Eclipse SUMO - Simulation of Urban MObility
RODFNet Class Reference

A DFROUTER-network. More...

#include <RODFNet.h>

Inheritance diagram for RODFNet:
Collaboration diagram for RODFNet:

Data Structures

class  DFRouteDescByTimeComperator
struct  idComp
 comparator for maps using edges as key, used only in myDetectorsOnEdges to make tests comparable More...
struct  IterationEdge

Public Types

typedef std::map< const SUMOTime, std::vector< RORoutable * > > RoutablesMap

Public Member Functions

void addRestriction (const std::string &id, const SUMOVehicleClass svc, const double speed)
 Adds a restriction for an edge type. More...
void buildApproachList ()
void buildDetectorDependencies (RODFDetectorCon &detectors)
void buildEdgeFlowMap (const RODFDetectorFlows &flows, const RODFDetectorCon &detectors, SUMOTime startTime, SUMOTime endTime, SUMOTime stepOffset)
void buildRoutes (RODFDetectorCon &det, bool keepUnfoundEnds, bool includeInBetween, bool keepShortestOnly, int maxFollowingLength) const
void computeTypes (RODFDetectorCon &dets, bool sourcesStrict) const
double getAbsPos (const RODFDetector &det) const
double getAvgSpeedFactorLKW () const
double getAvgSpeedFactorPKW () const
const std::vector< std::string > & getDetectorList (ROEdge *edge) const
double getMaxSpeedFactorLKW () const
double getMaxSpeedFactorPKW () const
const std::map< SUMOVehicleClass, double > * getRestrictions (const std::string &id) const
 Returns the restrictions for an edge type If no restrictions are present, 0 is returned. More...
bool hasDetector (ROEdge *edge) const
void mesoJoin (RODFDetectorCon &detectors, RODFDetectorFlows &flows)
void removeEmptyDetectors (RODFDetectorCon &detectors, RODFDetectorFlows &flows)
void reportEmptyDetectors (RODFDetectorCon &detectors, RODFDetectorFlows &flows)
void revalidateFlows (const RODFDetectorCon &detectors, RODFDetectorFlows &flows, SUMOTime startTime, SUMOTime endTime, SUMOTime stepOffset)
 RODFNet (bool amInHighwayMode)
 Constructor. More...
 ~RODFNet ()
 Destructor. More...
Insertion and retrieval of graph parts
virtual bool addEdge (ROEdge *edge)
bool addDistrict (const std::string id, ROEdge *source, ROEdge *sink)
bool addDistrictEdge (const std::string tazID, const std::string edgeID, const bool isSource)
void addJunctionTaz (ROAbstractEdgeBuilder &eb)
 add a taz for every junction unless a taz with the same id already exists More...
void setBidiEdges (const std::map< ROEdge *, std::string > &bidiMap)
 add a taz for every junction unless a taz with the same id already exists More...
const std::map< std::string, std::pair< std::vector< std::string >, std::vector< std::string > > > & getDistricts () const
 Retrieves all TAZ (districts) from the network. More...
ROEdgegetEdge (const std::string &name) const
 Retrieves an edge from the network. More...
ROEdgegetEdgeForLaneID (const std::string &laneID) const
 Retrieves an edge from the network when the lane id is given. More...
ROLanegetLane (const std::string &laneID) const
 Retrieves a lane rom the network given its id. More...
void addNode (RONode *node)
RONodegetNode (const std::string &id) const
 Retrieves an node from the network. More...
void addStoppingPlace (const std::string &id, const SumoXMLTag category, SUMOVehicleParameter::Stop *stop)
const SUMOVehicleParameter::StopgetStoppingPlace (const std::string &id, const SumoXMLTag category) const
 Retrieves a stopping place from the network. More...
const std::string getStoppingPlaceName (const std::string &id) const
 return the name for the given stopping place id More...
const std::string getStoppingPlaceElement (const std::string &id) const
 return the element name for the given stopping place id More...
Insertion and retrieval of vehicle types, vehicles, routes, and route definitions
bool checkVType (const std::string &id)
 Checks whether the vehicle type (distribution) may be added. More...
virtual bool addVehicleType (SUMOVTypeParameter *type)
 Adds a read vehicle type definition to the network. More...
bool addVTypeDistribution (const std::string &id, RandomDistributor< SUMOVTypeParameter * > *vehTypeDistribution)
 Adds a vehicle type distribution. More...
const RandomDistributor< SUMOVTypeParameter * > * getVTypeDistribution (const std::string &id)
 Retrieves the named vehicle type distribution. More...
SUMOVTypeParametergetVehicleTypeSecure (const std::string &id)
 Retrieves the named vehicle type. More...
bool addRouteDef (RORouteDef *def)
RORouteDefgetRouteDef (const std::string &name) const
 Returns the named route definition. More...
virtual bool addVehicle (const std::string &id, ROVehicle *veh)
bool knowsVehicle (const std::string &id) const
 returns whether a vehicle with the given id was already loaded More...
SUMOTime getDeparture (const std::string &vehID) const
 returns departure time for the given vehicle id More...
bool addFlow (SUMOVehicleParameter *flow, const bool randomize)
bool addPerson (ROPerson *person)
void addContainer (const SUMOTime depart, const std::string desc)

Static Public Member Functions

static RONetgetInstance ()
 Returns the pointer to the unique instance of RONet (singleton). More...

Protected Member Functions

void buildDetectorEdgeDependencies (RODFDetectorCon &dets) const
void computeRoutesFor (ROEdge *edge, RODFRouteDesc &base, int no, bool keepUnfoundEnds, bool keepShortestOnly, ROEdgeVector &visited, const RODFDetector &det, RODFRouteCont &into, const RODFDetectorCon &detectors, int maxFollowingLength, ROEdgeVector &seen) const
ROEdgegetDetectorEdge (const RODFDetector &det) const
bool hasApproached (ROEdge *edge) const
bool hasApproaching (ROEdge *edge) const
bool hasInBetweenDetectorsOnly (ROEdge *edge, const RODFDetectorCon &detectors) const
bool hasSourceDetector (ROEdge *edge, const RODFDetectorCon &detectors) const
bool isAllowed (const ROEdge *const edge) const
bool isDestination (const RODFDetector &det, const RODFDetectorCon &detectors) const
bool isDestination (const RODFDetector &det, ROEdge *edge, ROEdgeVector &seen, const RODFDetectorCon &detectors) const
bool isFalseSource (const RODFDetector &det, const RODFDetectorCon &detectors) const
bool isFalseSource (const RODFDetector &det, ROEdge *edge, ROEdgeVector &seen, const RODFDetectorCon &detectors) const
bool isSource (const RODFDetector &det, const RODFDetectorCon &detectors, bool strict) const
bool isSource (const RODFDetector &det, ROEdge *edge, ROEdgeVector &seen, const RODFDetectorCon &detectors, bool strict) const
void revalidateFlows (const RODFDetector *detector, RODFDetectorFlows &flows, SUMOTime startTime, SUMOTime endTime, SUMOTime stepOffset)

Private Attributes

SUMOVehicleClass myAllowedVClass
bool myAmInHighwayMode
std::map< ROEdge *, ROEdgeVectormyApproachedEdges
 Map of edge name->list of names of edges approached by this edge. More...
std::map< ROEdge *, ROEdgeVectormyApproachingEdges
 Map of edge name->list of names of this edge approaching edges. More...
double myAvgSpeedFactorLKW
double myAvgSpeedFactorPKW
std::map< std::string, ROEdge * > myDetectorEdges
std::map< ROEdge *, std::vector< std::string >, idCompmyDetectorsOnEdges
std::vector< std::string > myDisallowedEdges
 List of ids of edges that shall not be used. More...
int myInBetweenNumber
int myInvalidNumber
bool myKeepTurnarounds
double myMaxSpeedFactorLKW
double myMaxSpeedFactorPKW
 maximum speed factor in measurements More...
int mySinkNumber
int mySourceNumber

Processing stored vehicle definitions

std::map< std::string, SUMOTimemyVehIDs
 Known vehicle ids and their departure. More...
std::set< std::string > myPersonIDs
 Known person ids. More...
NamedObjectCont< RONode * > myNodes
 Known nodes. More...
NamedObjectCont< ROEdge * > myEdges
 Known edges. More...
std::map< SumoXMLTag, NamedObjectCont< SUMOVehicleParameter::Stop * > > myStoppingPlaces
 Known bus / train / container stops and parking areas. More...
NamedObjectCont< SUMOVTypeParameter * > myVehicleTypes
 Known vehicle types. More...
VTypeDistDictType myVTypeDistDict
 A distribution of vehicle types (probability->vehicle type) More...
bool myDefaultVTypeMayBeDeleted
 Whether the default vehicle type was already used or can still be replaced. More...
bool myDefaultPedTypeMayBeDeleted
 Whether the default pedestrian type was already used or can still be replaced. More...
bool myDefaultBikeTypeMayBeDeleted
 Whether the default bicycle type was already used or can still be replaced. More...
bool myDefaultTaxiTypeMayBeDeleted
 Whether the default taxi type was already used or can still be replaced. More...
bool myDefaultRailTypeMayBeDeleted
 Whether the default rail type was already used or can still be replaced. More...
NamedObjectCont< RORouteDef * > myRoutes
 Known routes. More...
RoutablesMap myRoutables
 Known routables. More...
NamedObjectCont< SUMOVehicleParameter * > myFlows
 Known flows. More...
bool myHaveActiveFlows
 whether any flows are still active More...
ContainerMap myContainers
std::vector< const RORoutable * > myPTVehicles
 vehicles to keep for public transport routing More...
std::map< std::string, std::vector< SUMOTime > > myDepartures
 Departure times for randomized flows. More...
std::map< std::string, std::pair< std::vector< std::string >, std::vector< std::string > > > myDistricts
 traffic assignment zones with sources and sinks More...
 The file to write the computed routes into. More...
 The file to write the computed route alternatives into. More...
 The file to write the vehicle types into. More...
int myReadRouteNo
 The number of read routes. More...
int myDiscardedRouteNo
 The number of discarded routes. More...
int myWrittenRouteNo
 The number of written routes. More...
bool myHavePermissions
 Whether the network contains edges which not all vehicles may pass. More...
std::map< std::string, std::map< SUMOVehicleClass, double > > myRestrictions
 The vehicle class specific speed restrictions. More...
int myNumInternalEdges
 The number of internal edges in the dictionary. More...
 handler for ignorable error messages More...
const bool myKeepVTypeDist
 whether to keep the the vtype distribution in output More...
const bool myDoPTRouting
 whether to calculate routes for public transport More...
bool myHasBidiEdges
 whether the network contains bidirectional railway edges More...
SUMOTime saveAndRemoveRoutesUntil (OptionsCont &options, const RORouterProvider &provider, SUMOTime time)
 Computes routes described by their definitions and saves them. More...
bool furtherStored ()
 Returns the information whether further vehicles, persons or containers are stored. More...
void openOutput (const OptionsCont &options)
 Opens the output for computed routes. More...
void writeIntermodal (const OptionsCont &options, ROIntermodalRouter &router) const
 Writes the intermodal network and weights if requested. More...
void cleanup ()
 closes the file output for computed routes and deletes associated threads if necessary More...
int getEdgeNumber () const
 Returns the total number of edges the network contains including internal edges. More...
int getInternalEdgeNumber () const
 Returns the number of internal edges the network contains. More...
const NamedObjectCont< ROEdge * > & getEdgeMap () const
bool hasPermissions () const
void setPermissionsFound ()
bool hasBidiEdges () const
 return whether the network contains bidirectional rail edges More...
bool hasLoadedEffort () const
 whether efforts were loaded from file More...
OutputDevicegetRouteOutput (const bool alternative=false)
typedef std::map< std::string, RandomDistributor< SUMOVTypeParameter * > * > VTypeDistDictType
 Vehicle type distribution dictionary type. More...
typedef std::multimap< const SUMOTime, const std::string > ContainerMap
 Known containers. More...
static RONetmyInstance = nullptr
 Unique instance of RONet. More...
static void adaptIntermodalRouter (ROIntermodalRouter &router)
void checkFlows (SUMOTime time, MsgHandler *errorHandler)
void createBulkRouteRequests (const RORouterProvider &provider, const SUMOTime time, const bool removeLoops)

Detailed Description

A DFROUTER-network.

Definition at line 42 of file RODFNet.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ ContainerMap

typedef std::multimap<const SUMOTime, const std::string> RONet::ContainerMap

Known containers.

Definition at line 537 of file RONet.h.

◆ RoutablesMap

typedef std::map<const SUMOTime, std::vector<RORoutable*> > RONet::RoutablesMap

Definition at line 65 of file RONet.h.

◆ VTypeDistDictType

typedef std::map< std::string, RandomDistributor<SUMOVTypeParameter*>* > RONet::VTypeDistDictType

Vehicle type distribution dictionary type.

Definition at line 505 of file RONet.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ RODFNet()

RODFNet::RODFNet ( bool  amInHighwayMode)


[in]amInHighwayModeWhether search for following edges shall stop at slow edges

Definition at line 46 of file RODFNet.cpp.

References OptionsCont::getBool(), OptionsCont::getOptions(), OptionsCont::getStringVector(), getVehicleClassID(), myAllowedVClass, myDisallowedEdges, and myKeepTurnarounds.

◆ ~RODFNet()

RODFNet::~RODFNet ( )


Definition at line 59 of file RODFNet.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

◆ adaptIntermodalRouter()

◆ addContainer()

void RONet::addContainer ( const SUMOTime  depart,
const std::string  desc 

Definition at line 534 of file RONet.cpp.

References RONet::myContainers.

Referenced by RORouteHandler::closeContainer(), and RORouteHandler::closeContainerFlow().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ addDistrict()

bool RONet::addDistrict ( const std::string  id,
ROEdge source,
ROEdge sink 

Definition at line 174 of file RONet.cpp.

References RONet::addEdge(), CONNECTOR, RONet::myDistricts, ROEdge::setFunction(), ROEdge::setOtherTazConnector(), TL, and WRITE_ERRORF.

Referenced by RONet::addJunctionTaz(), and RONetHandler::parseDistrict().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ addDistrictEdge()

bool RONet::addDistrictEdge ( const std::string  tazID,
const std::string  edgeID,
const bool  isSource 

Definition at line 197 of file RONet.cpp.

References ROEdge::addSuccessor(), RONet::getEdge(), RONet::myDistricts, TL, and WRITE_ERRORF.

Referenced by RONetHandler::parseDistrict(), and RONetHandler::parseDistrictEdge().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ addEdge()

bool RONet::addEdge ( ROEdge edge)

Definition at line 160 of file RONet.cpp.

References NamedObjectCont< T >::add(), Named::getID(), ROEdge::isInternal(), RONet::myEdges, RONet::myNumInternalEdges, TL, and WRITE_ERRORF.

Referenced by RONet::addDistrict(), and RONetHandler::parseEdge().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ addFlow()

bool RONet::addFlow ( SUMOVehicleParameter flow,
const bool  randomize 

Definition at line 504 of file RONet.cpp.

References NamedObjectCont< T >::add(), SUMOVehicleParameter::depart, SUMOVehicleParameter::id, RONet::myDepartures, RONet::myFlows, RONet::myHaveActiveFlows, RandHelper::rand(), SUMOVehicleParameter::repetitionNumber, and SUMOVehicleParameter::repetitionOffset.

Referenced by RORouteHandler::closeFlow().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ addJunctionTaz()

void RONet::addJunctionTaz ( ROAbstractEdgeBuilder eb)

add a taz for every junction unless a taz with the same id already exists

Definition at line 219 of file RONet.cpp.

References RONet::addDistrict(), ROEdge::addSuccessor(), ROAbstractEdgeBuilder::buildEdge(), RONode::getIncoming(), RONode::getOutgoing(), RONet::myDistricts, RONet::myNodes, ROEdge::setOtherTazConnector(), TL, and WRITE_WARNINGF.

Referenced by ROLoader::loadNet().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ addNode()

void RONet::addNode ( RONode node)

Definition at line 268 of file RONet.cpp.

References NamedObjectCont< T >::add(), Named::getID(), RONet::myNodes, TL, and WRITE_ERRORF.

Referenced by RONetHandler::parseEdge().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ addPerson()

bool RONet::addPerson ( ROPerson person)

Definition at line 522 of file RONet.cpp.

References RORoutable::getDepart(), RORoutable::getID(), RONet::myPersonIDs, RONet::myRoutables, TL, and WRITE_ERRORF.

Referenced by RORouteHandler::addFlowPerson(), and RORouteHandler::closePerson().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ addRestriction()

void RONet::addRestriction ( const std::string &  id,
const SUMOVehicleClass  svc,
const double  speed 

Adds a restriction for an edge type.

[in]idThe id of the type
[in]svcThe vehicle class the restriction refers to
[in]speedThe restricted speed

Definition at line 144 of file RONet.cpp.

References RONet::myRestrictions.

Referenced by RONetHandler::myStartElement().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ addRouteDef()

bool RONet::addRouteDef ( RORouteDef def)

Definition at line 286 of file RONet.cpp.

References NamedObjectCont< T >::add(), Named::getID(), and RONet::myRoutes.

Referenced by RORouteHandler::closeRoute(), and RORouteHandler::closeRouteDistribution().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ addStoppingPlace()

void RONet::addStoppingPlace ( const std::string &  id,
const SumoXMLTag  category,
SUMOVehicleParameter::Stop stop 

Definition at line 277 of file RONet.cpp.

References RONet::myStoppingPlaces, SUMO_TAG_BUS_STOP, SUMO_TAG_TRAIN_STOP, TL, toString(), and WRITE_ERRORF.

Referenced by RONetHandler::parseStoppingPlace().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ addVehicle()

bool RONet::addVehicle ( const std::string &  id,
ROVehicle veh 

Definition at line 466 of file RONet.cpp.

References SUMOVehicleParameter::departProcedure, RORoutable::getDepart(), ROVehicle::getDepartureTime(), RORoutable::getParameter(), RORoutable::isPartOfFlow(), RORoutable::isPublicTransport(), RONet::myDoPTRouting, RONet::myPTVehicles, RONet::myRoutables, RONet::myVehIDs, TL, TRIGGERED, and WRITE_ERRORF.

Referenced by RONet::checkFlows(), and RORouteHandler::closeVehicle().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ addVehicleType()

bool RONet::addVehicleType ( SUMOVTypeParameter type)

Adds a read vehicle type definition to the network.

If the vehicle type definition is already known (another one with the same id exists), false is returned, and the vehicle type is deleted.

[in]defThe vehicle type to add
Whether the vehicle type could be added

Definition at line 442 of file RONet.cpp.

References NamedObjectCont< T >::add(), RONet::checkVType(), SUMOVTypeParameter::id, RONet::myVehicleTypes, TL, and WRITE_ERRORF.

Referenced by RORouteHandler::closeVType().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ addVTypeDistribution()

bool RONet::addVTypeDistribution ( const std::string &  id,
RandomDistributor< SUMOVTypeParameter * > *  vehTypeDistribution 

Adds a vehicle type distribution.

If another vehicle type (or distribution) with the same id exists, false is returned. Otherwise, the vehicle type distribution is added to the internal vehicle type distribution container "myVTypeDistDict".

This control get responsible for deletion of the added vehicle type distribution.

[in]idThe id of the distribution to add
[in]vehTypeDistributionThe vehicle type distribution to add
Whether the vehicle type could be added

Definition at line 455 of file RONet.cpp.

References RONet::checkVType(), and RONet::myVTypeDistDict.

Referenced by RORouteHandler::closeVehicleTypeDistribution().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ buildApproachList()

void RODFNet::buildApproachList ( )

Definition at line 73 of file RODFNet.cpp.

References RONet::getEdgeMap(), ROEdge::getFromJunction(), ROEdge::getSuccessors(), isAllowed(), myApproachedEdges, myApproachingEdges, and myKeepTurnarounds.

Referenced by main().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ buildDetectorDependencies()

void RODFNet::buildDetectorDependencies ( RODFDetectorCon detectors)

Definition at line 1008 of file RODFNet.cpp.

References RODFDetector::addPriorDetector(), buildDetectorEdgeDependencies(), RODFDetectorCon::getDetector(), RODFDetectorCon::getModifiableDetector(), RODFDetector::getRouteVector(), RODFDetector::hasRoutes(), myDetectorEdges, and myDetectorsOnEdges.

Referenced by startComputation().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ buildDetectorEdgeDependencies()

void RODFNet::buildDetectorEdgeDependencies ( RODFDetectorCon dets) const

Definition at line 98 of file RODFNet.cpp.

References getDetectorEdge(), RODFDetectorCon::getDetectors(), myDetectorEdges, and myDetectorsOnEdges.

