Eclipse SUMO - Simulation of Urban MObility
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /****************************************************************************/
2 // Eclipse SUMO, Simulation of Urban MObility; see
3 // Copyright (C) 2001-2024 German Aerospace Center (DLR) and others.
4 // This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
5 // terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at
6 //
7 // This Source Code may also be made available under the following Secondary
8 // Licenses when the conditions for such availability set forth in the Eclipse
9 // Public License 2.0 are satisfied: GNU General Public License, version 2
10 // or later which is available at
11 //
12 // SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 OR GPL-2.0-or-later
13 /****************************************************************************/
18 // The Widget for move elements
19 /****************************************************************************/
20 #include <config.h>
23 #include <netedit/GNEViewNet.h>
24 #include <netedit/GNEUndoList.h>
25 #include <netedit/GNENet.h>
30 // ===========================================================================
31 // FOX callback mapping
32 // ===========================================================================
34 FXDEFMAP(GNEMoveFrame::NetworkModeOptions) NetworkModeOptionsMap[] = {
36 };
38 FXDEFMAP(GNEMoveFrame::ChangeZInSelection) ChangeZInSelectionMap[] = {
42 };
47 };
49 FXDEFMAP(GNEMoveFrame::ShiftShapeGeometry) ShiftShapeGeometryMap[] = {
52 };
55 // Object implementation
56 FXIMPLEMENT(GNEMoveFrame::NetworkModeOptions, MFXGroupBoxModule, NetworkModeOptionsMap, ARRAYNUMBER(NetworkModeOptionsMap))
57 FXIMPLEMENT(GNEMoveFrame::ChangeZInSelection, MFXGroupBoxModule, ChangeZInSelectionMap, ARRAYNUMBER(ChangeZInSelectionMap))
58 FXIMPLEMENT(GNEMoveFrame::ShiftEdgeSelectedGeometry, MFXGroupBoxModule, ShiftEdgeGeometryMap, ARRAYNUMBER(ShiftEdgeGeometryMap))
59 FXIMPLEMENT(GNEMoveFrame::ShiftShapeGeometry, MFXGroupBoxModule, ShiftShapeGeometryMap, ARRAYNUMBER(ShiftShapeGeometryMap))
61 // ===========================================================================
62 // method definitions
63 // ===========================================================================
65 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
66 // GNEMoveFrame::CommonModeOptions - methods
67 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
70  MFXGroupBoxModule(moveFrameParent, TL("Common move options")) {
71  // Create checkbox for enable/disable allow change lanes
72  myAllowChangeLanes = new FXCheckButton(getCollapsableFrame(), TL("Allow change lanes"), this, MID_GNE_SET_ATTRIBUTE, GUIDesignCheckButton);
73  myAllowChangeLanes->setCheck(FALSE);
74  // Create checkbox for enable/disable merge geometry points
75  myMergeGeometryPoints = new FXCheckButton(getCollapsableFrame(), TL("Merge geometry points"), this, MID_GNE_SET_ATTRIBUTE, GUIDesignCheckButton);
76  myMergeGeometryPoints->setCheck(TRUE);
77 }
83 bool
85  return (myAllowChangeLanes->getCheck() == TRUE);
86 }
89 bool
91  return (myMergeGeometryPoints->getCheck() == TRUE);
92 }
94 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
95 // GNEMoveFrame::NetworkModeOptions - methods
96 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
99  MFXGroupBoxModule(moveFrameParent, TL("Network move options")),
100  myMoveFrameParent(moveFrameParent) {
101  // Create checkbox for enable/disable move whole polygons
102  myMoveWholePolygons = new FXCheckButton(getCollapsableFrame(), TL("Move whole polygons"), this, MID_GNE_SET_ATTRIBUTE, GUIDesignCheckButton);
103  myMoveWholePolygons->setCheck(FALSE);
104  // Create checkbox for force draw end geometry points
105  myForceDrawGeometryPoints = new FXCheckButton(getCollapsableFrame(), TL("Force draw geom. points"), this, MID_GNE_SET_ATTRIBUTE, GUIDesignCheckButton);
106  myForceDrawGeometryPoints->setCheck(FALSE);
107 }
113 void
115  recalc();
116  show();
117 }
120 void
122  hide();
123 }
126 bool
128  if (myMoveFrameParent->getViewNet()->getEditModes().isCurrentSupermodeNetwork() &&
129  (myMoveFrameParent->getViewNet()->getEditModes().networkEditMode == NetworkEditMode::NETWORK_MOVE)) {
130  return (myMoveWholePolygons->getCheck() == TRUE);
131  } else {
132  return false;
133  }
134 }
137 bool
139  if (myMoveFrameParent->getViewNet()->getEditModes().isCurrentSupermodeNetwork() &&
140  (myMoveFrameParent->getViewNet()->getEditModes().networkEditMode == NetworkEditMode::NETWORK_MOVE)) {
141  return (myForceDrawGeometryPoints->getCheck() == TRUE);
142  } else {
143  return false;
144  }
145 }
148 long
150  // just update viewNet
151  myMoveFrameParent->getViewNet()->update();
152  return 1;
153 }
155 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
156 // GNEMoveFrame::DemandModeOptions - methods
157 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
160  MFXGroupBoxModule(moveFrameParent, TL("Demand move options")),
161  myMoveFrameParent(moveFrameParent) {
162  // Create checkbox for enable/disable move whole polygons
163  myLeaveStopPersonsConnected = new FXCheckButton(getCollapsableFrame(), TL("Leave stopPersons connected"), this, MID_GNE_SET_ATTRIBUTE, GUIDesignCheckButton);
164  myLeaveStopPersonsConnected->setCheck(FALSE);
165 }
171 void
173  recalc();
174  show();
175 }
178 void
180  hide();
181 }
184 bool
186  if (myMoveFrameParent->getViewNet()->getEditModes().isCurrentSupermodeDemand() &&
187  (myMoveFrameParent->getViewNet()->getEditModes().demandEditMode == DemandEditMode::DEMAND_MOVE)) {
188  return (myLeaveStopPersonsConnected->getCheck() == TRUE);
189  } else {
190  return false;
191  }
192 }
194 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
195 // GNEMoveFrame::ShiftEdgeSelectedGeometry - methods
196 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
199  MFXGroupBoxModule(moveFrameParent, TL("Shift selected edges geometry")),
200  myMoveFrameParent(moveFrameParent) {
201  // create horizontal frame
202  FXHorizontalFrame* myZValueFrame = new FXHorizontalFrame(getCollapsableFrame(), GUIDesignAuxiliarHorizontalFrame);
203  // create elements for Z value
204  new FXLabel(myZValueFrame, "Shift value", 0, GUIDesignLabelThickedFixed(100));
205  myShiftValueTextField = new FXTextField(myZValueFrame, GUIDesignTextFieldNCol, this, MID_GNE_SET_ATTRIBUTE, GUIDesignTextFieldRestricted(TEXTFIELD_REAL));
206  myShiftValueTextField->setText("0");
207  // create apply button
208  myApplyZValue = GUIDesigns::buildFXButton(getCollapsableFrame(), TL("Apply shift value"), "", TL("Shift edge geometry orthogonally to driving direction for all selected edges"),
210 }
216 void
218  // enable elements
219  myShiftValueTextField->enable();
220  myApplyZValue->enable();
221 }
224 void
226  // enable elements
227  myShiftValueTextField->disable();
228  myApplyZValue->disable();
229 }
232 long
234  // just call onCmdShiftEdgeGeometry
235  return onCmdShiftEdgeGeometry(nullptr, 0, nullptr);
236 }
239 long
241  // get undo-list
242  auto undoList = myMoveFrameParent->getViewNet()->getUndoList();
243  // get value
244  const double shiftValue = GNEAttributeCarrier::parse<double>(myShiftValueTextField->getText().text());
245  // get selected edges
246  const auto selectedEdges = myMoveFrameParent->getViewNet()->getNet()->getAttributeCarriers()->getSelectedEdges();
247  // begin undo-redo
248  myMoveFrameParent->getViewNet()->getUndoList()->begin(GUIIcon::EDGE, "shift edge geometries");
249  // iterate over edges
250  for (const auto& edge : selectedEdges) {
251  // get edge geometry
252  PositionVector edgeShape = edge->getNBEdge()->getGeometry();
253  // shift edge geometry
254  edgeShape.move2side(shiftValue);
255  // get first and last position
256  const Position shapeStart = edgeShape.front();
257  const Position shapeEnd = edgeShape.back();
258  // set inner geometry
259  edgeShape.pop_front();
260  edgeShape.pop_back();
261  // set new shape again
262  if (edgeShape.size() > 0) {
263  edge->setAttribute(SUMO_ATTR_SHAPE, toString(edgeShape), undoList);
264  }
265  // set new start and end positions
266  edge->setAttribute(GNE_ATTR_SHAPE_START, toString(shapeStart), undoList);
