Eclipse SUMO - Simulation of Urban MObility
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /****************************************************************************/
2 // Eclipse SUMO, Simulation of Urban MObility; see
3 // Copyright (C) 2001-2024 German Aerospace Center (DLR) and others.
4 // This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
5 // terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at
6 //
7 // This Source Code may also be made available under the following Secondary
8 // Licenses when the conditions for such availability set forth in the Eclipse
9 // Public License 2.0 are satisfied: GNU General Public License, version 2
10 // or later which is available at
11 //
12 // SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 OR GPL-2.0-or-later
13 /****************************************************************************/
18 // A abstract class for data sets
19 /****************************************************************************/
20 #include <config.h>
22 #include <netedit/GNENet.h>
23 #include <netedit/GNEViewNet.h>
24 #include <netedit/GNEViewParent.h>
28 #include <utils/gui/div/GLHelper.h>
34 #include "GNEGenericData.h"
35 #include "GNEDataInterval.h"
38 // ===========================================================================
39 // member method definitions
40 // ===========================================================================
42 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
43 // GNEGenericData - methods
44 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
46 GNEGenericData::GNEGenericData(const SumoXMLTag tag, FXIcon* icon, const GUIGlObjectType type, GNEDataInterval* dataIntervalParent,
47  const Parameterised::Map& parameters,
48  const std::vector<GNEJunction*>& junctionParents,
49  const std::vector<GNEEdge*>& edgeParents,
50  const std::vector<GNELane*>& laneParents,
51  const std::vector<GNEAdditional*>& additionalParents,
52  const std::vector<GNEDemandElement*>& demandElementParents,
53  const std::vector<GNEGenericData*>& genericDataParents) :
54  GNEPathManager::PathElement(type, dataIntervalParent->getID(), icon, GNEPathManager::PathElement::Options::DATA_ELEMENT),
55  Parameterised(parameters),
56  GNEHierarchicalElement(dataIntervalParent->getNet(), tag, junctionParents, edgeParents, laneParents, additionalParents, demandElementParents, genericDataParents),
57  myDataIntervalParent(dataIntervalParent) {
58 }
66  return this;
67 }
70 const GUIGlObject*
72  return this;
73 }
78  return myDataIntervalParent;
79 }
82 void
84  if ((myTagProperty.getTag() == GNE_TAG_EDGEREL_SINGLE) && (shape.length() > 0)) {
85  // obtain pointer to edge data frame (only for code legibly)
87  // check if we have to filter generic data
88  if (edgeDataFrame->shown()) {
89  // check attribute
90  if ((edgeDataFrame->getAttributeSelector()->getFilteredAttribute().size() > 0) &&
91  (getParametersMap().count(edgeDataFrame->getAttributeSelector()->getFilteredAttribute()) > 0)) {
92  // get value
93  const std::string value = getParametersMap().at(edgeDataFrame->getAttributeSelector()->getFilteredAttribute());
94  // calculate center position
95  const Position centerPosition = shape.positionAtOffset2D(shape.length2D() / 2);
96  // Add a draw matrix
98  GLHelper::drawText(value, centerPosition, GLO_MAX, 2, RGBColor::BLUE);
99  // pop draw matrix
101  }
102  }
103  }
104 }
107 bool
109  return false;
110 }
113 bool
115  return false;
116 }
119 bool
121  return false;
122 }
125 bool
127  return false;
128 }
131 bool
133  // get edit modes
134  const auto& editModes = myNet->getViewNet()->getEditModes();
135  // check if we're in delete mode
136  if (editModes.isCurrentSupermodeData() && (editModes.dataEditMode == DataEditMode::DATA_DELETE)) {
138  } else {
139  return false;
140  }
141 }
144 bool
146  // get edit modes
147  const auto& editModes = myNet->getViewNet()->getEditModes();
148  // check if we're in select mode
149  if (editModes.isCurrentSupermodeData() && (editModes.dataEditMode == DataEditMode::DATA_SELECT)) {
151  } else {
152  return false;
153  }
154 }
157 bool
159  return false;
160 }
163 bool
165  return true;
166 }
169 std::string
171  return "";
172 }
175 void
177  throw InvalidArgument(getTagStr() + " cannot fix any problem");
178 }
183  GUIGLObjectPopupMenu* ret = new GUIGLObjectPopupMenu(app, parent, *this);
184  // build header
185  buildPopupHeader(ret, app);
186  // build menu command for center button and copy cursor position to clipboard
188  buildPositionCopyEntry(ret, app);
189  // build menu commands for names
190  GUIDesigns::buildFXMenuCommand(ret, TLF("Copy % name to clipboard", getTagStr()), nullptr, ret, MID_COPY_NAME);
191  GUIDesigns::buildFXMenuCommand(ret, TLF("Copy % name to clipboard", getTagStr()), nullptr, ret, MID_COPY_TYPED_NAME);
192  new FXMenuSeparator(ret);
193  // build selection and show parameters menu
196  // show option to open additional dialog
197  if (myTagProperty.hasDialog()) {
198  GUIDesigns::buildFXMenuCommand(ret, (TLF("Open % Dialog", getTagStr())).c_str(), getACIcon(), &parent, MID_OPEN_ADDITIONAL_DIALOG);
199  new FXMenuSeparator(ret);
200  } else {
201  GUIDesigns::buildFXMenuCommand(ret, (TL("Cursor position in view: ") + toString(getPositionInView().x()) + "," + toString(getPositionInView().y())).c_str(), nullptr, nullptr, 0);
202  }
203  return ret;
204 }
209  // Create table
210  GUIParameterTableWindow* ret = new GUIParameterTableWindow(app, *this);
211  // Iterate over attributes
212  for (const auto& tagProperty : myTagProperty) {
213  // Add attribute and set it dynamic if aren't unique
214  if (tagProperty.isUnique()) {
215  ret->mkItem(tagProperty.getAttrStr().c_str(), false, getAttribute(tagProperty.getAttr()));
216  } else {
217  ret->mkItem(tagProperty.getAttrStr().c_str(), true, getAttribute(tagProperty.getAttr()));
218  }
219  }
220  // close building
221  ret->closeBuilding();
222  return ret;
223 }
226 void
229 }
232 void
236  } else {
238  }
239  // update information label
241 }
244 void
246  updateGeometry();
247 }
250 bool
252  return mySelected;
253 }
256 const Parameterised::Map&
258  return getParametersMap();
259 }
261 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
262 // GNEGenericData - protected methods
263 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
265 void
266 GNEGenericData::drawFilteredAttribute(const GUIVisualizationSettings& s, const PositionVector& laneShape, const std::string& attribute, const GNEDataInterval* dataIntervalParent) const {
267  if ((myDataIntervalParent == dataIntervalParent) && (getParametersMap().count(attribute) > 0)) {
268  const Position pos = laneShape.positionAtOffset2D(laneShape.length2D() * 0.5);
269  const double rot = laneShape.rotationDegreeAtOffset(laneShape.length2D() * 0.5);
270  // Add a draw matrix for details
272  // draw value
273  GLHelper::drawText(getParameter(attribute), pos, GLO_MAX - 1, 2, RGBColor::BLACK, s.getTextAngle(rot + 90));
274  // pop draw matrix
276  }
277 }
280 bool
282  // get toolbar
284  // declare flag
285  bool draw = true;
286  // check filter by generic data type
287  if ((toolBar.getGenericDataType() != SUMO_TAG_NOTHING) && (toolBar.getGenericDataType() != myTagProperty.getTag())) {
288  draw = false;
289  }
290  // check filter by data set
291  if (toolBar.getDataSet() && (toolBar.getDataSet() != myDataIntervalParent->getDataSetParent())) {
292  draw = false;
293  }
294  // check filter by begin
296  draw = false;
297  }
298  // check filter by end
299  if ((toolBar.getEnd() != INVALID_DOUBLE) && (toolBar.getEnd() < myDataIntervalParent->getAttributeDouble(SUMO_ATTR_END))) {
300  draw = false;
301  }
302  // check filter by attribute
303  if ((toolBar.getParameter().size() > 0) && (getParametersMap().count(toolBar.getParameter()) == 0)) {
304  draw = false;
305  }
306  // return flag
307  return draw;
308 }
310 void
311 GNEGenericData::replaceFirstParentEdge(const std::string& value) {
312  std::vector<GNEEdge*> parentEdges = getParentEdges();
313  parentEdges[0] = myNet->getAttributeCarriers()->retrieveEdge(value);
314  // replace parent edges
315  replaceParentElements(this, parentEdges);
316 }
319 void
320 GNEGenericData::replaceLastParentEdge(const std::string& value) {
321  std::vector<GNEEdge*> parentEdges = getParentEdges();
322  parentEdges[(int)parentEdges.size() - 1] = myNet->getAttributeCarriers()->retrieveEdge(value);
323  // replace parent edges
324  replaceParentElements(this, parentEdges);
325 }
328 void
329 GNEGenericData::replaceParentTAZElement(const int index, const std::string& value) {
330  std::vector<GNEAdditional*> parentTAZElements = getParentAdditionals();
332  // continue depending of index and number of TAZs
333  if (index == 0) {
334  if (parentTAZElements.size() == 2) {
335  if (>getID() == value) {
336  parentTAZElements = {TAZ};
337  } else {
338  parentTAZElements[0] = TAZ;
339  }
340  } else if ( != TAZ) {
341  parentTAZElements = {TAZ,};
342  }
343  } else if (index == 1) {
344  if (parentTAZElements.size() == 2) {
345  if (>getID() == value) {
346  parentTAZElements = {TAZ};
347  } else {
348  parentTAZElements[1] = TAZ;
349  }
350  } else if ( != TAZ) {
351  parentTAZElements = {, TAZ};
352  }
353  } else {
354  throw ProcessError(TL("Invalid index"));
355  }
356  // replace parent TAZElements
357  replaceParentElements(this, parentTAZElements);
358 }
361 std::string
363  return getDataIntervalParent()->getDataSetParent()->getID() + "[" +
366 }
368 /****************************************************************************/
mode for selecting data elements
mode for deleting data elements
Copy typed object name - popup entry.
Definition: GUIAppEnum.h:455
open additional dialog (used in netedit)
Definition: GUIAppEnum.h:469
Copy object name - popup entry.
Definition: GUIAppEnum.h:453
empty max
#define TL(string)
Definition: MsgHandler.h:315
#define TLF(string,...)
Definition: MsgHandler.h:317
Numbers representing SUMO-XML - element names.
a traffic assignment zone
invalid tag, must be the last one
weights: time range begin
weights: time range end
const double INVALID_DOUBLE
invalid double
Definition: StdDefs.h:64
std::string toString(const T &t, std::streamsize accuracy=gPrecision)
Definition: ToString.h:46
static void popMatrix()
pop matrix
Definition: GLHelper.cpp:130
static void pushMatrix()
push matrix
Definition: GLHelper.cpp:117
static void drawText(const std::string &text, const Position &pos, const double layer, const double size, const RGBColor &col=RGBColor::BLACK, const double angle=0, const int align=0, double width=-1)
Definition: GLHelper.cpp:756
const std::string getID() const
get ID (all Attribute Carriers have one)
bool isAttributeCarrierSelected() const
check if attribute carrier is selected
FXIcon * getACIcon() const
get FXIcon associated to this AC
bool mySelected
boolean to check if this AC is selected (instead of GUIGlObjectStorage)
const std::string & getTagStr() const
get tag assigned to this object in string format
void unselectAttributeCarrier(const bool changeFlag=true)
unselect attribute carrier using GUIGlobalSelection
GNENet * myNet
pointer to net
GNENet * getNet() const
get pointer to net
void selectAttributeCarrier(const bool changeFlag=true)
select attribute carrier using GUIGlobalSelection
const GNETagProperties & myTagProperty
reference to tagProperty associated with this attribute carrier
An Element which don't belong to GNENet but has influence in the simulation.
std::string getAttribute(SumoXMLAttr key) const
double getAttributeDouble(SumoXMLAttr key) const
GNEDataSet * getDataSetParent() const
Returns a pointer to GNEDataSet parent.
std::string getFilteredAttribute() const
get filtered attribute
const AttributeSelector * getAttributeSelector() const
getattribute selector modul
void updateGLObject()
update GLObject (geometry, ID, etc.)
GUIGlObject * getGUIGlObject()
get GUIGlObject associated with this AttributeCarrier
bool checkDrawFromContour() const
check if draw from contour (green)
bool checkDrawSelectContour() const
check if draw select contour (blue)
virtual void fixGenericDataProblem()
fix data set problem (by default throw an exception, has to be reimplemented in children)
bool isPathElementSelected() const
check if path element is selected
void drawAttribute(const PositionVector &shape) const
virtual void updateGeometry()=0
update pre-computed geometry information
virtual std::string getGenericDataProblem() const
return a string with the current data set problem (by default empty, can be reimplemented in children...
virtual ~GNEGenericData()
GUIParameterTableWindow * getParameterWindow(GUIMainWindow &app, GUISUMOAbstractView &parent)
Returns an own parameter window.
GNEGenericData(const SumoXMLTag tag, FXIcon *icon, const GUIGlObjectType type, GNEDataInterval *dataIntervalParent, const Parameterised::Map &parameters, const std::vector< GNEJunction * > &junctionParents, const std::vector< GNEEdge * > &edgeParents, const std::vector< GNELane * > &laneParents, const std::vector< GNEAdditional * > &additionalParents, const std::vector< GNEDemandElement * > &demandElementParents, const std::vector< GNEGenericData * > &genericDataParents)
virtual Position getPositionInView() const =0
Returns element position in view.
virtual std::string getAttribute(SumoXMLAttr key) const =0
bool checkDrawDeleteContour() const
check if draw delete contour (pink/white)
GNEDataInterval * myDataIntervalParent
dataInterval Parent
bool checkDrawToContour() const
check if draw from contour (magenta)
void selectGLObject()
select element
std::string getPartialID() const
get partial ID
virtual bool isGenericDataValid() const
check if current data set is valid to be written into XML (by default true, can be reimplemented in c...
bool isVisibleInspectDeleteSelect() const
check if attribute is visible in inspect, delete or select mode
void deleteGLObject()
delete element
bool checkDrawMoveContour() const
check if draw move contour (red)
GNEDataInterval * getDataIntervalParent() const
get data interval parent
void replaceFirstParentEdge(const std::string &value)
replace the first parent edge
GUIGLObjectPopupMenu * getPopUpMenu(GUIMainWindow &app, GUISUMOAbstractView &parent)
Returns an own popup-menu.
bool checkDrawOverContour() const
check if draw over contour (orange)
bool checkDrawRelatedContour() const
check if draw related contour (cyan)
void replaceParentTAZElement(const int index, const std::string &value)
replace the first parent TAZElement
void drawFilteredAttribute(const GUIVisualizationSettings &s, const PositionVector &laneShape, const std::string &attribute, const GNEDataInterval *dataIntervalParent) const
draw filtered attribute
const Parameterised::Map & getACParametersMap() const
get parameters map
void replaceLastParentEdge(const std::string &value)
replace the last parent edge
const std::vector< GNEAdditional * > & getParentAdditionals() const
get parent additionals
const std::vector< GNEEdge * > & getParentEdges() const
get parent edges
void replaceParentElements(T *elementChild, const U &newParents)
replace parent elements
GNEAdditional * retrieveAdditional(SumoXMLTag type, const std::string &id, bool hardFail=true) const
Returns the named additional.
