Changes in the 2015 releases (versions 0.23.0, 0.24.0 and 0.25.0)

Version 0.25.0 (07.12.2015)#


  • Simulation
    • Fixed crashing and deadlocks when performing routing in the simulation based on districts. #1938
    • Fixed bug that was hindering lane-changes due to invalid cooperative speed adaptations. #1971
    • Fixed bug that was causing erratic lane changes when using subsecond simulation. #1440
    • Fixed bug that was causing erratic lane changes in front of intersections. #1856
    • Fixed right-of-way in regard to vehicles that were driving across the same intersection twice. #2023
    • Vehicles waiting to enter a roundabout no longer yield to other vehicles outside the roundabout. #1847
    • Pedestrians no longer walk past their specified arrival position. #1780
    • Fixed asymmetrical pedestrian behavior when walking to a busStop. Now they always walk to the middle of the busstop rather than to its endPos. #1562
  • sumo-gui
    • Fixing crash when selecting Show all routes from the vehicle menu.
    • When loading a gui-settings-file from the View Settings dialog, the delay value is now correctly applied.
    • Fix bug that caused giant circles to appear when exaggerating the width of lanes with short geometry segments.
    • Vehicle names are now drawn for vehicles that occupy multiple edges. #1960
    • Fixed drawing of link indices, link rules, lane markings and bus stops for left-hand networks.
    • Fixed error when reloading a network with <param>-elements. #1979
  • netconvert
    • Fixed missing connections in multi-modal networks. #1865
    • Fixed bug that caused invalid pedestrian crossings to be generated after importing a .net.xml file. #1907
    • Fixed bug that caused pedestrian crossings to change their priority when importing a .net.xml file. #1905
    • Fixed geometry bug when building pedestrian crossings and walkingareas for left-hand networks.
    • Fixed invalid network after deleting edges at a joined traffic light with controlled pedestrian crossing. #1902
    • Motorway ramps are no longer guessed if the lane permissions indicate that the edge is not a motorway. #1894
    • Motorway ramps are no longer guessed at roundabouts. #1890
    • Fixed some cases when roads where invalidly guessed to be roundabouts. #1933
    • When importing a .net.xml file the resulting network is no longer modified due to automatic joining of edges that connect the same nodes. #1930
    • When importing a .net.xml file with pedestrian crossings and setting option --no-internal-links, the crossings and walkingareas are removed from the resulting network. #1730
    • Several fixes in regard to OpenDrive networks:
      • Fixed missing <laneLink> elements when exporting networks as OpenDrive. #1973
      • Now successfully importing OpenDrive networks with dead-end edges. #1692
      • Fixed imprecise geometry when importing OpenDrive networks.
      • Fixed imprecise geometry when exporting networks as OpenDrive. #2031
      • Fixed invalid geometry of lanes within intersections when exporting networks as OpenDrive.
    • Fixed crash when specifying inconsistent tllogic input. #2010
    • When patching an existing network with .nod.xml file, existing traffic light programs are now preserved unless changes are specified explicitly.
    • No longer patching loaded traffic light programs for new crossings if they already have the correct state size.
    • When importing a .net.xml which was built for left-hand traffic, the resulting network will also be built for left-hand traffic. #1880
    • When importing a .net.xml, generated networks will retain the same value of --junctions.corner-detail) as the input network. #1897
    • Fixed invalid geo-referencing in left-hand networks. #2020
    • Traffic lights that control multiple intersections no longer create unsafe right-of-way rules. The edges that lie within the traffic light are now controlled according to the appropriate right of way (This does not necessarily model physical traffic signals but reflects the behavior of drivers). #812
      • Old signal plans for these joined traffic lights no longer work for new networks since more link states need to be defined. The option --tls.uncontrolled-within <BOOL> was added to build networks that are compatible with old-style signal plans. Note, that this may create unsafe intersections, causing collisions.
  • netedit
    • When renaming an edge, the lane IDs are now updated as well. #1867
    • Fractional widths can now be set when inspecting edges.
    • Modifying traffic light plans which control multiple nodes is now working. #2009
  • duarouter
    • Fixed invalid error when compiled without the FOX library. #1956
  • od2trips
    • Option --begin is now working. #1889
    • Loading of edge-scaling schemes from a gui-settings-file is now working.
    • The front of each vehicle queue is now drawn at the start of its segment.
  • TraCI
    • Fixed bug that prevented the C++ TraCI library from functioning. #2007
    • Vehicle command set speed can now be used in conjunction with move to VTD. #1984
    • When using Vehicle command move to VTD, the speed is set according to the covered distance where this is deemed plausible (the value of set speed overrides this).
  • Tools
    • no longer fails when encountering path names with space-characters in them.
    • no longer nests output directories when generating multiple scenarios.


  • Simulation
    • Vehicle types now have vClass="passenger" by default. Earlier, the default was ignoring which would let the vehicles drive along footpaths and railways.
    • Zipper merging is now supported (see netconvert enhancement below). #1292
    • Added person statistics to verbose output. #1898
    • Now warning about jammed pedestrians.
    • Now warning about pedestrians "collisions".
    • Now warning about traffic lights where one link never gets a green light.
    • It is now possible to modify the offset of an existing tls program without loading a completely new tlLogic-definition. #1940
    • Added option --duration-log.statistics <BOOL> which causes average vehicle trip data to be printed in verbose mode (average route length, travel time and time loss, ...) for quick evaluation of a scenario. #1911
    • The option --max-num-vehicles <INT> can now be used to maintain a constant number of vehicles in the network. Vehicle insertions are delayed whenever this number would be exceeded. Previously this option would terminate the simulation when the number was exceeded. To avoid a large number of delayed vehicles it is recommended to use the option --max-depart-delay <TIME>. #1958
    • Traffic detectors which are generated for actuated traffic lights now support additional parameters to allow writing output files the same way as regular detectors. #1839
    • Angles in simulation output and TraCI results now conform to Navigational Standards with 0 pointing towards the North and 90 pointing due East. #1372
  • netedit
    • netedit is now open. Have fun.
    • Int and float options can now be set in the Processing->Options dialog.
    • Added many lane- and junction-coloring modes already known from sumo-gui. #1756
    • Pedestrian crossings are now supported when editing traffic light plans.
    • Attributes of pedestrian crossings can now be modified.
    • Added context-menu option for removing intermediate geometry points from selected edges. #1913
    • Vehicle class permissions can now be edited via check-boxes instead of typing all class names. #1909
    • Individual lanes and selections of lanes can now be deleted when unchecking Select edges. #1895
    • A lane (or a selections of lanes) can now be duplicated by selecting Duplicate lane from the context menu. #1896
    • Selection Mode now allows additional operators when matching against a non-numerical attribute. #1923
    • Added new option Copy edge name to clipboard to the lane popup-menu.
    • Junction attribute keepClear is now supported.
    • Custom junction shapes can now be drawn by selecting Set custom shape from the junction popup-menu. This will create a modifiable shape outline. The popup-menu of this outline allows saving, discarding and simplifying the shape.
    • Added reload menu option. #2029
    • When editing traffic light plans, states can now be set for multiple links and multiple phases at the same time.
  • sumo-gui
    • Persons can now be tracked by selecting Start Tracking from the context menu. #1779
    • The current route of pedestrians can now be shown by selecting Show Current Route from the context menu. #1906
    • Error messages can now by clicked for jumping to the referenced simulation object (i.e. a teleporting vehicle). #900
    • Added person statistics to network parameter dialog. #1898
    • Added new menu option Edit->Open in netedit for opening the current network (at the current location) in netedit.
    • Added new option Copy edge name to clipboard to the lane popup-menu.
    • Added new options Close edge and Close lane to the lane popup-menu. This will force vehicles (with an assigned vClass) to wait until the corresponding lanes have been reopened (also via popup-menu).
    • Added new option Add rerouter to the lane popup-menu. This will make vehicles recompute their route when entering that edge.
    • The size and color of link indices can now be customized (old gui settings files may have to be updated).
    • Average trip data (for completed vehicle trips) is now available in the network parameter dialogue when running with option --duration-log.statistics.
    • Added new junction visualization option draw crossings/walkingareas. #1899
    • Vehicles can now be colored by depart delay (the differences between desired and actual depart time). Depart delay was also added to the vehicle parameter dialog. #1970
    • Junction shapes are no longer drawn when their color is set to fully transparent.
    • The network version is now shown in the network parameter dialog.
  • netconvert
    • Zipper merging is now supported via the new node type zipper. #1292
    • Right-turn-on-red is now supported via the new node type traffic_light_right_on_red. #1287
    • Importing .inpx VISSIM networks is now supported. Thanks to the AIT for their contribution.
    • The positioning and presence of internal junctions can now be customized with the new connection attribute contPos. #2016
    • The maximum number of connections per junction was raised from 64 to 256.
    • Added options --geometry.remove.keep-edges.explicit <STRING> and --geometry.remove.keep-edges.input-file <FILE> to exclude edges from being modified when using option --geometry.remove. #1929
    • When specifying multiple connections from the same edge to the same target lane, safe right-of-way rules are now established among the conflicting connections. #1859
    • Added options --tls.cycle.time <TIME> to ensure that heuristically generated traffic light plans have a fixed cycle length. The new default is 90 (s) which will have no effect on most 4-arm intersections but will cause different timings for controlled 3-arm intersections and other types. #1942
    • Added options --edges.join <BOOL> to select whether edges that connect the same nodes (and have similar geometry) shall be joined into an edge with multiple lanes. The new default is false (before, this heuristic was always active). #1930
    • Street names are now imported form OpenDrive.
    • Now including sumo edge-ids in OpenDrive export if option --output.original-names is given (as <userData sumoId="sumo_edge_id"/>).
    • Now using more lane types in OpenDrive export.
    • Added option --default.junctions.radius <FLOAT> for setting the default radius of nodes. #1987
    • Added option --tls.left-green.time <TIME> to configure the default duration for the dedicated left-turn phase. A value of 0 disables building this phase. #1949
    • Added option --sidewalks.guess.exclude <STRING> to prevent guessing a sidewalk for the given list of edges.
    • Added option --junctions.internal-link-detail <INT> for setting the number of geometry points for lanes within intersections (Before, this was hard-coded as 5). #1988
    • Added option --crossings.guess.speed-threshold <FLOAT>. This allows setting the speed threshold above which crossings will not be generated at uncontrolled nodes (before this was hard-coded to 13.89m/s). #1819
  • polyconvert
    • Added option --fill <BOOL> to control whether polygons are filled by default or not. #1858
    • Added option --shapefile.fill <STRING> to override the fill state when importing shapefiles. Allowed values are [auto|true|false].
    • It is now possible to select individual vehicles, to examine their parameters, track them and show their route just like for sumo-gui. #1932
    • Vehicles can now be located as in sumo-gui. #1487
  • Tools
    • now supports exporting traces of persons when using the new option --persons <BOOL>.
    • Added option --ignore-gaps <BOOL> for When this is set vehicles will not be destroyed until the end of the fcd-file even when disappearing for a few simulation steps..
    • The import script is now more robust in finding a suitable output directory and recovering from errors.
    • Added new tool which coordinates traffic lights in a network for a given traffic demand in order to create green waves for many vehicles.
    • Connection objects from networks parsed via Sumolib can now return getTLLinkIndex as well as getJunctionIndex. #2048


  • netconvert
    • Network version is now 0.25. New features that justify the version change are:
      • New linkstate Z and junction type zipper for zipper merging.
      • New junction type traffic_light_right_on_red. To accommodate this type of junction, linkstate 's' (stop) is now allowed in traffic light plans.
      • Multiple connections to the same lane do not result in a warning any more. (The conflict is resolved using zipper merging or priority right of way)
      • New network attributes lefthand, junctionCornerDetail and junctionLinkDetail
      • Note, that the network version should have been updated in 0.23.0 due to the introduction of ships but this was forgotten.
  • sumo-gui
    • The visualization options Show internal edge name and Show crossing and walkingarea name were moved from the Streets-tab to the Junctions-tab.
  • Tools
    • was removed as the functionality is now fulfilled by
    • was renamed to and now resides directly within the tools folder.
  • Misc
    • start-commandline-bat now adds python (python 2.7 in its default install location) and <SUMO_HOME>/tools to the path.
