Eclipse SUMO - Simulation of Urban MObility
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /****************************************************************************/
2 // Eclipse SUMO, Simulation of Urban MObility; see
3 // Copyright (C) 2002-2024 German Aerospace Center (DLR) and others.
4 // This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
5 // terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at
6 //
7 // This Source Code may also be made available under the following Secondary
8 // Licenses when the conditions for such availability set forth in the Eclipse
9 // Public License 2.0 are satisfied: GNU General Public License, version 2
10 // or later which is available at
11 //
12 // SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 OR GPL-2.0-or-later
13 /****************************************************************************/
19 // Member method definitions for MSOverheadWire and MSTractionSubstation.
20 /****************************************************************************/
21 #include <config.h>
23 #include <cassert>
24 #include <tuple>
25 #include <mutex>
26 #include <string.h>
29 #include <utils/common/ToString.h>
30 #include <microsim/MSVehicleType.h>
32 #include <microsim/MSJunction.h>
33 #include <microsim/MSLane.h>
34 #include <microsim/MSLink.h>
35 #include <microsim/MSNet.h>
38 // due to gOverheadWireSolver
39 #include <microsim/MSGlobals.h>
41 // due to solving circuit as endEndOfTimestepEvents
47 #include "MSOverheadWire.h"
51 static std::mutex ow_mutex;
53 // ===========================================================================
54 // MSOverheadWire
55 // ===========================================================================
57 MSOverheadWire::MSOverheadWire(const std::string& overheadWireSegmentID, MSLane& lane, double startPos, double endPos, bool voltageSource) :
58  MSStoppingPlace(overheadWireSegmentID, SUMO_TAG_OVERHEAD_WIRE_SEGMENT, std::vector<std::string>(), lane, startPos, endPos),
59  myVoltage(0),
60  myChargingVehicle(false),
61  myTotalCharge(0),
62  myChargingVehicles({}),
63  // RICE_TODO: think about some better structure storing circuit pointers below
64  myTractionSubstation(nullptr),
65  myVoltageSource(voltageSource),
66  myCircuitElementPos(nullptr),
67  myCircuitStartNodePos(nullptr),
68 myCircuitEndNodePos(nullptr) {
69  if (getBeginLanePosition() > getEndLanePosition()) {
70  WRITE_WARNING(toString(SUMO_TAG_OVERHEAD_WIRE_SEGMENT) + " with ID = " + getID() + " doesn't have a valid range (" + toString(getBeginLanePosition()) + " < " + toString(getEndLanePosition()) + ").");
71  }
72 }
75  if (myTractionSubstation != nullptr) {
79  delete myCircuitElementPos;
80  if (myCircuitEndNodePos->getElements()->size() == 0) {
82  delete myCircuitEndNodePos;
83  }
84  if (myCircuitStartNodePos->getElements()->size() == 0) {
86  delete myCircuitStartNodePos;
87  }
88  }
92  //RICE_TODO We should "delete myTractionSubstation;" here ...
93  } else {
95  }
96  }
97 }
100 void
102  std::lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(ow_mutex);
103  setChargingVehicle(true);
104  myChargingVehicles.push_back(&veh);
106 }
108 void
110  std::lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(ow_mutex);
111  myChargingVehicles.erase(std::remove(myChargingVehicles.begin(), myChargingVehicles.end(), &veh), myChargingVehicles.end());
112  if (myChargingVehicles.size() == 0) {
113  setChargingVehicle(false);
114  }
115  //sort(myChargingVehicles.begin(), myChargingVehicles.end(), vehicle_position_sorter());
116 }
118 void
120  ow_mutex.lock();
121 }
123 void
125  ow_mutex.unlock();
126 }
128 void
130  myElecHybrid.push_back(elecHybrid);
131 }
133 void
135  myElecHybrid.erase(std::remove(myElecHybrid.begin(), myElecHybrid.end(), veh), myElecHybrid.end());
136 }
138 void
140  std::cout << "substation " << getID() << " constrols segments: \n";
141  for (std::vector<MSOverheadWire*>::iterator it = myOverheadWireSegments.begin(); it != myOverheadWireSegments.end(); ++it) {
142  std::cout << " " << (*it)->getOverheadWireSegmentName() << "\n";
143  }
144 }
148  return toString(getID());
149 }
152 }
154 Circuit*
156  if (getTractionSubstation() != nullptr) {
157  return getTractionSubstation()->getCircuit();
158  }
159  return nullptr;
160 }
162 double
164  return myVoltage;
165 }
167 void
168 MSOverheadWire::setVoltage(double voltage) {
169  if (voltage < 0) {
170  WRITE_WARNING("New " + toString(SUMO_ATTR_VOLTAGE) + " for " + toString(SUMO_TAG_OVERHEAD_WIRE_SEGMENT) + " with ID = " + getID() + " isn't valid (" + toString(voltage) + ").")
171  } else {
172  myVoltage = voltage;
173  }
174 }
176 void
178  myChargingVehicle = value;
179 }
182 void
184  myChargingVehicle = value;
185 }
187 bool
188 MSOverheadWire::vehicleIsInside(const double position) const {
189  if ((position >= getBeginLanePosition()) && (position <= getEndLanePosition())) {
190  return true;
191  } else {
192  return false;
193  }
194 }
197 bool
199  return myChargingVehicle;
200 }
203 void
204 MSOverheadWire::addChargeValueForOutput(double WCharged, MSDevice_ElecHybrid* elecHybrid, bool ischarging) {
205  std::string status = "charging";
206  if (!ischarging) {
207  status = "not-charging";
208  }
210  // update total charge
211  myTotalCharge += WCharged;
212  // create charge row and insert it in myChargeValues
213  const std::string vehID = elecHybrid->getHolder().getID();
214  if (myChargeValues.count(vehID) == 0) {
215  myChargedVehicles.push_back(vehID);
216  }
217  Charge C(MSNet::getInstance()->getCurrentTimeStep(), elecHybrid->getHolder().getID(), elecHybrid->getHolder().getVehicleType().getID(),
218  status, WCharged, elecHybrid->getActualBatteryCapacity(), elecHybrid->getMaximumBatteryCapacity(),
219  elecHybrid->getVoltageOfOverheadWire(), myTotalCharge);
220  myChargeValues[vehID].push_back(C);
221 }
224 void
226  int chargingSteps = 0;
227  std::vector<SUMOTime> chargingSteps_list;
228  for (const auto& item : myChargeValues) {
229  for (auto it : item.second) {
230  if (std::find(chargingSteps_list.begin(), chargingSteps_list.end(), it.timeStep) == chargingSteps_list.end()) {
231  chargingSteps_list.push_back(it.timeStep);
232  }
233  }
234  }
235  chargingSteps = (int) chargingSteps_list.size();
237  output.writeAttr(SUMO_ATTR_ID, myID);
238  if (getTractionSubstation() != nullptr) {
240  } else {
242  }
245  // RICE_TODO QUESTION myChargeValues.size() vs. chargingSteps
246  // myChargeValues.size() is the number of vehicles charging sometimes from this overheadwire segment during simulation
247  // chargingSteps is now the sum of chargingSteps of each vehicle, but takes also into account that at the given
248  // step more than one vehicle may be charged from this segment
249  output.writeAttr(SUMO_ATTR_CHARGINGSTEPS, chargingSteps);
250  // output.writeAttr(SUMO_ATTR_EDGE, getLane().getEdge());
251  output.writeAttr(SUMO_ATTR_LANE, getLane().getID());
253  // Start writing
254  if (myChargeValues.size() > 0) {
255  for (const std::string& vehID : myChargedVehicles) {
256  int iStart = 0;
257  const auto& chargeSteps = myChargeValues[vehID];
258  while (iStart < (int)chargeSteps.size()) {
259  int iEnd = iStart + 1;
260  double charged = chargeSteps[iStart].WCharged;
261  while (iEnd < (int)chargeSteps.size() && chargeSteps[iEnd].timeStep == chargeSteps[iEnd - 1].timeStep + DELTA_T) {
262  charged += chargeSteps[iEnd].WCharged;
263  iEnd++;
264  }
265  writeVehicle(output, chargeSteps, iStart, iEnd, charged);
266  iStart = iEnd;
267  }
268  }
269  }
270  // close charging station tag
271  output.closeTag();
272 }
275 void
276 MSOverheadWire::writeVehicle(OutputDevice& out, const std::vector<Charge>& chargeSteps, int iStart, int iEnd, double charged) {
277  const Charge& first = chargeSteps[iStart];
279  out.writeAttr(SUMO_ATTR_ID, first.vehicleID);
283  out.writeAttr(SUMO_ATTR_CHARGINGEND, time2string(chargeSteps[iEnd - 1].timeStep));
285  for (int i = iStart; i < iEnd; i++) {
286  const Charge& c = chargeSteps[i];
287  out.openTag(SUMO_TAG_STEP);
289  // charge values
293  // charging values of charging station in this timestep
295  // battery status of vehicle
297  // close tag timestep
298  out.closeTag();
299  }
300  out.closeTag();
301 }
304 // ===========================================================================
305 // MSTractionSubstation
306 // ===========================================================================
307 // RICE_TODO Split MSTractionSubstation and MSOverheadWire?
308 // Probably no as the traction substation cannot stand alone and is always
309 // used together with the overhead wire. It is a bit disorganised, though.
311 MSTractionSubstation::MSTractionSubstation(const std::string& substationId, double voltage, double currentLimit) :
312  Named(substationId),
313  myChargingVehicle(false),
314  myElecHybridCount(0),
315  mySubstationVoltage(voltage),
316  myCircuit(new Circuit(currentLimit)),
317  myTotalEnergy(0)
318 {}
322 void
324  MSLane& lane = const_cast<MSLane&>(newOverheadWireSegment->getLane());
325  if (lane.isInternal()) {
326  return;
327  }
329  // RICE_TODO: consider the possibility of having more segments that belong to one lane.
331  myOverheadWireSegments.push_back(newOverheadWireSegment);
332  newOverheadWireSegment->setTractionSubstation(this);
335 #ifdef HAVE_EIGEN
336  Circuit* circuit = newOverheadWireSegment->getCircuit();
337  const std::string segmentID = newOverheadWireSegment->getID();
339  if (circuit->getNode("negNode_ground") == nullptr) {
340  circuit->addNode("negNode_ground");
341  }
343  // convention: pNode is at the beginning of the wire segment, nNode is at the end of the wire segment
344  newOverheadWireSegment->setCircuitStartNodePos(circuit->addNode("pNode_pos_" + segmentID));
345  newOverheadWireSegment->setCircuitEndNodePos(circuit->addNode("nNode_pos_" + segmentID));
346  // RICE_TODO: to use startPos and endPos of ovhdsegment: set the length of wire here properly
347  newOverheadWireSegment->setCircuitElementPos(
348  circuit->addElement("pos_" + segmentID,
349  (newOverheadWireSegment->getLane().getLength()) * WIRE_RESISTIVITY,
350  newOverheadWireSegment->getCircuitStartNodePos(),
351  newOverheadWireSegment->getCircuitEndNodePos(),
352  Element::ElementType::RESISTOR_traction_wire));
353 #else
354  WRITE_WARNING(TL("Overhead circuit solver requested, but solver support (Eigen) not compiled in."));
355 #endif
356  }
358  const MSLane* connection = nullptr;
359  std::string ovrhdSegmentID = ""; //ID of outgoing or incoming overhead wire segment
360  MSOverheadWire* ovrhdSegment = nullptr; //pointer to outgoing or incoming overhead wire segment
362  // RICE_TODO: simplify the code, two similar code-blocks below
363  // RICE_TODO: to use startPos and endPos of ovhdsegment: if endPos+EPS > newOverheadWireSegment->getLane().getLength(),
364  // and the outgoing lanes will be skipped as there is no wire at the end of the lane
366  /* in version before SUMO 1.0.1 the function getOutgoingLanes() returning MSLane* exists,
367  in new version of SUMO the funciton getOutgoingViaLanes() returning MSLane* and MSEdge* pair exists */
368  // std::vector<const MSLane*> outgoing = lane.getOutgoingLanes();
369  const std::vector<std::pair<const MSLane*, const MSEdge*> > outgoingLanesAndEdges = lane.getOutgoingViaLanes();
370  std::vector<const MSLane*> neigboringInnerLanes;
371  neigboringInnerLanes.reserve(outgoingLanesAndEdges.size());
372  for (size_t it = 0; it < outgoingLanesAndEdges.size(); ++it) {
373  neigboringInnerLanes.push_back(outgoingLanesAndEdges[it].first);
374  }
376  // Check if there is an overhead wire segment on the outgoing lane. If not, do nothing, otherwise find connnecting internal lanes and
377  // add all lanes (this and inner) to circuit
378  for (std::vector<const MSLane*>::iterator it = neigboringInnerLanes.begin(); it != neigboringInnerLanes.end(); ++it) {
379  ovrhdSegmentID = MSNet::getInstance()->getStoppingPlaceID(*it, NUMERICAL_EPS, SUMO_TAG_OVERHEAD_WIRE_SEGMENT);
380  // If the overhead wire segment is over the outgoing (not internal) lane
381  if (ovrhdSegmentID != "" && !(*it)->isInternal()) {
382  ovrhdSegment = dynamic_cast<MSOverheadWire*>(MSNet::getInstance()->getStoppingPlace(ovrhdSegmentID, SUMO_TAG_OVERHEAD_WIRE_SEGMENT));
383  // If the outgoing overhead wire segment belongs to the same substation as newOverheadWireSegment
384  // RICE_TODO: define what happens if the traction stations are different (overhead wire should continue over inner segments but it is unclear to which traction substation or even circuit it should be connected)
385  if (ovrhdSegment->getTractionSubstation() == newOverheadWireSegment->getTractionSubstation()) {
386  connection = lane.getInternalFollowingLane(*it);
387  if (connection != nullptr) {
388  //is connection a forbidden lane?
389  if (!(ovrhdSegment->getTractionSubstation()->isForbidden(connection) ||
390  ovrhdSegment->getTractionSubstation()->isForbidden(lane.getInternalFollowingLane(connection)) ||
391  ovrhdSegment->getTractionSubstation()->isForbidden(connection->getInternalFollowingLane(*it)))) {
392  addOverheadWireInnerSegmentToCircuit(newOverheadWireSegment, ovrhdSegment, connection, lane.getInternalFollowingLane(connection), connection->getInternalFollowingLane(*it));
393  }
395  } else {
397 #ifdef HAVE_EIGEN
398  Node* const unusedNode = newOverheadWireSegment->getCircuitEndNodePos();
399  for (MSOverheadWire* const ows : myOverheadWireSegments) {
400  if (ows->getCircuitStartNodePos() == unusedNode) {
401  ows->setCircuitStartNodePos(ovrhdSegment->getCircuitStartNodePos());
402  }
403  if (ows->getCircuitEndNodePos() == unusedNode) {
404  ows->setCircuitEndNodePos(ovrhdSegment->getCircuitStartNodePos());
405  }
406  }
407  newOverheadWireSegment->getCircuit()->replaceAndDeleteNode(unusedNode, ovrhdSegment->getCircuitStartNodePos());
408 #else
409  WRITE_WARNING(TL("Overhead circuit solver requested, but solver support (Eigen) not compiled in."));
410 #endif
411  }
412  }
413  }
414  }
415  }
417  // RICE_TODO: to use startPos and endPos of ovhdsegment: if startPos-EPS < 0,
418  // and the incoming lanes will be skipped as there is no wire at the beginning of the lane
420  // This is the same as above, only this time checking the wires on some incoming lanes. If some of them
421  // has an overhead wire segment, find the connnecting internal lanes and add all lanes (the internal
422  // and this) to the circuit, otherwise do nothing.
423  neigboringInnerLanes = lane.getNormalIncomingLanes();
424  for (std::vector<const MSLane*>::iterator it = neigboringInnerLanes.begin(); it != neigboringInnerLanes.end(); ++it) {
425  ovrhdSegmentID = MSNet::getInstance()->getStoppingPlaceID(*it, (*it)->getLength() - NUMERICAL_EPS, SUMO_TAG_OVERHEAD_WIRE_SEGMENT);
426  // If the overhead wire segment is over the incoming (not internal) lane
427  if (ovrhdSegmentID != "" && !(*it)->isInternal()) {
428  ovrhdSegment = dynamic_cast<MSOverheadWire*>(MSNet::getInstance()->getStoppingPlace(ovrhdSegmentID, SUMO_TAG_OVERHEAD_WIRE_SEGMENT));
429  // If the incoming overhead wire segment belongs to the same substation as newOverheadWireSegment
430  // RICE_TODO: define what happens if the traction stations are different (overhead wire should continue over inner segments but it is unclear to which traction substation or even circuit it should be connected)
431  if (ovrhdSegment->getTractionSubstation() == newOverheadWireSegment->getTractionSubstation()) {
432  connection = (*it)->getInternalFollowingLane(&lane);
433  if (connection != nullptr) {
434  //is connection a forbidden lane?
