Base (microsim) event class.
A road/street connecting two junctions.
The base class for an intersection.
Representation of a lane in the micro simulation.
The simulated network and simulation perfomer.
Position getPosition(const MSStageMoving &stage, SUMOTime now) const
return the network coordinate of the container
double getAngle(const MSStageMoving &stage, SUMOTime now) const
return the direction in which the container heading to
Position myCurrentBeginPosition
SUMOTime computeDuration(const MSEdge *prev, const MSStageMoving &stage, SUMOTime currentTime)
compute tranship time on edge and update state members
Position myCurrentEndPosition
static const double LATERAL_OFFSET
the offset for computing container positions when being transhiped
MSTransportable * myTransportable
MSPModel_NonInteracting * myModel
MoveToNextEdge(MSTransportable *transportable, MSStageMoving &walk, MSPModel_NonInteracting *model)
MoveToNextEdge & operator=(const MoveToNextEdge &)
Invalidated assignment operator.
const MSTransportable * getTransportable() const
SUMOTime execute(SUMOTime currentTime)
Executes the command.
implementation of callbacks to retrieve various state information from the model
SUMOTime getEventTime() const
const MSEdge * getNextEdge(const MSStageMoving &stage) const
return the list of internal edges if the transportable is on an intersection
int getDirection() const
return the walking direction (FORWARD, BACKWARD, UNDEFINED_DIRECTION)
MoveToNextEdge * getCommand() const
SUMOTime myCurrentDuration
double getEdgePos(SUMOTime now) const
abstract methods inherited from PedestrianState
virtual double getAngle(const MSStageMoving &stage, SUMOTime now) const
return the direction in which the transportable faces in degrees
MoveToNextEdge * myCommand
double getSpeed(const MSStageMoving &stage) const
return the current speed of the transportable
virtual Position getPosition(const MSStageMoving &stage, SUMOTime now) const
return the network coordinate of the transportable
virtual SUMOTime computeDuration(const MSEdge *prev, const MSStageMoving &stage, SUMOTime currentTime)
compute walking time on edge and update state members
void saveState(std::ostringstream &out)
Saves the current state into the given stream.
SUMOTime getWaitingTime() const
return the time the transportable spent standing
The pedestrian following model.
MSTransportableStateAdapter * add(MSTransportable *transportable, MSStageMoving *stage, SUMOTime now)
register the given transportable
void remove(MSTransportableStateAdapter *state)
remove the specified person from the pedestrian simulation
void clearState()
Resets pedestrians when quick-loading state.
MSTransportableStateAdapter * loadState(MSTransportable *transportable, MSStageMoving *stage, std::istringstream &in)
load the state of the given transportable
int myNumActivePedestrians
the total number of active pedestrians
bool usingInternalLanes()
whether movements on intersections are modelled
int getActiveNumber()
return the number of active objects
MSNet * myNet
the net to which to issue moveToNextEdge commands
The pedestrian (and also sometimes container) movement model.
abstract base class for managing callbacks to retrieve various state information from the model
A storage for options typed value containers)
A point in 2D or 3D with translation and scaling methods.