Eclipse SUMO - Simulation of Urban MObility
MSStageMoving Class Referenceabstract

#include <MSStageMoving.h>

Inheritance diagram for MSStageMoving:
Collaboration diagram for MSStageMoving:

Public Types

typedef std::map< std::string, std::string > Map
 parameters map More...

Public Member Functions

virtual void abort (MSTransportable *)
 abort this stage (TraCI) More...
virtual void activateEntryReminders (MSTransportable *person, const bool isDepart=false)
 add the move reminders for the current lane on entry More...
void clearParameter ()
 Clears the parameter map. More...
virtual MSStageclone () const =0
bool equals (const MSStage &s) const
double getAngle (SUMOTime now) const
 Returns the angle of the container. More...
virtual double getArrivalPos () const
virtual double getArrivalPosLat () const
SUMOTime getArrived () const
 get arrival time of stage More...
double getConfiguredSpeed () const
 Returns the configured speed in this stage. More...
double getCosts () const
 Returns the costs of the stage. More...
SUMOTime getDeparted () const
 get departure time of stage More...
int getDepartLane () const
double getDepartPos () const
double getDepartPosLat () const
const MSEdgegetDestination () const
 returns the destination edge More...
MSStoppingPlacegetDestinationStop () const
 returns the destination stop (if any) More...
int getDirection () const
 Return the movement directon on the edge. More...
virtual double getDistance () const =0
 get travel distance in this stage More...
double getDouble (const std::string &key, const double defaultValue) const
 Returns the value for a given key converted to a double. More...
std::vector< double > getDoubles (const std::string &key, std::vector< double > defaultValue=std::vector< double >()) const
 Returns the value for a given key converted to a list of doubles. More...
virtual SUMOTime getDuration () const
const MSEdgegetEdge () const
 Returns the current edge. More...
double getEdgeAngle (const MSEdge *e, double at) const
 get angle of the edge at a certain position More...
double getEdgePos (SUMOTime now) const
 Returns the offset from the start of the current edge measured in its natural direction. More...
Position getEdgePosition (const MSEdge *e, double at, double offset) const
 get position on edge e at length at with orthogonal offset More...
virtual double getEdgePosLat (SUMOTime now) const
ConstMSEdgeVector getEdges () const
 the edges of the current stage More...
const MSEdgegetFromEdge () const
 Returns first edge of the containers route. More...
const std::string & getGroup () const
 return the id of the group of transportables traveling together More...
const MSLanegetLane () const
 Returns the current lane. More...
Position getLanePosition (const MSLane *lane, double at, double offset) const
 get position on lane at length at with orthogonal offset More...
virtual double getMaxSpeed (const MSTransportable *const transportable=nullptr) const =0
 the maximum speed of the transportable More...
virtual const MSEdgegetNextRouteEdge () const =0
virtual MSStoppingPlacegetOriginStop () const
 returns the origin stop (if any). only needed for MSStageTrip More...
virtual const std::string getParameter (const std::string &key, const std::string defaultValue="") const
 Returns the value for a given key. More...
const Parameterised::MapgetParametersMap () const
 Returns the inner key/value map. More...
std::string getParametersStr (const std::string kvsep="=", const std::string sep="|") const
 Returns the inner key/value map in string format "key1=value1|key2=value2|...|keyN=valueN". More...
Position getPosition (SUMOTime now) const
 Returns the position of the container. More...
MSTransportableStateAdaptergetPState () const
const std::vector< const MSEdge * > & getRoute () const
virtual int getRoutePosition () const
 return index of current edge within route More...
const std::vector< const MSEdge * >::iterator getRouteStep () const
double getSpeed () const
 Returns the speed of the container. More...
virtual std::string getStageDescription (const bool isPerson) const =0
 return (brief) string representation of the current stage More...
virtual std::string getStageSummary (const bool isPerson) const =0
 return string summary of the current stage More...
MSStageType getStageType () const
virtual SUMOTime getTimeLoss (const MSTransportable *transportable) const
virtual SUMOTime getTravelTime () const
MSStageTripgetTrip () const
virtual SUMOVehiclegetVehicle () const
 Current vehicle in which the transportable is driving (or nullptr) More...
virtual SUMOTime getWaitingTime () const
SUMOTime getWaitingTime (SUMOTime now) const
 Returns the time the container spent waiting. More...
bool hasParameter (const std::string &key) const
 Returns whether the parameter is set. More...
virtual void init (MSTransportable *)
 initialization, e.g. for param-related events More...
virtual bool isWaiting4Vehicle () const
 Whether the transportable waits for a vehicle. More...
virtual bool isWaitingFor (const SUMOVehicle *vehicle) const
 Whether the transportable waits for the given vehicle. More...
virtual bool isWalk () const
 Whether the transportable is walking. More...
virtual void loadState (MSTransportable *transportable, std::istringstream &state)
 Reconstructs the current state, standard implementation does nothing. More...
void markSet (int what)
void mergeParameters (const Parameterised::Map &mapArg, const std::string separator=" ", bool uniqueValues=true)
 Adds or appends all given parameters from the map. More...
virtual bool moveToNextEdge (MSTransportable *transportable, SUMOTime currentTime, int prevDir, MSEdge *nextInternal=nullptr, const bool isReplay=false)=0
 move forward and return whether the transportable arrived More...
 MSStageMoving (const MSStageType type, const std::vector< const MSEdge * > &route, const std::string &routeID, MSStoppingPlace *toStop, const double speed, const double departPos, const double arrivalPos, const double departPosLat, const int departLane)
 constructor More...
virtual void proceed (MSNet *net, MSTransportable *transportable, SUMOTime now, MSStage *previous)=0
 proceeds to this stage More...
virtual void replaceRoute (MSTransportable *const transportable, const ConstMSEdgeVector &edges, int routeOffset)
virtual void routeOutput (const bool isPerson, OutputDevice &os, const bool withRouteLength, const MSStage *const previous) const =0
 Called on writing vehroute output. More...
virtual void saveState (std::ostringstream &out)
 Saves the current state into the given stream, standard implementation does nothing. More...
void setArrivalPos (double arrivalPos)
virtual const std::string setArrived (MSNet *net, MSTransportable *transportable, SUMOTime now, const bool vehicleArrived)
 logs end of the step More...
void setCosts (double costs)
 Sets the costs of the stage. More...
void setDeparted (SUMOTime now)
 logs end of the step More...
void setDepartPos (const double pos)
void setDestination (const MSEdge *newDestination, MSStoppingPlace *newDestStop)
virtual void setParameter (const std::string &key, const std::string &value)
 Sets a parameter. More...
void setParameters (const Parameterised &params)
 set the inner key/value map in map<string, string> format More...
void setParametersStr (const std::string &paramsString, const std::string kvsep="=", const std::string sep="|")
 set the inner key/value map in string format "key1=value1|key2=value2|...|keyN=valueN" More...
void setPState (MSTransportableStateAdapter *pstate)
virtual void setRouteIndex (MSTransportable *const transportable, int routeOffset)
 place transportable on a previously passed edge More...
virtual void setSpeed (double)
 sets the walking speed (ignored in other stages) More...
void setTrip (MSStageTrip *trip)
virtual void tripInfoOutput (OutputDevice &os, const MSTransportable *const transportable) const =0
 Called on writing tripinfo output. More...
void unsetParameter (const std::string &key)
 Removes a parameter. More...
void updateParameters (const Parameterised::Map &mapArg)
 Adds or updates all given parameters from the map. More...
bool wasSet (int what) const
void writeParams (OutputDevice &device) const
 write Params in the given outputdevice More...
virtual ~MSStageMoving ()
 destructor More...

Static Public Member Functions

static bool areAttributesValid (const std::string &value, bool report=false, const std::string kvsep="=", const std::string sep="|")
 check if given string can be parsed to an attributes map "key1=value1|key2=value2|...|keyN=valueN" (used in generic datas) More...
static bool areParametersValid (const std::string &value, bool report=false, const std::string kvsep="=", const std::string sep="|")
 check if given string can be parsed to a parameters map "key1=value1|key2=value2|...|keyN=valueN" More...
static const MSLanecheckDepartLane (const MSEdge *edge, SUMOVehicleClass svc, int laneIndex, const std::string &id)
 interpret custom depart lane More...

Protected Attributes

double myArrivalPos
 the longitudinal position at which we want to arrive More...
double myArrivalPosLat
 the lateral position at which we want to arrive More...
SUMOTime myArrived
 the time at which this stage ended More...
double myCosts
 The assigned or calculated costs. More...
MSEdgemyCurrentInternalEdge = nullptr
 The current internal edge this transportable is on or nullptr. More...
SUMOTime myDeparted
 the time at which this stage started More...
int myDepartLane
 the depart lane or -1 More...
double myDepartPos
 the depart position More...
double myDepartPosLat
 the lateral depart position More...
const MSEdgemyDestination
 the next edge to reach by getting transported More...
 the stop to reach by getting transported (if any) More...
const std::string myGroup
 The id of the group of transportables traveling together. More...
int myParametersSet
 Information on which parameter were set (mainly for vehroute output) More...
 state that is to be manipulated by MSPModel More...
std::vector< const MSEdge * > myRoute
 The route of the container. More...
std::string myRouteID
 The original route id. More...
std::vector< const MSEdge * >::iterator myRouteStep
 current step More...
double mySpeed
 the speed of the transportable More...
MSStageTripmyTrip = nullptr
MSStageType myType
 The type of this stage. More...

Static Protected Attributes

static const double ROADSIDE_OFFSET
 the offset for computing positions when standing at an edge More...

Static Private Member Functions

static bool isParameterValid (const std::string &value, const std::string &kvsep, const std::string &sep)
 check if given string can be parsed to a parameter of type "key=value" More...

Private Attributes

Parameterised::Map myMap
 The key->value map. More...

Detailed Description

An abstract stage providing additional interface for the movement models

Definition at line 34 of file MSStageMoving.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ Map

typedef std::map<std::string, std::string> Parameterised::Map

parameters map

Definition at line 45 of file Parameterised.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ MSStageMoving()

MSStageMoving::MSStageMoving ( const MSStageType  type,
const std::vector< const MSEdge * > &  route,
const std::string &  routeID,
MSStoppingPlace toStop,
const double  speed,
const double  departPos,
const double  arrivalPos,
const double  departPosLat,
const int  departLane 


Definition at line 37 of file MSStageMoving.h.

◆ ~MSStageMoving()

MSStageMoving::~MSStageMoving ( )


Definition at line 38 of file MSStageMoving.cpp.

References MSTransportableStateAdapter::isFinished(), and myPState.

Member Function Documentation

◆ abort()

virtual void MSStage::abort ( MSTransportable )

abort this stage (TraCI)

Reimplemented in MSStageDriving, MSStageWalking, and MSStageWaiting.

Definition at line 146 of file MSStage.h.

Referenced by GUIPerson::GUIPersonPopupMenu::onCmdRemoveObject().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ activateEntryReminders()

virtual void MSStageMoving::activateEntryReminders ( MSTransportable person,
const bool  isDepart = false 

add the move reminders for the current lane on entry

Reimplemented in MSStageWalking.

Definition at line 99 of file MSStageMoving.h.


Referenced by MSPModel_NonInteracting::MoveToNextEdge::execute().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ areAttributesValid()

bool Parameterised::areAttributesValid ( const std::string &  value,
bool  report = false,
const std::string  kvsep = "=",
const std::string  sep = "|" 

check if given string can be parsed to an attributes map "key1=value1|key2=value2|...|keyN=valueN" (used in generic datas)

Definition at line 219 of file Parameterised.cpp.

References StringTokenizer::getVector(), Parameterised::isParameterValid(), TL, and WRITE_WARNINGF.

Referenced by GNEFrameAttributeModules::GenericDataAttributes::areAttributesValid(), GNEEdgeData::isValid(), GNEEdgeRelData::isValid(), and GNETAZRelData::isValid().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ areParametersValid()

bool Parameterised::areParametersValid ( const std::string &  value,
bool  report = false,
const std::string  kvsep = "=",
const std::string  sep = "|" 

◆ checkDepartLane()

const MSLane * MSStageMoving::checkDepartLane ( const MSEdge edge,
SUMOVehicleClass  svc,
int  laneIndex,
const std::string &  id 

interpret custom depart lane

Definition at line 121 of file MSStageMoving.cpp.

References MSEdge::getLanes(), OptionsCont::getOptions(), toString(), and WRITE_WARNING.

Referenced by MSPModel_Striping::add(), and MSRouteHandler::interpretDepartPosLat().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ clearParameter()

void Parameterised::clearParameter ( )

Clears the parameter map.

Definition at line 139 of file Parameterised.cpp.

References Parameterised::myMap.

Referenced by NLHandler::beginEdgeParsing(), and GNESingleParametersDialog::onCmdAccept().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ clone()

virtual MSStage* MSStage::clone ( ) const
pure virtualinherited

◆ equals()

bool MSStageMoving::equals ( const MSStage s) const

Reimplemented from MSStage.

Reimplemented in MSStageWalking.

Definition at line 136 of file MSStageMoving.h.

References MSStage::equals(), myDepartLane, myDepartPos, myDepartPosLat, myRoute, myRouteID, and mySpeed.

Referenced by MSStageWalking::equals().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getAngle()

double MSStageMoving::getAngle ( SUMOTime  now) const

Returns the angle of the container.

Implements MSStage.

Definition at line 81 of file MSStageMoving.cpp.

References MSTransportableStateAdapter::getAngle(), and myPState.

◆ getArrivalPos()

◆ getArrivalPosLat()

virtual double MSStage::getArrivalPosLat ( ) const

Definition at line 98 of file MSStage.h.

