Eclipse SUMO - Simulation of Urban MObility
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1 /****************************************************************************/
2 // Eclipse SUMO, Simulation of Urban MObility; see
3 // Copyright (C) 2013-2024 German Aerospace Center (DLR) and others.
4 // This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
5 // terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at
6 //
7 // This Source Code may also be made available under the following Secondary
8 // Licenses when the conditions for such availability set forth in the Eclipse
9 // Public License 2.0 are satisfied: GNU General Public License, version 2
10 // or later which is available at
11 //
12 // SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 OR GPL-2.0-or-later
13 /****************************************************************************/
19 // A lane change model for heterogeneous traffic (based on sub-lanes)
20 /****************************************************************************/
21 #pragma once
22 #include <config.h>
25 #include <vector>
28 // ===========================================================================
29 // class definitions
30 // ===========================================================================
36 public:
40  virtual ~MSLCM_SL2015();
43  LaneChangeModel getModelID() const override {
45  }
48  void initDerivedParameters();
58  int wantsChangeSublane(int laneOffset,
59  LaneChangeAction alternatives,
60  const MSLeaderDistanceInfo& leaders,
61  const MSLeaderDistanceInfo& followers,
62  const MSLeaderDistanceInfo& blockers,
63  const MSLeaderDistanceInfo& neighLeaders,
64  const MSLeaderDistanceInfo& neighFollowers,
65  const MSLeaderDistanceInfo& neighBlockers,
66  const MSLane& neighLane,
67  const std::vector<MSVehicle::LaneQ>& preb,
68  MSVehicle** lastBlocked,
69  MSVehicle** firstBlocked,
70  double& latDist, double& maneuverDist, int& blocked) override;
79  int wantsChange(
80  int laneOffset,
81  MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::MSLCMessager& msgPass, int blocked,
82  const std::pair<MSVehicle*, double>& leader,
83  const std::pair<MSVehicle*, double>& follower,
84  const std::pair<MSVehicle*, double>& neighLead,
85  const std::pair<MSVehicle*, double>& neighFollow,
86  const MSLane& neighLane,
87  const std::vector<MSVehicle::LaneQ>& preb,
88  MSVehicle** lastBlocked,
89  MSVehicle** firstBlocked) override;
91  void* inform(void* info, MSVehicle* sender) override;
103  double patchSpeed(const double min, const double wanted, const double max,
104  const MSCFModel& cfModel) override;
106  void changed() override;
108  void resetState() override;
110  double getSafetyFactor() const override;
112  double getOppositeSafetyFactor() const override;
114  void prepareStep() override;
116  double getExtraReservation(int bestLaneOffset) const override;
119  bool debugVehicle() const override;
121  void setOwnState(const int state) override;
125  virtual void updateSafeLatDist(const double travelledLatDist) override;
128  std::string getParameter(const std::string& key) const override;
131  void setParameter(const std::string& key, const std::string& value) override;
135  double computeSpeedLat(double latDist, double& maneuverDist, bool urgent) const override;
139 protected:
141  double _patchSpeed(double min, const double wanted, double max,
142  const MSCFModel& cfModel);
146  int laneOffset,
147  LaneChangeAction alternatives,
148  const MSLeaderDistanceInfo& leaders,
149  const MSLeaderDistanceInfo& followers,
150  const MSLeaderDistanceInfo& blockers,
151  const MSLeaderDistanceInfo& neighLeaders,
152  const MSLeaderDistanceInfo& neighFollowers,
153  const MSLeaderDistanceInfo& neighBlockers,
154  const MSLane& neighLane,
155  const std::vector<MSVehicle::LaneQ>& preb,
156  MSVehicle** lastBlocked,
157  MSVehicle** firstBlocked,
158  double& latDist, double& maneuverDist, int& blocked);
161  /* @brief decide whether we will overtake or follow blocking leaders
162  * and inform them accordingly (see informLeader)
163  * If we decide to follow, myVSafes will be extended
164  * returns the planned speed if following or -1 if overtaking */
165  double informLeaders(int blocked, int dir,
166  const std::vector<CLeaderDist>& blockers,
167  double remainingSeconds);
170  void informFollowers(int blocked, int dir,
171  const std::vector<CLeaderDist>& blockers,
172  double remainingSeconds,
173  double plannedSpeed);
175  /* @brief decide whether we will overtake or follow a blocking leader
176  * and inform it accordingly
177  * If we decide to follow, myVSafes will be extended
178  * returns the planned speed if following or -1 if overtaking */
179  double informLeader(int blocked, int dir,
180  const CLeaderDist& neighLead,
181  double remainingSeconds);
184  void informFollower(int blocked, int dir,
185  const CLeaderDist& neighFollow,
186  double remainingSeconds,
187  double plannedSpeed);
191  int slowDownForBlocked(MSVehicle** blocked, int state);
194  bool saveBlockerLength(double length, double foeLeftSpace) override;
197  bool outsideEdge() const;
199  inline bool amBlockingLeader() {
200  return (myOwnState & LCA_AMBLOCKINGLEADER) != 0;
201  }
202  inline bool amBlockingFollower() {
203  return (myOwnState & LCA_AMBLOCKINGFOLLOWER) != 0;
204  }
205  inline bool amBlockingFollowerNB() {
207  }
208  inline bool amBlockingFollowerPlusNB() {
210  }
211  inline bool currentDistDisallows(double dist, int laneOffset, double lookForwardDist) {
212  return dist / (abs(laneOffset)) < lookForwardDist;
213  }
214  inline bool currentDistAllows(double dist, int laneOffset, double lookForwardDist) {
215  return dist / abs(laneOffset) > lookForwardDist;
216  }
220  typedef std::pair<double, int> Info;
223  void updateExpectedSublaneSpeeds(const MSLeaderDistanceInfo& ahead, int sublaneOffset, int laneIndex) override;
226  StateAndDist decideDirection(StateAndDist sd1, StateAndDist sd2) const override;
229  static int lowest_bit(int changeReason);
231 protected:
234  void msg(const CLeaderDist& cld, double speed, int state);
237  int computeSublaneShift(const MSEdge* prevEdge, const MSEdge* curEdge);
240  CLeaderDist getLongest(const MSLeaderDistanceInfo& ldi) const;
242  bool tieBrakeLeader(const MSVehicle* veh) const;
245  static CLeaderDist getSlowest(const MSLeaderDistanceInfo& ldi);
248  int checkBlocking(const MSLane& neighLane, double& latDist, double maneuverDist, int laneOffset,
249  const MSLeaderDistanceInfo& leaders,
250  const MSLeaderDistanceInfo& followers,
251  const MSLeaderDistanceInfo& blockers,
252  const MSLeaderDistanceInfo& neighLeaders,
253  const MSLeaderDistanceInfo& neighFollowers,
254  const MSLeaderDistanceInfo& neighBlockers,
255  std::vector<CLeaderDist>* collectLeadBlockers = 0,
256  std::vector<CLeaderDist>* collectFollowBlockers = 0,
257  bool keepLatGapManeuver = false,
258  double gapFactor = 0,
259  int* retBlockedFully = 0);
262  int checkBlockingVehicles(const MSVehicle* ego, const MSLeaderDistanceInfo& vehicles,
263  int laneOffset, double latDist, double foeOffset, bool leaders,
264  double& safeLatGapRight, double& safeLatGapLeft,
265  std::vector<CLeaderDist>* collectBlockers = 0) const;
268  static bool overlap(double right, double left, double right2, double left2);
271  static LaneChangeAction getLCA(int state, double latDist);
275  int checkStrategicChange(int ret,
276  const MSLane& neighLane,
277  int laneOffset,
278  const MSLeaderDistanceInfo& leaders,
279  const MSLeaderDistanceInfo& neighLeaders,
280  const MSVehicle::LaneQ& curr,
281  const MSVehicle::LaneQ& neigh,
282  const MSVehicle::LaneQ& best,
283  int bestLaneOffset,
284  bool changeToBest,
285  double currentDist,
286  double neighDist,
287  double laDist,
288  double roundaboutBonus,
289  double latLaneDist,
290  bool checkOpposite,
291  double& latDist
292  );
295  bool mustOvertakeStopped(const MSLane& neighLane, const MSLeaderDistanceInfo& leaders, const MSLeaderDistanceInfo& neighLead,
296  double posOnLane, double neighDist, bool right, double latLaneDist, double& currentDist, double& latDist);
299  int keepLatGap(int state,
300  const MSLeaderDistanceInfo& leaders,