Referenced by buildDetectorDependencies(), buildRoutes(), computeTypes(), and mesoJoin().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ buildEdgeFlowMap()

void RODFNet::buildEdgeFlowMap ( const RODFDetectorFlows flows,
const RODFDetectorCon detectors,
SUMOTime  startTime,
SUMOTime  endTime,
SUMOTime  stepOffset 

◆ buildRoutes()

void RODFNet::buildRoutes ( RODFDetectorCon det,
bool  keepUnfoundEnds,
bool  includeInBetween,
bool  keepShortestOnly,
int  maxFollowingLength 
) const

◆ checkFlows()

◆ checkVType()

bool RONet::checkVType ( const std::string &  id)

Checks whether the vehicle type (distribution) may be added.

This method checks also whether the default type may still be replaced

[in]idThe id of the vehicle type (distribution) to add
Whether the type (distribution) may be added

Definition at line 396 of file RONet.cpp.

References DEFAULT_BIKETYPE_ID, DEFAULT_PEDTYPE_ID, DEFAULT_RAILTYPE_ID, DEFAULT_TAXITYPE_ID, DEFAULT_VTYPE_ID, NamedObjectCont< T >::get(), RONet::myDefaultBikeTypeMayBeDeleted, RONet::myDefaultPedTypeMayBeDeleted, RONet::myDefaultRailTypeMayBeDeleted, RONet::myDefaultTaxiTypeMayBeDeleted, RONet::myDefaultVTypeMayBeDeleted, RONet::myVehicleTypes, RONet::myVTypeDistDict, and NamedObjectCont< T >::remove().

Referenced by RONet::addVehicleType(), and RONet::addVTypeDistribution().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ cleanup()

void RONet::cleanup ( )

closes the file output for computed routes and deletes associated threads if necessary

Definition at line 340 of file RONet.cpp.

References RouteCostCalculator< R, E, V >::cleanup(), OutputDevice::close(), RONet::myRouteAlternativesOutput, RONet::myRoutesOutput, and RONet::myTypesOutput.

Referenced by computeRoutes().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ computeRoutesFor()

void RODFNet::computeRoutesFor ( ROEdge edge,
RODFRouteDesc base,
int  no,
bool  keepUnfoundEnds,
bool  keepShortestOnly,
ROEdgeVector visited,
const RODFDetector det,
RODFRouteCont into,
const RODFDetectorCon detectors,
int  maxFollowingLength,
ROEdgeVector seen 
) const

◆ computeTypes()

void RODFNet::computeTypes ( RODFDetectorCon dets,
bool  sourcesStrict 
) const

Definition at line 111 of file RODFNet.cpp.

References BETWEEN_DETECTOR, buildDetectorEdgeDependencies(), DISCARDED_DETECTOR, RODFDetectorCon::getDetectors(), isDestination(), isFalseSource(), isSource(), myInBetweenNumber, myInvalidNumber, mySinkNumber, mySourceNumber, PROGRESS_BEGIN_MESSAGE, PROGRESS_DONE_MESSAGE, SINK_DETECTOR, SOURCE_DETECTOR, TL, toString(), TYPE_NOT_DEFINED, WRITE_MESSAGE, and WRITE_MESSAGEF.

Referenced by startComputation().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ createBulkRouteRequests()

void RONet::createBulkRouteRequests ( const RORouterProvider provider,
const SUMOTime  time,
const bool  removeLoops 

Definition at line 626 of file RONet.cpp.

References RORoutable::computeRoute(), RORoutable::getDepartEdge(), RORoutable::getID(), RORoutable::getMaxSpeed(), ROEdge::getNumericalID(), RORoutable::getVClass(), RONet::myErrorHandler, RONet::myRoutables, RouterProvider< E, L, N, V >::setBulkMode(), TL, and WRITE_WARNINGF.

Referenced by RONet::saveAndRemoveRoutesUntil().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ furtherStored()

bool RONet::furtherStored ( )

Returns the information whether further vehicles, persons or containers are stored.

Definition at line 787 of file RONet.cpp.

References RONet::myContainers, RONet::myFlows, RONet::myHaveActiveFlows, RONet::myRoutables, and NamedObjectCont< T >::size().

Referenced by ROLoader::openRoutes(), and ROLoader::processRoutes().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getAbsPos()

double RODFNet::getAbsPos ( const RODFDetector det) const

Definition at line 660 of file RODFNet.cpp.

References getDetectorEdge(), ROEdge::getLength(), and RODFDetector::getPos().

Referenced by isDestination(), and isSource().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getAvgSpeedFactorLKW()

double RODFNet::getAvgSpeedFactorLKW ( ) const

Definition at line 96 of file RODFNet.h.

References myAvgSpeedFactorLKW.

Referenced by RODFDetectorCon::writeEmitters().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getAvgSpeedFactorPKW()

double RODFNet::getAvgSpeedFactorPKW ( ) const

Definition at line 92 of file RODFNet.h.

References myAvgSpeedFactorPKW.

Referenced by RODFDetectorCon::writeEmitters().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getDeparture()

SUMOTime RONet::getDeparture ( const std::string &  vehID) const

returns departure time for the given vehicle id

Definition at line 493 of file RONet.cpp.

References RONet::myVehIDs, and TLF.

Referenced by RORouteHandler::addRide(), and RORouteHandler::addTransport().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getDetectorEdge()

ROEdge * RODFNet::getDetectorEdge ( const RODFDetector det) const

Definition at line 622 of file RODFNet.cpp.

References RONet::getEdge(), SUMOXMLDefinitions::getEdgeIDFromLane(), Named::getID(), and RODFDetector::getLaneID().

Referenced by buildDetectorEdgeDependencies(), buildRoutes(), computeRoutesFor(), getAbsPos(), isDestination(), isFalseSource(), isSource(), and revalidateFlows().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getDetectorList()

const std::vector< std::string > & RODFNet::getDetectorList ( ROEdge edge) const

Definition at line 654 of file RODFNet.cpp.

References myDetectorsOnEdges.

◆ getDistricts()

const std::map<std::string, std::pair<std::vector<std::string>, std::vector<std::string> > >& RONet::getDistricts ( ) const

Retrieves all TAZ (districts) from the network.

The map of all districts

Definition at line 145 of file RONet.h.

References RONet::myDistricts.

Referenced by main().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getEdge()

◆ getEdgeForLaneID()

ROEdge * RONet::getEdgeForLaneID ( const std::string &  laneID) const

Retrieves an edge from the network when the lane id is given.

[in]laneIDThe name of the lane to retrieve the edge for
The edge of the named lane if known, otherwise 0

Definition at line 805 of file RONet.cpp.

References RONet::getEdge(), and SUMOXMLDefinitions::getEdgeIDFromLane().

Referenced by RONet::adaptIntermodalRouter(), RONet::getLane(), RONetHandler::parseAccess(), and RONetHandler::parseStoppingPlace().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getEdgeMap()

const NamedObjectCont<ROEdge*>& RONet::getEdgeMap ( ) const

Definition at line 422 of file RONet.h.

References RONet::myEdges.

Referenced by buildApproachList(), AGCity::completeStreets(), ROMAAssignments::incremental(), RORouteHandler::initLaneTree(), initNet(), ROLoader::loadNet(), ROLoader::loadWeights(), ROMAAssignments::resetFlows(), ROMAAssignments::sue(), and ROMAAssignments::writeInterval().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getEdgeNumber()

int RONet::getEdgeNumber ( ) const

Returns the total number of edges the network contains including internal edges.

Definition at line 793 of file RONet.cpp.

References RONet::myEdges, and NamedObjectCont< T >::size().

Referenced by computeAllPairs(), computeRoutes(), and main().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getInstance()

RONet * RONet::getInstance ( void  )

Returns the pointer to the unique instance of RONet (singleton).

Pointer to the unique RONet-instance

Definition at line 56 of file RONet.cpp.

References RONet::myInstance, and TL.

Referenced by ROPerson::addTrip(), ROEdge::getStopPosition(), ROEdge::getSuccessors(), ROEdge::getViaSuccessors(), ROPerson::Stop::saveAsXML(), ROPerson::Ride::saveAsXML(), ROPerson::Walk::saveAsXML(), ROVehicle::saveAsXML(), and ROPerson::PersonTrip::saveVehicles().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getInternalEdgeNumber()

int RONet::getInternalEdgeNumber ( ) const

Returns the number of internal edges the network contains.

Definition at line 799 of file RONet.cpp.

References RONet::myNumInternalEdges.

Referenced by computeAllPairs().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getLane()

ROLane * RONet::getLane ( const std::string &  laneID) const

Retrieves a lane rom the network given its id.

[in]laneIDThe name of the lane to retrieve the edge for
The lane object

Definition at line 811 of file RONet.cpp.

References RONet::getEdgeForLaneID(), SUMOXMLDefinitions::getIndexFromLane(), and ROEdge::getLanes().

Referenced by RONetHandler::parseAccess().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getMaxSpeedFactorLKW()

double RODFNet::getMaxSpeedFactorLKW ( ) const

Definition at line 88 of file RODFNet.h.

References myMaxSpeedFactorLKW.

Referenced by RODFDetectorCon::writeEmitters().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getMaxSpeedFactorPKW()

double RODFNet::getMaxSpeedFactorPKW ( ) const

Definition at line 84 of file RODFNet.h.

References myMaxSpeedFactorPKW.

Referenced by RODFDetectorCon::writeEmitters().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getNode()

RONode* RONet::getNode ( const std::string &  id) const

Retrieves an node from the network.

[in]nameThe name of the node to retrieve
The named node if known, otherwise 0
Check whether a const pointer may be returned

Definition at line 193 of file RONet.h.

References NamedObjectCont< T >::get(), and RONet::myNodes.

Referenced by RONetHandler::parseEdge(), and RONetHandler::parseJunction().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getRestrictions()

const std::map< SUMOVehicleClass, double > * RONet::getRestrictions ( const std::string &  id) const

Returns the restrictions for an edge type If no restrictions are present, 0 is returned.

[in]idThe id of the type
The mapping of vehicle classes to maximum speeds

Definition at line 150 of file RONet.cpp.

References RONet::myRestrictions.

Referenced by RONetHandler::parseEdge().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getRouteDef()

RORouteDef* RONet::getRouteDef ( const std::string &  name) const

Returns the named route definition.

[in]nameThe name of the route definition to retrieve
The named route definition if known, otherwise 0

Check whether a const pointer may be returned

Rename myRoutes to myRouteDefinitions

Definition at line 318 of file RONet.h.

References NamedObjectCont< T >::get(), and RONet::myRoutes.

Referenced by RONet::adaptIntermodalRouter(), RORouteHandler::addWalk(), RONet::checkFlows(), RORouteHandler::closeFlow(), RORouteHandler::closeRoute(), RORouteHandler::closeVehicle(), RORouteHandler::openRoute(), and RORouteHandler::openRouteDistribution().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getRouteOutput()

OutputDevice* RONet::getRouteOutput ( const bool  alternative = false)

Definition at line 440 of file RONet.h.

References RONet::myRouteAlternativesOutput, and RONet::myRoutesOutput.

Referenced by computeRoutes().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getStoppingPlace()

const SUMOVehicleParameter::Stop* RONet::getStoppingPlace ( const std::string &  id,
const SumoXMLTag  category 
) const

Retrieves a stopping place from the network.

[in]idThe name of the stop to retrieve
[in]categoryThe type of stop
The named stop if known, otherwise 0

Definition at line 216 of file RONet.h.

References RONet::myStoppingPlaces.

Referenced by RORouteHandler::retrieveStoppingPlace().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getStoppingPlaceElement()

const std::string RONet::getStoppingPlaceElement ( const std::string &  id) const

return the element name for the given stopping place id

Definition at line 896 of file RONet.cpp.

References SUMOVehicleParameter::Stop::actType, RONet::myStoppingPlaces, SUMO_TAG_BUS_STOP, and toString().

Referenced by ROPerson::Ride::saveAsXML(), and ROPerson::Walk::saveAsXML().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getStoppingPlaceName()

const std::string RONet::getStoppingPlaceName ( const std::string &  id) const

return the name for the given stopping place id

Definition at line 884 of file RONet.cpp.

References SUMOVehicleParameter::Stop::busstop, and RONet::myStoppingPlaces.

Referenced by ROPerson::Stop::saveAsXML(), ROPerson::Ride::saveAsXML(), and ROPerson::Walk::saveAsXML().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getVehicleTypeSecure()

SUMOVTypeParameter * RONet::getVehicleTypeSecure ( const std::string &  id)

Retrieves the named vehicle type.

If the name is "" the default type is returned. If the named vehicle type (or typeDistribution) was not added to the net before nullptr is returned

[in]idThe id of the vehicle type to return
The named vehicle type

Definition at line 364 of file RONet.cpp.

References DEFAULT_BIKETYPE_ID, DEFAULT_PEDTYPE_ID, DEFAULT_RAILTYPE_ID, DEFAULT_TAXITYPE_ID, DEFAULT_VTYPE_ID, NamedObjectCont< T >::get(), RONet::myDefaultBikeTypeMayBeDeleted, RONet::myDefaultPedTypeMayBeDeleted, RONet::myDefaultRailTypeMayBeDeleted, RONet::myDefaultTaxiTypeMayBeDeleted, RONet::myDefaultVTypeMayBeDeleted, RONet::myVehicleTypes, and RONet::myVTypeDistDict.

Referenced by RORouteHandler::addFlowPerson(), RORouteHandler::addStop(), ROPerson::addTrip(), RONet::checkFlows(), RORouteHandler::closeFlow(), RORouteHandler::closePerson(), RORouteHandler::closePersonFlow(), RORouteHandler::closeVehicle(), computeRoutes(), RORouteHandler::openRoute(), RORouteHandler::openVehicleTypeDistribution(), RORouteHandler::parseFromViaTo(), and ROMAAssignments::ROMAAssignments().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getVTypeDistribution()

const RandomDistributor<SUMOVTypeParameter*>* RONet::getVTypeDistribution ( const std::string &  id)

Retrieves the named vehicle type distribution.

If the named vehicle type distribution was not added to the net before nullptr is returned

[in]idThe id of the vehicle type distribution to return
The named vehicle type distribution

Definition at line 280 of file RONet.h.

References RONet::myVTypeDistDict.

Referenced by RORouteHandler::addStop(), RORouteHandler::openVehicleTypeDistribution(), and RORouteHandler::parseFromViaTo().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ hasApproached()

bool RODFNet::hasApproached ( ROEdge edge) const

Definition at line 640 of file RODFNet.cpp.

References myApproachedEdges.

Referenced by computeRoutesFor(), and isDestination().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ hasApproaching()

bool RODFNet::hasApproaching ( ROEdge edge) const

Definition at line 633 of file RODFNet.cpp.

References myApproachingEdges.

Referenced by isSource().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ hasBidiEdges()

bool RONet::hasBidiEdges ( ) const

return whether the network contains bidirectional rail edges

Definition at line 433 of file RONet.h.

References RONet::myHasBidiEdges.

Referenced by computeRoutes().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ hasDetector()

bool RODFNet::hasDetector ( ROEdge edge) const

Definition at line 647 of file RODFNet.cpp.

References myDetectorsOnEdges.

Referenced by RODFDetector::buildDestinationDistribution(), computeRoutesFor(), RODFDetector::computeSplitProbabilities(), isDestination(), isFalseSource(), isSource(), and revalidateFlows().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ hasInBetweenDetectorsOnly()

bool RODFNet::hasInBetweenDetectorsOnly ( ROEdge edge,
const RODFDetectorCon detectors 
) const

Definition at line 151 of file RODFNet.cpp.

References BETWEEN_DETECTOR, RODFDetectorCon::getDetector(), RODFDetector::getType(), and myDetectorsOnEdges.

Referenced by computeRoutesFor().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ hasLoadedEffort()

bool RONet::hasLoadedEffort ( ) const

whether efforts were loaded from file

Definition at line 874 of file RONet.cpp.

References RONet::myEdges.

Referenced by computeRoutes().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ hasPermissions()

bool RONet::hasPermissions ( ) const

Definition at line 863 of file RONet.cpp.

References RONet::myHavePermissions.

Referenced by computeRoutes().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ hasSourceDetector()

bool RODFNet::hasSourceDetector ( ROEdge edge,
const RODFDetectorCon detectors 
) const

Definition at line 167 of file RODFNet.cpp.

References RODFDetectorCon::getDetector(), RODFDetector::getType(), myDetectorsOnEdges, and SOURCE_DETECTOR.

Referenced by computeRoutesFor().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ isAllowed()

bool RODFNet::isAllowed ( const ROEdge *const  edge) const

Definition at line 64 of file RODFNet.cpp.

References Named::getID(), ROEdge::getPermissions(), ROEdge::isCrossing(), ROEdge::isInternal(), ROEdge::isWalkingArea(), myAllowedVClass, and myDisallowedEdges.

Referenced by buildApproachList().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ isDestination() [1/2]

bool RODFNet::isDestination ( const RODFDetector det,
const RODFDetectorCon detectors 
) const

Definition at line 681 of file RODFNet.cpp.

References getDetectorEdge().

Referenced by computeTypes(), and isDestination().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ isDestination() [2/2]

◆ isFalseSource() [1/2]

bool RODFNet::isFalseSource ( const RODFDetector det,
const RODFDetectorCon detectors 
) const

Definition at line 675 of file RODFNet.cpp.

References getDetectorEdge().

Referenced by computeTypes(), and isFalseSource().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ isFalseSource() [2/2]

◆ isSource() [1/2]

bool RODFNet::isSource ( const RODFDetector det,
const RODFDetectorCon detectors,
bool  strict 
) const

Definition at line 668 of file RODFNet.cpp.

References getDetectorEdge().

Referenced by computeTypes(), and isSource().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ isSource() [2/2]

bool RODFNet::isSource ( const RODFDetector det,
ROEdge edge,
ROEdgeVector seen,
const RODFDetectorCon detectors,
bool  strict 
) const

◆ knowsVehicle()

bool RONet::knowsVehicle ( const std::string &  id) const

returns whether a vehicle with the given id was already loaded

Definition at line 488 of file RONet.cpp.

References RONet::myVehIDs.

Referenced by RORouteHandler::addRide(), and RORouteHandler::addTransport().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ mesoJoin()

◆ openOutput()

void RONet::openOutput ( const OptionsCont options)

Opens the output for computed routes.

If one of the file outputs can not be build, an IOError is thrown.

[in]optionsThe options to be asked for "output-file", "alternatives-output" and "vtype-output"

Definition at line 292 of file RONet.cpp.

References OptionsCont::exists(), OptionsCont::getBool(), OutputDevice::getDevice(), OptionsCont::getString(), OutputDevice::isNull(), OptionsCont::isSet(), RONet::myRouteAlternativesOutput, RONet::myRoutesOutput, RONet::myTypesOutput, SUMO_TAG_ROUTES, OutputDevice::writeAttr(), and OutputDevice::writeHeader().

Referenced by computeRoutes().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ removeEmptyDetectors()

void RODFNet::removeEmptyDetectors ( RODFDetectorCon detectors,
RODFDetectorFlows flows 

Definition at line 581 of file RODFNet.cpp.

References RODFDetectorCon::getDetectors(), RODFDetectorFlows::knows(), RODFDetectorCon::removeDetector(), RODFDetectorFlows::removeFlow(), TL, and WRITE_MESSAGEF.

Referenced by startComputation().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ reportEmptyDetectors()

void RODFNet::reportEmptyDetectors ( RODFDetectorCon detectors,
RODFDetectorFlows flows 

Definition at line 604 of file RODFNet.cpp.

References RODFDetectorCon::getDetectors(), RODFDetectorFlows::knows(), TL, and WRITE_MESSAGEF.

Referenced by startComputation().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ revalidateFlows() [1/2]

◆ revalidateFlows() [2/2]

void RODFNet::revalidateFlows ( const RODFDetectorCon detectors,
RODFDetectorFlows flows,
SUMOTime  startTime,
SUMOTime  endTime,
SUMOTime  stepOffset 

Definition at line 567 of file RODFNet.cpp.

References RODFDetectorCon::getDetectors().

Referenced by startComputation().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ saveAndRemoveRoutesUntil()

SUMOTime RONet::saveAndRemoveRoutesUntil ( OptionsCont options,
const RORouterProvider provider,
SUMOTime  time 

Computes routes described by their definitions and saves them.

As long as a vehicle with a departure time smaller than the given exists, its route is computed and it is written and removed from the internal container.

[in]optionsThe options used during this process
[in]providerThe router provider for routes computation
[in]timeThe time until which route definitions shall be processed
The last seen departure time>=time

Definition at line 676 of file RONet.cpp.

References RONet::checkFlows(), RORoutable::computeRoute(), RONet::createBulkRouteRequests(), OptionsCont::getBool(), MsgHandler::getErrorInstance(), Named::getID(), OptionsCont::getInt(), ROVehicle::getRouteDefinition(), RORoutable::getRoutingSuccess(), MsgHandler::getWarningInstance(), RORoutable::isPartOfFlow(), RORoutable::isPublicTransport(), MIN2(), RONet::myContainers, RONet::myDiscardedRouteNo, RONet::myErrorHandler, RONet::myHaveActiveFlows, RONet::myRoutables, RONet::myRouteAlternativesOutput, RONet::myRoutes, RONet::myRoutesOutput, RONet::myTypesOutput, RONet::myVehIDs, RONet::myWrittenRouteNo, NamedObjectCont< T >::remove(), SUMOTime_MAX, toString(), RORoutable::write(), WRITE_MESSAGE, and OutputDevice::writePreformattedTag().

Referenced by ROLoader::processRoutes().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ setBidiEdges()

void RONet::setBidiEdges ( const std::map< ROEdge *, std::string > &  bidiMap)

add a taz for every junction unless a taz with the same id already exists

Definition at line 255 of file RONet.cpp.

References NamedObjectCont< T >::get(), RONet::myEdges, RONet::myHasBidiEdges, TL, and WRITE_ERRORF.

Referenced by ROLoader::loadNet().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ setPermissionsFound()

void RONet::setPermissionsFound ( )

Definition at line 869 of file RONet.cpp.

References RONet::myHavePermissions.

Referenced by RONetHandler::parseLane().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ writeIntermodal()

void RONet::writeIntermodal ( const OptionsCont options,
ROIntermodalRouter router 
) const

Writes the intermodal network and weights if requested.

If one of the file outputs can not be build, an IOError is thrown.

[in]optionsThe options to be asked for "intermodal-network-output" and "intermodal-weight-output"

Definition at line 321 of file RONet.cpp.

References OutputDevice::closeTag(), OutputDevice::createDeviceByOption(), OptionsCont::exists(), OutputDevice::getDevice(), OutputDevice::getDeviceByOption(), OptionsCont::getString(), OptionsCont::isSet(), OutputDevice::openTag(), SUMO_ATTR_BEGIN, SUMO_ATTR_END, SUMO_ATTR_ID, SUMO_TAG_INTERVAL, SUMOTime_MAX, OutputDevice::writeAttr(), IntermodalRouter< E, L, N, V >::writeNetwork(), and IntermodalRouter< E, L, N, V >::writeWeights().

Referenced by computeRoutes().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

Field Documentation

◆ myAllowedVClass

SUMOVehicleClass RODFNet::myAllowedVClass

Definition at line 183 of file RODFNet.h.

Referenced by isAllowed(), and RODFNet().

◆ myAmInHighwayMode

bool RODFNet::myAmInHighwayMode

Definition at line 177 of file RODFNet.h.

Referenced by computeRoutesFor(), isDestination(), isFalseSource(), and isSource().

◆ myApproachedEdges

std::map<ROEdge*, ROEdgeVector > RODFNet::myApproachedEdges

Map of edge name->list of names of edges approached by this edge.

Definition at line 172 of file RODFNet.h.

Referenced by buildApproachList(), computeRoutesFor(), hasApproached(), isDestination(), isFalseSource(), and revalidateFlows().

◆ myApproachingEdges

std::map<ROEdge*, ROEdgeVector > RODFNet::myApproachingEdges

Map of edge name->list of names of this edge approaching edges.

Definition at line 169 of file RODFNet.h.

Referenced by buildApproachList(), hasApproaching(), isSource(), and revalidateFlows().

◆ myAvgSpeedFactorLKW

double RODFNet::myAvgSpeedFactorLKW

Definition at line 191 of file RODFNet.h.

Referenced by buildEdgeFlowMap(), and getAvgSpeedFactorLKW().

◆ myAvgSpeedFactorPKW

double RODFNet::myAvgSpeedFactorPKW

Definition at line 190 of file RODFNet.h.

Referenced by buildEdgeFlowMap(), and getAvgSpeedFactorPKW().

◆ myContainers

ContainerMap RONet::myContainers

◆ myDefaultBikeTypeMayBeDeleted

bool RONet::myDefaultBikeTypeMayBeDeleted

Whether the default bicycle type was already used or can still be replaced.

Definition at line 516 of file RONet.h.

Referenced by RONet::checkVType(), and RONet::getVehicleTypeSecure().

◆ myDefaultPedTypeMayBeDeleted

bool RONet::myDefaultPedTypeMayBeDeleted

Whether the default pedestrian type was already used or can still be replaced.

Definition at line 513 of file RONet.h.

Referenced by RONet::checkVType(), and RONet::getVehicleTypeSecure().

◆ myDefaultRailTypeMayBeDeleted

bool RONet::myDefaultRailTypeMayBeDeleted

Whether the default rail type was already used or can still be replaced.

Definition at line 522 of file RONet.h.

Referenced by RONet::checkVType(), and RONet::getVehicleTypeSecure().

◆ myDefaultTaxiTypeMayBeDeleted

bool RONet::myDefaultTaxiTypeMayBeDeleted

Whether the default taxi type was already used or can still be replaced.

Definition at line 519 of file RONet.h.

Referenced by RONet::checkVType(), and RONet::getVehicleTypeSecure().

◆ myDefaultVTypeMayBeDeleted

bool RONet::myDefaultVTypeMayBeDeleted

Whether the default vehicle type was already used or can still be replaced.

Definition at line 510 of file RONet.h.

Referenced by RONet::checkVType(), and RONet::getVehicleTypeSecure().

◆ myDepartures

std::map<std::string, std::vector<SUMOTime> > RONet::myDepartures

Departure times for randomized flows.

Definition at line 544 of file RONet.h.

Referenced by RONet::addFlow(), and RONet::checkFlows().

◆ myDetectorEdges

std::map<std::string, ROEdge*> RODFNet::myDetectorEdges

◆ myDetectorsOnEdges

◆ myDisallowedEdges

std::vector<std::string> RODFNet::myDisallowedEdges

List of ids of edges that shall not be used.

Definition at line 181 of file RODFNet.h.

Referenced by isAllowed(), and RODFNet().

◆ myDiscardedRouteNo

int RONet::myDiscardedRouteNo

The number of discarded routes.

Definition at line 562 of file RONet.h.

Referenced by RONet::saveAndRemoveRoutesUntil().

◆ myDistricts

std::map<std::string, std::pair<std::vector<std::string>, std::vector<std::string> > > RONet::myDistricts

traffic assignment zones with sources and sinks

Definition at line 547 of file RONet.h.

Referenced by RONet::addDistrict(), RONet::addDistrictEdge(), RONet::addJunctionTaz(), and RONet::getDistricts().

◆ myDoPTRouting

const bool RONet::myDoPTRouting

whether to calculate routes for public transport

Definition at line 583 of file RONet.h.

Referenced by RONet::addVehicle(), and RONet::checkFlows().

◆ myEdges

NamedObjectCont<ROEdge*> RONet::myEdges

◆ myErrorHandler

MsgHandler* RONet::myErrorHandler

handler for ignorable error messages

Definition at line 577 of file RONet.h.

Referenced by RONet::createBulkRouteRequests(), and RONet::saveAndRemoveRoutesUntil().

◆ myFlows

NamedObjectCont<SUMOVehicleParameter*> RONet::myFlows

Known flows.

Definition at line 531 of file RONet.h.

Referenced by RONet::adaptIntermodalRouter(), RONet::addFlow(), RONet::checkFlows(), and RONet::furtherStored().

◆ myHasBidiEdges

bool RONet::myHasBidiEdges

whether the network contains bidirectional railway edges

Definition at line 586 of file RONet.h.

Referenced by RONet::hasBidiEdges(), and RONet::setBidiEdges().

◆ myHaveActiveFlows

bool RONet::myHaveActiveFlows

whether any flows are still active

Definition at line 534 of file RONet.h.

Referenced by RONet::addFlow(), RONet::checkFlows(), RONet::furtherStored(), and RONet::saveAndRemoveRoutesUntil().

◆ myHavePermissions

bool RONet::myHavePermissions

Whether the network contains edges which not all vehicles may pass.

Definition at line 568 of file RONet.h.

Referenced by RONet::hasPermissions(), and RONet::setPermissionsFound().

◆ myInBetweenNumber

int RODFNet::myInBetweenNumber

Definition at line 178 of file RODFNet.h.

Referenced by computeTypes().

◆ myInstance

RONet * RONet::myInstance = nullptr

Unique instance of RONet.

Definition at line 484 of file RONet.h.

Referenced by RONet::adaptIntermodalRouter(), RONet::getInstance(), and RONet::RONet().

◆ myInvalidNumber

int RODFNet::myInvalidNumber

Definition at line 178 of file RODFNet.h.

Referenced by computeTypes().

◆ myKeepTurnarounds

bool RODFNet::myKeepTurnarounds

Definition at line 185 of file RODFNet.h.

Referenced by buildApproachList(), and RODFNet().

◆ myKeepVTypeDist

const bool RONet::myKeepVTypeDist

whether to keep the the vtype distribution in output

Definition at line 580 of file RONet.h.

Referenced by RONet::checkFlows().

◆ myMaxSpeedFactorLKW

double RODFNet::myMaxSpeedFactorLKW

Definition at line 189 of file RODFNet.h.

Referenced by buildEdgeFlowMap(), and getMaxSpeedFactorLKW().

◆ myMaxSpeedFactorPKW

double RODFNet::myMaxSpeedFactorPKW

maximum speed factor in measurements

Definition at line 188 of file RODFNet.h.

Referenced by buildEdgeFlowMap(), and getMaxSpeedFactorPKW().

◆ myNodes

NamedObjectCont<RONode*> RONet::myNodes

Known nodes.

Definition at line 493 of file RONet.h.

Referenced by RONet::addJunctionTaz(), RONet::addNode(), and RONet::getNode().

◆ myNumInternalEdges

int RONet::myNumInternalEdges

The number of internal edges in the dictionary.

Definition at line 574 of file RONet.h.

Referenced by RONet::addEdge(), and RONet::getInternalEdgeNumber().

◆ myPersonIDs

std::set<std::string> RONet::myPersonIDs

Known person ids.

Definition at line 490 of file RONet.h.

Referenced by RONet::addPerson().

◆ myPTVehicles

std::vector<const RORoutable*> RONet::myPTVehicles

vehicles to keep for public transport routing

Definition at line 541 of file RONet.h.

Referenced by RONet::adaptIntermodalRouter(), RONet::addVehicle(), and RONet::~RONet().

◆ myReadRouteNo

int RONet::myReadRouteNo

The number of read routes.

Definition at line 559 of file RONet.h.

◆ myRestrictions

std::map<std::string, std::map<SUMOVehicleClass, double> > RONet::myRestrictions

The vehicle class specific speed restrictions.

Definition at line 571 of file RONet.h.

Referenced by RONet::addRestriction(), and RONet::getRestrictions().

◆ myRoutables

RoutablesMap RONet::myRoutables

◆ myRouteAlternativesOutput

OutputDevice* RONet::myRouteAlternativesOutput

The file to write the computed route alternatives into.

Definition at line 553 of file RONet.h.

Referenced by RONet::cleanup(), RONet::getRouteOutput(), RONet::openOutput(), and RONet::saveAndRemoveRoutesUntil().

◆ myRoutes

NamedObjectCont<RORouteDef*> RONet::myRoutes

Known routes.

Definition at line 525 of file RONet.h.

Referenced by RONet::addRouteDef(), RONet::getRouteDef(), RONet::saveAndRemoveRoutesUntil(), and RONet::~RONet().

◆ myRoutesOutput

OutputDevice* RONet::myRoutesOutput

The file to write the computed routes into.

Definition at line 550 of file RONet.h.

Referenced by RONet::cleanup(), RONet::getRouteOutput(), RONet::openOutput(), and RONet::saveAndRemoveRoutesUntil().

◆ mySinkNumber

int RODFNet::mySinkNumber

Definition at line 178 of file RODFNet.h.

Referenced by computeTypes().

◆ mySourceNumber

int RODFNet::mySourceNumber

Definition at line 178 of file RODFNet.h.

Referenced by computeTypes().

◆ myStoppingPlaces

std::map<SumoXMLTag, NamedObjectCont<SUMOVehicleParameter::Stop*> > RONet::myStoppingPlaces

Known bus / train / container stops and parking areas.

Definition at line 499 of file RONet.h.

Referenced by RONet::adaptIntermodalRouter(), RONet::addStoppingPlace(), RONet::getStoppingPlace(), RONet::getStoppingPlaceElement(), and RONet::getStoppingPlaceName().

◆ myTypesOutput

OutputDevice* RONet::myTypesOutput

The file to write the vehicle types into.

Definition at line 556 of file RONet.h.

Referenced by RONet::cleanup(), RONet::openOutput(), and RONet::saveAndRemoveRoutesUntil().

◆ myVehicleTypes

NamedObjectCont<SUMOVTypeParameter*> RONet::myVehicleTypes

Known vehicle types.

Definition at line 502 of file RONet.h.

Referenced by RONet::addVehicleType(), RONet::checkVType(), RONet::getVehicleTypeSecure(), and RONet::RONet().

◆ myVehIDs

std::map<std::string, SUMOTime> RONet::myVehIDs

Known vehicle ids and their departure.

Definition at line 487 of file RONet.h.

Referenced by RONet::addVehicle(), RONet::getDeparture(), RONet::knowsVehicle(), and RONet::saveAndRemoveRoutesUntil().

◆ myVTypeDistDict

VTypeDistDictType RONet::myVTypeDistDict

A distribution of vehicle types (probability->vehicle type)

Definition at line 507 of file RONet.h.

Referenced by RONet::addVTypeDistribution(), RONet::checkVType(), RONet::getVehicleTypeSecure(), RONet::getVTypeDistribution(), and RONet::~RONet().

◆ myWrittenRouteNo

int RONet::myWrittenRouteNo

The number of written routes.

Definition at line 565 of file RONet.h.

Referenced by RONet::saveAndRemoveRoutesUntil().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: