Eclipse SUMO - Simulation of Urban MObility
MSLCM_DK2008 Class Reference

A lane change model developed by D. Krajzewicz between 2004 and 2010. More...

#include <MSLCM_DK2008.h>

Inheritance diagram for MSLCM_DK2008:
Collaboration diagram for MSLCM_DK2008:

Public Member Functions

bool alreadyChanged () const
 reset the flag whether a vehicle already moved to false More...
double calcAngleOffset ()
 return the angle offset during a continuous change maneuver More...
virtual void changed ()
void changedToOpposite ()
 called when a vehicle changes between lanes in opposite directions More...
virtual int checkChangeBeforeCommitting (const MSVehicle *veh, int state) const
 Informs the vehicle that it is about to be moved on an adjacent lane. The method can be used to re-evaluate the state of the vehicle and potentially abort the lane change. By default, if the method is not overridden by the lane change model implementation, nothing is altered and the vehicle will perform the lane change. More...
void checkTraCICommands ()
 Check for commands issued for the vehicle via TraCI and apply the appropriate state changes For the sublane case, this includes setting a new maneuver distance if appropriate. More...
void cleanupShadowLane ()
void cleanupTargetLane ()
void clearGapsAtLCInit ()
void clearNeighbors ()
 Clear info on neighboring vehicle from previous step. More...
virtual double computeSpeedLat (double latDist, double &maneuverDist, bool urgent) const
 decides the next lateral speed depending on the remaining lane change distance to be covered and updates maneuverDist according to lateral safety constraints. More...
virtual bool debugVehicle () const
 whether the current vehicles shall be debugged More...
virtual StateAndDist decideDirection (StateAndDist sd1, StateAndDist sd2) const
 decide in which direction to move in case both directions are desirable More...
MSLanedetermineTargetLane (int &targetDir) const
void endLaneChangeManeuver (const MSMoveReminder::Notification reason=MSMoveReminder::NOTIFICATION_LANE_CHANGE)
virtual double estimateLCDuration (const double speed, const double remainingManeuverDist, const double decel, bool urgent) const
 Calculates the maximal time needed to complete a lane change maneuver if lcMaxSpeedLatFactor and lcMaxSpeedStanding are set and the vehicle breaks not harder than decel. LC when the vehicle starts breaking now. If lcMaxSpeedStanding==0 the completion may be impossible,. More...
double getAccelerationLat () const
 return the lateral speed of the current lane change maneuver More...
double getAngleOffset () const
 return the angle offset resulting from lane change and sigma More...
virtual double getAssumedDecelForLaneChangeDuration () const
 Returns a deceleration value which is used for the estimation of the duration of a lane change. More...
int & getCanceledState (const int dir)
double getCommittedSpeed () const
virtual LatAlignmentDefinition getDesiredAlignment () const
virtual double getExtraReservation (int) const
 reserve extra space for unseen blockers when more tnan one lane change is required More...
const std::shared_ptr< MSLeaderDistanceInfogetFollowers (const int dir)
 Returns the neighboring, lc-relevant followers for the last step in the requested direction. More...
double getForwardPos () const
 get vehicle position relative to the forward direction lane More...
const std::vector< MSLane * > & getFurtherTargetLanes () const
double getLaneChangeCompletion () const
 Get the current lane change completion ratio. More...
int getLaneChangeDirection () const
 return the direction of the current lane change maneuver More...
SUMOTime getLastLaneChangeOffset () const
const std::shared_ptr< MSLeaderDistanceInfogetLeaders (const int dir)
 Returns the neighboring, lc-relevant leaders for the last step in the requested direction. More...
double getManeuverDist () const
 Returns the remaining unblocked distance for the current maneuver. (only used by sublane model) More...
LaneChangeModel getModelID () const
 Returns the model's id. More...
int getNormalizedLaneIndex ()
 brief return lane index that treats opposite lanes like normal lanes to the left of the forward lanes More...
virtual double getOppositeSafetyFactor () const
 return factor for modifying the safety constraints for opposite-diretction overtaking of the car-following model More...
int getOwnState () const
virtual std::string getParameter (const std::string &key) const
 try to retrieve the given parameter from this laneChangeModel. Throw exception for unsupported key More...
double getPreviousManeuverDist () const
int getPrevState () const
virtual double getSafetyFactor () const
 return factor for modifying the safety constraints of the car-following model More...
const std::pair< int, int > & getSavedState (const int dir) const
int getShadowDirection () const
 return the direction in which the current shadow lane lies More...
const std::vector< MSLane * > & getShadowFurtherLanes () const
const std::vector< double > & getShadowFurtherLanesPosLat () const
MSLanegetShadowLane () const
 Returns the lane the vehicle's shadow is on during continuous/sublane lane change. More...
MSLanegetShadowLane (const MSLane *lane) const
 return the shadow lane for the given lane More...
MSLanegetShadowLane (const MSLane *lane, double posLat) const
 return the shadow lane for the given lane and lateral offset More...
double getSpeedLat () const
 return the lateral speed of the current lane change maneuver More...
MSLanegetTargetLane () const
 Returns the lane the vehicle has committed to enter during a sublane lane change. More...
bool hasBlueLight () const
virtual void * inform (void *info, MSVehicle *sender)
bool isChangingLanes () const
 return true if the vehicle currently performs a lane change maneuver More...
bool isOpposite () const
bool isStrategicBlocked () const
void laneChangeOutput (const std::string &tag, MSLane *source, MSLane *target, int direction, double maneuverDist=0)
 called once the vehicle ends a lane change manoeuvre (non-instant) More...
virtual void loadState (const SUMOSAXAttributes &attrs)
 Loads the state of the laneChangeModel from the given attributes. More...
void memorizeGapsAtLCInit ()
 Control for resetting the memorized values for LC relevant gaps until the LC output is triggered in the case of continuous LC. More...
 MSLCM_DK2008 (MSVehicle &v)
bool pastMidpoint () const
 return whether the vehicle passed the midpoint of a continuous lane change maneuver More...
virtual double patchSpeed (const double min, const double wanted, const double max, const MSCFModel &cfModel)
 Called to adapt the speed in order to allow a lane change. More...
virtual void prepareStep ()
void primaryLaneChanged (MSLane *source, MSLane *target, int direction)
 called once when the vehicles primary lane changes More...
SUMOTime remainingTime () const
 Compute the remaining time until LC completion. More...
void removeShadowApproachingInformation () const
void resetChanged ()
 reset the flag whether a vehicle already moved to false More...
virtual void resetSpeedLat ()
virtual void resetState ()
virtual bool saveBlockerLength (double, double)
 reserve space at the end of the lane to avoid dead locks More...
void saveLCState (const int dir, int stateWithoutTraCI, const int state)
void saveNeighbors (const int dir, const MSLeaderDistanceInfo &followers, const MSLeaderDistanceInfo &leaders)
 Saves the lane change relevant vehicles, which are currently on neighboring lanes in the given direction (as detected in wantsChangeSublane()). -> SL2015 case. More...
void saveNeighbors (const int dir, const std::pair< MSVehicle *const, double > &follower, const std::pair< MSVehicle *const, double > &leader)
 Saves the lane change relevant vehicles, which are currently on neighboring lanes in the given direction (as detected in wantsChange()). -> LC2013 case. More...
virtual void saveState (OutputDevice &out) const
 Save the state of the laneChangeModel. More...
void setAngleOffset (const double angleOffset)
 set the angle offset resulting from lane change and sigma More...
void setFollowerGaps (CLeaderDist follower, double secGap)
void setFollowerGaps (const MSLeaderDistanceInfo &vehicles)
void setLeaderGaps (CLeaderDist, double secGap)
void setLeaderGaps (const MSLeaderDistanceInfo &vehicles)
void setManeuverDist (const double dist)
 Updates the remaining distance for the current maneuver while it is continued within non-action steps (only used by sublane model) More...
void setNoShadowPartialOccupator (MSLane *lane)
void setOrigLeaderGaps (CLeaderDist, double secGap)
void setOrigLeaderGaps (const MSLeaderDistanceInfo &vehicles)
virtual void setOwnState (const int state)
virtual void setParameter (const std::string &key, const std::string &value)
 try to set the given parameter for this laneChangeModel. Throw exception for unsupported key More...
void setPreviousAngleOffset (const double angleOffset)
 set the angle offset of the previous time step More...
void setShadowApproachingInformation (MSLink *link) const
 set approach information for the shadow vehicle More...
void setShadowPartialOccupator (MSLane *lane)
void setSpeedLat (double speedLat)
 set the lateral speed and update lateral acceleraton More...
bool startLaneChangeManeuver (MSLane *source, MSLane *target, int direction)
 start the lane change maneuver and return whether it continues More...
virtual bool sublaneChangeCompleted (const double latDist) const
 whether the current change completes the manoeuvre More...
void unchanged ()
bool updateCompletion ()
virtual void updateExpectedSublaneSpeeds (const MSLeaderDistanceInfo &ahead, int sublaneOffset, int laneIndex)
 update expected speeds for each sublane of the current edge More...
virtual void updateSafeLatDist (const double travelledLatDist)
 Updates the value of safe lateral distances (in SL2015) during maneuver continuation in non-action steps. More...
void updateShadowLane ()
MSLaneupdateTargetLane ()
int wantsChange (int laneOffset, MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::MSLCMessager &msgPass, int blocked, const std::pair< MSVehicle *, double > &leader, const std::pair< MSVehicle *, double > &follower, const std::pair< MSVehicle *, double > &neighLead, const std::pair< MSVehicle *, double > &neighFollow, const MSLane &neighLane, const std::vector< MSVehicle::LaneQ > &preb, MSVehicle **lastBlocked, MSVehicle **firstBlocked)
 Called to examine whether the vehicle wants to change using the given laneOffset. This method gets the information about the surrounding vehicles and whether another lane may be more preferable. More...
virtual int wantsChangeSublane (int laneOffset, LaneChangeAction alternatives, const MSLeaderDistanceInfo &leaders, const MSLeaderDistanceInfo &followers, const MSLeaderDistanceInfo &blockers, const MSLeaderDistanceInfo &neighLeaders, const MSLeaderDistanceInfo &neighFollowers, const MSLeaderDistanceInfo &neighBlockers, const MSLane &neighLane, const std::vector< MSVehicle::LaneQ > &preb, MSVehicle **lastBlocked, MSVehicle **firstBlocked, double &latDist, double &targetDistLat, int &blocked)
virtual ~MSLCM_DK2008 ()

Static Public Member Functions

static MSAbstractLaneChangeModelbuild (LaneChangeModel lcm, MSVehicle &vehicle)
 Factory method for instantiating new lane changing models. More...
static bool haveLCOutput ()
 whether lanechange-output is active More...
static void initGlobalOptions (const OptionsCont &oc)
 init global model parameters More...
static bool outputLCEnded ()
 whether start of maneuvers shall be recorede More...
static bool outputLCStarted ()
 whether start of maneuvers shall be recorede More...

Static Public Attributes

static const double NO_NEIGHBOR

Protected Types

typedef std::pair< double, int > Info

Protected Member Functions

void addLCSpeedAdvice (const double vSafe, bool ownAdvice=true)
 Takes a vSafe (speed advice for speed in the next simulation step), converts it into an acceleration and stores it into myLCAccelerationAdvices. More...
bool amBlockingFollower ()
bool amBlockingFollowerNB ()
bool amBlockingFollowerPlusNB ()
bool amBlockingLeader ()
virtual bool avoidOvertakeRight () const
bool cancelRequest (int state, int laneOffset)
 whether the influencer cancels the given request More...
virtual bool congested (const MSVehicle *const neighLeader)
bool currentDistAllows (double dist, int laneOffset, double lookForwardDist)
bool currentDistDisallows (double dist, int laneOffset, double lookForwardDist)
const MSCFModelgetCarFollowModel () const
 The vehicle's car following model. More...
double getMaxSpeedLat2 () const
 return the max of maxSpeedLat and lcMaxSpeedLatStanding More...
void informBlocker (MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::MSLCMessager &msgPass, int &blocked, int dir, const std::pair< MSVehicle *, double > &neighLead, const std::pair< MSVehicle *, double > &neighFollow)
void initLastLaneChangeOffset (int dir)
virtual bool predInteraction (const std::pair< MSVehicle *, double > &leader)
virtual int wantsChangeToLeft (MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::MSLCMessager &msgPass, int blocked, const std::pair< MSVehicle *, double > &leader, const std::pair< MSVehicle *, double > &neighLead, const std::pair< MSVehicle *, double > &neighFollow, const MSLane &neighLane, const std::vector< MSVehicle::LaneQ > &preb, MSVehicle **lastBlocked, MSVehicle **firstBlocked)
 Called to examine whether the vehicle wants to change to left This method gets the information about the surrounding vehicles and whether another lane may be more preferable. More...
virtual int wantsChangeToRight (MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::MSLCMessager &msgPass, int blocked, const std::pair< MSVehicle *, double > &leader, const std::pair< MSVehicle *, double > &neighLead, const std::pair< MSVehicle *, double > &neighFollow, const MSLane &neighLane, const std::vector< MSVehicle::LaneQ > &preb, MSVehicle **lastBlocked, MSVehicle **firstBlocked)
 Called to examine whether the vehicle wants to change to right This method gets the information about the surrounding vehicles and whether another lane may be more preferable. More...

Protected Attributes

double myAccelerationLat
 the current lateral acceleration More...
bool myAlreadyChanged
 whether the vehicle has already moved this step More...
double myAngleOffset
 the current angle offset resulting from lane change and sigma More...
int myCanceledStateCenter
int myCanceledStateLeft
int myCanceledStateRight
double myChangeProbability
double myCommittedSpeed
 the speed when committing to a change maneuver More...
bool myDontBrake
bool myDontResetLCGaps
 Flag to prevent resetting the memorized values for LC relevant gaps until the LC output is triggered in the case of continuous LC. More...
std::vector< MSLane * > myFurtherTargetLanes
bool myHaveBlueLight
 whether this vehicle is driving with special permissions and behavior More...
double myLaneChangeCompletion
 progress of the lane change maneuver 0:started, 1:complete More...
int myLaneChangeDirection
 direction of the lane change maneuver -1 means right, 1 means left More...
double myLastFollowerGap
double myLastFollowerSecureGap
double myLastFollowerSpeed
double myLastLateralGapLeft
 the minimum lateral gaps to other vehicles that were found when last changing to the left and right More...
double myLastLateralGapRight
double myLastLeaderGap
 the actual minimum longitudinal distances to vehicles on the target lane More...
double myLastLeaderSecureGap
 the minimum longitudinal distances to vehicles on the target lane that would be necessary for stringent security More...
double myLastLeaderSpeed
 speeds of surrounding vehicles at the time of lane change More...
double myLastOrigLeaderGap
 acutal and secure distance to closest leader vehicle on the original when performing lane change More...
double myLastOrigLeaderSecureGap
double myLastOrigLeaderSpeed
std::vector< std::pair< double, bool > > myLCAccelerationAdvices
double myLeadingBlockerLength
double myLeftSpace
double myMaxDistLatStanding
double myMaxSpeedLatFactor
double myMaxSpeedLatStanding
const LaneChangeModel myModel
 the type of this model More...
std::vector< MSLane * > myNoPartiallyOccupatedByShadow
double myOvertakeRightParam
int myOwnState
 The current state of the vehicle. More...
std::vector< MSLane * > myPartiallyOccupatedByShadow
 list of lanes where the shadow vehicle is partial occupator More...
double myPreviousAngleOffset
 the angle offset of the previous time step resulting from lane change and sigma More...
int myPreviousState
 lane changing state from the previous simulation step More...
int myPreviousState2
 lane changing state from step before the previous simulation step More...
std::pair< int, int > mySavedStateCenter
std::pair< int, int > mySavedStateLeft
std::pair< int, int > mySavedStateRight
std::vector< MSLane * > myShadowFurtherLanes
std::vector< double > myShadowFurtherLanesPosLat
 A lane that is partially occupied by the front of the vehicle but that is not the primary lane. More...
double mySigma
double mySpeedLat
 the current lateral speed More...
 The target lane for the vehicle's current maneuver. More...
 The vehicle this lane-changer belongs to. More...
std::vector< double > myVSafes
std::shared_ptr< MSLeaderDistanceInfomyLeftFollowers
 Cached info on lc-relevant neighboring vehicles. More...
std::shared_ptr< MSLeaderDistanceInfomyLeftLeaders
std::shared_ptr< MSLeaderDistanceInfomyRightFollowers
std::shared_ptr< MSLeaderDistanceInfomyRightLeaders

Static Protected Attributes

static bool myAllowOvertakingRight
 whether overtaking on the right is permitted More...
static bool myLCEndedOutput
static bool myLCOutput
 whether to record lane-changing More...
static bool myLCStartedOutput
static bool myLCXYOutput

Private Attributes

bool myAmOpposite
 whether the vehicle is driving in the opposite direction More...
std::vector< MSLink * > myApproachedByShadow
 links which are approached by the shadow vehicle More...
SUMOTime myLastLaneChangeOffset
double myManeuverDist
 The complete lateral distance the vehicle wants to travel to finish its maneuver Only used by sublane model, currently. More...
double myPreviousManeuverDist
 Maneuver distance from the previous simulation step. More...

Detailed Description

A lane change model developed by D. Krajzewicz between 2004 and 2010.

Definition at line 37 of file MSLCM_DK2008.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ Info

typedef std::pair<double, int> MSLCM_DK2008::Info

Definition at line 134 of file MSLCM_DK2008.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ MSLCM_DK2008()

MSLCM_DK2008::MSLCM_DK2008 ( MSVehicle v)

Definition at line 52 of file MSLCM_DK2008.cpp.

References DK2008.

◆ ~MSLCM_DK2008()

MSLCM_DK2008::~MSLCM_DK2008 ( )

Definition at line 57 of file MSLCM_DK2008.cpp.

References changed().

Member Function Documentation

◆ addLCSpeedAdvice()

void MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::addLCSpeedAdvice ( const double  vSafe,
bool  ownAdvice = true 

Takes a vSafe (speed advice for speed in the next simulation step), converts it into an acceleration and stores it into myLCAccelerationAdvices.

This construction was introduced to deal with action step lengths, where operation on the speed in the next sim step had to be replaced by acceleration throughout the next action step.

Definition at line 1101 of file MSAbstractLaneChangeModel.cpp.

References MSVehicle::getSpeed(), MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::myLCAccelerationAdvices, MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::myVehicle, and SPEED2ACCEL.

Referenced by MSLCM_LC2013::_wantsChange(), MSLCM_SL2015::checkStrategicChange(), MSLCM_LC2013::inform(), MSLCM_SL2015::inform(), MSLCM_SL2015::informFollower(), MSLCM_LC2013::informFollower(), MSLCM_SL2015::informLeader(), MSLCM_LC2013::informLeader(), MSLCM_LC2013::slowDownForBlocked(), and MSLCM_SL2015::slowDownForBlocked().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ alreadyChanged()

bool MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::alreadyChanged ( ) const

reset the flag whether a vehicle already moved to false

Definition at line 503 of file MSAbstractLaneChangeModel.h.

References MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::myAlreadyChanged.

Referenced by MSLaneChanger::change(), and MSLaneChangerSublane::change().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ amBlockingFollower()

bool MSLCM_DK2008::amBlockingFollower ( )

◆ amBlockingFollowerNB()

bool MSLCM_DK2008::amBlockingFollowerNB ( )

◆ amBlockingFollowerPlusNB()

bool MSLCM_DK2008::amBlockingFollowerPlusNB ( )

Definition at line 124 of file MSLCM_DK2008.h.


Referenced by wantsChangeToLeft(), and wantsChangeToRight().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ amBlockingLeader()

bool MSLCM_DK2008::amBlockingLeader ( )

Definition at line 115 of file MSLCM_DK2008.h.

References LCA_AMBLOCKINGLEADER, and MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::myOwnState.

◆ avoidOvertakeRight()

bool MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::avoidOvertakeRight ( ) const

◆ build()

MSAbstractLaneChangeModel * MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::build ( LaneChangeModel  lcm,
MSVehicle vehicle 

Factory method for instantiating new lane changing models.

[in]lcmThe type of model to build
[in]vehicleThe vehicle for which this model shall be built

Definition at line 81 of file MSAbstractLaneChangeModel.cpp.

References DEFAULT, DK2008, MSGlobals::gLateralResolution, LC2013, LC2013_CC, SL2015, TLF, and toString().

Referenced by MSVehicle::initDevices().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ calcAngleOffset()

double MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::calcAngleOffset ( )

return the angle offset during a continuous change maneuver

Definition at line 743 of file MSAbstractLaneChangeModel.cpp.

References MSBaseVehicle::getLength(), MSVehicle::getSpeed(), M_PI, MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::myAngleOffset, MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::myPreviousAngleOffset, MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::mySpeedLat, MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::myVehicle, and SPEED2DIST.

Referenced by MSVehicle::computeAngle().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ cancelRequest()

bool MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::cancelRequest ( int  state,
int  laneOffset 

whether the influencer cancels the given request

Definition at line 558 of file MSAbstractLaneChangeModel.cpp.

References MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::getCanceledState(), MSVehicle::influenceChangeDecision(), and MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::myVehicle.

Referenced by MSLCM_LC2013::_wantsChange(), and MSLCM_SL2015::_wantsChangeSublane().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ changed()

void MSLCM_DK2008::changed ( )

Implements MSAbstractLaneChangeModel.

Definition at line 592 of file MSLCM_DK2008.cpp.

References myChangeProbability, myDontBrake, myLeadingBlockerLength, myLeftSpace, MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::myOwnState, and myVSafes.

Referenced by patchSpeed(), and ~MSLCM_DK2008().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ changedToOpposite()

void MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::changedToOpposite ( )

called when a vehicle changes between lanes in opposite directions

Definition at line 948 of file MSAbstractLaneChangeModel.cpp.

References MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::myAlreadyChanged, and MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::myAmOpposite.

Referenced by MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::endLaneChangeManeuver(), MSVehicle::executeMove(), and MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::primaryLaneChanged().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ checkChangeBeforeCommitting()

virtual int MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::checkChangeBeforeCommitting ( const MSVehicle veh,
int  state 
) const

Informs the vehicle that it is about to be moved on an adjacent lane. The method can be used to re-evaluate the state of the vehicle and potentially abort the lane change. By default, if the method is not overridden by the lane change model implementation, nothing is altered and the vehicle will perform the lane change.

vehthe lane changing vehicle
statecurrent lane change state
the blocked status of the vehicle. If the vehicle should perform the lane change, the method should return 0, corresponding to non-blocked. Otherwise the method should return a non-zero state, corresponding to the type of blockage.

Reimplemented in MSLCM_LC2013_CC.

Definition at line 155 of file MSAbstractLaneChangeModel.h.


Referenced by MSLaneChanger::checkChange().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ checkTraCICommands()

void MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::checkTraCICommands ( )

Check for commands issued for the vehicle via TraCI and apply the appropriate state changes For the sublane case, this includes setting a new maneuver distance if appropriate.

Definition at line 902 of file MSAbstractLaneChangeModel.cpp.

References gDebugFlag2, Named::getID(), MSVehicle::getInfluencer(), MSVehicle::getLaneChangeModel(), MSVehicle::Influencer::getLatDist(), MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::getOwnState(), MSGlobals::gLateralResolution, MSVehicle::hasInfluencer(), MSVehicle::influenceChangeDecision(), MSVehicle::lateralDistanceToLane(), LCA_LEFT, LCA_RIGHT, LCA_STAY, LCA_TRACI, MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::myOwnState, MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::myVehicle, MSVehicle::Influencer::resetLatDist(), MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::setManeuverDist(), MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::setOwnState(), SIMTIME, and toString().

Referenced by MSLaneChanger::checkTraCICommands().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ cleanupShadowLane()

void MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::cleanupShadowLane ( )

◆ cleanupTargetLane()

void MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::cleanupTargetLane ( )

◆ clearGapsAtLCInit()

void MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::clearGapsAtLCInit ( )

Definition at line 327 of file MSAbstractLaneChangeModel.cpp.

References MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::myDontResetLCGaps.

Referenced by MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::laneChangeOutput().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ clearNeighbors()

void MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::clearNeighbors ( )

Clear info on neighboring vehicle from previous step.

Definition at line 228 of file MSAbstractLaneChangeModel.cpp.

References MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::myLeftFollowers, MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::myLeftLeaders, MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::myRightFollowers, and MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::myRightLeaders.

Referenced by MSLaneChanger::change(), and MSLaneChangerSublane::change().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ computeSpeedLat()

double MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::computeSpeedLat ( double  latDist,
double &  maneuverDist,
bool  urgent 
) const

decides the next lateral speed depending on the remaining lane change distance to be covered and updates maneuverDist according to lateral safety constraints.

Reimplemented in MSLCM_SL2015, and MSLCM_LC2013.

Definition at line 416 of file MSAbstractLaneChangeModel.cpp.

References DIST2SPEED, MSVehicleType::getMaxSpeedLat(), MSBaseVehicle::getVehicleType(), MSGlobals::gLaneChangeDuration, MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::myVehicle, SPEED2DIST, STEPS2TIME, VTYPEPARS_MAXSPEED_LAT_SET, and MSVehicleType::wasSet().

Referenced by MSLCM_LC2013::computeSpeedLat(), MSLaneChangerSublane::continueChangeSublane(), MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::estimateLCDuration(), and MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::updateCompletion().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ congested()

bool MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::congested ( const MSVehicle *const  neighLeader)

Definition at line 264 of file MSAbstractLaneChangeModel.cpp.

References MSVehicle::congested(), MSVehicle::getLane(), MSLane::getSpeedLimit(), and MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::myVehicle.

Referenced by wantsChangeToLeft(), and wantsChangeToRight().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ currentDistAllows()

bool MSLCM_DK2008::currentDistAllows ( double  dist,
int  laneOffset,
double  lookForwardDist 

Definition at line 130 of file MSLCM_DK2008.h.

Referenced by wantsChangeToLeft(), and wantsChangeToRight().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ currentDistDisallows()

bool MSLCM_DK2008::currentDistDisallows ( double  dist,
int  laneOffset,
double  lookForwardDist 

Definition at line 127 of file MSLCM_DK2008.h.

Referenced by wantsChangeToLeft(), and wantsChangeToRight().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ debugVehicle()

virtual bool MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::debugVehicle ( ) const

◆ decideDirection()

virtual StateAndDist MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::decideDirection ( StateAndDist  sd1,
StateAndDist  sd2 
) const

decide in which direction to move in case both directions are desirable

Reimplemented in MSLCM_SL2015.

Definition at line 350 of file MSAbstractLaneChangeModel.h.

References MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::myModel, toString(), and UNUSED_PARAMETER.

Referenced by MSLaneChangerSublane::change().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ determineTargetLane()

MSLane * MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::determineTargetLane ( int &  targetDir) const

Definition at line 711 of file MSAbstractLaneChangeModel.cpp.

References MSVehicle::getLane(), MSVehicle::getLateralPositionOnLane(), MSLane::getParallelLane(), MSBaseVehicle::getWidth(), MSLane::getWidth(), MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::myManeuverDist, MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::myShadowLane, and MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::myVehicle.

Referenced by MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::updateTargetLane().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ endLaneChangeManeuver()

◆ estimateLCDuration()

double MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::estimateLCDuration ( const double  speed,
const double  remainingManeuverDist,
const double  decel,
bool  urgent 
) const

Calculates the maximal time needed to complete a lane change maneuver if lcMaxSpeedLatFactor and lcMaxSpeedStanding are set and the vehicle breaks not harder than decel. LC when the vehicle starts breaking now. If lcMaxSpeedStanding==0 the completion may be impossible,.

[in]speedCurrent longitudinal speed of the changing vehicle.
[in]remainingManeuverDistdist which is still to be covered until LC is completed
[in]decelMaximal assumed deceleration rate applied during the LC.
maximal LC duration (or -1) if it is possible that it can't be completed.
1) For the calculation it is assumed that the vehicle starts breaking with decel (>=0) immediately. If lcMaxSpeedStanding==0 the completion may be impossible, and -1 is returned. 2) In case that no maxSpeedLat is used to control lane changing, this is only called prior to a lane change, and the duration is MSGlobals::gLaneChangeDuration.

Definition at line 759 of file MSAbstractLaneChangeModel.cpp.

References MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::computeSpeedLat(), MSVehicle::getAcceleration(), SUMOVTypeParameter::getLCParams(), MSVehicleType::getMaxSpeedLat(), MSVehicleType::getParameter(), MSBaseVehicle::getVehicleType(), MSGlobals::gLaneChangeDuration, MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::myMaxSpeedLatFactor, MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::myMaxSpeedLatStanding, MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::myVehicle, STEPS2TIME, SUMO_ATTR_LCA_MAXSPEEDLATFACTOR, SUMO_ATTR_LCA_MAXSPEEDLATSTANDING, SUMO_const_haltingSpeed, VTYPEPARS_MAXSPEED_LAT_SET, and MSVehicleType::wasSet().

Referenced by MSLaneChanger::checkChange(), and MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::remainingTime().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getAccelerationLat()

double MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::getAccelerationLat ( ) const

return the lateral speed of the current lane change maneuver

Definition at line 597 of file MSAbstractLaneChangeModel.h.

References MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::myAccelerationLat.

Referenced by MSFCDExport::write().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getAngleOffset()

double MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::getAngleOffset ( ) const

return the angle offset resulting from lane change and sigma

Definition at line 488 of file MSAbstractLaneChangeModel.h.

References MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::myAngleOffset.

Referenced by MSVehicle::executeMove(), and GUIVehicle::getVisualAngle().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getAssumedDecelForLaneChangeDuration()

double MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::getAssumedDecelForLaneChangeDuration ( ) const

Returns a deceleration value which is used for the estimation of the duration of a lane change.

Effective only for continuous lane-changing when using attributes myMaxSpeedLatFactor and myMaxSpeedLatStanding. See #3771

Definition at line 427 of file MSAbstractLaneChangeModel.cpp.

References MSVehicle::getAcceleration(), LC_ASSUMED_DECEL, MAX2(), and MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::myVehicle.

Referenced by MSLaneChanger::checkChange().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getCanceledState()

int& MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::getCanceledState ( const int  dir)

◆ getCarFollowModel()

const MSCFModel& MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::getCarFollowModel ( ) const

◆ getCommittedSpeed()

double MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::getCommittedSpeed ( ) const

Definition at line 583 of file MSAbstractLaneChangeModel.h.

References MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::myCommittedSpeed.

Referenced by MSVehicle::planMoveInternal(), and MSLaneChangerSublane::startChangeSublane().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getDesiredAlignment()

virtual LatAlignmentDefinition MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::getDesiredAlignment ( ) const

Reimplemented in MSLCM_SL2015.

Definition at line 639 of file MSAbstractLaneChangeModel.h.

References MSVehicleType::getPreferredLateralAlignment(), MSBaseVehicle::getVehicleType(), and MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::myVehicle.

Referenced by MSLCM_SL2015::getDesiredAlignment().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getExtraReservation()

virtual double MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::getExtraReservation ( int  ) const

reserve extra space for unseen blockers when more tnan one lane change is required

Reimplemented in MSLCM_SL2015, and MSLCM_LC2013.

Definition at line 624 of file MSAbstractLaneChangeModel.h.

Referenced by MSLane::isInsertionSuccess().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getFollowers()

const std::shared_ptr< MSLeaderDistanceInfo > MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::getFollowers ( const int  dir)

Returns the neighboring, lc-relevant followers for the last step in the requested direction.

Definition at line 237 of file MSAbstractLaneChangeModel.cpp.

References MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::myLeftFollowers, and MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::myRightFollowers.

◆ getForwardPos()

double MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::getForwardPos ( ) const

get vehicle position relative to the forward direction lane

Definition at line 1085 of file MSAbstractLaneChangeModel.cpp.

References MSVehicle::getLane(), MSLane::getLength(), MSVehicle::getPositionOnLane(), MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::myAmOpposite, and MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::myVehicle.

Referenced by MSLCM_LC2013::_wantsChange(), MSLCM_SL2015::_wantsChangeSublane(), MSLCM_SL2015::checkStrategicChange(), and MSLaneChanger::getBestLanesOpposite().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getFurtherTargetLanes()

const std::vector<MSLane*>& MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::getFurtherTargetLanes ( ) const

Definition at line 436 of file MSAbstractLaneChangeModel.h.

References MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::myFurtherTargetLanes.

Referenced by MSVehicle::getBackPositionOnLane(), and MSVehicle::getLatOffset().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getLaneChangeCompletion()

double MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::getLaneChangeCompletion ( ) const

Get the current lane change completion ratio.

Definition at line 472 of file MSAbstractLaneChangeModel.h.

References MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::myLaneChangeCompletion.

Referenced by MSLaneChanger::continueChange(), and MSVehicle::planMoveInternal().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getLaneChangeDirection()

int MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::getLaneChangeDirection ( ) const

return the direction of the current lane change maneuver

Definition at line 477 of file MSAbstractLaneChangeModel.h.

References MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::myLaneChangeDirection.

Referenced by MSLaneChanger::continueChange(), and MSVehicle::setBlinkerInformation().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getLastLaneChangeOffset()

SUMOTime MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::getLastLaneChangeOffset ( ) const

◆ getLeaders()

const std::shared_ptr< MSLeaderDistanceInfo > MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::getLeaders ( const int  dir)

Returns the neighboring, lc-relevant leaders for the last step in the requested direction.

Definition at line 250 of file MSAbstractLaneChangeModel.cpp.

References MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::myLeftLeaders, and MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::myRightLeaders.

◆ getManeuverDist()

double MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::getManeuverDist ( ) const

Returns the remaining unblocked distance for the current maneuver. (only used by sublane model)

Definition at line 188 of file MSAbstractLaneChangeModel.cpp.

References MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::myManeuverDist.

Referenced by MSLCM_SL2015::_wantsChangeSublane(), MSLaneChangerSublane::change(), MSLCM_SL2015::changed(), MSLaneChangerSublane::continueChangeSublane(), MSVehicle::getLatOffset(), MSLink::getLeaderInfo(), GUIVehicle::getManeuverDist(), MSLeaderInfo::getSubLanes(), MSLaneChangerSublane::startChangeSublane(), MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::updateCompletion(), and MSLCM_SL2015::updateGaps().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getMaxSpeedLat2()

double MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::getMaxSpeedLat2 ( ) const

return the max of maxSpeedLat and lcMaxSpeedLatStanding

Definition at line 566 of file MSAbstractLaneChangeModel.cpp.

References MSVehicleType::getMaxSpeedLat(), MSBaseVehicle::getVehicleType(), MAX2(), MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::myMaxSpeedLatStanding, and MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::myVehicle.

Referenced by MSLCM_SL2015::checkBlocking().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getModelID()

LaneChangeModel MSLCM_DK2008::getModelID ( ) const

Returns the model's id.

Implements MSAbstractLaneChangeModel.

Definition at line 45 of file MSLCM_DK2008.h.

References DK2008.

◆ getNormalizedLaneIndex()

int MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::getNormalizedLaneIndex ( )

brief return lane index that treats opposite lanes like normal lanes to the left of the forward lanes

Definition at line 1091 of file MSAbstractLaneChangeModel.cpp.

References MSLane::getEdge(), MSLane::getIndex(), MSVehicle::getLane(), MSEdge::getNumLanes(), MSLane::getParallelOpposite(), MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::myAmOpposite, and MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::myVehicle.

Referenced by MSLaneChanger::checkOppositeStop().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getOppositeSafetyFactor()

virtual double MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::getOppositeSafetyFactor ( ) const

return factor for modifying the safety constraints for opposite-diretction overtaking of the car-following model

Reimplemented in MSLCM_SL2015, and MSLCM_LC2013.

Definition at line 388 of file MSAbstractLaneChangeModel.h.

Referenced by MSLaneChanger::changeOpposite(), MSLaneChanger::computeOvertakingTime(), and MSLaneChanger::getColumnleader().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getOwnState()

◆ getParameter()

virtual std::string MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::getParameter ( const std::string &  key) const

try to retrieve the given parameter from this laneChangeModel. Throw exception for unsupported key

Reimplemented in MSLCM_SL2015, and MSLCM_LC2013.

Definition at line 613 of file MSAbstractLaneChangeModel.h.

References MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::myModel, and toString().

Referenced by MSBaseVehicle::getPrefixedParameter().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getPreviousManeuverDist()

double MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::getPreviousManeuverDist ( ) const

Definition at line 193 of file MSAbstractLaneChangeModel.cpp.

References MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::myPreviousManeuverDist.

Referenced by MSLCM_SL2015::_wantsChangeSublane(), MSLaneChangerSublane::abortLCManeuver(), and MSLaneChangerSublane::startChangeSublane().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getPrevState()

int MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::getPrevState ( ) const

at the time of this call myPreviousState already holds the new value

Definition at line 199 of file MSAbstractLaneChangeModel.h.

References MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::myPreviousState2.

Referenced by MSLaneChangerSublane::abortLCManeuver(), MSLaneChangerSublane::outputLCStarted(), and MSLaneChangerSublane::startChangeSublane().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getSafetyFactor()

virtual double MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::getSafetyFactor ( ) const

return factor for modifying the safety constraints of the car-following model

Reimplemented in MSLCM_SL2015, and MSLCM_LC2013.

Definition at line 383 of file MSAbstractLaneChangeModel.h.

Referenced by MSLaneChanger::checkChange(), LIBSUMO_NAMESPACE::Vehicle::getNeighbors(), and MSCFModel::getSecureGap().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getSavedState()

const std::pair<int, int>& MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::getSavedState ( const int  dir) const

◆ getShadowDirection()

int MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::getShadowDirection ( ) const

◆ getShadowFurtherLanes()

const std::vector<MSLane*>& MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::getShadowFurtherLanes ( ) const

Definition at line 421 of file MSAbstractLaneChangeModel.h.

References MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::myShadowFurtherLanes.

Referenced by MSVehicle::getBackPositionOnLane(), MSVehicle::getCenterOnEdge(), and MSVehicle::getLatOffset().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getShadowFurtherLanesPosLat()

const std::vector<double>& MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::getShadowFurtherLanesPosLat ( ) const

Definition at line 425 of file MSAbstractLaneChangeModel.h.

References MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::myShadowFurtherLanesPosLat.

Referenced by MSVehicle::getBackPositionOnLane(), MSVehicle::getCenterOnEdge(), and MSVehicle::getLatOffset().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getShadowLane() [1/3]

◆ getShadowLane() [2/3]

MSLane * MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::getShadowLane ( const MSLane lane) const

◆ getShadowLane() [3/3]

◆ getSpeedLat()

double MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::getSpeedLat ( ) const

return the lateral speed of the current lane change maneuver

Definition at line 588 of file MSAbstractLaneChangeModel.h.

References MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::mySpeedLat.

Referenced by MSLaneChangerSublane::abortLCManeuver(), MSLaneChangerSublane::change(), MSLaneChanger::continueChange(), GUIVehicle::getColorValue(), MSLink::getLeaderInfo(), GUIVehicle::getParameterWindow(), MSLeaderInfo::getSubLanes(), MSFCDExport::write(), and MSXMLRawOut::writeVehicle().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getTargetLane()

MSLane* MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::getTargetLane ( ) const

Returns the lane the vehicle has committed to enter during a sublane lane change.

The vehicle's target lane.

Definition at line 432 of file MSAbstractLaneChangeModel.h.

References MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::myTargetLane.

Referenced by MSVehicle::getBackPositionOnLane(), and MSVehicle::getLatOffset().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ hasBlueLight()

bool MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::hasBlueLight ( ) const

Definition at line 635 of file MSAbstractLaneChangeModel.h.

References MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::myHaveBlueLight.

Referenced by MSLCM_LC2013::anticipateFollowSpeed(), MSVehicle::executeMove(), MSVehicle::isLeader(), MSVehicle::planMoveInternal(), MSLane::resetPartialOccupation(), and MSLCM_SL2015::updateExpectedSublaneSpeeds().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ haveLCOutput()

static bool MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::haveLCOutput ( )

whether lanechange-output is active

Definition at line 172 of file MSAbstractLaneChangeModel.h.

References MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::myLCOutput.

Referenced by MSLaneChangerSublane::checkChangeToNewLane(), MSLaneChangerSublane::outputLCEnded(), and MSLaneChangerSublane::outputLCStarted().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ inform()

void * MSLCM_DK2008::inform ( void *  info,
MSVehicle sender 

Implements MSAbstractLaneChangeModel.

Definition at line 582 of file MSLCM_DK2008.cpp.

References MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::myOwnState.

◆ informBlocker()

void MSLCM_DK2008::informBlocker ( MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::MSLCMessager msgPass,
int &  blocked,
int  dir,
const std::pair< MSVehicle *, double > &  neighLead,
const std::pair< MSVehicle *, double > &  neighFollow 

◆ initGlobalOptions()

void MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::initGlobalOptions ( const OptionsCont oc)

init global model parameters

Definition at line 71 of file MSAbstractLaneChangeModel.cpp.

References OptionsCont::getBool(), OptionsCont::isSet(), MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::myAllowOvertakingRight, MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::myLCEndedOutput, MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::myLCOutput, MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::myLCStartedOutput, and MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::myLCXYOutput.

Referenced by MSFrame::setMSGlobals().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ initLastLaneChangeOffset()

void MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::initLastLaneChangeOffset ( int  dir)

Definition at line 571 of file MSAbstractLaneChangeModel.cpp.

References MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::myLastLaneChangeOffset.

Referenced by MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::primaryLaneChanged().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ isChangingLanes()

◆ isOpposite()

bool MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::isOpposite ( ) const

Definition at line 576 of file MSAbstractLaneChangeModel.h.

References MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::myAmOpposite.

Referenced by MSLCM_LC2013::_wantsChange(), MSLCM_SL2015::_wantsChangeSublane(), MSVehicle::adaptToLeaders(), libsumo::Helper::applySubscriptionFilterLateralDistance(), MSLane::appropriate(), MSLaneChanger::avoidDeadlock(), MSLaneChanger::change(), MSLaneChangerSublane::change(), MSLaneChanger::changeOpposite(), MSLaneChanger::checkChange(), MSLaneChangerSublane::checkChangeHelper(), MSLaneChanger::checkChangeOpposite(), MSLaneChangerSublane::checkChangeOpposite(), MSLaneChangerSublane::checkChangeToNewLane(), MSLaneChanger::checkOppositeStop(), MSVehicle::checkRewindLinkLanes(), MSDevice_SSM::classifyEncounter(), MSTrainHelper::computeCarriages(), MSVehicle::computeFurtherLanes(), MSLaneChanger::computeSafeOppositeLength(), MSLaneChanger::computeSurplusGap(), MSLaneChanger::continueChange(), MSLane::detectCollisionBetween(), MSVehicle::enterLaneAtInsertion(), MSVehicle::enterLaneAtMove(), MSVehicle::executeMove(), MSDevice_SSM::findFoeConflictLane(), MSDevice_SSM::findSurroundingVehicles(), MSVehicle::getBackPositionOnLane(), MSLaneChanger::getBestLanesOpposite(), MSVehicle::getCenterOnEdge(), GUIVehicle::getColorValue(), MSLane::getFollowersOnConsecutive(), MSLane::getLeader(), MSLink::getLeaderInfo(), LIBSUMO_NAMESPACE::Vehicle::getNeighbors(), MSLCM_SL2015::getNeighRight(), MSLane::getOppositeFollower(), MSLane::getOppositeLeader(), MSVehicle::getPastLanesUntil(), MSVehicle::getPositionAlongBestLanes(), MSLCHelper::getRoundaboutDistBonus(), GUIBaseVehicle::getScaleValue(), MSVehicle::getUpcomingLanesUntil(), MSLCM_SL2015::getVehicleCenter(), MSLane::handleCollisionBetween(), MSVehicle::handleCollisionStop(), MSVehicle::hasArrivedInternal(), MSLCM_SL2015::informLeader(), MSLCM_LC2013::informLeader(), MSLCM_SL2015::keepLatGap(), MSVehicle::lateralDistanceToLane(), MSVehicle::planMoveInternal(), MSLCM_SL2015::prepareStep(), MSLeaderInfo::removeOpposite(), MSLCM_LC2013::saveBlockerLength(), MSLCM_SL2015::saveBlockerLength(), MSVehicle::setApproachingForAllLinks(), MSLaneChangerSublane::startChangeSublane(), MSVehicle::updateBestLanes(), and MSLCM_SL2015::updateExpectedSublaneSpeeds().

◆ isStrategicBlocked()

bool MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::isStrategicBlocked ( ) const
whether this vehicle is blocked from performing a strategic change

Definition at line 1066 of file MSAbstractLaneChangeModel.cpp.

References LCA_BLOCKED, LCA_LEFT, LCA_RIGHT, LCA_STRATEGIC, MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::mySavedStateLeft, and MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::mySavedStateRight.

Referenced by MSLink::getLeaderInfo().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ laneChangeOutput()

void MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::laneChangeOutput ( const std::string &  tag,
MSLane source,
MSLane target,
int  direction,
double  maneuverDist = 0 

called once the vehicle ends a lane change manoeuvre (non-instant)

Definition at line 370 of file MSAbstractLaneChangeModel.cpp.

References MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::clearGapsAtLCInit(), OutputDevice::closeTag(), DELTA_T, OutputDevice::getDeviceByOption(), MSVehicleType::getID(), Named::getID(), MSNet::getInstance(), MSBaseVehicle::getParameter(), Parameterised::getParameter(), MSVehicle::getPosition(), MSVehicle::getPositionOnLane(), MSVehicle::getSpeed(), MSBaseVehicle::getVehicleType(), MSGlobals::gLaneChangeDuration, MSGlobals::gLateralResolution, LCA_AMBACKBLOCKER, LCA_AMBACKBLOCKER_STANDING, LCA_AMBLOCKINGFOLLOWER, LCA_AMBLOCKINGLEADER, LCA_LEFT, LCA_MLEFT, LCA_MRIGHT, LCA_RIGHT, MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::myLastFollowerGap, MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::myLastFollowerSecureGap, MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::myLastFollowerSpeed, MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::myLastLateralGapLeft, MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::myLastLateralGapRight, MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::myLastLeaderGap, MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::myLastLeaderSecureGap, MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::myLastLeaderSpeed, MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::myLastOrigLeaderGap, MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::myLastOrigLeaderSecureGap, MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::myLastOrigLeaderSpeed, MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::myLCOutput, MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::myLCXYOutput, MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::myOwnState, MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::myVehicle, MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::NO_NEIGHBOR, OutputDevice::openTag(), SUMO_ATTR_DIR, SUMO_ATTR_FROM, SUMO_ATTR_ID, SUMO_ATTR_POSITION, SUMO_ATTR_SPEED, SUMO_ATTR_TIME, SUMO_ATTR_TO, SUMO_ATTR_TYPE, SUMO_ATTR_X, SUMO_ATTR_Y, time2string(), toString(), OutputDevice::writeAttr(), Position::x(), and Position::y().

Referenced by MSLaneChangerSublane::outputLCEnded(), MSLaneChangerSublane::outputLCStarted(), and MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::primaryLaneChanged().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ loadState()

void MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::loadState ( const SUMOSAXAttributes attrs)

Loads the state of the laneChangeModel from the given attributes.

[in]attrsXML attributes describing the current state

Definition at line 1121 of file MSAbstractLaneChangeModel.cpp.

References SUMOSAXAttributes::getString(), SUMOSAXAttributes::hasAttribute(), MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::myLaneChangeCompletion, MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::myLaneChangeDirection, MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::mySpeedLat, and SUMO_ATTR_LCSTATE.

Referenced by MSVehicle::loadState().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ memorizeGapsAtLCInit()

void MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::memorizeGapsAtLCInit ( )

Control for resetting the memorized values for LC relevant gaps until the LC output is triggered in the case of continuous LC.

Definition at line 322 of file MSAbstractLaneChangeModel.cpp.

References MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::myDontResetLCGaps.

Referenced by MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::startLaneChangeManeuver().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ outputLCEnded()

static bool MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::outputLCEnded ( )

whether start of maneuvers shall be recorede

Definition at line 182 of file MSAbstractLaneChangeModel.h.

References MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::myLCEndedOutput.

Referenced by MSLaneChangerSublane::outputLCEnded().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ outputLCStarted()

static bool MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::outputLCStarted ( )

whether start of maneuvers shall be recorede

Definition at line 177 of file MSAbstractLaneChangeModel.h.

References MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::myLCStartedOutput.

Referenced by MSLaneChangerSublane::outputLCStarted().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ pastMidpoint()

bool MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::pastMidpoint ( ) const

return whether the vehicle passed the midpoint of a continuous lane change maneuver

Definition at line 446 of file MSAbstractLaneChangeModel.h.

References MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::myLaneChangeCompletion.

Referenced by MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::getShadowDirection(), and MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::updateCompletion().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ patchSpeed()

double MSLCM_DK2008::patchSpeed ( const double  min,
const double  wanted,
const double  max,
const MSCFModel cfModel 

◆ predInteraction()

bool MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::predInteraction ( const std::pair< MSVehicle *, double > &  leader)

Definition at line 291 of file MSAbstractLaneChangeModel.cpp.

References MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::getCarFollowModel(), MSVehicle::getSpeed(), MSCFModel::interactionGap(), and MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::myVehicle.

Referenced by wantsChangeToLeft(), and wantsChangeToRight().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ prepareStep()

◆ primaryLaneChanged()

◆ remainingTime()

◆ removeShadowApproachingInformation()

void MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::removeShadowApproachingInformation ( ) const

Definition at line 891 of file MSAbstractLaneChangeModel.cpp.

References MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::myApproachedByShadow, and MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::myVehicle.

Referenced by MSVehicle::removeApproachingInformation().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ resetChanged()

void MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::resetChanged ( )

reset the flag whether a vehicle already moved to false

Definition at line 508 of file MSAbstractLaneChangeModel.h.

References MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::myAlreadyChanged.

Referenced by MSVehicle::planMove().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ resetSpeedLat()

void MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::resetSpeedLat ( )

Definition at line 439 of file MSAbstractLaneChangeModel.cpp.

References MSGlobals::gLaneChangeDuration, MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::isChangingLanes(), and MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::setSpeedLat().

Referenced by MSVehicle::executeMove(), prepareStep(), and MSLCM_LC2013::prepareStep().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ resetState()

virtual void MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::resetState ( )

Reimplemented in MSLCM_SL2015, and MSLCM_LC2013.

Definition at line 380 of file MSAbstractLaneChangeModel.h.

Referenced by MSVehicle::enterLaneAtInsertion().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ saveBlockerLength()

virtual bool MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::saveBlockerLength ( double  ,

reserve space at the end of the lane to avoid dead locks

Reimplemented in MSLCM_SL2015, and MSLCM_LC2013.

Definition at line 548 of file MSAbstractLaneChangeModel.h.

Referenced by MSLaneChanger::avoidDeadlock(), MSLaneChanger::resolveDeadlock(), and MSLCHelper::updateBlockerLength().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ saveLCState()

void MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::saveLCState ( const int  dir,
int  stateWithoutTraCI,
const int  state 

◆ saveNeighbors() [1/2]

void MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::saveNeighbors ( const int  dir,
const MSLeaderDistanceInfo followers,
const MSLeaderDistanceInfo leaders 

Saves the lane change relevant vehicles, which are currently on neighboring lanes in the given direction (as detected in wantsChangeSublane()). -> SL2015 case.

Definition at line 198 of file MSAbstractLaneChangeModel.cpp.

References MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::myLeftFollowers, MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::myLeftLeaders, MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::myRightFollowers, and MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::myRightLeaders.

Referenced by MSLaneChanger::checkChange(), MSLaneChangerSublane::checkChangeOpposite(), and MSLaneChangerSublane::checkChangeSublane().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ saveNeighbors() [2/2]

void MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::saveNeighbors ( const int  dir,
const std::pair< MSVehicle *const, double > &  follower,
const std::pair< MSVehicle *const, double > &  leader 

Saves the lane change relevant vehicles, which are currently on neighboring lanes in the given direction (as detected in wantsChange()). -> LC2013 case.

Definition at line 213 of file MSAbstractLaneChangeModel.cpp.

References MSVehicle::getLane(), MSLane::getWidth(), MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::myLeftFollowers, MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::myLeftLeaders, MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::myRightFollowers, MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::myRightLeaders, and MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::myVehicle.

◆ saveState()

void MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::saveState ( OutputDevice out) const

Save the state of the laneChangeModel.

[in]outThe OutputDevice to write the information into

Definition at line 1108 of file MSAbstractLaneChangeModel.cpp.

References MSGlobals::gLaneChangeDuration, MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::myLaneChangeCompletion, MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::myLaneChangeDirection, MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::mySpeedLat, SUMO_ATTR_LCSTATE, toString(), and OutputDevice::writeAttr().

Referenced by MSVehicle::saveState().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ setAngleOffset()

void MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::setAngleOffset ( const double  angleOffset)

set the angle offset resulting from lane change and sigma

Definition at line 493 of file MSAbstractLaneChangeModel.h.

References MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::myAngleOffset.

◆ setFollowerGaps() [1/2]

void MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::setFollowerGaps ( CLeaderDist  follower,
double  secGap 

Definition at line 954 of file MSAbstractLaneChangeModel.cpp.

References MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::myLastFollowerGap, MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::myLastFollowerSecureGap, and MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::myLastFollowerSpeed.

Referenced by MSLaneChanger::checkChange(), MSLaneChangerSublane::checkChangeToNewLane(), MSLaneChangerSublane::outputLCEnded(), and MSLaneChangerSublane::outputLCStarted().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ setFollowerGaps() [2/2]

◆ setLeaderGaps() [1/2]

void MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::setLeaderGaps ( CLeaderDist  leader,
double  secGap 

◆ setLeaderGaps() [2/2]

◆ setManeuverDist()

void MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::setManeuverDist ( const double  dist)

Updates the remaining distance for the current maneuver while it is continued within non-action steps (only used by sublane model)

Definition at line 172 of file MSAbstractLaneChangeModel.cpp.

References DEBUG_COND, Named::getID(), MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::myManeuverDist, MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::myPreviousManeuverDist, MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::myVehicle, and SIMTIME.

Referenced by MSLaneChangerSublane::abortLCManeuver(), MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::checkTraCICommands(), MSLaneChangerSublane::startChangeSublane(), and MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::startLaneChangeManeuver().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ setNoShadowPartialOccupator()

void MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::setNoShadowPartialOccupator ( MSLane lane)

Definition at line 556 of file MSAbstractLaneChangeModel.h.

References MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::myNoPartiallyOccupatedByShadow.

Referenced by MSVehicle::enterLaneAtLaneChange().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ setOrigLeaderGaps() [1/2]

void MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::setOrigLeaderGaps ( CLeaderDist  leader,
double  secGap 

◆ setOrigLeaderGaps() [2/2]

◆ setOwnState()

void MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::setOwnState ( const int  state)

◆ setParameter()

virtual void MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::setParameter ( const std::string &  key,
const std::string &  value 

try to set the given parameter for this laneChangeModel. Throw exception for unsupported key

Reimplemented in MSLCM_SL2015, and MSLCM_LC2013.

Definition at line 618 of file MSAbstractLaneChangeModel.h.

References MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::myModel, toString(), and UNUSED_PARAMETER.

Referenced by MSDevice_Bluelight::notifyMove(), and MSDevice_Bluelight::resetVehicle().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ setPreviousAngleOffset()

void MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::setPreviousAngleOffset ( const double  angleOffset)

set the angle offset of the previous time step

Definition at line 498 of file MSAbstractLaneChangeModel.h.

References MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::myPreviousAngleOffset.

Referenced by MSVehicle::executeMove().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ setShadowApproachingInformation()

void MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::setShadowApproachingInformation ( MSLink link) const

set approach information for the shadow vehicle

Definition at line 885 of file MSAbstractLaneChangeModel.cpp.

References MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::myApproachedByShadow.

Referenced by MSVehicle::setApproachingForAllLinks().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ setShadowPartialOccupator()

void MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::setShadowPartialOccupator ( MSLane lane)

◆ setSpeedLat()

void MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::setSpeedLat ( double  speedLat)

set the lateral speed and update lateral acceleraton

Definition at line 432 of file MSAbstractLaneChangeModel.cpp.

References MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::myAccelerationLat, MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::mySpeedLat, and SPEED2ACCEL.

Referenced by MSLaneChangerSublane::abortLCManeuver(), MSLaneChangerSublane::checkChangeOpposite(), MSLCM_LC2013::prepareStep(), MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::resetSpeedLat(), MSLaneChangerSublane::startChangeSublane(), and MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::updateCompletion().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ startLaneChangeManeuver()

◆ sublaneChangeCompleted()

virtual bool MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::sublaneChangeCompleted ( const double  latDist) const

whether the current change completes the manoeuvre

Definition at line 567 of file MSAbstractLaneChangeModel.h.

References MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::myModel, toString(), and UNUSED_PARAMETER.

◆ unchanged()

void MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::unchanged ( )

Definition at line 400 of file MSAbstractLaneChangeModel.h.

References DELTA_T, and MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::myLastLaneChangeOffset.

Referenced by MSLaneChanger::registerUnchanged().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ updateCompletion()

bool MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::updateCompletion ( )

◆ updateExpectedSublaneSpeeds()

virtual void MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::updateExpectedSublaneSpeeds ( const MSLeaderDistanceInfo ahead,
int  sublaneOffset,
int  laneIndex 

update expected speeds for each sublane of the current edge

Reimplemented in MSLCM_SL2015.

Definition at line 342 of file MSAbstractLaneChangeModel.h.

References MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::myModel, toString(), and UNUSED_PARAMETER.

Referenced by MSLaneChangerSublane::change(), and MSLaneChangerSublane::checkChangeOpposite().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ updateSafeLatDist()

void MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::updateSafeLatDist ( const double  travelledLatDist)

Updates the value of safe lateral distances (in SL2015) during maneuver continuation in non-action steps.

Reimplemented in MSLCM_SL2015.

Definition at line 166 of file MSAbstractLaneChangeModel.cpp.


Referenced by MSLaneChangerSublane::startChangeSublane().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ updateShadowLane()

◆ updateTargetLane()

◆ wantsChange()

int MSLCM_DK2008::wantsChange ( int  laneOffset,
MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::MSLCMessager msgPass,
int  blocked,
const std::pair< MSVehicle *, double > &  leader,
const std::pair< MSVehicle *, double > &  follower,
const std::pair< MSVehicle *, double > &  neighLead,
const std::pair< MSVehicle *, double > &  neighFollow,
const MSLane neighLane,
const std::vector< MSVehicle::LaneQ > &  preb,
MSVehicle **  lastBlocked,
MSVehicle **  firstBlocked 

Called to examine whether the vehicle wants to change using the given laneOffset. This method gets the information about the surrounding vehicles and whether another lane may be more preferable.

Reimplemented from MSAbstractLaneChangeModel.

Definition at line 62 of file MSLCM_DK2008.cpp.

References UNUSED_PARAMETER, wantsChangeToLeft(), and wantsChangeToRight().

◆ wantsChangeSublane()

virtual int MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::wantsChangeSublane ( int  laneOffset,
LaneChangeAction  alternatives,
const MSLeaderDistanceInfo leaders,
const MSLeaderDistanceInfo followers,
const MSLeaderDistanceInfo blockers,
const MSLeaderDistanceInfo neighLeaders,
const MSLeaderDistanceInfo neighFollowers,
const MSLeaderDistanceInfo neighBlockers,
const MSLane neighLane,
const std::vector< MSVehicle::LaneQ > &  preb,
MSVehicle **  lastBlocked,
MSVehicle **  firstBlocked,
double &  latDist,
double &  targetDistLat,
int &  blocked 

Reimplemented in MSLCM_SL2015.

Definition at line 309 of file MSAbstractLaneChangeModel.h.

References MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::myModel, toString(), and UNUSED_PARAMETER.

Referenced by MSLaneChangerSublane::checkChangeOpposite(), and MSLaneChangerSublane::checkChangeSublane().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ wantsChangeToLeft()

int MSLCM_DK2008::wantsChangeToLeft ( MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::MSLCMessager msgPass,
int  blocked,
const std::pair< MSVehicle *, double > &  leader,
const std::pair< MSVehicle *, double > &  neighLead,
const std::pair< MSVehicle *, double > &  neighFollow,
const MSLane neighLane,
const std::vector< MSVehicle::LaneQ > &  preb,
MSVehicle **  lastBlocked,
MSVehicle **  firstBlocked 

Called to examine whether the vehicle wants to change to left This method gets the information about the surrounding vehicles and whether another lane may be more preferable.


Definition at line 289 of file MSLCM_DK2008.cpp.

References ACCEL2SPEED, amBlockingFollowerPlusNB(), MSVehicle::LaneQ::bestLaneOffset, MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::congested(), currentDistAllows(), currentDistDisallows(), MSCFModel::followSpeed(), MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::getCarFollowModel(), MSVehicle::getCarFollowModel(), MSLane::getEdge(), MSVehicle::getLane(), MSLane::getLength(), MSVehicleType::getLengthWithGap(), MSLane::getLinkCont(), MSCFModel::getMaxDecel(), MSBaseVehicle::getMaxSpeed(), MSVehicleType::getMinGap(), MSVehicle::getPositionOnLane(), MSVehicle::getSpeed(), MSLane::getVehicleMaxSpeed(), MSBaseVehicle::getVehicleType(), informBlocker(), MSEdge::isInternal(), JAM_FACTOR2, MSVehicle::LaneQ::lane, LCA_AMBACKBLOCKER, LCA_AMBACKBLOCKER_STANDING, LCA_AMBLOCKINGFOLLOWER_DONTBRAKE, LCA_BLOCKED, LCA_COOPERATIVE, LCA_LEFT, LCA_MLEFT, LCA_RIGHT, LCA_SPEEDGAIN, LCA_STAY, LCA_STRATEGIC, LCA_URGENT, MSVehicle::LaneQ::length, LOOK_FORWARD_FAR, LOOK_FORWARD_NEAR, LOOK_FORWARD_SPEED_DIVIDER, MAX2(), MIN2(), myChangeProbability, myDontBrake, myLeadingBlockerLength, myLeftSpace, MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::myOwnState, MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::myVehicle, myVSafes, MSVehicle::LaneQ::occupation, MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::predInteraction(), SUMO_const_haltingSpeed, TS, and UNUSED_PARAMETER.

Referenced by wantsChange().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ wantsChangeToRight()

int MSLCM_DK2008::wantsChangeToRight ( MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::MSLCMessager msgPass,
int  blocked,
const std::pair< MSVehicle *, double > &  leader,
const std::pair< MSVehicle *, double > &  neighLead,
const std::pair< MSVehicle *, double > &  neighFollow,
const MSLane neighLane,
const std::vector< MSVehicle::LaneQ > &  preb,
MSVehicle **  lastBlocked,
MSVehicle **  firstBlocked 

Called to examine whether the vehicle wants to change to right This method gets the information about the surrounding vehicles and whether another lane may be more preferable.


Definition at line 82 of file MSLCM_DK2008.cpp.

References ACCEL2SPEED, amBlockingFollowerPlusNB(), MSVehicle::LaneQ::bestLaneOffset, MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::congested(), currentDistAllows(), currentDistDisallows(), MSCFModel::followSpeed(), MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::getCarFollowModel(), MSVehicle::getCarFollowModel(), MSLane::getEdge(), MSVehicle::getLane(), MSLane::getLength(), MSVehicleType::getLengthWithGap(), MSLane::getLinkCont(), MSCFModel::getMaxDecel(), MSBaseVehicle::getMaxSpeed(), MSVehicleType::getMinGap(), MSVehicle::getPositionOnLane(), MSVehicle::getSpeed(), MSLane::getSpeedLimit(), MSLane::getVehicleMaxSpeed(), MSBaseVehicle::getVehicleType(), informBlocker(), MSEdge::isInternal(), JAM_FACTOR2, MSVehicle::LaneQ::lane, LCA_AMBACKBLOCKER, LCA_AMBACKBLOCKER_STANDING, LCA_AMBLOCKINGFOLLOWER_DONTBRAKE, LCA_BLOCKED, LCA_COOPERATIVE, LCA_LEFT, LCA_MRIGHT, LCA_RIGHT, LCA_SPEEDGAIN, LCA_STAY, LCA_STRATEGIC, LCA_URGENT, MSVehicle::LaneQ::length, LOOK_FORWARD_FAR, LOOK_FORWARD_NEAR, LOOK_FORWARD_SPEED_DIVIDER, MAX2(), MIN2(), myChangeProbability, myDontBrake, myLeadingBlockerLength, myLeftSpace, MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::myOwnState, MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::myVehicle, myVSafes, MSVehicle::LaneQ::occupation, MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::predInteraction(), SUMO_const_haltingSpeed, TS, and UNUSED_PARAMETER.

Referenced by wantsChange().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

Field Documentation

◆ myAccelerationLat

double MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::myAccelerationLat

the current lateral acceleration

Definition at line 697 of file MSAbstractLaneChangeModel.h.

Referenced by MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::getAccelerationLat(), and MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::setSpeedLat().

◆ myAllowOvertakingRight

bool MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::myAllowOvertakingRight

◆ myAlreadyChanged

bool MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::myAlreadyChanged

◆ myAmOpposite

◆ myAngleOffset

double MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::myAngleOffset

the current angle offset resulting from lane change and sigma

Definition at line 700 of file MSAbstractLaneChangeModel.h.

Referenced by MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::calcAngleOffset(), MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::getAngleOffset(), and MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::setAngleOffset().

◆ myApproachedByShadow

std::vector<MSLink*> MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::myApproachedByShadow

links which are approached by the shadow vehicle

Definition at line 819 of file MSAbstractLaneChangeModel.h.

Referenced by MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::removeShadowApproachingInformation(), and MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::setShadowApproachingInformation().

◆ myCanceledStateCenter

int MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::myCanceledStateCenter

◆ myCanceledStateLeft

int MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::myCanceledStateLeft

◆ myCanceledStateRight

int MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::myCanceledStateRight

◆ myChangeProbability

double MSLCM_DK2008::myChangeProbability

Definition at line 139 of file MSLCM_DK2008.h.

Referenced by changed(), prepareStep(), wantsChangeToLeft(), and wantsChangeToRight().

◆ myCommittedSpeed

double MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::myCommittedSpeed

the speed when committing to a change maneuver

Definition at line 706 of file MSAbstractLaneChangeModel.h.

Referenced by MSLCM_SL2015::commitManoeuvre(), MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::getCommittedSpeed(), and MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::prepareStep().

◆ myDontBrake

bool MSLCM_DK2008::myDontBrake

◆ myDontResetLCGaps

bool MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::myDontResetLCGaps

Flag to prevent resetting the memorized values for LC relevant gaps until the LC output is triggered in the case of continuous LC.

Definition at line 777 of file MSAbstractLaneChangeModel.h.

Referenced by MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::clearGapsAtLCInit(), MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::memorizeGapsAtLCInit(), and MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::prepareStep().

◆ myFurtherTargetLanes

std::vector<MSLane*> MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::myFurtherTargetLanes

◆ myHaveBlueLight

bool MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::myHaveBlueLight

whether this vehicle is driving with special permissions and behavior

Definition at line 791 of file MSAbstractLaneChangeModel.h.

Referenced by MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::hasBlueLight().

◆ myLaneChangeCompletion

◆ myLaneChangeDirection

int MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::myLaneChangeDirection

◆ myLastFollowerGap

double MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::myLastFollowerGap

◆ myLastFollowerSecureGap

double MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::myLastFollowerSecureGap

◆ myLastFollowerSpeed

double MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::myLastFollowerSpeed

◆ myLastLaneChangeOffset

SUMOTime MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::myLastLaneChangeOffset

◆ myLastLateralGapLeft

double MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::myLastLateralGapLeft

the minimum lateral gaps to other vehicles that were found when last changing to the left and right

Definition at line 758 of file MSAbstractLaneChangeModel.h.

Referenced by MSLCM_SL2015::keepLatGap(), MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::laneChangeOutput(), MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::prepareStep(), and MSLCM_SL2015::updateGaps().

◆ myLastLateralGapRight

double MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::myLastLateralGapRight

◆ myLastLeaderGap

double MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::myLastLeaderGap

the actual minimum longitudinal distances to vehicles on the target lane

Definition at line 762 of file MSAbstractLaneChangeModel.h.

Referenced by MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::laneChangeOutput(), MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::prepareStep(), and MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::setLeaderGaps().

◆ myLastLeaderSecureGap

double MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::myLastLeaderSecureGap

the minimum longitudinal distances to vehicles on the target lane that would be necessary for stringent security

Definition at line 765 of file MSAbstractLaneChangeModel.h.

Referenced by MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::laneChangeOutput(), MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::prepareStep(), and MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::setLeaderGaps().

◆ myLastLeaderSpeed

double MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::myLastLeaderSpeed

speeds of surrounding vehicles at the time of lane change

Definition at line 771 of file MSAbstractLaneChangeModel.h.

Referenced by MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::laneChangeOutput(), MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::prepareStep(), and MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::setLeaderGaps().

◆ myLastOrigLeaderGap

double MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::myLastOrigLeaderGap

acutal and secure distance to closest leader vehicle on the original when performing lane change

Definition at line 768 of file MSAbstractLaneChangeModel.h.

Referenced by MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::laneChangeOutput(), MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::prepareStep(), and MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::setOrigLeaderGaps().

◆ myLastOrigLeaderSecureGap

double MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::myLastOrigLeaderSecureGap

◆ myLastOrigLeaderSpeed

double MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::myLastOrigLeaderSpeed

◆ myLCAccelerationAdvices

◆ myLCEndedOutput

bool MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::myLCEndedOutput

◆ myLCOutput

bool MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::myLCOutput

◆ myLCStartedOutput

bool MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::myLCStartedOutput

◆ myLCXYOutput

bool MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::myLCXYOutput

◆ myLeadingBlockerLength

double MSLCM_DK2008::myLeadingBlockerLength

◆ myLeftFollowers

std::shared_ptr<MSLeaderDistanceInfo> MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::myLeftFollowers

Cached info on lc-relevant neighboring vehicles.

Definition at line 687 of file MSAbstractLaneChangeModel.h.

Referenced by MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::clearNeighbors(), MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::getFollowers(), and MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::saveNeighbors().

◆ myLeftLeaders

std::shared_ptr<MSLeaderDistanceInfo> MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::myLeftLeaders

◆ myLeftSpace

double MSLCM_DK2008::myLeftSpace

◆ myManeuverDist

double MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::myManeuverDist

◆ myMaxDistLatStanding

double MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::myMaxDistLatStanding

◆ myMaxSpeedLatFactor

◆ myMaxSpeedLatStanding

◆ myModel

◆ myNoPartiallyOccupatedByShadow

◆ myOvertakeRightParam

double MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::myOvertakeRightParam

◆ myOwnState

◆ myPartiallyOccupatedByShadow

std::vector<MSLane*> MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::myPartiallyOccupatedByShadow

list of lanes where the shadow vehicle is partial occupator

Definition at line 751 of file MSAbstractLaneChangeModel.h.

Referenced by MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::setShadowPartialOccupator().

◆ myPreviousAngleOffset

double MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::myPreviousAngleOffset

the angle offset of the previous time step resulting from lane change and sigma

Definition at line 703 of file MSAbstractLaneChangeModel.h.

Referenced by MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::calcAngleOffset(), and MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::setPreviousAngleOffset().

◆ myPreviousManeuverDist

double MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::myPreviousManeuverDist

Maneuver distance from the previous simulation step.

Definition at line 829 of file MSAbstractLaneChangeModel.h.

Referenced by MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::getPreviousManeuverDist(), and MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::setManeuverDist().

◆ myPreviousState

int MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::myPreviousState

lane changing state from the previous simulation step

Definition at line 674 of file MSAbstractLaneChangeModel.h.

Referenced by MSLCM_SL2015::_wantsChangeSublane(), and MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::setOwnState().

◆ myPreviousState2

int MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::myPreviousState2

lane changing state from step before the previous simulation step

Definition at line 676 of file MSAbstractLaneChangeModel.h.

Referenced by MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::getPrevState(), and MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::setOwnState().

◆ myRightFollowers

std::shared_ptr<MSLeaderDistanceInfo> MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::myRightFollowers

◆ myRightLeaders

std::shared_ptr<MSLeaderDistanceInfo> MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::myRightLeaders

◆ mySavedStateCenter

std::pair<int, int> MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::mySavedStateCenter

◆ mySavedStateLeft

std::pair<int, int> MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::mySavedStateLeft

◆ mySavedStateRight

std::pair<int, int> MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::mySavedStateRight

◆ myShadowFurtherLanes

std::vector<MSLane*> MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::myShadowFurtherLanes

◆ myShadowFurtherLanesPosLat

std::vector<double> MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::myShadowFurtherLanesPosLat

◆ myShadowLane

MSLane* MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::myShadowLane

◆ mySigma

◆ mySpeedLat

◆ myTargetLane

MSLane* MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::myTargetLane

The target lane for the vehicle's current maneuver.

This is used by the sublane model to register the vehicle at lanes, it will reach within the current action step, so vehicles on that lane may react to the started lc-maneuver during the car-following process. If the shadow lane is the same as the lc maneuver target, myTargetLane is set to nullptr. The current shadow lanes and further lanes should always be updated before updating the target lane.

Definition at line 732 of file MSAbstractLaneChangeModel.h.

Referenced by MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::cleanupTargetLane(), MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::getTargetLane(), and MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::updateTargetLane().

◆ myVehicle

MSVehicle& MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::myVehicle

The vehicle this lane-changer belongs to.

Definition at line 669 of file MSAbstractLaneChangeModel.h.

Referenced by MSLCM_LC2013::_patchSpeed(), MSLCM_SL2015::_patchSpeed(), MSLCM_LC2013::_wantsChange(), MSLCM_SL2015::_wantsChangeSublane(), MSLCM_LC2013::adaptSpeedToPedestrians(), MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::addLCSpeedAdvice(), MSLCM_LC2013::anticipateFollowSpeed(), MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::avoidOvertakeRight(), MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::calcAngleOffset(), MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::cancelRequest(), MSLCM_LC2013::changed(), MSLCM_SL2015::changed(), MSLCM_SL2015::checkBlocking(), MSLCM_SL2015::checkStrategicChange(), MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::checkTraCICommands(), MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::cleanupShadowLane(), MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::cleanupTargetLane(), MSLCM_SL2015::commitFollowSpeed(), MSLCM_SL2015::commitManoeuvre(), MSLCM_SL2015::computeSpeedGain(), MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::computeSpeedLat(), MSLCM_LC2013::computeSpeedLat(), MSLCM_SL2015::computeSpeedLat(), MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::congested(), MSLCM_SL2015::decideDirection(), MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::determineTargetLane(), MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::endLaneChangeManeuver(), MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::estimateLCDuration(), MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::getAssumedDecelForLaneChangeDuration(), MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::getCarFollowModel(), MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::getDesiredAlignment(), MSLCM_SL2015::getDesiredAlignment(), MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::getForwardPos(), MSLCM_SL2015::getLateralDrift(), MSLCM_SL2015::getLeftBorder(), MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::getMaxSpeedLat2(), MSLCM_SL2015::getNeighRight(), MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::getNormalizedLaneIndex(), MSLCM_SL2015::getPosLat(), MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::getShadowDirection(), MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::getShadowLane(), MSLCM_SL2015::getSublaneWidth(), MSLCM_SL2015::getVehicleCenter(), MSLCM_SL2015::getWidth(), MSLCM_LC2013::inform(), MSLCM_SL2015::inform(), informBlocker(), MSLCM_SL2015::informFollower(), MSLCM_LC2013::informFollower(), MSLCM_SL2015::informLeader(), MSLCM_LC2013::informLeader(), MSLCM_SL2015::informLeaders(), MSLCM_SL2015::isBidi(), MSLCM_SL2015::keepLatGap(), MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::laneChangeOutput(), MSLCM_SL2015::msg(), MSLCM_LC2013::MSLCM_LC2013(), MSLCM_SL2015::mustOvertakeStopped(), MSLCM_SL2015::outsideEdge(), patchSpeed(), MSLCM_LC2013::patchSpeed(), MSLCM_SL2015::patchSpeed(), MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::predInteraction(), MSLCM_LC2013::prepareStep(), MSLCM_SL2015::prepareStep(), MSLCM_SL2015::preventSliding(), MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::primaryLaneChanged(), MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::remainingTime(), MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::removeShadowApproachingInformation(), MSLCM_LC2013::saveBlockerLength(), MSLCM_SL2015::saveBlockerLength(), MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::saveNeighbors(), MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::setFollowerGaps(), MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::setLeaderGaps(), MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::setManeuverDist(), MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::setOrigLeaderGaps(), MSLCM_SL2015::setOwnState(), MSLCM_LC2013::slowDownForBlocked(), MSLCM_SL2015::slowDownForBlocked(), MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::startLaneChangeManeuver(), MSLCM_SL2015::tieBrakeLeader(), MSLCM_SL2015::updateCFRelated(), MSLCM_SL2015::updateExpectedSublaneSpeeds(), MSLCM_SL2015::updateGaps(), MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::updateShadowLane(), MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::updateTargetLane(), MSLCM_LC2013::wantsChange(), MSLCM_SL2015::wantsChange(), MSLCM_SL2015::wantsChangeSublane(), wantsChangeToLeft(), and wantsChangeToRight().

◆ myVSafes

std::vector<double> MSLCM_DK2008::myVSafes


const double MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::NO_NEIGHBOR

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