104 void setID(
const std::string& newID);
119 bool hasDevice(
const std::string& deviceName)
125 std::string
const std::string& deviceName,
const std::string& key)
128 void setDeviceParameter(
const std::string& deviceName,
const std::string& key,
const std::string& value);
331 bool replaceRouteEdges(
ConstMSEdgeVector& edges,
double cost,
double savings,
const std::string& info,
bool onInit =
bool check =
bool removeStops =
332 std::string* msgReturn =
345 virtual bool replaceRoute(
ConstMSRoutePtr route,
const std::string& info,
bool onInit =
int offset = 0,
bool addRouteStops =
bool removeStops =
346 std::string* msgReturn =
481 inline const std::vector<MSVehicleDevice*>&
const {
498 const std::vector<MSTransportable*>&
651 bool isStoppedInRange(
const double pos,
const double tolerance,
bool checkFuture =
714 inline const std::vector<SUMOVehicleParameter::Stop>&
const {
776 bool rerouteBetweenStops(
int nextStopIndex,
const std::string& info,
bool teleport, std::string& errorMsg);
829 template<PollutantsInterface::EmissionType ET>
958 virtual std::pair<const MSVehicle* const, double>
double dist = 0)
const {
961 return std::make_pair(
nullptr, -1);
972 virtual std::pair<const MSVehicle* const, double>
double dist = 0)
const {
975 return std::make_pair(
nullptr, -1);
1145 static void initMoveReminderOutput(
const OptionsCont& oc);
1149 void traceMoveReminder(
const std::string& type,
MSMoveReminder* rem,
double pos,
bool keep)
1152 const bool myTraceMoveReminders;
1155 static std::set<std::string> myShallTraceMoveReminders;
std::vector< const MSEdge * > ConstMSEdgeVector
ConstMSEdgeVector::const_iterator MSRouteIterator
#define WRITE_WARNING(msg)
std::shared_ptr< const MSRoute > ConstMSRoutePtr
Definition of vehicle classes to differ between different lane usage and authority types.
Possible ways to choose a lane on depart.
const double INVALID_DOUBLE
invalid double
An upper class for objects with additional parameters.
A MSVehicle extended by some values for usage within the gui.
void setExtraImpatience(double value)
Sets routing behavior.
double getExtraImpatience() const
return the current routing mode
static void cleanup()
Static cleanup.
static void init()
Static initalization.
virtual ~BaseInfluencer()
double myExtraImpatience
dynamic impatience offset
The base class for microscopic and mesoscopic vehicles.
double getMaxSpeed() const
Returns the maximum speed (the minimum of desired and technical maximum speed)
bool haveValidStopEdges(bool silent=false) const
check whether all stop.edge MSRouteIterators are valid and in order
int myRoutingMode
routing mode (see TraCIConstants.h)
bool hasJump(const MSRouteIterator &it) const
check wether the vehicle has jump at the given part of its route
double getDepartPos() const
Returns this vehicle's real departure position.
ConstMSRoutePtr getRoutePtr() const
Returns the current route.
virtual bool isSelected() const
whether this vehicle is selected in the GUI
virtual bool isRemoteControlled() const
Returns the information whether the vehicle is fully controlled via TraCI.
std::list< MSStop > myStops
The vehicle's list of stops.
StoppingPlaceMemory * myParkingMemory
memory for parking search
double getImpatience() const
Returns this vehicles impatience.
void setSkips(MSStop &stop, int prevActiveStops)
patch stop.pars.index to record the number of skipped candidate edges before stop....
virtual ConstMSEdgeVector::const_iterator getRerouteOrigin() const
Returns the starting point for reroutes (usually the current edge)
const StoppingPlaceMemory * getParkingMemory() const
const std::vector< MSTransportable * > & getPersons() const
retrieve riding persons
virtual void initDevices()
void rememberParkingAreaScore(const MSStoppingPlace *pa, const std::string &score)
score only needed when running with gui
const MSEdge * succEdge(int nSuccs) const
Returns the nSuccs'th successor of edge the vehicle is currently at.
void resetRoutePosition(int index, DepartLaneDefinition departLaneProcedure)
reset index of edge within route
virtual double getLateralPositionOnLane() const
Get the vehicle's lateral position on the lane.
std::string getDeviceParameter(const std::string &deviceName, const std::string &key) const
try to retrieve the given parameter from any of the vehicles devices, raise InvalidArgument if no dev...
StoppingPlaceMemory * myChargingMemory
const std::vector< MSVehicleDevice * > & getDevices() const
Returns this vehicle's devices.
bool replaceStop(int nextStopIndex, SUMOVehicleParameter::Stop stop, const std::string &info, bool teleport, std::string &errorMsg)
int getLeavingPersonNumber() const
Returns the number of leaving persons.
void calculateArrivalParams(bool onInit)
(Re-)Calculates the arrival position and lane from the vehicle parameters
void setChosenSpeedFactor(const double factor)
Returns the precomputed factor by which the driver wants to be faster than the speed limit.
virtual double getArrivalPos() const
Returns this vehicle's desired arrivalPos for its current route (may change on reroute)
void setCarFollowModelParameter(const std::string &key, const std::string &value)
set individual carFollow model parameters (not type related)
void setRoutingMode(int value)
Sets routing behavior.
void resetParkingAreaScores()
MSVehicleType * myType
This vehicle's type.
static NumericalID myCurrentNumericalIndex
virtual double getStopDelay() const
Returns the estimated public transport stop (departure) delay in seconds.
bool rerouteBetweenStops(int nextStopIndex, const std::string &info, bool teleport, std::string &errorMsg)
MoveReminderCont myMoveReminders
Currently relevant move reminders.
void rememberChargingStationScore(const MSStoppingPlace *cs, const std::string &score)
double myDepartPos
The real depart position.
const SUMOVehicleParameter & getParameter() const
Returns the vehicle's parameter (including departure definition)
void addReminder(MSMoveReminder *rem)
Adds a MoveReminder dynamically.
double getMaxChargeRate() const
Returns the maximum charge rate allowed by the battery in the current time step (W)
virtual const BaseInfluencer * getBaseInfluencer() const =0
void replaceParameter(const SUMOVehicleParameter *newParameter)
replace the vehicle parameter (deleting the old one)
void rememberBlockedParkingArea(const MSStoppingPlace *pa, bool local)
int getNumberParkingReroutes() const
double getChosenSpeedFactor() const
Returns the precomputed factor by which the driver wants to be faster than the speed limit.
std::vector< MSVehicleDevice * > myDevices
The devices this vehicle has.
virtual const MSEdge * getCurrentEdge() const
Returns the edge the vehicle is currently at (possibly an internal edge)
double getPreviousSpeed() const
Returns the vehicle's previous speed.
bool isReversed() const
Returns whether the logical state of the vehicle is reversed - for drawing.
virtual void addTransportable(MSTransportable *transportable)
Adds a person or container to this vehicle.
virtual BaseInfluencer & getBaseInfluencer()=0
Returns the velocity/lane influencer.
const SUMOVehicleParameter::Stop * getNextStopParameter() const
return parameters for the next stop (SUMOVehicle Interface)
void rememberBlockedChargingStation(const MSStoppingPlace *cs, bool local)
std::vector< std::pair< MSMoveReminder *, double > > MoveReminderCont
Definition of a move reminder container.
virtual bool replaceRoute(ConstMSRoutePtr route, const std::string &info, bool onInit=false, int offset=0, bool addRouteStops=true, bool removeStops=true, std::string *msgReturn=nullptr)
Replaces the current route by the given one.
virtual double getTimeLossSeconds() const
Returns the time loss in seconds.
double getOdometer() const
Returns the distance that was already driven by this vehicle.
virtual bool hasArrived() const
Returns whether this vehicle has already arived (by default this is true if the vehicle has reached i...
const NumericalID myNumericalID
bool isStoppedInRange(const double pos, const double tolerance, bool checkFuture=false) const
return whether the given position is within range of the current stop
bool isJumping() const
Returns whether the vehicle is perform a jump.
void checkRouteRemoval()
remove route at the end of the simulation
MSVehicleType & getSingularType()
Replaces the current vehicle type with a new one used by this vehicle only.
virtual void replaceVehicleType(MSVehicleType *type)
Replaces the current vehicle type by the one given.
const MSRouteIterator & getCurrentRouteEdge() const
Returns an iterator pointing to the current edge in this vehicles route.
bool isStoppedParking() const
Returns whether the vehicle is on a parking stop.
void setNumberParkingReroutes(int value)
void unregisterWaiting()
mark vehicle as active
virtual bool wasRemoteControlled(SUMOTime lookBack=DELTA_T) const
Returns the information whether the vehicle is fully controlled via TraCI.
bool hasValidRoute(std::string &msg, ConstMSRoutePtr route=0) const
Validates the current or given route.
virtual void onRemovalFromNet(const MSMoveReminder::Notification)
Called when the vehicle is removed from the network.
double getLength() const
Returns the vehicle's length.
bool isParking() const
Returns whether the vehicle is parking.
