WRITE_MESSAGEF.

Referenced by NBNetBuilder::compute().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ removeIsolatedRoads()

int NBNodeCont::removeIsolatedRoads ( NBDistrictCont dc,
NBEdgeCont ec 

Removes sequences of edges that are not connected with a junction. Simple roads without junctions sometimes remain when converting from OpenStreetMap, but they make no sense. Remaining empty nodes are also deleted.

[in,opt.changed] dc The district container needed if edges shall be removed
[in,opt.changed] ec The container with the edge to be tested
The number of removed edges

Definition at line 239 of file NBNodeCont.cpp.

References NBEdgeCont::erase(), erase(), NBEdgeCont::getAllNames(), NBEdge::getFromNode(), NBEdge::getID(), NBNode::getIncomingEdges(), NBNode::getOutgoingEdges(), NBEdge::getToNode(), NBEdgeCont::retrieve(), TL, and WRITE_WARNINGF.

Referenced by NBNetBuilder::compute().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ removeRailComponents()

int NBNodeCont::removeRailComponents ( NBDistrictCont dc,
NBEdgeCont ec,
NBPTStopCont sc 

Definition at line 417 of file NBNodeCont.cpp.

References NBEdgeCont::erase(), erase(), NBEdge::getFromNode(), NBNode::getIncomingEdges(), NBNode::getOutgoingEdges(), NBPTStopCont::getStops(), NBEdge::getToNode(), myRailComponents, NBEdgeCont::retrieve(), TL, toString(), and WRITE_MESSAGEF.

Referenced by NBNetBuilder::compute().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ removeSelfLoops()

int NBNodeCont::removeSelfLoops ( NBDistrictCont dc,
NBEdgeCont ec,
NBTrafficLightLogicCont tc 

Removes self-loop edges (edges where the source and the destination node are the same)

[in,opt.changed] dc The districts container to update
[in,opt.changed] ec The edge container to remove the edges from
[in,opt.changed] tc The traffic lights container to update
Each edge is a uni-directional connection between two different nodes
The number of removed edges

Definition at line 175 of file NBNodeCont.cpp.

References myNodes, toString(), and WRITE_WARNING.

Referenced by NBNetBuilder::compute().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ removeUnwishedNodes()

int NBNodeCont::removeUnwishedNodes ( NBDistrictCont dc,
NBEdgeCont ec,
NBTrafficLightLogicCont tlc,
NBPTStopCont sc,
NBPTLineCont lc,
NBParkingCont pc,
bool  removeGeometryNodes 

Removes "unwished" nodes.

Removes nodes if a) no incoming/outgoing edges exist or b) if the node is a "geometry" node. In the second case, edges that participate at the node will be joined. Whether the node is a geometry node or not, is determined by a call to NBNode::checkIsRemovable. The node is removed from the list of tls-controlled nodes.

[in,opt.changed] dc The district container needed if a node shall be removed
[in,opt.changed] ec The edge container needed for joining edges
[in,opt.changed] tlc The traffic lights container to remove nodes from
[in,opt.changed] sc The pt stops container to update stop edges
[in,opt.changed] pc The pt stops container to update stop edges
[in]removeGeometryNodesWhether geometry nodes shall also be removed
The number of removed nodes

Definition at line 459 of file NBNodeCont.cpp.

References NBParkingCont::addEdges2Keep(), NBPTStopCont::addEdges2Keep(), NBEdgeCont::begin(), begin(), NBNode::checkIsRemovable(), NBEdgeCont::end(), OptionsCont::exists(), NBEdgeCont::extract(), extract(), OptionsCont::getBool(), NBNode::getControllingTLS(), NBNode::getEdges(), NBNode::getEdgesToJoin(), NBEdge::getID(), OptionsCont::getOptions(), OptionsCont::getString(), OptionsCont::getStringVector(), NBEdge::getToNode(), OptionsCont::isSet(), NBNode::isTLControlled(), NBHelpers::loadEdgesFromFile(), myNodes, mySplit, NBPTLineCont::replaceEdge(), NBPTStopCont::replaceEdge(), NBNode::replaceIncoming(), and NBTrafficLightDefinition::replaceRemoved().

Referenced by NBNetBuilder::compute().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ rename()

void NBNodeCont::rename ( NBNode node,
const std::string &  newID 

Renames the node. Throws exception if newID already exists.

Definition at line 2678 of file NBNodeCont.cpp.

References Named::getID(), myNodes, Named::setID(), and TLF.

Referenced by remapIDs().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ resetNodeShapes()

bool NBNodeCont::resetNodeShapes ( )

reset all node shapes

Definition at line 2891 of file NBNodeCont.cpp.

References myNodes.

Referenced by NBNetBuilder::compute().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ retrieve() [1/2]

NBNode * NBNodeCont::retrieve ( const Position position,
const double  offset = 0. 
) const

Returns the node with the given coordinates.

[in]positionThe position at which the node to retrieve lies
[in]offsetAn offset which can be applied in the case positions are blurred
The node at the given position, or 0 if no such node exists

Definition at line 126 of file NBNodeCont.cpp.

References NBNode::getPosition(), myRTree, NamedRTree::Search(), Position::x(), and Position::y().