301  const MSLeaderDistanceInfo& followers,
302  const MSLeaderDistanceInfo& blockers,
303  const MSLeaderDistanceInfo& neighLeaders,
304  const MSLeaderDistanceInfo& neighFollowers,
305  const MSLeaderDistanceInfo& neighBlockers,
306  const MSLane& neighLane,
307  int laneOffset,
308  double& latDist,
309  double& maneuverDist,
310  int& blocked);
314  void updateGaps(const MSLeaderDistanceInfo& others, double foeOffset, double oldCenter, double gapFactor,
315  double& surplusGapRight, double& surplusGapLeft, bool saveMinGap = false, double netOverlap = 0,
316  double latDist = 0,
317  std::vector<CLeaderDist>* collectBlockers = 0);
320  double computeGapFactor(int state) const;
323  double getWidth() const;
326  void updateCFRelated(const MSLeaderDistanceInfo& vehicles, double foeOffset, bool leaders);
329  double getSublaneWidth() {
331  }
334  void commitManoeuvre(int blocked, int blockedFully,
335  const MSLeaderDistanceInfo& leaders,
336  const MSLeaderDistanceInfo& neighLeaders,
337  const MSLane& neighLane,
338  double maneuverDist);
341  double commitFollowSpeed(double speed, double latDist, double secondsToLeaveLane, const MSLeaderDistanceInfo& leaders, double foeOffset) const;
344  double forecastAverageSpeed(double vSafe, double vMax, double gap, double vLeader) const;
347  double computeSpeedGain(double latDistSublane, double defaultNextSpeed) const;
350  double getPosLat();
353  double getLateralDrift();
356  double getLeftBorder(bool checkOpposite = true) const;
359  double getVehicleCenter() const;
362  double getNeighRight(const MSLane& neighLane) const;
364  /* @brief check whether vehicle speed is appropriate for the intended maneuver distance
365  * (rather than doing an orthogonal slide) */
366  bool preventSliding(double maneuverDist) const;
369  inline bool wantsKeepRight(double keepRightProb) const;
372  bool isBidi(const MSLane* lane) const;
375  double emergencySpeedLat(double speedLat) const;
377 protected:
383  /* @brief a value for tracking the probability of following the/"Rechtsfahrgebot"
384  * A larger negative value indicates higher probability for moving to the
385  * right (as in mySpeedGainProbability) */
389  double myLeftSpace;
391  /*@brief the speed to use when computing the look-ahead distance for
392  * determining urgency of strategic lane changes */
396  std::vector<double> myExpectedSublaneSpeeds;
412  std::set<const MSVehicle*> myCFRelated;
423  // @brief minimum lateral gap
424  double myMinGapLat;
425  // @brief willingness to encroach on other vehicles laterally (pushing them around)
426  double myPushy;
427  // @brief willingness to undercut longitudinal safe gaps
428  double myAssertive;
429  // @brief dynamic component of willingness for longitudinal gap reduction
430  double myImpatience;
432  // @brief time to reach maximum impatience in seconds
434  // @brief lateral acceleration
435  double myAccelLat;
436  // @brief distance to turn at which alignment should be adjusted to the turn direction
438  // @brief the factor by which the lookahead distance to the left differs from the lookahead to the right
440  // @brief the factor by which the speedGain-threshold for the leftdiffers from the threshold for the right
442  // @brief lane discipline factor
444  // @brief lookahead for speedGain in seconds
446  // @brief bonus factor staying on the inside of multi-lane roundabout
448  // @brief factor for cooperative speed adjustment
450  // time for unrestricted driving on the right to accept keepRight change
452  // @brief speed difference factor for overtaking the leader on the neighbor lane before changing to that lane
458  // @brief threshold value for changing to the right
460  // @brief threshold value for changing to the left
462  // @brief threshold value for accepting speed loss to achieve desired sublane alignment
465  // @brief state of lane keeping imperfection
466  double mySigmaState;
469 };
std::pair< const MSVehicle *, double > CLeaderDist
Definition: MSLeaderInfo.h:32
Possible ways to choose the lateral alignment, i.e., how vehicles align themselves within their lane.
The state of a vehicle's lane-change behavior.
A class responsible for exchanging messages between cars involved in lane-change interaction.
Interface for lane-change models.
int myOwnState
The current state of the vehicle.
MSVehicle & myVehicle
The vehicle this lane-changer belongs to.
The car-following model abstraction.
Definition: MSCFModel.h:55
A road/street connecting two junctions.
Definition: MSEdge.h:77
static double gLateralResolution
Definition: MSGlobals.h:97
A lane change model developed by J. Erdmann.
Definition: MSLCM_SL2015.h:35
double mySafeLatDistRight
the lateral distance the vehicle can safely move in the currently considered direction
Definition: MSLCM_SL2015.h:408
static bool overlap(double right, double left, double right2, double left2)
return whether the given intervals overlap
double _patchSpeed(double min, const double wanted, double max, const MSCFModel &cfModel)
double informLeaders(int blocked, int dir, const std::vector< CLeaderDist > &blockers, double remainingSeconds)
double myRoundaboutBonus
Definition: MSLCM_SL2015.h:447
void commitManoeuvre(int blocked, int blockedFully, const MSLeaderDistanceInfo &leaders, const MSLeaderDistanceInfo &neighLeaders, const MSLane &neighLane, double maneuverDist)
commit to lane change maneuver potentially overriding safe speed
std::set< const MSVehicle * > myCFRelated
set of vehicles that are in a car-following relationship with ego (leader of followers)
Definition: MSLCM_SL2015.h:412
void prepareStep() override
double myKeepRightProbability
Definition: MSLCM_SL2015.h:386
double myMinImpatience
Definition: MSLCM_SL2015.h:431
double commitFollowSpeed(double speed, double latDist, double secondsToLeaveLane, const MSLeaderDistanceInfo &leaders, double foeOffset) const
compute speed when committing to an urgent change that is safe in regard to leading vehicles
double getLeftBorder(bool checkOpposite=true) const
return current edge width optionally extended by opposite direction lane width
double myChangeProbThresholdRight
Definition: MSLCM_SL2015.h:459
double informLeader(int blocked, int dir, const CLeaderDist &neighLead, double remainingSeconds)
double mySafeLatDistLeft
Definition: MSLCM_SL2015.h:409
double getSublaneWidth()
return the current sublane width (and return a sensible value when running without sublanes)
Definition: MSLCM_SL2015.h:329
MSLCM_SL2015(MSVehicle &v)
int computeSublaneShift(const MSEdge *prevEdge, const MSEdge *curEdge)
compute shift so that prevSublane + shift = newSublane
double patchSpeed(const double min, const double wanted, const double max, const MSCFModel &cfModel) override
Called to adapt the speed in order to allow a lane change. It uses information on LC-related desired ...
double getSafetyFactor() const override
return factor for modifying the safety constraints of the car-following model
double myCooperativeSpeed
Definition: MSLCM_SL2015.h:449
double computeSpeedLat(double latDist, double &maneuverDist, bool urgent) const override
decides the next lateral speed depending on the remaining lane change distance to be covered and upda...
std::vector< double > myExpectedSublaneSpeeds
expected travel speeds on all sublanes on the current edge(!)
Definition: MSLCM_SL2015.h:396
double getWidth() const
return the width of this vehicle (padded for numerical stability)
bool myCanChangeFully
whether the current lane changing maneuver can be finished in a single step
Definition: MSLCM_SL2015.h:405
void changed() override
int wantsChange(int laneOffset, MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::MSLCMessager &msgPass, int blocked, const std::pair< MSVehicle *, double > &leader, const std::pair< MSVehicle *, double > &follower, const std::pair< MSVehicle *, double > &neighLead, const std::pair< MSVehicle *, double > &neighFollow, const MSLane &neighLane, const std::vector< MSVehicle::LaneQ > &preb, MSVehicle **lastBlocked, MSVehicle **firstBlocked) override
Called to examine whether the vehicle wants to change using the given laneOffset (this is a wrapper a...
double myLaneDiscipline
Definition: MSLCM_SL2015.h:443
bool outsideEdge() const
whether the ego vehicle is driving outside edgebounds
bool myDontBrake
flag to prevent speed adaptation by slowing down
Definition: MSLCM_SL2015.h:402
std::string getParameter(const std::string &key) const override
try to retrieve the given parameter from this device. Throw exception for unsupported key
bool wantsKeepRight(double keepRightProb) const
check against thresholds
bool amBlockingFollower()
Definition: MSLCM_SL2015.h:202
double forecastAverageSpeed(double vSafe, double vMax, double gap, double vLeader) const
estimate average speed over mySpeedGainLookahead time
LaneChangeModel getModelID() const override
Returns the model's id.
Definition: MSLCM_SL2015.h:43
void updateCFRelated(const MSLeaderDistanceInfo &vehicles, double foeOffset, bool leaders)
find leaders/followers that are already in a car-following relationship with ego
bool debugVehicle() const override
whether the current vehicles shall be debugged
double myAccelLat
Definition: MSLCM_SL2015.h:435
int wantsChangeSublane(int laneOffset, LaneChangeAction alternatives, const MSLeaderDistanceInfo &leaders, const MSLeaderDistanceInfo &followers, const MSLeaderDistanceInfo &blockers, const MSLeaderDistanceInfo &neighLeaders, const MSLeaderDistanceInfo &neighFollowers, const MSLeaderDistanceInfo &neighBlockers, const MSLane &neighLane, const std::vector< MSVehicle::LaneQ > &preb, MSVehicle **lastBlocked, MSVehicle **firstBlocked, double &latDist, double &maneuverDist, int &blocked) override
Called to examine whether the vehicle wants to change with the given laneOffset (using the sublane mo...
LatAlignmentDefinition getDesiredAlignment() const override
double mySpeedGainProbabilityRight
a value for tracking the probability that a change to the right is beneficial
Definition: MSLCM_SL2015.h:379
double myLookAheadSpeed
Definition: MSLCM_SL2015.h:393
int slowDownForBlocked(MSVehicle **blocked, int state)
compute useful slowdowns for blocked vehicles
void initDerivedParameters()
init cached parameters derived directly from model parameters
int keepLatGap(int state, const MSLeaderDistanceInfo &leaders, const MSLeaderDistanceInfo &followers, const MSLeaderDistanceInfo &blockers, const MSLeaderDistanceInfo &neighLeaders, const MSLeaderDistanceInfo &neighFollowers, const MSLeaderDistanceInfo &neighBlockers, const MSLane &neighLane, int laneOffset, double &latDist, double &maneuverDist, int &blocked)
check whether lateral gap requirements are met override the current maneuver if necessary
bool tieBrakeLeader(const MSVehicle *veh) const
bool currentDistAllows(double dist, int laneOffset, double lookForwardDist)
Definition: MSLCM_SL2015.h:214
CLeaderDist getLongest(const MSLeaderDistanceInfo &ldi) const
get the longest vehicle in the given info
double myCooperativeParam
Definition: MSLCM_SL2015.h:418
double getNeighRight(const MSLane &neighLane) const
return the right offset of the neighboring lane relative to the current edge
double computeSpeedGain(double latDistSublane, double defaultNextSpeed) const
compute speedGain when moving by the given amount
double emergencySpeedLat(double speedLat) const
avoid unsafe lateral speed (overruling lcAccelLat)
double myKeepRightAcceptanceTime
Definition: MSLCM_SL2015.h:451
double mySigmaState
Definition: MSLCM_SL2015.h:466
void updateGaps(const MSLeaderDistanceInfo &others, double foeOffset, double oldCenter, double gapFactor, double &surplusGapRight, double &surplusGapLeft, bool saveMinGap=false, double netOverlap=0, double latDist=0, std::vector< CLeaderDist > *collectBlockers=0)
check remaining lateral gaps for the given foe vehicles and optionally update minimum lateral gaps
double mySpeedGainParam
Definition: MSLCM_SL2015.h:419
virtual void updateSafeLatDist(const double travelledLatDist) override
Updates the value of safe lateral distances (mySafeLatDistLeft and mySafeLatDistRight) during maneuve...