MSParkingArea * getCurrentParkingArea()
get the current parking area stop or nullptr
const MSEdge * getEdge() const
Returns the edge the vehicle is currently at.
MSBaseVehicle & operator=(const MSBaseVehicle &s)=delete
invalidated assignment operator
double getHarmonoise_NoiseEmissions() const
Returns noise emissions of the current state.
virtual int getArrivalLane() const
int getPersonNumber() const
Returns the number of persons.
double getRelativeStateOfCharge() const
Returns actual relative state of charge of battery (-)
void setJunctionModelParameter(const std::string &key, const std::string &value)
set individual junction model paramete (not type related)
void setDepartAndArrivalEdge()
apply departEdge and arrivalEdge attributes
void setID(const std::string &newID)
set the id (inherited from Named but forbidden for vehicles)
MSRouteIterator myCurrEdge
Iterator to current route-edge.
static MSLane * interpretOppositeStop(SUMOVehicleParameter::Stop &stop)
interpret stop lane on opposite side of the road
virtual const MSEdge * getNextEdgePtr() const
returns the next edge (possibly an internal edge)
static std::vector< MSTransportable * > myEmptyTransportableVector
const std::vector< std::string > & getParkingBadges() const
get the valid parking access rights (vehicle settings override vehicle type settings)
bool hasDeparted() const
Returns whether this vehicle has already departed.
bool ignoreTransientPermissions() const
Returns whether this object is ignoring transient permission changes (during routing)
ConstMSRoutePtr myRoute
This vehicle's route.
const ConstMSEdgeVector getStopEdges(double &firstPos, double &lastPos, std::set< int > &jumps) const
Returns the list of still pending stop edges also returns the first and last stop position.
double getWidth() const
Returns the vehicle's width.
MSDevice_Transportable * myContainerDevice
The containers this vehicle may have.
const std::list< MSStop > & getStops() const
void resetChargingStationScores()
bool allowsBoarding(const MSTransportable *t) const
whether the given transportable is allowed to board this vehicle
double getStateOfCharge() const
Returns actual state of charge of battery (Wh) RICE_CHECK: This may be a misnomer,...
MSEdgeWeightsStorage & _getWeightsStorage() const
virtual bool handleCollisionStop(MSStop &stop, const double distToStop)
bool isVehicle() const
Whether it is a vehicle.
bool hasDevice(const std::string &deviceName) const
check whether the vehicle is equiped with a device of the given name
SUMOTime getDeparture() const
Returns this vehicle's real departure time.
double getWaitingSeconds() const
Returns the number of seconds waited (speed was lesser than 0.1m/s)
const MSDevice_Transportable * getPersonDevice() const
SUMOTime sawBlockedChargingStation(const MSStoppingPlace *cs, bool local) const
EnergyParams * getEmissionParameters() const
retrieve parameters for the energy consumption model
double basePos(const MSEdge *edge) const
departure position where the vehicle fits fully onto the edge (if possible)
void setDeviceParameter(const std::string &deviceName, const std::string &key, const std::string &value)
try to set the given parameter from any of the vehicles devices, raise InvalidArgument if no device p...
MSDevice_Transportable * myPersonDevice
The passengers this vehicle may have.
bool hasStops() const
Returns whether the vehicle has to stop somewhere.
void addToOdometer(double value)
Manipulate the odometer.
std::string getFlowID() const
reconstruct flow id from vehicle id
virtual void activateReminders(const MSMoveReminder::Notification reason, const MSLane *enteredLane=0)
"Activates" all current move reminder
bool isLineStop(double position) const
returns whether the vehicle serves a public transport line that serves the given stop
double myChosenSpeedFactor
A precomputed factor by which the driver wants to be faster than the speed limit.
route was checked and is valid
std::string getPrefixedParameter(const std::string &key, std::string &error) const
retrieve parameters of devices, models and the vehicle itself
void addStops(const bool ignoreStopErrors, MSRouteIterator *searchStart=nullptr, bool addRouteStops=true)
Adds stops to the built vehicle.
void removeTransportable(MSTransportable *t)
removes a person or container
SUMOTime sawBlockedParkingArea(const MSStoppingPlace *pa, bool local) const
SUMOVehicleClass getVClass() const
Returns the vehicle's access class.
virtual double getStopArrivalDelay() const
Returns the estimated public transport stop arrival delay in seconds.
MSParkingArea * getNextParkingArea()
get the upcoming parking area stop or nullptr
int myArrivalLane
The destination lane where the vehicle stops.
int getRouteValidity(bool update=true, bool silent=false, std::string *msgReturn=nullptr)
check for route validity at first insertion attempt
MSStop & getStop(int nextStopIndex)
virtual std::pair< const MSVehicle *const, double > getFollower(double dist=0) const
Returns the follower of the vehicle looking for a fixed distance.
virtual ~MSBaseVehicle()
bool insertStop(int nextStopIndex, SUMOVehicleParameter::Stop stop, const std::string &info, bool teleport, std::string &errorMsg)
SUMOTime myDeparture
The real departure time.
virtual void setArrivalPos(double arrivalPos)
Sets this vehicle's desired arrivalPos for its current route.
std::vector< std::string > getPersonIDList() const
Returns the list of persons.
const MSEdgeWeightsStorage & getWeightsStorage() const
Returns the vehicle's internal edge travel times/efforts container.
bool isStoppedTriggered() const
Returns whether the vehicle is on a triggered stop.
const std::vector< SUMOVehicleParameter::Stop > & getPastStops() const
const SUMOVTypeParameter & getVTypeParameter() const
Returns the vehicle's type parameter.
virtual bool resumeFromStopping()=0
virtual bool hasInfluencer() const =0
whether the vehicle is individually influenced (via TraCI or special parameters)
const std::set< SUMOTrafficObject::NumericalID > getUpcomingEdgeIDs() const
returns the numerical ids of edges to travel
bool stopsAtEdge(const MSEdge *edge) const
Returns whether the vehicle stops at the given edge.
bool addStop(const SUMOVehicleParameter::Stop &stopPar, std::string &errorMsg, SUMOTime untilOffset=0, MSRouteIterator *searchStart=nullptr)
Adds a stop.
double getChargedEnergy() const
Returns the energy charged to the battery in the current time step (Wh)
NumericalID getNumericalID() const
return the numerical ID which is only for internal usage
std::vector< SUMOVehicleParameter::Stop > myPastStops
The list of stops that the vehicle has already reached.
void onDepart()
Called when the vehicle is inserted into the network.
void removeReminder(MSMoveReminder *rem)
Removes a MoveReminder dynamically.
SUMOTime getStopDuration() const
get remaining stop duration or 0 if the vehicle isn't stopped
virtual double getAcceleration() const
Returns the vehicle's acceleration.
virtual double getRightSideOnEdge(const MSLane *lane=0) const
Get the vehicle's lateral position on the edge of the given lane (or its current edge if lane == 0)
virtual bool addTraciStop(SUMOVehicleParameter::Stop stop, std::string &errorMsg)
const MSRoute & getRoute() const
Returns the current route.
int getRoutingMode() const
return routing mode (configures router choice but also handling of transient permission changes)
int getRoutePosition() const
return index of edge within route
virtual const MSEdge * getRerouteDestination() const
Returns the end point for reroutes (usually the last edge of the route)
const MSDevice_Transportable * getContainerDevice() const
bool replaceParkingArea(MSParkingArea *parkingArea, std::string &errorMsg)
replace the current parking area stop with a new stop with merge duration
static const SUMOTime NOT_YET_DEPARTED
int myNumberParkingReroutes
SUMOTime getDepartDelay() const
Returns the depart delay.
double getEmissions() const
Returns emissions of the current state The value is always per 1s, so multiply by step length if nece...
double getElecHybridCurrent() const
Returns actual current (A) of ElecHybrid device RICE_CHECK: Is this the current consumed from the ove...
bool myAmRegisteredAsWaiting
Whether this vehicle is registered as waiting for a person or container (for deadlock-recognition)
SUMOAbstractRouter< MSEdge, SUMOVehicle > & getRouterTT() const
EnergyParams * myEnergyParams
The emission parameters this vehicle may have.
const SUMOVehicleParameter * myParameter
This vehicle's parameter.
virtual bool hasValidRouteStart(std::string &msg)
checks wether the vehicle can depart on the first edge
int myRouteValidity
status of the current vehicle route
std::vector< std::pair< int, double > > getStopIndices() const
return list of route indices for the remaining stops
virtual bool isFrontOnLane(const MSLane *) const
Returns the information whether the front of the vehhicle is on the given lane.
SUMOTime myStopUntilOffset
The offset when adding route stops with 'until' on route replacement.
int getNumberReroutes() const
Returns the number of new routes this vehicle got.
virtual bool isOnRoad() const
Returns the information whether the vehicle is on a road (is simulated)
virtual std::pair< const MSVehicle *const, double > getLeader(double dist=0) const
Returns the leader of the vehicle looking for a fixed distance.
const std::vector< MSTransportable * > & getContainers() const
retrieve riding containers
const StoppingPlaceMemory * getChargingMemory() const
bool reroute(SUMOTime t, const std::string &info, SUMOAbstractRouter< MSEdge, SUMOVehicle > &router, const bool onInit=false, const bool withTaz=false, const bool silent=false, const MSEdge *sink=nullptr)
Performs a rerouting using the given router.
bool stopsAt(MSStoppingPlace *stop) const
Returns whether the vehicle stops at the given stopping place.
MSEdgeWeightsStorage * myEdgeWeights
const MSVehicleType & getVehicleType() const
Returns the vehicle's type definition.
void createDevice(const std::string &deviceName)
create device of the given type
bool isStopped() const
Returns whether the vehicle is at a stop.
MSDevice * getDevice(const std::type_info &type) const
Returns a device of the given type if it exists, nullptr otherwise.
bool abortNextStop(int nextStopIndex=0)
deletes the next stop at the given index if it exists
int myNumberReroutes
The number of reroutings.
double myArrivalPos
The position on the destination lane where the vehicle stops.
bool insertJump(int nextStopIndex, MSRouteIterator itStart, std::string &errorMsg)
helper function
virtual void saveState(OutputDevice &out)
Saves the (common) state of a vehicle.
double myOdometer
A simple odometer to keep track of the length of the route already driven.
void initTransientModelParams()
init model parameters from generic params
int getContainerNumber() const
Returns the number of containers.
bool replaceRouteEdges(ConstMSEdgeVector &edges, double cost, double savings, const std::string &info, bool onInit=false, bool check=false, bool removeStops=true, std::string *msgReturn=nullptr)
Replaces the current route by the given edges.
A device which collects vehicular emissions.
Abstract in-vehicle / in-person device.
A road/street connecting two junctions.
A storage for edge travel times and efforts.
Representation of a lane in the micro simulation.
Something on a lane to be noticed about vehicle movement.
Definition of a vehicle state.
A lane area vehicles can halt at.
A lane area vehicles can halt at.
Abstract in-vehicle device.
The car-following model and parameter.
double getWidth() const
Get the width which vehicles of this class shall have when being drawn.
SUMOEmissionClass getEmissionClass() const
Get this vehicle type's emission class.
double getLength() const
Get vehicle's length [m].
const SUMOVTypeParameter & getParameter() const
A storage for options typed value containers)
Static storage of an output device and its base (abstract) implementation.
static double compute(const SUMOEmissionClass c, const EmissionType e, const double v, const double a, const double slope, const EnergyParams *param)
Returns the amount of the emitted pollutant given the vehicle type and state (in mg/s or ml/s for fue...
virtual double getSlope() const =0
Returns the slope of the road at object's position in degrees.
long long int NumericalID
virtual double getSpeed() const =0
Returns the object's current speed.
virtual SUMOTime getWaitingTime(const bool accumulated=false) const =0
Structure representing possible vehicle parameter.
SUMOVehicleClass vehicleClass
The vehicle's class.
Representation of a vehicle.
virtual bool isIdling() const =0
Returns whether the vehicle is idling (waiting to re-enter the net.
Definition of vehicle stop (position and duration)
Structure representing possible vehicle parameter.