References MSStage::myArrivalPosLat.

Referenced by MSPerson::checkAccess().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getArrived()

SUMOTime MSStage::getArrived ( ) const

get arrival time of stage

Definition at line 133 of file MSStage.cpp.

References MSStage::myArrived.

Referenced by LIBSUMO_NAMESPACE::Person::getStage().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getConfiguredSpeed()

double MSStageMoving::getConfiguredSpeed ( ) const

Returns the configured speed in this stage.

Definition at line 88 of file MSStageMoving.h.

References mySpeed.

◆ getCosts()

double MSStage::getCosts ( ) const

Returns the costs of the stage.

The stage's costs (normally the time needed to pass it)

Definition at line 256 of file MSStage.h.

References MSStage::myCosts.

Referenced by MSStageDriving::routeOutput(), MSStageTranship::routeOutput(), MSStageTrip::routeOutput(), and MSStageWalking::routeOutput().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getDeparted()

SUMOTime MSStage::getDeparted ( ) const

get departure time of stage

Definition at line 128 of file MSStage.cpp.

References MSStage::myDeparted.

Referenced by LIBSUMO_NAMESPACE::Person::getStage().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getDepartLane()

int MSStageMoving::getDepartLane ( ) const

Definition at line 129 of file MSStageMoving.h.

References myDepartLane.

Referenced by MSPModel_Striping::add().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getDepartPos()

double MSStageMoving::getDepartPos ( ) const

Definition at line 117 of file MSStageMoving.h.

References myDepartPos.

Referenced by MSPModel_JuPedSim::add(), MSPModel_NonInteracting::PState::computeDuration(), and MSPModel_NonInteracting::CState::computeDuration().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getDepartPosLat()

double MSStageMoving::getDepartPosLat ( ) const

Definition at line 125 of file MSStageMoving.h.

References myDepartPosLat.

Referenced by MSPModel_JuPedSim::add().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getDestination()

◆ getDestinationStop()

◆ getDirection()

int MSStageMoving::getDirection ( ) const

Return the movement directon on the edge.

Reimplemented from MSStage.

Definition at line 70 of file MSStageMoving.cpp.

References MSTransportableStateAdapter::getDirection(), myPState, and MSPModel::UNDEFINED_DIRECTION.

◆ getDistance()

virtual double MSStage::getDistance ( ) const
pure virtualinherited

get travel distance in this stage

Implemented in MSStageWalking, MSStageWaiting, MSStageTrip, MSStageTranship, MSStageDriving, and MSPerson::MSPersonStage_Access.

Referenced by LIBSUMO_NAMESPACE::Person::getStage().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getDouble()

double Parameterised::getDouble ( const std::string &  key,
const double  defaultValue 
) const

◆ getDoubles()

std::vector< double > Parameterised::getDoubles ( const std::string &  key,
std::vector< double >  defaultValue = std::vector<double>() 
) const

Returns the value for a given key converted to a list of doubles.

[in]keyThe key to ask for
[in]defaultValueThe default value to return if no value is stored under the key
The value stored under the key

Definition at line 118 of file Parameterised.cpp.

References StringTokenizer::getVector(), Parameterised::myMap, TL, StringUtils::toDouble(), WRITE_WARNING, and WRITE_WARNINGF.

Referenced by EnergyParams::EnergyParams().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getDuration()

SUMOTime MSStage::getDuration ( ) const

Reimplemented in MSStageWaiting, MSStageTrip, and MSStageDriving.

Definition at line 139 of file MSStage.cpp.

References MSStage::myArrived, MSStage::myDeparted, and SUMOTime_MAX.

Referenced by MSStageWaiting::getDuration(), MSStageWalking::getTimeLoss(), MSStage::getTravelTime(), and MSStageTranship::tripInfoOutput().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getEdge()

◆ getEdgeAngle()

double MSStage::getEdgeAngle ( const MSEdge e,
double  at 
) const

get angle of the edge at a certain position

Definition at line 183 of file MSStage.cpp.

References MSEdge::getLanes().

Referenced by MSPModel_NonInteracting::PState::getAngle(), MSPModel_NonInteracting::CState::getAngle(), MSStageDriving::getAngle(), MSStageTrip::getAngle(), and MSStageWaiting::getAngle().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getEdgePos()

double MSStageMoving::getEdgePos ( SUMOTime  now) const

Returns the offset from the start of the current edge measured in its natural direction.

Reimplemented from MSStage.

Definition at line 65 of file MSStageMoving.cpp.

References MSTransportableStateAdapter::getEdgePos(), myDepartPos, and myPState.

Referenced by MSStageWalking::walkDistance().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getEdgePosition()

Position MSStage::getEdgePosition ( const MSEdge e,
double  at,
double  offset 
) const

get position on edge e at length at with orthogonal offset

Definition at line 172 of file MSStage.cpp.

References MSStage::getLanePosition(), and MSEdge::getLanes().

Referenced by MSStageDriving::getPosition(), MSStageTrip::getPosition(), and MSStageWaiting::getPosition().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getEdgePosLat()

double MSStage::getEdgePosLat ( SUMOTime  now) const

Definition at line 89 of file MSStage.cpp.

References MSStage::myArrivalPosLat.

Referenced by MSPerson::checkAccess(), and MSStageWalking::proceed().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getEdges()

ConstMSEdgeVector MSStageMoving::getEdges ( ) const

the edges of the current stage

Reimplemented from MSStage.

Definition at line 59 of file MSStageMoving.cpp.

References myRoute.

Referenced by MSPModel_JuPedSim::add(), MSPModel_NonInteracting::CState::computeDuration(), MSPModel_JuPedSim::execute(), LIBSUMO_NAMESPACE::Person::moveToXY(), and MSTransportable::reroute().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getFromEdge()

const MSEdge * MSStageMoving::getFromEdge ( ) const

Returns first edge of the containers route.

Reimplemented from MSStage.

Definition at line 54 of file MSStageMoving.cpp.

References myRoute.

Referenced by MSPModel_NonInteracting::CState::computeDuration().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getGroup()

const std::string& MSStage::getGroup ( ) const

return the id of the group of transportables traveling together

Definition at line 132 of file MSStage.h.

References MSStage::myGroup.

◆ getLane()

const MSLane * MSStageMoving::getLane ( ) const

Returns the current lane.

Reimplemented from MSStage.

Definition at line 96 of file MSStageMoving.cpp.

References MSTransportableStateAdapter::getLane(), and myPState.

◆ getLanePosition()

Position MSStage::getLanePosition ( const MSLane lane,
double  at,
double  offset 
) const

get position on lane at length at with orthogonal offset

Definition at line 177 of file MSStage.cpp.

References MSLane::getShape(), MSLane::interpolateLanePosToGeometryPos(), and PositionVector::positionAtOffset().