267  edge->setAttribute(GNE_ATTR_SHAPE_END, toString(shapeEnd), undoList);
268  }
269  // end undo-redo
270  myMoveFrameParent->getViewNet()->getUndoList()->end();
271  return 1;
272 }
274 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
275 // GNEMoveFrame::ChangeZInSelection - methods
276 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
279  MFXGroupBoxModule(moveFrameParent, TL("Change Z in selection")),
280  myMoveFrameParent(moveFrameParent) {
281  // create horizontal frame
282  FXHorizontalFrame* myZValueFrame = new FXHorizontalFrame(getCollapsableFrame(), GUIDesignAuxiliarHorizontalFrame);
283  // create elements for Z value
284  new FXLabel(myZValueFrame, "Z value", 0, GUIDesignLabelThickedFixed(100));
285  myZValueTextField = new FXTextField(myZValueFrame, GUIDesignTextFieldNCol, this, MID_GNE_SET_ATTRIBUTE, GUIDesignTextFieldRestricted(TEXTFIELD_REAL));
286  myZValueTextField->setText("0");
287  // Create all options buttons
288  myAbsoluteValue = GUIDesigns::buildFXRadioButton(getCollapsableFrame(), TL("Absolute value"), "", TL("Set Z value as absolute"),
290  myRelativeValue = GUIDesigns::buildFXRadioButton(getCollapsableFrame(), TL("Relative value"), "", TL("Set Z value as relative"),
292  // create apply button
293  myApplyButton = GUIDesigns::buildFXButton(getCollapsableFrame(), TL("Apply Z value"), "", TL("Apply Z value to all selected junctions"),
295  // set absolute value as default
296  myAbsoluteValue->setCheck(true);
297  // set info label
298  myInfoLabel = new FXLabel(getCollapsableFrame(), "", nullptr, GUIDesignLabelFrameInformation);
299 }
305 void
307  // enable elements
308  myZValueTextField->enable();
309  myAbsoluteValue->enable();
310  myRelativeValue->enable();
311  myApplyButton->enable();
312  // update info label
313  updateInfoLabel();
314 }
317 void
319  // disable elements
320  myZValueTextField->disable();
321  myAbsoluteValue->disable();
322  myRelativeValue->disable();
323  myApplyButton->disable();
324 }
327 long
328 GNEMoveFrame::ChangeZInSelection::onCmdChangeZValue(FXObject* /*obj*/, FXSelector /*sel*/, void*) {
329  return 1;
330 }
333 long
334 GNEMoveFrame::ChangeZInSelection::onCmdChangeZMode(FXObject* obj, FXSelector, void*) {
335  if (obj == myAbsoluteValue) {
336  myAbsoluteValue->setCheck(true);
337  myRelativeValue->setCheck(false);
338  } else {
339  myAbsoluteValue->setCheck(false);
340  myRelativeValue->setCheck(true);
341  }
342  return 1;
343 }
346 long
347 GNEMoveFrame::ChangeZInSelection::onCmdApplyZ(FXObject*, FXSelector, void*) {
348  // get undo-list
349  auto undoList = myMoveFrameParent->getViewNet()->getUndoList();
350  // get value
351  const double zValue = GNEAttributeCarrier::parse<double>(myZValueTextField->getText().text());
352  // get junctions
353  const auto selectedJunctions = myMoveFrameParent->getViewNet()->getNet()->getAttributeCarriers()->getSelectedJunctions();
354  // get selected edges
355  const auto selectedEdges = myMoveFrameParent->getViewNet()->getNet()->getAttributeCarriers()->getSelectedEdges();
356  // begin undo-redo
357  myMoveFrameParent->getViewNet()->getUndoList()->begin(GUIIcon::MODEMOVE, "change Z values in selection");
358  // iterate over junctions
359  for (const auto& junction : selectedJunctions) {
360  if (junction->getNBNode()->hasCustomShape()) {
361  // get junction position
362  PositionVector junctionShape = junction->getNBNode()->getShape();
363  // modify z Value depending of absolute/relative
364  for (auto& shapePos : junctionShape) {
365  if (myAbsoluteValue->getCheck() == TRUE) {
366  shapePos.setz(zValue);
367  } else {
368  shapePos.add(Position(0, 0, zValue));
369  }
370  }
371  // set new position again
372  junction->setAttribute(SUMO_ATTR_SHAPE, toString(junctionShape), undoList);
373  }
374  // get junction position
375  Position junctionPos = junction->getNBNode()->getPosition();
376  // modify z Value depending of absolute/relative
377  if (myAbsoluteValue->getCheck() == TRUE) {
378  junctionPos.setz(zValue);
379  } else {
380  junctionPos.add(Position(0, 0, zValue));
381  }
382  // set new position again