435  if (!(ovrhdSegment->getTractionSubstation()->isForbidden(connection) ||
436  ovrhdSegment->getTractionSubstation()->isForbidden((*it)->getInternalFollowingLane(connection)) ||
437  ovrhdSegment->getTractionSubstation()->isForbidden(connection->getInternalFollowingLane(&lane)))) {
438  addOverheadWireInnerSegmentToCircuit(ovrhdSegment, newOverheadWireSegment, connection, (*it)->getInternalFollowingLane(connection), connection->getInternalFollowingLane(&lane));
439  }
440  } else {
442 #ifdef HAVE_EIGEN
443  Node* const unusedNode = newOverheadWireSegment->getCircuitStartNodePos();
444  for (MSOverheadWire* const ows : myOverheadWireSegments) {
445  if (ows->getCircuitStartNodePos() == unusedNode) {
446  ows->setCircuitStartNodePos(ovrhdSegment->getCircuitEndNodePos());
447  }
448  if (ows->getCircuitEndNodePos() == unusedNode) {
449  ows->setCircuitEndNodePos(ovrhdSegment->getCircuitEndNodePos());
450  }
451  }
452  newOverheadWireSegment->getCircuit()->replaceAndDeleteNode(unusedNode, ovrhdSegment->getCircuitEndNodePos());
453 #else
454  WRITE_WARNING(TL("Overhead circuit solver requested, but solver support (Eigen) not compiled in."));
455 #endif
456  }
457  }
458  }
459  }
460  }
462  if (MSGlobals::gOverheadWireSolver && newOverheadWireSegment->isThereVoltageSource()) {
463 #ifdef HAVE_EIGEN
464  newOverheadWireSegment->getCircuit()->addElement(
465  "voltage_source_" + newOverheadWireSegment->getID(),
467  newOverheadWireSegment->getCircuitStartNodePos(),
468  newOverheadWireSegment->getCircuit()->getNode("negNode_ground"),
469  Element::ElementType::VOLTAGE_SOURCE_traction_wire);
470 #else
471  WRITE_WARNING(TL("Overhead circuit solver requested, but solver support (Eigen) not compiled in."));
472 #endif
473  }
474 }
477 void
478 MSTractionSubstation::addOverheadWireInnerSegmentToCircuit(MSOverheadWire* incomingSegment, MSOverheadWire* outgoingSegment, const MSLane* connection, const MSLane* frontConnection, const MSLane* behindConnection) {
479  if (frontConnection == nullptr && behindConnection == nullptr) {
480  // addOverheadWire from nNode of newOverheadWireSegment to pNode
481  MSOverheadWire* innerSegment = dynamic_cast<MSOverheadWire*>(MSNet::getInstance()->getStoppingPlace("ovrhd_inner_" + connection->getID(), SUMO_TAG_OVERHEAD_WIRE_SEGMENT));
482  myOverheadWireSegments.push_back(innerSegment);
483  innerSegment->setTractionSubstation(incomingSegment->getTractionSubstation());
485 #ifdef HAVE_EIGEN
486  Element* elem = incomingSegment->getCircuit()->addElement("pos_ovrhd_inner_" + connection->getID(), (connection->getLength()) * WIRE_RESISTIVITY, incomingSegment->getCircuitEndNodePos(), outgoingSegment->getCircuitStartNodePos(), Element::ElementType::RESISTOR_traction_wire);
487  innerSegment->setCircuitElementPos(elem);
488  innerSegment->setCircuitStartNodePos(incomingSegment->getCircuitEndNodePos());
489  innerSegment->setCircuitEndNodePos(outgoingSegment->getCircuitStartNodePos());
490 #else
491  UNUSED_PARAMETER(outgoingSegment);
492  WRITE_WARNING(TL("Overhead circuit solver requested, but solver support (Eigen) not compiled in."));
493 #endif
494  }
495  } else if (frontConnection != nullptr && behindConnection == nullptr) {
496  MSOverheadWire* innerSegment = dynamic_cast<MSOverheadWire*>(MSNet::getInstance()->getStoppingPlace("ovrhd_inner_" + frontConnection->getID(), SUMO_TAG_OVERHEAD_WIRE_SEGMENT));
497  MSOverheadWire* innerSegment2 = dynamic_cast<MSOverheadWire*>(MSNet::getInstance()->getStoppingPlace("ovrhd_inner_" + connection->getID(), SUMO_TAG_OVERHEAD_WIRE_SEGMENT));
499  innerSegment->setTractionSubstation(incomingSegment->getTractionSubstation());
500  myOverheadWireSegments.push_back(innerSegment);
501  innerSegment2->setTractionSubstation(incomingSegment->getTractionSubstation());
502  myOverheadWireSegments.push_back(innerSegment2);
505 #ifdef HAVE_EIGEN
506  Node* betweenFrontNode_pos = incomingSegment->getCircuit()->addNode("betweenFrontNode_pos_" + connection->getID());
507  Element* elem = incomingSegment->getCircuit()->addElement("pos_ovrhd_inner_" + frontConnection->getID(), (frontConnection->getLength()) * WIRE_RESISTIVITY, incomingSegment->getCircuitEndNodePos(), betweenFrontNode_pos, Element::ElementType::RESISTOR_traction_wire);
508  Element* elem2 = incomingSegment->getCircuit()->addElement("pos_ovrhd_inner_" + connection->getID(), (connection->getLength()) * WIRE_RESISTIVITY, betweenFrontNode_pos, outgoingSegment->getCircuitStartNodePos(), Element::ElementType::RESISTOR_traction_wire);
510  innerSegment->setCircuitElementPos(elem);
511  innerSegment->setCircuitStartNodePos(incomingSegment->getCircuitEndNodePos());
512  innerSegment->setCircuitEndNodePos(betweenFrontNode_pos);
514  innerSegment2->setCircuitElementPos(elem2);
515  innerSegment2->setCircuitStartNodePos(betweenFrontNode_pos);
516  innerSegment2->setCircuitEndNodePos(outgoingSegment->getCircuitStartNodePos());
517 #else
518  WRITE_WARNING(TL("Overhead circuit solver requested, but solver support (Eigen) not compiled in."));
519 #endif
520  }
521  } else if (frontConnection == nullptr && behindConnection != nullptr) {
522  MSOverheadWire* innerSegment = dynamic_cast<MSOverheadWire*>(MSNet::getInstance()->getStoppingPlace("ovrhd_inner_" + connection->getID(), SUMO_TAG_OVERHEAD_WIRE_SEGMENT));
523  MSOverheadWire* innerSegment2 = dynamic_cast<MSOverheadWire*>(MSNet::getInstance()->getStoppingPlace("ovrhd_inner_" + behindConnection->getID(), SUMO_TAG_OVERHEAD_WIRE_SEGMENT));
525  innerSegment->setTractionSubstation(incomingSegment->getTractionSubstation());
526  myOverheadWireSegments.push_back(innerSegment);
527  innerSegment2->setTractionSubstation(incomingSegment->getTractionSubstation());
528  myOverheadWireSegments.push_back(innerSegment2);
531 #ifdef HAVE_EIGEN
532  Node* betweenBehindNode_pos = incomingSegment->getCircuit()->addNode("betweenBehindNode_pos_" + connection->getID());
533  Element* elem = incomingSegment->getCircuit()->addElement("pos_ovrhd_inner_" + connection->getID(), (connection->getLength()) * WIRE_RESISTIVITY, incomingSegment->getCircuitEndNodePos(), betweenBehindNode_pos, Element::ElementType::RESISTOR_traction_wire);
534  Element* elem2 = incomingSegment->getCircuit()->addElement("pos_ovrhd_inner_" + behindConnection->getID(), (behindConnection->getLength()) * WIRE_RESISTIVITY, betweenBehindNode_pos, outgoingSegment->getCircuitStartNodePos(), Element::ElementType::RESISTOR_traction_wire);
536  innerSegment->setCircuitElementPos(elem);
537  innerSegment->setCircuitStartNodePos(incomingSegment->getCircuitEndNodePos());
538  innerSegment->setCircuitEndNodePos(betweenBehindNode_pos);
540  innerSegment2->setCircuitElementPos(elem2);
541  innerSegment2->setCircuitStartNodePos(betweenBehindNode_pos);
542  innerSegment2->setCircuitEndNodePos(outgoingSegment->getCircuitStartNodePos());
543 #else
544  WRITE_WARNING(TL("Overhead circuit solver requested, but solver support (Eigen) not compiled in."));
545 #endif
546  }
547  } else if (frontConnection != nullptr && behindConnection != nullptr) {
548  MSOverheadWire* innerSegment = dynamic_cast<MSOverheadWire*>(MSNet::getInstance()->getStoppingPlace("ovrhd_inner_" + frontConnection->getID(), SUMO_TAG_OVERHEAD_WIRE_SEGMENT));
549  MSOverheadWire* innerSegment2 = dynamic_cast<MSOverheadWire*>(MSNet::getInstance()->getStoppingPlace("ovrhd_inner_" + connection->getID(), SUMO_TAG_OVERHEAD_WIRE_SEGMENT));
550  MSOverheadWire* innerSegment3 = dynamic_cast<MSOverheadWire*>(MSNet::getInstance()->getStoppingPlace("ovrhd_inner_" + behindConnection->getID(), SUMO_TAG_OVERHEAD_WIRE_SEGMENT));
552  innerSegment->setTractionSubstation(incomingSegment->getTractionSubstation());
553  myOverheadWireSegments.push_back(innerSegment);
554  innerSegment2->setTractionSubstation(incomingSegment->getTractionSubstation());
555  myOverheadWireSegments.push_back(innerSegment2);
556  innerSegment3->setTractionSubstation(incomingSegment->getTractionSubstation());
557  myOverheadWireSegments.push_back(innerSegment3);
560 #ifdef HAVE_EIGEN
561  Node* betweenFrontNode_pos = incomingSegment->getCircuit()->addNode("betweenFrontNode_pos_" + connection->getID());
562  Node* betweenBehindNode_pos = incomingSegment->getCircuit()->addNode("betweenBehindNode_pos_" + connection->getID());
563  Element* elem = incomingSegment->getCircuit()->addElement("pos_ovrhd_inner_" + frontConnection->getID(), (frontConnection->getLength()) * WIRE_RESISTIVITY, incomingSegment->getCircuitEndNodePos(), betweenFrontNode_pos, Element::ElementType::RESISTOR_traction_wire);
564  Element* elem2 = incomingSegment->getCircuit()->addElement("pos_ovrhd_inner_" + connection->getID(), (connection->getLength()) * WIRE_RESISTIVITY, betweenFrontNode_pos, betweenBehindNode_pos, Element::ElementType::RESISTOR_traction_wire);
565  Element* elem3 = incomingSegment->getCircuit()->addElement("pos_ovrhd_inner_" + behindConnection->getID(), (behindConnection->getLength()) * WIRE_RESISTIVITY, betweenBehindNode_pos, outgoingSegment->getCircuitStartNodePos(), Element::ElementType::RESISTOR_traction_wire);
567  innerSegment->setCircuitElementPos(elem);
568  innerSegment->setCircuitStartNodePos(incomingSegment->getCircuitEndNodePos());
569  innerSegment->setCircuitEndNodePos(betweenFrontNode_pos);
571  innerSegment2->setCircuitElementPos(elem2);
572  innerSegment2->setCircuitStartNodePos(betweenFrontNode_pos);
573  innerSegment2->setCircuitEndNodePos(betweenBehindNode_pos);
575  innerSegment3->setCircuitElementPos(elem3);
576  innerSegment3->setCircuitStartNodePos(betweenBehindNode_pos);
577  innerSegment3->setCircuitEndNodePos(outgoingSegment->getCircuitStartNodePos());
578 #else
579  WRITE_WARNING(TL("Overhead circuit solver requested, but solver support not compiled in."));
580 #endif
581  }
582  }
583 }
586 void MSTractionSubstation::addOverheadWireClampToCircuit(const std::string id, MSOverheadWire* startSegment, MSOverheadWire* endSegment) {
587  PositionVector pos_start = startSegment->getLane().getShape();
588  PositionVector pos_end = endSegment->getLane().getShape();
589  double distance = pos_start[0].distanceTo2D(pos_end.back());
591  if (distance > 10) {
592  WRITE_WARNING("The distance between two overhead wires during adding overhead wire clamp '" + id + "' defined for traction substation '" + startSegment->getTractionSubstation()->getID() + "' is " + toString(distance) + " m.")
593  }
594  getCircuit()->addElement(id, distance * WIRE_RESISTIVITY, startSegment->getCircuitStartNodePos(), endSegment->getCircuitEndNodePos(), Element::ElementType::RESISTOR_traction_wire);
595 }
598 void
600  //myOverheadWireSegments.push_back(static_cast<MSOverheadWire*>(MSNet::getInstance()->getStoppingPlace(overheadWireSegmentID, SUMO_TAG_OVERHEAD_WIRE_SEGMENT)));
601  myOverheadWireSegments.erase(std::remove(myOverheadWireSegments.begin(), myOverheadWireSegments.end(), oldSegment), myOverheadWireSegments.end());
602 }
605 bool
607  return myChargingVehicle;
608 }
611 void
614 }
617 void
620 }
624  myForbiddenLanes.push_back(lane);
625 }
629  for (std::vector<MSLane*>::iterator it = myForbiddenLanes.begin(); it != myForbiddenLanes.end(); ++it) {
630  if (lane == (*it)) {
631  return true;
632  }
633  }
634  return false;
635 }
638 void
639 MSTractionSubstation::addClamp(const std::string& id, MSOverheadWire* startPos, MSOverheadWire* endPos) {
640  OverheadWireClamp clamp(id, startPos, endPos, false);
641  myOverheadWireClamps.push_back(clamp);
642 }
646 MSTractionSubstation::findClamp(std::string clampId) {
647  for (auto it = myOverheadWireClamps.begin(); it != myOverheadWireClamps.end(); it++) {
648  if (it->id == clampId) {
649  return &(*it);
650  }
651  }
652  return nullptr;
653 }
656 bool
658  if (myOverheadWireSegments.size() > 0 || myForbiddenLanes.size() > 0 || getCircuit()->getLastId() > 0) {
659  return true;
660  }
661  return false;
662 }
665 void
667  if (!myChargingVehicle) {
668  // myCommandForSolvingCircuit = new StaticCommand<MSTractionSubstation>(&MSTractionSubstation::solveCircuit);
671  setChargingVehicle(true);
672  }
673 }
676 SUMOTime
678  /*Circuit evaluation*/
679  setChargingVehicle(false);
681 #ifdef HAVE_EIGEN
683  // RICE_TODO: Allow for updating current limits in each time step if changed e.g. via traci or similar
684  // getCircuit()->setCurrentLimit(myCurrentLimit);
686  // Solve the electrical circuit
687  myCircuit->solve();
689  if (myCircuit->getAlphaBest() != 1.0) {
690  WRITE_WARNINGF(TL("The requested total power could not be delivered by the overhead wire. Only % of originally requested power was provided."), toString(myCircuit->getAlphaBest()));
691  }
692 #endif
694  // RICE_TODO: verify what happens if eigen is not defined?
695  // Note: addSolvingCircuitToEndOfTimestepEvents() and thus solveCircuit() should be called from notifyMove only if eigen is defined.
698  for (auto* it : myElecHybrid) {
700  Element* vehElem = it->getVehElem();
701  double voltage = vehElem->getVoltage();
702  double current = -vehElem->getCurrent(); // Vehicle is a power source, hence its current (returned by getCurrent()) flows in opposite direction
704  it->setCurrentFromOverheadWire(current);
705  it->setVoltageOfOverheadWire(voltage);
707  // Calulate energy charged
708  double energyIn = WATT2WATTHR(voltage * current); // [Wh]
710  // Compute energy charged into/from battery considering recuperation and propulsion efficiency (not considering battery capacity)
711  double energyCharged = it->computeChargedEnergy(energyIn);
713  // Update energy saved in the battery pack and return trully charged energy considering limits of battery
714  double realEnergyCharged = it->storeEnergyToBattery(energyCharged);
716  it->setEnergyCharged(realEnergyCharged);
718  // Add energy wasted to the total sum
719  it->updateTotalEnergyWasted(energyCharged - realEnergyCharged);
720  // Add the energy provided by the overhead wire segment to the output of the segment
721  it->getActOverheadWireSegment()->addChargeValueForOutput(energyIn, it);
722  }
724  return 0;
725 }
727 void
728 MSTractionSubstation::addChargeValueForOutput(double energy, double current, double alpha, Circuit::alphaFlag alphaReason) {
729  std::string status = "";
731  myTotalEnergy += energy; //[Wh]
733  std::string vehicleIDs = "";
734  for (std::vector<MSDevice_ElecHybrid*>::iterator it = myElecHybrid.begin(); it != myElecHybrid.end(); it++) {
735  vehicleIDs += (*it)->getID() + " ";
736  }
737  //vehicleIDs.erase(vehicleIDs.end());
738  // TODO vehicleIDs should not be empty, but in some case, it is (due to teleporting of vehicle?)