Referenced by MSPModel_NonInteracting::CState::computeDuration(), MSStage::getEdgePosition(), MSPModel_NonInteracting::PState::getPosition(), and MSPModel_Striping::PState::getPosition().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getMaxSpeed()

virtual double MSStageMoving::getMaxSpeed ( const MSTransportable *const  transportable = nullptr) const
pure virtual

◆ getNextRouteEdge()

virtual const MSEdge* MSStageMoving::getNextRouteEdge ( ) const
pure virtual

Implemented in MSStageWalking, and MSStageTranship.

Referenced by MSPModel_NonInteracting::PState::computeDuration(), MSPModel_NonInteracting::PState::getNextEdge(), MSPModel_JuPedSim::PState::getNextEdge(), and MSPModel_Striping::getNextLane().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getOriginStop()

virtual MSStoppingPlace* MSStage::getOriginStop ( ) const

returns the origin stop (if any). only needed for MSStageTrip

Reimplemented in MSStageTrip, and MSStageDriving.

Definition at line 90 of file MSStage.h.

Referenced by MSPerson::checkAccess(), GUIPerson::getGUIPosition(), MSTransportableControl::loadAnyWaiting(), MSStageDriving::loadState(), MSStageDriving::proceed(), and MSTransportable::proceed().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getParameter()

const std::string Parameterised::getParameter ( const std::string &  key,
const std::string  defaultValue = "" 
) const

Returns the value for a given key.

[in]keyThe key to ask for
[in]defaultValueThe default value to return if no value is stored under the key
The value stored under the key

Reimplemented in NEMALogic, MSSimpleTrafficLightLogic, and MSActuatedTrafficLightLogic.

Definition at line 90 of file Parameterised.cpp.

References Parameterised::myMap.

Referenced by MSPModel_JuPedSim::add(), NBRailwayTopologyAnalyzer::addBidiEdge(), NBEdge::addRestrictedLane(), FareModul::addStop(), GUIInductLoop::buildDetectorGUIRepresentation(), MSDevice_ElecHybrid::buildVehicleDevices(), MSDevice_Example::buildVehicleDevices(), ROEdge::cacheParamRestrictions(), SUMOVTypeParameter::cacheParamRestrictions(), MSVehicleType::check(), MSRailSignal::constraintsAllow(), GUINet::createTLWrapper(), GNEEdge::drawEdgeName(), GNEConnection::drawEdgeValues(), GNEGenericData::drawFilteredAttribute(), GUIEdge::drawGL(), EnergyParams::EnergyParams(), MSDevice_SSM::filterByConflictType(), LIBSUMO_NAMESPACE::TrafficLight::findConstraintsDeadLocks(), LIBSUMO_NAMESPACE::Simulation::findIntermodalRoute(), NBRailwayTopologyAnalyzer::getBrokenRailNodes(), GUIVehicle::getColorValue(), GNEEdgeData::getColorValue(), GNEEdgeRelData::getColorValue(), GNETAZRelData::getColorValue(), GNELane::getColorValue(), GUIEdge::getColorValue(), GUILane::getColorValue(), MSDevice_SSM::getDetectionRange(), MSDevice_SSM::getExtraTime(), LIBSUMO_NAMESPACE::TrafficLight::getFutureTripIds(), MSTLLogicControl::WAUTSwitchProcedure::getGSPTime(), RORoutable::getMaxSpeed(), MSDevice_SSM::getMDRAC_PRT(), MSDevice_SSM::getMeasuresAndThresholds(), MSSOTLRequestPolicy::getMinDecisionalPhaseDuration(), GUIBaseVehicle::getOptionalName(), GUITrafficLightLogicWrapper::getOptionalName(), MSDevice_SSM::getOutputFilename(), MSSimpleTrafficLightLogic::getParameter(), NEMALogic::getParameter(), LIBSUMO_NAMESPACE::Simulation::getParameter(), MSBaseVehicle::getPrefixedParameter(), GUIBaseVehicle::getScaleValue(), LIBSUMO_NAMESPACE::Vehicle::getStopParameter(), SUMOTrafficObject::getStringParam(), LIBSUMO_NAMESPACE::TrafficLight::getVehicleByTripId(), MSRailSignalConstraint::getVehID(), MSStoppingPlaceRerouter::getWeight(), MSRailSignal::hasInsertionConstraint(), MSLink::ignoreFoe(), MSSOTLPhasePolicy::init(), MSStageDriving::init(), PushButtonLogic::init(), SigmoidLogic::init(), SUMOVTypeParameter::initRailVisualizationParameters(), NIImporter_OpenStreetMap::insertNodeChecking(), MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::laneChangeOutput(), NWWriter_OpenDrive::mapmatchRoadObjects(), Parameterised::mergeParameters(), MSSimpleTrafficLightLogic::MSSimpleTrafficLightLogic(), MSSOTLPolicy::MSSOTLPolicy(), MSSOTLPolicy5DFamilyStimulus::MSSOTLPolicy5DFamilyStimulus(), MSDevice_GLOSA::notifyEnter(), MSRailSignalConstraint_Predecessor::PassedTracker::notifyEnter(), GNEVType::overwriteVType(), NWWriter_OpenDrive::parseTrafficSign(), NBTrafficLightDefinition::railSignalUncontrolled(), MSDevice_Battery::readParameterValue(), MSDevice_SSM::requestsTrajectories(), MSDevice_Bluelight::resetVehicle(), GNEEdgeData::setColor(), GNEEdgeRelData::setColor(), NBTrafficLightLogicCont::setOpenDriveSignalParameters(), NBEdge::setOrigID(), MSVehicle::slowDownForSchedule(), NBEdgeCont::splitAt(), LIBSUMO_NAMESPACE::TrafficLight::swapParameters(), LIBSUMO_NAMESPACE::TrafficLight::updateConstraints(), MSDevice_SSM::useGeoCoords(), MSTLLogicControl::WAUTSwitchProcedure_Stretch::WAUTSwitchProcedure_Stretch(), MSDevice_SSM::writeLanesPositions(), NWWriter_DlrNavteq::writeLinksUnsplitted(), MSDevice_SSM::writePositions(), NWWriter_OpenDrive::writeRoadObjectPOI(), NWWriter_OpenDrive::writeRoadObjectPoly(), NWWriter_OpenDrive::writeRoadObjects(), and NWWriter_OpenDrive::writeSignals().

◆ getParametersMap()

const Parameterised::Map & Parameterised::getParametersMap ( ) const

Returns the inner key/value map.

Definition at line 145 of file Parameterised.cpp.

References Parameterised::myMap.

