Eclipse SUMO - Simulation of Urban MObility
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /****************************************************************************/
2 // Eclipse SUMO, Simulation of Urban MObility; see
3 // Copyright (C) 2001-2024 German Aerospace Center (DLR) and others.
4 // This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
5 // terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at
6 //
7 // This Source Code may also be made available under the following Secondary
8 // Licenses when the conditions for such availability set forth in the Eclipse
9 // Public License 2.0 are satisfied: GNU General Public License, version 2
10 // or later which is available at
11 //
12 // SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 OR GPL-2.0-or-later
13 /****************************************************************************/
19 // The IntermodalRouter builds a special network and (delegates to a SUMOAbstractRouter)
20 /****************************************************************************/
21 #pragma once
22 #include <config.h>
24 #include <string>
25 #include <vector>
26 #include <algorithm>
27 #include <assert.h>
29 #include <utils/common/SUMOTime.h>
30 #include <utils/common/ToString.h>
32 #include "SUMOAbstractRouter.h"
33 #include "DijkstraRouter.h"
34 #include "AStarRouter.h"
35 #include "IntermodalNetwork.h"
36 #include "EffortCalculator.h"
37 #include "CarEdge.h"
38 #include "StopEdge.h"
39 #include "PedestrianRouter.h"
41 //#define IntermodalRouter_DEBUG_ROUTES
44 // ===========================================================================
45 // class definitions
46 // ===========================================================================
51 template<class E, class L, class N, class V>
52 class IntermodalRouter : public SUMOAbstractRouter<E, IntermodalTrip<E, N, V> > {
53 public:
56 private:
64 public:
65  struct TripItem {
66  TripItem(const std::string& _line = "") :
67  line(_line), intended(_line) {}
68  std::string line;
69  std::string vType = "";
70  std::string destStop = "";
71  std::string intended; // intended public transport vehicle id
72  double depart = -1.; // intended public transport departure
73  std::vector<const E*> edges;
74  double traveltime = 0.;
75  double cost = 0.;
76  double length = 0.;
79  std::string description = "";
80  std::vector<double> exitTimes;
81  };
84  IntermodalRouter(CreateNetCallback callback, const int carWalkTransfer, double taxiWait, const std::string& routingAlgorithm,
85  const int routingMode = 0, EffortCalculator* calc = nullptr) :
86  SUMOAbstractRouter<E, _IntermodalTrip>("IntermodalRouter", true, nullptr, nullptr, false, false),
87  myAmClone(false), myInternalRouter(nullptr), myIntermodalNet(nullptr),
88  myCallback(callback), myCarWalkTransfer(carWalkTransfer), myTaxiWait(taxiWait),
89  myRoutingAlgorithm(routingAlgorithm),
90  myRoutingMode(routingMode), myExternalEffort(calc) {
91  }
94  virtual ~IntermodalRouter() {
95  delete myInternalRouter;
96  if (!myAmClone) {
97  delete myIntermodalNet;
98  }
99  }
102  createNet();
104  }
106  int getCarWalkTransfer() const {
107  return myCarWalkTransfer;
108  }
112  bool compute(const E* from, const E* to,
113  const double departPos, const std::string& originStopID,
114  const double arrivalPos, const std::string& stopID,
115  const double speed, const V* const vehicle, const SVCPermissions modeSet, const SUMOTime msTime,
116  std::vector<TripItem>& into, const double externalFactor = 0.) {
117  createNet();
118  _IntermodalTrip trip(from, to, departPos, arrivalPos, speed, msTime, 0, vehicle, modeSet, myExternalEffort, externalFactor);
119  std::vector<const _IntermodalEdge*> intoEdges;
120  //std::cout << "compute from=" << from->getID() << " to=" << to->getID() << " dPos=" << departPos << " aPos=" << arrivalPos << " stopID=" << stopID << " speed=" << speed << " veh=" << Named::getIDSecure(vehicle) << " modeSet=" << modeSet << " t=" << msTime << " iFrom=" << myIntermodalNet->getDepartEdge(from, trip.departPos)->getID() << " iTo=" << (stopID != "" ? myIntermodalNet->getStopEdge(stopID) : myIntermodalNet->getArrivalEdge(to, trip.arrivalPos))->getID() << "\n";
121  const _IntermodalEdge* iFrom = originStopID != "" ? myIntermodalNet->getStopEdge(originStopID) : myIntermodalNet->getDepartEdge(from, trip.departPos);
122  const _IntermodalEdge* iTo = stopID != "" ? myIntermodalNet->getStopEdge(stopID) : myIntermodalNet->getArrivalEdge(to, trip.arrivalPos);
123  const bool success = myInternalRouter->compute(iFrom, iTo, &trip, msTime, intoEdges, true);
124  if (success) {
125  std::string lastLine = "";
126  const _IntermodalEdge* lastLineEdge = nullptr;
127  double lastLineTime = STEPS2TIME(msTime);
128  double time = STEPS2TIME(msTime);
129  double effort = 0.;
130  double length = 0.;
131  const _IntermodalEdge* prev = nullptr;
132  for (const _IntermodalEdge* iEdge : intoEdges) {
133  bool addedEdge = false;
134  if (iEdge->includeInRoute(false)) {
135  if (iEdge->getLine() == "!stop") {
136  if (into.size() > 0) {
137  // previous stage ends at stop
138  into.back().destStop = iEdge->getID();
139  if (myExternalEffort != nullptr) {
140  into.back().description = myExternalEffort->output(iEdge->getNumericalID());
141  }
142  if (lastLine == "!ped") {
143  lastLine = ""; // a stop always starts a new trip item
144  }
145  } else {
146  // trip starts at stop
147  lastLine = "";
148  into.push_back(TripItem("!stop"));
149  into.back().destStop = iEdge->getID();
150  }
151  } else {
152  if (iEdge->getLine() != lastLine || loopedLineTransfer(lastLineEdge, iEdge, lastLineTime, time)) {
153  lastLine = iEdge->getLine();
154  lastLineEdge = iEdge;
155  lastLineTime = time;
156  if (lastLine == "!car") {
157  into.push_back(TripItem(vehicle->getID()));
158  into.back().vType = vehicle->getParameter().vtypeid;
159  } else if (lastLine == "!ped") {
160  into.push_back(TripItem());
161  } else {
162  into.push_back(TripItem(lastLine));
163  into.back().depart = iEdge->getIntended(time, into.back().intended);
164  }
165  into.back().departPos = iEdge->getStartPos();
166  }
167  if (into.back().edges.empty() || into.back().edges.back() != iEdge->getEdge()) {
168  into.back().edges.push_back(iEdge->getEdge());
169  into.back().arrivalPos = iEdge->getEndPos();
170  addedEdge = true;
171  }
172  }
173  }
174  const double prevTime = time;
175  const double prevEffort = effort;
176  const double prevLength = length;
177  myInternalRouter->updateViaCost(prev, iEdge, &trip, time, effort, length);
178  // correct intermodal length:
179  length += iEdge->getPartialLength(&trip) - iEdge->getLength();
180  prev = iEdge;
181  if (!into.empty()) {
182  into.back().traveltime += time - prevTime;
183  into.back().cost += effort - prevEffort;
184  into.back().length += length - prevLength;
185  if (into.back().depart < 0) {
186  into.back().depart = prevTime;
187  }
188  if (addedEdge) {
189  into.back().exitTimes.push_back(time);
190  }
191  }
192  }
193  } else {
194  const std::string oType = originStopID != "" ? "stop" : "edge";
195  const std::string oID = originStopID != "" ? originStopID : from->getID();
196  const std::string dType = stopID != "" ? "stop" : "edge";
197  const std::string dID = stopID != "" ? stopID : to->getID();
198  this->myErrorMsgHandler->informf(TL("No connection between % '%' and % '%' found."), oType, oID, dType, dID);
199  }
200  if (into.size() > 0) {
201  into.back().arrivalPos = arrivalPos;
202  }
203 #ifdef IntermodalRouter_DEBUG_ROUTES
204  double time = STEPS2TIME(msTime);
205  for (const _IntermodalEdge* iEdge : intoEdges) {
206  const double edgeEffort = myInternalRouter->getEffort(iEdge, &trip, time);
207  time += edgeEffort;
208  std::cout << iEdge->getID() << "(" << iEdge->getLine() << "): " << edgeEffort << " l=" << iEdge->getLength() << " pL=" << iEdge->getPartialLength(&trip) << "\n";
209  }
210  std::cout << TIME2STEPS(msTime) << " trip from " << from->getID() << " to " << (to != nullptr ? to->getID() : stopID)
211  << " departPos=" << trip.departPos
212  << " arrivalPos=" << trip.arrivalPos
213  << " modes=" << getVehicleClassNames(modeSet)
214  << " edges=" << toString(intoEdges)
215 // << " resultEdges=" << toString(into)
216  << " time=" << time
217  << "\n";
218 #endif
219  return success;
220  }
224  bool compute(const E*, const E*, const _IntermodalTrip* const,
225  SUMOTime, std::vector<const E*>&, bool) {
226  throw ProcessError(TL("Do not use this method"));
227  }
229  inline void setBulkMode(const bool mode) {
231  if (myInternalRouter != nullptr) {
233  }
234  }
236  void prohibit(const std::vector<E*>& toProhibit) {
237  createNet();
238  std::vector<_IntermodalEdge*> toProhibitPE;
239  for (typename std::vector<E*>::const_iterator it = toProhibit.begin(); it != toProhibit.end(); ++it) {
240  toProhibitPE.push_back(myIntermodalNet->getBothDirections(*it).first);
241  toProhibitPE.push_back(myIntermodalNet->getBothDirections(*it).second);
242  toProhibitPE.push_back(myIntermodalNet->getCarEdge(*it));
243  }
244  myInternalRouter->prohibit(toProhibitPE);
245  }
248  createNet();
250  dev.openTag(SUMO_TAG_EDGE);
251  dev.writeAttr(SUMO_ATTR_ID, e->getID());
252  dev.writeAttr(SUMO_ATTR_LINE, e->getLine());
253  dev.writeAttr(SUMO_ATTR_LENGTH, e->getLength());
254  dev.writeAttr("successors", toString(e->getSuccessors(SVC_IGNORING)));
255  dev.closeTag();
256  }
257  }
260  createNet();
261  _IntermodalTrip trip(nullptr, nullptr, 0., 0., DEFAULT_PEDESTRIAN_SPEED, 0, 0, nullptr, SVC_PASSENGER | SVC_BICYCLE | SVC_BUS);
263  dev.openTag(SUMO_TAG_EDGE);
264  dev.writeAttr(SUMO_ATTR_ID, e->getID());
265  dev.writeAttr("traveltime", e->getTravelTime(&trip, 0.));
266  dev.writeAttr("effort", e->getEffort(&trip, 0.));
267  dev.closeTag();
268  }
269  }
271  Network* getNetwork() const {
272  return myIntermodalNet;
273  }
276  return myExternalEffort;
277  }
279 private:
280  IntermodalRouter(Network* net, const int carWalkTransfer, double taxiWait, const std::string& routingAlgorithm,
281  const int routingMode, EffortCalculator* calc) :
282  SUMOAbstractRouter<E, _IntermodalTrip>("IntermodalRouterClone", true, nullptr, nullptr, false, false),
283  myAmClone(true), myInternalRouter(nullptr), myIntermodalNet(net),
284  myCarWalkTransfer(carWalkTransfer),
285  myTaxiWait(taxiWait),
286  myRoutingAlgorithm(routingAlgorithm), myRoutingMode(routingMode), myExternalEffort(calc) {
287  createNet();
288  }
290  static inline double getCombined(const _IntermodalEdge* const edge, const _IntermodalTrip* const trip, double time) {
291  return edge->getTravelTime(trip, time) + trip->externalFactor * trip->calc->getEffort(edge->getNumericalID());
292  }
294  inline void createNet() {
295  if (myIntermodalNet == nullptr) {
296  myIntermodalNet = new Network(E::getAllEdges(), false, myCarWalkTransfer);
297  myIntermodalNet->addCarEdges(E::getAllEdges(), myTaxiWait);
298  myCallback(*this);
299  }
300  if (myInternalRouter == nullptr) {
301  switch (myRoutingMode) {
302  case 0:
303  if (myRoutingAlgorithm == "astar") {
306  } else {
309  }
310  break;
311  case 1:
313  break;
314  case 2:
316  break;
317  case 3:
318  if (myExternalEffort != nullptr) {
319  std::vector<std::string> edgeLines;
320  for (const auto e : myIntermodalNet->getAllEdges()) {
321  edgeLines.push_back(e->getLine());
322  }
323  myExternalEffort->init(edgeLines);
324  }
326  break;
327  }
328  }
329  }
332  bool loopedLineTransfer(const _IntermodalEdge* prev, const _IntermodalEdge* cur, double prevTime, double time) {
333  assert(prev != nullptr);
334  if (myIntermodalNet->isLooped(cur->getLine())) {
335  // check if the last two edges are served by different vehicles
336  std::string intended1;
337  std::string intended2;
338  prev->getIntended(prevTime, intended1);
339  cur->getIntended(time, intended2);
340  return intended1 != intended2;
341  }
342  return false;
343  }
345 private:
346  const bool myAmClone;
350  const int myCarWalkTransfer;
351  const double myTaxiWait;
352  const std::string myRoutingAlgorithm;
353  const int myRoutingMode;
357 private:
361 };
long long int SUMOTime
Definition: GUI.h:35
#define TL(string)
Definition: MsgHandler.h:315
#define STEPS2TIME(x)
Definition: SUMOTime.h:55
#define TIME2STEPS(x)
Definition: SUMOTime.h:57
const std::string & getVehicleClassNames(SVCPermissions permissions, bool expand)
Returns the ids of the given classes, divided using a ' '.
long long int SVCPermissions
bitset where each bit declares whether a certain SVC may use this edge/lane
vehicles ignoring classes
vehicle is a passenger car (a "normal" car)
vehicle is a bicycle
vehicle is a bus
begin/end of the description of an edge
double gWeightsRandomFactor
Definition: StdDefs.cpp:32
const double INVALID_DOUBLE
invalid double
Definition: StdDefs.h:64
std::string toString(const T &t, std::streamsize accuracy=gPrecision)
Definition: ToString.h:46
Computes the shortest path through a network using the A* algorithm.
Definition: AStarRouter.h:76
Computes the shortest path through a network using the Dijkstra algorithm.
the effort calculator interface
virtual double getEffort(const int numericalID) const =0
virtual std::string output(const int edge) const =0
virtual void init(const std::vector< std::string > &edges)=0
the base edge type that is given to the internal router (SUMOAbstractRouter)
static double getTravelTimeStatic(const IntermodalEdge *const edge, const IntermodalTrip< E, N, V > *const trip, double time)
virtual double getTravelTime(const IntermodalTrip< E, N, V > *const, double) const
int getNumericalID() const
const std::string & getLine() const
virtual double getIntended(const double, std::string &) const
get intended vehicle id and departure time of next public transport ride
static double getEffortStatic(const IntermodalEdge *const edge, const IntermodalTrip< E, N, V > *const trip, double time)
virtual double getTravelTimeAggregated(const IntermodalTrip< E, N, V > *const trip, double time) const
static double getTravelTimeStaticRandomized(const IntermodalEdge *const edge, const IntermodalTrip< E, N, V > *const trip, double time)
the intermodal network storing edges, connections and the mappings to the "real" edges
const EdgePair & getBothDirections(const E *e) const
Returns the pair of forward and backward edge.
const std::vector< _IntermodalEdge * > & getAllEdges()
_IntermodalEdge * getArrivalEdge(const E *e, const double pos) const
Returns the arriving intermodal edge.
_IntermodalEdge * getStopEdge(const std::string &stopId) const
Returns the associated stop edge.
bool isLooped(const std::string lineID) const
void addCarEdges(const std::vector< E * > &edges, double taxiWait)
_IntermodalEdge * getCarEdge(const E *e) const
Returns the associated car edge.
const _IntermodalEdge * getDepartEdge(const E *e, const double pos) const
Returns the departing intermodal edge.
SUMOAbstractRouter< _IntermodalEdge, _IntermodalTrip > _InternalRouter
EffortCalculator * getExternalEffort() const
AStarRouter< _IntermodalEdge, _IntermodalTrip > _InternalAStar
IntermodalTrip< E, N, V > _IntermodalTrip
CreateNetCallback myCallback
static double getCombined(const _IntermodalEdge *const edge, const _IntermodalTrip *const trip, double time)
void(* CreateNetCallback)(IntermodalRouter< E, L, N, V > &)
IntermodalEdge< E, L, N, V > _IntermodalEdge
const int myCarWalkTransfer
Network * myIntermodalNet
virtual ~IntermodalRouter()
IntermodalNetwork< E, L, N, V > Network
IntermodalRouter(Network *net, const int carWalkTransfer, double taxiWait, const std::string &routingAlgorithm, const int routingMode, EffortCalculator *calc)
Network * getNetwork() const
IntermodalRouter(CreateNetCallback callback, const int carWalkTransfer, double taxiWait, const std::string &routingAlgorithm, const int routingMode=0, EffortCalculator *calc=nullptr)
bool compute(const E *, const E *, const _IntermodalTrip *const, SUMOTime, std::vector< const E * > &, bool)
Builds the route between the given edges using the minimum effort at the given time The definition of...
DijkstraRouter< _IntermodalEdge, _IntermodalTrip > _InternalDijkstra
IntermodalRouter & operator=(const IntermodalRouter &s)
Invalidated assignment operator.
const std::string myRoutingAlgorithm
const double myTaxiWait
void prohibit(const std::vector< E * > &toProhibit)
bool loopedLineTransfer(const _IntermodalEdge *prev, const _IntermodalEdge *cur, double prevTime, double time)
void writeWeights(OutputDevice &dev)
void setBulkMode(const bool mode)
bool compute(const E *from, const E *to, const double departPos, const std::string &originStopID, const double arrivalPos, const std::string &stopID, const double speed, const V *const vehicle, const SVCPermissions modeSet, const SUMOTime msTime, std::vector< TripItem > &into, const double externalFactor=0.)
Builds the route between the given edges using the minimum effort at the given time The definition of...
EffortCalculator *const myExternalEffort
SUMOAbstractRouter< E, _IntermodalTrip > * clone()
_InternalRouter * myInternalRouter
int getCarWalkTransfer() const
void writeNetwork(OutputDevice &dev)
the "vehicle" type that is given to the internal router (SUMOAbstractRouter)
const EffortCalculator *const calc
const double departPos
const double arrivalPos
const double externalFactor
void informf(const std::string &format, T value, Targs... Fargs)
adds a new formatted message
Definition: MsgHandler.h:122
const std::string & getID() const
Returns the id.
Definition: Named.h:74
Static storage of an output device and its base (abstract) implementation.
Definition: OutputDevice.h:61
OutputDevice & openTag(const std::string &xmlElement)
Opens an XML tag.
OutputDevice & writeAttr(const SumoXMLAttr attr, const T &val)
writes a named attribute
Definition: OutputDevice.h:254
bool closeTag(const std::string &comment="")
Closes the most recently opened tag and optionally adds a comment.
MsgHandler *const myErrorMsgHandler
the handler for routing errors
virtual void setBulkMode(const bool mode)
virtual void prohibit(const std::vector< E * > &toProhibit)
void updateViaCost(const E *const prev, const E *const e, const V *const v, double &time, double &effort, double &length) const
double getEffort(const E *const e, const V *const v, double t) const
virtual bool compute(const E *from, const E *to, const V *const vehicle, SUMOTime msTime, std::vector< const E * > &into, bool silent=false)=0
Builds the route between the given edges using the minimum effort at the given time The definition of...
TripItem(const std::string &_line="")
std::vector< double > exitTimes
std::vector< const E * > edges