    • Simplified runner script of Tutorials/TraCI4Traffic_Lights

Version 0.24.0 (02.09.2015)#


  • Simulation
    • Fixed default arrivalPos when loading <trip> or <flow> elements using attributes from, to directly into SUMO. #1739
    • Fixed crash when specifying consecutive walks for the same person. #1781
    • Fixed bug that caused pedestrians to get too close to each other. #1769
    • Fixed crash and other bugs when using option --lanechange.duration. #1152, #1795, #1796, #1797
    • Fixed bug that sometimes caused the rear end of vehicles to be placed on the wrong lane after lane-changing. #1804
    • Rerouters where closed edges are disabled for specific vehicle classes now cause these vehicles to wait until the closing ends if the destination edge is closed.
    • Vehicles with a <stop> in their route are now being overtaken if there is sufficient space. This was causing problems when modelling parked vehicles on a multi-lane road.
    • Fixed bug that resulted in invalid routes when routing at simulation time (at intersections where a required connection originates from a prohibited lane). #1861
  • sumo-gui
    • Fixed centering of names on objects (a large mismatch was visible for persons).
    • Polygons are no longer drawn when setting their size-exaggeration to 0.
  • duarouter
    • Custom car following model specification is now preserved in the route output. #1832
    • Fixed bug when using option --remove-loops where the start/destination edge changed needlessly.
    • Vehicles may now depart/arrive at any TAZ regardless of their vehicle class.
  • netconvert
    • When adding crossings to a .net.xml without internal links, the output network will be built with internal links. #1729
    • Fixed bug where duplicate crossings between the same pair of walkingareas where sometimes build when using option --crossings.guess. #1736
    • Fixed bugs where loading a .net.xml file and removing edges would lead to an invalid network. #1742, #1749, #1753
    • Permissions are no longer lost when guessing ramps. #1777
    • Defining pedestrian crossings at a node with type="traffic_light_unregulated" now works. #1813
    • Fixed invalid TLS-plans when loading a .net.xml file with TLS-controlled pedestrian crossings.
    • Connections between lanes with incompatible vehicle classes are no longer generated. #1630
    • Fixed generation of connections at intersections with dedicated bicycle lanes (symptoms were invalid connections and missing connections).
    • Modifying lane permissions in a network with crossings, so that crossings are no longer valid, is now working (invalid crossings are removed with a warning).
    • Fixed bug that caused invalid lane lengths when building with option --no-internal-links (near intersections with sharp angles).
    • Fixed some invalid clusters when using option --junctions.join.
  • TraCI
    • Fixed python API for function move to VTD (0xb4). #1720
    • Fixed subscriptions for <laneAreaDetector>
    • Vehicle command move to (0x5c) can now be used to forcefully insert vehicles which have not yet entered the network. #1809
    • Parking vehicles now return a reasonable position (and other values which do not depend on being on a lane). #1809
    • Fixed screenshots for Linux. #1341
    • The close command returns now a little later to have more data written to files (still not completely flushed though, see #1816)
  • netedit
    • Fixed bug where unselected objects were wrongly selected after undoing deletion.
    • No longer creating invalid network when loading and saving a network with split crossings.
  • Tools
    • no longer attempts to find a fringe based on edge-direction when using option --pedestrians. #1737
  • All Applications
    • Fixed invalid paths when using option --output-prefix <STRING> and loading a configuration file in a subdirectory. #1793


  • Simulation
    • Simulation of electric vehicles is now supported with a new model for energy consumption and battery charging.
    • Maximum time that may be simulated increased from 24 days to 290 million years. #1728
    • <walk>-definitions now support and departPos="random" and arrivalPos="random".
    • --fcd-output now includes z-data if the network has elevation. #1751
    • <vTypeProbe> output now includes z-data if the network has elevation.
    • Device assignment by <param> can now be used to override device assignment by option --device.<DEVICENAME>.probability.
    • Added new vType-attribute carFollowModel which can be used instead of a child element when declearing the car following model. #663
    • Vehicles which do not have a route and cannot find one on insertion get discarded when --ignore-route-errors is given. #1825
    • --vehroute-output now includes the route length. #1790
  • sumo-gui
    • The view can now be moved and zoomed via keyboard shortcuts. #298
    • Lanes which disallow passenger cars (i.e. paths and service roads) now have a distinct shade of grey. The color can be customized in the gui-settings dialog.
    • Vehicles now activate their blinker during continuous lane change manoeuvres.
    • The types of POIs and Polygons can now be displayed via View Settings. #1803
    • The personNumber,containerNumber,personCapacity,containerCapacity information for a vehicle is now shown in the parameter dialog. #1617
    • The GUI asks at simulation end whether all files and windows should be closed
  • netconvert
    • added option --remove-edges.input-file <FILE> which works as an analogue to --keep-edges.input-file. Giving either option a selection file (where edge ids are prefixed with edge: as argument is now supported.
    • added option --ramps.unset <STRING> which works as an analogue to --ramps.set and prevents edges from being treated as on- or off-ramps. #1763
    • Now importing signalized pedestrian crossings from OSM (<tag k="crossing" v="traffic_signals"/>).
    • added new option --default.junctions.keep-clear <BOOL> and new attributes <node keepClear="..."/> <connection keepClear="..."/> for allowing drivers to drive onto an intersection despite the risk of blocking it for cross-traffic. #1290
    • pedestrian crossings may be removed using the new attribute discard.
    • when splitting an edge, the new node is not removed by option --geometry.remove even when speed and lane count remain unchanged. #1842
    • Connections from and to sidewalks are only generated when also building pedestrian crossings since they are superfluous otherwise. When using pedestrian model nonInteracting these connections are not used (pedestrians jump across intersections between any two sidewalks) and when using model striping, crossings are mandatory.
    • Bicycle lanes are now imported from OSM (when using the appropriate typemap). #1289
    • Bus lanes are now imported from OSM. #1682
    • Improved control over edge types (typemaps) when importing from OSM. All defaults can now be overridden in a transparent manner and it's easier to add additional modes of traffic than ever before (see documentation).
    • Option --lefthand now works for generating networks with left-hand traffic. Thanks to Andrea Fuksova for suggesting the double-mirroring technique.
    • Edge types can now be used to define vClass-specific speed limits. #1800
    • Additional attributes are now supported to specify the node that is generated when splitting an edge. #1843
  • duarouter
    • option --ignore-errors now also applies if no input trips/routes are loaded.
    • Added option --bulk-routing <BOOL> to improve routing speed when many (similar) vehicles depart at the same time from the same location. The time aggregation can be controlled using option --route-steps <TIME> The bulkstar routing algorithm is now obsolete and no longer supported. #1792
    • Added options --repair.from <BOOL>, <BOOL> which attempts to repair invalid source or destination edges in the route input.
  • TraCI
  • polyconvert
    • When importing OSM data, POIs are now raised above the layer of polygons and roads by default to make them always visible. #1771
    • Added option --poi-layer-offset <FLOAT> to control the layer of pois relative to polygons (especially in cases where they have the same type).
    • --offset <FLOAT> options are now respected even when used together with a network.
  • netedit
    • The view can now be moved and zoomed via keyboard shortcuts.
    • Added menu option for replacing junctions by geometry points. #1754
    • Geometry points of parallel edges can now be moved simultaneously when both edges are selected.
    • option --gui-settings-file is now supported.
  • od2trips
    • can now choose only differing sources and sinks #1837
  • Tools
    • made aware of vClasses (and use the sumolib for parsing)
    • added option --binomial <INT> for achieving binomially distributed arrival rates.
    • added option --validate <BOOL> for generating trips with validated connectivity. #1783
    • now supports attributes for <person> and <walk> definitions when using option --trip-attributes.
    • now supports discovering reverse connectivity by using option --destination
    • now supports edge permissions by using option --vclass
    • now supports writing an edge selecting for every (weakly) connected component when using option --selection-output
    • now outputs additional statistics in regard to the disconnected components. Thanks to Gregory Albiston for the patch.
    • added new tool for visualizing districts.
    • added new tool for creating an edge selection from a route file.
    • added new tool for comparing two traffic scenarios via their edgeData output.
    • now supports multiple definitions in a single input file. Thanks to Thomas Lockhart for the patch.
    • OSM-scenario-generator script now supports additional modes of traffic.
    • now supports filtering to a bounding box. #1774


  • Scenarios
  • Documentation
  • TraCI
    • TraCI version is now 10
    • The named constant traci.vehicle.DEPART_MAX is now named traci.vehicle.DEPART_SPEED_MAX. This corresponds to <vehicle departSpeed="max" .../>.
  • Tools
    • GDAL 2.0 is now supported. Thanks to Thomas Lockhart for the patch.