Referenced by NIImporter_SUMO::_loadNetwork(), NBNode::addCrossing(), NBEdge::addLane(), NBEdge::append(), LIBSUMO_NAMESPACE::TrafficLight::buildConstraint(), GUIParameterTableWindow::closeBuilding(), NLHandler::closeEdge(), NBTrafficLightDefinition::compute(), GNEGenericData::drawAttribute(), GNEGenericData::drawFilteredAttribute(), NLDetectorBuilder::endE3Detector(), GNEAccess::getACParametersMap(), GNECalibrator::getACParametersMap(), GNEDetector::getACParametersMap(), GNEMultiEntryExitDetector::getACParametersMap(), GNEOverheadWire::getACParametersMap(), GNEParkingSpace::getACParametersMap(), GNERerouter::getACParametersMap(), GNERouteProbe::getACParametersMap(), GNEStoppingPlace::getACParametersMap(), GNETAZ::getACParametersMap(), GNEVaporizer::getACParametersMap(), GNEVariableSpeedSign::getACParametersMap(), GNEDataInterval::getACParametersMap(), GNEDataSet::getACParametersMap(), GNEGenericData::getACParametersMap(), GNEContainer::getACParametersMap(), GNEPerson::getACParametersMap(), GNEPersonTrip::getACParametersMap(), GNERide::getACParametersMap(), GNERoute::getACParametersMap(), GNEStop::getACParametersMap(), GNEStopPlan::getACParametersMap(), GNETranship::getACParametersMap(), GNETransport::getACParametersMap(), GNEVehicle::getACParametersMap(), GNEVType::getACParametersMap(), GNEWalk::getACParametersMap(), GNEConnection::getACParametersMap(), GNECrossing::getACParametersMap(), GNEEdge::getACParametersMap(), GNEEdgeType::getACParametersMap(), GNEJunction::getACParametersMap(), GNELane::getACParametersMap(), GNELaneType::getACParametersMap(), GNEPOI::getACParametersMap(), GNEPoly::getACParametersMap(), MSRailSignalConstraint_Predecessor::getDescription(), NWWriter_OpenDrive::getDividerType(), GUILane::getParameterWindow(), GNESingleParametersDialog::GNESingleParametersDialog(), MSRailCrossing::init(), MSActuatedTrafficLightLogic::init(), MSDevice_Taxi::initDispatch(), MSPModel_JuPedSim::initialize(), NIImporter_OpenStreetMap::insertEdge(), NIImporter_OpenStreetMap::insertNodeChecking(), GNEEdgeData::isGenericDataVisible(), GNEEdgeRelData::isGenericDataVisible(), GNETAZRelData::isGenericDataVisible(), GNEGenericData::isVisibleInspectDeleteSelect(), NBEdge::NBEdge(), NBLoadedSUMOTLDef::NBLoadedSUMOTLDef(), NBTrafficLightLogic::NBTrafficLightLogic(), GUIParameterTableWindow::numParams(), GNESingleParametersDialog::onCmdReset(), GNEVType::overwriteVType(), TraCIServerAPI_TrafficLight::processGet(), Parameterised::setParameters(), LIBSUMO_NAMESPACE::TrafficLight::swapConstraints(), GNEEdgeData::writeGenericData(), GNEEdgeRelData::writeGenericData(), and GNETAZRelData::writeGenericData().

◆ getParametersStr()

std::string Parameterised::getParametersStr ( const std::string  kvsep = "=",
const std::string  sep = "|" 
) const

◆ getPosition()

Position MSStageMoving::getPosition ( SUMOTime  now) const

Returns the position of the container.

Implements MSStage.

Definition at line 76 of file MSStageMoving.cpp.

References MSTransportableStateAdapter::getPosition(), Position::INVALID, and myPState.

◆ getPState()

MSTransportableStateAdapter* MSStageMoving::getPState ( ) const

Definition at line 49 of file MSStageMoving.h.

References myPState.

Referenced by GUIPerson::drawAction_drawWalkingareaPath(), MSPModel_NonInteracting::MoveToNextEdge::execute(), MSPerson::getNextEdgePtr(), MSPerson::isJammed(), LIBSUMO_NAMESPACE::Person::moveTo(), and MSPerson::Influencer::postProcessRemoteControl().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getRoute()

const std::vector<const MSEdge*>& MSStageMoving::getRoute ( ) const

Definition at line 109 of file MSStageMoving.h.

References myRoute.

Referenced by MSPModel_JuPedSim::add(), GUIPerson::drawGLAdditional(), MSPModel_JuPedSim::execute(), MSPModel_Striping::getNextLane(), LIBSUMO_NAMESPACE::Person::moveToXY(), MSPModel_Striping::PState::PState(), and MSTransportable::reroute().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getRoutePosition()

virtual int MSStage::getRoutePosition ( ) const

return index of current edge within route

Reimplemented in MSStageWalking.

Definition at line 196 of file MSStage.h.

Referenced by MSPModel_Striping::getNextLane().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getRouteStep()

const std::vector<const MSEdge*>::iterator MSStageMoving::getRouteStep ( ) const

Definition at line 113 of file MSStageMoving.h.

References myRouteStep.

Referenced by MSPModel_JuPedSim::execute(), LIBSUMO_NAMESPACE::Person::moveToXY(), and MSTransportable::reroute().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getSpeed()

double MSStageMoving::getSpeed ( ) const

Returns the speed of the container.

Reimplemented from MSStage.

Definition at line 91 of file MSStageMoving.cpp.

References MSTransportableStateAdapter::getSpeed(), and myPState.

◆ getStageDescription()

virtual std::string MSStage::getStageDescription ( const bool  isPerson) const
pure virtualinherited

return (brief) string representation of the current stage

Implemented in MSStageWalking, MSStageWaiting, MSStageTrip, MSStageTranship, MSStageDriving, and MSPerson::MSPersonStage_Access.

Referenced by LIBSUMO_NAMESPACE::Person::getStage().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getStageSummary()

virtual std::string MSStage::getStageSummary ( const bool  isPerson) const
pure virtualinherited

return string summary of the current stage

Implemented in MSStageWalking, MSStageWaiting, MSStageTrip, MSStageTranship, MSStageDriving, and MSPerson::MSPersonStage_Access.

◆ getStageType()

MSStageType MSStage::getStageType ( ) const

Definition at line 127 of file MSStage.h.

References MSStage::myType.

Referenced by MSRouteHandler::addFlowTransportable(), MSPerson::checkAccess(), LIBSUMO_NAMESPACE::Person::getStage(), MSStageDriving::loadState(), MSStageWalking::proceed(), MSStageDriving::proceed(), MSTransportable::proceed(), MSTransportable::rerouteParkingArea(), MSStageDriving::routeOutput(), and MSStageTrip::routeOutput().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getTimeLoss()

SUMOTime MSStage::getTimeLoss ( const MSTransportable transportable) const

Reimplemented in MSStageWalking, and MSStageDriving.

Definition at line 155 of file MSStage.cpp.

◆ getTravelTime()

SUMOTime MSStage::getTravelTime ( ) const

Reimplemented in MSStageWaiting, MSStageTrip, and MSStageDriving.

Definition at line 145 of file MSStage.cpp.

References MSStage::getDuration().

◆ getTrip()

MSStageTrip* MSStage::getTrip ( ) const

Definition at line 268 of file MSStage.h.

References MSStage::myTrip.

Referenced by MSTransportable::reroute().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getVehicle()

virtual SUMOVehicle* MSStage::getVehicle ( ) const

Current vehicle in which the transportable is driving (or nullptr)

Reimplemented in MSStageDriving.

Definition at line 182 of file MSStage.h.

Referenced by GUIPerson::getGUIPosition(), and GUIPerson::getVehicleID().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getWaitingTime() [1/2]

SUMOTime MSStage::getWaitingTime ( ) const

Reimplemented in MSStageDriving.

Definition at line 150 of file MSStage.cpp.

◆ getWaitingTime() [2/2]

SUMOTime MSStageMoving::getWaitingTime ( SUMOTime  now) const

Returns the time the container spent waiting.

Reimplemented from MSStage.

Definition at line 86 of file MSStageMoving.cpp.

References MSTransportableStateAdapter::getWaitingTime(), and myPState.

◆ hasParameter()

bool Parameterised::hasParameter ( const std::string &  key) const

Returns whether the parameter is set.

[in]keyThe key to ask for
Whether the key is known

Definition at line 84 of file Parameterised.cpp.

References Parameterised::myMap.

Referenced by MSStageWalking::activateEntryReminders(), NBEdge::append(), MSVehicleType::build(), GUIInductLoop::buildDetectorGUIRepresentation(), MSDevice_ElecHybrid::buildVehicleDevices(), MSDevice_Example::buildVehicleDevices(), GUINet::createTLWrapper(), EnergyParams::EnergyParams(), MSDevice_SSM::filterByConflictType(), NWWriter_DlrNavteq::getBrunnelType(), GNEEdgeData::getColorValue(), GNEEdgeRelData::getColorValue(), GNETAZRelData::getColorValue(), GNELane::getColorValue(), GUILane::getColorValue(), MSDevice_SSM::getDetectionRange(), MSDevice_SSM::getExtraTime(), MSDevice_SSM::getMDRAC_PRT(), MSDevice_SSM::getMeasuresAndThresholds(), MSDevice_SSM::getOutputFilename(), LIBSUMO_NAMESPACE::Simulation::getParameter(), MSStoppingPlaceRerouter::getWeight(), MSStageDriving::init(), SUMOVTypeParameter::initRailVisualizationParameters(), MSEdge::insertVehicle(), NIImporter_OpenStreetMap::load(), NWWriter_OpenDrive::mapmatchRoadObjects(), Parameterised::mergeParameters(), MSActuatedTrafficLightLogic::MSActuatedTrafficLightLogic(), MSSimpleTrafficLightLogic::MSSimpleTrafficLightLogic(), GNEVType::overwriteVType(), NWWriter_OpenDrive::parseTrafficSign(), NBTrafficLightDefinition::railSignalUncontrolled(), MSDevice_Battery::readParameterValue(), MSDevice_SSM::requestsTrajectories(), NBTrafficLightLogicCont::setOpenDriveSignalParameters(), MSVehicle::slowDownForSchedule(), MSDevice_SSM::useGeoCoords(), MSTLLogicControl::WAUTSwitchProcedure_Stretch::WAUTSwitchProcedure_Stretch(), MSDevice_SSM::writeLanesPositions(), MSDevice_SSM::writePositions(), NWWriter_OpenDrive::writeRoadObjectPoly(), NWWriter_OpenDrive::writeRoadObjects(), and NWWriter_OpenDrive::writeSignals().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ init()

virtual void MSStage::init ( MSTransportable )

initialization, e.g. for param-related events

Reimplemented in MSStageDriving.

Definition at line 79 of file MSStage.h.

◆ isParameterValid()

bool Parameterised::isParameterValid ( const std::string &  value,
const std::string &  kvsep,
const std::string &  sep 

check if given string can be parsed to a parameter of type "key=value"

Definition at line 254 of file Parameterised.cpp.

References StringTokenizer::getVector(), and SUMOXMLDefinitions::isValidParameterKey().

Referenced by Parameterised::areAttributesValid(), and Parameterised::areParametersValid().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ isWaiting4Vehicle()

virtual bool MSStage::isWaiting4Vehicle ( ) const

Whether the transportable waits for a vehicle.

Reimplemented in MSStageDriving.

Definition at line 172 of file MSStage.h.

◆ isWaitingFor()

bool MSStage::isWaitingFor ( const SUMOVehicle vehicle) const

Whether the transportable waits for the given vehicle.

Reimplemented in MSStageDriving.

Definition at line 167 of file MSStage.cpp.

◆ isWalk()

virtual bool MSStage::isWalk ( ) const

Whether the transportable is walking.

Reimplemented in MSStageWalking, and MSStageTrip.

Definition at line 177 of file MSStage.h.

◆ loadState()

virtual void MSStage::loadState ( MSTransportable transportable,
std::istringstream &  state 

Reconstructs the current state, standard implementation does nothing.

Reimplemented in MSStageWalking, MSStageWaiting, and MSStageDriving.

Definition at line 239 of file MSStage.h.


◆ markSet()

void MSStage::markSet ( int  what)

Definition at line 248 of file MSStage.h.

References MSStage::myParametersSet.

◆ mergeParameters()

void Parameterised::mergeParameters ( const Parameterised::Map mapArg,
const std::string  separator = " ",
bool  uniqueValues = true 

Adds or appends all given parameters from the map.

[in]mapArgThe keys/values to insert

Definition at line 65 of file Parameterised.cpp.

References Parameterised::getParameter(), Parameterised::hasParameter(), and Parameterised::setParameter().

Referenced by NBEdge::append().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ moveToNextEdge()

virtual bool MSStageMoving::moveToNextEdge ( MSTransportable transportable,
SUMOTime  currentTime,
int  prevDir,
MSEdge nextInternal = nullptr,
const bool  isReplay = false 
pure virtual

move forward and return whether the transportable arrived

Implemented in MSStageWalking, and MSStageTranship.

Referenced by MSPModel_Striping::arriveAndAdvance(), MSPModel_NonInteracting::MoveToNextEdge::execute(), and MSPModel_JuPedSim::execute().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ proceed()

virtual void MSStage::proceed ( MSNet net,
MSTransportable transportable,
SUMOTime  now,
MSStage previous 
pure virtualinherited

◆ replaceRoute()

void MSStageMoving::replaceRoute ( MSTransportable *const  transportable,
const ConstMSEdgeVector edges,
int  routeOffset 

◆ routeOutput()

virtual void MSStage::routeOutput ( const bool  isPerson,
OutputDevice os,
const bool  withRouteLength,
const MSStage *const  previous 
) const
pure virtualinherited

Called on writing vehroute output.

[in]isPersonWhether we are writing person or container info
[in]osThe stream to write the information into
[in]withRouteLengthwhether route length shall be written
[in]previousThe previous stage for additional info such as from edge
IOErrornot yet implemented

Implemented in MSPerson::MSPersonStage_Access, MSStageWalking, MSStageWaiting, MSStageTrip, MSStageTranship, and MSStageDriving.

