Eclipse SUMO - Simulation of Urban MObility
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /****************************************************************************/
2 // Eclipse SUMO, Simulation of Urban MObility; see
3 // Copyright (C) 2001-2024 German Aerospace Center (DLR) and others.
4 // This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
5 // terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at
6 //
7 // This Source Code may also be made available under the following Secondary
8 // Licenses when the conditions for such availability set forth in the Eclipse
9 // Public License 2.0 are satisfied: GNU General Public License, version 2
10 // or later which is available at
11 //
12 // SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 OR GPL-2.0-or-later
13 /****************************************************************************/
18 // Builds data objects for netedit
19 /****************************************************************************/
21 // ===========================================================================
22 // included modules
23 // ===========================================================================
24 #include <config.h>
33 #include <netedit/GNEViewNet.h>
34 #include <netedit/GNENet.h>
35 #include <netedit/GNEUndoList.h>
38 #include "GNEDataHandler.h"
41 // ===========================================================================
42 // member method definitions
43 // ===========================================================================
45 GNEDataHandler::GNEDataHandler(GNENet* net, const std::string& file, const bool allowUndoRedo, const bool overwrite) :
46  DataHandler(file),
47  myNet(net),
48  myAllowUndoRedo(allowUndoRedo),
49  myOverwrite(overwrite) {
50 }
56 void
57 GNEDataHandler::buildDataSet(const std::string& dataSetID) {
58  // first check if dataSet exist
59  if (myNet->getAttributeCarriers()->retrieveDataSet(dataSetID, false) == nullptr) {
60  GNEDataSet* dataSet = new GNEDataSet(myNet, dataSetID);
61  if (myAllowUndoRedo) {
62  myNet->getViewNet()->getUndoList()->begin(dataSet, TL("add data set"));
63  myNet->getViewNet()->getUndoList()->add(new GNEChange_DataSet(dataSet, true), true);
65  } else {
66  // insert dataSet without allowing undo/redo
68  dataSet->incRef("buildDataSet");
69  }
70  } else {
72  }
73 }
76 void
78  const std::string& dataSetID, const double begin, const double end) {
79  // get dataSet
80  GNEDataSet* dataSet = myNet->getAttributeCarriers()->retrieveDataSet(dataSetID, false);
81  // first check if dataSet exist
82  if (dataSet == nullptr) {
83  // create dataset AND data interval
84  dataSet = new GNEDataSet(myNet, dataSetID);
85  GNEDataInterval* dataInterval = new GNEDataInterval(dataSet, begin, end);
86  if (myAllowUndoRedo) {
87  myNet->getViewNet()->getUndoList()->begin(dataInterval, TL("add data set and data interval"));
88  myNet->getViewNet()->getUndoList()->add(new GNEChange_DataSet(dataSet, true), true);
89  myNet->getViewNet()->getUndoList()->add(new GNEChange_DataInterval(dataInterval, true), true);
91  } else {
92  // insert dataSet allowing undo/redo
94  dataSet->incRef("buildDataInterval");
95  // insert dataInterval without allowing undo/redo
96  dataSet->addDataIntervalChild(dataInterval);
97  dataInterval->incRef("buildDataInterval");
98  }
99  } else if (dataSet->retrieveInterval(begin, end) == nullptr) {
100  GNEDataInterval* dataInterval = new GNEDataInterval(dataSet, begin, end);
101  if (myAllowUndoRedo) {
102  myNet->getViewNet()->getUndoList()->begin(dataInterval, TL("add data interval"));
103  myNet->getViewNet()->getUndoList()->add(new GNEChange_DataInterval(dataInterval, true), true);
104  myNet->getViewNet()->getUndoList()->end();
105  } else {
106  // insert dataInterval without allowing undo/redo
107  dataSet->addDataIntervalChild(dataInterval);
108  dataInterval->incRef("buildDataInterval");
109  }
110  }
111 }
114 void
115 GNEDataHandler::buildEdgeData(const CommonXMLStructure::SumoBaseObject* sumoBaseObject, const std::string& edgeID,
116  const Parameterised::Map& parameters) {
117  // get dataSet
119  if (dataSet != nullptr) {
120  // get interval
121  GNEDataInterval* dataInterval = dataSet->retrieveInterval(
124  if (dataInterval != nullptr) {
125  // get data
126  GNEEdge* edge = myNet->getAttributeCarriers()->retrieveEdge(edgeID, false);
127  if (edge) {
128  GNEGenericData* edgeData = new GNEEdgeData(dataInterval, edge, parameters);
129  if (myAllowUndoRedo) {
130  myNet->getViewNet()->getUndoList()->begin(edgeData, TL("add edge rel"));
131  myNet->getViewNet()->getUndoList()->add(new GNEChange_GenericData(edgeData, true), true);
132  myNet->getViewNet()->getUndoList()->end();
133  } else {
134  dataInterval->addGenericDataChild(edgeData);
135  edge->addChildElement(edgeData);
136  edgeData->incRef("buildEdgeData");
137  }
138  } else {
140  }
141  } else {
143  }
144  } else {
146  }
147 }
150 void
151 GNEDataHandler::buildEdgeRelationData(const CommonXMLStructure::SumoBaseObject* sumoBaseObject, const std::string& fromEdgeID,
152  const std::string& toEdgeID, const Parameterised::Map& parameters) {
153  // get dataSet
155  if (dataSet != nullptr) {
156  // get interval
157  GNEDataInterval* dataInterval = dataSet->retrieveInterval(
160  if (dataInterval != nullptr) {
161  // get data
162  GNEEdge* const fromEdge = myNet->getAttributeCarriers()->retrieveEdge(fromEdgeID, false);
163  GNEEdge* const toEdge = myNet->getAttributeCarriers()->retrieveEdge(toEdgeID, false);
164  if (fromEdge == nullptr) {
166  } else if (toEdge == nullptr) {
168  } else {
169  // avoid duplicated edgeRel in the same interval
170  if (dataInterval->edgeRelExists(fromEdge, toEdge)) {
171  writeError(TLF("There is already a edgeRel defined between '%' and '%'.", fromEdgeID, toEdgeID));
172  } else {
173  GNEGenericData* edgeData = new GNEEdgeRelData(dataInterval, fromEdge, toEdge, parameters);
174  if (myAllowUndoRedo) {
175  myNet->getViewNet()->getUndoList()->begin(edgeData, TL("add edge rel"));
176  myNet->getViewNet()->getUndoList()->add(new GNEChange_GenericData(edgeData, true), true);
177  myNet->getViewNet()->getUndoList()->end();
178  } else {
179  dataInterval->addGenericDataChild(edgeData);
180  fromEdge->addChildElement(edgeData);
181  toEdge->addChildElement(edgeData);
182  edgeData->incRef("buildEdgeRelationData");
183  }
184  }
185  }
186  } else {
188  }
189  } else {
191  }
192 }
195 void
196 GNEDataHandler::buildTAZRelationData(const CommonXMLStructure::SumoBaseObject* sumoBaseObject, const std::string& fromTAZID,
197  const std::string& toTAZID, const Parameterised::Map& parameters) {
198  // get dataSet
200  if (dataSet != nullptr) {
201  // get interval
202  GNEDataInterval* dataInterval = dataSet->retrieveInterval(
205  if (dataInterval != nullptr) {
206  // get from TAZs
207  GNEAdditional* fromTAZ = myNet->getAttributeCarriers()->retrieveAdditional(SUMO_TAG_TAZ, fromTAZID, false);
209  if (fromTAZ == nullptr) {
211  } else if (toTAZ == nullptr) {
213  } else if ((fromTAZ != toTAZ) && dataInterval->TAZRelExists(fromTAZ, toTAZ)) {
214  writeError(TLF("There is already a TAZ rel defined between '%' and '%'.", fromTAZID, toTAZID));
215  } else if ((fromTAZ == toTAZ) && dataInterval->TAZRelExists(fromTAZ)) {
216  writeError(TLF("There is already a TAZ rel defined in '%'.", toTAZID));
217  } else if (fromTAZ == toTAZ) {
218  GNEGenericData* edgeData = new GNETAZRelData(dataInterval, fromTAZ, parameters);
219  if (myAllowUndoRedo) {
220  myNet->getViewNet()->getUndoList()->begin(edgeData, TL("add TAZ rel"));
221  myNet->getViewNet()->getUndoList()->add(new GNEChange_GenericData(edgeData, true), true);
222  myNet->getViewNet()->getUndoList()->end();
223  } else {
224  dataInterval->addGenericDataChild(edgeData);
225  fromTAZ->addChildElement(edgeData);
226  edgeData->incRef("buildTAZRelationData");
227  }
228  } else {
229  GNEGenericData* edgeData = new GNETAZRelData(dataInterval, fromTAZ, toTAZ, parameters);
230  if (myAllowUndoRedo) {
231  myNet->getViewNet()->getUndoList()->begin(edgeData, TL("add TAZ rel"));
232  myNet->getViewNet()->getUndoList()->add(new GNEChange_GenericData(edgeData, true), true);
233  myNet->getViewNet()->getUndoList()->end();
234  } else {
235  dataInterval->addGenericDataChild(edgeData);
236  fromTAZ->addChildElement(edgeData);
237  toTAZ->addChildElement(edgeData);
238  edgeData->incRef("buildTAZRelationData");
239  }
240  }
241  } else {
243  }
244  } else {
246  }
247 }
250 void
251 GNEDataHandler::writeErrorDuplicated(const SumoXMLTag tag, const std::string& id) {
252  writeError(TLF("Could not build % with ID '%'", toString(tag), id) + std::string("; ") + TL("declared twice."));
253 }
256 void
258  writeError(TLF("Could not build %", toString(tag)) + std::string("; ") + TLF("% doesn't exist.", toString(parent)));
259 }
262 void
263 GNEDataHandler::writeErrorInvalidParent(const SumoXMLTag tag, const SumoXMLTag parent, const std::string& id) {
264  writeError(TLF("Could not build %", toString(tag)) + std::string("; ") + TLF("% '%' doesn't exist.", toString(parent), id));
265 }
267 /****************************************************************************/
#define TL(string)
Definition: MsgHandler.h:315
#define TLF(string,...)
