146 double speed,
double friction,
149 double startOffset,
double endOffset,
152 const std::string& oppositeID,
const std::string& type,
153 bool accelRamp =
154 bool customShape =
186 const std::string& from,
const std::string& to,
187 int fromLane,
int toLane,
const std::string& via,
189 const std::string& tlID =
std::map< NBConnection, NBConnectionVector > NBConnectionProhibits
Definition of a container for connection block dependencies Includes a list of all connections which ...
long long int SVCPermissions
bitset where each bit declares whether a certain SVC may use this edge/lane
The different directions a link between two lanes may take (or a stream between two edges)....
The link is a straight direction.
static const int InvalidTlIndex
A class representing a single district.
Storage for edges, including some functionality operating on multiple edges.
The representation of a single edge during network building.
unspecified foe visibility for connections
Instance responsible for building networks.
Represents a single node (junction) during network building.
A container for traffic light definitions and built programs.
A SUMO-compliant built logic for a traffic light.
Exporter writing networks using the SUMO format.
static void writeConnection(OutputDevice &into, const NBEdge &from, const NBEdge::Connection &c, bool includeInternal, ConnectionStyle style=SUMONET, bool geoAccuracy=false)
Writes connections outgoing from the given edge (also used in NWWriter_XML)
static void writeNetwork(const OptionsCont &oc, NBNetBuilder &nb)
Writes the network into a SUMO-file.
static bool writeInternalNodes(OutputDevice &into, const NBNode &n)
Writes internal junctions (<junction with id[0]==':' ...) of the given node.
static void writeProhibitions(OutputDevice &into, const NBConnectionProhibits &prohibitions)
writes the given prohibitions
static void writeEdge(OutputDevice &into, const NBEdge &e, bool noNames)
Writes an edge (<edge ...)
static std::string getOppositeInternalID(const NBEdgeCont &ec, const NBEdge *from, const NBEdge::Connection &con, double &oppositeLength)
retrieve the id of the opposite direction internal lane if it exists
static std::string writeSUMOTime(SUMOTime time)
writes a SUMOTime as int if possible, otherwise as a float
static void writeJunction(OutputDevice &into, const NBNode &n)
Writes a junction (<junction ...)
static bool writeInternalEdges(OutputDevice &into, const NBEdgeCont &ec, const NBNode &n)
Writes internal edges (<edge ... with id[0]==':') of the given node.
static bool writeInternalConnections(OutputDevice &into, const NBNode &n)
Writes inner connections within the node.
static void writeLane(OutputDevice &into, const std::string &lID, double speed, double friction, SVCPermissions permissions, SVCPermissions preferred, SVCPermissions changeLeft, SVCPermissions changeRight, double startOffset, double endOffset, const StopOffset &stopOffset, double width, PositionVector shape, const Parameterised *params, double length, int index, const std::string &oppositeID, const std::string &type, bool accelRamp=false, bool customShape=false, const PositionVector &outlineShape=PositionVector())
Writes a lane (<lane ...) of an edge.
static void writeDistrict(OutputDevice &into, const NBDistrict &d)
Writes a district.
static void writeRoundabouts(OutputDevice &into, const std::set< EdgeSet > &roundabouts, const NBEdgeCont &ec)
Writes roundabouts.
static std::string getInternalBidi(const NBEdge *e, const NBEdge::Connection &k, double &length)
retrieve bidi edge id for internal corresponding to the given connection
static void writeRoundabout(OutputDevice &into, const std::vector< std::string > &r, const NBEdgeCont &ec)
Writes a roundabout.
static void writeStopOffsets(OutputDevice &into, const StopOffset &stopOffset)
Write a stopOffset element into output device.
static void writeInternalConnection(OutputDevice &into, const std::string &from, const std::string &to, int fromLane, int toLane, const std::string &via, LinkDirection dir=LinkDirection::STRAIGHT, const std::string &tlID="", int linkIndex=NBConnection::InvalidTlIndex, bool minor=false, double visibility=NBEdge::UNSPECIFIED_VISIBILITY_DISTANCE)
Writes a single internal connection.
static void writeTrafficLight(OutputDevice &into, const NBTrafficLightLogic *logic)
writes a single traffic light logic to the given device
static std::string prohibitionConnection(const NBConnection &c)
the attribute value for a prohibition
static void writeTrafficLights(OutputDevice &into, const NBTrafficLightLogicCont &tllCont)
writes the traffic light logics to the given device
A storage for options typed value containers)
Static storage of an output device and its base (abstract) implementation.
An upper class for objects with additional parameters.
A structure which describes a connection between edges or lanes.