Eclipse SUMO - Simulation of Urban MObility
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /****************************************************************************/
2 // Eclipse SUMO, Simulation of Urban MObility; see
3 // Copyright (C) 2001-2024 German Aerospace Center (DLR) and others.
4 // This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
5 // terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at
6 //
7 // This Source Code may also be made available under the following Secondary
8 // Licenses when the conditions for such availability set forth in the Eclipse
9 // Public License 2.0 are satisfied: GNU General Public License, version 2
10 // or later which is available at
11 //
12 // SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 OR GPL-2.0-or-later
13 /****************************************************************************/
21 // Exporter writing networks using XML (native input) format
22 /****************************************************************************/
23 #include <config.h>
24 #include <algorithm>
26 #include <utils/common/ToString.h>
31 #include <netbuild/NBEdge.h>
32 #include <netbuild/NBEdgeCont.h>
33 #include <netbuild/NBNode.h>
34 #include <netbuild/NBNodeCont.h>
35 #include <netbuild/NBNetBuilder.h>
36 #include <netbuild/NBPTLineCont.h>
37 #include <netbuild/NBPTStop.h>
38 #include <netbuild/NBParking.h>
39 #include "NWFrame.h"
40 #include "NWWriter_SUMO.h"
41 #include "NWWriter_XML.h"
44 // ===========================================================================
45 // method definitions
46 // ===========================================================================
47 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
48 // static methods
49 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
50 void
51 NWWriter_XML::writeNetwork(const OptionsCont& oc, const std::string& prefix, NBNetBuilder& nb) {
52  // check whether plain-output files shall be generated
53  if (prefix != "") {
54  writeNodes(oc, prefix, nb.getNodeCont());
55  if (nb.getTypeCont().size() > 0) {
56  writeTypes(prefix, nb.getEdgeCont(), nb.getTypeCont());
57  }
58  writeEdgesAndConnections(oc, prefix, nb.getNodeCont(), nb.getEdgeCont());
59  writeTrafficLights(prefix, nb.getTLLogicCont(), nb.getEdgeCont());
60  }
61  if (oc.isSet("junctions.join-output")) {
62  writeJoinedJunctions(oc.getString("junctions.join-output"), nb.getNodeCont());
63  }
64  if (oc.isSet("street-sign-output")) {
65  writeStreetSigns(oc, nb.getEdgeCont());
66  }
67  if (oc.exists("ptstop-output") && oc.isSet("ptstop-output")) {
68  writePTStops(oc, nb.getPTStopCont());
69  }
70  if (oc.exists("ptline-output") && oc.isSet("ptline-output")) {
71  writePTLines(oc, nb.getPTLineCont());
72  }
74  if (oc.exists("parking-output") && oc.isSet("parking-output")) {
76  }
77  if (oc.exists("taz-output") && oc.isSet("taz-output")) {
79  }
80 }
83 void
84 NWWriter_XML::writeNodes(const OptionsCont& oc, const std::string& prefix, NBNodeCont& nc) {
86  bool useGeo = oc.exists("proj.plain-geo") && oc.getBool("proj.plain-geo");
87  if (useGeo && !gch.usingGeoProjection()) {
88  WRITE_WARNING(TL("Ignoring option \"proj.plain-geo\" because no geo-conversion has been defined"));
89  useGeo = false;
90  }
91  const bool geoAccuracy = useGeo || gch.usingInverseGeoProjection();
93  OutputDevice& device = OutputDevice::getDevice(prefix + ".nod.xml");
94  std::map<SumoXMLAttr, std::string> attrs;
96  device.writeXMLHeader("nodes", "nodes_file.xsd", attrs);
98  // write network offsets and projection to allow reconstruction of original coordinates
99  if (!useGeo) {
101  }
103  // write nodes
104  TrafficLightType tlsDefaultType = SUMOXMLDefinitions::TrafficLightTypes.get(oc.getString("tls.default-type"));
105  for (std::map<std::string, NBNode*>::const_iterator i = nc.begin(); i != nc.end(); ++i) {
106  NBNode* n = (*i).second;
107  device.openTag(SUMO_TAG_NODE);
108  device.writeAttr(SUMO_ATTR_ID, n->getID());
109  // write position
110  Position pos = n->getPosition();
111  if (useGeo) {
112  gch.cartesian2geo(pos);
113  }
114  if (geoAccuracy) {
115  device.setPrecision(gPrecisionGeo);
116  }
117  NWFrame::writePositionLong(pos, device);
118  if (geoAccuracy) {
119  device.setPrecision();
120  }
122  device.writeAttr(SUMO_ATTR_TYPE, toString(n->getType()));
123  if (n->isTLControlled()) {
124  // set may contain multiple programs for the same id.
125  // make sure ids are unique and sorted
126  std::set<std::string> tlsIDs;
127  std::set<std::string> controlledInnerEdges;
128  std::string tlType = "";
130  tlsIDs.insert(tl->getID());
131  std::vector<std::string> cie = tl->getControlledInnerEdges();
132  controlledInnerEdges.insert(cie.begin(), cie.end());
133  if (tl->getType() != tlsDefaultType) {
134  tlType = toString(tl->getType());
135  }
136  }
137  std::vector<std::string> sortedIDs(tlsIDs.begin(), tlsIDs.end());
138  sort(sortedIDs.begin(), sortedIDs.end());
139  device.writeAttr(SUMO_ATTR_TLID, sortedIDs);
140  if (tlType != "") {
141  device.writeAttr(SUMO_ATTR_TLTYPE, tlType);
142  }
143  if (controlledInnerEdges.size() > 0) {
144  std::vector<std::string> sortedCIEs(controlledInnerEdges.begin(), controlledInnerEdges.end());
145  sort(sortedCIEs.begin(), sortedCIEs.end());
146  device.writeAttr(SUMO_ATTR_CONTROLLED_INNER, joinToString(sortedCIEs, " "));
147  }
148  }
149  if (n->hasCustomShape()) {
150  writeShape(device, gch, n->getShape(), SUMO_ATTR_SHAPE, useGeo, geoAccuracy);
151  }
153  device.writeAttr(SUMO_ATTR_RADIUS, n->getRadius());
154  }
155  if (!n->getKeepClear()) {
156  device.writeAttr<bool>(SUMO_ATTR_KEEP_CLEAR, n->getKeepClear());
157  }
158  if (n->getRightOfWay() != RightOfWay::DEFAULT) {
159  device.writeAttr<std::string>(SUMO_ATTR_RIGHT_OF_WAY, toString(n->getRightOfWay()));
160  }
161  if (n->getFringeType() != FringeType::DEFAULT) {
162  device.writeAttr<std::string>(SUMO_ATTR_FRINGE, toString(n->getFringeType()));
163  }
164  if (n->getName() != "") {
165  device.writeAttr<std::string>(SUMO_ATTR_NAME, StringUtils::escapeXML(n->getName()));
166  }
167  n->writeParams(device);
168  device.closeTag();
169  }
170  device.close();
171 }
174 void
175 NWWriter_XML::writeTypes(const std::string& prefix, NBEdgeCont& ec, NBTypeCont& tc) {
176  OutputDevice& device = OutputDevice::getDevice(prefix + ".typ.xml");
177  std::map<SumoXMLAttr, std::string> attrs;
179  device.writeXMLHeader("types", "types_file.xsd", attrs);
180  std::set<std::string> usedTypes = ec.getUsedTypes();
181  tc.writeEdgeTypes(device, usedTypes);
182  device.close();
183 }
186 void
187 NWWriter_XML::writeEdgesAndConnections(const OptionsCont& oc, const std::string& prefix, NBNodeCont& nc, NBEdgeCont& ec) {
188  const GeoConvHelper& gch = GeoConvHelper::getFinal();
189  bool useGeo = oc.exists("proj.plain-geo") && oc.getBool("proj.plain-geo");
190  const bool geoAccuracy = useGeo || gch.usingInverseGeoProjection();
192  std::map<SumoXMLAttr, std::string> attrs;
194  OutputDevice& edevice = OutputDevice::getDevice(prefix + ".edg.xml");
195  edevice.writeXMLHeader("edges", "edges_file.xsd", attrs);
196  OutputDevice& cdevice = OutputDevice::getDevice(prefix + ".con.xml");
197  cdevice.writeXMLHeader("connections", "connections_file.xsd", attrs);
198  const bool writeNames = oc.getBool("output.street-names");
199  const bool writeLanes = oc.getBool("plain-output.lanes");
201  // write network offsets and projection to allow reconstruction of original coordinates at least for geo-referenced networks
202  if (!useGeo && gch.usingGeoProjection()) {
204  }
205  LaneSpreadFunction defaultSpread = SUMOXMLDefinitions::LaneSpreadFunctions.get(oc.getString("default.spreadtype"));
206  for (std::map<std::string, NBEdge*>::const_iterator i = ec.begin(); i != ec.end(); ++i) {
207  // write the edge itself to the edges-files
208  NBEdge* e = (*i).second;
209  edevice.openTag(SUMO_TAG_EDGE);
210  edevice.writeAttr(SUMO_ATTR_ID, e->getID());
211  edevice.writeAttr(SUMO_ATTR_FROM, e->getFromNode()->getID());
212  edevice.writeAttr(SUMO_ATTR_TO, e->getToNode()->getID());
213  if (writeNames && e->getStreetName() != "") {
215  }
217  // write the type if given
218  if (e->getTypeID() != "") {
219  edevice.writeAttr(SUMO_ATTR_TYPE, e->getTypeID());
220  }
222  if (!e->hasLaneSpecificSpeed()) {
223  edevice.writeAttr(SUMO_ATTR_SPEED, e->getSpeed());
224  }
225  if (!e->hasLaneSpecificFriction()) {
228  }
229  }
230  // write non-default geometry
231  if (!e->hasDefaultGeometry()) {
232  writeShape(edevice, gch, e->getGeometry(), SUMO_ATTR_SHAPE, useGeo, geoAccuracy);
233  }
234  // write the spread type if not default ("right")
235  if (e->getLaneSpreadFunction() != defaultSpread) {
237  }
238  // write the length if it was specified
239  if (e->hasLoadedLength()) {
241  }
242  // some attributes can be set by edge default or per lane. Write as default if possible (efficiency)
244  edevice.writeAttr(SUMO_ATTR_WIDTH, e->getLaneWidth());
245  }
248  }
249  if (!e->hasLaneSpecificPermissions()) {
250  writePermissions(edevice, e->getPermissions(0));
251  }
254  }
255  if (e->getDistance() != 0) {
257  }
258  if (e->getBidiEdge() != 0) {
259  edevice.writeAttr(SUMO_ATTR_BIDI, e->getBidiEdge()->getID());
260  }
261  if (e->needsLaneSpecificOutput() || writeLanes) {
262  int idx = 0;
263  for (const NBEdge::Lane& lane : e->getLanes()) {
264  edevice.openTag(SUMO_TAG_LANE);
265  edevice.writeAttr(SUMO_ATTR_INDEX, idx++);
266  // write allowed lanes
267  if (e->hasLaneSpecificPermissions() || writeLanes) {
268  writePermissions(edevice, lane.permissions);
269  }
270  writePreferences(edevice, lane.preferred);
271  // write other attributes
272  if (lane.width != NBEdge::UNSPECIFIED_WIDTH && (e->hasLaneSpecificWidth() || writeLanes)) {
273  edevice.writeAttr(SUMO_ATTR_WIDTH, lane.width);
274  }
275  if (lane.endOffset != NBEdge::UNSPECIFIED_OFFSET && (e->hasLaneSpecificEndOffset() || writeLanes)) {
276  edevice.writeAttr(SUMO_ATTR_ENDOFFSET, lane.endOffset);
277  }
278  if (e->hasLaneSpecificSpeed() || writeLanes) {
279  edevice.writeAttr(SUMO_ATTR_SPEED, lane.speed);
280  }
281  if (lane.accelRamp) {
282  edevice.writeAttr(SUMO_ATTR_ACCELERATION, lane.accelRamp);
283  }
284  if (lane.customShape.size() > 0 || writeLanes) {
285  writeShape(edevice, gch, lane.customShape.size() > 0 ? lane.customShape : lane.shape, SUMO_ATTR_SHAPE, useGeo, geoAccuracy);
286  }
287  if (lane.type != "") {
288  edevice.writeAttr(SUMO_ATTR_TYPE, lane.type);
289  }
290  if (lane.changeLeft != SVCAll && lane.changeLeft != SVC_UNSPECIFIED && lane.changeLeft != SVC_IGNORING) {
291  edevice.writeAttr(SUMO_ATTR_CHANGE_LEFT, getVehicleClassNames(lane.changeLeft));
292  }
293  if (lane.changeRight != SVCAll && lane.changeRight != SVC_UNSPECIFIED && lane.changeRight != SVC_IGNORING) {
294  edevice.writeAttr(SUMO_ATTR_CHANGE_RIGHT, getVehicleClassNames(lane.changeRight));
295  }
296  if (lane.oppositeID != "") {
297  edevice.openTag(SUMO_TAG_NEIGH);
298  edevice.writeAttr(SUMO_ATTR_LANE, lane.oppositeID);
299  edevice.closeTag();
300  }
301  lane.writeParams(edevice);
302  NWWriter_SUMO::writeStopOffsets(edevice, lane.laneStopOffset);
303  edevice.closeTag();
304  }
305  }
306  e->writeParams(edevice);
307  edevice.closeTag();
308  // write this edge's connections to the connections-files
309  const std::vector<NBEdge::Connection> connections = e->getConnections();
310  if (connections.empty()) {
311  // if there are no connections and this appears to be customized, preserve the information
312  const int numOutgoing = (int)e->getToNode()->getOutgoingEdges().size();
313  if (numOutgoing > 0) {
314  const SVCPermissions inPerm = e->getPermissions();
315  SVCPermissions outPerm = 0;
316  for (auto out : e->getToNode()->getOutgoingEdges()) {
317  outPerm |= out->getPermissions();
318  }
319  if ((inPerm & outPerm) != 0 && (inPerm & outPerm) != SVC_PEDESTRIAN) {
320  cdevice.openTag(SUMO_TAG_CONNECTION);
321  cdevice.writeAttr(SUMO_ATTR_FROM, e->getID());
322  cdevice.closeTag();
323  cdevice << "\n";
324  }
325  }
326  } else {
327  for (NBEdge::Connection c : connections) {
328  if (useGeo) {
329  for (Position& p : c.customShape) {
330  gch.cartesian2geo(p);
331  }
332  }
333  NWWriter_SUMO::writeConnection(cdevice, *e, c, false, NWWriter_SUMO::PLAIN, geoAccuracy);
334  }
335  cdevice << "\n";
336  }
337  }
338  // write roundabout information to the edges-files
339  if (ec.getRoundabouts().size() > 0) {
340  edevice.lf();
342  }
344  // write loaded prohibitions to the connections-file
345  for (std::map<std::string, NBNode*>::const_iterator i = nc.begin(); i != nc.end(); ++i) {
346  NWWriter_SUMO::writeProhibitions(cdevice, i->second->getProhibitions());
347  }
348  // write pedestrian crossings to the connections-file
349  for (std::map<std::string, NBNode*>::const_iterator it_node = nc.begin(); it_node != nc.end(); ++it_node) {
350  const std::vector<NBNode::Crossing*>& crossings = (*it_node).second->getCrossings();
351  for (auto c : crossings) {
352  cdevice.openTag(SUMO_TAG_CROSSING);
353  cdevice.writeAttr(SUMO_ATTR_NODE, (*it_node).second->getID());
354  cdevice.writeAttr(SUMO_ATTR_EDGES, c->edges);
355  cdevice.writeAttr(SUMO_ATTR_PRIORITY, c->priority);
356  if (c->customWidth != NBEdge::UNSPECIFIED_WIDTH) {
357  cdevice.writeAttr(SUMO_ATTR_WIDTH, c->customWidth);
358  }
359  if (c->customTLIndex != -1) {
360  cdevice.writeAttr(SUMO_ATTR_TLLINKINDEX, c->customTLIndex);
361  }
362  if (c->customTLIndex2 != -1) {
363  cdevice.writeAttr(SUMO_ATTR_TLLINKINDEX2, c->customTLIndex2);
364  }
365  if (c->customShape.size() != 0) {
366  writeShape(cdevice, gch, c->customShape, SUMO_ATTR_SHAPE, useGeo, geoAccuracy);
367  }
368  if (c->outlineShape.size() != 0) {
369  writeShape(cdevice, gch, c->outlineShape, SUMO_ATTR_OUTLINESHAPE, useGeo, geoAccuracy);
370  }
371  c->writeParams(cdevice);
372  cdevice.closeTag();
373  }
374  }
375  // write custom walkingarea shapes to the connections file
376  for (std::map<std::string, NBNode*>::const_iterator it_node = nc.begin(); it_node != nc.end(); ++it_node) {
377  for (const auto& wacs : it_node->second->getWalkingAreaCustomShapes()) {
378  cdevice.openTag(SUMO_TAG_WALKINGAREA);
379  cdevice.writeAttr(SUMO_ATTR_NODE, it_node->first);
380  cdevice.writeAttr(SUMO_ATTR_EDGES, joinNamedToString(wacs.edges, " "));
381  if (wacs.shape.size() != 0) {
382  writeShape(cdevice, gch, wacs.shape, SUMO_ATTR_SHAPE, useGeo, geoAccuracy);
383  }
384  if (wacs.width != NBEdge::UNSPECIFIED_WIDTH) {
385  cdevice.writeAttr(SUMO_ATTR_WIDTH, wacs.width);
386  }
387  cdevice.closeTag();
388  }
389  }
391  edevice.close();
392  cdevice.close();
393 }
396 void
398  std::map<SumoXMLAttr, std::string> attrs;
400  OutputDevice& device = OutputDevice::getDevice(prefix + ".tll.xml");
401  device.writeXMLHeader("tlLogics", "tllogic_file.xsd", attrs);
403  // we also need to remember the associations between tlLogics and connections
404  // since the information in con.xml is insufficient
405  for (std::map<std::string, NBEdge*>::const_iterator i = ec.begin(); i != ec.end(); ++i) {
406  NBEdge* e = (*i).second;
407  // write this edge's tl-controlled connections
408  const std::vector<NBEdge::Connection> connections = e->getConnections();
409  for (std::vector<NBEdge::Connection>::const_iterator c = connections.begin(); c != connections.end(); ++c) {
410  if (c->tlID != "") {
411  NWWriter_SUMO::writeConnection(device, *e, *c, false, NWWriter_SUMO::TLL);
412  }
413  }
414  }
415  device.close();
416 }
419 void
420 NWWriter_XML::writeJoinedJunctions(const std::string& filename, NBNodeCont& nc) {
421  std::map<SumoXMLAttr, std::string> attrs;
423  OutputDevice& device = OutputDevice::getDevice(filename);
424  device.writeXMLHeader("nodes", "nodes_file.xsd", attrs);
425  const std::vector<std::set<std::string> >& clusters = nc.getJoinedClusters();
426  for (std::vector<std::set<std::string> >::const_iterator it = clusters.begin(); it != clusters.end(); it++) {
427  assert((*it).size() > 0);
428  device.openTag(SUMO_TAG_JOIN);
429  // prepare string
430  std::ostringstream oss;
431  for (std::set<std::string>::const_iterator it_id = it->begin(); it_id != it->end(); it_id++) {
432  oss << *it_id << " ";
433  }
434  // remove final space
435  std::string ids = oss.str();
436  device.writeAttr(SUMO_ATTR_NODES, ids.substr(0, ids.size() - 1));
437  device.closeTag();
438  }
439  device.close();
440 }
443 void
445  OutputDevice& device = OutputDevice::getDevice(oc.getString("street-sign-output"));
446  device.writeXMLHeader("additional", "additional_file.xsd");
447  for (std::map<std::string, NBEdge*>::const_iterator i = ec.begin(); i != ec.end(); ++i) {
448  NBEdge* e = (*i).second;
449  const std::vector<NBSign>& signs = e->getSigns();
450  for (std::vector<NBSign>::const_iterator it = signs.begin(); it != signs.end(); ++it) {
451  it->writeAsPOI(device, e);
452  }
453  }
454  device.close();
455 }
458 void
460  OutputDevice& device = OutputDevice::getDevice(oc.getString("ptstop-output"));
461  device.writeXMLHeader("additional", "additional_file.xsd");
462  for (const auto& stopIt : sc.getStops()) {
463  stopIt.second->write(device);
464  }
465  device.close();
466 }
470  OutputDevice& device = OutputDevice::getDevice(oc.getString("ptline-output"));
471  device.writeXMLHeader("ptLines", "ptlines_file.xsd");
472  for (const auto& item : lc.getLines()) {
473  item.second->write(device);
474  }
475  device.close();
476 }
480  OutputDevice& device = OutputDevice::getDevice(oc.getString("parking-output"));
481  device.writeXMLHeader("additional", "additional_file.xsd");
482  for (NBParking& p : pc) {
483  p.write(device, ec);
484  }
485  device.close();
486 }
489 void
491  OutputDevice& device = OutputDevice::getDevice(oc.getString("taz-output"));
492  device.writeXMLHeader("additional", "additional_file.xsd");
493  for (std::map<std::string, NBDistrict*>::const_iterator i = dc.begin(); i != dc.end(); i++) {
494  NWWriter_SUMO::writeDistrict(device, *(*i).second);
495  }
496 }
499 void
500 NWWriter_XML::writeShape(OutputDevice& out, const GeoConvHelper& gch, PositionVector shape, SumoXMLAttr attr, bool useGeo, bool geoAccuracy) {
501  if (useGeo) {
502  for (int i = 0; i < (int) shape.size(); i++) {
503  gch.cartesian2geo(shape[i]);
504  }
505  }
506  if (geoAccuracy) {
508  }
509  out.writeAttr(attr, shape);
510  if (geoAccuracy) {
511  out.setPrecision();
512  }
513 }
516 /****************************************************************************/
#define WRITE_WARNING(msg)
Definition: MsgHandler.h:295
#define TL(string)
Definition: MsgHandler.h:315
const SVCPermissions SVCAll
all VClasses are allowed
const SVCPermissions SVC_UNSPECIFIED
permissions not specified
const std::string & getVehicleClassNames(SVCPermissions permissions, bool expand)
Returns the ids of the given classes, divided using a ' '.
void writePermissions(OutputDevice &into, SVCPermissions permissions)
writes allowed disallowed attributes if needed;
void writePreferences(OutputDevice &into, SVCPermissions preferred)
writes allowed disallowed attributes if needed;
long long int SVCPermissions
bitset where each bit declares whether a certain SVC may use this edge/lane
vehicles ignoring classes
Join operation.
connectioon between two lanes
walking area for pedestrians
crossing between edges for pedestrians
alternative definition for junction
begin/end of the description of a single lane
begin/end of the description of a neighboring lane
begin/end of the description of an edge
Numbers representing special SUMO-XML-attribute values Information how the edge's lateral offset shal...
Numbers representing SUMO-XML - attributes.
a list of node ids, used for controlling joining
link: the index of the opposite direction link of a pedestrian crossing
The turning radius at an intersection in m.
the edges of a route
Fringe type of node.
edge: the shape in xml-definition
node: the type of traffic light
The information about how to spread the lanes from the given position.
link,node: the traffic light id responsible for this link
How to compute right of way.
edge: the outline shape in xml-definition
link: the index of the link within the traffic light
Whether vehicles must keep the junction clear.
int gPrecisionGeo
Definition: StdDefs.cpp:27
const MMVersion NETWORK_VERSION(1, 20)
std::string joinNamedToString(const std::set< T *, C > &ns, const T_BETWEEN &between)
Definition: ToString.h:317
std::string joinToString(const std::vector< T > &v, const T_BETWEEN &between, std::streamsize accuracy=gPrecision)
Definition: ToString.h:283
std::string toString(const T &t, std::streamsize accuracy=gPrecision)
Definition: ToString.h:46
static methods for processing the coordinates conversion for the current net
Definition: GeoConvHelper.h:53
static void writeLocation(OutputDevice &into)
writes the location element
void cartesian2geo(Position &cartesian) const
Converts the given cartesian (shifted) position to its geo (lat/long) representation.
bool usingInverseGeoProjection() const
Returns the information whether an inverse transformation will happen.
static const GeoConvHelper & getFinal()
the coordinate transformation for writing the location element and for tracking the original coordina...
bool usingGeoProjection() const
Returns whether a transformation from geo to metric coordinates will be performed.
A container for districts.
std::map< std::string, NBDistrict * >::const_iterator begin() const
Returns the pointer to the begin of the stored districts.
std::map< std::string, NBDistrict * >::const_iterator end() const
Returns the pointer to the end of the stored districts.
Storage for edges, including some functionality operating on multiple edges.
Definition: NBEdgeCont.h:59
std::map< std::string, NBEdge * >::const_iterator begin() const
Returns the pointer to the begin of the stored edges.
Definition: NBEdgeCont.h:171
const std::set< EdgeSet > getRoundabouts() const
Returns the determined roundabouts.
std::map< std::string, NBEdge * >::const_iterator end() const
Returns the pointer to the end of the stored edges.
Definition: NBEdgeCont.h:178
std::set< std::string > getUsedTypes() const
return all edge types in used
The representation of a single edge during network building.
Definition: NBEdge.h:92
SVCPermissions getPermissions(int lane=-1) const
get the union of allowed classes over all lanes or for a specific lane
Definition: NBEdge.cpp:4368
double getLoadedLength() const
Returns the length was set explicitly or the computed length if it wasn't set.
Definition: NBEdge.h:598
bool hasLaneSpecificFriction() const
whether lanes differ in friction
Definition: NBEdge.cpp:2450
double getLaneWidth() const
Returns the default width of lanes of this edge.
Definition: NBEdge.h:638
static const double UNSPECIFIED_FRICTION
unspecified lane friction
Definition: NBEdge.h:351
const std::string & getStreetName() const
Returns the street name of this edge.
Definition: NBEdge.h:665
bool hasLaneSpecificSpeed() const
whether lanes differ in speed
Definition: NBEdge.cpp:2440
LaneSpreadFunction getLaneSpreadFunction() const
Returns how this edge's lanes' lateral offset is computed.
Definition: NBEdge.cpp:992
bool hasLoadedLength() const
Returns whether a length was set explicitly.
Definition: NBEdge.h:608
const std::vector< NBSign > & getSigns() const
get Signs
Definition: NBEdge.h:1451
bool hasLaneSpecificStopOffsets() const
whether lanes differ in stopOffsets
Definition: NBEdge.cpp:2493
const std::string & getID() const
Definition: NBEdge.h:1524
const std::vector< NBEdge::Lane > & getLanes() const
Returns the lane definitions.
Definition: NBEdge.h:726
NBNode * getToNode() const
Returns the destination node of the edge.
Definition: NBEdge.h:542
double getSpeed() const
Returns the speed allowed on this edge.
Definition: NBEdge.h:615
double getDistance() const
get distance
Definition: NBEdge.h:675
const StopOffset & getEdgeStopOffset() const
Returns the stopOffset to the end of the edge.
Definition: NBEdge.cpp:4221
bool hasLaneSpecificPermissions() const
whether lanes differ in allowed vehicle classes
Definition: NBEdge.cpp:2426
bool needsLaneSpecificOutput() const
whether at least one lane has values differing from the edges values
Definition: NBEdge.cpp:2548
int getNumLanes() const
Returns the number of lanes.
Definition: NBEdge.h:516
const PositionVector & getGeometry() const
Returns the geometry of the edge.
Definition: NBEdge.h:779
bool hasLaneSpecificWidth() const
whether lanes differ in width
Definition: NBEdge.cpp:2460
double getFriction() const
Returns the friction on this edge.
Definition: NBEdge.h:622
const NBEdge * getBidiEdge() const
Definition: NBEdge.h:1510
bool hasLaneSpecificEndOffset() const
whether lanes differ in offset
Definition: NBEdge.cpp:2482
bool hasDefaultGeometry() const
Returns whether the geometry consists only of the node positions.
Definition: NBEdge.cpp:590
int getPriority() const
Returns the priority of the edge.
Definition: NBEdge.h:523
static const double UNSPECIFIED_WIDTH
unspecified lane width
Definition: NBEdge.h:342
const std::vector< Connection > & getConnections() const
Returns the connections.
Definition: NBEdge.h:1037
const std::string & getTypeID() const
get ID of type
Definition: NBEdge.h:1177
double getEndOffset() const
Returns the offset to the destination node.
Definition: NBEdge.h:685
static const double UNSPECIFIED_OFFSET
unspecified lane offset
Definition: NBEdge.h:345
NBNode * getFromNode() const
Returns the origin node of the edge.
Definition: NBEdge.h:535
Instance responsible for building networks.
Definition: NBNetBuilder.h:107
NBDistrictCont & getDistrictCont()
Returns a reference the districts container.
Definition: NBNetBuilder.h:159
NBTypeCont & getTypeCont()
Returns a reference to the type container.
Definition: NBNetBuilder.h:149
NBParkingCont & getParkingCont()
Definition: NBNetBuilder.h:173
NBPTLineCont & getPTLineCont()
Returns a reference to the pt line container.
Definition: NBNetBuilder.h:169
NBEdgeCont & getEdgeCont()
Definition: NBNetBuilder.h:139
NBPTStopCont & getPTStopCont()
Returns a reference to the pt stop container.
Definition: NBNetBuilder.h:164
NBNodeCont & getNodeCont()
Returns a reference to the node container.
Definition: NBNetBuilder.h:144
NBTrafficLightLogicCont & getTLLogicCont()
Returns a reference to the traffic light logics container.
Definition: NBNetBuilder.h:154
Container for nodes during the netbuilding process.
Definition: NBNodeCont.h:57
std::map< std::string, NBNode * >::const_iterator begin() const
Returns the pointer to the begin of the stored nodes.
Definition: NBNodeCont.h:113
std::map< std::string, NBNode * >::const_iterator end() const
Returns the pointer to the end of the stored nodes.
Definition: NBNodeCont.h:118
const std::vector< std::set< std::string > > & getJoinedClusters() const
gets all joined clusters (see doc for myClusters2Join)
Definition: NBNodeCont.h:350
Represents a single node (junction) during network building.
Definition: NBNode.h:66
RightOfWay getRightOfWay() const
Returns hint on how to compute right of way.
Definition: NBNode.h:300
static const double UNSPECIFIED_RADIUS
unspecified lane width
Definition: NBNode.h:220
FringeType getFringeType() const
Returns fringe type.
Definition: NBNode.h:305
SumoXMLNodeType getType() const
Returns the type of this node.
Definition: NBNode.h:285
const std::string & getName() const
Returns intersection name.
Definition: NBNode.h:310
const EdgeVector & getOutgoingEdges() const
Returns this node's outgoing edges (The edges which start at this node)
Definition: NBNode.h:273
bool hasCustomShape() const
return whether the shape was set by the user
Definition: NBNode.h:584
const std::set< NBTrafficLightDefinition * > & getControllingTLS() const
Returns the traffic lights that were assigned to this node (The set of tls that control this node)
Definition: NBNode.h:336
const PositionVector & getShape() const
retrieve the junction shape
Definition: NBNode.cpp:2614
const Position & getPosition() const
Definition: NBNode.h:260
double getRadius() const
Returns the turning radius of this node.
Definition: NBNode.h:290
bool isTLControlled() const
Returns whether this node is controlled by any tls.
Definition: NBNode.h:331
bool getKeepClear() const
Returns the keepClear flag.
Definition: NBNode.h:295
const std::map< std::string, NBPTLine * > & getLines() const
Definition: NBPTLineCont.h:43
Container for public transport stops during the net building process.
Definition: NBPTStopCont.h:44
const std::map< std::string, std::shared_ptr< NBPTStop > > & getStops() const
Returns an unmodifiable reference to the stored pt stops.
Definition: NBPTStopCont.h:62
The representation of an imported parking area.
Definition: NBParking.h:42
The base class for traffic light logic definitions.
A container for traffic light definitions and built programs.
A storage for available edgeTypes of edges.
Definition: NBTypeCont.h:52
int size() const
Returns the number of known edgeTypes.
Definition: NBTypeCont.cpp:255
void writeEdgeTypes(OutputDevice &into, const std::set< std::string > &typeIDs=std::set< std::string >()) const
writes all EdgeTypes (and their lanes) as XML
Definition: NBTypeCont.cpp:377
static void writePositionLong(const Position &pos, OutputDevice &dev)
Writes the given position to device in long format (one attribute per dimension)
Definition: NWFrame.cpp:201
static void writeConnection(OutputDevice &into, const NBEdge &from, const NBEdge::Connection &c, bool includeInternal, ConnectionStyle style=SUMONET, bool geoAccuracy=false)
Writes connections outgoing from the given edge (also used in NWWriter_XML)
static void writeProhibitions(OutputDevice &into, const NBConnectionProhibits &prohibitions)
writes the given prohibitions
static void writeDistrict(OutputDevice &into, const NBDistrict &d)
Writes a district.
static void writeRoundabouts(OutputDevice &into, const std::set< EdgeSet > &roundabouts, const NBEdgeCont &ec)
Writes roundabouts.
static void writeStopOffsets(OutputDevice &into, const StopOffset &stopOffset)
Write a stopOffset element into output device.
static void writeTrafficLights(OutputDevice &into, const NBTrafficLightLogicCont &tllCont)
writes the traffic light logics to the given device
static void writeStreetSigns(const OptionsCont &oc, NBEdgeCont &ec)
Writes street signs as POIs to file.
static void writeTrafficLights(const std::string &prefix, NBTrafficLightLogicCont &tc, NBEdgeCont &ec)
Writes the traffic lights file.
static void writeTypes(const std::string &prefix, NBEdgeCont &ec, NBTypeCont &tc)
Writes the types file.
static void writeParkingAreas(const OptionsCont &cont, NBParkingCont &pc, NBEdgeCont &ec)
writes imported parking areas to file
static void writeJoinedJunctions(const std::string &filename, NBNodeCont &nc)
Writes the joined-juncionts to file.
static void writeNetwork(const OptionsCont &oc, const std::string &prefix, NBNetBuilder &nb)
Writes the network into XML-files (nodes, edges, connections, traffic lights)
static void writePTLines(const OptionsCont &cont, NBPTLineCont &lc)
static void writeEdgesAndConnections(const OptionsCont &oc, const std::string &prefix, NBNodeCont &nc, NBEdgeCont &ec)
Writes the edges and connections files.
static void writePTStops(const OptionsCont &oc, NBPTStopCont &ec)
Writes the pt stops file.
static void writeShape(OutputDevice &out, const GeoConvHelper &gch, PositionVector shape, SumoXMLAttr attr, bool useGeo, bool geoAccuracy)
static void writeDistricts(const OptionsCont &oc, NBDistrictCont &dc)
writes imported districts (TAZ) to file
static void writeNodes(const OptionsCont &oc, const std::string &prefix, NBNodeCont &nc)
Writes the nodes file.
const std::string & getID() const
Returns the id.
Definition: Named.h:74
A storage for options typed value containers)
Definition: OptionsCont.h:89
bool isSet(const std::string &name, bool failOnNonExistant=true) const
Returns the information whether the named option is set.
std::string getString(const std::string &name) const
Returns the string-value of the named option (only for Option_String)
bool exists(const std::string &name) const
Returns the information whether the named option is known.
bool getBool(const std::string &name) const
Returns the boolean-value of the named option (only for Option_Bool)
Static storage of an output device and its base (abstract) implementation.
Definition: OutputDevice.h:61
void lf()
writes a line feed if applicable
Definition: OutputDevice.h:242
void close()
Closes the device and removes it from the dictionary.
OutputDevice & openTag(const std::string &xmlElement)
Opens an XML tag.
OutputDevice & writeAttr(const SumoXMLAttr attr, const T &val)
writes a named attribute
Definition: OutputDevice.h:254
bool closeTag(const std::string &comment="")
Closes the most recently opened tag and optionally adds a comment.
void setPrecision(int precision=gPrecision)
Sets the precision or resets it to default.
static OutputDevice & getDevice(const std::string &name, bool usePrefix=true)
Returns the described OutputDevice.
bool writeXMLHeader(const std::string &rootElement, const std::string &schemaFile, std::map< SumoXMLAttr, std::string > attrs=std::map< SumoXMLAttr, std::string >(), bool includeConfig=true)
Writes an XML header with optional configuration.
void writeParams(OutputDevice &device) const
write Params in the given outputdevice
A point in 2D or 3D with translation and scaling methods.
Definition: Position.h:37
A list of positions.
static StringBijection< LaneSpreadFunction > LaneSpreadFunctions
lane spread functions
static StringBijection< TrafficLightType > TrafficLightTypes
traffic light types
bool isDefined() const
check if stopOffset was defined
T get(const std::string &str) const
static std::string escapeXML(const std::string &orig, const bool maskDoubleHyphen=false)
Replaces the standard escapes by their XML entities.
A structure which describes a connection between edges or lanes.
Definition: NBEdge.h:201
An (internal) definition of a single lane of an edge.
Definition: NBEdge.h:143