Eclipse SUMO - Simulation of Urban MObility
NIImporter_SUMO Class Reference

Importer for networks stored in SUMO format. More...

#include <NIImporter_SUMO.h>

Inheritance diagram for NIImporter_SUMO:
Collaboration diagram for NIImporter_SUMO:

Data Structures

struct  Connection
 A connection description. More...
struct  Crossing
 Describes a pedestrian crossing. More...
struct  EdgeAttrs
 Describes the values found in an edge's definition and this edge's lanes. More...
struct  JunctionAttrs
 Describes the values found in a junction. More...
struct  LaneAttrs
 Describes the values found in a lane's definition. More...
struct  Prohibition
 Describes the values found in a prohibition. More...
struct  WalkingAreaParsedCustomShape
 Describes custom shape for a walking area during parsing. More...

Public Member Functions

void characters (const XMLCh *const chars, const XERCES3_SIZE_t length)
 The inherited method called when characters occurred. More...
void endElement (const XMLCh *const uri, const XMLCh *const localname, const XMLCh *const qname)
 The inherited method called when a tag is being closed. More...
const std::string & getFileName () const
 returns the current file name More...
void registerParent (const int tag, GenericSAXHandler *handler)
 Assigning a parent handler which is enabled when the specified tag is closed. More...
void setFileName (const std::string &name)
 Sets the current file name. More...
void startElement (const XMLCh *const uri, const XMLCh *const localname, const XMLCh *const qname, const XERCES_CPP_NAMESPACE::Attributes &attrs)
 The inherited method called when a new tag opens. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static void addPhase (const SUMOSAXAttributes &attrs, NBLoadedSUMOTLDef *currentTL)
 adds a phase to the traffic lights logic currently build More...
static NBLoadedSUMOTLDefinitTrafficLightLogic (const SUMOSAXAttributes &attrs, NBLoadedSUMOTLDef *currentTL)
 begins the reading of a traffic lights logic More...
static GeoConvHelperloadLocation (const SUMOSAXAttributes &attrs, bool setLoaded=true)
 Parses network location description and registers it with GeoConveHelper::setLoaded. More...
static void loadNetwork (OptionsCont &oc, NBNetBuilder &nb)
 Loads content of the optionally given SUMO file. More...

Protected Member Functions

 NIImporter_SUMO (NBNetBuilder &nb)
 Constructor. More...
 ~NIImporter_SUMO ()
 Destructor. More...

Object instance parsing methods

std::map< std::string, EdgeAttrs * > myEdges
 Loaded edge definitions. More...
std::vector< ProhibitionmyProhibitions
 Loaded prohibitions. More...
 The network builder to fill. More...
 The node container to fill. More...
 The node container to fill. More...
NIXMLTypesHandler myTypesHandler
 The handler for parsing edge types and restrictions. More...
 The currently parsed edge's definition (to add loaded lanes to) More...
JunctionAttrs myCurrentJunction
 The currently parsed junction definition to help in reconstructing crossings. More...
 The currently parsed lanes's definition (to add the shape to) More...
 The currently parsed traffic light. More...
 The coordinate transformation which was used to build the loaded network. More...
std::map< std::string, std::vector< Crossing > > myPedestrianCrossings
 The pedestrian crossings found in the network. More...
std::map< std::string, WalkingAreaParsedCustomShapemyWACustomShapes
 Map from walkingArea edge IDs to custom shapes. More...
std::vector< Parameterised * > myLastParameterised
 element to receive parameters More...
MMVersion myNetworkVersion
 the loaded network version More...
bool myHaveSeenInternalEdge
 whether the loaded network contains internal lanes More...
bool myAmLefthand
 whether the loaded network was built for lefthand traffic More...
bool myChangeLefthand
 whether the the written network should have a different "handedness" (LHT/RHT) than the loaded network More...
int myCornerDetail
 the level of corner detail in the loaded network More...
int myLinkDetail
 the level of geometry detail for internal lanes in the loaded network More...
bool myRectLaneCut
 whether all lanes of an edge should have the same stop line More...
bool myWalkingAreas
 whether walkingareas must be built More...
double myLimitTurnSpeed
 whether turning speed was limited in the network More...
bool myCheckLaneFoesAll
 whether foe-relationships where checked at lane-level More...
bool myCheckLaneFoesRoundabout
bool myTlsIgnoreInternalJunctionJam
 whether some right-of-way checks at traffic light junctions should be disabled More...
std::string myDefaultSpreadType
 default spreadType defined in the network More...
bool myGeomAvoidOverlap
 overlap option for loaded network More...
bool myJunctionsHigherSpeed
 higherSpeed option for loaded network More...
double myInternalJunctionsVehicleWidth
 custom settings for internal junction computation More...
bool myJunctionsMinimalShape
 custom settings for junction shape computation More...
bool myJunctionsEndpointShape
std::vector< std::vector< std::string > > myRoundabouts
 loaded roundabout edges More...
std::set< std::string > myRailSignals
 list of node id with rail signals (no NBTrafficLightDefinition exists) More...
std::set< std::string > myDiscardableParams
 list of parameter keys to discard More...
void addEdge (const SUMOSAXAttributes &attrs)
 Parses an edge and stores the values in "myCurrentEdge". More...
void addLane (const SUMOSAXAttributes &attrs)
 Parses a lane and stores the values in "myCurrentLane". More...
void addStopOffsets (const SUMOSAXAttributes &attrs, bool &ok)
 parses stop offsets for the current lane or edge More...
void addJunction (const SUMOSAXAttributes &attrs)
 Parses a junction and saves it in the node control. More...
void addRequest (const SUMOSAXAttributes &attrs)
 Parses a reques and saves selected attributes in myCurrentJunction. More...
void addConnection (const SUMOSAXAttributes &attrs)
 Parses a connection and saves it into the lane's definition stored in "myCurrentLane". More...
void addProhibition (const SUMOSAXAttributes &attrs)
 Parses a prohibition and saves it. More...
void addRoundabout (const SUMOSAXAttributes &attrs)
 Parses a roundabout and stores it in myEdgeCont. More...
void parseProhibitionConnection (const std::string &attr, std::string &from, std::string &to, bool &ok)
 parses connection string of a prohibition (very old school) More...
static Position readPosition (const SUMOSAXAttributes &attrs, const std::string &id, bool &ok)
 read position from the given attributes, attribute errors to id More...

attributes parsing

AttrMap myPredefinedTags
std::vector< std::string > myPredefinedTagsMML
 the map from ids to their string representation More...
typedef std::vector< XMLCh * > AttrMap

elements parsing

TagMap myTagMap
std::vector< std::string > myCharactersVector
 A list of character strings obtained so far to build the complete characters string at the end. More...
 The handler to give control back to. More...
int myParentIndicator
 The tag indicating that control should be given back. More...
std::string myFileName
 The name of the currently parsed file. More...
std::string myExpectedRoot
 The root element to expect, empty string disables the check. More...
bool myCollectCharacterData = false
 whether the reader should collect character data More...
bool myRootSeen = false
 whether the reader has already seen the root element More...
int mySection = -1
 The tag indicating the current section to parse. More...
bool mySectionSeen = false
 whether the reader has already seen the begin of the section More...
bool mySectionEnded = false
 whether the reader has already seen the end of the section More...
bool mySectionOpen = false
 whether an element of the current section is open More...
std::pair< int, SUMOSAXAttributes * > myNextSectionStart
typedef std::map< std::string, int > TagMap

inherited from GenericSAXHandler

void myStartElement (int element, const SUMOSAXAttributes &attrs)
 Called on the opening of a tag;. More...
void myEndElement (int element)
 Called when a closing tag occurs. More...
void _loadNetwork (OptionsCont &oc)
 load the network More...