Referenced by MSTransportable::routeOutput(), and MSTransportable::saveState().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ saveState()

virtual void MSStage::saveState ( std::ostringstream &  out)

Saves the current state into the given stream, standard implementation does nothing.

Reimplemented in MSStageWalking, MSStageWaiting, and MSStageDriving.

Definition at line 233 of file MSStage.h.


◆ setArrivalPos()

void MSStage::setArrivalPos ( double  arrivalPos)

Definition at line 102 of file MSStage.h.

References MSStage::myArrivalPos.

Referenced by MSStageTrip::reroute(), and MSTransportable::rerouteParkingArea().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ setArrived()

const std::string MSStage::setArrived ( MSNet net,
MSTransportable transportable,
SUMOTime  now,
const bool  vehicleArrived 

logs end of the step

Reimplemented in MSStageTrip, and MSStageDriving.

Definition at line 161 of file MSStage.cpp.

References MSStage::myArrived.

Referenced by MSTransportable::proceed(), MSStageDriving::setArrived(), and MSStageTrip::setArrived().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ setCosts()

void MSStage::setCosts ( double  costs)

Sets the costs of the stage.

[in]costsThe new stage costs

Definition at line 264 of file MSStage.h.

References MSStage::myCosts.

Referenced by MSStageTrip::reroute().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ setDeparted()

void MSStage::setDeparted ( SUMOTime  now)

logs end of the step

Definition at line 121 of file MSStage.cpp.

References MSStage::myDeparted.

◆ setDepartPos()

void MSStageMoving::setDepartPos ( const double  pos)

Definition at line 121 of file MSStageMoving.h.

References myDepartPos.

Referenced by MSRouteHandler::addFlowTransportable().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ setDestination()

void MSStage::setDestination ( const MSEdge newDestination,
MSStoppingPlace newDestStop 

Definition at line 189 of file MSStage.cpp.

References MSStoppingPlace::getBeginLanePosition(), MSStoppingPlace::getEndLanePosition(), MSStage::myArrivalPos, MSStage::myDestination, and MSStage::myDestinationStop.

Referenced by MSTransportable::rerouteParkingArea().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ setParameter()

void Parameterised::setParameter ( const std::string &  key,
const std::string &  value 

Sets a parameter.

[in]keyThe parameter's name
[in]valueThe parameter's value

Reimplemented in NEMALogic, MSSimpleTrafficLightLogic, MSRailSignal, MSActuatedTrafficLightLogic, and MSRailCrossing.

Definition at line 45 of file Parameterised.cpp.

References Parameterised::myMap.

Referenced by NBRailwayTopologyAnalyzer::addBidiEdge(), NLHandler::addDistrict(), RONetHandler::addParam(), ShapeHandler::addPOI(), NBOwnTLDef::buildNemaPhases(), MSParkingArea::enter(), NIImporter_MATSim::EdgesHandler::insertEdge(), NIImporter_OpenStreetMap::insertEdge(), NIImporter_OpenStreetMap::insertNodeChecking(), MSLane::isInsertionSuccess(), NBNodeCont::joinNodeCluster(), NBEdge::Lane::Lane(), NWWriter_OpenDrive::mapmatchRoadObjects(), Parameterised::mergeParameters(), MSStateHandler::myStartElement(), NIXMLConnectionsHandler::myStartElement(), NIXMLNodesHandler::myStartElement(), NIXMLTrafficLightsHandler::myStartElement(), ShapeHandler::myStartElement(), GNESingleParametersDialog::onCmdAccept(), NBRailwayTopologyAnalyzer::reverseEdges(), GNEVType::setAttribute(), NBEdge::setJunctionPriority(), NIImporter_OpenDrive::setLaneAttributes(), MSRailCrossing::setParameter(), MSActuatedTrafficLightLogic::setParameter(), MSRailSignal::setParameter(), MSSimpleTrafficLightLogic::setParameter(), NEMALogic::setParameter(), LIBSUMO_NAMESPACE::Simulation::setParameter(), Parameterised::setParametersStr(), LIBSUMO_NAMESPACE::Vehicle::setStopParameter(), LIBSUMO_NAMESPACE::TrafficLight::swapParameters(), Parameterised::updateParameters(), NWWriter_OpenDrive::writeNetwork(), and NIImporter_OpenDrive::writeRoadObjects().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ setParameters()

void Parameterised::setParameters ( const Parameterised params)

set the inner key/value map in map<string, string> format

Definition at line 167 of file Parameterised.cpp.

References Parameterised::getParametersMap(), and Parameterised::myMap.

Referenced by MSStageDriving::clone(), MSStageTranship::clone(), MSStageTrip::clone(), MSStageWaiting::clone(), MSStageWalking::clone(), and MSStageTrip::reroute().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ setParametersStr()

void Parameterised::setParametersStr ( const std::string &  paramsString,
const std::string  kvsep = "=",
const std::string  sep = "|" 

set the inner key/value map in string format "key1=value1|key2=value2|...|keyN=valueN"

[in]paramsStringA serialized key-value map
[in]kvsepThe separater between key and value
[in]sepThe separater between map entries

Definition at line 173 of file Parameterised.cpp.

References StringTokenizer::getVector(), Parameterised::myMap, and Parameterised::setParameter().

Referenced by MSDevice_Taxi::initDispatch(), GNEAccess::setAttribute(), GNEBusStop::setAttribute(), GNECalibrator::setAttribute(), GNECalibratorFlow::setAttribute(), GNEChargingStation::setAttribute(), GNEContainerStop::setAttribute(), GNEMultiEntryExitDetector::setAttribute(), GNEOverheadWire::setAttribute(), GNEParkingArea::setAttribute(), GNEParkingSpace::setAttribute(), GNERerouter::setAttribute(), GNERouteProbe::setAttribute(), GNETAZ::setAttribute(), GNETAZSourceSink::setAttribute(), GNETractionSubstation::setAttribute(), GNEVaporizer::setAttribute(), GNEVariableSpeedSign::setAttribute(), GNEEdgeData::setAttribute(), GNEEdgeRelData::setAttribute(), GNETAZRelData::setAttribute(), GNEContainer::setAttribute(), GNEPerson::setAttribute(), GNERoute::setAttribute(), GNEStop::setAttribute(), GNEVehicle::setAttribute(), GNEVType::setAttribute(), GNEConnection::setAttribute(), GNEEdge::setAttribute(), GNEEdgeType::setAttribute(), GNEJunction::setAttribute(), GNELane::setAttribute(), GNELaneType::setAttribute(), GNEPOI::setAttribute(), GNEPoly::setAttribute(), and GNEDetector::setDetectorAttribute().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ setPState()

void MSStageMoving::setPState ( MSTransportableStateAdapter pstate)

Definition at line 53 of file MSStageMoving.h.

