Eclipse SUMO - Simulation of Urban MObility
NBRequest Class Reference

#include <NBRequest.h>

Collaboration diagram for NBRequest:

Public Member Functions

bool bidiConflict (const NBEdge *from, const NBEdge::Connection &con, const NBEdge *prohibitorFrom, const NBEdge::Connection &prohibitorCon, bool foes) const
 whether straight connections are in conflict via bidirectional lane use More...
void buildBitfieldLogic ()
 builds the bitset-representation of the logic More...
void computeLogic (const bool checkLaneFoes)
 writes the XML-representation of the logic as a bitset-logic XML representation More...
bool foes (const NBEdge *const from1, const NBEdge *const to1, const NBEdge *const from2, const NBEdge *const to2) const
 Returns the information whether the given flows cross. More...
bool forbids (const NBEdge *const possProhibitorFrom, const NBEdge *const possProhibitorTo, const NBEdge *const possProhibitedFrom, const NBEdge *const possProhibitedTo, bool regardNonSignalisedLowerPriority) const
 Returns the information whether "prohibited" flow must let "prohibitor" flow pass. More...
const std::string & getFoes (int linkIndex) const
const std::string & getResponse (int linkIndex) const
std::pair< int, int > getSizes () const
 returns the number of the junction's lanes and the number of the junction's links in respect. More...
bool hasConflict () const
 whether there are conflicting streams of traffic at this node More...
bool hasConflictAtLink (int linkIndex) const
 whether there are conflicting streams of traffic for the given link index More...
bool indirectLeftTurnConflict (const NBEdge *from, const NBEdge::Connection &con, const NBEdge *prohibitorFrom, const NBEdge::Connection &prohibitorCon, bool foes) const
 whether straight and indirect left turn are in conflict More...
bool mergeConflict (const NBEdge *from, const NBEdge::Connection &con, const NBEdge *prohibitorFrom, const NBEdge::Connection &prohibitorCon, bool foes) const
 whether multple connections from the same edge target the same lane More...
bool mustBrake (const NBEdge *const from, const NBEdge *const to, int fromLane, int toLane, bool includePedCrossings) const
 Returns the information whether the described flow must let any other flow pass. More...
bool mustBrake (const NBEdge *const possProhibitorFrom, const NBEdge *const possProhibitorTo, const NBEdge *const possProhibitedFrom, const NBEdge *const possProhibitedTo) const
 Returns the information whether "prohibited" flow must let "prohibitor" flow pass. More...
 NBRequest (const NBEdgeCont &ec, NBNode *junction, const EdgeVector &all, const EdgeVector &incoming, const EdgeVector &outgoing, const NBConnectionProhibits &loadedProhibits)
bool oppositeLeftTurnConflict (const NBEdge *from, const NBEdge::Connection &con, const NBEdge *prohibitorFrom, const NBEdge::Connection &prohibitorCon, bool foes) const
 whether opposite left turns intersect More...
bool rightTurnConflict (const NBEdge *from, const NBEdge::Connection &con, const NBEdge *prohibitorFrom, const NBEdge::Connection &prohibitorCon) const
 whether the given connections crosses the foe connection from the same lane and must yield More...
void writeLogic (OutputDevice &into) const
 ~NBRequest ()
 destructor More...

Static Public Member Functions

static bool mustBrakeForCrossing (const NBNode *node, const NBEdge *const from, const NBEdge *const to, const NBNode::Crossing &crossing)
 Returns the information whether the described flow must brake for the given crossing. More...
static void reportWarnings ()
 reports warnings if any occurred More...

Private Types

typedef std::vector< LinkInfoContCombinationsCont
 definition of a container for link(edge->edge) X link(edge->edge) combinations (size = |myIncoming|*|myOutgoing|) More...
typedef std::vector< bool > LinkInfoCont
 definition of a container to store boolean informations about a link into More...

Private Member Functions

bool checkLaneFoesByClass (const NBEdge::Connection &con, const NBEdge *prohibitorFrom, const NBEdge::Connection &prohibitorCon) const
 whether the given connections must be checked for lane conflicts due to the vClasses involved More...
bool checkLaneFoesByCooperation (const NBEdge *from, const NBEdge::Connection &con, const NBEdge *prohibitorFrom, const NBEdge::Connection &prohibitorCon) const
 whether the given connections must be checked for lane conflicts due to disjunct target lanes More...
int computeCrossingResponse (const NBNode::Crossing &crossing, int pos)
 computes the response of a certain crossing Returns the next link index within the junction More...
int computeLaneResponse (NBEdge *from, int lane, int pos, const bool checkLaneFoes)
 computes the response of a certain lane Returns the next link index within the junction More...
void computeLeftOutgoingLinkCrossings (NBEdge *from, NBEdge *to)
 computes the relationships between links outgoing left of the given link More...
void computeRightOutgoingLinkCrossings (NBEdge *from, NBEdge *to)
 computes the relationships between links outgoing right of the given link *‍/ More...
int distanceCounterClockwise (NBEdge *from, NBEdge *to)
 returns the distance between the incoming (from) and the outgoing (to) edge clockwise in edges More...
std::string getFoesString (NBEdge *from, NBEdge *to, int fromLane, int toLane, const bool checkLaneFoes) const
int getIndex (const NBEdge *const from, const NBEdge *const to) const
 Returns the index to the internal combination container for the given edge combination. More...
std::string getResponseString (const NBEdge *const from, const NBEdge::Connection &c, const bool checkLaneFoes) const
 Writes the response of a certain link. More...
bool laneConflict (const NBEdge *from, const NBEdge *to, int toLane, const NBEdge *prohibitorFrom, const NBEdge *prohibitorTo, int prohibitorToLane) const
 return whether the given laneToLane connections prohibit each other under the assumption that the edge2edge connections are in conflict More...
int numLinks () const
 return to total number of edge-to-edge connections of this request-logic More...
NBRequestoperator= (const NBRequest &s)=delete
 Invalidated assignment operator. More...
void resetCooperating ()
 reset foes it the number of lanes matches (or exceeds) the number of incoming connections for an edge More...
void resetSignalised ()
void setBlocking (NBEdge *from1, NBEdge *to1, NBEdge *from2, NBEdge *to2)

Private Attributes

const EdgeVectormyAll
 all (icoming and outgoing) of the junctions edges More...
CombinationsCont myDone
 the link X link is done-checks More...
std::vector< std::string > myFoes
 precomputed right-of-way matrices for each lane-to-lane link More...
CombinationsCont myForbids
 the link X link blockings More...
std::vector< bool > myHaveVia
const EdgeVectormyIncoming
 edges incoming to the junction More...
 the node the request is assigned to More...
const EdgeVectormyOutgoing
 edges outgoing from the junction More...
std::vector< std::string > myResponse

Static Private Attributes

static int myGoodBuilds = 0
static int myNotBuild = 0


std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const NBRequest &r)
 prints the request More...

Detailed Description

Given a special node, this class builds the logic of this (junction) regarding the relationships between the incoming and outgoing edges and their priorities. The junction's logic is saved when it does not yet exist.

Definition at line 56 of file NBRequest.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ CombinationsCont

typedef std::vector<LinkInfoCont> NBRequest::CombinationsCont

definition of a container for link(edge->edge) X link(edge->edge) combinations (size = |myIncoming|*|myOutgoing|)

Definition at line 272 of file NBRequest.h.

◆ LinkInfoCont

typedef std::vector<bool> NBRequest::LinkInfoCont

definition of a container to store boolean informations about a link into

Definition at line 269 of file NBRequest.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ NBRequest()

NBRequest::NBRequest ( const NBEdgeCont ec,
NBNode junction,
const EdgeVector all,
const EdgeVector incoming,
const EdgeVector outgoing,
const NBConnectionProhibits loadedProhibits 

constructor The parameter are the logic's lists of edges (all, incoming only and outgoing only edges). By now no further informations are needed to describe the junctions. These parameter must not be changed during the logic's building

Definition at line 56 of file NBRequest.cpp.

References NBConnection::check(), NBConnection::getFrom(), NBEdge::getID(), getIndex(), NBConnection::getTo(), myDone, myForbids, myGoodBuilds, myIncoming, myNotBuild, myOutgoing, numLinks(), and WRITE_WARNING.

◆ ~NBRequest()

NBRequest::~NBRequest ( )


Definition at line 141 of file NBRequest.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

◆ bidiConflict()

bool NBRequest::bidiConflict ( const NBEdge from,
const NBEdge::Connection con,
const NBEdge prohibitorFrom,
const NBEdge::Connection prohibitorCon,
bool  foes 
) const

whether straight connections are in conflict via bidirectional lane use

Definition at line 877 of file NBRequest.cpp.

References PositionVector::almostSame(), foes(), NBEdge::Connection::fromLane, NBEdge::getBidiEdge(), NBEdge::getLaneShape(), NBEdge::getPermissions(), isRailway(), PositionVector::reverse(), NBEdge::Connection::toEdge, and NBEdge::Connection::toLane.

Referenced by NBNode::bidiConflict(), getFoesString(), and getResponseString().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ buildBitfieldLogic()

void NBRequest::buildBitfieldLogic ( )

builds the bitset-representation of the logic

Definition at line 145 of file NBRequest.cpp.

References computeLeftOutgoingLinkCrossings(), computeRightOutgoingLinkCrossings(), myIncoming, myOutgoing, resetCooperating(), and resetSignalised().

Referenced by NBNode::computeLogic().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ checkLaneFoesByClass()

bool NBRequest::checkLaneFoesByClass ( const NBEdge::Connection con,
const NBEdge prohibitorFrom,
const NBEdge::Connection prohibitorCon 
) const

whether the given connections must be checked for lane conflicts due to the vClasses involved

Definition at line 909 of file NBRequest.cpp.

References NBEdge::Connection::fromLane, NBEdge::getPermissions(), SVC_BICYCLE, SVC_PASSENGER, SVC_PEDESTRIAN, NBEdge::Connection::toEdge, and NBEdge::Connection::toLane.

Referenced by getFoesString(), and getResponseString().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ checkLaneFoesByCooperation()

bool NBRequest::checkLaneFoesByCooperation ( const NBEdge from,
const NBEdge::Connection con,
const NBEdge prohibitorFrom,
const NBEdge::Connection prohibitorCon 
) const

whether the given connections must be checked for lane conflicts due to disjunct target lanes

Definition at line 924 of file NBRequest.cpp.

References NBEdge::getConnections(), and NBEdge::Connection::toEdge.

Referenced by getFoesString(), and getResponseString().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ computeCrossingResponse()

int NBRequest::computeCrossingResponse ( const NBNode::Crossing crossing,
int  pos 

computes the response of a certain crossing Returns the next link index within the junction

Definition at line 585 of file NBRequest.cpp.

References NBNode::Crossing::edges, foes(), NBEdge::getConnectionsFromLane(), NBNode::getCrossings(), NBEdge::getNumLanes(), mustBrakeForCrossing(), myFoes, myHaveVia, myIncoming, myJunction, and myResponse.

Referenced by computeLogic().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ computeLaneResponse()

int NBRequest::computeLaneResponse ( NBEdge from,
int  lane,
int  pos,
const bool  checkLaneFoes 

computes the response of a certain lane Returns the next link index within the junction

Definition at line 570 of file NBRequest.cpp.

References foes(), NBEdge::getConnectionsFromLane(), getFoesString(), getResponseString(), myFoes, myHaveVia, and myResponse.

Referenced by computeLogic().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ computeLeftOutgoingLinkCrossings()

void NBRequest::computeLeftOutgoingLinkCrossings ( NBEdge from,
NBEdge to 

computes the relationships between links outgoing left of the given link

Definition at line 179 of file NBRequest.cpp.

References myAll, myJunction, NBContHelper::nextCW(), and setBlocking().

Referenced by buildBitfieldLogic().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ computeLogic()

void NBRequest::computeLogic ( const bool  checkLaneFoes)

writes the XML-representation of the logic as a bitset-logic XML representation

Definition at line 421 of file NBRequest.cpp.

References computeCrossingResponse(), computeLaneResponse(), NBNode::getCrossings(), NBNode::getType(), myFoes, myHaveVia, myIncoming, myJunction, myResponse, and ZIPPER.

Referenced by NBNode::computeLogic2().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ computeRightOutgoingLinkCrossings()

void NBRequest::computeRightOutgoingLinkCrossings ( NBEdge from,
NBEdge to 

computes the relationships between links outgoing right of the given link *‍/

Definition at line 161 of file NBRequest.cpp.

References myAll, myJunction, NBContHelper::nextCCW(), and setBlocking().

Referenced by buildBitfieldLogic().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ distanceCounterClockwise()

int NBRequest::distanceCounterClockwise ( NBEdge from,
NBEdge to 

returns the distance between the incoming (from) and the outgoing (to) edge clockwise in edges

Definition at line 369 of file NBRequest.cpp.

References myAll.

◆ foes()

bool NBRequest::foes ( const NBEdge *const  from1,
const NBEdge *const  to1,
const NBEdge *const  from2,
const NBEdge *const  to2 
) const

Returns the information whether the given flows cross.

[in]from1The starting edge of the first stream
[in]to1The ending edge of the first stream
[in]from2The starting edge of the second stream
[in]to2The ending edge of the second stream
Whether both stream are foes (cross)

Definition at line 520 of file NBRequest.cpp.

References getIndex(), myForbids, myIncoming, and myOutgoing.

Referenced by bidiConflict(), computeCrossingResponse(), computeLaneResponse(), NBNode::foes(), getFoesString(), indirectLeftTurnConflict(), mergeConflict(), oppositeLeftTurnConflict(), and resetSignalised().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ forbids()

bool NBRequest::forbids ( const NBEdge *const  possProhibitorFrom,
const NBEdge *const  possProhibitorTo,
const NBEdge *const  possProhibitedFrom,
const NBEdge *const  possProhibitedTo,
bool  regardNonSignalisedLowerPriority 
) const

Returns the information whether "prohibited" flow must let "prohibitor" flow pass.

[in]possProhibitorFromThe maybe prohibiting connection's begin
[in]possProhibitorToThe maybe prohibiting connection's end
[in]possProhibitedFromThe maybe prohibited connection's begin
[in]possProhibitedToThe maybe prohibited connection's end
[in]regardNonSignalisedLowerPriorityWhether the right of way rules without traffic lights shall be regarded
Whether the first flow prohibits the second one

Definition at line 539 of file NBRequest.cpp.

References getIndex(), NBEdge::hasSignalisedConnectionTo(), myForbids, myIncoming, and myOutgoing.

Referenced by NBNode::forbids().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getFoes()

const std::string & NBRequest::getFoes ( int  linkIndex) const

Definition at line 383 of file NBRequest.cpp.

References myFoes.

Referenced by NBNode::getFoes().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getFoesString()

std::string NBRequest::getFoesString ( NBEdge from,
NBEdge to,
int  fromLane,
int  toLane,
const bool  checkLaneFoes 
) const

writes which participating links are foes to the given

Definition at line 715 of file NBRequest.cpp.

References bidiConflict(), checkLaneFoesByClass(), checkLaneFoesByCooperation(), foes(), OptionsCont::getBool(), NBEdge::getConnection(), NBNode::getCrossings(), OptionsCont::getOptions(), indirectLeftTurnConflict(), laneConflict(), mergeConflict(), myIncoming, myJunction, oppositeLeftTurnConflict(), rightTurnConflict(), and NBNode::turnFoes().

Referenced by computeLaneResponse().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getIndex()

int NBRequest::getIndex ( const NBEdge *const  from,
const NBEdge *const  to 
) const

Returns the index to the internal combination container for the given edge combination.

If one of the edges is not known, -1 is returned.

[in]fromThe starting edge (incoming to this logic)
[in]toThe destination edge (outgoing from this logic)
The index within the internal container

Definition at line 972 of file NBRequest.cpp.

References myIncoming, and myOutgoing.

Referenced by foes(), forbids(), getResponseString(), mustBrake(), NBRequest(), resetCooperating(), resetSignalised(), and setBlocking().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getResponse()

const std::string & NBRequest::getResponse ( int  linkIndex) const

Definition at line 391 of file NBRequest.cpp.

References myResponse.

Referenced by NBNode::getResponse(), and mustBrake().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getResponseString()

std::string NBRequest::getResponseString ( const NBEdge *const  from,
const NBEdge::Connection c,
const bool  checkLaneFoes 
) const

Writes the response of a certain link.

For the link (described by the connected edges and lanes), the response in dependence to all other links of this junction is computed. Herefor, the method goes through all links of this junction and writes a '0' if the link is not blocked by the currently investigated one, or '1' if it is.

In the case "mayDefinitelyPass" is true, the link will not be disturbed by any other (special case for on-ramps).

[in]tlIndexThe tl index of the connection for which the responses shall be written
[in]fromThe link's starting edge
[in]toThe link's destination edge
[in]fromLaneThe link's starting lane
[in]toLaneThe link's destination lane
[in]mayDefinitelyPassWhether this link is definitely not disturbed
the response string
IOErrornot yet implemented

Definition at line 617 of file NBRequest.cpp.

References bidiConflict(), checkLaneFoesByClass(), checkLaneFoesByCooperation(), DEBUGCOND, NBEdge::Connection::fromLane, OptionsCont::getBool(), NBEdge::getConnection(), NBNode::getCrossings(), NBEdge::Connection::getDescription(), getIndex(), OptionsCont::getOptions(), NBNode::getType(), indirectLeftTurnConflict(), laneConflict(), NBEdge::Connection::mayDefinitelyPass, mergeConflict(), mustBrakeForCrossing(), myForbids, myIncoming, myJunction, myOutgoing, oppositeLeftTurnConflict(), NBNode::rightOnRedConflict(), NBNode::rightTurnConflict(), rightTurnConflict(), NBEdge::Connection::tlLinkIndex, NBNode::tlsContConflict(), NBEdge::Connection::toEdge, NBEdge::Connection::toLane, and ZIPPER.

Referenced by computeLaneResponse().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getSizes()

std::pair< int, int > NBRequest::getSizes ( ) const

returns the number of the junction's lanes and the number of the junction's links in respect.

: only connected lanes are counted

Definition at line 502 of file NBRequest.cpp.

References myIncoming, and numLinks().

Referenced by NBNode::numNormalConnections().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ hasConflict()

bool NBRequest::hasConflict ( ) const

whether there are conflicting streams of traffic at this node

Definition at line 1148 of file NBRequest.cpp.

References hasConflictAtLink(), and myFoes.

Referenced by NBNode::hasConflict().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ hasConflictAtLink()

bool NBRequest::hasConflictAtLink ( int  linkIndex) const

whether there are conflicting streams of traffic for the given link index

Definition at line 1158 of file NBRequest.cpp.

References myFoes.

Referenced by NBNode::computeKeepClear(), hasConflict(), and NBNode::hasConflict().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ indirectLeftTurnConflict()

bool NBRequest::indirectLeftTurnConflict ( const NBEdge from,
const NBEdge::Connection con,
const NBEdge prohibitorFrom,
const NBEdge::Connection prohibitorCon,
bool  foes 
) const

whether straight and indirect left turn are in conflict

Definition at line 860 of file NBRequest.cpp.

References foes(), NBNode::getDirection(), NBEdge::Connection::indirectLeft, myJunction, STRAIGHT, and NBEdge::Connection::toEdge.

Referenced by getFoesString(), getResponseString(), and NBNode::needsCont().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ laneConflict()

bool NBRequest::laneConflict ( const NBEdge from,
const NBEdge to,
int  toLane,
const NBEdge prohibitorFrom,
const NBEdge prohibitorTo,
int  prohibitorToLane 
) const

return whether the given laneToLane connections prohibit each other under the assumption that the edge2edge connections are in conflict

Definition at line 951 of file NBRequest.cpp.

References NBEdge::getAngleAtNode(), NBEdge::getFromNode(), NBEdge::getToNode(), NBEdge::isTurningDirectionAt(), and NBHelpers::relAngle().

Referenced by getFoesString(), and getResponseString().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ mergeConflict()

bool NBRequest::mergeConflict ( const NBEdge from,
const NBEdge::Connection con,
const NBEdge prohibitorFrom,
const NBEdge::Connection prohibitorCon,
bool  foes 
) const

whether multple connections from the same edge target the same lane

Definition at line 777 of file NBRequest.cpp.

References foes(), NBEdge::Connection::fromLane, NBNode::getDirection(), NBEdge::getPermissions(), NBNode::isConstantWidthTransition(), NBEdge::Connection::mayDefinitelyPass, myIncoming, myJunction, myOutgoing, PARTRIGHT, RIGHT, SVC_BICYCLE, NBEdge::Connection::toEdge, and NBEdge::Connection::toLane.

Referenced by getFoesString(), getResponseString(), NBNode::mergeConflict(), NBNode::mergeConflictYields(), and mustBrake().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ mustBrake() [1/2]

bool NBRequest::mustBrake ( const NBEdge *const  from,
const NBEdge *const  to,
int  fromLane,
int  toLane,
bool  includePedCrossings 
) const

Returns the information whether the described flow must let any other flow pass.

[in]fromThe connection's start edge
[in]toThe connection's end edge
[in]fromLaneThe connection starting lane
[in]includePedCrossingsWhether braking due to a pedestrian crossing counts
Whether the described connection must brake (has higher priorised foes)

Definition at line 1003 of file NBRequest.cpp.

References NBEdge::getConnection(), NBNode::getConnectionIndex(), NBEdge::getConnections(), NBNode::getCrossings(), NBNode::getDirection(), getIndex(), getResponse(), NBNode::getType(), NBNode::isTLControlled(), mergeConflict(), mustBrakeForCrossing(), myDone, myForbids, myIncoming, myJunction, myOutgoing, myResponse, numLinks(), PARTRIGHT, RIGHT, rightTurnConflict(), and ZIPPER.

◆ mustBrake() [2/2]

bool NBRequest::mustBrake ( const NBEdge *const  possProhibitorFrom,
const NBEdge *const  possProhibitorTo,
const NBEdge *const  possProhibitedFrom,
const NBEdge *const  possProhibitedTo 
) const

Returns the information whether "prohibited" flow must let "prohibitor" flow pass.

[in]possProhibitorFromThe maybe prohibiting connection's begin
[in]possProhibitorToThe maybe prohibiting connection's end
[in]possProhibitedFromThe maybe prohibited connection's begin
[in]possProhibitedToThe maybe prohibited connection's end
Whether the first flow prohibits the second one

Definition at line 1098 of file NBRequest.cpp.

References getIndex(), and myForbids.

Referenced by NBNode::mustBrake().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ mustBrakeForCrossing()

bool NBRequest::mustBrakeForCrossing ( const NBNode node,
const NBEdge *const  from,
const NBEdge *const  to,
const NBNode::Crossing crossing 

Returns the information whether the described flow must brake for the given crossing.

[in]nodeThe parent node of this request
[in]fromThe connection's start edge
[in]toThe connection's end edge
[in]crossingThe pedestrian crossing to check
Whether the described connection must brake (has higher priorised foes)

Definition at line 1082 of file NBRequest.cpp.

References NBNode::Crossing::edges, NBNode::getDirection(), LEFT, NBNode::Crossing::priority, and RIGHT.

Referenced by computeCrossingResponse(), getResponseString(), mustBrake(), and NBNode::mustBrakeForCrossing().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ numLinks()

int NBRequest::numLinks ( ) const

return to total number of edge-to-edge connections of this request-logic

Definition at line 1163 of file NBRequest.cpp.

References NBNode::getCrossings(), myIncoming, myJunction, and myOutgoing.

Referenced by getSizes(), mustBrake(), NBRequest(), and writeLogic().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ operator=()

NBRequest& NBRequest::operator= ( const NBRequest s)

Invalidated assignment operator.

◆ oppositeLeftTurnConflict()

bool NBRequest::oppositeLeftTurnConflict ( const NBEdge from,
const NBEdge::Connection con,
const NBEdge prohibitorFrom,
const NBEdge::Connection prohibitorCon,
bool  foes 
) const

whether opposite left turns intersect

Definition at line 825 of file NBRequest.cpp.

References PositionVector::append(), NBEdge::firstIntersection(), foes(), NBEdge::Connection::fromLane, NBNode::getDirection(), OptionsCont::getFloat(), NBEdge::getID(), NBEdge::getLaneWidth(), OptionsCont::getOptions(), LEFT, PositionVector::length(), MIN2(), myJunction, PARTLEFT, NBEdge::Connection::shape, NBEdge::Connection::toEdge, NBEdge::Connection::toLane, and NBEdge::Connection::viaShape.

Referenced by getFoesString(), and getResponseString().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ reportWarnings()

void NBRequest::reportWarnings ( )

reports warnings if any occurred

Definition at line 1108 of file NBRequest.cpp.

References myGoodBuilds, myNotBuild, toString(), and WRITE_WARNING.

Referenced by NBNetBuilder::compute().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ resetCooperating()

void NBRequest::resetCooperating ( )

reset foes it the number of lanes matches (or exceeds) the number of incoming connections for an edge

Definition at line 1117 of file NBRequest.cpp.

References getIndex(), myForbids, and myIncoming.

Referenced by buildBitfieldLogic().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ resetSignalised()

void NBRequest::resetSignalised ( )

Definition at line 442 of file NBRequest.cpp.

References foes(), getIndex(), myForbids, and myIncoming.

Referenced by buildBitfieldLogic().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ rightTurnConflict()

bool NBRequest::rightTurnConflict ( const NBEdge from,
const NBEdge::Connection con,
const NBEdge prohibitorFrom,
const NBEdge::Connection prohibitorCon 
) const

whether the given connections crosses the foe connection from the same lane and must yield

Definition at line 764 of file NBRequest.cpp.

References NBEdge::Connection::fromLane, NBEdge::Connection::mayDefinitelyPass, NBNode::rightTurnConflict(), and NBEdge::Connection::toEdge.

Referenced by getFoesString(), getResponseString(), and mustBrake().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ setBlocking()

void NBRequest::setBlocking ( NBEdge from1,
NBEdge to1,
NBEdge from2,
NBEdge to2 

sets the information that the edge from1->to1 blocks the edge from2->to2 (is higher priorised than this)

Definition at line 197 of file NBRequest.cpp.

References ALLWAY_STOP, DEBUGCOND, NBNode::getDirection(), NBEdge::getID(), getIndex(), NBEdge::getJunctionPriority(), NBNode::getType(), NBNode::isBentPriority(), NBEdge::isConnectedTo(), NBEdge::isTurningDirectionAt(), LEFT_BEFORE_RIGHT, myAll, myDone, myForbids, myIncoming, myJunction, myOutgoing, NBContHelper::nextCW(), RIGHT_BEFORE_LEFT, STRAIGHT, and toString().

Referenced by computeLeftOutgoingLinkCrossings(), and computeRightOutgoingLinkCrossings().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ writeLogic()

void NBRequest::writeLogic ( OutputDevice into) const

Definition at line 399 of file NBRequest.cpp.

References OutputDevice::closeTag(), OptionsCont::getOptions(), myFoes, myHaveVia, myResponse, numLinks(), OutputDevice::openTag(), SUMO_ATTR_CONT, SUMO_ATTR_FOES, SUMO_ATTR_INDEX, SUMO_ATTR_RESPONSE, SUMO_TAG_REQUEST, OutputDevice::writeAttr(), and OutputDevice::writePadding().

Referenced by NBNode::writeLogic().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

Friends And Related Function Documentation

◆ operator<<

std::ostream& operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const NBRequest r 

prints the request

Definition at line 983 of file NBRequest.cpp.

Field Documentation

◆ myAll

const EdgeVector& NBRequest::myAll

all (icoming and outgoing) of the junctions edges

Definition at line 260 of file NBRequest.h.

Referenced by computeLeftOutgoingLinkCrossings(), computeRightOutgoingLinkCrossings(), distanceCounterClockwise(), and setBlocking().

◆ myDone

CombinationsCont NBRequest::myDone

the link X link is done-checks

Definition at line 278 of file NBRequest.h.

Referenced by mustBrake(), NBRequest(), and setBlocking().

◆ myFoes

std::vector<std::string> NBRequest::myFoes

precomputed right-of-way matrices for each lane-to-lane link

Definition at line 281 of file NBRequest.h.

Referenced by computeCrossingResponse(), computeLaneResponse(), computeLogic(), getFoes(), hasConflict(), hasConflictAtLink(), and writeLogic().

◆ myForbids

CombinationsCont NBRequest::myForbids

the link X link blockings

Definition at line 275 of file NBRequest.h.

Referenced by foes(), forbids(), getResponseString(), mustBrake(), NBRequest(), resetCooperating(), resetSignalised(), and setBlocking().

◆ myGoodBuilds

int NBRequest::myGoodBuilds = 0

Definition at line 286 of file NBRequest.h.

Referenced by NBRequest(), and reportWarnings().

◆ myHaveVia

std::vector<bool> NBRequest::myHaveVia

◆ myIncoming

◆ myJunction

◆ myNotBuild

int NBRequest::myNotBuild = 0

Definition at line 286 of file NBRequest.h.

Referenced by NBRequest(), and reportWarnings().

◆ myOutgoing

const EdgeVector& NBRequest::myOutgoing

edges outgoing from the junction

Definition at line 266 of file NBRequest.h.

Referenced by buildBitfieldLogic(), foes(), forbids(), getIndex(), getResponseString(), mergeConflict(), mustBrake(), NBRequest(), numLinks(), and setBlocking().

◆ myResponse

std::vector<std::string> NBRequest::myResponse

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