GNEEdge * retrieveEdge(const std::string &id, bool hardFail=true) const
get edge by id
void deleteGenericData(GNEGenericData *genericData, GNEUndoList *undoList)
remove generic data
Definition: GNENet.cpp:731
GNENetHelper::AttributeCarriers * getAttributeCarriers() const
get all attribute carriers used in this net
Definition: GNENet.cpp:123
GNEViewNet * getViewNet() const
get view net
Definition: GNENet.cpp:2136
void updateInformationLabel()
update information label
SelectionInformation * getSelectionInformation() const
get modul for selection information
SumoXMLTag getTag() const
get Tag vinculated with this attribute Property
bool hasDialog() const
return true if tag correspond to an element that can be edited using a dialog
class used to group all variables related to interval bar
std::string getParameter() const
get parameter
double getBegin() const
get begin
GNEDataSet * getDataSet() const
get dataSet
SumoXMLTag getGenericDataType() const
get generic data type
const GNEViewNetHelper::EditModes & getEditModes() const
get edit modes
Definition: GNEViewNet.cpp:723
GNEViewNetHelper::IntervalBar & getIntervalBar()
get interval bar
GNEViewParent * getViewParent() const
get the net object
bool checkOverLockedElement(const GUIGlObject *GLObject, const bool isSelected) const
check if given element is locked (used for drawing select and delete contour)
GNEUndoList * getUndoList() const
get the undoList object
void buildSelectionACPopupEntry(GUIGLObjectPopupMenu *ret, GNEAttributeCarrier *AC)
Builds an entry which allows to (de)select the object.
Definition: GNEViewNet.cpp:553
GNESelectorFrame * getSelectorFrame() const
get frame for select elements
GNEEdgeDataFrame * getEdgeDataFrame() const
get frame for DATA_EDGEDATA
static FXMenuCommand * buildFXMenuCommand(FXComposite *p, const std::string &text, FXIcon *icon, FXObject *tgt, FXSelector sel, const bool disable=false)
build menu command
Definition: GUIDesigns.cpp:42
The popup menu of a globject.
void buildShowParamsPopupEntry(GUIGLObjectPopupMenu *ret, bool addSeparator=true)
Builds an entry which allows to open the parameter window.
void buildCenterPopupEntry(GUIGLObjectPopupMenu *ret, bool addSeparator=true)
Builds an entry which allows to center to the object.
void buildPopupHeader(GUIGLObjectPopupMenu *ret, GUIMainWindow &app, bool addSeparator=true)
Builds the header.
void buildPositionCopyEntry(GUIGLObjectPopupMenu *ret, const GUIMainWindow &app) const
Builds an entry which allows to copy the cursor position if geo projection is used,...
A window containing a gl-object's parameter.
void mkItem(const char *name, bool dynamic, ValueSource< T > *src)
Adds a row which obtains its value from a ValueSource.
void closeBuilding(const Parameterised *p=0)
Closes the building of the table.
Stores the information about how to visualize structures.
double getTextAngle(double objectAngle) const
return an angle that is suitable for reading text aligned with the given angle (degrees)
An upper class for objects with additional parameters.
Definition: Parameterised.h:41
std::map< std::string, std::string > Map
parameters map
Definition: Parameterised.h:45
virtual const std::string getParameter(const std::string &key, const std::string defaultValue="") const
Returns the value for a given key.
const Parameterised::Map & getParametersMap() const
Returns the inner key/value map.
A point in 2D or 3D with translation and scaling methods.
Definition: Position.h:37
A list of positions.
double length2D() const
Returns the length.
double length() const
Returns the length.
double rotationDegreeAtOffset(double pos) const
Returns the rotation at the given length.
Position positionAtOffset2D(double pos, double lateralOffset=0) const
Returns the position at the given length.
static const RGBColor BLUE
Definition: RGBColor.h:187
static const RGBColor BLACK
Definition: RGBColor.h:193