◆ retrieve() [2/2]

NBNode * NBNodeCont::retrieve ( const std::string &  id) const

◆ setAsTLControlled()

void NBNodeCont::setAsTLControlled ( NBNode node,
NBTrafficLightLogicCont tlc,
TrafficLightType  type,
std::string  id = "" 

Sets the given node as being controlled by a tls.

[in]nodeThe node that shall be controlled by a tls
[in]tlcThe traffic lights control into which the new traffic light definition shall be stored
[in]typeThe type of the new tls
[in]idThe id of the tls to add
Recheck exception handling

Definition at line 2469 of file NBNodeCont.cpp.

References Named::getID(), NBTrafficLightLogicCont::insert(), TL, and WRITE_WARNINGF.

Referenced by NBNetBuilder::compute(), and guessTLs().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ shortestEdge()

NBEdge * NBNodeCont::shortestEdge ( const NodeSet cluster,
const NodeSet startNodes,
const std::vector< NBNode * > &  exclude 
) const

find closest neighbor for building circle

Definition at line 1697 of file NBNodeCont.cpp.

References Position::distanceTo2D(), and NBNode::getPosition().

Referenced by reduceToCircle().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ shouldBeTLSControlled()

bool NBNodeCont::shouldBeTLSControlled ( const NodeSet c,
double  laneSpeedThreshold,
bool  recheck = false 
) const

Returns whethe the given node cluster should be controlled by a tls.

[in]cThe node cluster
[in]laneSpeedThresholdthreshold for determining whether a node or cluster should be tls controlled
Whether this node cluster shall be controlled by a tls

Definition at line 2034 of file NBNodeCont.cpp.

Referenced by guessTLs(), and recheckTLSThreshold().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ size()

int NBNodeCont::size ( ) const

Returns the number of nodes stored in this container.

Definition at line 307 of file NBNodeCont.h.

References myNodes.

Referenced by NILoader::load(), main(), NWWriter_OpenDrive::writeNetwork(), and NWWriter_DlrNavteq::writeNodesUnsplitted().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ unregisterJoinedCluster()

void NBNodeCont::unregisterJoinedCluster ( const std::set< std::string > &  cluster)

remove cluster from list (on netedit-undo)

Definition at line 1984 of file NBNodeCont.cpp.

References myJoinedClusters.

Referenced by GNEChange_RegisterJoin::undo().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ wasRemoved()

bool NBNodeCont::wasRemoved ( std::string  id) const

Returns whether the node with the id was deleted explicitly.

Definition at line 287 of file NBNodeCont.h.

References myExtractedNodes.

Referenced by NIXMLConnectionsHandler::addCrossing().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

Field Documentation

◆ myClusters2Join

std::vector<std::pair<std::set<std::string>, NBNode*> > NBNodeCont::myClusters2Join

loaded sets of node ids to join (cleared after use)

Definition at line 455 of file NBNodeCont.h.

Referenced by addCluster2Join(), and joinLoadedClusters().

◆ myExtractedNodes

NodeCont NBNodeCont::myExtractedNodes

The extracted nodes which are kept for reference.

Definition at line 449 of file NBNodeCont.h.

Referenced by clear(), extract(), and wasRemoved().

◆ myGuessedTLS

std::set<NBNode*, ComparatorIdLess> NBNodeCont::myGuessedTLS

nodes that received a traffic light due to guessing (–tls.guess)

Definition at line 467 of file NBNodeCont.h.

Referenced by guessTLs(), and recheckGuessedTLS().

◆ myJoined

std::set<std::string> NBNodeCont::myJoined

ids found in loaded join clusters used for error checking

Definition at line 461 of file NBNodeCont.h.

Referenced by addCluster2Join(), and addJoinExclusion().

◆ myJoinedClusters

std::vector<std::set<std::string> > NBNodeCont::myJoinedClusters

sets of node ids which were joined

Definition at line 458 of file NBNodeCont.h.

Referenced by getJoinedClusters(), registerJoinedCluster(), and unregisterJoinedCluster().

◆ myJoinExclusions

std::set<std::string> NBNodeCont::myJoinExclusions

set of node ids which should not be joined

Definition at line 452 of file NBNodeCont.h.

Referenced by addCluster2Join(), addJoinExclusion(), joinJunctions(), joinLoadedClusters(), and joinSameJunctions().

◆ myNodes

◆ myRailComponents

std::vector<std::vector<std::string> > NBNodeCont::myRailComponents

network components that must be removed if not connected to the road network via stop access

Definition at line 476 of file NBNodeCont.h.

Referenced by removeComponents(), and removeRailComponents().

◆ myRTree

NamedRTree NBNodeCont::myRTree

node positions for faster lookup

Definition at line 473 of file NBNodeCont.h.

Referenced by extract(), insert(), and retrieve().

◆ mySplit

std::set<const NBNode*> NBNodeCont::mySplit

nodes that were created when splitting an edge

Definition at line 464 of file NBNodeCont.h.

Referenced by markAsSplit(), and removeUnwishedNodes().

◆ myUnsetTLS

std::set<const NBNode*> NBNodeCont::myUnsetTLS

nodes that are excluded from tls-guessing

Definition at line 470 of file NBNodeCont.h.

Referenced by guessTLs(), and markAsNotTLS().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: