Eclipse SUMO - Simulation of Urban MObility
No Matches
Go to the documentation of this file.
2// Eclipse SUMO, Simulation of Urban MObility; see
3// Copyright (C) 2013-2024 German Aerospace Center (DLR) and others.
4// This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
5// terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at
7// This Source Code may also be made available under the following Secondary
8// Licenses when the conditions for such availability set forth in the Eclipse
9// Public License 2.0 are satisfied: GNU General Public License, version 2
10// or later which is available at
12// SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 OR GPL-2.0-or-later
18// A device which controls a taxi
20#include <config.h>
31#include <microsim/MSGlobals.h>
32#include <microsim/MSVehicle.h>
33#include <microsim/MSEdge.h>
34#include <microsim/MSLane.h>
35#include <microsim/MSStop.h>
39#include "MSDispatch.h"
40#include "MSDispatch_Greedy.h"
43#include "MSDispatch_TraCI.h"
45#include "MSIdling.h"
47#include "MSRoutingEngine.h"
48#include "MSDevice_Routing.h"
49#include "MSDevice_Taxi.h"
51//#define DEBUG_DISPATCH
52//#define DEBUG_CANCEL
54//#define DEBUG_COND (myHolder.isSelected())
55#define DEBUG_COND (true)
57// ===========================================================================
58// static member variables
59// ===========================================================================
65// @brief the list of available taxis
66std::vector<MSDevice_Taxi*> MSDevice_Taxi::myFleet;
69std::set<std::string> MSDevice_Taxi::myVClassWarningVTypes;
71#define TAXI_SERVICE "taxi"
72#define TAXI_SERVICE_PREFIX "taxi:"
74// ===========================================================================
75// method definitions
76// ===========================================================================
77// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
78// static initialisation methods
79// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
82 oc.addOptionSubTopic("Taxi Device");
83 insertDefaultAssignmentOptions("taxi", "Taxi Device", oc);
85 oc.doRegister("", new Option_String("greedy"));
86 oc.addDescription("", "Taxi Device", TL("The dispatch algorithm [greedy|greedyClosest|greedyShared|routeExtension|traci]"));
88 oc.doRegister("", new Option_FileName());
89 oc.addDescription("", "Taxi Device", TL("Write information from the dispatch algorithm to FILE"));
91 oc.doRegister("", new Option_String(""));
92 oc.addDescription("", "Taxi Device", TL("Load dispatch algorithm parameters in format KEY1:VALUE1[,KEY2:VALUE]"));
94 oc.doRegister("", new Option_String("60", "TIME"));
95 oc.addDescription("", "Taxi Device", TL("The period between successive calls to the dispatcher"));
97 oc.doRegister("", new Option_String("stop"));
98 oc.addDescription("", "Taxi Device", TL("The behavior of idle taxis [stop|randomCircling]"));
100 oc.doRegister("", new Option_FileName());
101 oc.addDescription("", "Taxi Device", TL("Write information from the idling algorithm to FILE"));
106MSDevice_Taxi::buildVehicleDevices(SUMOVehicle& v, std::vector<MSVehicleDevice*>& into) {
108 if (equippedByDefaultAssignmentOptions(oc, "taxi", v, false)) {
109 // build the device
110 MSDevice_Taxi* device = new MSDevice_Taxi(v, "taxi_" + v.getID());
111 into.push_back(device);
112 myFleet.push_back(device);
113 if (v.getParameter().line == "") {
114 // automatically set the line so that persons are willing to enter
115 // (see MSStageDriving::isWaitingFor)
116 const_cast<SUMOVehicleParameter&>(v.getParameter()).line = TAXI_SERVICE;
117 }
118 if (v.getVClass() != SVC_TAXI && myVClassWarningVTypes.count(v.getVehicleType().getID()) == 0) {
119 WRITE_WARNINGF(TL("Vehicle '%' with should have vClass taxi instead of '%'."), v.getID(), toString(v.getVClass()));
121 }
122 const int personCapacity = v.getVehicleType().getPersonCapacity();
123 const int containerCapacity = v.getVehicleType().getContainerCapacity();
124 myMaxCapacity = MAX2(myMaxCapacity, personCapacity);
126 if (personCapacity < 1 && containerCapacity < 1) {
127 WRITE_WARNINGF(TL("Vehicle '%' with personCapacity % and containerCapacity % is not usable as taxi."), v.getID(), toString(personCapacity), toString(containerCapacity));
128 }
129 }
136 myDispatchPeriod = string2time(oc.getString(""));
137 // init dispatch algorithm
138 std::string algo = oc.getString("");
139 Parameterised params;
140 params.setParametersStr(OptionsCont::getOptions().getString(""), ":", ",");
141 if (algo == "greedy") {
143 } else if (algo == "greedyClosest") {
145 } else if (algo == "greedyShared") {
147 } else if (algo == "routeExtension") {
149 } else if (algo == "traci") {
151 } else {
152 throw ProcessError(TLF("Dispatch algorithm '%' is not known", algo));
153 }
155 // round to next multiple of myDispatchPeriod
157 const SUMOTime begin = string2time(oc.getString("begin"));
158 const SUMOTime delay = (myDispatchPeriod - ((now - begin) % myDispatchPeriod)) % myDispatchPeriod;
163MSDevice_Taxi::isReservation(const std::set<std::string>& lines) {
164 return lines.size() == 1 && (
165 *lines.begin() == TAXI_SERVICE
166 || StringUtils::startsWith(*lines.begin(), TAXI_SERVICE_PREFIX));
171 const std::set<std::string>& lines,
172 SUMOTime reservationTime,
173 SUMOTime pickupTime,
174 SUMOTime earliestPickupTime,
175 const MSEdge* from, double fromPos,
176 const MSStoppingPlace* fromStop,
177 const MSEdge* to, double toPos,
178 const MSStoppingPlace* toStop,
179 const std::string& group) {
180 if (!isReservation(lines)) {
181 return;
182 }
183 if ((to->getPermissions() & SVC_TAXI) == 0) {
184 throw ProcessError("Cannot add taxi reservation for " + std::string(person->isPerson() ? "person" : "container")
185 + " '" + person->getID() + "' because destination edge '" + to->getID() + "'"
186 + " does not permit taxi access");
187 }
188 if ((from->getPermissions() & SVC_TAXI) == 0) {
189 throw ProcessError("Cannot add taxi reservation for " + std::string(person->isPerson() ? "person" : "container")
190 + " '" + person->getID() + "' because origin edge '" + from->getID() + "'"
191 + " does not permit taxi access");
192 }
193 if (myDispatchCommand == nullptr) {
194 initDispatch();
195 }
196 if (fromStop != nullptr && &fromStop->getLane().getEdge() == from) {
197 // pickup position should be at the stop-endPos
198 fromPos = fromStop->getEndLanePosition();
199 }
200 myDispatcher->addReservation(person, reservationTime, pickupTime, earliestPickupTime, from, fromPos, fromStop, to, toPos, toStop, group, *lines.begin(), myMaxCapacity, myMaxContainerCapacity);
205 const std::set<std::string>& lines,
206 const MSEdge* from, double fromPos,
207 const MSEdge* to, double toPos,
208 const std::string& group) {
209 if (myDispatcher != nullptr && lines.size() == 1 && *lines.begin() == TAXI_SERVICE) {
210 myDispatcher->removeReservation(person, from, fromPos, to, toPos, group);
211 }
216 const std::set<std::string>& lines,
217 const MSEdge* from, double fromPos,
218 const MSEdge* to, double toPos,
219 const std::string& group, double newFromPos) {
220 if (myDispatcher != nullptr && lines.size() == 1 && *lines.begin() == TAXI_SERVICE) {
221 myDispatcher->updateReservationFromPos(person, from, fromPos, to, toPos, group, newFromPos);
222 }
228 std::vector<MSDevice_Taxi*> active;
229 for (MSDevice_Taxi* taxi : myFleet) {
230 if (taxi->getHolder().hasDeparted()) {
231 active.push_back(taxi);
232 }
233 }
234 myDispatcher->computeDispatch(currentTime, active);
235 return myDispatchPeriod;
245 if (myDispatcher != nullptr) {
246 delete myDispatcher;
247 myDispatcher = nullptr;
248 }
249 myDispatchCommand = nullptr;
250 myVClassWarningVTypes.clear();
253// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
254// MSDevice_Taxi-methods
255// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
256MSDevice_Taxi::MSDevice_Taxi(SUMOVehicle& holder, const std::string& id) :
257 MSVehicleDevice(holder, id) {
258 std::string defaultServiceEnd = toString(1e15);
259 const std::string algo = holder.getStringParam("");
260 if (algo == "stop") {
262 } else if (algo == "randomCircling") {
264 // make sure simulation terminates
265 defaultServiceEnd = toString(STEPS2TIME(
268 : MSNet::getInstance()->getCurrentTimeStep()) + (3600 * 8));
269 } else if (algo == "taxistand") {
270 const std::string rerouterID = holder.getStringParam("");
271 if (rerouterID.empty()) {
272 throw ProcessError("Idle algorithm '" + algo + "' requires a rerouter id to be defined using device param 'stands-rerouter' for vehicle '" + myHolder.getID() + "'");
273 }
274 if (MSTriggeredRerouter::getInstances().count(rerouterID) == 0) {
275 throw ProcessError("Unknown rerouter '" + rerouterID + "' when loading taxi stands for vehicle '" + myHolder.getID() + "'");
276 }
277 MSTriggeredRerouter* rerouter = MSTriggeredRerouter::getInstances().find(rerouterID)->second;
278 myIdleAlgorithm = new MSIdling_TaxiStand(rerouter);
279 } else {
280 throw ProcessError("Idle algorithm '" + algo + "' is not known for vehicle '" + myHolder.getID() + "'");
281 }
282 myServiceEnd = string2time(holder.getStringParam("", false, defaultServiceEnd));
288 myFleet.erase(std::find(myFleet.begin(), myFleet.end(), this));
289 // recompute myMaxCapacity
290 myMaxCapacity = 0;
292 for (MSDevice_Taxi* taxi : myFleet) {
293 myMaxCapacity = MAX2(myMaxCapacity, taxi->getHolder().getVehicleType().getPersonCapacity());
294 myMaxContainerCapacity = MAX2(myMaxContainerCapacity, taxi->getHolder().getVehicleType().getContainerCapacity());
295 }
296 delete myIdleAlgorithm;
302 if (myFleet.size() > 0) {
303 return &myFleet[0]->getHolder();
304 } else {
305 return nullptr;
306 }
312 dispatchShared({&res, &res});
317MSDevice_Taxi::dispatchShared(std::vector<const Reservation*> reservations) {
319 if (DEBUG_COND) {
320 std::cout << SIMTIME << " taxi=" << myHolder.getID() << " dispatch:\n";
321 for (const Reservation* res : reservations) {
322 std::cout << " persons=" << toString(res->persons) << "\n";
323 }
324 }
326 myLastDispatch = reservations;
327 ConstMSEdgeVector tmpEdges;
328 std::vector<SUMOVehicleParameter::Stop> stops;
329 double lastPos = myHolder.getPositionOnLane();
330 const MSEdge* rerouteOrigin = *myHolder.getRerouteOrigin();
331 if (isEmpty()) {
332 // start fresh from the current edge
334 // parking stop must be ended normally
335 MSStop& stop = myHolder.getNextStop();
336 stop.duration = 0;
337 lastPos =;
339 stop.triggered = false;
340 stop.containerTriggered = false;
341 stop.joinTriggered = false;
342 const_cast<SUMOVehicleParameter::Stop&>("");
344 }
345 while (myHolder.getStops().size() > 1) {
347 }
348 } else {
349 while (myHolder.hasStops()) {
350 // in meso there might be more than 1 stop at this point
352 }
353 assert(!myHolder.hasStops());
354 }
355 tmpEdges.push_back(myHolder.getEdge());
356 if (myHolder.getEdge() != rerouteOrigin) {
357 tmpEdges.push_back(rerouteOrigin);
358 }
359 } else {
360 assert(myHolder.hasStops());
361 // check how often existing customers appear in the new reservations
362 std::map<const MSTransportable*, int> nOccur;
363 for (const Reservation* res : reservations) {
364 for (const MSTransportable* person : res->persons) {
365 if (myCustomers.count(person) != 0) {
366 nOccur[person] += 1;
367 if (myCurrentReservations.count(res) == 0) {
368 throw ProcessError(TLF("Invalid Re-dispatch for existing customer '%' with a new reservation", person->getID()));
369 }
370 }
371 }
372 }
374 if (DEBUG_COND) {
375 for (auto item : nOccur) {
376 std::cout << " previousCustomer=" << item.first->getID() << " occurs=" << item.second << "\n";
377 }
378 }
380 if (nOccur.size() == 0) {
381 // no overlap with existing customers - extend route
382 tmpEdges = myHolder.getRoute().getEdges();
383 lastPos = myHolder.getStops().back().pars.endPos;
385 if (DEBUG_COND) {
386 std::cout << " re-dispatch with route-extension\n";
387 }
389 } else if (nOccur.size() == myCustomers.size()) {
390 // redefine route (verify correct number of mentions)
391 std::set<const MSTransportable*> onBoard;
392 const std::vector<MSTransportable*>& onBoardP = myHolder.getPersons();
393 const std::vector<MSTransportable*>& onBoardC = myHolder.getContainers();
394 onBoard.insert(onBoardP.begin(), onBoardP.end());
395 onBoard.insert(onBoardC.begin(), onBoardC.end());
396 std::set<const MSTransportable*> redundantPickup;
397 for (auto item : nOccur) {
398 if (item.second == 1) {
399 // customers must already be on board
400 if (onBoard.count(item.first) == 0) {
401 throw ProcessError(TLF("Re-dispatch did not mention pickup for existing customer '%'", item.first->getID()));
402 }
403 } else if (item.second == 2) {
404 if (onBoard.count(item.first) == 0) {
405 // treat like a new customer
406 // TODO: need to be checked
407 myCustomers.erase(item.first);
408 } else {
409 redundantPickup.insert(item.first);
410 }
411 } else {
412 throw ProcessError("Re-dispatch mentions existing customer '" + item.first->getID() + "' " + toString(item.second) + " times");
413 }
414 }
415 // remove redundancy
416 if (!redundantPickup.empty()) {
417 for (auto it = reservations.begin(); it != reservations.end();) {
418 bool isRedundant = false;
419 for (const MSTransportable* person : (*it)->persons) {
420 if (redundantPickup.count(person) != 0) {
421 isRedundant = true;
422 break;
423 }
424 }
425 if (isRedundant) {
426 for (const MSTransportable* person : (*it)->persons) {
427 redundantPickup.erase(person);
428 }
429 it = reservations.erase(it);
430 } else {
431 it++;
432 }
433 }
434 }
435 while (myHolder.hasStops()) {
437 }
438 tmpEdges.push_back(myHolder.getEdge());
439 if (myHolder.getEdge() != rerouteOrigin) {
440 tmpEdges.push_back(rerouteOrigin);
441 }
443 if (DEBUG_COND) {
444 std::cout << " re-dispatch from scratch\n";
445 }
447 } else {
448 // inconsistent re-dispatch
449 std::vector<std::string> missing;
450 for (const MSTransportable* c : myCustomers) {
451 if (nOccur.count(c) == 0) {
452 missing.push_back(c->getID());
453 }
454 }
455 throw ProcessError("Re-dispatch did mention some customers but failed to mention " + joinToStringSorting(missing, " "));
456 }
457 }
460 bool hasPickup = false;
461 for (const Reservation* res : reservations) {
462 myCurrentReservations.insert(res);
463 bool isPickup = false;
464 for (const MSTransportable* person : res->persons) {
465 if (myCustomers.count(person) == 0) {
466 myCustomers.insert(person);
467 isPickup = true;
468 hasPickup = true;
469 }
470 }
471 if (isPickup) {
472 prepareStop(tmpEdges, stops, lastPos, res->from, res->fromPos, res->fromStop, "pickup " + toString(res->persons) + " (" + res->id + ")", res, isPickup);
473 for (const MSTransportable* const transportable : res->persons) {
474 if (transportable->isPerson()) {
475 stops.back().triggered = true;
476 } else {
477 stops.back().containerTriggered = true;
478 }
479 stops.back().permitted.insert(transportable->getID());
480 }
481 // proof this lines: Is needed for pre-booking?
482 std::set<const MSTransportable*> persons = res->persons;
483 for (auto itr = persons.begin(); itr != persons.end(); itr++) {
484 stops.back().awaitedPersons.insert((*itr)->getID());
485 }
487 stops.back().parametersSet |= STOP_PERMITTED_SET;
488 if (stops.back().duration == -1) {
489 // keep dropOffDuration if the stop is dropOff and pickUp
490 stops.back().duration = TIME2STEPS(myHolder.getFloatParam("", false, 0));
491 }
492 } else {
493 prepareStop(tmpEdges, stops, lastPos, res->to, res->toPos, res->toStop, "dropOff " + toString(res->persons) + " (" + res->id + ")", res, isPickup);
494 stops.back().duration = TIME2STEPS(myHolder.getFloatParam("", false, 60)); // pay and collect bags
495 }
496 }
498 if (DEBUG_COND) {
499 std::cout << " tmpEdges=" << toString(tmpEdges) << "\n";
500 }
502 if (!myHolder.replaceRouteEdges(tmpEdges, -1, 0, "taxi:prepare_dispatch", false, false, false)) {
503 throw ProcessError("Route replacement for taxi dispatch failed for vehicle '" + myHolder.getID()
504 + "' at time=" + time2string(t) + ".");
505 }
507 if (DEBUG_COND) std::cout << " replacedRoute=" << toString(tmpEdges)
508 << "\n actualRoute=" << toString(myHolder.getRoute().getEdges()) << "\n";
510 for (SUMOVehicleParameter::Stop& stop : stops) {
511 std::string error;
512 myHolder.addStop(stop, error);
513 if (error != "") {
514 WRITE_WARNINGF(TL("Could not add taxi stop, time=%, error=%"), myHolder.getID(), stop.actType, time2string(t), error)
515 }
516 }
518 // SUMOAbstractRouter<MSEdge, SUMOVehicle>& router = myHolder.getInfluencer().getRouterTT(veh->getRNGIndex())
519 myHolder.reroute(t, "taxi:dispatch", router, false);
521 if (DEBUG_COND) {
522 std::cout << "\n finalRoute=" << toString(myHolder.getRoute().getEdges()) << " routeIndex=" << myHolder.getRoutePosition() << "\n";
523 }
525 if (hasPickup) {
526 myState |= PICKUP;
527 }
533 // check if taxi has stopped
534 if (myHolder.getNextStopParameter() == nullptr) {
535 return;
536 }
537 // find customers of the current stop
538 std::set<const MSTransportable*> customersToBeRemoved;
539 std::set<const MSTransportable*> onBoard;
540 onBoard.insert(myHolder.getPersons().begin(), myHolder.getPersons().end());
541 onBoard.insert(myHolder.getContainers().begin(), myHolder.getContainers().end());
542 for (std::string tID : myHolder.getNextStopParameter()->permitted) {
543 for (auto t : myCustomers) {
544 if (t->getID() == tID && onBoard.count(t) == 0) {
545 customersToBeRemoved.insert(t);
546 }
547 }
548 }
549 if (!customersToBeRemoved.empty()) {
550 WRITE_WARNINGF(TL("Taxi '%' aborts waiting for customers: % at time=%."),
551 myHolder.getID(), toString(customersToBeRemoved), time2string(SIMSTEP));
552 }
553 for (auto t : customersToBeRemoved) {
555 }
561#ifdef DEBUG_CANCEL
562 if (DEBUG_COND) {
563 std::cout << SIMTIME << " taxi=" << myHolder.getID() << " cancelCustomer " << t->getID() << "\n";
564 }
567 // is the given transportable a customer of the reservations?
568 if (myCustomers.count(t) == 0) {
569 return false;
570 }
571 myCustomers.erase(t);
572 // check whether a single reservation has been fulfilled or another customer is part of the reservation
573 for (auto resIt = myCurrentReservations.begin(); resIt != myCurrentReservations.end();) {
574 bool fulfilled = false;
575 if ((*resIt)->persons.size() == 1 && (*resIt)->persons.count(t) != 0) {
576 // the reservation contains only the customer
577 fulfilled = true;
578 }
579 if (fulfilled) {
580 const Reservation* res = *resIt;
581 // remove reservation from the current dispatch
582 for (auto it = myLastDispatch.begin(); it != myLastDispatch.end();) {
583 if (*it == res) {
584 it = myLastDispatch.erase(it);
585 } else {
586 ++it;
587 }
588 }
589 // remove reservation from the served reservations
590 resIt = myCurrentReservations.erase(resIt);
591 // delete the reservation
593 } else {
594 ++resIt;
595 }
596 }
597 myState &= ~PICKUP; // remove state PICKUP
598 for (const Reservation* res : myCurrentReservations) {
599 // if there is another pickup in the dispatch left, add the state PICKUP
600 if (std::count(myLastDispatch.begin(), myLastDispatch.end(), res) == 2) {
601 myState |= PICKUP; // add state PICKUP
602 }
603 }
604 // we also have to clean reservations from myLastDispatch where the customers arrived in the meantime
605 for (auto it = myLastDispatch.begin(); it != myLastDispatch.end();) {
606 if (myCurrentReservations.count(*it) == 0) {
607 it = myLastDispatch.erase(it);
608 } else {
609 ++it;
610 }
611 }
612 // if there are reservations left, go on with the dispatch
613 // in meso, wait for the next dispatch cycle to avoid updating stops in this stage
616 }
617 return true;
623 std::vector<SUMOVehicleParameter::Stop>& stops,
624 double& lastPos, const MSEdge* stopEdge, double stopPos,
625 const MSStoppingPlace* stopPlace,
626 const std::string& action, const Reservation* res, const bool isPickup) {
627 assert(!edges.empty());
628 if (stopPlace != nullptr && &stopPlace->getLane().getEdge() == stopEdge) {
629 stopPos = stopPlace->getEndLanePosition();
630 }
631 if (stopPos < lastPos && stopPos + NUMERICAL_EPS >= lastPos) {
632 stopPos = lastPos;
633 }
634 bool addedEdge = false;
636 if (stops.empty()) {
637 // check brakeGap
638 double distToStop = stopPos - lastPos;
639 const double brakeGap = myHolder.getBrakeGap();
640 if (myHolder.getLane() != nullptr && myHolder.getLane()->isInternal()) {
641 distToStop += myHolder.getLane()->getLength();
642 }
643 if (stopEdge != edges.back()) {
644 distToStop += edges.back()->getLength();
645 if (distToStop < brakeGap) {
646 // the distance between current edge and stop edge may be small
648 ConstMSEdgeVector toFirstStop;
649 router.compute(edges.back(), stopEdge, &myHolder, SIMSTEP, toFirstStop, true);
650 for (int i = 1; i < (int)toFirstStop.size() - 1; i++) {
651 distToStop += toFirstStop[i]->getLength();
652 }
653 }
654 }
655 if (distToStop < brakeGap) {
656 // circle back to stopEdge
657 //std::cout << SIMTIME << " taxi=" << getID() << " brakeGap=" << brakeGap << " distToStop=" << distToStop << "\n";
658 edges.push_back(stopEdge);
659 addedEdge = true;
660 }
661 }
663 if (stopEdge == edges.back() && !stops.empty()) {
664 if (stopPos >= lastPos && stopPos <= stops.back().endPos) {
665 // no new stop and no adaption needed
666 stops.back().actType += "," + action;
667 return;
668 }
669 if (stopPos >= lastPos && stopPos <= lastPos + myHolder.getVehicleType().getLength()) {
670 // stop length adaption needed
671 stops.back().endPos = MIN2(lastPos + myHolder.getVehicleType().getLength(), stopEdge->getLength());
672 stops.back().actType += "," + action;
673 return;
674 }
675 }
676 if (!addedEdge && (stopEdge != edges.back() || stopPos < lastPos)) {
677 //std::cout << SIMTIME << " stopPos=" << stopPos << " lastPos=" << lastPos << "\n";
678 edges.push_back(stopEdge);
679 }
680 lastPos = stopPos;
682 stop.lane = getStopLane(stopEdge, action)->getID();
683 if (stopPlace != nullptr && &stopPlace->getLane().getEdge() == stopEdge) {
684 stop.startPos = stopPlace->getBeginLanePosition();
685 stop.endPos = stopPlace->getEndLanePosition();
686 } else {
687 stop.startPos = stopPos;
688 stop.endPos = MAX2(stopPos, MIN2(myHolder.getVehicleType().getLength(), stopEdge->getLength()));
689 }
690 stop.parking = SUMOVehicleParameter::parseParkingType(myHolder.getStringParam("", false, "true"));
691 stop.actType = action;
692 stop.index = STOP_INDEX_END;
693 // In case of prebooking if person is not there/ comes to late for pickup set maximum waiting time:
694 SUMOTime earliestPickupTime = res->earliestPickupTime;
695 if (isPickup && earliestPickupTime >= 0) {
696 stop.waitUntil = earliestPickupTime;
697 // TODO: replace hard coded extension with parameter
698 stop.extension = static_cast<SUMOTime>(3 * 60 * 1000); // 3mins
699 }
700 stops.push_back(stop);
705MSDevice_Taxi::getStopLane(const MSEdge* edge, const std::string& action) {
706 const std::vector<MSLane*>* allowedLanes = edge->allowedLanes(myHolder.getVClass());
707 if (allowedLanes == nullptr) {
708 throw ProcessError("Taxi vehicle '" + myHolder.getID() + "' cannot stop on edge '" + edge->getID() + "' (" + action + ")");
709 }
710 return allowedLanes->front();
715 return myState == EMPTY;
721 return myCustomers.count(t) != 0;
726MSDevice_Taxi::updateMove(const SUMOTime traveltime, const double travelledDist) {
728 myOccupiedDistance += travelledDist;
729 myOccupiedTime += traveltime;
730 }
731 if (isEmpty()) {
732 if (MSNet::getInstance()->getCurrentTimeStep() < myServiceEnd) {
733 myIdleAlgorithm->idle(this);
734 if (myRoutingDevice != nullptr) {
735 // prevent rerouting during idling (#11079)
737 }
738 } else if (!myReachedServiceEnd) {
739 WRITE_WARNINGF(TL("Taxi '%' reaches scheduled end of service at time=%."), myHolder.getID(), time2string(SIMSTEP));
740 myReachedServiceEnd = true;
741 }
742 } else if (myRoutingDevice != nullptr) {
744 }
746 // limit duration of stop (but only for idling-related stops)
748 }
751 std::cout << SIMTIME << " updateMove veh=" << myHolder.getID() << " myIsStopped=" << myIsStopped << " myHolderStopped=" << myHolder.isStopped() << " myState=" << myState << "\n";
752 }
760 double newPos, double /*newSpeed*/) {
761 updateMove(DELTA_T, newPos - oldPos);
762 return true; // keep the device
768 const double /* frontOnLane */,
769 const double timeOnLane,
770 const double /* meanSpeedFrontOnLane */,
771 const double /* meanSpeedVehicleOnLane */,
772 const double travelledDistanceFrontOnLane,
773 const double /* travelledDistanceVehicleOnLane */,
774 const double /* meanLengthOnLane */) {
775 updateMove(TIME2STEPS(timeOnLane), travelledDistanceFrontOnLane);
781 if (isEmpty() && MSNet::getInstance()->getCurrentTimeStep() < myServiceEnd) {
782 myIdleAlgorithm->idle(this);
783 }
784 return true; // keep the device
790 myState |= OCCUPIED;
791 if (!hasFuturePickup()) {
792 myState &= ~PICKUP;
793 }
794 for (const Reservation* res : myCurrentReservations) {
795 for (const MSTransportable* cand : res->persons) {
796 if (cand == t) {
797 const_cast<Reservation*>(res)->state = Reservation::ONBOARD;
798 break;
799 }
800 }
801 }
808 myCustomers.erase(person);
810 myState &= ~OCCUPIED;
811 if (myHolder.getStops().size() > 1 && (myState & PICKUP) == 0) {
812 WRITE_WARNINGF(TL("All customers left vehicle '%' at time=% but there are % remaining stops"),
814 while (myHolder.getStops().size() > 1) {
816 }
817 }
818 }
819 if (isEmpty()) {
820 // cleanup
821 for (const Reservation* res : myCurrentReservations) {
823 }
824 myCurrentReservations.clear();
826 myIdleAlgorithm->idle(this);
827 }
828 } else {
829 // check whether a single reservation has been fulfilled
830 for (auto resIt = myCurrentReservations.begin(); resIt != myCurrentReservations.end();) {
831 bool fulfilled = true;
832 for (const MSTransportable* t : (*resIt)->persons) {
833 if (myCustomers.count(t) != 0) {
834 fulfilled = false;
835 break;
836 }
837 }
838 if (fulfilled) {
840 resIt = myCurrentReservations.erase(resIt);
841 } else {
842 ++resIt;
843 }
844 }
845 }
851 for (const auto& stop : myHolder.getStops()) {
852 if (stop.reached) {
853 continue;
854 }
855 if ( > 0) {
856 return true;
857 }
858 }
859 return false;
864 if (tripinfoOut != nullptr) {
865 tripinfoOut->openTag("taxi");
866 tripinfoOut->writeAttr("customers", toString(myCustomersServed));
867 tripinfoOut->writeAttr("occupiedDistance", toString(myOccupiedDistance));
868 tripinfoOut->writeAttr("occupiedTime", time2string(myOccupiedTime));
869 tripinfoOut->closeTag();
870 }
874MSDevice_Taxi::getParameter(const std::string& key) const {
875 if (key == "customers") {
877 } else if (key == "occupiedDistance") {
879 } else if (key == "occupiedTime") {
881 } else if (key == "state") {
882 return toString(myState);
883 } else if (key == "currentCustomers") {
885 } else if (key == "pickUpDuration") {
886 return myHolder.getStringParam("", false, "0");
887 } else if (key == "dropOffDuration") {
888 return myHolder.getStringParam("", false, "60");
889 }
890 throw InvalidArgument("Parameter '" + key + "' is not supported for device of type '" + deviceName() + "'");
895MSDevice_Taxi::setParameter(const std::string& key, const std::string& value) {
896 double doubleValue;
897 try {
898 doubleValue = StringUtils::toDouble(value);
899 } catch (NumberFormatException&) {
900 throw InvalidArgument("Setting parameter '" + key + "' requires a number for device of type '" + deviceName() + "'");
901 }
902 if (key == "pickUpDuration" || key == "dropOffDuration") {
903 // store as generic vehicle parameters
904 ((SUMOVehicleParameter&)myHolder.getParameter()).setParameter("" + key, value);
905 } else {
906 UNUSED_PARAMETER(doubleValue);
907 throw InvalidArgument("Setting parameter '" + key + "' is not supported for device of type '" + deviceName() + "'");
908 }
912MSDevice_Taxi::compatibleLine(const std::string& taxiLine, const std::string& rideLine) {
913 return ((taxiLine == rideLine && StringUtils::startsWith(rideLine, "taxi") && StringUtils::startsWith(taxiLine, "taxi"))
914 || (taxiLine == TAXI_SERVICE && StringUtils::startsWith(rideLine, "taxi:"))
915 || (rideLine == TAXI_SERVICE && StringUtils::startsWith(taxiLine, "taxi:")));
long long int SUMOTime
Definition GUI.h:36
std::vector< const MSEdge * > ConstMSEdgeVector
Definition MSEdge.h:74
#define WRITE_WARNINGF(...)
Definition MsgHandler.h:296
#define TL(string)
Definition MsgHandler.h:315
#define TLF(string,...)
Definition MsgHandler.h:317
Definition SUMOTime.cpp:38
SUMOTime string2time(const std::string &r)
convert string to SUMOTime
Definition SUMOTime.cpp:46
std::string time2string(SUMOTime t, bool humanReadable)
convert SUMOTime to string (independently of global format setting)
Definition SUMOTime.cpp:69
#define STEPS2TIME(x)
Definition SUMOTime.h:55
#define SIMSTEP
Definition SUMOTime.h:61
#define SIMTIME
Definition SUMOTime.h:62
#define TIME2STEPS(x)
Definition SUMOTime.h:57
vehicle is a taxi
const int STOP_INDEX_END
The time is given.
Definition StdDefs.h:30
T MIN2(T a, T b)
Definition StdDefs.h:76
T MAX2(T a, T b)
Definition StdDefs.h:82
std::string joinToStringSorting(const std::vector< T > &v, const T_BETWEEN &between, std::streamsize accuracy=gPrecision)
Definition ToString.h:299
std::string toString(const T &t, std::streamsize accuracy=gPrecision)
Definition ToString.h:46
std::string joinNamedToStringSorting(const std::set< T * > &ns, const T_BETWEEN &between)
Definition ToString.h:307
Base (microsim) event class.
Definition Command.h:50
A device that performs vehicle rerouting based on current edge speeds.
void setActive(bool active)
A device which collects info on the vehicle trip (mainly on departure and arrival)
static void initDispatch()
initialize the dispatch algorithm
static Command * myDispatchCommand
The repeated call to the dispatcher.
void customerArrived(const MSTransportable *person)
called by MSDevice_Transportable upon unloading a person
static SUMOTime triggerDispatch(SUMOTime currentTime)
period command to trigger the dispatch algorithm
void dispatch(const Reservation &res)
service the given reservation
std::set< const MSTransportable * > myCustomers
the customer of the current reservation
SUMOTime myServiceEnd
the time at which the taxi service ends (end the vehicle may leave the simulation)
static void updateReservationFromPos(MSTransportable *person, const std::set< std::string > &lines, const MSEdge *from, double fromPos, const MSEdge *to, double toPos, const std::string &group, double newFromPos)
update reservation's fromPos due to pre-booking
bool cancelCustomer(const MSTransportable *t)
remove person from reservations
void generateOutput(OutputDevice *tripinfoOut) const
Called on writing tripinfo output.
static int myMaxCapacity
static std::set< std::string > myVClassWarningVTypes
void dispatchShared(std::vector< const Reservation * > reservations)
service the given reservations
static void addReservation(MSTransportable *person, const std::set< std::string > &lines, SUMOTime reservationTime, SUMOTime pickupTime, SUMOTime earliestPickupTime, const MSEdge *from, double fromPos, const MSStoppingPlace *fromStop, const MSEdge *to, double toPos, const MSStoppingPlace *toStop, const std::string &group)
add new reservation
MSIdling * myIdleAlgorithm
algorithm for controlling idle behavior
std::set< const Reservation * > myCurrentReservations
reservations currently being served
bool notifyMove(SUMOTrafficObject &veh, double oldPos, double newPos, double newSpeed)
Checks for waiting steps when the vehicle moves.
bool hasFuturePickup()
whether the taxi has another pickup scheduled
void cancelCurrentCustomers()
remove the persons the taxi is currently waiting for from reservations
std::vector< const Reservation * > myLastDispatch
the last dispatch order
static MSDispatch * myDispatcher
the dispatch algorithm
int myCustomersServed
number of customers that were served
void updateMove(const SUMOTime traveltime, const double travelledDist)
void notifyMoveInternal(const SUMOTrafficObject &veh, const double frontOnLane, const double timeOnLane, const double meanSpeedFrontOnLane, const double meanSpeedVehicleOnLane, const double travelledDistanceFrontOnLane, const double travelledDistanceVehicleOnLane, const double meanLengthOnLane)
Internal notification about the vehicle moves, see MSMoveReminder::notifyMoveInternal()
static int myMaxContainerCapacity
MSDevice_Routing * myRoutingDevice
routing device (if the vehicle has one)
bool isEmpty()
whether the taxi is empty
const std::string deviceName() const
return the name for this type of device
static std::vector< MSDevice_Taxi * > myFleet
static void removeReservation(MSTransportable *person, const std::set< std::string > &lines, const MSEdge *from, double fromPos, const MSEdge *to, double toPos, const std::string &group)
retract reservation
static SUMOTime myDispatchPeriod
the time between successive calls to the dispatcher
bool notifyEnter(SUMOTrafficObject &veh, MSMoveReminder::Notification reason, const MSLane *enteredLane=0)
Saves departure info on insertion.
static void cleanup()
resets counters
static bool isReservation(const std::set< std::string > &lines)
whether the given lines description is a taxi call
double myOccupiedDistance
distance driven with customers
MSDevice_Taxi(SUMOVehicle &holder, const std::string &id)
bool allowsBoarding(const MSTransportable *t) const
whether the given person is allowed to board this taxi
static bool hasServableReservations()
check whether there are still (servable) reservations in the system
static SUMOVehicle * getTaxi()
returns a taxi if any exist or nullptr
void customerEntered(const MSTransportable *t)
called by MSDevice_Transportable upon loading a person
bool compatibleLine(const Reservation *res)
whether the given reservation is compatible with the taxi line
static void buildVehicleDevices(SUMOVehicle &v, std::vector< MSVehicleDevice * > &into)
Build devices for the given vehicle, if needed.
static void insertOptions(OptionsCont &oc)
Inserts MSDevice_Taxi-options.
bool myIsStopped
whether the vehicle is currently stopped
void setParameter(const std::string &key, const std::string &value)
try to set the given parameter for this device. Throw exception for unsupported key
SUMOTime myOccupiedTime
time spent driving with customers
bool myReachedServiceEnd
whether the taxi has reached its schedule service end
void prepareStop(ConstMSEdgeVector &edges, std::vector< SUMOVehicleParameter::Stop > &stops, double &lastPos, const MSEdge *stopEdge, double stopPos, const MSStoppingPlace *stopPlace, const std::string &action, const Reservation *res, const bool isPickup)
prepare stop for the given action
MSLane * getStopLane(const MSEdge *edge, const std::string &action)
determine stopping lane for taxi
std::string getParameter(const std::string &key) const
try to retrieve the given parameter from this device. Throw exception for unsupported key
static void insertDefaultAssignmentOptions(const std::string &deviceName, const std::string &optionsTopic, OptionsCont &oc, const bool isPerson=false)
Adds common command options that allow to assign devices to vehicles.
Definition MSDevice.cpp:155
static bool equippedByDefaultAssignmentOptions(const OptionsCont &oc, const std::string &deviceName, DEVICEHOLDER &v, bool outputOptionSet, const bool isPerson=false)
Determines whether a vehicle should get a certain device.
Definition MSDevice.h:195
A dispatch algorithm that services the reservations with the shortest traveltime-to-pickup first.
A dispatch algorithm that services customers in reservation order and always sends the closest availa...
A dispatch algorithm that services customers in reservation order and always sends the closest availa...
An algorithm that performs distpach for a taxi fleet.
Definition MSDispatch.h:112
virtual std::string removeReservation(MSTransportable *person, const MSEdge *from, double fromPos, const MSEdge *to, double toPos, std::string group)
remove person from reservation. If the whole reservation is removed, return its id
virtual Reservation * updateReservationFromPos(MSTransportable *person, const MSEdge *from, double fromPos, const MSEdge *to, double toPos, std::string group, double newFromPos)
update fromPos of the person's reservation. TODO: if there is already a reservation with the newFromP...
virtual Reservation * addReservation(MSTransportable *person, SUMOTime reservationTime, SUMOTime pickupTime, SUMOTime earliestPickupTime, const MSEdge *from, double fromPos, const MSStoppingPlace *fromStop, const MSEdge *to, double toPos, const MSStoppingPlace *tostop, std::string group, const std::string &line, int maxCapacity, int maxContainerCapacity)
add a new reservation
bool hasServableReservations()
check whether there are still (servable) reservations in the system
Definition MSDispatch.h:174
virtual void fulfilledReservation(const Reservation *res)
erase reservation from storage
virtual void computeDispatch(SUMOTime now, const std::vector< MSDevice_Taxi * > &fleet)=0
computes dispatch and updates reservations
A road/street connecting two junctions.
Definition MSEdge.h:77
SVCPermissions getPermissions() const
Returns the combined permissions of all lanes of this edge.
Definition MSEdge.h:649
const std::vector< MSLane * > * allowedLanes(const MSEdge &destination, SUMOVehicleClass vclass=SVC_IGNORING, bool ignoreTransientPermissions=false) const
Get the allowed lanes to reach the destination-edge.
Definition MSEdge.cpp:479
double getLength() const
return the length of the edge
Definition MSEdge.h:685
virtual void addEvent(Command *operation, SUMOTime execTimeStep=-1)
Adds an Event.
static bool gUseMesoSim
Definition MSGlobals.h:106
virtual void idle(MSDevice_Taxi *taxi)=0
computes Idling and updates reservations
Representation of a lane in the micro simulation.
Definition MSLane.h:84
double getLength() const
Returns the lane's length.
Definition MSLane.h:606
bool isInternal() const
Definition MSLane.cpp:2546
MSEdge & getEdge() const
Returns the lane's edge.
Definition MSLane.h:764
Definition of a vehicle state.
static MSNet * getInstance()
Returns the pointer to the unique instance of MSNet (singleton).
Definition MSNet.cpp:186
MSEventControl * getEndOfTimestepEvents()
Returns the event control for events executed at the end of a time step.
Definition MSNet.h:481
SUMOTime getCurrentTimeStep() const
Returns the current simulation step.
Definition MSNet.h:320
const ConstMSEdgeVector & getEdges() const
Definition MSRoute.h:125
static MSVehicleRouter & getRouterTT(const int rngIndex, SUMOVehicleClass svc, const MSEdgeVector &prohibited=MSEdgeVector())
return the vehicle router instance
bool triggered
whether an arriving person lets the vehicle continue
Definition MSStop.h:69
bool containerTriggered
whether an arriving container lets the vehicle continue
Definition MSStop.h:71
bool joinTriggered
whether coupling another vehicle (train) the vehicle continue
Definition MSStop.h:73
SUMOTime endBoarding
the maximum time at which persons may board this vehicle
Definition MSStop.h:85
SUMOTime duration
The stopping duration.
Definition MSStop.h:67
const SUMOVehicleParameter::Stop pars
The stop parameter.
Definition MSStop.h:65
A lane area vehicles can halt at.
double getBeginLanePosition() const
Returns the begin position of this stop.
double getEndLanePosition() const
Returns the end position of this stop.
const MSLane & getLane() const
Returns the lane this stop is located at.
bool isPerson() const
Whether it is a person.
Reroutes traffic objects passing an edge.
static const std::map< std::string, MSTriggeredRerouter * > & getInstances()
return all rerouter instances
Abstract in-vehicle device.