SAX ErrorHandler callbacks

std::string buildErrorMessage (const XERCES_CPP_NAMESPACE::SAXParseException &exception)
 Builds an error message. More...
virtual void myCharacters (int element, const std::string &chars)
 Callback method for characters to implement by derived classes. More...
void callParentEnd (int element)
 signal endElement to the parent handler (special case for MSCalibrator) More...
XMLCh * convert (const std::string &name) const
 converts from c++-string into unicode More...
int convertTag (const std::string &tag) const
 Converts a tag from its string into its numerical representation. More...
void warning (const XERCES_CPP_NAMESPACE::SAXParseException &exception)
 Handler for XML-warnings. More...
void error (const XERCES_CPP_NAMESPACE::SAXParseException &exception)
 Handler for XML-errors. More...
void fatalError (const XERCES_CPP_NAMESPACE::SAXParseException &exception)
 Handler for XML-errors. More...
void setSection (const int element, const bool seen)
bool sectionFinished () const
std::pair< int, SUMOSAXAttributes * > retrieveNextSectionStart ()
void needsCharacterData (const bool value=true)

Detailed Description

Importer for networks stored in SUMO format.

Definition at line 50 of file NIImporter_SUMO.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ AttrMap

typedef std::vector<XMLCh*> GenericSAXHandler::AttrMap

Definition at line 303 of file GenericSAXHandler.h.

◆ TagMap

typedef std::map<std::string, int> GenericSAXHandler::TagMap

Definition at line 317 of file GenericSAXHandler.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ NIImporter_SUMO()

NIImporter_SUMO::NIImporter_SUMO ( NBNetBuilder nb)


[in]ncThe network builder to fill

Definition at line 65 of file NIImporter_SUMO.cpp.

References RIGHT.

◆ ~NIImporter_SUMO()

NIImporter_SUMO::~NIImporter_SUMO ( )


Definition at line 96 of file NIImporter_SUMO.cpp.

References NIImporter_SUMO::EdgeAttrs::lanes, myEdges, and myLocation.

Member Function Documentation

◆ _loadNetwork()

void NIImporter_SUMO::_loadNetwork ( OptionsCont oc)

load the network

Definition at line 109 of file NIImporter_SUMO.cpp.

References NIImporter_SUMO::LaneAttrs::accelRamp, NBLoadedSUMOTLDef::addConnection(), NBNode::addCrossing(), NBNetBuilder::addGeometrySegments(), NBEdge::addLane2LaneConnection(), NBEdgeCont::addRoundabout(), NBNode::addSortedLinkFoes(), NBNode::addWalkingAreaShape(), NIImporter_SUMO::LaneAttrs::allow, NIImporter_SUMO::EdgeAttrs::bidi, NIImporter_SUMO::EdgeAttrs::builtEdge, NIImporter_SUMO::LaneAttrs::changeLeft, NIImporter_SUMO::LaneAttrs::changeRight, NIImporter_SUMO::LaneAttrs::connections, CROSSING, NIImporter_SUMO::Crossing::crossingEdges, NIImporter_SUMO::LaneAttrs::customShape, NIImporter_SUMO::Crossing::customShape, NIImporter_SUMO::Crossing::customTLIndex, NIImporter_SUMO::Crossing::customTLIndex2, NBEdge::declareConnectionsAsLoaded(), deprecatedVehicleClassesSeen, NIImporter_SUMO::LaneAttrs::disallow, NIImporter_SUMO::EdgeAttrs::distance, NIImporter_SUMO::EdgeAttrs::edgeStopOffset, NIImporter_SUMO::LaneAttrs::endOffset, NBEdgeCont::erase(), NIImporter_SUMO::LaneAttrs::friction, NIImporter_SUMO::EdgeAttrs::fromNode, NIImporter_SUMO::EdgeAttrs::func, OptionsCont::getBool(), NBEdge::getConnectionRef(), NBNetBuilder::getDistrictCont(), NBNetBuilder::getEdgeCont(), NBEdge::getEdgeStopOffset(), NBEdge::getEndOffset(), OptionsCont::getFloat(), NBEdge::getFromNode(), NBEdge::getID(), SUMOXMLDefinitions::getJunctionIDFromInternalEdge(), NBEdge::getLanes(), NBEdge::getLaneStruct(), NBEdge::getLaneWidth(), Parameterised::getParametersMap(), NBNode::getPosition(), NBTrafficLightLogicCont::getPrograms(), OptionsCont::getString(), OptionsCont::getStringVector(), NBEdge::getToNode(), NBNode::getType(), NBEdge::hasLaneSpecificEndOffset(), NBEdge::hasLaneSpecificStopOffsets(), NBEdge::hasLaneSpecificWidth(), NIImporter_SUMO::EdgeAttrs::id, NBEdgeCont::ignore(), NBEdgeCont::ignoreFilterMatch(), NBEdgeCont::insert(), INTERNAL, NBConnection::InvalidTlIndex, StopOffset::isDefined(), FileHelpers::isReadable(), NBNode::isTrafficLight(), OptionsCont::isUsableFileList(), OptionsCont::isWriteable(), KEEPCLEAR_FALSE, KEEPCLEAR_TRUE, NIImporter_SUMO::EdgeAttrs::lanes, NIImporter_SUMO::LaneAttrs::laneStopOffset, NIImporter_SUMO::EdgeAttrs::length, NIImporter_SUMO::EdgeAttrs::lsf, NIImporter_SUMO::LaneAttrs::maxSpeed, NIImporter_SUMO::EdgeAttrs::maxSpeed, myAmLefthand, myCheckLaneFoesAll, myCheckLaneFoesRoundabout, myCornerDetail, myDefaultSpreadType, myDiscardableParams, myEdges, myGeomAvoidOverlap, myHaveSeenInternalEdge, myInternalJunctionsVehicleWidth, myJunctionsEndpointShape, myJunctionsHigherSpeed, myJunctionsMinimalShape, myLimitTurnSpeed, myLinkDetail, myNetBuilder, myNetworkVersion, myNodeCont, myPedestrianCrossings, myProhibitions, myRailSignals, myRectLaneCut, myRoundabouts, myTLLCont, myTlsIgnoreInternalJunctionJam, myWACustomShapes, myWalkingAreas, NBEdge::Lane::oppositeID, NIImporter_SUMO::LaneAttrs::oppositeID, parseVehicleClasses(), NIImporter_SUMO::EdgeAttrs::priority, NIImporter_SUMO::Crossing::priority, PROGRESS_BEGIN_TIME_MESSAGE, PROGRESS_TIME_MESSAGE, RAIL_SIGNAL, NBNodeCont::retrieve(), NBEdgeCont::retrieve(), XMLSubSys::runParser(), OptionsCont::set(), NBEdge::setAcceleration(), NBEdge::setBidi(), NBEdge::setDistance(), NBEdge::setEdgeStopOffset(), NBEdge::setEndOffset(), GenericSAXHandler::setFileName(), NBEdge::setFriction(), NBNetBuilder::setHaveNetworkCrossings(), NBEdge::setLaneShape(), NBEdge::setLaneWidth(), NBEdge::setLoadedLength(), NBEdge::setPermissions(), NBEdge::setPermittedChanging(), NBEdge::setSpeed(), NIImporter_SUMO::LaneAttrs::shape, NIImporter_SUMO::EdgeAttrs::shape, NIImporter_SUMO::EdgeAttrs::streetName, TL, NIImporter_SUMO::EdgeAttrs::toNode, toString(), NBEdge::Lane::type, NIImporter_SUMO::LaneAttrs::type, NIImporter_SUMO::EdgeAttrs::type, NBEdge::UNSPECIFIED_FRICTION, NBEdge::UNSPECIFIED_OFFSET, NBEdge::UNSPECIFIED_WIDTH, Parameterised::updateParameters(), NBEdge::VALIDATED, WALKINGAREA, NBEdgeCont::wasIgnored(), NIImporter_SUMO::LaneAttrs::width, NIImporter_SUMO::Crossing::width, WRITE_ERRORF, and WRITE_WARNINGF.

Referenced by loadNetwork().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ addConnection()

void NIImporter_SUMO::addConnection ( const SUMOSAXAttributes attrs)

Parses a connection and saves it into the lane's definition stored in "myCurrentLane".

[in]attrsThe attributes to get the connection from

Definition at line 796 of file NIImporter_SUMO.cpp.

References NIImporter_SUMO::Connection::changeLeft, NIImporter_SUMO::Connection::changeRight, NIImporter_SUMO::Connection::contPos, CROSSING, NIImporter_SUMO::Connection::customLength, NIImporter_SUMO::Connection::customShape, NIImporter_SUMO::Connection::edgeType, PositionVector::EMPTY, NIImporter_SUMO::Connection::friction, NIImporter_SUMO::EdgeAttrs::func, StringBijection< T >::get(), SUMOSAXAttributes::get(), OptionsCont::getFloat(), SUMOXMLDefinitions::getJunctionIDFromInternalEdge(), SUMOSAXAttributes::getOpt(), OptionsCont::getOptions(), SUMOSAXAttributes::hasAttribute(), NIImporter_SUMO::Connection::indirectLeft, INTERNAL, NBConnection::InvalidTlIndex, OptionsCont::isSet(), NIImporter_SUMO::Connection::keepClear, NIImporter_SUMO::EdgeAttrs::lanes, LINKSTATE_MAJOR, SUMOXMLDefinitions::LinkStates, NIImporter_SUMO::Connection::mayDefinitelyPass, myChangeLefthand, myEdges, myLastParameterised, myLocation, myNetworkVersion, myPedestrianCrossings, myWACustomShapes, NORMAL, parseVehicleClasses(), NIImporter_SUMO::Connection::permissions, NIImporter_SUMO::Connection::speed, SUMO_ATTR_ALLOW, SUMO_ATTR_CHANGE_LEFT, SUMO_ATTR_CHANGE_RIGHT, SUMO_ATTR_CONTPOS, SUMO_ATTR_DISALLOW, SUMO_ATTR_FRICTION, SUMO_ATTR_FROM, SUMO_ATTR_FROM_LANE, SUMO_ATTR_INDIRECT, SUMO_ATTR_KEEP_CLEAR, SUMO_ATTR_LENGTH, SUMO_ATTR_PASS, SUMO_ATTR_SHAPE, SUMO_ATTR_SPEED, SUMO_ATTR_STATE, SUMO_ATTR_TLID, SUMO_ATTR_TLLINKINDEX, SUMO_ATTR_TLLINKINDEX2, SUMO_ATTR_TO, SUMO_ATTR_TO_LANE, SUMO_ATTR_TYPE, SUMO_ATTR_UNCONTROLLED, SUMO_ATTR_VISIBILITY_DISTANCE, SVC_UNSPECIFIED, std::swap(), TL, NIImporter_SUMO::Connection::tlID, NIImporter_SUMO::Connection::tlLinkIndex, NIImporter_SUMO::Connection::tlLinkIndex2, NIImporter_SUMO::Connection::toEdgeID, NIImporter_SUMO::Connection::toLaneIdx, toString(), NBNetBuilder::transformCoordinates(), NIImporter_SUMO::Connection::uncontrolled, NBEdge::UNSPECIFIED_CONNECTION_UNCONTROLLED, NBEdge::UNSPECIFIED_CONTPOS, NBEdge::UNSPECIFIED_FRICTION, NBEdge::UNSPECIFIED_LOADED_LENGTH, NBEdge::UNSPECIFIED_SPEED, NBEdge::UNSPECIFIED_VISIBILITY_DISTANCE, NIImporter_SUMO::Connection::visibility, WALKINGAREA, and WRITE_ERRORF.

Referenced by myStartElement().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ addEdge()

void NIImporter_SUMO::addEdge ( const SUMOSAXAttributes attrs)

Parses an edge and stores the values in "myCurrentEdge".

[in]attrsThe attributes to get the edge's values from

Definition at line 581 of file NIImporter_SUMO.cpp.

References NIImporter_SUMO::EdgeAttrs::bidi, NIImporter_SUMO::EdgeAttrs::builtEdge, CROSSING, NIImporter_SUMO::Crossing::crossingEdges, NIImporter_SUMO::EdgeAttrs::distance, NIImporter_SUMO::EdgeAttrs::fromNode, NIImporter_SUMO::EdgeAttrs::func, StringBijection< T >::get(), SUMOSAXAttributes::get(), SUMOXMLDefinitions::getJunctionIDFromInternalEdge(), SUMOSAXAttributes::getOpt(), OptionsCont::getOptions(), NIImporter_SUMO::EdgeAttrs::id, INTERNAL, OptionsCont::isDefault(), SUMOXMLDefinitions::LaneSpreadFunctions, NIImporter_SUMO::EdgeAttrs::length, NIImporter_SUMO::EdgeAttrs::lsf, NIImporter_SUMO::EdgeAttrs::maxSpeed, myCurrentEdge, myDefaultSpreadType, myHaveSeenInternalEdge, myLastParameterised, myLocation, myPedestrianCrossings, NORMAL, NIImporter_SUMO::EdgeAttrs::priority, OptionsCont::set(), NIImporter_SUMO::EdgeAttrs::shape, NIImporter_SUMO::EdgeAttrs::streetName, SUMO_ATTR_BIDI, SUMO_ATTR_CROSSING_EDGES, SUMO_ATTR_DISTANCE, SUMO_ATTR_FROM, SUMO_ATTR_FUNCTION, SUMO_ATTR_ID, SUMO_ATTR_LENGTH, SUMO_ATTR_NAME, SUMO_ATTR_PRIORITY, SUMO_ATTR_SHAPE, SUMO_ATTR_SPREADTYPE, SUMO_ATTR_TO, SUMO_ATTR_TYPE, TL, NIImporter_SUMO::EdgeAttrs::toNode, NBNetBuilder::transformCoordinates(), NIImporter_SUMO::EdgeAttrs::type, NBEdge::UNSPECIFIED_LOADED_LENGTH, WALKINGAREA, and WRITE_ERRORF.