    • and no longer use option --geometry.remove-isolated to avoid removing rivers and railways.
  • Misc
    • The scripts and moved from <SUMO_HOME>/tools/trip to <SUMO_HOME>/tools
    • The OSM typemaps now disallow vClass tram and ship where appropriate
    • The tool sumoplayer has been removed because it became obsolete with the introduction of --fcd-output and #1651
    • The Win64 binaries no longer have a 64 suffix.
    • Error reporting on opening files got a little more verbose.
    • Whitespace in filenames is handled a little bit better

Version 0.23.0 (31.03.2015)#


  • Simulation
    • fixed bugs that caused multiple pedestrians to enter the same spot when using the striping model. #1506
    • fixed crash when vehicles with vClass="ignoring" attempt to drive across sidewalks and walkingareas.
    • fixed invalid departDelay in --tripinfo-output when using flows with attribute probablity. #1482
    • fixed rerouter interval ends which are now exclusive like all other intervals
    • fixed bug that caused invalid exit times when vehicles were teleported while on an intersection. #1520
    • fixed invalid estimation of the time and speed when reaching an intersection which could cause collisions. #1531 #1533
    • explicitly setting option --weight-attribute traveltime now properly fills the edge-weight container (i.e. for visualization). #1541
    • fixed invalid routeLength in --tripinfo-output when vehicles did not finish their route. #1539
    • fixed invalid routeLength in --tripinfo-output when using networks with internal lanes. #443
    • fixed bugs that were causing collisions. #1549, #1551, #1553, #1575, #1591
    • fixed bug that was causing vehicles to brake prematurely when turning left on a prioritized road. #1566
    • fixed crash when pedestrians were using the same edge twice in a row. #1555
    • fixed crash when pedestrians were given a disconnected route. #1578. Now disconnected routes are an error which is recoverable (by teleporting) using option --ignore-route-errors
    • pedestrians with a disconnected trip now properly reach their destination (if the option --ignore-route-errors is given). #1581
    • corrected reading the PHEMLIGHT_PATH environment variable
    • simulation now properly terminates when loading a <trip> with a from-edge that is shorter than the vehicle. #1559
    • vehicles no longer collide (visually) within an intersection when using the endOffset attribute. #970
    • fixed crash when attempting to load an additional tls program with unused phase states. #1641
    • fixed crash when specifying duplicate person ids. #1650
  • netconvert
    • when adding sidewalks via type-map and a sidewalk already exists, the edge now remains unchanged.
    • fixed bug where some generated pedestrian crossings at T-intersections had a permanent red light. #1363
    • fixed bug where right-turning vehicles had the green light during the left-turn phase when pedestrian crossings where present.
    • the width of adjacent sidewalks is now taken into account when computing the width of a walkingarea.
    • fixed bug where an invalid network was generated when declaring a pedestrian crossing at a dead-end node. #1366
    • fixed bug in computation of walkingarea shape. #1257
    • fixed bug in connection computation when some connections were explicitly deleted (also applied to some OSM turn-restrictions). #1457
    • changing offset or algorithm type with .tll.xml file for TLS loaded from a .net.xml file without changing the phases now works. #1207
    • when loading <split> elements along with a .net.xml file, existing connections are preserved whenever possible. #1353
    • Fixed 3D-geometry of internal lanes at elevated junctions. #1526
    • Fixed invalid connections when generating ramps. #1529
    • Fixed invalid geometry when generating ramps. #1535
    • fixed bug where user defined connections were ignored at intersections with one incoming and one outgoing edge. #1552
    • fixed crash when loading a sumo net with pedestrian crossings and removing edges via options. #1557
    • fixed errors when building pedestrian crossings. #1582
    • fixed invalid connections at edges with sidewalks. #1586
    • fixed positioning of internal junctions at turnarounds when using the endOffset attribute. #1589
    • when importing from OSM, compound types now honor the setting discard="true" of the individual component types.
    • fixed junction shape when using lanes with custom width. #1604
    • user-defined node shapes are now correctly imported from .net.xml files. #1450
    • lane-specific settings are no longer lost when applying an .edg.xml patch file to an existing network definition. #1609
    • fixed some of the bugs that were causing inappropriate node shapes.
    • several fixes to the placement of internal junctions (waiting positions on the intersection for selected connections)
      • removed some internal junctions that were not necessary
      • repositioned internal junctions so that the waiting vehicles do not overlap with foe vehicles #1611
      • moved internal junctions at TLS-controlled nodes further towards the junction center (previously they respected foe vehicles which would never get the green light at the same time)
    • fixed invalid junction logic (right-of-way rules) when incoming edges had uncommon angles. #1632 #1462
    • generate tls logic now matches the underlying edge priorities. The streams that would have priority if the node type was "priority" now always have a common green phase. #1642
    • the attribute controlledInner is now correctly exported to plain-xml output when importing a .net.xml where edges within a joined TLS are controlled. #1264
    • fixed bug that was causing the wrong flow to receive the right of way at priority junctions. #1689
  • MESO
    • fixed crash when updating vehicle routes while running with --meso-junction-control. see #1502
    • fixed angle and position of vehicle ids in the GUI
    • fixed crashes when using various outputs. #1505
    • fixed bug leading to exaggerated emissions. #1504
    • vehicles are now drawn correctly on curving lanes. #758
    • vehicle size exaggeration now working. #1406
  • sumo-gui
    • Fixed crash when using a vehicle parameter window while the vehicle disappears. #1534
    • Coloring by loaded edge weight now correctly reflects changes over time.
    • Edges/Lanes set to transparent (alpha = 0) are no longer drawn when zoomed out.
    • The view-settings dialog can no longer become hidden when switching between displays with a different resolution. #1512
    • Traffic-light show phase dialog no longer crashes when loading very long phases. #1451
    • fixed visualization of closed edges in rerouters
    • Lane coloring by inclination now correctly shows the direction. #1526
    • The checkbox Streets->'show rails' in the gui-settings dialog can now be used to toggle the visualization style of railways.
    • The edge width exaggeration factor is now properly saved to and loaded from a gui-settings-file.
    • fixed gui glitch when zooming with transparent lanes in view.
    • now drawing vehicles on transparent lanes.
    • Selecting the Center action from a popup-menu immediately centers the view on that object (instead of delaying until the next window update). #1593
    • when an error occurs during the initial route loading, reloading the simulation will now work after the user corrects the error in the input files. #1508
  • duarouter
    • no longer building invalid routes when the connectivity among edges differs between vClasses. #303
    • fixed bug that caused unreasonable detours in pedestrian routes (also affected routing in the simulation). #1556
  • all routers
    • Unknown vehicle type in <flow> element can now be ignored with option --ignore-errors.
  • Tools
    • now sorts unmodified departure times correctly.
    • no longer creates disconnected routes. Also, trains will no longer be generated on inappropriate edges.
    • now sorts correctly when using option --big. #1603


  • Simulation
    • Pedestrians now have appropriate default values for length, minGap and width. These values can be changed by using a vType.
    • Improved realism of pedestrian dynamics on walkingareas when using model striping. Pedestrians at arbitrary angles now properly avoid each other.
    • Added option --pedestrian.striping.jamtime <TIME> to control behavior of jammed pedestrians. By default, pedestrians will now start squeezing through the jam after being stopped for that time. As a consequence, pedestrian scenarios now always terminate.
    • Added option --output-prefix <FILE> to automatically add a prefix to all output files. The special string TIME is replaced with the current time.
    • Rerouters can now set permitted vehicle classes on closed lanes, see #1518
    • A warning is now issued when a loaded network contains unsafe connections. #447
    • A new car-following class based on the original Krauß was added that that takes into account the maximum acceleration ability computed by PHEMlight
    • Pedestrian routing now also works on networks without pedestrian infrastructure (walkingareas). #1564
    • Added option --netstate-dump.precision <INT> to control the precision (number of digits after the dot) of vehicle positions and speeds when using option --netstate-dump.
    • Added vehicle class ship.
    • option --ignore-route-errors now also handles errors which prevent the vehicle from being inserted into the network. #1661
    • Added option --device.rerouting.output <FILE> to export the travel times which are used for dynamic rerouting during every adaptation interval. #1663
  • sumo-gui
    • Can now color and scale lanes by average speed and by by average relative speed (relative to the speed limit).
    • Added option for drawing the path across the current walkingarea to the person popup menu.
    • Can now color pedestrians randomly.
    • When drawing persons as triangles, the direction they are facing is now indicated (it was ambiguous for equilateral triangles).
    • The lane menu now shows the height under the cursor as well as the offset (pos).
    • Can now color lanes by height at segment start and by by inclination at segment start. This allows investigating the 3D-geometry in detail.
    • Added param show-detectors that allows showing detectors of actuated traffic lights in the GUI.
    • When drawing streets with exaggerated width, the edge in one direction no longer overlaps with the opposite direction. #1540
    • Now setting window title when loading config or net at application start.
    • Added menu for locating persons. #1276
    • The line information for a vehicle is now shown below the vehicle id and in the parameter dialog. #1563
    • The network parameter dialog now includes some statistics on the number of nodes and edges as well as the total road length. #1367
    • Added guiShape ship.
    • Now drawing waterways (lanes with allow="ship") in a distinct style.
    • Added menu option for loading an additional-file with shapes.
    • Improved gui shapes for two-wheeled vehicles.
    • Markings for bike lanes are now drawn at road intersections (bike lanes are lanes which only allow vClass bicycle).
    • Added options for saving the current viewport and simulation delay along with the current visualisation settings. #1625
  • netconvert
    • read heightmaps from GeoTIFFs for instance SRTM data #1495
    • when adding sidewalks via typemap or --sidewalks.guess, permissions on all other lanes are now automatically set to disallow pedestrians. #1507
    • sidewalks can now be added for specific edges by adding the attribute sidewalkWidth="<width_in_m>" to <edge>-elements in .edg.xml-files. This automatically remaps any existing connections. #1580
    • when using pedestrian crossings and green verges (lanes which disallow all vClasses), the crossing now starts at the side of the ride instead of the green verge. #1583
    • Added option --sidewalks.guess.from-permissions <BOOL>. This adds sidewalks for edges that allow pedestrians on any of their lanes regardless of speed. #1588
    • Can now import waterways from OSM (needs a custom type-map).
    • The junction size can now be customized using the new <node>-attribute radius #1605
    • Added option --junctions.corner-detail <INT> which can be used to generate rounded intersection corners. #1606
    • user-defined shapes for internal lanes, crossings and walkingareas are now supported via the new customShape-element in .con.xml files #1607
    • right-turning road vehicles will now wait within the intersection when yielding to straight-going bicycles. #1255
  • netgenerate
    • can now generate networks with unregulated intersections. #1558
  • polyconvert
    • added option --output.plain-geo <BOOL> for writing POIs and polygons with geo-coordinates. #1608
  • netedit
    • can now visualize railways the same way as sumo-gui. #1542
    • can now disable drawing of junction shapes via gui-settings.
    • can now load all types of shapes from the menu.
    • can now undo/redo bulk selection/deselection of objects. #1614
    • added option for auto-selecting an edges nodes.
    • can now modify the nodes of an edge via the attribute dialog. #1662
    • the attribute panel is now updated on undo/redo/recompute. #696
    • when creating a reverse edge with spread type center, the new edge is shifted sideways and given new endpoints.
    • can now move the view in 'Create Edge'-mode by holding Ctrl
  • Tools
    • now supports sorting persons and also copies additional elements (such as vType to the output).
    • can now handle nested stops in a vehicle definition.
    • added for computing statistics on route length.
    • added option --orig-ids <BOOL> for keeping the original vehicle IDs instead of a running index. For some output formats such as NS2 this only works if the vehicle IDs are numeric to begin with.
    • now preserves vType elements.
    • now starts with 'real world' gui settings and initial delay of 20. Also, the trip generation settings have been tweaked for realism (i.e. shorter pedestrian trips, longer train routes)


  • Documentation
    • Added overview on Randomness in the Simulation
    • Added overview on Vehicle speeds
    • The feature for passing arbitrary sumo options to is now mentioned when calling --help.
    • The attribute endOffset which can be used to move the stop line when defining networks is now documented. It has been available since version 0.13.0.
    • Documented recommended options when importing OSM networks
    • Documented TraCI retrieval of waiting time for vehicles, persons, edges and lanes
  • TraCI
    • consolidated the message IDs for ArealDetectors
    • TraCI version is now 9
  • Miscellaneous
    • netconvert option --map-output was removed since it was neither working nor deemed useful enough to repair it.
    • added warning about invalid geo-coordinates in netconvert and polyconvert input