Eclipse SUMO - Simulation of Urban MObility
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /****************************************************************************/
2 // Eclipse SUMO, Simulation of Urban MObility; see
3 // Copyright (C) 2001-2024 German Aerospace Center (DLR) and others.
4 // This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
5 // terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at
6 //
7 // This Source Code may also be made available under the following Secondary
8 // Licenses when the conditions for such availability set forth in the Eclipse
9 // Public License 2.0 are satisfied: GNU General Public License, version 2
10 // or later which is available at
11 //
12 // SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 OR GPL-2.0-or-later
13 /****************************************************************************/
21 // A loaded (complete) traffic light logic
22 /****************************************************************************/
23 #include <config.h>
25 #include <vector>
26 #include <set>
27 #include <cassert>
28 #include <iterator>
30 #include <utils/common/ToString.h>
32 #include "NBTrafficLightLogic.h"
34 #include "NBLoadedTLDef.h"
35 #include "NBNode.h"
38 // ===========================================================================
39 // method definitions
40 // ===========================================================================
41 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
42  * NBLoadedTLDef::SignalGroup-methods
43  * ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
45  : Named(id) {}
49 void
51  assert(c.getFromLane() < 0 || c.getFrom()->getNumLanes() > c.getFromLane());
52  myConnections.push_back(c);
53 }
56 void
58  myPhases.push_back(PhaseDef(time, color));
59 }
62 void
64  myTRedYellow = tRedYellow;
65  myTYellow = tYellow;
66 }
69 void
71  std::sort(myPhases.begin(), myPhases.end(), [](const PhaseDef & p1, const PhaseDef & p2) {
72  return p1.myTime < p2.myTime;
73  });
74 }
77 void
79  if (myTYellow < 0) {
80  // was not set before (was not loaded)
81  myTYellow = tyellow;
82  } else if (forced && myTYellow < tyellow) {
83  WRITE_WARNINGF(TL("TYellow of signal group '%' was less than the computed one; patched (was:%, is:%)"), getID(), toString(myTYellow), time2string(tyellow));
84  myTYellow = tyellow;
85  }
86 }
89 std::vector<SUMOTime>
91  // within the phase container, we should have the green and red phases add their times
92  std::vector<SUMOTime> ret;
93  for (const PhaseDef& p : myPhases) {
94  ret.push_back(p.myTime);
95  }
96  // further, we possibly should set the yellow phases
97  if (myTYellow > 0) {
98  for (const PhaseDef& p : myPhases) {
99  if (p.myColor == TLCOLOR_RED) {
100  ret.push_back((p.myTime + myTYellow) % cycleDuration);
101  }
102  }
103  }
104  return ret;
105 }
108 int
110  return (int) myConnections.size();
111 }
114 bool
116  assert(myPhases.size() != 0);
117  for (std::vector<PhaseDef>::const_reverse_iterator i = myPhases.rbegin(); i != myPhases.rend(); i++) {
118  SUMOTime nextTime = (*i).myTime;
119  if (time >= nextTime) {
120  return (*i).myColor == TLCOLOR_GREEN;
121  }
122  }
123  return (*(myPhases.end() - 1)).myColor == TLCOLOR_GREEN;
124 }
127 bool
129  bool has_red_now = !mayDrive(time);
130  bool had_green = mayDrive(time - myTYellow);
131  return has_red_now && had_green;
132 }
135 const NBConnection&
137  assert(pos < (int)myConnections.size());
138  return myConnections[pos];
139 }
142 bool
144  for (NBConnectionVector::const_iterator i = myConnections.begin(); i != myConnections.end(); i++) {
145  if ((*i).getFrom() == from) {
146  return true;
147  }
148  }
149  return false;
150 }
153 void
155  NBConnectionVector newConns;
156  for (NBConnectionVector::iterator i = myConnections.begin(); i != myConnections.end();) {
157  if ((*i).getFrom() == which) {
158  NBConnection conn((*i).getFrom(), (*i).getTo());
159  i = myConnections.erase(i);
160  for (EdgeVector::const_iterator j = by.begin(); j != by.end(); j++) {
161  NBConnection curr(conn);
162  if (!curr.replaceFrom(which, *j)) {
163  throw ProcessError("Could not replace edge '" + which->getID() + "' by '" + (*j)->getID() + "'.\nUndefined...");
164  }
165  newConns.push_back(curr);
166  }
167  } else {
168  i++;
169  }
170  }
171  copy(newConns.begin(), newConns.end(),
172  back_inserter(myConnections));
173 }
176 bool
178  for (NBConnectionVector::const_iterator i = myConnections.begin(); i != myConnections.end(); i++) {
179  if ((*i).getTo() == to) {
180  return true;
181  }
182  }
183  return false;
184 }
187 void
189  NBConnectionVector newConns;
190  for (NBConnectionVector::iterator i = myConnections.begin(); i != myConnections.end();) {
191  if ((*i).getTo() == which) {
192  NBConnection conn((*i).getFrom(), (*i).getTo());
193  i = myConnections.erase(i);
194  for (EdgeVector::const_iterator j = by.begin(); j != by.end(); j++) {
195  NBConnection curr(conn);
196  if (!curr.replaceTo(which, *j)) {
197  throw ProcessError("Could not replace edge '" + which->getID() + "' by '" + (*j)->getID() + "'.\nUndefined...");
198  }
199  newConns.push_back(curr);
200  }
201  } else {
202  i++;
203  }
204  }
205  copy(newConns.begin(), newConns.end(),
206  back_inserter(myConnections));
207 }
210 void
211 NBLoadedTLDef::SignalGroup::remap(NBEdge* removed, int removedLane,
212  NBEdge* by, int byLane) {
213  for (NBConnectionVector::iterator i = myConnections.begin(); i != myConnections.end(); i++) {
214  if ((*i).getTo() == removed
215  &&
216  ((*i).getToLane() == removedLane
217  ||
218  (*i).getToLane() == -1)) {
219  (*i).replaceTo(removed, removedLane, by, byLane);
221  } else if ((*i).getTo() == removed && removedLane == -1) {
222  (*i).replaceTo(removed, by);
223  }
225  if ((*i).getFrom() == removed
226  &&
227  ((*i).getFromLane() == removedLane
228  ||
229  (*i).getFromLane() == -1)) {
230  (*i).replaceFrom(removed, removedLane, by, byLane);
232  } else if ((*i).getFrom() == removed && removedLane == -1) {
233  (*i).replaceFrom(removed, by);
234  }
235  }
236 }
239 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
240  * NBLoadedTLDef::Phase-methods
241  * ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
242 NBLoadedTLDef::NBLoadedTLDef(const NBEdgeCont& ec, const std::string& id,
243  const std::vector<NBNode*>& junctions, SUMOTime offset, TrafficLightType type) :
244  NBTrafficLightDefinition(id, junctions, DefaultProgramID, offset, type),
245  myEdgeCont(&ec) {
246 }
249 NBLoadedTLDef::NBLoadedTLDef(const NBEdgeCont& ec, const std::string& id, NBNode* junction, SUMOTime offset, TrafficLightType type) :
250  NBTrafficLightDefinition(id, junction, DefaultProgramID, offset, type),
251  myEdgeCont(&ec) {
252 }
255 NBLoadedTLDef::NBLoadedTLDef(const NBEdgeCont& ec, const std::string& id, SUMOTime offset, TrafficLightType type) :
256  NBTrafficLightDefinition(id, DefaultProgramID, offset, type),
257  myEdgeCont(&ec) {
258 }
262  for (SignalGroupCont::iterator i = mySignalGroups.begin(); i != mySignalGroups.end(); ++i) {
263  delete (*i).second;
264  }
265 }
269 NBLoadedTLDef::myCompute(int brakingTimeSeconds) {
271  // compute the switching times and count the signals
272  std::set<SUMOTime> switchTimes;
273  int numSignals = 0;
274  for (const auto& i : mySignalGroups) {
275  NBLoadedTLDef::SignalGroup* const group = i.second;
276  // needed later
277  group->sortPhases();
278  // patch the yellow time for this group
279  group->patchTYellow(TIME2STEPS(brakingTimeSeconds), OptionsCont::getOptions().getBool("tls.yellow.patch-small"));
280  // copy the now valid times into the container
281  // both the given red and green phases are added and also the
282  // yellow times
283  const std::vector<SUMOTime> gtimes = group->getTimes(myCycleDuration);
284  switchTimes.insert(gtimes.begin(), gtimes.end());
285  numSignals += group->getLinkNo();
286  }
288  // build the phases
289  NBTrafficLightLogic* logic = new NBTrafficLightLogic(getID(), getProgramID(), numSignals, myOffset, myType);
290  SUMOTime prev = -1;
291  for (const SUMOTime l : switchTimes) {
292  if (prev != -1) {
293  logic->addStep(l - prev, buildPhaseState(prev));
294  }
295  prev = l;
296  }
297  logic->addStep(myCycleDuration + (*switchTimes.begin()) - prev, buildPhaseState(prev));
298  // check whether any warnings were printed
299  if (MsgHandler::getWarningInstance()->wasInformed()) {
300  WRITE_WARNINGF(TL("During computation of traffic light '%'."), getID());
301  }
302  logic->closeBuilding();
304  // initialize myNeedsContRelation
305  myNeedsContRelation.clear();
306  const bool controlledWithin = !OptionsCont::getOptions().getBool("tls.uncontrolled-within");
307  const std::vector<NBTrafficLightLogic::PhaseDefinition> phases = logic->getPhases();
308  for (std::vector<NBTrafficLightLogic::PhaseDefinition>::const_iterator it = phases.begin(); it != phases.end(); it++) {
309  const std::string state = (*it).state;
310  for (NBConnectionVector::const_iterator it1 = myControlledLinks.begin(); it1 != myControlledLinks.end(); it1++) {
311  const NBConnection& c1 = *it1;
312  const int i1 = c1.getTLIndex();
313  if (i1 == NBConnection::InvalidTlIndex || state[i1] != 'g' || c1.getFrom() == nullptr || c1.getTo() == nullptr) {
314  continue;
315  }
316  for (NBConnectionVector::const_iterator it2 = myControlledLinks.begin(); it2 != myControlledLinks.end(); it2++) {
317  const NBConnection& c2 = *it2;
318  const int i2 = c2.getTLIndex();
320  && i2 != i1
321  && (state[i2] == 'G' || state[i2] == 'g')
322  && c2.getFrom() != nullptr && c2.getTo() != nullptr) {
323  const bool rightTurnConflict = NBNode::rightTurnConflict(
324  c1.getFrom(), c1.getTo(), c1.getFromLane(), c2.getFrom(), c2.getTo(), c2.getFromLane());
325  if (forbids(c2.getFrom(), c2.getTo(), c1.getFrom(), c1.getTo(), true, controlledWithin) || rightTurnConflict) {
326  myNeedsContRelation.insert(StreamPair(c1.getFrom(), c1.getTo(), c2.getFrom(), c2.getTo()));
327  }
328  }
329  }
330  }
331  }
334  return logic;
335 }
338 void
340  // assign the tl-indices to the edge connections
341  for (NBConnectionVector::const_iterator it = myControlledLinks.begin(); it != myControlledLinks.end(); it++) {
342  const NBConnection& c = *it;
345  }
346  }
347 }
350 std::string
352  int pos = 0;
353  std::string state;
354  // set the green and yellow information first;
355  // the information whether other have to break needs those masks
356  // completely filled
357  for (SignalGroupCont::const_iterator i = mySignalGroups.begin(); i != mySignalGroups.end(); i++) {
358  SignalGroup* group = (*i).second;
359  int linkNo = group->getLinkNo();
360  bool mayDrive = group->mayDrive(time);
361  bool hasYellow = group->hasYellow(time);
362  char c = 'r';
363  if (mayDrive) {
364  c = 'g';
365  }
366  if (hasYellow) {
367  c = 'y';
368  }
369  for (int j = 0; j < linkNo; j++) {
370  const NBConnection& conn = group->getConnection(j);
371  NBConnection assConn(conn);
372  // assert that the connection really exists
373  if (assConn.check(*myEdgeCont)) {
374  state = state + c;
375  ++pos;
376  }
377  }
378  }
379  // set the braking mask
380  pos = 0;
381  for (SignalGroupCont::const_iterator i = mySignalGroups.begin(); i != mySignalGroups.end(); i++) {
382  SignalGroup* group = (*i).second;
383  int linkNo = group->getLinkNo();
384  for (int j = 0; j < linkNo; j++) {
385  const NBConnection& conn = group->getConnection(j);
386  NBConnection assConn(conn);
387  if (assConn.check(*myEdgeCont)) {
388  if (!mustBrake(assConn, state, pos)) {
389  if (state[pos] == 'g') {
390  state[pos] = 'G';
391  }
392  if (state[pos] == 'y') {
393  state[pos] = 'Y';
394  }
395  }
396  pos++;
397  }
398  }
399  }
400  return state;
401 }
404 bool
406  const std::string& state,
407  int strmpos) const {
408  // check whether the stream has red
409  if (state[strmpos] != 'g' && state[strmpos] != 'G') {
410  return true;
411  }
413  // check whether another stream which has green is a higher
414  // priorised foe to the given
415  int pos = 0;
416  for (SignalGroupCont::const_iterator i = mySignalGroups.begin(); i != mySignalGroups.end(); i++) {
417  SignalGroup* group = (*i).second;
418  // get other links that have green
419  int linkNo = group->getLinkNo();
420  for (int j = 0; j < linkNo; j++) {
421  // get the current connection (possible foe)
422  const NBConnection& other = group->getConnection(j);
423  NBConnection possProhibitor(other);
424  // if the connection ist still valid ...
425  if (possProhibitor.check(*myEdgeCont)) {
426  // ... do nothing if it starts at the same edge
427  if (possProhibited.getFrom() == possProhibitor.getFrom()) {
428  pos++;
429  continue;
430  }
431  if (state[pos] == 'g' || state[pos] == 'G') {
432  if (NBTrafficLightDefinition::mustBrake(possProhibited, possProhibitor, true)) {
433  return true;
434  }
435  }
436  pos++;
437  }
438  }
439  }
440  return false;
441 }
444 void
446  // assign participating nodes to the request
447  collectNodes();
448  // collect the information about participating edges and links
449  collectEdges();
450  collectLinks();
451 }
453 void
455  myControlledNodes.clear();
456  SignalGroupCont::const_iterator m;
457  for (m = mySignalGroups.begin(); m != mySignalGroups.end(); m++) {
458  SignalGroup* group = (*m).second;
459  int linkNo = group->getLinkNo();
460  for (int j = 0; j < linkNo; j++) {
461  const NBConnection& conn = group->getConnection(j);
462  NBEdge* edge = conn.getFrom();
463  NBNode* node = edge->getToNode();
464  myControlledNodes.push_back(node);
465  }
466  }
468 }
471 void
473  myControlledLinks.clear();
474  // build the list of links which are controlled by the traffic light
475  for (EdgeVector::iterator i = myIncomingEdges.begin(); i != myIncomingEdges.end(); i++) {
476  NBEdge* incoming = *i;
477  int noLanes = incoming->getNumLanes();
478  for (int j = 0; j < noLanes; j++) {
479  std::vector<NBEdge::Connection> elv = incoming->getConnectionsFromLane(j);
480  for (std::vector<NBEdge::Connection>::iterator k = elv.begin(); k != elv.end(); k++) {
481  NBEdge::Connection el = *k;
482  if (el.toEdge != nullptr) {
483  myControlledLinks.push_back(NBConnection(incoming, j, el.toEdge, el.toLane));
484  }
485  }
486  }
487  }
489  // assign tl-indices to myControlledLinks
490  int pos = 0;
491  for (SignalGroupCont::const_iterator m = mySignalGroups.begin(); m != mySignalGroups.end(); m++) {
492  SignalGroup* group = (*m).second;
493  int linkNo = group->getLinkNo();
494  for (int j = 0; j < linkNo; j++) {
495  const NBConnection& conn = group->getConnection(j);
496  assert(conn.getFromLane() < 0 || (int) conn.getFrom()->getNumLanes() > conn.getFromLane());
497  NBConnection tst(conn);
498  tst.setTLIndex(pos);
499  if (tst.check(*myEdgeCont)) {
500  if (tst.getFrom()->mayBeTLSControlled(tst.getFromLane(), tst.getTo(), tst.getToLane())) {
501  for (NBConnectionVector::iterator it = myControlledLinks.begin(); it != myControlledLinks.end(); it++) {
502  NBConnection& c = *it;
504  && tst.getFrom() == c.getFrom() && tst.getTo() == c.getTo()
505  && (tst.getFromLane() < 0 || tst.getFromLane() == c.getFromLane())
506  && (tst.getToLane() < 0 || tst.getToLane() == c.getToLane())) {
507  c.setTLIndex(pos);
508  }
509  }
510  //std::cout << getID() << " group=" << (*m).first << " tst=" << tst << "\n";
511  pos++;
512  }
513  } else {
514  WRITE_WARNINGF(TL("Could not set signal on connection (signal: %, group: %)"), getID(), group->getID());
515  }
516  }
517  }
518 }
521 bool
522 NBLoadedTLDef::addToSignalGroup(const std::string& groupid,
523  const NBConnection& connection) {
524  if (mySignalGroups.find(groupid) == mySignalGroups.end()) {
525  return false;
526  }
527  mySignalGroups[groupid]->addConnection(connection);
528  NBNode* n1 = connection.getFrom()->getToNode();
529  if (n1 != nullptr) {
530  addNode(n1);
531  n1->addTrafficLight(this);
532  }
533  NBNode* n2 = connection.getTo()->getFromNode();
534  if (n2 != nullptr) {
535  addNode(n2);
536  n2->addTrafficLight(this);
537  }
538  return true;
539 }
542 bool
543 NBLoadedTLDef::addToSignalGroup(const std::string& groupid,
544  const NBConnectionVector& connections) {
545  bool ok = true;
546  for (NBConnectionVector::const_iterator i = connections.begin(); i != connections.end(); i++) {
547  ok &= addToSignalGroup(groupid, *i);
548  }
549  return ok;
550 }
553 void
554 NBLoadedTLDef::addSignalGroup(const std::string& id) {
555  assert(mySignalGroups.find(id) == mySignalGroups.end());
556  mySignalGroups[id] = new SignalGroup(id);
557 }
560 void
561 NBLoadedTLDef::addSignalGroupPhaseBegin(const std::string& groupid, SUMOTime time,
562  TLColor color) {
563  assert(mySignalGroups.find(groupid) != mySignalGroups.end());
564  mySignalGroups[groupid]->addPhaseBegin(time, color);
565 }
567 void
568 NBLoadedTLDef::setSignalYellowTimes(const std::string& groupid,
569  SUMOTime myTRedYellow, SUMOTime myTYellow) {
570  assert(mySignalGroups.find(groupid) != mySignalGroups.end());
571  mySignalGroups[groupid]->setYellowTimes(myTRedYellow, myTYellow);
572 }
575 void
577  myCycleDuration = cycleDur;
578 }
581 void
583  const EdgeVector& incoming,
584  const EdgeVector& outgoing) {
585  for (SignalGroupCont::const_iterator i = mySignalGroups.begin(); i != mySignalGroups.end(); i++) {
586  SignalGroup* group = (*i).second;
587  if (group->containsIncoming(removed)) {
588  group->remapIncoming(removed, incoming);
589  }
590  if (group->containsOutgoing(removed)) {
591  group->remapOutgoing(removed, outgoing);
592  }
593  }
594 }
597 void
598 NBLoadedTLDef::replaceRemoved(NBEdge* removed, int removedLane,
599  NBEdge* by, int byLane, bool incoming) {
600  for (SignalGroupCont::const_iterator i = mySignalGroups.begin(); i != mySignalGroups.end(); i++) {
601  SignalGroup* group = (*i).second;
602  if ((incoming && group->containsIncoming(removed)) || (!incoming && group->containsOutgoing(removed))) {
603  group->remap(removed, removedLane, by, byLane);
604  }
605  }
606 }
609 void
612  throw ProcessError(TL("myNeedsContRelation was not properly initialized\n"));
613  }
614 }
617 int
621  if (logic != nullptr) {
622  return logic->getNumLinks() - 1;
623  } else {
624  return -1;
625  }
626 }
629 /****************************************************************************/
long long int SUMOTime
Definition: GUI.h:35
#define WRITE_WARNINGF(...)
Definition: MsgHandler.h:296
#define TL(string)
Definition: MsgHandler.h:315
std::vector< NBConnection > NBConnectionVector
Definition of a connection vector.
std::vector< NBEdge * > EdgeVector
container for (sorted) edges
Definition: NBCont.h:35
std::string time2string(SUMOTime t, bool humanReadable)
convert SUMOTime to string (independently of global format setting)
Definition: SUMOTime.cpp:69
#define TIME2STEPS(x)
Definition: SUMOTime.h:57
std::string toString(const T &t, std::streamsize accuracy=gPrecision)
Definition: ToString.h:46
static MsgHandler * getWarningInstance()
Returns the instance to add warnings to.
Definition: MsgHandler.cpp:79
virtual void clear(bool resetInformed=true)
Clears information whether an error occurred previously and print aggregated message summary.
Definition: MsgHandler.cpp:213
NBEdge * getFrom() const
returns the from-edge (start of the connection)
int getFromLane() const
returns the from-lane
bool replaceTo(NBEdge *which, NBEdge *by)
replaces the to-edge by the one given
int getTLIndex() const
returns the index within the controlling tls or InvalidTLIndex if this link is unontrolled
Definition: NBConnection.h:91
static const int InvalidTlIndex
Definition: NBConnection.h:123
bool replaceFrom(NBEdge *which, NBEdge *by)
replaces the from-edge by the one given
void setTLIndex(int tlIndex)
Definition: NBConnection.h:99
int getToLane() const
returns the to-lane
NBEdge * getTo() const
returns the to-edge (end of the connection)
bool check(const NBEdgeCont &ec)
checks whether the edges are still valid
Storage for edges, including some functionality operating on multiple edges.
Definition: NBEdgeCont.h:59
The representation of a single edge during network building.
Definition: NBEdge.h:92
const std::string & getID() const
Definition: NBEdge.h:1524
NBNode * getToNode() const
Returns the destination node of the edge.
Definition: NBEdge.h:542
bool setControllingTLInformation(const NBConnection &c, const std::string &tlID)
Returns if the link could be set as to be controlled.
Definition: NBEdge.cpp:3716
int getNumLanes() const
Returns the number of lanes.
Definition: NBEdge.h:516
std::vector< Connection > getConnectionsFromLane(int lane, const NBEdge *to=nullptr, int toLane=-1) const
Returns connections from a given lane.
Definition: NBEdge.cpp:1280
bool mayBeTLSControlled(int fromLane, NBEdge *toEdge, int toLane) const
return true if certain connection must be controlled by TLS
Definition: NBEdge.cpp:3705
NBNode * getFromNode() const
Returns the origin node of the edge.
Definition: NBEdge.h:535
Definition of a single, loaded phase.
A single signal group, may control several connections.
Definition: NBLoadedTLDef.h:44
void remapOutgoing(NBEdge *which, const EdgeVector &by)
Replaces the given outgoing edge by the others given.
SignalGroup(const std::string &id)
void addPhaseBegin(SUMOTime time, TLColor color)
Sets the begin of a phase.
void addConnection(const NBConnection &c)
Inserts a controlled connection.
std::vector< SUMOTime > getTimes(SUMOTime cycleDuration) const
Returns the times at which the signal switches.
bool mayDrive(SUMOTime time) const
Returns whether vehicles on controlled links may drive at the given time.
void patchTYellow(SUMOTime tyellow, bool forced)
Sets the yellow time.
bool hasYellow(SUMOTime time) const
Returns whether controlled links have yellow at the given time.
const NBConnection & getConnection(int pos) const
Returns the connection at the given index.
void remap(NBEdge *removed, int removedLane, NBEdge *by, int byLane)
Replaces a removed edge/lane.
bool containsIncoming(NBEdge *from) const
Returns whether this signal controls the given edge.
void setYellowTimes(SUMOTime tRedYellowe, SUMOTime tYellow)
Sets the times for redyellow and yellow.
void sortPhases()
Sorts the phases.
bool containsOutgoing(NBEdge *to) const
Returns whether this signal controls a connection where the given edge is the destination.
void remapIncoming(NBEdge *which, const EdgeVector &by)
Replaces the given incoming edge by the others given.
int getLinkNo() const
Returns the number of links (connection) controlled by this signal.
void setParticipantsInformation()
Builds the list of participating nodes/edges/links.
void collectNodes()
Collects the nodes participating in this traffic light.
void replaceRemoved(NBEdge *removed, int removedLane, NBEdge *by, int byLane, bool incoming)
Replaces a removed edge/lane.
bool addToSignalGroup(const std::string &groupid, const NBConnection &connection)
Adds a connection to a signal group.
int getMaxIndex()
Returns the maximum index controlled by this traffic light.
std::string buildPhaseState(const SUMOTime time) const
Builds the phase for a given time.
void addSignalGroupPhaseBegin(const std::string &groupid, SUMOTime time, TLColor color)
Sets the information about the begin of a phase.
SUMOTime myCycleDuration
The duration of a single cycle.
const NBEdgeCont * myEdgeCont
void setSignalYellowTimes(const std::string &groupid, SUMOTime tRedYellow, SUMOTime tYellow)
Sets the times the light is yellow or red/yellow.
NBLoadedTLDef(const NBEdgeCont &ec, const std::string &id, const std::vector< NBNode * > &junctions, SUMOTime offset, TrafficLightType type)
void addSignalGroup(const std::string &id)
Adds a signal group.
void setCycleDuration(SUMOTime cycleDur)
Sets the duration of a cycle.
SignalGroupCont mySignalGroups
Controlled signal groups.
NBTrafficLightLogic * myCompute(int brakingTimeSeconds)
Computes the traffic light logic finally in dependence to the type.
void setTLControllingInformation() const
Informs edges about being controlled by a tls.
void collectLinks()
Collects the links participating in this traffic light.
bool mustBrake(const NBConnection &possProhibited, const std::string &state, int strmpos) const
Returns the information whether a connection must brake, given a phase.
void initNeedsContRelation() const
void remapRemoved(NBEdge *removed, const EdgeVector &incoming, const EdgeVector &outgoing)
Replaces occurrences of the removed edge in incoming/outgoing edges of all definitions.
Used for sorting the cells by the begin time they describe.
Definition: NBNode.h:788
Represents a single node (junction) during network building.
Definition: NBNode.h:66
static bool rightTurnConflict(const NBEdge *from, const NBEdge *to, int fromLane, const NBEdge *prohibitorFrom, const NBEdge *prohibitorTo, int prohibitorFromLane)
return whether the given laneToLane connection is a right turn which must yield to a bicycle crossing...
Definition: NBNode.cpp:2043
void addTrafficLight(NBTrafficLightDefinition *tlDef)
Adds a traffic light to the list of traffic lights that control this node.
Definition: NBNode.cpp:396
The base class for traffic light logic definitions.
const std::string & getProgramID() const
Returns the ProgramID.
An enumeration of possible tl-signal states.
Signal shows green.
std::vector< NBNode * > myControlledNodes
The container with participating nodes.
EdgeVector myIncomingEdges
The list of incoming edges.
virtual void addNode(NBNode *node)
Adds a node to the traffic light logic.
NBTrafficLightLogic * compute(const OptionsCont &oc)
Computes the traffic light logic.
TrafficLightType myType
The algorithm type for the traffic light.
bool forbids(const NBEdge *const possProhibitorFrom, const NBEdge *const possProhibitorTo, const NBEdge *const possProhibitedFrom, const NBEdge *const possProhibitedTo, bool regardNonSignalisedLowerPriority, bool sameNodeOnly=false) const
Returns the information whether "prohibited" flow must let "prohibitor" flow pass.
NBConnectionVector myControlledLinks
The list of controlled links.
static const std::string DefaultProgramID
bool mustBrake(const NBEdge *const from, const NBEdge *const to) const
Returns the information whether the described flow must let any other flow pass.
SUMOTime myOffset
The offset in the program.
virtual void collectEdges()
Build the list of participating edges.
A SUMO-compliant built logic for a traffic light.
void closeBuilding(bool checkVarDurations=true)
closes the building process
const std::vector< PhaseDefinition > & getPhases() const
Returns the phases.
int getNumLinks()
Returns the number of participating links.
void addStep(const SUMOTime duration, const std::string &state, const std::vector< int > &next=std::vector< int >(), const std::string &name="", const int index=-1)
Adds a phase to the logic (static)
Base class for objects which have an id.
Definition: Named.h:54
const std::string & getID() const
Returns the id.
Definition: Named.h:74
bool getBool(const std::string &name) const
Returns the boolean-value of the named option (only for Option_Bool)
static OptionsCont & getOptions()
Retrieves the options.
Definition: OptionsCont.cpp:60
A structure which describes a connection between edges or lanes.
Definition: NBEdge.h:201
int toLane
The lane the connections yields in.
Definition: NBEdge.h:216
NBEdge * toEdge
The edge the connections yields in.
Definition: NBEdge.h:213
data structure for caching needsCont information