const MSEdge * myLastEdge
expected travel speeds on all sublanes on the current edge(!)
Definition: MSLCM_SL2015.h:399
double getOppositeSafetyFactor() const override
return factor for modifying the safety constraints for opposite-diretction overtaking of the car-foll...
int checkStrategicChange(int ret, const MSLane &neighLane, int laneOffset, const MSLeaderDistanceInfo &leaders, const MSLeaderDistanceInfo &neighLeaders, const MSVehicle::LaneQ &curr, const MSVehicle::LaneQ &neigh, const MSVehicle::LaneQ &best, int bestLaneOffset, bool changeToBest, double currentDist, double neighDist, double laDist, double roundaboutBonus, double latLaneDist, bool checkOpposite, double &latDist)
compute strategic lane change actions TODO: Better documentation, refs #2
StateAndDist decideDirection(StateAndDist sd1, StateAndDist sd2) const override
decide in which direction to move in case both directions are desirable
double myImpatience
Definition: MSLCM_SL2015.h:430
double myOppositeParam
Definition: MSLCM_SL2015.h:421
double myLeftSpace
Definition: MSLCM_SL2015.h:389
std::pair< double, int > Info
information regarding save velocity (unused) and state flags of the ego vehicle
Definition: MSLCM_SL2015.h:220
void msg(const CLeaderDist &cld, double speed, int state)
send a speed recommendation to the given vehicle
double myLookaheadLeft
Definition: MSLCM_SL2015.h:439
int checkBlocking(const MSLane &neighLane, double &latDist, double maneuverDist, int laneOffset, const MSLeaderDistanceInfo &leaders, const MSLeaderDistanceInfo &followers, const MSLeaderDistanceInfo &blockers, const MSLeaderDistanceInfo &neighLeaders, const MSLeaderDistanceInfo &neighFollowers, const MSLeaderDistanceInfo &neighBlockers, std::vector< CLeaderDist > *collectLeadBlockers=0, std::vector< CLeaderDist > *collectFollowBlockers=0, bool keepLatGapManeuver=false, double gapFactor=0, int *retBlockedFully=0)
restrict latDist to permissible speed and determine blocking state depending on that distance
bool amBlockingLeader()
Definition: MSLCM_SL2015.h:199
double myStrategicParam
Definition: MSLCM_SL2015.h:417
double getVehicleCenter() const
return vehicle position relative to the current edge (extend by another virtual lane for opposite-dir...