383  junction->setAttribute(SUMO_ATTR_POSITION, toString(junctionPos), undoList);
384  }
385  // iterate over edges
386  for (const auto& edge : selectedEdges) {
387  // get edge geometry
388  PositionVector edgeShape = edge->getNBEdge()->getInnerGeometry();
389  // get first and last position
390  Position shapeStart = edge->getNBEdge()->getGeometry().front();
391  Position shapeEnd = edge->getNBEdge()->getGeometry().back();
392  // modify z Value depending of absolute/relative
393  for (auto& shapePos : edgeShape) {
394  if (myAbsoluteValue->getCheck() == TRUE) {
395  shapePos.setz(zValue);
396  } else {
397  shapePos.add(Position(0, 0, zValue));
398  }
399  }
400  // modify begin an end positions
401  if (myAbsoluteValue->getCheck() == TRUE) {
402  shapeStart.setz(zValue);
403  shapeEnd.setz(zValue);
404  } else {
405  shapeStart.add(Position(0, 0, zValue));
406  shapeEnd.add(Position(0, 0, zValue));
407  }
408  // set new shape again
409  if (edgeShape.size() > 0) {
410  edge->setAttribute(SUMO_ATTR_SHAPE, toString(edgeShape), undoList);
411  }
412  // set new start and end positions
413  if ((edge->getAttribute(GNE_ATTR_SHAPE_START).size() > 0) &&
414  (shapeStart.distanceSquaredTo2D(edge->getFromJunction()->getNBNode()->getPosition()) < 2)) {
415  edge->setAttribute(GNE_ATTR_SHAPE_START, toString(shapeStart), undoList);
416  }
417  if ((edge->getAttribute(GNE_ATTR_SHAPE_END).size() > 0) &&
418  (shapeEnd.distanceSquaredTo2D(edge->getToJunction()->getNBNode()->getPosition()) < 2)) {
419  edge->setAttribute(GNE_ATTR_SHAPE_END, toString(shapeEnd), undoList);
420  }
421  }
422  // end undo-redo
423  myMoveFrameParent->getViewNet()->getUndoList()->end();
424  // update info label
425  updateInfoLabel();
426  return 1;
427 }
430 void
432  // get junctions
433  const auto selectedJunctions = myMoveFrameParent->getViewNet()->getNet()->getAttributeCarriers()->getSelectedJunctions();
434  // get selected edges
435  const auto selectedEdges = myMoveFrameParent->getViewNet()->getNet()->getAttributeCarriers()->getSelectedEdges();
436  // check if there is edges or junctions
437  if ((selectedJunctions.size() > 0) || (selectedEdges.size() > 0)) {
438  // declare minimum and maximum
439  double selectionMinimum = 0;
440  double selectionMaximum = 0;
441  // set first values
442  if (selectedJunctions.size() > 0) {
443  selectionMinimum = selectedJunctions.front()->getNBNode()->getPosition().z();
444  selectionMaximum = selectedJunctions.front()->getNBNode()->getPosition().z();
445  } else {
446  selectionMinimum = selectedEdges.front()->getNBEdge()->getGeometry().front().z();
447  selectionMaximum = selectedEdges.front()->getNBEdge()->getGeometry().front().z();
448  }
449  // declare average
450  double selectionAverage = 0;
451  // declare numPoints
452  int numPoints = 0;
453  // iterate over junctions
454  for (const auto& junction : selectedJunctions) {
455  // get z
456  const double z = junction->getNBNode()->getPosition().z();
457  // check min
458  if (z < selectionMinimum) {
459  selectionMinimum = z;
460  }
461  // check max
462  if (z > selectionMaximum) {
463  selectionMaximum = z;
464  }
465  // update average
466  selectionAverage += z;
467  // update numPoints
468  numPoints++;
469  }
470  // iterate over edges
471  for (const auto& edge : selectedEdges) {
472  // get inner geometry
473  const PositionVector innerGeometry = edge->getNBEdge()->getInnerGeometry();
474  // iterate over innerGeometry
475  for (const auto& geometryPoint : innerGeometry) {
476  // check min
477  if (geometryPoint.z() < selectionMinimum) {
478  selectionMinimum = geometryPoint.z();
479  }
480  // check max
481  if (geometryPoint.z() > selectionMaximum) {
482  selectionMaximum = geometryPoint.z();
483  }
484  // update average
485  selectionAverage += geometryPoint.z();
486  // update numPoints
487  numPoints++;
488  }
489  // check shape start
490  if (edge->getAttribute(GNE_ATTR_SHAPE_START).size() > 0) {
491  // get z
492  const double z = edge->getNBEdge()->getGeometry().front().z();
493  // check min
494  if (z < selectionMinimum) {
495  selectionMinimum = z;
496  }
497  // check max
498  if (z > selectionMaximum) {
499  selectionMaximum = z;
500  }
501  // update average
502  selectionAverage += z;
503  // update numPoints
504  numPoints++;
505  }
506  // check shape end
507  if (edge->getAttribute(GNE_ATTR_SHAPE_END).size() > 0) {
508  // get z
509  const double z = edge->getNBEdge()->getGeometry().back().z();
510  // check min
511  if (z < selectionMinimum) {
512  selectionMinimum = z;
513  }
514  // check max
515  if (z > selectionMaximum) {
516  selectionMaximum = z;
517  }
518  // update average
519  selectionAverage += z;
520  // update numPoints
521  numPoints++;
522  }
523  }
524  // update average
525  selectionAverage = (100 * selectionAverage) / (double)numPoints;
526  // floor average
527  selectionAverage = floor(selectionAverage);
528  selectionAverage *= 0.01;
529  // set label string
530  const std::string labelStr =
531  TL("- Num geometry points: ") + toString(numPoints) + "\n" +
532  TL("- Selection minimum Z: ") + toString(selectionMinimum) + "\n" +
533  TL("- Selection maximum Z: ") + toString(selectionMaximum) + "\n" +
534  TL("- Selection average Z: ") + toString(selectionAverage);
535  // update info label
536  myInfoLabel->setText(labelStr.c_str());
537  }
538 }
540 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
541 // GNEMoveFrame::ShiftShapeGeometry - methods
542 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
545  MFXGroupBoxModule(moveFrameParent, TL("Shift shape geometry")),
546  myMoveFrameParent(moveFrameParent) {
547  // create horizontal frame
548  FXHorizontalFrame* horizontalFrameX = new FXHorizontalFrame(getCollapsableFrame(), GUIDesignAuxiliarHorizontalFrame);
549  // create elements for Z value
550  new FXLabel(horizontalFrameX, "X value", 0, GUIDesignLabelThickedFixed(100));
551  myShiftValueXTextField = new FXTextField(horizontalFrameX, GUIDesignTextFieldNCol, this, MID_GNE_SET_ATTRIBUTE, GUIDesignTextFieldRestricted(TEXTFIELD_REAL));
552  myShiftValueXTextField->setText("0");
553  // create horizontal frame
554  FXHorizontalFrame* horizontalFrameY = new FXHorizontalFrame(getCollapsableFrame(), GUIDesignAuxiliarHorizontalFrame);
555  // create elements for Z value
556  new FXLabel(horizontalFrameY, "Y value", 0, GUIDesignLabelThickedFixed(100));
557  myShiftValueYTextField = new FXTextField(horizontalFrameY, GUIDesignTextFieldNCol, this, MID_GNE_SET_ATTRIBUTE, GUIDesignTextFieldRestricted(TEXTFIELD_REAL));
558  myShiftValueYTextField->setText("0");
559  // create apply button
561  TL("Shift shape geometry"), "", TL("Shift shape geometry orthogonally to driving direction for all selected shapes"),
563 }
569 void
571  // show module
572  show();
573 }
576 void
578  // hide module
579  hide();
580 }
583 long
585  // just call onCmdShiftShapeGeometry
586  return onCmdShiftShapeGeometry(nullptr, 0, nullptr);
587 }
590 long
592  // get undo-list
593  auto undoList = myMoveFrameParent->getViewNet()->getUndoList();
594  // get values
595  const double shiftValueX = GNEAttributeCarrier::parse<double>(myShiftValueXTextField->getText().text());
596  const double shiftValueY = GNEAttributeCarrier::parse<double>(myShiftValueYTextField->getText().text());
597  const Position shiftValue(shiftValueX, shiftValueY);
598  // get selected polygons and POIs
599  const auto selectedShapes = myMoveFrameParent->getViewNet()->getNet()->getAttributeCarriers()->getSelectedShapes();
600  std::vector<GNEAdditional*> polygons, POIs;
601  for (const auto& shape : selectedShapes) {
602  if (shape->getTagProperty().getTag() == SUMO_TAG_POLY) {
603  polygons.push_back(shape);
604  } else {
605  POIs.push_back(shape);
606  }
607  }
608  // begin undo-redo
609  myMoveFrameParent->getViewNet()->getUndoList()->begin(GUIIcon::POLY, "shift shape geometries");
610  // iterate over shapes
611  for (const auto& polygon : polygons) {
612  // get shape geometry
613  PositionVector shape = GNEAttributeCarrier::parse<PositionVector>(polygon->getAttribute(SUMO_ATTR_SHAPE));
614  // shift shape geometry
615  shape.add(shiftValue);
616  // set new shape again
617  polygon->setAttribute(SUMO_ATTR_SHAPE, toString(shape), undoList);
618  }
619  // iterate over POIs
620  for (const auto& POI : POIs) {
621  // currently only for POIs (not for POILanes or POIGEOs
622  if (POI->getTagProperty().hasAttribute(SUMO_ATTR_POSITION)) {
623  // get shape geometry
624  Position position = GNEAttributeCarrier::parse<Position>(POI->getAttribute(SUMO_ATTR_POSITION));
625  // shift shape geometry
626  position.add(shiftValue);
627  // set new shape again
628  POI->setAttribute(SUMO_ATTR_POSITION, toString(position), undoList);
629  }
630  }
631  // end undo-redo
632  myMoveFrameParent->getViewNet()->getUndoList()->end();
633  return 1;
634 }
636 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
637 // GNEMoveFrame::Information - methods
638 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
641  MFXGroupBoxModule(moveFrameParent, TL("Information")) {
642  // create info label
643  new MFXDynamicLabel(getCollapsableFrame(), (std::string("- ") + TL("Click over edge to create or edit geometry point.") + std::string("\n- ") + TL("Shift+click over edge to edit start or end geometry point.")).c_str(), 0, GUIDesignLabelFrameInformation);
644  // create source label
645  FXLabel* sourceLabel = new FXLabel(getCollapsableFrame(), TL("-Move geometry point"), 0, GUIDesignLabel(JUSTIFY_LEFT));
646  sourceLabel->setBackColor(MFXUtils::getFXColor(RGBColor::ORANGE));
647  // create target label
648  FXLabel* targetLabel = new FXLabel(getCollapsableFrame(), TL("-Merge geometry point"), 0, GUIDesignLabel(JUSTIFY_LEFT));
649  targetLabel->setBackColor(MFXUtils::getFXColor(RGBColor::CYAN));
650 }
655 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
656 // GNEMoveFrame - methods
657 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
660  GNEFrame(viewParent, viewNet, TL("Move")) {
661  // create common mode options
663  // create network mode options
665  // create demand mode options
667  // create shift edge geometry module
669  // create change z selection
671  // create information label
672  myInformation = new Information(this);
673  // create shift shape geometry module
675 }
681 void
682 GNEMoveFrame::processClick(const Position& /*clickedPosition*/,
683  const GNEViewNetHelper::ViewObjectsSelector& /*viewObjects*/,
684  const GNEViewNetHelper::ViewObjectsSelector& /*objectsUnderGrippedCursor*/) {
685  // currently unused
686 }
689 void
691  // show network options frames
694  } else {
696  }
697  // show demand options frames
700  } else {
702  }
703  // get selected junctions
704  const auto selectedJunctions = myViewNet->getNet()->getAttributeCarriers()->getSelectedJunctions();
705  // get selected edges
706  const auto selectedEdges = myViewNet->getNet()->getAttributeCarriers()->getSelectedEdges();
707  // check if there are junctions and edge selected
708  if ((selectedJunctions.size() > 0) || (selectedEdges.size() > 0)) {
710  } else {
712  }
713  // check if there are edges selected
714  if (selectedEdges.size() > 0) {
716  } else {
718  }
719  // check if there are shapes selected
720  if (myViewNet->getNet()->getAttributeCarriers()->getSelectedShapes().size() > 0) {
722  } else {
724  }
725  // show
726  GNEFrame::show();
727  // recalc and update
728  recalc();
729  update();
730 }
733 void
735  // hide frame
736  GNEFrame::hide();
737 }
742  return myCommonModeOptions;
743 }
748  return myNetworkModeOptions;
749 }
754  return myDemandModeOptions;
755 }
757 /****************************************************************************/
FXDEFMAP(GNEMoveFrame::NetworkModeOptions) NetworkModeOptionsMap[]
mode for moving network elements
mode for moving demand elements
attribute edited
Definition: GUIAppEnum.h:935
set type of selection
Definition: GUIAppEnum.h:597
apply element
Definition: GUIAppEnum.h:945
#define GUIDesignButton
Definition: GUIDesigns.h:88
#define GUIDesignAuxiliarHorizontalFrame
design for auxiliar (Without borders) horizontal frame used to pack another frames
Definition: GUIDesigns.h:405
#define GUIDesignLabel(justify)
Definition: GUIDesigns.h:249
#define GUIDesignTextFieldNCol
Num of column of text field.