739  if (!vehicleIDs.empty()) {
740  vehicleIDs.pop_back();
741  }
743  std::string currents = "";
744  currents = myCircuit->getCurrentsOfCircuitSource(currents);
746  // create charge row and insert it in myChargeValues
747  chargeTS C(MSNet::getInstance()->getCurrentTimeStep(), getID(), vehicleIDs, energy, current, currents, mySubstationVoltage, status,
748  (int)myElecHybrid.size(), (int)getCircuit()->getNumVoltageSources(), alpha, alphaReason);
749  myChargeValues.push_back(C);
750 }
752 void
755  output.writeAttr(SUMO_ATTR_ID, myID);
757  double length = 0;
758  for (auto it = myOverheadWireSegments.begin(); it != myOverheadWireSegments.end(); it++) {
759  length += (*it)->getEndLanePosition() - (*it)->getBeginLanePosition();
760  }
761  output.writeAttr(SUMO_ATTR_LENGTH, length);
762  output.writeAttr("numVoltageSources", myCircuit->getNumVoltageSources());
763  output.writeAttr("numClamps", myOverheadWireClamps.size());
766  // start writting
767  if (myChargeValues.size() > 0) {
768  // iterate over charging values
769  for (std::vector<MSTractionSubstation::chargeTS>::const_iterator i = myChargeValues.begin(); i != myChargeValues.end(); i++) {
770  // open tag for timestep and write all parameters
771  output.openTag(SUMO_TAG_STEP);
772  output.writeAttr(SUMO_ATTR_TIME, time2string(i->timeStep));
773  // charge values
774  output.writeAttr("vehicleIDs", i->vehicleIDs);
775  output.writeAttr("numVehicles", i->numVehicles);
776  // same number of numVoltageSources for all time, parameter is written in the superordinate tag
777  //output.writeAttr("numVoltageSources", i->numVoltageSources);
778  // charging status is always ""
779  //output.writeAttr(SUMO_ATTR_CHARGING_STATUS, i->status);
780  output.writeAttr(SUMO_ATTR_ENERGYCHARGED, i->energy);
781  output.writeAttr(SUMO_ATTR_CURRENTFROMOVERHEADWIRE, i->current);
782  output.writeAttr("currents", i->currentsString);
783  // charging values of charging station in this timestep
784  output.writeAttr(SUMO_ATTR_VOLTAGE, i->voltage);
785  output.writeAttr(SUMO_ATTR_ALPHACIRCUITSOLVER, i->alpha);
786  output.writeAttr("alphaFlag", i->alphaReason);
787  // close tag timestep
788  output.closeTag();
789  // update timestep of charge
790  }
791  }
792  // close charging station tag
793  output.closeTag();
794 }
796 /****************************************************************************/
long long int SUMOTime
Definition: GUI.h:35
static std::mutex ow_mutex
#define WATT2WATTHR(_x)
#define WRITE_WARNINGF(...)
Definition: MsgHandler.h:296
#define WRITE_WARNING(msg)
Definition: MsgHandler.h:295
#define TL(string)
Definition: MsgHandler.h:315
Definition: SUMOTime.cpp:38
std::string time2string(SUMOTime t, bool humanReadable)
convert SUMOTime to string (independently of global format setting)
Definition: SUMOTime.cpp:69
A traction substation.
trigger: a step description
description of a vehicle
An overhead wire segment.
energy provided by charging station at certain timestep
voltage of the traction substation [V]
Maxium battery capacity.
total energy charged into a single vehicle
tgotal of Energy charged
number of steps that a vehicle is charging
timesteps in which charging ends
timestep in which charging begins
trigger: the time of the step
Definition: StdDefs.h:30
std::string toString(const T &t, std::streamsize accuracy=gPrecision)
Definition: ToString.h:46
double getAlphaBest()
return alphaBest variable, the best alpha scaling value
Definition: Circuit.h:127
Node * addNode(std::string name)
Definition: Circuit.cpp:42
int getNumVoltageSources()
Definition: Circuit.cpp:979
Element * addElement(std::string name, double value, Node *pNode, Node *nNode, Element::ElementType et)
Definition: Circuit.cpp:787
void eraseNode(Node *node)
Definition: Circuit.cpp:62
double getTotalCurrentOfCircuitSources()
The sum of voltage source currents in the circuit.
Definition: Circuit.cpp:156
void replaceAndDeleteNode(Node *unusedNode, Node *newNode)
Definition: Circuit.cpp:839
double getTotalPowerOfCircuitSources()
The sum of voltage source powers in the circuit.
Definition: Circuit.cpp:148
Flag of alpha scaling parameter.
Definition: Circuit.h:96
alphaFlag getAlphaReason()
return the reason why alpha scaling value has been used
Definition: Circuit.h:132
Node * getNode(std::string name)
Definition: Circuit.cpp:98
std::string & getCurrentsOfCircuitSource(std::string &currents)
List of currents of voltage sources as a string.
Definition: Circuit.cpp:165
void eraseElement(Element *element)
Definition: Circuit.cpp:831
Base (microsim) event class.
Definition: Command.h:50
Node * getNegNode()
Definition: Element.cpp:115
double getCurrent()
Definition: Element.cpp:85
Node * getPosNode()
Definition: Element.cpp:112
double getVoltage()
Definition: Element.cpp:76
A device which collects info on the vehicle trip (mainly on departure and arrival)
double getVoltageOfOverheadWire() const
Get actual voltage on the overhead wire segment.
double getMaximumBatteryCapacity() const
Get the total vehicle's Battery Capacity in kWh.
double getActualBatteryCapacity() const
Get the actual vehicle's Battery Capacity in kWh.
virtual void addEvent(Command *operation, SUMOTime execTimeStep=-1)
Adds an Event.
static bool gOverheadWireSolver
Definition: MSGlobals.h:118
Representation of a lane in the micro simulation.
Definition: MSLane.h:84
double getLength() const
Returns the lane's length.
Definition: MSLane.h:598
const MSLane * getInternalFollowingLane(const MSLane *const) const
returns the internal lane leading to the given lane or nullptr, if there is none
Definition: MSLane.cpp:2661
const std::vector< std::pair< const MSLane *, const MSEdge * > > getOutgoingViaLanes() const
get the list of outgoing lanes
Definition: MSLane.cpp:3228
bool isInternal() const
Definition: MSLane.cpp:2526
std::vector< const MSLane * > getNormalIncomingLanes() const
get the list of all direct (disregarding internal predecessors) non-internal predecessor lanes of thi...
Definition: MSLane.cpp:3238
virtual const PositionVector & getShape(bool) const
Definition: MSLane.h:294
static MSNet * getInstance()
Returns the pointer to the unique instance of MSNet (singleton).
Definition: MSNet.cpp:184
std::string getStoppingPlaceID(const MSLane *lane, const double pos, const SumoXMLTag category) const
Returns the stop of the given category close to the given position.
Definition: MSNet.cpp:1394
MSEventControl * getEndOfTimestepEvents()
Returns the event control for events executed at the end of a time step.