Referenced by myStartElement().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ addJunction()

◆ addLane()

void NIImporter_SUMO::addLane ( const SUMOSAXAttributes attrs)

Parses a lane and stores the values in "myCurrentLane".

[in]attrsThe attributes to get the lane's values from

Definition at line 632 of file NIImporter_SUMO.cpp.

References NIImporter_SUMO::LaneAttrs::accelRamp, NIImporter_SUMO::LaneAttrs::allow, NIImporter_SUMO::LaneAttrs::changeLeft, NIImporter_SUMO::LaneAttrs::changeRight, CROSSING, NIImporter_SUMO::LaneAttrs::customShape, NIImporter_SUMO::LaneAttrs::disallow, NIImporter_SUMO::LaneAttrs::endOffset, NIImporter_SUMO::LaneAttrs::friction, NIImporter_SUMO::EdgeAttrs::func, SUMOSAXAttributes::get(), SUMOSAXAttributes::getFloat(), SUMOXMLDefinitions::getJunctionIDFromInternalEdge(), SUMOSAXAttributes::getOpt(), SUMOSAXAttributes::hasAttribute(), NIImporter_SUMO::EdgeAttrs::id, INTERNAL, NIImporter_SUMO::EdgeAttrs::lanes, NIImporter_SUMO::LaneAttrs::maxSpeed, myChangeLefthand, myCurrentEdge, myCurrentLane, myLastParameterised, myLocation, myPedestrianCrossings, myWACustomShapes, NIImporter_SUMO::LaneAttrs::shape, NIImporter_SUMO::WalkingAreaParsedCustomShape::shape, SUMO_ATTR_ACCELERATION, SUMO_ATTR_ALLOW, SUMO_ATTR_CHANGE_LEFT, SUMO_ATTR_CHANGE_RIGHT, SUMO_ATTR_CUSTOMSHAPE, SUMO_ATTR_DISALLOW, SUMO_ATTR_ENDOFFSET, SUMO_ATTR_FRICTION, SUMO_ATTR_ID, SUMO_ATTR_SHAPE, SUMO_ATTR_SPEED, SUMO_ATTR_TYPE, SUMO_ATTR_WIDTH, std::swap(), TL, toString(), NBNetBuilder::transformCoordinates(), NIImporter_SUMO::LaneAttrs::type, NBEdge::UNSPECIFIED_FRICTION, NBEdge::UNSPECIFIED_OFFSET, NBEdge::UNSPECIFIED_WIDTH, WALKINGAREA, NIImporter_SUMO::LaneAttrs::width, NIImporter_SUMO::WalkingAreaParsedCustomShape::width, WRITE_ERRORF, and WRITE_WARNINGF.

Referenced by myStartElement().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ addPhase()

void NIImporter_SUMO::addPhase ( const SUMOSAXAttributes attrs,
NBLoadedSUMOTLDef currentTL 

◆ addProhibition()

void NIImporter_SUMO::addProhibition ( const SUMOSAXAttributes attrs)

Parses a prohibition and saves it.

[in]attrsThe attributes to get the connection from

Definition at line 927 of file NIImporter_SUMO.cpp.

References SUMOSAXAttributes::getOpt(), myProhibitions, parseProhibitionConnection(), NIImporter_SUMO::Prohibition::prohibitedFrom, NIImporter_SUMO::Prohibition::prohibitedTo, NIImporter_SUMO::Prohibition::prohibitorFrom, NIImporter_SUMO::Prohibition::prohibitorTo, SUMO_ATTR_PROHIBITED, and SUMO_ATTR_PROHIBITOR.

Referenced by myStartElement().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ addRequest()

void NIImporter_SUMO::addRequest ( const SUMOSAXAttributes attrs)

Parses a reques and saves selected attributes in myCurrentJunction.

[in]attrsThe attributes to get the junction's values from

Definition at line 787 of file NIImporter_SUMO.cpp.

References SUMOSAXAttributes::get(), myCurrentJunction, NIImporter_SUMO::JunctionAttrs::node, NIImporter_SUMO::JunctionAttrs::response, and SUMO_ATTR_RESPONSE.

Referenced by myStartElement().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ addRoundabout()

void NIImporter_SUMO::addRoundabout ( const SUMOSAXAttributes attrs)

Parses a roundabout and stores it in myEdgeCont.

[in]attrsThe attributes to get the roundabouts values from

Definition at line 1055 of file NIImporter_SUMO.cpp.

References SUMOSAXAttributes::get(), myRoundabouts, and SUMO_ATTR_EDGES.

Referenced by myStartElement().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ addStopOffsets()

void NIImporter_SUMO::addStopOffsets ( const SUMOSAXAttributes attrs,
bool &  ok 

parses stop offsets for the current lane or edge

[in]attrsThe attributes to get the stop offset sepcifics from

Definition at line 704 of file NIImporter_SUMO.cpp.

References NIImporter_SUMO::EdgeAttrs::edgeStopOffset, NIImporter_SUMO::EdgeAttrs::id, StopOffset::isDefined(), NIImporter_SUMO::LaneAttrs::laneStopOffset, myCurrentEdge, myCurrentLane, TL, and WRITE_WARNINGF.

Referenced by myStartElement().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ buildErrorMessage()

std::string GenericSAXHandler::buildErrorMessage ( const XERCES_CPP_NAMESPACE::SAXParseException &  exception)

Builds an error message.

The error message includes the file name and the line/column information as supported by the given SAXParseException

[in]exceptionThe name of the currently processed file
A string describing the given exception

Definition at line 205 of file GenericSAXHandler.cpp.

References GenericSAXHandler::getFileName(), and TL.

Referenced by GenericSAXHandler::error(), GenericSAXHandler::fatalError(), and GenericSAXHandler::warning().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ callParentEnd()

void GenericSAXHandler::callParentEnd ( int  element)

signal endElement to the parent handler (special case for MSCalibrator)

Definition at line 247 of file GenericSAXHandler.cpp.

References GenericSAXHandler::myEndElement(), and GenericSAXHandler::myParentHandler.

Referenced by MSCalibrator::myEndElement().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ characters()

void GenericSAXHandler::characters ( const XMLCh *const  chars,
const XERCES3_SIZE_t  length 

The inherited method called when characters occurred.

The retrieved characters are converted into a string and appended into a private buffer. They are reported as soon as the element ends.


recheck/describe what happens with characters when a new element is opened

describe characters processing in the class' head

Definition at line 186 of file GenericSAXHandler.cpp.

References GenericSAXHandler::myCharactersVector, GenericSAXHandler::myCollectCharacterData, and StringUtils::transcode().

◆ convert()

XMLCh * GenericSAXHandler::convert ( const std::string &  name) const

converts from c++-string into unicode

recheck encoding
[in]nameThe string to convert
The string converted into a XMLCh-string

Definition at line 86 of file GenericSAXHandler.cpp.

Referenced by GenericSAXHandler::GenericSAXHandler().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ convertTag()

int GenericSAXHandler::convertTag ( const std::string &  tag) const

Converts a tag from its string into its numerical representation.

Returns the enum-representation stored for the given tag. If the tag is not known, SUMO_TAG_NOTHING is returned.

[in]tagThe string to convert
The int-value that represents the string, SUMO_TAG_NOTHING if the named attribute is not known

Definition at line 195 of file GenericSAXHandler.cpp.

References GenericSAXHandler::myTagMap, and SUMO_TAG_NOTHING.

Referenced by GenericSAXHandler::endElement(), and GenericSAXHandler::startElement().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ endElement()

void GenericSAXHandler::endElement ( const XMLCh *const  uri,
const XMLCh *const  localname,
const XMLCh *const  qname 

The inherited method called when a tag is being closed.

This method calls the user-implemented methods myCharacters with the previously collected and converted characters.

Then, myEndElement is called, supplying it the qname converted to its enum- and string-representations.


recheck/describe encoding of the string-representation

do not generate and report the string-representation

Definition at line 134 of file GenericSAXHandler.cpp.

References GenericSAXHandler::convertTag(), GenericSAXHandler::myCharacters(), GenericSAXHandler::myCharactersVector, GenericSAXHandler::myEndElement(), GenericSAXHandler::myParentHandler, GenericSAXHandler::myParentIndicator, GenericSAXHandler::mySection, GenericSAXHandler::mySectionOpen, XMLSubSys::setHandler(), SUMO_TAG_INCLUDE, SUMO_TAG_NOTHING, and StringUtils::transcode().

◆ error()

void GenericSAXHandler::error ( const XERCES_CPP_NAMESPACE::SAXParseException &  exception)

Handler for XML-errors.

The message is built using buildErrorMessage and thrown within a ProcessError.

[in]exceptionThe occurred exception to process
ProcessErrorOn any call

Definition at line 224 of file GenericSAXHandler.cpp.

References GenericSAXHandler::buildErrorMessage().

Referenced by MSRouteHandler::addFlowTransportable(), MSRouteHandler::addTransportable(), MSRouteHandler::closeTransportable(), NIImporter_OpenDrive::geomFromSpiral(), MSRouteHandler::interpretDepartPosLat(), and DataHandler::writeError().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ fatalError()

void GenericSAXHandler::fatalError ( const XERCES_CPP_NAMESPACE::SAXParseException &  exception)

Handler for XML-errors.

The message is built using buildErrorMessage and thrown within a ProcessError.

ProcessErrorOn any call
[in]exceptionThe occurred exception to process

Definition at line 230 of file GenericSAXHandler.cpp.

References GenericSAXHandler::buildErrorMessage().

◆ getFileName()

◆ initTrafficLightLogic()

NBLoadedSUMOTLDef * NIImporter_SUMO::initTrafficLightLogic ( const SUMOSAXAttributes attrs,
NBLoadedSUMOTLDef currentTL 

begins the reading of a traffic lights logic

Definition at line 945 of file NIImporter_SUMO.cpp.

References StringBijection< T >::get(), SUMOSAXAttributes::get(), Named::getID(), SUMOSAXAttributes::getOpt(), SUMO_ATTR_ID, SUMO_ATTR_OFFSET, SUMO_ATTR_PROGRAMID, SUMO_ATTR_TYPE, TIME2STEPS, TL, SUMOXMLDefinitions::TrafficLightTypes, and WRITE_ERRORF.

Referenced by myStartElement().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ loadLocation()

GeoConvHelper * NIImporter_SUMO::loadLocation ( const SUMOSAXAttributes attrs,
bool  setLoaded = true 

Parses network location description and registers it with GeoConveHelper::setLoaded.

Definition at line 1003 of file NIImporter_SUMO.cpp.

References SUMOSAXAttributes::get(), GeoConvHelper::resolveAbstractProjection(), GeoConvHelper::setLoaded(), SUMO_ATTR_CONV_BOUNDARY, SUMO_ATTR_NET_OFFSET, SUMO_ATTR_ORIG_BOUNDARY, and SUMO_ATTR_ORIG_PROJ.

Referenced by myStartElement(), NIXMLConnectionsHandler::myStartElement(), NIXMLEdgesHandler::myStartElement(), and NIXMLNodesHandler::myStartElement().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ loadNetwork()

void NIImporter_SUMO::loadNetwork ( OptionsCont oc,
NBNetBuilder nb 

Loads content of the optionally given SUMO file.

If the option "sumo-net-file" is set, the file stored therein is read and the network definition stored therein is stored within the given network builder.

If the option "sumo-net-file" is not set, this method simply returns.

The loading is done by parsing the network definition as an XML file using the SAXinterface and handling the incoming data via this class' methods.

[in,out]ocThe options to use (option no-internal-links may be modified)
[in]nbThe network builder to fill

Definition at line 56 of file NIImporter_SUMO.cpp.

References _loadNetwork().

Referenced by NILoader::load().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ myCharacters()

void GenericSAXHandler::myCharacters ( int  element,
const std::string &  chars 

Callback method for characters to implement by derived classes.

Called by "endElement" (see there).

[in]elementThe opened element, given as a int
[in]charsThe complete embedded character string @exceptions ProcessError These method may throw a ProcessError if something fails

Reimplemented in NIImporter_OpenDrive, and NIImporter_ITSUMO::Handler.

Definition at line 240 of file GenericSAXHandler.cpp.

Referenced by GenericSAXHandler::endElement().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ myEndElement()

◆ myStartElement()

void NIImporter_SUMO::myStartElement ( int  element,
const SUMOSAXAttributes attrs 

Called on the opening of a tag;.

In dependence to the obtained type, an appropriate parsing method is called ("addEdge" if an edge encounters, f.e.).

[in]elementID of the currently opened element
[in]attrsAttributes within the currently opened element
ProcessErrorIf something fails
See also

Reimplemented from GenericSAXHandler.

Definition at line 424 of file NIImporter_SUMO.cpp.

References addConnection(), addEdge(), addJunction(), addLane(), addPhase(), addProhibition(), addRequest(), addRoundabout(), addStopOffsets(), SUMOSAXAttributes::get(), SUMOSAXAttributes::getOpt(), OptionsCont::getOptions(), SUMOSAXAttributes::getString(), SUMOSAXAttributes::hasAttribute(), initTrafficLightLogic(), loadLocation(), myAmLefthand, myChangeLefthand, myCheckLaneFoesAll, myCheckLaneFoesRoundabout, myCornerDetail, myCurrentLane, myCurrentTL, myDefaultSpreadType, myDiscardableParams, myGeomAvoidOverlap, myInternalJunctionsVehicleWidth, myJunctionsEndpointShape, myJunctionsHigherSpeed, myJunctionsMinimalShape, myLastParameterised, myLimitTurnSpeed, myLinkDetail, myLocation, myNetworkVersion, myRectLaneCut, NIXMLTypesHandler::myStartElement(), myTlsIgnoreInternalJunctionJam, myTypesHandler, myWalkingAreas, NIImporter_SUMO::LaneAttrs::oppositeID, SUMO_ATTR_AVOID_OVERLAP, SUMO_ATTR_CHECKLANEFOES_ALL, SUMO_ATTR_CHECKLANEFOES_ROUNDABOUT, SUMO_ATTR_CORNERDETAIL, SUMO_ATTR_HIGHER_SPEED, SUMO_ATTR_INTERNAL_JUNCTIONS_VEHICLE_WIDTH, SUMO_ATTR_JUNCTIONS_ENDPOINT_SHAPE, SUMO_ATTR_JUNCTIONS_MINIMAL_SHAPE, SUMO_ATTR_KEY, SUMO_ATTR_LANE, SUMO_ATTR_LEFTHAND, SUMO_ATTR_LIMIT_TURN_SPEED, SUMO_ATTR_LINKDETAIL, SUMO_ATTR_RECTANGULAR_LANE_CUT, SUMO_ATTR_SPREADTYPE, SUMO_ATTR_TLS_IGNORE_INTERNAL_JUNCTION_JAM, SUMO_ATTR_VALUE, SUMO_ATTR_VERSION, SUMO_ATTR_WALKINGAREAS, SUMO_TAG_CONNECTION, SUMO_TAG_EDGE, SUMO_TAG_JUNCTION, SUMO_TAG_LANE, SUMO_TAG_LOCATION, SUMO_TAG_NEIGH, SUMO_TAG_NET, SUMO_TAG_PARAM, SUMO_TAG_PHASE, SUMO_TAG_PROHIBITION, SUMO_TAG_REQUEST, SUMO_TAG_ROUNDABOUT, SUMO_TAG_STOPOFFSET, SUMO_TAG_TLLOGIC, and StringUtils::toVersion().

◆ needsCharacterData()

void GenericSAXHandler::needsCharacterData ( const bool  value = true)

Definition at line 220 of file GenericSAXHandler.h.

References GenericSAXHandler::myCollectCharacterData.

Referenced by NIImporter_ITSUMO::loadNetwork(), NIImporter_OpenDrive::loadNetwork(), and NIImporter_OpenDrive::myCharacters().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ parseProhibitionConnection()

void NIImporter_SUMO::parseProhibitionConnection ( const std::string &  attr,
std::string &  from,
std::string &  to,
bool &  ok 

parses connection string of a prohibition (very old school)

[in]attrThe connection attribute
[out]fromID of the source edge
[out]toID of the destination edge
[out]okWhether parsing completed successfully

Definition at line 1033 of file NIImporter_SUMO.cpp.

References myEdges, TL, and WRITE_ERRORF.

Referenced by addProhibition().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ readPosition()

Position NIImporter_SUMO::readPosition ( const SUMOSAXAttributes attrs,
const std::string &  id,
bool &  ok 

read position from the given attributes, attribute errors to id

Definition at line 1024 of file NIImporter_SUMO.cpp.

References SUMOSAXAttributes::get(), SUMOSAXAttributes::getOpt(), SUMO_ATTR_X, SUMO_ATTR_Y, and SUMO_ATTR_Z.

Referenced by addJunction().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ registerParent()

void GenericSAXHandler::registerParent ( const int  tag,
GenericSAXHandler handler 

Assigning a parent handler which is enabled when the specified tag is closed.

Definition at line 178 of file GenericSAXHandler.cpp.

References GenericSAXHandler::myParentHandler, GenericSAXHandler::myParentIndicator, and XMLSubSys::setHandler().

Referenced by NLTriggerBuilder::parseAndBuildCalibrator(), NLTriggerBuilder::parseAndBuildLaneSpeedTrigger(), and NLTriggerBuilder::parseAndBuildRerouter().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ retrieveNextSectionStart()

std::pair<int, SUMOSAXAttributes*> GenericSAXHandler::retrieveNextSectionStart ( )

Definition at line 213 of file GenericSAXHandler.h.

References GenericSAXHandler::myNextSectionStart.

Referenced by SUMOSAXReader::parseSection().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ sectionFinished()

bool GenericSAXHandler::sectionFinished ( ) const

Definition at line 209 of file GenericSAXHandler.h.

References GenericSAXHandler::mySectionEnded.

Referenced by SUMOSAXReader::parseSection().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ setFileName()

void GenericSAXHandler::setFileName ( const std::string &  name)

Sets the current file name.

[in]nameThe name of the currently processed file
Hmmm - this is as unsafe as having a direct access to the variable; recheck

Definition at line 74 of file GenericSAXHandler.cpp.

References GenericSAXHandler::myFileName.

Referenced by _loadNetwork(), MSStateHandler::MSStateTimeHandler::getTime(), GUISettingsHandler::GUISettingsHandler(), NIImporter_OpenStreetMap::load(), NIImporter_Vissim::load(), PCNetProjectionLoader::load(), NITypeLoader::load(), loadNet(), ROLoader::loadNet(), NIImporter_ITSUMO::loadNetwork(), NIImporter_MATSim::loadNetwork(), NIImporter_OpenDrive::loadNetwork(), main(), and XMLSubSys::runParser().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ setSection()

void GenericSAXHandler::setSection ( const int  element,
const bool  seen 

Definition at line 202 of file GenericSAXHandler.h.

References GenericSAXHandler::mySection, GenericSAXHandler::mySectionEnded, GenericSAXHandler::mySectionOpen, and GenericSAXHandler::mySectionSeen.

Referenced by SUMOSAXReader::parseSection().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ startElement()

void GenericSAXHandler::startElement ( const XMLCh *const  uri,
const XMLCh *const  localname,
const XMLCh *const  qname,
const XERCES_CPP_NAMESPACE::Attributes &  attrs 

The inherited method called when a new tag opens.

The method parses the supplied XMLCh*-qname using the internal name/enum-map to obtain the enum representation of the attribute name.

Then, "myStartElement" is called supplying the enumeration value, the string-representation of the name and the attributes.


recheck/describe encoding of the string-representation

do not generate and report the string-representation

Definition at line 99 of file GenericSAXHandler.cpp.

References GenericSAXHandler::convertTag(), FileHelpers::getConfigurationRelative(), GenericSAXHandler::getFileName(), SUMOSAXAttributesImpl_Xerces::getString(), FileHelpers::isAbsolute(), GenericSAXHandler::myCharactersVector, GenericSAXHandler::myExpectedRoot, GenericSAXHandler::myNextSectionStart, GenericSAXHandler::myPredefinedTags, GenericSAXHandler::myPredefinedTagsMML, GenericSAXHandler::myRootSeen, GenericSAXHandler::mySection, GenericSAXHandler::mySectionEnded, GenericSAXHandler::mySectionOpen, GenericSAXHandler::mySectionSeen, GenericSAXHandler::myStartElement(), XMLSubSys::runParser(), SUMO_ATTR_HREF, SUMO_TAG_INCLUDE, TL, StringUtils::transcode(), and WRITE_WARNINGF.

◆ warning()

void GenericSAXHandler::warning ( const XERCES_CPP_NAMESPACE::SAXParseException &  exception)

Handler for XML-warnings.

The message is built using buildErrorMessage and reported to the warning-instance of the MsgHandler.

[in]exceptionThe occurred exception to process

Definition at line 218 of file GenericSAXHandler.cpp.

References GenericSAXHandler::buildErrorMessage(), and WRITE_WARNING.

Field Documentation

◆ myAmLefthand

bool NIImporter_SUMO::myAmLefthand

whether the loaded network was built for lefthand traffic

Definition at line 396 of file NIImporter_SUMO.h.

Referenced by _loadNetwork(), and myStartElement().

◆ myChangeLefthand

bool NIImporter_SUMO::myChangeLefthand

whether the the written network should have a different "handedness" (LHT/RHT) than the loaded network

Definition at line 399 of file NIImporter_SUMO.h.

Referenced by addConnection(), addLane(), and myStartElement().

◆ myCharactersVector

std::vector<std::string> GenericSAXHandler::myCharactersVector

A list of character strings obtained so far to build the complete characters string at the end.

Definition at line 324 of file GenericSAXHandler.h.

Referenced by GenericSAXHandler::characters(), GenericSAXHandler::endElement(), and GenericSAXHandler::startElement().

◆ myCheckLaneFoesAll

bool NIImporter_SUMO::myCheckLaneFoesAll

whether foe-relationships where checked at lane-level

Definition at line 417 of file NIImporter_SUMO.h.

Referenced by _loadNetwork(), and myStartElement().

◆ myCheckLaneFoesRoundabout

bool NIImporter_SUMO::myCheckLaneFoesRoundabout

Definition at line 418 of file NIImporter_SUMO.h.

Referenced by _loadNetwork(), and myStartElement().

◆ myCollectCharacterData

bool GenericSAXHandler::myCollectCharacterData = false

whether the reader should collect character data

Definition at line 339 of file GenericSAXHandler.h.

Referenced by GenericSAXHandler::characters(), and GenericSAXHandler::needsCharacterData().

◆ myCornerDetail

int NIImporter_SUMO::myCornerDetail

the level of corner detail in the loaded network

Definition at line 402 of file NIImporter_SUMO.h.

Referenced by _loadNetwork(), and myStartElement().

◆ myCurrentEdge

EdgeAttrs* NIImporter_SUMO::myCurrentEdge

The currently parsed edge's definition (to add loaded lanes to)

Definition at line 366 of file NIImporter_SUMO.h.

Referenced by addEdge(), addLane(), addStopOffsets(), and myEndElement().

◆ myCurrentJunction

JunctionAttrs NIImporter_SUMO::myCurrentJunction

The currently parsed junction definition to help in reconstructing crossings.

Definition at line 369 of file NIImporter_SUMO.h.

Referenced by addJunction(), addRequest(), and myEndElement().

◆ myCurrentLane

LaneAttrs* NIImporter_SUMO::myCurrentLane

The currently parsed lanes's definition (to add the shape to)

Definition at line 372 of file NIImporter_SUMO.h.

Referenced by addLane(), addStopOffsets(), myEndElement(), and myStartElement().

◆ myCurrentTL

NBLoadedSUMOTLDef* NIImporter_SUMO::myCurrentTL

The currently parsed traffic light.

Definition at line 375 of file NIImporter_SUMO.h.

Referenced by myEndElement(), and myStartElement().

◆ myDefaultSpreadType

std::string NIImporter_SUMO::myDefaultSpreadType

default spreadType defined in the network

Definition at line 422 of file NIImporter_SUMO.h.

Referenced by _loadNetwork(), addEdge(), and myStartElement().

◆ myDiscardableParams

std::set<std::string> NIImporter_SUMO::myDiscardableParams

list of parameter keys to discard

Definition at line 440 of file NIImporter_SUMO.h.

Referenced by _loadNetwork(), and myStartElement().

◆ myEdges

std::map<std::string, EdgeAttrs*> NIImporter_SUMO::myEdges

Loaded edge definitions.

Definition at line 348 of file NIImporter_SUMO.h.

Referenced by _loadNetwork(), addConnection(), myEndElement(), parseProhibitionConnection(), and ~NIImporter_SUMO().

◆ myExpectedRoot

std::string GenericSAXHandler::myExpectedRoot

The root element to expect, empty string disables the check.

Definition at line 336 of file GenericSAXHandler.h.

Referenced by GenericSAXHandler::startElement().

◆ myFileName

std::string GenericSAXHandler::myFileName

The name of the currently parsed file.

Definition at line 333 of file GenericSAXHandler.h.

Referenced by GenericSAXHandler::getFileName(), and GenericSAXHandler::setFileName().

◆ myGeomAvoidOverlap

bool NIImporter_SUMO::myGeomAvoidOverlap

overlap option for loaded network

Definition at line 424 of file NIImporter_SUMO.h.

Referenced by _loadNetwork(), and myStartElement().

◆ myHaveSeenInternalEdge

bool NIImporter_SUMO::myHaveSeenInternalEdge

whether the loaded network contains internal lanes

Definition at line 393 of file NIImporter_SUMO.h.

Referenced by _loadNetwork(), and addEdge().

◆ myInternalJunctionsVehicleWidth

double NIImporter_SUMO::myInternalJunctionsVehicleWidth

custom settings for internal junction computation

Definition at line 428 of file NIImporter_SUMO.h.

Referenced by _loadNetwork(), and myStartElement().

◆ myJunctionsEndpointShape

bool NIImporter_SUMO::myJunctionsEndpointShape

Definition at line 431 of file NIImporter_SUMO.h.

Referenced by _loadNetwork(), and myStartElement().

◆ myJunctionsHigherSpeed

bool NIImporter_SUMO::myJunctionsHigherSpeed

higherSpeed option for loaded network

Definition at line 426 of file NIImporter_SUMO.h.

Referenced by _loadNetwork(), and myStartElement().

◆ myJunctionsMinimalShape

bool NIImporter_SUMO::myJunctionsMinimalShape

custom settings for junction shape computation

Definition at line 430 of file NIImporter_SUMO.h.

Referenced by _loadNetwork(), and myStartElement().

◆ myLastParameterised

std::vector<Parameterised*> NIImporter_SUMO::myLastParameterised

element to receive parameters

Definition at line 387 of file NIImporter_SUMO.h.

Referenced by addConnection(), addEdge(), addJunction(), addLane(), myEndElement(), and myStartElement().

◆ myLimitTurnSpeed

double NIImporter_SUMO::myLimitTurnSpeed

whether turning speed was limited in the network

Definition at line 414 of file NIImporter_SUMO.h.

Referenced by _loadNetwork(), and myStartElement().

◆ myLinkDetail

int NIImporter_SUMO::myLinkDetail

the level of geometry detail for internal lanes in the loaded network

Definition at line 405 of file NIImporter_SUMO.h.

Referenced by _loadNetwork(), and myStartElement().

◆ myLocation

GeoConvHelper* NIImporter_SUMO::myLocation

The coordinate transformation which was used to build the loaded network.

Definition at line 378 of file NIImporter_SUMO.h.

Referenced by addConnection(), addEdge(), addJunction(), addLane(), myStartElement(), and ~NIImporter_SUMO().

◆ myNetBuilder

NBNetBuilder& NIImporter_SUMO::myNetBuilder

The network builder to fill.

Definition at line 354 of file NIImporter_SUMO.h.

Referenced by _loadNetwork().

◆ myNetworkVersion

MMVersion NIImporter_SUMO::myNetworkVersion

the loaded network version

Definition at line 390 of file NIImporter_SUMO.h.

Referenced by _loadNetwork(), addConnection(), and myStartElement().

◆ myNextSectionStart

std::pair<int, SUMOSAXAttributes*> GenericSAXHandler::myNextSectionStart

◆ myNodeCont

NBNodeCont& NIImporter_SUMO::myNodeCont

The node container to fill.

Definition at line 357 of file NIImporter_SUMO.h.

Referenced by _loadNetwork(), and addJunction().

◆ myParentHandler

GenericSAXHandler* GenericSAXHandler::myParentHandler

The handler to give control back to.

Definition at line 327 of file GenericSAXHandler.h.

Referenced by GenericSAXHandler::callParentEnd(), GenericSAXHandler::endElement(), and GenericSAXHandler::registerParent().

◆ myParentIndicator

int GenericSAXHandler::myParentIndicator

The tag indicating that control should be given back.

Definition at line 330 of file GenericSAXHandler.h.

Referenced by GenericSAXHandler::endElement(), and GenericSAXHandler::registerParent().

◆ myPedestrianCrossings

std::map<std::string, std::vector<Crossing> > NIImporter_SUMO::myPedestrianCrossings

The pedestrian crossings found in the network.

Definition at line 381 of file NIImporter_SUMO.h.

Referenced by _loadNetwork(), addConnection(), addEdge(), and addLane().

◆ myPredefinedTags

AttrMap GenericSAXHandler::myPredefinedTags

◆ myPredefinedTagsMML

std::vector<std::string> GenericSAXHandler::myPredefinedTagsMML

the map from ids to their string representation

Definition at line 309 of file GenericSAXHandler.h.

Referenced by GenericSAXHandler::GenericSAXHandler(), and GenericSAXHandler::startElement().

◆ myProhibitions

std::vector<Prohibition> NIImporter_SUMO::myProhibitions

Loaded prohibitions.

Definition at line 351 of file NIImporter_SUMO.h.

Referenced by _loadNetwork(), and addProhibition().

◆ myRailSignals

std::set<std::string> NIImporter_SUMO::myRailSignals

list of node id with rail signals (no NBTrafficLightDefinition exists)

Definition at line 437 of file NIImporter_SUMO.h.

Referenced by _loadNetwork(), and addJunction().

◆ myRectLaneCut

bool NIImporter_SUMO::myRectLaneCut

whether all lanes of an edge should have the same stop line

Definition at line 408 of file NIImporter_SUMO.h.

Referenced by _loadNetwork(), and myStartElement().

◆ myRootSeen

bool GenericSAXHandler::myRootSeen = false

whether the reader has already seen the root element

Definition at line 342 of file GenericSAXHandler.h.

Referenced by GenericSAXHandler::startElement().

◆ myRoundabouts

std::vector<std::vector<std::string> > NIImporter_SUMO::myRoundabouts

loaded roundabout edges

Definition at line 434 of file NIImporter_SUMO.h.

Referenced by _loadNetwork(), and addRoundabout().

◆ mySection

int GenericSAXHandler::mySection = -1

The tag indicating the current section to parse.

Definition at line 345 of file GenericSAXHandler.h.

Referenced by GenericSAXHandler::endElement(), GenericSAXHandler::setSection(), and GenericSAXHandler::startElement().

◆ mySectionEnded

bool GenericSAXHandler::mySectionEnded = false

whether the reader has already seen the end of the section

Definition at line 351 of file GenericSAXHandler.h.

Referenced by GenericSAXHandler::sectionFinished(), GenericSAXHandler::setSection(), and GenericSAXHandler::startElement().

◆ mySectionOpen

bool GenericSAXHandler::mySectionOpen = false

whether an element of the current section is open

Definition at line 354 of file GenericSAXHandler.h.

Referenced by GenericSAXHandler::endElement(), GenericSAXHandler::setSection(), and GenericSAXHandler::startElement().

◆ mySectionSeen

bool GenericSAXHandler::mySectionSeen = false

whether the reader has already seen the begin of the section

Definition at line 348 of file GenericSAXHandler.h.

Referenced by GenericSAXHandler::setSection(), and GenericSAXHandler::startElement().

◆ myTagMap

TagMap GenericSAXHandler::myTagMap

◆ myTLLCont

NBTrafficLightLogicCont& NIImporter_SUMO::myTLLCont

The node container to fill.

Definition at line 360 of file NIImporter_SUMO.h.

Referenced by _loadNetwork(), and myEndElement().

◆ myTlsIgnoreInternalJunctionJam

bool NIImporter_SUMO::myTlsIgnoreInternalJunctionJam

whether some right-of-way checks at traffic light junctions should be disabled

Definition at line 420 of file NIImporter_SUMO.h.

Referenced by _loadNetwork(), and myStartElement().

◆ myTypesHandler

NIXMLTypesHandler NIImporter_SUMO::myTypesHandler

The handler for parsing edge types and restrictions.

Definition at line 363 of file NIImporter_SUMO.h.

Referenced by myStartElement().

◆ myWACustomShapes

std::map<std::string, WalkingAreaParsedCustomShape> NIImporter_SUMO::myWACustomShapes

Map from walkingArea edge IDs to custom shapes.

Definition at line 384 of file NIImporter_SUMO.h.

Referenced by _loadNetwork(), addConnection(), and addLane().

◆ myWalkingAreas

bool NIImporter_SUMO::myWalkingAreas

whether walkingareas must be built

Definition at line 411 of file NIImporter_SUMO.h.

Referenced by _loadNetwork(), and myStartElement().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: