Eclipse SUMO - Simulation of Urban MObility
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /****************************************************************************/
2 // Eclipse SUMO, Simulation of Urban MObility; see
3 // Copyright (C) 2001-2024 German Aerospace Center (DLR) and others.
4 // This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
5 // terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at
6 //
7 // This Source Code may also be made available under the following Secondary
8 // Licenses when the conditions for such availability set forth in the Eclipse
9 // Public License 2.0 are satisfied: GNU General Public License, version 2
10 // or later which is available at
11 //
12 // SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 OR GPL-2.0-or-later
13 /****************************************************************************/
21 // A road/street connecting two junctions (gui-version)
22 /****************************************************************************/
23 #include <config.h>
25 #include <vector>
26 #include <cmath>
27 #include <string>
28 #include <algorithm>
34 #include <utils/geom/GeomHelper.h>
36 #include <utils/gui/div/GLHelper.h>
39 #include <microsim/MSBaseVehicle.h>
40 #include <microsim/MSEdge.h>
41 #include <microsim/MSJunction.h>
42 #include <microsim/MSLaneChanger.h>
44 #include <microsim/MSGlobals.h>
49 #include <mesogui/GUIMEVehicle.h>
50 #include <mesosim/MESegment.h>
51 #include <mesosim/MELoop.h>
52 #include <mesosim/MEVehicle.h>
54 #include "GUITriggeredRerouter.h"
55 #include "GUIEdge.h"
56 #include "GUIVehicle.h"
57 #include "GUINet.h"
58 #include "GUILane.h"
59 #include "GUIPerson.h"
60 #include "GUIContainer.h"
63 GUIEdge::GUIEdge(const std::string& id, int numericalID,
64  const SumoXMLEdgeFunc function,
65  const std::string& streetName, const std::string& edgeType, int priority,
66  double distance) :
67  MSEdge(id, numericalID, function, streetName, edgeType, priority, distance),
69  myLock(true)
70 {}
74  // just to quit cleanly on a failure
75  if (myLock.locked()) {
76  myLock.unlock();
77  }
78 }
80 void
83  bool hasNormalSuccessors = false;
84  for (const MSEdge* out : getSuccessors()) {
85  if (!out->isTazConnector()) {
86  hasNormalSuccessors = true;
87  break;
88  }
89  }
90  myShowDeadEnd = (!isTazConnector() && !hasNormalSuccessors && getToJunction()->getOutgoing().size() > 0
91  && (getPermissions() & ~SVC_PEDESTRIAN) != 0
92  && (getToJunction()->getOutgoing().size() > 1 ||
93  getToJunction()->getOutgoing().front()->getToJunction() != getFromJunction()));
94 }
96 MSLane&
97 GUIEdge::getLane(int laneNo) {
98  assert(laneNo < (int)myLanes->size());
99  return *((*myLanes)[laneNo]);
100 }
103 std::vector<GUIGlID>
104 GUIEdge::getIDs(bool includeInternal) {
105  std::vector<GUIGlID> ret;
106  ret.reserve(MSEdge::myDict.size());
107  for (MSEdge::DictType::const_iterator i = MSEdge::myDict.begin(); i != MSEdge::myDict.end(); ++i) {
108  const GUIEdge* edge = dynamic_cast<const GUIEdge*>(i->second);
109  assert(edge);
110  if (includeInternal || edge->isNormal()) {
111  ret.push_back(edge->getGlID());
112  }
113  }
114  return ret;
115 }
118 double
119 GUIEdge::getTotalLength(bool includeInternal, bool eachLane) {
120  double result = 0;
121  for (MSEdge::DictType::const_iterator i = MSEdge::myDict.begin(); i != MSEdge::myDict.end(); ++i) {
122  const MSEdge* edge = i->second;
123  if (includeInternal || !edge->isInternal()) {
124  // @note needs to be change once lanes may have different length
125  result += edge->getLength() * (eachLane ? (double)edge->getLanes().size() : 1.);
126  }
127  }
128  return result;
129 }
132 Boundary
134  Boundary ret;
135  if (!isTazConnector()) {
136  for (std::vector<MSLane*>::const_iterator i = myLanes->begin(); i != myLanes->end(); ++i) {
137  ret.add((*i)->getShape().getBoxBoundary());
138  }
139  } else {
140  // take the starting coordinates of all follower edges and the endpoints
141  // of all successor edges
142  for (MSEdgeVector::const_iterator it = mySuccessors.begin(); it != mySuccessors.end(); ++it) {
143  const std::vector<MSLane*>& lanes = (*it)->getLanes();
144  for (std::vector<MSLane*>::const_iterator it_lane = lanes.begin(); it_lane != lanes.end(); ++it_lane) {
145  ret.add((*it_lane)->getShape().front());
146  }
147  }
148  for (MSEdgeVector::const_iterator it = myPredecessors.begin(); it != myPredecessors.end(); ++it) {
149  const std::vector<MSLane*>& lanes = (*it)->getLanes();
150  for (std::vector<MSLane*>::const_iterator it_lane = lanes.begin(); it_lane != lanes.end(); ++it_lane) {
151  ret.add((*it_lane)->getShape().back());
152  }
153  }
154  }
155  ret.grow(10);
156  return ret;
157 }
162  GUIGLObjectPopupMenu* ret = new GUIGLObjectPopupMenu(app, parent, *this);
163  buildPopupHeader(ret, app);
170  }
172  GUIDesigns::buildFXMenuCommand(ret, "segment: " + toString(segment->getIndex()), nullptr, nullptr, 0);
173  buildPositionCopyEntry(ret, app);
174  return ret;
175 }
180  GUISUMOAbstractView& parent) {
181  GUIParameterTableWindow* ret = nullptr;
182  ret = new GUIParameterTableWindow(app, *this);
183  // add edge items
184  ret->mkItem(TL("max speed [m/s]"), false, getAllowedSpeed());
185  ret->mkItem(TL("length [m]"), false, (*myLanes)[0]->getLength());
186  ret->mkItem(TL("street name"), false, getStreetName());
187  ret->mkItem(TL("pending insertions [#]"), true, new FunctionBinding<GUIEdge, double>(this, &GUIEdge::getPendingEmits));
188  ret->mkItem(TL("mean friction [%]"), true, new FunctionBinding<GUIEdge, double>(this, &MSEdge::getMeanFriction, 100.));
189  ret->mkItem(TL("mean vehicle speed [m/s]"), true, new FunctionBinding<GUIEdge, double>(this, &GUIEdge::getMeanSpeed));
190  ret->mkItem(TL("routing speed [m/s]"), true, new FunctionBinding<MSEdge, double>(this, &MSEdge::getRoutingSpeed));
191  ret->mkItem(TL("time penalty [s]"), true, new FunctionBinding<MSEdge, double>(this, &MSEdge::getTimePenalty));
192  ret->mkItem(TL("brutto occupancy [%]"), true, new FunctionBinding<GUIEdge, double>(this, &GUIEdge::getBruttoOccupancy, 100.));
193  ret->mkItem(TL("flow [veh/h/lane]"), true, new FunctionBinding<GUIEdge, double>(this, &GUIEdge::getFlow));
194  ret->mkItem(TL("vehicles [#]"), true, new CastingFunctionBinding<GUIEdge, int, int>(this, &MSEdge::getVehicleNumber));
195  // add segment items
197  ret->mkItem(TL("segment index"), false, segment->getIndex());
198  ret->mkItem(TL("segment queues"), false, segment->numQueues());
199  ret->mkItem(TL("segment length [m]"), false, segment->getLength());
200  ret->mkItem(TL("segment allowed speed [m/s]"), false, segment->getEdge().getSpeedLimit());
201  ret->mkItem(TL("segment jam threshold [%]"), false, segment->getRelativeJamThreshold() * 100);
202  ret->mkItem(TL("segment brutto occupancy [%]"), true, new FunctionBinding<MESegment, double>(segment, &MESegment::getRelativeOccupancy, 100));
203  ret->mkItem(TL("segment mean vehicle speed [m/s]"), true, new FunctionBinding<MESegment, double>(segment, &MESegment::getMeanSpeed));
204  ret->mkItem(TL("segment flow [veh/h/lane]"), true, new FunctionBinding<MESegment, double>(segment, &MESegment::getFlow));
205  ret->mkItem(TL("segment vehicles [#]"), true, new CastingFunctionBinding<MESegment, int, int>(segment, &MESegment::getCarNumber));
206  ret->mkItem(TL("segment leader leave time"), true, new FunctionBinding<MESegment, double>(segment, &MESegment::getEventTimeSeconds));
207  ret->mkItem(TL("segment headway [s]"), true, new FunctionBinding<MESegment, double>(segment, &MESegment::getLastHeadwaySeconds));
208  ret->mkItem(TL("segment entry block time [s]"), true, new FunctionBinding<MESegment, double>(segment, &MESegment::getEntryBlockTimeSeconds));
209  // lane params
210  for (MSLane* lane : *myLanes) {
211  for (const auto& kv : lane->getParametersMap()) {
212  ret->mkItem(("laneParam " + toString(lane->getIndex()) + ":" + kv.first).c_str(), false, kv.second);
213  }
214  }
215  // close building
216  ret->closeBuilding();
217  return ret;
218 }
223  GUIParameterTableWindow* ret = new GUIParameterTableWindow(app, *this);
225  // add items
226  ret->mkItem(TL("Type Information:"), false, "");
227  ret->mkItem(TL("type [id]"), false, getEdgeType());
228  ret->mkItem(TL("tauff"), false, STEPS2TIME(edgeType.tauff));
229  ret->mkItem(TL("taufj"), false, STEPS2TIME(edgeType.taufj));
230  ret->mkItem(TL("taujf"), false, STEPS2TIME(edgeType.taujf));
231  ret->mkItem(TL("taujj"), false, STEPS2TIME(edgeType.taujj));
232  ret->mkItem(TL("jam threshold"), false, edgeType.jamThreshold);
233  ret->mkItem(TL("junction control"), false, edgeType.junctionControl);
234  ret->mkItem(TL("tls penalty"), false, edgeType.tlsPenalty);
235  ret->mkItem(TL("tls flow penalty"), false, edgeType.tlsFlowPenalty);
236  ret->mkItem(TL("minor penalty"), false, STEPS2TIME(edgeType.minorPenalty));
237  ret->mkItem(TL("overtaking"), false, edgeType.overtaking);
238  // close building
239  ret->closeBuilding();
240  return ret;
241 }
244 Boundary
246  Boundary b = getBoundary();
247  // ensure that vehicles and persons on the side are drawn even if the edge
248  // is outside the view
249  b.grow(10);
250  return b;
251 }
253 const std::string
255  return myStreetName;
256 }
258 void
261  return;
262  }
264  // draw the lanes
266  setColor(s);
267  }
268  for (std::vector<MSLane*>::const_iterator i = myLanes->begin(); i != myLanes->end(); ++i) {
269  static_cast<GUILane*>(*i)->drawGL(s);
270  }
272  if (s.scale * s.vehicleSize.getExaggeration(s, nullptr) > s.vehicleSize.minSize) {
273  drawMesoVehicles(s);
274  }
275  }
277  // (optionally) draw the name and/or the street name
278  GUILane* lane2 = dynamic_cast<GUILane*>((*myLanes).back());
279  const GUIGlObject* selCheck = gSelected.isSelected(this) ? (GUIGlObject*)this : (GUIGlObject*)lane2;
280  const bool drawEdgeName = && myFunction == SumoXMLEdgeFunc::NORMAL;
281  const bool drawInternalEdgeName = && myFunction == SumoXMLEdgeFunc::INTERNAL;
282  const bool drawCwaEdgeName = && (myFunction == SumoXMLEdgeFunc::CROSSING || myFunction == SumoXMLEdgeFunc::WALKINGAREA);
283  const bool drawStreetName = && myStreetName != "";
284  const bool drawEdgeValue = && (myFunction == SumoXMLEdgeFunc::NORMAL
287  const bool drawEdgeScaleValue = && (myFunction == SumoXMLEdgeFunc::NORMAL
290  if (drawEdgeName || drawInternalEdgeName || drawCwaEdgeName || drawStreetName || drawEdgeValue || drawEdgeScaleValue) {
291  GUILane* lane1 = dynamic_cast<GUILane*>((*myLanes)[0]);
292  if (lane1 != nullptr && lane2 != nullptr) {
293  const bool s2 = s.secondaryShape;
294  const bool spreadSuperposed = s.spreadSuperposed && getBidiEdge() != nullptr;
295  Position p = lane1->getShape(s2).positionAtOffset(lane1->getShape(s2).length() / (double) 2.);
296  p.add(lane2->getShape(s2).positionAtOffset(lane2->getShape(s2).length() / (double) 2.));
297  p.mul(.5);
298  if (spreadSuperposed) {
299  // move name to the right of the edge and towards its beginning
300  const double dist = 0.6 * s.edgeName.scaledSize(s.scale);
301  const double shiftA = lane1->getShape(s2).rotationAtOffset(lane1->getShape(s2).length() / (double) 2.) - DEG2RAD(135);
302  Position shift(dist * cos(shiftA), dist * sin(shiftA));
303  p.add(shift);
304  }
305  double angle = s.getTextAngle(lane1->getShape(s2).rotationDegreeAtOffset(lane1->getShape(s2).length() / (double) 2.) + 90);
306  if (drawEdgeName) {
307  drawName(p, s.scale, s.edgeName, angle, true);
308  } else if (drawInternalEdgeName) {
309  drawName(p, s.scale, s.internalEdgeName, angle, true);
310  } else if (drawCwaEdgeName) {
311  drawName(p, s.scale, s.cwaEdgeName, angle, true);
312  }
313  if (drawStreetName) {
315  }
316  if (drawEdgeValue) {
317  const int activeScheme = s.getLaneEdgeMode();
318  std::string value = "";
319  if (activeScheme == 31) {
320  // edge param, could be non-numerical
321  value = getParameter(s.edgeParam, "");
322  } else if (activeScheme == 32) {
323  // lane param, could be non-numerical
324  value = lane2->getParameter(s.laneParam, "");
325  } else {
326  // use numerical value value of leftmost lane to hopefully avoid sidewalks, bikelanes etc
327  const double doubleValue = (MSGlobals::gUseMesoSim
328  ? getColorValue(s, activeScheme)
329  : lane2->getColorValueWithFunctional(s, activeScheme));
330  const RGBColor color = (MSGlobals::gUseMesoSim ? s.edgeColorer : s.laneColorer).getScheme().getColor(doubleValue);
331  if (doubleValue != s.MISSING_DATA
332  && color.alpha() != 0
333  && (!s.edgeValueRainBow.hideMin || doubleValue > s.edgeValueRainBow.minThreshold)
334  && (!s.edgeValueRainBow.hideMax || doubleValue < s.edgeValueRainBow.maxThreshold)
335  ) {
336  value = toString(doubleValue);
337  }
338  }
339  if (value != "") {
340  if (drawEdgeName || drawInternalEdgeName || drawCwaEdgeName) {
341  const double dist = 0.4 * (s.edgeName.scaledSize(s.scale) + s.edgeValue.scaledSize(s.scale));
342  const double shiftA = lane1->getShape(s2).rotationAtOffset(lane1->getShape(s2).length() / (double) 2.) - DEG2RAD(90);
343  Position shift(dist * cos(shiftA), dist * sin(shiftA));
344  p.add(shift);
345  }
346  GLHelper::drawTextSettings(s.edgeValue, value, p, s.scale, angle);
347  }
348  }
349  if (drawEdgeScaleValue) {
350  const int activeScheme = s.getLaneEdgeScaleMode();
351  std::string value = "";
352  // use numerical value value of leftmost lane to hopefully avoid sidewalks, bikelanes etc
353  const double doubleValue = (MSGlobals::gUseMesoSim
354  ? getScaleValue(s, activeScheme)
355  : lane2->getScaleValue(s, activeScheme, s2));
356  if (doubleValue != s.MISSING_DATA) {
357  value = toString(doubleValue);
358  }
359  if (value != "") {
360  if (drawEdgeName || drawInternalEdgeName || drawCwaEdgeName || drawEdgeValue) {
361  const double dist = 0.4 * (s.edgeName.scaledSize(s.scale) + s.edgeScaleValue.scaledSize(s.scale));
362  const double shiftA = lane1->getShape(s2).rotationAtOffset(lane1->getShape(s2).length() / (double) 2.) - DEG2RAD(90);
363  Position shift(dist * cos(shiftA), dist * sin(shiftA));
364  p.add(shift);
365  }
366  GLHelper::drawTextSettings(s.edgeScaleValue, value, p, s.scale, angle);
367  }
368  }
369  }
370  }
371  if (s.scale * s.personSize.getExaggeration(s, nullptr) > s.personSize.minSize) {
372  FXMutexLock locker(myLock);
373  for (MSTransportable* t : myPersons) {
374  GUIPerson* person = dynamic_cast<GUIPerson*>(t);
375  assert(person != 0);
376  person->drawGL(s);
377  }
378  }
379  if (s.scale * s.containerSize.getExaggeration(s, nullptr) > s.containerSize.minSize) {
380  FXMutexLock locker(myLock);
381  for (MSTransportable* t : myContainers) {
382  GUIContainer* container = dynamic_cast<GUIContainer*>(t);
383  assert(container != 0);
384  container->drawGL(s);
385  }
386  }
387 }
390 void
393  const double now = SIMTIME;
394  if (vehicleControl != nullptr) {
395  // draw the meso vehicles
396  vehicleControl->secureVehicles();
397  FXMutexLock locker(myLock);
398  int laneIndex = 0;
399  for (std::vector<MSLane*>::const_iterator msl = myLanes->begin(); msl != myLanes->end(); ++msl, ++laneIndex) {
400  GUILane* l = static_cast<GUILane*>(*msl);
401  // go through the vehicles
402  double segmentOffset = 0; // offset at start of current segment
403  for (MESegment* segment = MSGlobals::gMesoNet->getSegmentForEdge(*this);
404  segment != nullptr; segment = segment->getNextSegment()) {
405  const double length = segment->getLength();
406  if (laneIndex < segment->numQueues()) {
407  // make a copy so we don't have to worry about synchronization
408  std::vector<MEVehicle*> queue = segment->getQueue(laneIndex);
409  const int queueSize = (int)queue.size();
410  double vehiclePosition = segmentOffset + length;
411  // draw vehicles beginning with the leader at the end of the segment
412  double latOff = 0.;
413  for (int i = 0; i < queueSize; ++i) {
414  const GUIMEVehicle* const veh = static_cast<GUIMEVehicle*>(queue[queueSize - i - 1]);
415  const double intendedLeave = MIN2(veh->getEventTimeSeconds(), veh->getBlockTimeSeconds());
416  const double entry = veh->getLastEntryTimeSeconds();
417  const double relPos = segmentOffset + length * (now - entry) / (intendedLeave - entry);
418  if (relPos < vehiclePosition) {
419  vehiclePosition = relPos;
420  }
421  while (vehiclePosition < segmentOffset) {
422  // if there is only a single queue for a
423  // multi-lane edge shift vehicles and start
424  // drawing again from the end of the segment
425  vehiclePosition += length;
426  latOff += 0.2;
427  }
429  const Position p = l->geometryPositionAtOffset(vehiclePosition, latOff);
430  const double angle = l->getShape(s.secondaryShape).rotationAtOffset(l->interpolateLanePosToGeometryPos(vehiclePosition));
431  veh->drawOnPos(s, p, angle);
432  vehiclePosition -= veh->getVehicleType().getLengthWithGap();
433  }
434  }
435  segmentOffset += length;
436  }
438  }
439  vehicleControl->releaseVehicles();
440  }
441 }
445 double
447  return (*myLanes)[0]->getSpeedLimit();
448 }
451 double
453  return getMeanSpeed() / getAllowedSpeed();
454 }
457 void
459  myMesoColor = RGBColor(0, 0, 0); // default background color when using multiColor
460  const GUIColorer& c = s.edgeColorer;
461  if (!setFunctionalColor(c) && !setMultiColor(c)) {
463  }
464 }
467 bool
469  const int activeScheme = c.getActive();
470  int activeMicroScheme = -1;
471  switch (activeScheme) {
472  case 0:
473  activeMicroScheme = 0; // color uniform
474  break;
475  case 9:
476  activeMicroScheme = 18; // color by angle
477  break;
478  case 17:
479  activeMicroScheme = 30; // color by TAZ
480  break;
481  default:
482  return false;
483  }
484  GUILane* guiLane = static_cast<GUILane*>(getLanes()[0]);
485  return guiLane->setFunctionalColor(c, myMesoColor, activeMicroScheme);
486 }
489 bool
491  const int activeScheme = c.getActive();
492  mySegmentColors.clear();
493  switch (activeScheme) {
494  case 10: // alternating segments
495  for (MESegment* segment = MSGlobals::gMesoNet->getSegmentForEdge(*this);
496  segment != nullptr; segment = segment->getNextSegment()) {
497  mySegmentColors.push_back(c.getScheme().getColor(segment->getIndex() % 2));
498  }
499  //std::cout << getID() << " scheme=" << c.getScheme().getName() << " schemeCols=" << c.getScheme().getColors().size() << " thresh=" << toString(c.getScheme().getThresholds()) << " segmentColors=" << mySegmentColors.size() << " [0]=" << mySegmentColors[0] << " [1]=" << mySegmentColors[1] << "\n";
500  return true;
501  case 11: // by segment jammed state
502  for (MESegment* segment = MSGlobals::gMesoNet->getSegmentForEdge(*this);
503  segment != nullptr; segment = segment->getNextSegment()) {
504  mySegmentColors.push_back(
505  c.getScheme().getColor(segment->getRelativeOccupancy() > segment->getRelativeJamThreshold() ? 2 :
506  (segment->getRelativeOccupancy() * 2 < segment->getRelativeJamThreshold() ? 0 : 1)));
507  }
508  return true;
509  case 12: // by segment occupancy
510  for (MESegment* segment = MSGlobals::gMesoNet->getSegmentForEdge(*this);
511  segment != nullptr; segment = segment->getNextSegment()) {
512  mySegmentColors.push_back(c.getScheme().getColor(segment->getRelativeOccupancy()));
513  }
514  return true;
515  case 13: // by segment speed
516  for (MESegment* segment = MSGlobals::gMesoNet->getSegmentForEdge(*this);
517  segment != nullptr; segment = segment->getNextSegment()) {
518  mySegmentColors.push_back(c.getScheme().getColor(segment->getMeanSpeed()));
519  }
520  return true;
521  case 14: // by segment flow
522  for (MESegment* segment = MSGlobals::gMesoNet->getSegmentForEdge(*this);
523  segment != nullptr; segment = segment->getNextSegment()) {
524  mySegmentColors.push_back(c.getScheme().getColor(3600 * segment->getCarNumber() * segment->getMeanSpeed() / segment->getLength()));
525  }
526  return true;
527  case 15: // by segment relative speed
528  for (MESegment* segment = MSGlobals::gMesoNet->getSegmentForEdge(*this);
529  segment != nullptr; segment = segment->getNextSegment()) {
530  mySegmentColors.push_back(c.getScheme().getColor(segment->getMeanSpeed() / getAllowedSpeed()));
531  }
532  return true;
533  default:
534  return false;
535  }
536 }
539 double
540 GUIEdge::getColorValue(const GUIVisualizationSettings& s, int activeScheme) const {
541  switch (activeScheme) {
542  case 1:
543  return gSelected.isSelected(getType(), getGlID());
544  case 2:
545  return (double)getFunction();
546  case 3:
547  return getAllowedSpeed();
548  case 4:
549  return getBruttoOccupancy();
550  case 5:
551  return getMeanSpeed();
552  case 6:
553  return getFlow();
554  case 7:
555  return getRelativeSpeed();
556  case 8:
557  return getRoutingSpeed();
558  case 16:
559  return getPendingEmits();
560  case 18:
561  // by numerical edge param value
562  try {
564  } catch (NumberFormatException&) {
565  try {
567  } catch (BoolFormatException&) {
568  return -1;
569  }
570  }
571  case 19:
572  // by edge data value
573  return GUINet::getGUIInstance()->getEdgeData(this, s.edgeData);
574  }
575  return 0;
576 }
579 double
580 GUIEdge::getScaleValue(const GUIVisualizationSettings& s, int activeScheme) const {
581  switch (activeScheme) {
582  case 1:
583  return gSelected.isSelected(getType(), getGlID());
584  case 2:
585  return getAllowedSpeed();
586  case 3:
587  return getBruttoOccupancy();
588  case 4:
589  return getMeanSpeed();
590  case 5:
591  return getFlow();
592  case 6:
593  return getRelativeSpeed();
594  case 7:
595  return getPendingEmits();
596  case 8:
597  // by edge data value
599  }
600  return 0;
601 }
604 MESegment*
606  const PositionVector& shape = getLanes()[0]->getShape();
607  const double lanePos = shape.nearest_offset_to_point2D(pos);
608  return MSGlobals::gMesoNet->getSegmentForEdge(*this, lanePos);
609 }
613 void
615  const std::vector<MSLane*>& lanes = getLanes();
616  const bool isClosed = lane->isClosed();
617  for (std::vector<MSLane*>::const_iterator i = lanes.begin(); i != lanes.end(); ++i) {
618  GUILane* l = dynamic_cast<GUILane*>(*i);
619  if (l->isClosed() == isClosed) {
620  l->closeTraffic(false);
621  }
622  }
624 }
627 void
629  MSEdgeVector edges;
630  edges.push_back(this);
631  GUITriggeredRerouter* rr = new GUITriggeredRerouter(getID() + "_dynamic_rerouter", edges, 1, false, false, 0, "", Position::INVALID,
632  GUINet::getGUIInstance()->getVisualisationSpeedUp());
636  ri.end = SUMOTime_MAX;
638  rr->myIntervals.push_back(ri);
640  // trigger rerouting for vehicles already on this edge
641  const std::vector<MSLane*>& lanes = getLanes();
642  for (std::vector<MSLane*>::const_iterator i = lanes.begin(); i != lanes.end(); ++i) {
643  const MSLane::VehCont& vehicles = (*i)->getVehiclesSecure();
644  for (MSLane::VehCont::const_iterator v = vehicles.begin(); v != vehicles.end(); ++v) {
645  if ((*v)->getLane() == (*i)) {
647  } // else: this is the shadow during a continuous lane change
648  }
649  (*i)->releaseVehicles();
650  }
651 }
654 bool
657 }
659 double
662 }
664 double
666  if (!MSGlobals::gUseMesoSim) {
667  // do not select edgse in meso mode
669  }
670  return GLO_EDGE;
671 }
672 /****************************************************************************/
an edge
GUISelectedStorage gSelected
A global holder of selected objects.
An enumeration of icons used by the gui applications.
Definition: GUIIcons.h:33
#define DEG2RAD(x)
Definition: GeomHelper.h:35
std::vector< MSEdge * > MSEdgeVector
Definition: MSEdge.h:73
#define TL(string)
Definition: MsgHandler.h:315
#define STEPS2TIME(x)
Definition: SUMOTime.h:55
#define SUMOTime_MAX
Definition: SUMOTime.h:34
#define SIMTIME
Definition: SUMOTime.h:62
Numbers representing special SUMO-XML-attribute values for representing edge functions used in netbui...
T MIN2(T a, T b)
Definition: StdDefs.h:76
std::string toString(const T &t, std::streamsize accuracy=gPrecision)
Definition: ToString.h:46
A class that stores a 2D geometrical boundary.
Definition: Boundary.h:39
void add(double x, double y, double z=0)
Makes the boundary include the given coordinate.
Definition: Boundary.cpp:78
Boundary & grow(double by)
extends the boundary by the given amount
Definition: Boundary.cpp:319
static void pushName(unsigned int name)
push Name
Definition: GLHelper.cpp:139
static void popMatrix()
pop matrix
Definition: GLHelper.cpp:130
static void popName()
pop Name
Definition: GLHelper.cpp:148
static void drawTextSettings(const GUIVisualizationTextSettings &settings, const std::string &text, const Position &pos, const double scale, const double angle=0, const double layer=2048, const int align=0)
Definition: GLHelper.cpp:787
void drawOnPos(const GUIVisualizationSettings &s, const Position &pos, const double angle) const
Draws the object on the specified position with the specified angle.
void drawGL(const GUIVisualizationSettings &s) const override
Draws the object.
static FXMenuCommand * buildFXMenuCommand(FXComposite *p, const std::string &text, FXIcon *icon, FXObject *tgt, FXSelector sel, const bool disable=false)
build menu command
Definition: GUIDesigns.cpp:42
A road/street connecting two junctions (gui-version)
Definition: GUIEdge.h:51
double getClickPriority() const override
Returns the priority of receiving mouse clicks.
Definition: GUIEdge.cpp:665
Boundary getCenteringBoundary() const override
Returns the boundary to which the view shall be centered in order to show the object.
Definition: GUIEdge.cpp:245
double getAllowedSpeed() const
Definition: GUIEdge.cpp:446
FXMutex myLock
The mutex used to avoid concurrent updates of myPersons/ myContainers.