Definition: MsgHandler.h:317
Numbers representing SUMO-XML - element names.
a relation between two edges
a traffic assignment zone
a relation between two TAZs
begin/end of the description of an edge
weights: time range begin
weights: time range end
std::string toString(const T &t, std::streamsize accuracy=gPrecision)
Definition: ToString.h:46
SumoBaseObject * getParentSumoBaseObject() const
get pointer to mySumoBaseObjectParent SumoBaseObject (if is null, then is the root)
double getDoubleAttribute(const SumoXMLAttr attr) const
get double attribute
const std::string & getStringAttribute(const SumoXMLAttr attr) const
get string attribute
The XML-Handler for network loading.
Definition: DataHandler.h:38
void writeError(const std::string &error)
write error and enable error creating element
An Element which don't belong to GNENet but has influence in the simulation.
Definition: GNEAdditional.h:49
void buildDataSet(const std::string &dataSetID)
Builds DataSet (exclusive of netedit)
void buildTAZRelationData(const CommonXMLStructure::SumoBaseObject *sumoBaseObject, const std::string &fromTAZID, const std::string &toTAZID, const Parameterised::Map &parameters)
Builds TAZRelationData.
const bool myAllowUndoRedo
allow undo/redo
void writeErrorDuplicated(const SumoXMLTag tag, const std::string &id)
write error "duplicated additional"
GNEDataHandler(GNENet *net, const std::string &file, const bool allowUndoRedo, const bool overwrite)
void writeErrorInvalidParent(const SumoXMLTag tag, const SumoXMLTag parent)
write error "invalid parent element"
void buildEdgeData(const CommonXMLStructure::SumoBaseObject *sumoBaseObject, const std::string &edgeID, const Parameterised::Map &parameters)
Builds edgeData.
void buildDataInterval(const CommonXMLStructure::SumoBaseObject *sumoBaseObject, const std::string &dataSetID, const double begin, const double end)
Builds DataInterval.
void buildEdgeRelationData(const CommonXMLStructure::SumoBaseObject *sumoBaseObject, const std::string &fromEdgeID, const std::string &toEdgeID, const Parameterised::Map &parameters)
Builds edgeRelationData.
GNENet * myNet
pointer to GNENet
An Element which don't belong to GNENet but has influence in the simulation.
bool edgeRelExists(const GNEEdge *fromEdge, const GNEEdge *toEdge) const
check if there is already a edgeRel defined between two edges
bool TAZRelExists(const GNEAdditional *TAZ) const
check if there is already a TAZRel defined in one TAZ
void addGenericDataChild(GNEGenericData *genericData)
add generic data child
GNEDataInterval * retrieveInterval(const double begin, const double end) const
return interval
Definition: GNEDataSet.cpp:328
void addDataIntervalChild(GNEDataInterval *dataInterval)
add data interval child
Definition: GNEDataSet.cpp:254
An Element which don't belong to GNENet but has influence in the simulation.
Definition: GNEEdgeData.h:37
A road/street connecting two junctions (netedit-version)
Definition: GNEEdge.h:53
An Element which don't belong to GNENet but has influence in the simulation.
An Element which don't belong to GNENet but has influence in the simulation.
void addChildElement(T *element)
add child element
void insertDataSet(GNEDataSet *dataSet)
Insert a data set in container.
GNEAdditional * retrieveAdditional(SumoXMLTag type, const std::string &id, bool hardFail=true) const
Returns the named additional.
GNEDataSet * retrieveDataSet(const std::string &id, bool hardFail=true) const
Returns the named data set.
GNEEdge * retrieveEdge(const std::string &id, bool hardFail=true) const
get edge by id
A NBNetBuilder extended by visualisation and editing capabilities.
Definition: GNENet.h:42
GNENetHelper::AttributeCarriers * getAttributeCarriers() const
get all attribute carriers used in this net
Definition: GNENet.cpp:123
GNEViewNet * getViewNet() const
get view net
Definition: GNENet.cpp:2136
void incRef(const std::string &debugMsg="")
Increase reference.
An Element which don't belong to GNENet but has influence in the simulation.
Definition: GNETAZRelData.h:38
void end()
End undo command sub-group. If the sub-group is still empty, it will be deleted; otherwise,...
void begin(GUIIcon icon, const std::string &description)
Begin undo command sub-group with current supermode. This begins a new group of commands that are tre...
void add(GNEChange *command, bool doit=false, bool merge=true)
Add new command, executing it if desired. The new command will be merged with the previous command if...
GNEUndoList * getUndoList() const
get the undoList object
std::map< std::string, std::string > Map
parameters map
Definition: Parameterised.h:45