SUMOVehicle & myHolder
The vehicle that stores the device.
int getPersonCapacity() const
Get this vehicle type's person capacity.
const std::string & getID() const
Returns the name of the vehicle type.
double getLength() const
Get vehicle's length [m].
int getContainerCapacity() const
Get this vehicle type's container capacity.
const std::string & getID() const
Returns the id.
Definition Named.h:74
A storage for options typed value containers)
Definition OptionsCont.h:89
void addDescription(const std::string &name, const std::string &subtopic, const std::string &description)
Adds a description for an option.
std::string getString(const std::string &name) const
Returns the string-value of the named option (only for Option_String)
void doRegister(const std::string &name, Option *o)
Adds an option under the given name.
void addOptionSubTopic(const std::string &topic)
Adds an option subtopic.
static OptionsCont & getOptions()
Retrieves the options.
Static storage of an output device and its base (abstract) implementation.
OutputDevice & writeAttr(const SumoXMLAttr attr, const T &val)
writes a named attribute
OutputDevice & openTag(const std::string &xmlElement)
Opens an XML tag.
bool closeTag(const std::string &comment="")
Closes the most recently opened tag and optionally adds a comment.
An upper class for objects with additional parameters.
void setParametersStr(const std::string &paramsString, const std::string kvsep="=", const std::string sep="|")
set the inner key/value map in string format "key1=value1|key2=value2|...|keyN=valueN"
const Parameterised::Map & getParametersMap() const
Returns the inner key/value map.
virtual bool compute(const E *from, const E *to, const V *const vehicle, SUMOTime msTime, std::vector< const E * > &into, bool silent=false)=0
Builds the route between the given edges using the minimum effort at the given time The definition of...
Representation of a vehicle, person, or container.
virtual const MSVehicleType & getVehicleType() const =0
Returns the object's "vehicle" type.
std::string getStringParam(const std::string &paramName, const bool required=false, const std::string &deflt="") const
Retrieve a string parameter for the traffic object.
virtual const MSLane * getLane() const =0
Returns the lane the object is currently at.
virtual int getRNGIndex() const =0
virtual MSDevice * getDevice(const std::type_info &type) const =0
Returns a device of the given type if it exists or nullptr if not.
virtual const SUMOVehicleParameter & getParameter() const =0
Returns the vehicle's parameter (including departure definition)
virtual SUMOVehicleClass getVClass() const =0
Returns the object's access class.
double getFloatParam(const std::string &paramName, const bool required=false, const double deflt=INVALID_DOUBLE) const
Retrieve a floating point parameter for the traffic object.
virtual int getRoutePosition() const =0
return index of edge within route
virtual const MSEdge * getEdge() const =0
Returns the edge the object is currently at.
virtual double getPositionOnLane() const =0
Get the object's position along the lane.
Representation of a vehicle.
Definition SUMOVehicle.h:62
virtual ConstMSEdgeVector::const_iterator getRerouteOrigin() const =0
Returns the starting point for reroutes (usually the current edge)
virtual bool reroute(SUMOTime t, const std::string &info, SUMOAbstractRouter< MSEdge, SUMOVehicle > &router, const bool onInit=false, const bool withTaz=false, const bool silent=false, const MSEdge *sink=nullptr)=0
Performs a rerouting using the given router.
virtual bool replaceRouteEdges(ConstMSEdgeVector &edges, double cost, double savings, const std::string &info, bool onInit=false, bool check=false, bool removeStops=true, std::string *msgReturn=nullptr)=0
Replaces the current route by the given edges.
virtual const std::vector< MSTransportable * > & getContainers() const =0
retrieve riding containers
virtual bool isStopped() const =0
Returns whether the vehicle is at a stop and waiting for a person or container to continue.
virtual bool hasStops() const =0
Returns whether the vehicle has to stop somewhere.
virtual bool addStop(const SUMOVehicleParameter::Stop &stopPar, std::string &errorMsg, SUMOTime untilOffset=0, ConstMSEdgeVector::const_iterator *searchStart=0)=0
Adds a stop.
virtual const std::list< MSStop > & getStops() const =0
virtual int getPersonNumber() const =0
Returns the number of persons.
virtual void unregisterWaiting()=0
mark vehicle as active
virtual bool isStoppedTriggered() const =0
Returns whether the vehicle is at a stop and waiting for a person or container to continue.
virtual const std::vector< MSTransportable * > & getPersons() const =0
retrieve riding persons
virtual int getContainerNumber() const =0
Returns the number of containers.
virtual double getBrakeGap(bool delayed=false) const =0
get distance for coming to a stop (used for rerouting checks)
virtual bool isStoppedParking() const =0
Returns whether the vehicle is at a stop and parking.
virtual MSStop & getNextStop()=0
virtual const SUMOVehicleParameter::Stop * getNextStopParameter() const =0
Returns parameters of the next stop or nullptr.
virtual const MSRoute & getRoute() const =0
Returns the current route.
virtual bool abortNextStop(int nextStopIndex=0)=0
deletes the next stop at the given index if it exists
Definition of vehicle stop (position and duration)
ParkingType parking
whether the vehicle is removed from the net while stopping
std::string lane
The lane to stop at.
SUMOTime extension
The maximum time extension for boarding / loading.
double startPos
The stopping position start.
std::set< std::string > permitted
IDs of persons or containers that may board/load at this stop.
int index
at which position in the stops list
std::string actType
act Type (only used by Persons) (used by netedit)
double endPos
The stopping position end.
SUMOTime waitUntil
The earliest pickup time for a taxi stop.
Structure representing possible vehicle parameter.
DepartDefinition departProcedure
Information how the vehicle shall choose the depart time.
std::string line
The vehicle's line (mainly for public transport)
static ParkingType parseParkingType(const std::string &value)
parses parking type value
A wrapper for a Command function.
static double toDouble(const std::string &sData)
converts a string into the double value described by it by calling the char-type converter
static bool startsWith(const std::string &str, const std::string prefix)
Checks whether a given string starts with the prefix.
#define DEBUG_COND
std::string line
Definition MSDispatch.h:88
SUMOTime earliestPickupTime
Definition MSDispatch.h:80