References myPState.

Referenced by MSPModel_JuPedSim::remove().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ setRouteIndex()

void MSStageMoving::setRouteIndex ( MSTransportable *const  transportable,
int  routeOffset 

place transportable on a previously passed edge

Definition at line 101 of file MSStageMoving.cpp.

References MSEdge::addTransportable(), getEdge(), myRoute, myRouteStep, and MSEdge::removeTransportable().

◆ setSpeed()

virtual void MSStage::setSpeed ( double  )

sets the walking speed (ignored in other stages)

Reimplemented in MSStageWalking.

Definition at line 149 of file MSStage.h.

◆ setTrip()

void MSStage::setTrip ( MSStageTrip trip)

Definition at line 272 of file MSStage.h.

References MSStage::myTrip.

Referenced by MSStageTrip::reroute().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ tripInfoOutput()

virtual void MSStage::tripInfoOutput ( OutputDevice os,
const MSTransportable *const  transportable 
) const
pure virtualinherited

Called on writing tripinfo output.

[in]osThe stream to write the information into
IOErrornot yet implemented

Implemented in MSStageWalking, MSStageWaiting, MSStageTrip, MSStageTranship, MSStageDriving, and MSPerson::MSPersonStage_Access.

◆ unsetParameter()

void Parameterised::unsetParameter ( const std::string &  key)

Removes a parameter.

[in]keyThe parameter's name

Definition at line 51 of file Parameterised.cpp.

References Parameterised::myMap.

Referenced by NIImporter_OpenStreetMap::insertEdge(), MSLane::isInsertionSuccess(), NIImporter_OpenStreetMap::load(), GNEVType::setAttribute(), and LIBSUMO_NAMESPACE::TrafficLight::swapParameters().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ updateParameters()

void Parameterised::updateParameters ( const Parameterised::Map mapArg)

◆ wasSet()

bool MSStage::wasSet ( int  what) const

Definition at line 244 of file MSStage.h.

References MSStage::myParametersSet.

Referenced by MSStageTrip::reroute(), MSStageTrip::routeOutput(), and MSStageWalking::routeOutput().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ writeParams()

void Parameterised::writeParams ( OutputDevice device) const

write Params in the given outputdevice

Definition at line 188 of file Parameterised.cpp.

References OutputDevice::closeTag(), StringUtils::escapeXML(), Parameterised::myMap, OutputDevice::openTag(), SUMO_ATTR_KEY, SUMO_ATTR_VALUE, SUMO_TAG_PARAM, and OutputDevice::writeAttr().

Referenced by MSStageWaiting::routeOutput(), MSTransportable::routeOutput(), ROPerson::saveAsXML(), ROVehicle::saveAsXML(), MEVehicle::saveState(), MSVehicle::saveState(), MSStop::write(), SUMOVTypeParameter::write(), SUMOVehicleParameter::Stop::write(), NBPTStop::write(), MSRailSignalConstraint_Predecessor::write(), GNEBusStop::writeAdditional(), GNECalibrator::writeAdditional(), GNECalibratorFlow::writeAdditional(), GNEChargingStation::writeAdditional(), GNEContainerStop::writeAdditional(), GNEEntryExitDetector::writeAdditional(), GNEInductionLoopDetector::writeAdditional(), GNEInstantInductionLoopDetector::writeAdditional(), GNELaneAreaDetector::writeAdditional(), GNEMultiEntryExitDetector::writeAdditional(), GNEOverheadWire::writeAdditional(), GNEParkingArea::writeAdditional(), GNEParkingSpace::writeAdditional(), GNERerouter::writeAdditional(), GNERouteProbe::writeAdditional(), GNETAZ::writeAdditional(), GNETractionSubstation::writeAdditional(), GNEVaporizer::writeAdditional(), GNEVariableSpeedSign::writeAdditional(), NWWriter_SUMO::writeConnection(), GNEContainer::writeDemandElement(), GNEPerson::writeDemandElement(), GNERoute::writeDemandElement(), GNEVehicle::writeDemandElement(), NWWriter_SUMO::writeEdge(), NWWriter_XML::writeEdgesAndConnections(), NWWriter_SUMO::writeJunction(), NWWriter_SUMO::writeLane(), NWWriter_XML::writeNodes(), MSDevice_Vehroutes::writeOutput(), NWWriter_SUMO::writeTrafficLight(), SUMOPolygon::writeXML(), and PointOfInterest::writeXML().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

Field Documentation

◆ myArrivalPos

◆ myArrivalPosLat

double MSStage::myArrivalPosLat

the lateral position at which we want to arrive

Definition at line 296 of file MSStage.h.

Referenced by MSStageDriving::clone(), MSStage::equals(), MSStage::getArrivalPosLat(), MSStage::getEdgePosLat(), and MSStageDriving::setArrived().

◆ myArrived

◆ myCosts

double MSStage::myCosts

The assigned or calculated costs.

Definition at line 311 of file MSStage.h.

Referenced by MSStage::getCosts(), and MSStage::setCosts().

◆ myCurrentInternalEdge

MSEdge* MSStageMoving::myCurrentInternalEdge = nullptr

The current internal edge this transportable is on or nullptr.

Definition at line 164 of file MSStageMoving.h.

Referenced by getEdge(), MSStageWalking::loadState(), and MSStageWalking::moveToNextEdge().

◆ myDeparted

◆ myDepartLane

int MSStageMoving::myDepartLane

the depart lane or -1

Definition at line 176 of file MSStageMoving.h.

Referenced by MSStageWalking::clone(), equals(), and getDepartLane().

◆ myDepartPos

◆ myDepartPosLat

double MSStageMoving::myDepartPosLat

the lateral depart position

Definition at line 173 of file MSStageMoving.h.

Referenced by MSStageWalking::clone(), equals(), getDepartPosLat(), and MSStageWalking::proceed().

◆ myDestination

◆ myDestinationStop

◆ myGroup

const std::string MSStage::myGroup

◆ myMap

◆ myParametersSet

int MSStage::myParametersSet

Information on which parameter were set (mainly for vehroute output)

Definition at line 314 of file MSStage.h.

Referenced by MSStage::markSet(), and MSStage::wasSet().

◆ myPState

◆ myRoute

◆ myRouteID

std::string MSStageMoving::myRouteID

The original route id.

Definition at line 158 of file MSStageMoving.h.

Referenced by MSStageWalking::clone(), and equals().

◆ myRouteStep

◆ mySpeed

◆ myTrip

MSStageTrip* MSStage::myTrip = nullptr

Definition at line 316 of file MSStage.h.

Referenced by MSStage::getTrip(), and MSStage::setTrip().

◆ myType


const double MSStage::ROADSIDE_OFFSET

the offset for computing positions when standing at an edge

Definition at line 319 of file MSStage.h.

Referenced by MSStageDriving::getPosition(), MSStageTrip::getPosition(), and MSStageWaiting::getPosition().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: