Traffic, Mobility, and Logistics
May 23-25 • Berlin-Adlershof, Germany

This year, the SUMO User Conference focused on traffic, mobility and logistics. It was attended by almost 50 international participants from industry and academia. In addition to the excellent keynote given by Prof. Dr. Björn Scheuermann (Humboldt-Universität Berlin), the conference program allowed for intensive discussions on recent research advancements and developments in SUMO. A highlight was the poster session with a PARCOURS demo in which the attendants were able experience a live 3D traffic simulator with VR googles. The program was rounded off by a tutorial, numerous discussions on the edge and the SUMO Café, which will promote further exchanges among the SUMO user community.
The conference was a great success! So many people have contributed in many ways to turn this event into a well-organized meeting with very interesting presentations and lively discussions.
All those who contributed to the SUMO User Conference 2016:
Thank you for your excellent work!
Conference Information
Traffic simulations are of immense importance for researchers as well as practitioners in the field of transportation. SUMO has been available since 2001 and provides a wide range of traffic planning and simulation applications. SUMO consists of a suite of tools covering road network imports and enrichment, demand generation and assignment and a state-of-the-art microscopic traffic simulation capable to simulate private and public transport modes, as well as person-based trip chains. Being open source, SUMO is ready to implement new behavioral models or to control the simulation remotely using various programming environments. These and other features make SUMO one of the most often used open source traffic simulations with a large and international user community.
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