Eclipse SUMO - Simulation of Urban MObility
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /****************************************************************************/
2 // Eclipse SUMO, Simulation of Urban MObility; see
3 // Copyright (C) 2001-2024 German Aerospace Center (DLR) and others.
4 // This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
5 // terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at
6 //
7 // This Source Code may also be made available under the following Secondary
8 // Licenses when the conditions for such availability set forth in the Eclipse
9 // Public License 2.0 are satisfied: GNU General Public License, version 2
10 // or later which is available at
11 //
12 // SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 OR GPL-2.0-or-later
13 /****************************************************************************/
22 // Perfoms network import
23 /****************************************************************************/
24 #include <config.h>
26 #include <string>
30 #include <utils/options/Option.h>
33 #include <utils/common/ToString.h>
36 #include <netbuild/NBTypeCont.h>
37 #include <netbuild/NBNodeCont.h>
38 #include <netbuild/NBEdgeCont.h>
40 #include <netbuild/NBNetBuilder.h>
57 #include <netimport/typemap.h>
58 #include "NILoader.h"
59 #include "NITypeLoader.h"
61 // ===========================================================================
62 // method definitions
63 // ===========================================================================
65  : myNetBuilder(nb) {}
69 void
71  bool ok = true;
72  // load types first
74  if (!oc.isSet("type-files")) {
75  std::vector<std::string> files;
76  if (oc.isSet("osm-files")) {
77  files.push_back(osmTypemap);
78  }
79  if (oc.isSet("opendrive-files")) {
80  files.push_back(opendriveTypemap);
81  }
82  ok &= NITypeLoader::load(handler, files, "types", true);
83  } else {
84  ok &= NITypeLoader::load(handler, oc.getStringVector("type-files"), "types");
85  }
86  // try to load height data so it is ready for use by other importers
88  // try to load using different methods
98  if (oc.getBool("tls.discard-loaded") || oc.getBool("tls.discard-simple")) {
100  oc.getBool("tls.guess-signals"));
101  int removed = myNetBuilder.getTLLogicCont().getNumExtracted();
102  if (removed > 0) {
103  WRITE_MESSAGEF(TL(" Removed % traffic lights before loading plain-XML"), toString(removed));
104  }
105  }
106  if (oc.getBool("railway.signals.discard")) {
108  }
109  ok &= loadXML(oc);
110  // check the loaded structures
111  if (myNetBuilder.getNodeCont().size() == 0) {
112  throw ProcessError(TL("No nodes loaded."));
113  }
114  if (myNetBuilder.getEdgeCont().size() == 0) {
115  throw ProcessError(TL("No edges loaded."));
116  }
118  throw ProcessError();
119  }
120  if (!ok && !oc.getBool("ignore-errors")) {
121  throw ProcessError();
122  }
123  // configure default values that depend on other values
125  // report loaded structures
126  WRITE_MESSAGE(TL(" Import done:"));
127  if (myNetBuilder.getDistrictCont().size() > 0) {
128  WRITE_MESSAGEF(TL(" % districts loaded."), toString(myNetBuilder.getDistrictCont().size()));
129  }
130  WRITE_MESSAGEF(TL(" % nodes loaded."), toString(myNetBuilder.getNodeCont().size()));
131  if (myNetBuilder.getTypeCont().size() > 0) {
132  WRITE_MESSAGEF(TL(" % types loaded."), toString(myNetBuilder.getTypeCont().size()));
133  }
134  WRITE_MESSAGEF(TL(" % edges loaded."), toString(myNetBuilder.getEdgeCont().size()));
136  WRITE_MESSAGEF(TL("The split of edges was performed % times."), toString(myNetBuilder.getEdgeCont().getNumEdgeSplits()));
137  }
139  //TODO: uncomment the following lines + adapt tests! [Gregor March '17]
140 // if (myNetBuilder.getPTStopCont().size() > 0) {
141 // WRITE_MESSAGEF(TL(" % pt stops loaded."), toString(myNetBuilder.getPTStopCont().size()));
142 // }
143  if (GeoConvHelper::getProcessing().usingGeoProjection()) {
144  WRITE_MESSAGEF(TL("Proj projection parameters used: '%'."), GeoConvHelper::getProcessing().getProjString());
145  }
146 }
148 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
149  * file loading methods
150  * ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
151 bool
153  // load nodes
156  bool ok = NITypeLoader::load(nodesHandler, oc.getStringVector("node-files"), "nodes");
157  // load the edges
158  if (ok) {
162  ok = NITypeLoader::load(edgesHandler, oc.getStringVector("edge-files"), "edges");
163  }
164  if (!deprecatedVehicleClassesSeen.empty()) {
165  WRITE_WARNINGF(TL("Deprecated vehicle class(es) '%' in input edge files."), toString(deprecatedVehicleClassesSeen));
166  }
167  // load the connections
168  if (ok) {
169  NIXMLConnectionsHandler connectionsHandler(myNetBuilder.getEdgeCont(),
171  ok = NITypeLoader::load(connectionsHandler, oc.getStringVector("connection-files"), "connections");
172  }
173  // load traffic lights (needs to come last, references loaded edges and connections)
174  if (ok) {
176  ok = NITypeLoader::load(tlHandler, oc.getStringVector("tllogic-files"), "traffic lights");
177  }
179  // load public transport stops (used for restricting edge removal and as input when repairing railroad topology)
180  if (ok && oc.exists("ptstop-files")) {
183  ok = NITypeLoader::load(ptHandler, oc.getStringVector("ptstop-files"), "public transport stops");
184  }
186  // load public transport lines (used as input when repairing railroad topology)
187  if (ok && oc.exists("ptline-files")) {
190  ok = NITypeLoader::load(ptHandler, oc.getStringVector("ptline-files"), "public transport lines");
191  }
193  // load shapes for output formats that embed shape data
194  if (ok && oc.exists("polygon-files")) {
196  ok = NITypeLoader::load(shapeHandler, oc.getStringVector("polygon-files"), "polygon data");
197  }
198  return ok;
199 }
202 /****************************************************************************/
#define WRITE_WARNINGF(...)
Definition: MsgHandler.h:296
#define WRITE_MESSAGEF(...)
Definition: MsgHandler.h:298
#define WRITE_MESSAGE(msg)
Definition: MsgHandler.h:297
#define TL(string)
Definition: MsgHandler.h:315
std::set< std::string > deprecatedVehicleClassesSeen
std::string toString(const T &t, std::streamsize accuracy=gPrecision)
Definition: ToString.h:46
static GeoConvHelper & getProcessing()
the coordinate transformation to use for input conversion and processing
Definition: GeoConvHelper.h:84
int size() const
Returns the number of districts inside the container.
int size() const
Returns the number of edges.
Definition: NBEdgeCont.h:287
int getNumEdgeSplits() const
Returns the number of edge splits.
Definition: NBEdgeCont.h:311
bool checkConsistency(const NBNodeCont &nc)
ensure that all edges have valid nodes
static void loadIfSet(OptionsCont &oc)
loads height map data if any loading options are set
Instance responsible for building networks.
Definition: NBNetBuilder.h:107
ShapeContainer & getShapeCont()
Definition: NBNetBuilder.h:177
NBDistrictCont & getDistrictCont()
Returns a reference the districts container.
Definition: NBNetBuilder.h:159
NBTypeCont & getTypeCont()
Returns a reference to the type container.
Definition: NBNetBuilder.h:149
NBPTLineCont & getPTLineCont()
Returns a reference to the pt line container.
Definition: NBNetBuilder.h:169
NBEdgeCont & getEdgeCont()
Definition: NBNetBuilder.h:139
NBPTStopCont & getPTStopCont()
Returns a reference to the pt stop container.
Definition: NBNetBuilder.h:164
NBNodeCont & getNodeCont()
Returns a reference to the node container.
Definition: NBNetBuilder.h:144
NBTrafficLightLogicCont & getTLLogicCont()
Returns a reference to the traffic light logics container.
Definition: NBNetBuilder.h:154
int size() const
Returns the number of nodes stored in this container.
Definition: NBNodeCont.h:307
void applyConditionalDefaults()
apply default values after loading
void discardRailSignals()
discards rail signals
void discardTrafficLights(NBTrafficLightLogicCont &tlc, bool geometryLike, bool guessSignals)
int getNumExtracted() const
return the number of extracted traffic light definitions
int size() const
Returns the number of known edgeTypes.
Definition: NBTypeCont.cpp:255
static void loadNetwork(const OptionsCont &oc, NBNetBuilder &nb)
Loads content of the optionally given ArcView Shape files.
static void loadNetwork(const OptionsCont &oc, NBNetBuilder &nb)
Loads content of the optionally given dlr-navteq (aka Elmar-fomat) folder.
static void loadNetwork(const OptionsCont &oc, NBNetBuilder &nb)
Loads content of the optionally given ITSUMO network files.
static void loadNetwork(const OptionsCont &oc, NBNetBuilder &nb)
Loads content of the optionally given MATSIM network files.
static void loadNetwork(const OptionsCont &oc, NBNetBuilder &nb)
Loads content of the optionally given SUMO file.
static void loadNetwork(const OptionsCont &oc, NBNetBuilder &nb)
Loads content of the optionally given OSM file.
static void loadNetwork(OptionsCont &oc, NBNetBuilder &nb)
Loads content of the optionally given SUMO file.
static void loadNetwork(const OptionsCont &oc, NBNetBuilder &nb)
Loads network definition from the assigned option and stores it in the given network builder.
static void loadNetwork(const OptionsCont &oc, NBNetBuilder &nb)
Loads network definition from the assigned option and stores it in the given network builder.
NILoader(NBNetBuilder &nb)
Definition: NILoader.cpp:64
NBNetBuilder & myNetBuilder
The network builder to fill with loaded data.
Definition: NILoader.h:74
void load(OptionsCont &oc)
Definition: NILoader.cpp:70
Definition: NILoader.cpp:67
bool loadXML(OptionsCont &oc)
Definition: NILoader.cpp:152
static bool load(SUMOSAXHandler &handler, const std::vector< std::string > &files, const std::string &type, const bool stringParse=false)
Importer for edge connections stored in XML.
Importer for network edges stored in XML.
Importer for network nodes stored in XML.
Importer for network edges stored in XML.
Importer for edge connections stored in XML.
Importer for edge type information stored in XML.
A storage for options typed value containers)
Definition: OptionsCont.h:89
bool isSet(const std::string &name, bool failOnNonExistant=true) const
Returns the information whether the named option is set.
bool exists(const std::string &name) const
Returns the information whether the named option is known.
bool getBool(const std::string &name) const
Returns the boolean-value of the named option (only for Option_Bool)
const StringVector & getStringVector(const std::string &name) const
Returns the list of string-value of the named option (only for Option_StringVector)