Definition: GUIEdge.h:253
bool setMultiColor(const GUIColorer &c) const
sets multiple colors according to the current scheme index and edge function
Definition: GUIEdge.cpp:490
void setColor(const GUIVisualizationSettings &s) const
sets the color according to the currente settings
Definition: GUIEdge.cpp:458
void drawMesoVehicles(const GUIVisualizationSettings &s) const
Definition: GUIEdge.cpp:391
virtual GUIGLObjectPopupMenu * getPopUpMenu(GUIMainWindow &app, GUISUMOAbstractView &parent) override
Returns an own popup-menu.
Definition: GUIEdge.cpp:161
double getColorValue(const GUIVisualizationSettings &s, int activeScheme) const override
gets the color value according to the current scheme index
Definition: GUIEdge.cpp:540
MSLane & getLane(int laneNo)
returns the enumerated lane (!!! why not private with a friend?)
Definition: GUIEdge.cpp:97
void drawGL(const GUIVisualizationSettings &s) const override
Draws the object.
Definition: GUIEdge.cpp:259
double getRelativeSpeed() const
return meanSpead divided by allowedSpeed
Definition: GUIEdge.cpp:452
RGBColor myMesoColor
Definition: GUIEdge.h:255
void closeTraffic(const GUILane *lane)
close this edge for traffic
Definition: GUIEdge.cpp:614
MESegment * getSegmentAtPosition(const Position &pos)
returns the segment closest to the given position
Definition: GUIEdge.cpp:605
virtual void closeBuilding() override
Has to be called after all edges were built and all connections were set.
Definition: GUIEdge.cpp:81
void addRerouter()
add a rerouter
Definition: GUIEdge.cpp:628
static double getTotalLength(bool includeInternal, bool eachLane)
Definition: GUIEdge.cpp:119
Boundary getBoundary() const
Returns the street's geometry.
Definition: GUIEdge.cpp:133
static std::vector< GUIGlID > getIDs(bool includeInternal)
Definition: GUIEdge.cpp:104
virtual GUIParameterTableWindow * getParameterWindow(GUIMainWindow &app, GUISUMOAbstractView &parent) override
Returns an own parameter window.
Definition: GUIEdge.cpp:179
const std::string getOptionalName() const override
Returns the street name.
Definition: GUIEdge.cpp:254
std::vector< RGBColor > mySegmentColors
The color of the segments (cached)
Definition: GUIEdge.h:235
double getScaleValue(const GUIVisualizationSettings &s, int activeScheme) const
gets the scaling value according to the current scheme index
Definition: GUIEdge.cpp:580
bool isSelected() const override
whether this lane is selected in the GUI
Definition: GUIEdge.cpp:655
double getPendingEmits() const
get number of vehicles waiting for departure on this edge
Definition: GUIEdge.cpp:660
bool setFunctionalColor(const GUIColorer &c) const
sets the color according to the current scheme index and some edge function
Definition: GUIEdge.cpp:468
bool myShowDeadEnd
whether to highlight this edge as a dead-end edge
Definition: GUIEdge.h:238
Definition: GUIEdge.cpp:73
GUIParameterTableWindow * getTypeParameterWindow(GUIMainWindow &app, GUISUMOAbstractView &parent) override
Returns an own type parameter window.
Definition: GUIEdge.cpp:221
GUIEdge(const std::string &id, int numericalID, const SumoXMLEdgeFunc function, const std::string &streetName, const std::string &edgeType, int priority, double distance)
Definition: GUIEdge.cpp:63
The popup menu of a globject.
static const double INVALID_PRIORITY
Definition: GUIGlObject.h:73
void buildShowTypeParamsPopupEntry(GUIGLObjectPopupMenu *ret, bool addSeparator=true)
Builds an entry which allows to open the type parameter window.
void buildShowParamsPopupEntry(GUIGLObjectPopupMenu *ret, bool addSeparator=true)
Builds an entry which allows to open the parameter window.
void buildCenterPopupEntry(GUIGLObjectPopupMenu *ret, bool addSeparator=true)
Builds an entry which allows to center to the object.
void buildNameCopyPopupEntry(GUIGLObjectPopupMenu *ret, bool addSeparator=true)
Builds entries which allow to copy the name / typed name into the clipboard.
void buildPopupHeader(GUIGLObjectPopupMenu *ret, GUIMainWindow &app, bool addSeparator=true)
Builds the header.
GUIGlObjectType getType() const
Returns the type of the object as coded in GUIGlObjectType.
Definition: GUIGlObject.h:156
void buildSelectionPopupEntry(GUIGLObjectPopupMenu *ret, bool addSeparator=true)
Builds an entry which allows to (de)select the object.
void buildPositionCopyEntry(GUIGLObjectPopupMenu *ret, const GUIMainWindow &app) const
Builds an entry which allows to copy the cursor position if geo projection is used,...
GUIGlID getGlID() const
Returns the numerical id of the object.
Definition: GUIGlObject.h:104
void drawName(const Position &pos, const double scale, const GUIVisualizationTextSettings &settings, const double angle=0, bool forceShow=false) const
draw name of item
Representation of a lane in the micro simulation (gui-version)
Definition: GUILane.h:60
double getScaleValue(const GUIVisualizationSettings &s, int activeScheme, bool s2) const
gets the scaling value according to the current scheme index
Definition: GUILane.cpp:1460
void drawGL(const GUIVisualizationSettings &s) const override
Draws the object.
Definition: GUILane.cpp:529
bool isClosed() const
Definition: GUILane.h:266
void closeTraffic(bool rebuildAllowed=true)
close this lane for traffic
Definition: GUILane.cpp:1560
double getColorValueWithFunctional(const GUIVisualizationSettings &s, int activeScheme) const
gets the color value according to the current scheme index including values for things that set the c...
Definition: GUILane.cpp:1153
const PositionVector & getShape(bool secondary) const override
Definition: GUILane.cpp:1091
bool setFunctionalColor(const GUIColorer &c, RGBColor &col, int activeScheme=-1) const
Definition: GUILane.cpp:1183
The class responsible for building and deletion of vehicles (gui-version)
void secureVehicles()
lock access to vehicle removal/additions for thread synchronization
void releaseVehicles()
unlock access to vehicle removal/additions for thread synchronization
A MSVehicle extended by some values for usage within the gui.
Definition: GUIMEVehicle.h:52
static GUINet * getGUIInstance()
Returns the pointer to the unique instance of GUINet (singleton).
Definition: GUINet.cpp:572
double getEdgeData(const MSEdge *edge, const std::string &attr)
retrieve loaded edged weight for the given attribute and the current simulation time
Definition: GUINet.cpp:605
GUIMEVehicleControl * getGUIMEVehicleControl()
Returns the vehicle control.
Definition: GUINet.cpp:599
A window containing a gl-object's parameter.
void mkItem(const char *name, bool dynamic, ValueSource< T > *src)
Adds a row which obtains its value from a ValueSource.
void closeBuilding(const Parameterised *p=0)
Closes the building of the table.
void drawGL(const GUIVisualizationSettings &s) const override
Draws the object.
Definition: GUIPerson.cpp:283
T getColor(const double value) const
virtual Position getPositionInformation() const
Returns the cursor's x/y position within the network.
bool isSelected(GUIGlObjectType type, GUIGlID id)
Returns the information whether the object with the given type and id is selected.
Reroutes vehicles passing an edge One rerouter can be active on multiple edges. To reduce drawing loa...
Stores the information about how to visualize structures.
GUIVisualizationSizeSettings vehicleSize
GUIVisualizationSizeSettings containerSize
GUIVisualizationTextSettings internalEdgeName
GUIVisualizationTextSettings edgeScaleValue
GUIColorer edgeColorer
The mesoscopic edge colorer.
bool drawJunctionShape
whether the shape of the junction should be drawn
std::string edgeData
key for coloring by edgeData
GUIVisualizationTextSettings edgeValue
GUIVisualizationSizeSettings personSize
GUIVisualizationTextSettings cwaEdgeName
GUIVisualizationRainbowSettings edgeValueRainBow
checks and thresholds for rainbow coloring
bool hideConnectors
flag to show or hide connectors
int getLaneEdgeMode() const
Returns the number of the active lane (edge) coloring schme.
double scale
information about a lane's width (temporary, used for a single view)
bool secondaryShape
whether secondary lane shape shall be drawn
GUIVisualizationTextSettings streetName
int getLaneEdgeScaleMode() const
Returns the number of the active lane (edge) scaling schme.
GUIColorer laneColorer
The lane colorer.
GUIVisualizationTextSettings edgeName
bool drawCrossingsAndWalkingareas
whether crosings and walkingareas shall be drawn
bool spreadSuperposed
Whether to improve visualisation of superposed (rail) edges.
std::string edgeParam
key for coloring by edge parameter
double getTextAngle(double objectAngle) const
return an angle that is suitable for reading text aligned with the given angle (degrees)
std::string edgeDataScaling
key for scaling by edgeData
MESegment * getSegmentForEdge(const MSEdge &e, double pos=0)
Get the segment for a given edge at a given position.
Definition: MELoop.cpp:333
A single mesoscopic segment (cell)
Definition: MESegment.h:49
double getEntryBlockTimeSeconds() const
get the earliest entry time in seconds
Definition: MESegment.h:386
double getLastHeadwaySeconds() const
get the last headway time in seconds
Definition: MESegment.h:381
double getRelativeOccupancy() const
Returns the relative occupany of the segment (percentage of road used))
Definition: MESegment.h:269
double getLength() const
Returns the length of the segment in meters.
Definition: MESegment.h:242
int numQueues() const
return the number of queues
Definition: MESegment.h:211
double getRelativeJamThreshold() const
Returns the relative occupany of the segment (percentage of road used)) at which the segment is consi...
Definition: MESegment.h:277
const MSEdge & getEdge() const
Returns the edge this segment belongs to.
Definition: MESegment.h:359
double getEventTimeSeconds() const
Like getEventTime but returns seconds (for visualization)
Definition: MESegment.h:376
int getIndex() const
Returns the running index of the segment in the edge (0 is the most upstream).
Definition: MESegment.h:226
double getMeanSpeed() const
wrapper to satisfy the FunctionBinding signature
Definition: MESegment.h:294
int getCarNumber() const
Returns the total number of cars on the segment.
Definition: MESegment.h:206
double getFlow() const
returns flow based on headway
Definition: MESegment.cpp:838
double getLastEntryTimeSeconds() const
Returns the entry time for the current segment.
Definition: MEVehicle.h:295
double getBlockTimeSeconds() const
Returns the time at which the vehicle was blocked on the current segment.
Definition: MEVehicle.h:300
double getEventTimeSeconds() const
Returns the earliest leave time for the current segment.
Definition: MEVehicle.h:290
const MSVehicleType & getVehicleType() const
Returns the vehicle's type definition.
A road/street connecting two junctions.
Definition: MSEdge.h:77
std::string myStreetName
the real-world name of this edge (need not be unique)
Definition: MSEdge.h:957
double getBruttoOccupancy() const
Definition: MSEdge.cpp:1557
double getFlow() const
return flow based on meanSpead
Definition: MSEdge.cpp:1544
std::set< MSTransportable *, ComparatorNumericalIdLess > myContainers
Containers on the edge.
Definition: MSEdge.h:926
SVCPermissions getPermissions() const
Returns the combined permissions of all lanes of this edge.
Definition: MSEdge.h:634
const std::string & getStreetName() const
Returns the street name of the edge.
Definition: MSEdge.h:313
void rebuildAllowedLanes(const bool onInit=false)
Definition: MSEdge.cpp:322
bool isNormal() const
return whether this edge is an internal edge
Definition: MSEdge.h:263
const std::vector< MSLane * > & getLanes() const
Returns this edge's lanes.
Definition: MSEdge.h:168
const SumoXMLEdgeFunc myFunction
the purpose of the edge
Definition: MSEdge.h:894
double getSpeedLimit() const
Returns the speed limit of the edge @caution The speed limit of the first lane is retured; should pro...
Definition: MSEdge.cpp:1106
const MSJunction * getFromJunction() const
Definition: MSEdge.h:414
MSEdgeVector myPredecessors
The preceeding edges.
Definition: MSEdge.h:916
double getLength() const
return the length of the edge
Definition: MSEdge.h:670
virtual void closeBuilding()
Definition: MSEdge.cpp:205
double getMeanSpeed() const
get the mean speed
Definition: MSEdge.cpp:905
static DictType myDict
Static dictionary to associate string-ids with objects.
Definition: MSEdge.h:1001
std::set< MSTransportable *, ComparatorNumericalIdLess > myPersons
Persons on the edge for drawing and pushbutton.
Definition: MSEdge.h:923
bool isTazConnector() const
Definition: MSEdge.h:291
MSEdgeVector mySuccessors
The succeeding edges.
Definition: MSEdge.h:911
bool isInternal() const
return whether this edge is an internal edge
Definition: MSEdge.h:268
double getTimePenalty() const
Definition: MSEdge.h:486
double getMeanFriction() const
get the mean friction over the lanes
Definition: MSEdge.cpp:946
int getVehicleNumber() const
return total number of vehicles on this edges lanes or segments
Definition: MSEdge.cpp:1480
const std::string & getEdgeType() const
Returns the type of the edge.
Definition: MSEdge.h:319
const MSJunction * getToJunction() const
Definition: MSEdge.h:418
SumoXMLEdgeFunc getFunction() const
Returns the edge type (SumoXMLEdgeFunc)
Definition: MSEdge.h:258
double getRoutingSpeed() const
Returns the averaged speed used by the routing device.
Definition: MSEdge.cpp:989
const MSEdge * getBidiEdge() const
return opposite superposable/congruent edge, if it exist and 0 else
Definition: MSEdge.h:282
const MSEdgeVector & getSuccessors(SUMOVehicleClass vClass=SVC_IGNORING) const
Returns the following edges, restricted by vClass.
Definition: MSEdge.cpp:1206
std::shared_ptr< const std::vector< MSLane * > > myLanes
Container for the edge's lane; should be sorted: (right-hand-traffic) the more left the lane,...
Definition: MSEdge.h:888
static bool gUseMesoSim
Definition: MSGlobals.h:103
static MELoop * gMesoNet
mesoscopic simulation infrastructure
Definition: MSGlobals.h:109
int getPendingEmits(const MSLane *lane)
return the number of pending emits for the given lane
const ConstMSEdgeVector & getOutgoing() const
Definition: MSJunction.h:114
Representation of a lane in the micro simulation.
Definition: MSLane.h:84
std::vector< MSVehicle * > VehCont
Container for vehicles.
Definition: MSLane.h:119
double getLength() const
Returns the lane's length.
Definition: MSLane.h:598
double interpolateLanePosToGeometryPos(double lanePos) const
Definition: MSLane.h:546
const Position geometryPositionAtOffset(double offset, double lateralOffset=0) const
Definition: MSLane.h:552
The vehicle arrived at a junction.
static MSNet * getInstance()
Returns the pointer to the unique instance of MSNet (singleton).
Definition: MSNet.cpp:184
SUMOTime getCurrentTimeStep() const
Returns the current simulation step.
Definition: MSNet.h:320
MSInsertionControl & getInsertionControl()
Returns the insertion control.
Definition: MSNet.h:431
const MESegment::MesoEdgeType & getMesoType(const std::string &typeID)
Returns edge type specific meso parameters if no type specific parameters have been loaded,...
Definition: MSNet.cpp:367
bool notifyEnter(SUMOTrafficObject &veh, MSMoveReminder::Notification reason, const MSLane *enteredLane=0)
Tries to reroute the vehicle.
static MSEdge mySpecialDest_keepDestination
special destination values
std::vector< RerouteInterval > myIntervals
List of rerouting definition intervals.
double getLengthWithGap() const
Get vehicle's length including the minimum gap [m].
const std::string & getID() const
Returns the id.
Definition: Named.h:74
virtual const std::string getParameter(const std::string &key, const std::string defaultValue="") const
Returns the value for a given key.
A point in 2D or 3D with translation and scaling methods.
Definition: Position.h:37
static const Position INVALID
used to indicate that a position is valid
Definition: Position.h:322
void add(const Position &pos)
Adds the given position to this one.
Definition: Position.h:132
void mul(double val)
Multiplies position with the given value.
Definition: Position.h:105
A list of positions.
double length() const
Returns the length.
double rotationAtOffset(double pos) const
Returns the rotation at the given length.
double rotationDegreeAtOffset(double pos) const
Returns the rotation at the given length.
Position positionAtOffset(double pos, double lateralOffset=0) const
Returns the position at the given length.
double nearest_offset_to_point2D(const Position &p, bool perpendicular=true) const
return the nearest offest to point 2D
unsigned char alpha() const
Returns the alpha-amount of the color.
Definition: RGBColor.cpp:92
bool add(T val, double prob, bool checkDuplicates=true)
Adds a value with an assigned probability to the distribution.
static double toDouble(const std::string &sData)
converts a string into the double value described by it by calling the char-type converter
static bool toBool(const std::string &sData)
converts a string into the bool value described by it by calling the char-type converter
bool hideMax
whether data above threshold should not be colored
double minThreshold
threshold below which value should not be colored
bool hideMin
whether data below threshold should not be colored
double maxThreshold
threshold above which value should not be colored
double getExaggeration(const GUIVisualizationSettings &s, const GUIGlObject *o, double factor=20) const
return the drawing size including exaggeration and constantSize values
double minSize
The minimum size to draw this object.
bool show(const GUIGlObject *o) const
whether to show the text
double scaledSize(double scale, double constFactor=0.1) const
get scale size
edge type specific meso parameters
Definition: MESegment.h:55
SUMOTime begin
The begin time these definitions are valid.
SUMOTime end
The end time these definitions are valid.
RandomDistributor< MSEdge * > edgeProbs
The distributions of new destinations or vias to use.