Definition: GUIDesigns.h:80
#define GUIDesignCheckButton
checkButton placed in left position
Definition: GUIDesigns.h:198
#define GUIDesignTextFieldRestricted(type)
text field extended over Frame with thick frame (int)
Definition: GUIDesigns.h:68
#define GUIDesignRadioButton
Definition: GUIDesigns.h:235
#define GUIDesignLabelThickedFixed(width)
label thicked, icon before text, text centered and custom width
Definition: GUIDesigns.h:258
#define GUIDesignLabelFrameInformation
label extended over frame without thick and with text justify to left, used to show information in fr...
Definition: GUIDesigns.h:285
#define TL(string)
Definition: MsgHandler.h:315
begin/end of the description of a polygon
edge: the shape in xml-definition
last coordinate of edge shape
first coordinate of edge shape
std::string toString(const T &t, std::streamsize accuracy=gPrecision)
Definition: ToString.h:46
GNEViewNet * myViewNet
FOX need this.
Definition: GNEFrame.h:117
virtual void show()
show Frame
Definition: GNEFrame.cpp:115
virtual void hide()
hide Frame
Definition: GNEFrame.cpp:124
void updateInfoLabel()
FOX need this.
void disableChangeZInSelection()
disable change Z in selection
ChangeZInSelection(GNEMoveFrame *moveFrameParent)
FXRadioButton * myRelativeValue
radio button for relative value
Definition: GNEMoveFrame.h:243
FXRadioButton * myAbsoluteValue
radio button for absolute value
Definition: GNEMoveFrame.h:237
long onCmdChangeZValue(FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
FXButton * myApplyButton
apply button
Definition: GNEMoveFrame.h:240
void enableChangeZInSelection()
enabale change Z in selection
FXLabel * myInfoLabel
info label
Definition: GNEMoveFrame.h:246
long onCmdChangeZMode(FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
Called when user changes Z mode.
FXTextField * myZValueTextField
textField for Z value
Definition: GNEMoveFrame.h:234
long onCmdApplyZ(FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
Called when user press the apply Z value button.
bool getMergeGeometryPoints() const
check if merge geometry points
bool getAllowChangeLane() const
allow change lane
FXCheckButton * myLeaveStopPersonsConnected
checkbox for enable/disable leave stopPersons connected
Definition: GNEMoveFrame.h:139
bool getLeaveStopPersonsConnected() const
check if leave stopPersonConnected is enabled
DemandModeOptions(GNEMoveFrame *moveFrameParent)
void hideDemandModeOptions()
hide DemandModeOptions
void showDemandModeOptions()
show DemandModeOptions
Information(GNEMoveFrame *moveFrameParent)
void hideNetworkModeOptions()
hide NetworkModeOptions
FXCheckButton * myForceDrawGeometryPoints
checkbox for force darwi geometry points
Definition: GNEMoveFrame.h:109
FXCheckButton * myMoveWholePolygons
checkbox for enable/disable move whole polygons
Definition: GNEMoveFrame.h:106
long onCmdChangeOption(FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
void showNetworkModeOptions()
show NetworkModeOptions
NetworkModeOptions(GNEMoveFrame *moveFrameParent)
bool getMoveWholePolygons() const
move whole polygons
bool getForceDrawGeometryPoints() const
force draw geometry points
long onCmdChangeShiftValue(FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
FXButton * myApplyZValue
button for apply Z value
Definition: GNEMoveFrame.h:185
void enableShiftEdgeGeometry()
enable shift edge geometry
void disableShiftEdgeGeometry()
disable change Z in selection
FXTextField * myShiftValueTextField
textField for shift value
Definition: GNEMoveFrame.h:182
ShiftEdgeSelectedGeometry(GNEMoveFrame *moveFrameParent)
long onCmdShiftEdgeGeometry(FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
Called when user press the apply Z value button.
void hideShiftShapeGeometry()
hide change Z in selection
FXTextField * myShiftValueYTextField
textField for shiftY value
Definition: GNEMoveFrame.h:292
long onCmdChangeShiftValue(FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
FXTextField * myShiftValueXTextField
textField for shiftX value
Definition: GNEMoveFrame.h:289
ShiftShapeGeometry(GNEMoveFrame *moveFrameParent)
long onCmdShiftShapeGeometry(FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
Called when user press the apply Z value button.
void showShiftShapeGeometry()
show shift shape geometry
void show()
show prohibition frame
ChangeZInSelection * myChangeZInSelection
modul for change Z in selection
Definition: GNEMoveFrame.h:356
DemandModeOptions * myDemandModeOptions
modul for DemandMode Options
Definition: GNEMoveFrame.h:350
NetworkModeOptions * getNetworkModeOptions() const
get network mode options
void hide()
hide prohibition frame
ShiftEdgeSelectedGeometry * myShiftEdgeSelectedGeometry
modul for shift edge selected geometry
Definition: GNEMoveFrame.h:353
GNEMoveFrame(GNEViewParent *viewParent, GNEViewNet *viewNet)
DemandModeOptions * getDemandModeOptions() const
get demand mode options
NetworkModeOptions * myNetworkModeOptions
modul for NetworkMode Options
Definition: GNEMoveFrame.h:347
Information * myInformation
modul for show information
Definition: GNEMoveFrame.h:359
CommonModeOptions * myCommonModeOptions
modul for CommonMode Options
Definition: GNEMoveFrame.h:344
ShiftShapeGeometry * myShiftShapeGeometry
modul for shift shape geometry
Definition: GNEMoveFrame.h:362
void processClick(const Position &clickedPosition, const GNEViewNetHelper::ViewObjectsSelector &viewObjects, const GNEViewNetHelper::ViewObjectsSelector &objectsUnderGrippedCursor)
handle processClick and set the relative coloring
CommonModeOptions * getCommonModeOptions() const
get common mode options
std::vector< GNEAdditional * > getSelectedShapes() const
get selected shapes
std::vector< GNEJunction * > getSelectedJunctions() const
return selected junctions
std::vector< GNEEdge * > getSelectedEdges() const
return all edges
GNENetHelper::AttributeCarriers * getAttributeCarriers() const
get all attribute carriers used in this net
Definition: GNENet.cpp:123
class used to group all variables related with objects under cursor after a click over view
GNENet * getNet() const
get the net object
const GNEViewNetHelper::EditModes & getEditModes() const
get edit modes
Definition: GNEViewNet.cpp:723
A single child window which contains a view of the simulation area.
Definition: GNEViewParent.h:88
static FXButton * buildFXButton(FXComposite *p, const std::string &text, const std::string &tip, const std::string &help, FXIcon *ic, FXObject *tgt, FXSelector sel, FXuint opts=BUTTON_NORMAL, FXint x=0, FXint y=0, FXint w=0, FXint h=0, FXint pl=DEFAULT_PAD, FXint pr=DEFAULT_PAD, FXint pt=DEFAULT_PAD, FXint pb=DEFAULT_PAD)
build button
Definition: GUIDesigns.cpp:128
static FXRadioButton * buildFXRadioButton(FXComposite *p, const std::string &text, const std::string &tip, const std::string &help, FXObject *tgt, FXSelector sel, FXuint opts=RADIOBUTTON_NORMAL, FXint x=0, FXint y=0, FXint w=0, FXint h=0, FXint pl=DEFAULT_PAD, FXint pr=DEFAULT_PAD, FXint pt=DEFAULT_PAD, FXint pb=DEFAULT_PAD)
build radio button
Definition: GUIDesigns.cpp:138
static FXIcon * getIcon(const GUIIcon which)
returns a icon previously defined in the enum GUIIcon
A list item which allows for custom coloring.
MFXGroupBoxModule (based on FXGroupBox)
FXVerticalFrame * getCollapsableFrame()
get collapsable frame (used by all elements that will be collapsed if button is toggled)
static FXColor getFXColor(const RGBColor &col)
converts FXColor to RGBColor
Definition: MFXUtils.cpp:112
C++ TraCI client API implementation.
Definition: POI.h:34
A point in 2D or 3D with translation and scaling methods.
Definition: Position.h:37
double distanceSquaredTo2D(const Position &p2) const
returns the square of the distance to another position (Only using x and y positions)
Definition: Position.h:281
void add(const Position &pos)
Adds the given position to this one.
Definition: Position.h:132
void setz(double z)
set position z
Definition: Position.h:80
A list of positions.
void add(double xoff, double yoff, double zoff)
void move2side(double amount, double maxExtension=100)
move position vector to side using certain amount
void pop_front()
pop first Position
static const RGBColor ORANGE
Definition: RGBColor.h:191
static const RGBColor CYAN
Definition: RGBColor.h:189
bool isCurrentSupermodeDemand() const
@check if current supermode is Demand
bool isCurrentSupermodeNetwork() const
@check if current supermode is Network