Definition: MSNet.h:481
MSStoppingPlace * getStoppingPlace(const std::string &id, const SumoXMLTag category) const
Returns the named stopping place of the given category.
Definition: MSNet.cpp:1373
A class for sorting vehicle on lane under the overhead wire segment.
Definition of overhead wire segment.
std::map< std::string, std::vector< Charge > > myChargeValues
map with the charges of this charging station (key = vehicleID)
void unlock() const
void setCircuitEndNodePos(Node *node)
bool myChargingVehicle
Check if in the current TimeStep overheadWireSegment is charging a vehicle.
Element * myCircuitElementPos
Node * myCircuitEndNodePos
void setCircuitElementPos(Element *element)
Node * getCircuitEndNodePos() const
static void writeVehicle(OutputDevice &out, const std::vector< Charge > &chargeSteps, int iStart, int iEnd, double charged)
void writeOverheadWireSegmentOutput(OutputDevice &output)
write overhead wire segment values
void setChargingVehicle(bool value)
enable or disable charging vehicle
bool vehicleIsInside(const double position) const
Check if a vehicle is inside in the Charge Station.
MSOverheadWire(const std::string &overheadWireSegmentID, MSLane &lane, double startPos, double endPos, bool voltageSource)
void setCircuitStartNodePos(Node *node)
std::string getOverheadWireSegmentName()
double myTotalCharge
total energy charged by this charging station
Node * myCircuitStartNodePos
void lock() const
void setVoltage(double voltage)
Set overhead wire's voltage.
std::vector< std::string > myChargedVehicles
order vehicles by time of first charge
bool isThereVoltageSource() const
bool isCharging() const
Return true if in the current time step charging station is charging a vehicle.
Circuit * getCircuit() const
double getVoltage() const
Get overhead wire's voltage.
Node * getCircuitStartNodePos() const
void addChargeValueForOutput(double WCharged, MSDevice_ElecHybrid *elecHybrid, bool ischarging=1)
add charge value for output
MSTractionSubstation * getTractionSubstation() const
void eraseVehicle(SUMOVehicle &veh)
void setTractionSubstation(MSTractionSubstation *substation)
MSTractionSubstation * myTractionSubstation
Parameter, Pointer to the electrical substation (by default is nullptr)
std::vector< SUMOVehicle * > myChargingVehicles
void addVehicle(SUMOVehicle &veh)
double myVoltage
Overhead wire's voltage.
A lane area vehicles can halt at.
double getBeginLanePosition() const
Returns the begin position of this stop.
double getEndLanePosition() const
Returns the end position of this stop.
const MSLane & getLane() const
Returns the lane this stop is located at.
bool myChargingVehicle
Check if in the current TimeStep substation (overhead wire section) is charging a vehicle.
void eraseVehicle(MSDevice_ElecHybrid *elecHybrid)
void addOverheadWireInnerSegmentToCircuit(MSOverheadWire *incomingSegment, MSOverheadWire *outgoingSegment, const MSLane *connection, const MSLane *frontConnection, const MSLane *behindConnection)
std::size_t numberOfOverheadSegments() const
void eraseOverheadWireSegmentFromCircuit(MSOverheadWire *oldWireSegment)
std::vector< OverheadWireClamp > myOverheadWireClamps
std::vector< MSOverheadWire * > myOverheadWireSegments
void addOverheadWireClampToCircuit(const std::string id, MSOverheadWire *startSegment, MSOverheadWire *endSegment)
void addClamp(const std::string &id, MSOverheadWire *startPos, MSOverheadWire *endPos)
Circuit * getCircuit() const
void addSolvingCircuitToEndOfTimestepEvents()
bool isCharging() const
Return true if in the current time step the substation (overhead wire section) is charging a vehicle.
void writeTractionSubstationOutput(OutputDevice &output)
write traction substation values
std::vector< MSDevice_ElecHybrid * > myElecHybrid
bool isForbidden(const MSLane *lane)
std::vector< MSLane * > myForbiddenLanes
void addVehicle(MSDevice_ElecHybrid *elecHybrid)
std::vector< chargeTS > myChargeValues
SUMOTime solveCircuit(SUMOTime currentTime)
void addOverheadWireSegmentToCircuit(MSOverheadWire *newOverheadWireSegment)
MSTractionSubstation(const std::string &substationId, double voltage, double currentLimit)
Constructor instantiates a substation providing certain voltage and a maximum current.
OverheadWireClamp * findClamp(std::string id)
Find an overhead wire clamp by its ID.
static Command * myCommandForSolvingCircuit
void addForbiddenLane(MSLane *lane)
void setChargingVehicle(bool value)
enable or disable charging vehicle
void addChargeValueForOutput(double energy, double current, double alpha, Circuit::alphaFlag alphaReason)
add charge value for output
SUMOVehicle & getHolder() const
Returns the vehicle that holds this device.
const std::string & getID() const
Returns the name of the vehicle type.
Definition: MSVehicleType.h:91
Base class for objects which have an id.
Definition: Named.h:54
std::string myID
The name of the object.
Definition: Named.h:125
const std::string & getID() const
Returns the id.
Definition: Named.h:74
Definition: Node.h:39
std::vector< Element * > * getElements()
Definition: Node.cpp:101
Static storage of an output device and its base (abstract) implementation.
Definition: OutputDevice.h:61
OutputDevice & openTag(const std::string &xmlElement)
Opens an XML tag.
OutputDevice & writeAttr(const SumoXMLAttr attr, const T &val)
writes a named attribute
Definition: OutputDevice.h:254
bool closeTag(const std::string &comment="")
Closes the most recently opened tag and optionally adds a comment.
A list of positions.
virtual const MSVehicleType & getVehicleType() const =0
Returns the object's "vehicle" type.
Representation of a vehicle.
Definition: SUMOVehicle.h:62
A wrapper for a Command function.
Definition: json.hpp:4471
struct to save information for the overhead wire segment output
std::string status
struct to save information for the traction substation output