int _wantsChangeSublane(int laneOffset, LaneChangeAction alternatives, const MSLeaderDistanceInfo &leaders, const MSLeaderDistanceInfo &followers, const MSLeaderDistanceInfo &blockers, const MSLeaderDistanceInfo &neighLeaders, const MSLeaderDistanceInfo &neighFollowers, const MSLeaderDistanceInfo &neighBlockers, const MSLane &neighLane, const std::vector< MSVehicle::LaneQ > &preb, MSVehicle **lastBlocked, MSVehicle **firstBlocked, double &latDist, double &maneuverDist, int &blocked)
helper function for doing the actual work
double getLateralDrift()
get lateral drift for the current step
double computeGapFactor(int state) const
compute the gap factor for the given state
double getPosLat()
get lateral position of this vehicle
bool preventSliding(double maneuverDist) const
bool isBidi(const MSLane *lane) const
check whether lane is an upcoming bidi lane
bool mustOvertakeStopped(const MSLane &neighLane, const MSLeaderDistanceInfo &leaders, const MSLeaderDistanceInfo &neighLead, double posOnLane, double neighDist, bool right, double latLaneDist, double &currentDist, double &latDist)
void * inform(void *info, MSVehicle *sender) override
double myMinGapLat
Definition: MSLCM_SL2015.h:424
void informFollower(int blocked, int dir, const CLeaderDist &neighFollow, double remainingSeconds, double plannedSpeed)
decide whether we will try cut in before the follower or allow to be overtaken
void setParameter(const std::string &key, const std::string &value) override
try to set the given parameter for this laneChangeModel. Throw exception for unsupported key
bool saveBlockerLength(double length, double foeLeftSpace) override
reserve space at the end of the lane to avoid dead locks
double myOvertakeDeltaSpeedFactor
Definition: MSLCM_SL2015.h:453
double myTurnAlignmentDist
Definition: MSLCM_SL2015.h:437
double myLeadingBlockerLength
Definition: MSLCM_SL2015.h:388
void setOwnState(const int state) override
int checkBlockingVehicles(const MSVehicle *ego, const MSLeaderDistanceInfo &vehicles, int laneOffset, double latDist, double foeOffset, bool leaders, double &safeLatGapRight, double &safeLatGapLeft, std::vector< CLeaderDist > *collectBlockers=0) const
check whether any of the vehicles overlaps with ego
void informFollowers(int blocked, int dir, const std::vector< CLeaderDist > &blockers, double remainingSeconds, double plannedSpeed)
call informFollower for multiple followers
double mySpeedGainLookahead
Definition: MSLCM_SL2015.h:445
virtual ~MSLCM_SL2015()
double mySpeedLossProbThreshold
Definition: MSLCM_SL2015.h:463
void resetState() override
bool myCFRelatedReady
Definition: MSLCM_SL2015.h:413
double mySpeedGainProbabilityLeft
a value for tracking the probability that a change to the left is beneficial
Definition: MSLCM_SL2015.h:381
bool amBlockingFollowerNB()
Definition: MSLCM_SL2015.h:205
double myAssertive
Definition: MSLCM_SL2015.h:428
double mySpeedGainRight
Definition: MSLCM_SL2015.h:441
static LaneChangeAction getLCA(int state, double latDist)
compute lane change action from desired lateral distance
double myChangeProbThresholdLeft
Definition: MSLCM_SL2015.h:461
void updateExpectedSublaneSpeeds(const MSLeaderDistanceInfo &ahead, int sublaneOffset, int laneIndex) override
update expected speeds for each sublane of the current edge
bool currentDistDisallows(double dist, int laneOffset, double lookForwardDist)
Definition: MSLCM_SL2015.h:211
double getExtraReservation(int bestLaneOffset) const override
reserve extra space for unseen blockers when more tnan one lane change is required
double myTimeToImpatience
Definition: MSLCM_SL2015.h:433
static int lowest_bit(int changeReason)
return the most important change reason
static CLeaderDist getSlowest(const MSLeaderDistanceInfo &ldi)
get the slowest vehicle in the given info
double myPushy
Definition: MSLCM_SL2015.h:426
bool amBlockingFollowerPlusNB()
Definition: MSLCM_SL2015.h:208
double myKeepRightParam
Definition: MSLCM_SL2015.h:420
double mySublaneParam
Definition: MSLCM_SL2015.h:422
Representation of a lane in the micro simulation.
Definition: MSLane.h:84
double getWidth() const
Returns the lane's width.
Definition: MSLane.h:627
saves leader/follower vehicles and their distances relative to an ego vehicle
Definition: MSLeaderInfo.h:144
Representation of a vehicle in the micro simulation.
Definition: MSVehicle.h:77
const MSLane * getLane() const
Returns the lane the vehicle is on.
Definition: MSVehicle.h:584
A structure representing the best lanes for continuing the current route starting at 'lane'.
Definition: MSVehicle.h:865