Eclipse SUMO - Simulation of Urban MObility
MSCFModel_CACC Class Reference

The CACC car-following model. More...

#include <MSCFModel_CACC.h>

Inheritance diagram for MSCFModel_CACC:
Collaboration diagram for MSCFModel_CACC:

Data Structures

class  CACCVehicleVariables

Public Types

 What the return value of stop/follow/free-Speed is used for. More...

Public Member Functions

double calculateEmergencyDeceleration (double gap, double egoSpeed, double predSpeed, double predMaxDecel) const
 Returns the minimal deceleration for following the given leader safely. More...
virtual MSCFModel::VehicleVariablescreateVehicleVariables () const
 Returns model specific values which are stored inside a vehicle and must be used with casting. More...
virtual double distAfterTime (double t, double speed, double accel) const
 calculates the distance travelled after accelerating for time t More...
MSCFModelduplicate (const MSVehicleType *vtype) const
 Duplicates the car-following model. More...
double estimateSpeedAfterDistance (const double dist, const double v, const double accel) const
double getApparentDecel () const
 Get the vehicle type's apparent deceleration [m/s^2] (the one regarded by its followers. More...
double getCollisionMinGapFactor () const
 Get the factor of minGap that must be maintained to avoid a collision event. More...
double getEmergencyDecel () const
 Get the vehicle type's maximal phisically possible deceleration [m/s^2]. More...
double getMaxAccel () const
 Get the vehicle type's maximum acceleration [m/s^2]. More...
double getMaxDecel () const
 Get the vehicle type's maximal comfortable deceleration [m/s^2]. More...
double getMinimalArrivalSpeed (double dist, double currentSpeed) const
 Computes the minimal possible arrival speed after covering a given distance. More...
double getMinimalArrivalSpeedEuler (double dist, double currentSpeed) const
 Computes the minimal possible arrival speed after covering a given distance for Euler update. More...
SUMOTime getMinimalArrivalTime (double dist, double currentSpeed, double arrivalSpeed) const
 Computes the minimal time needed to cover a distance given the desired speed at arrival. More...
SUMOTime getStartupDelay () const
 Get the vehicle type's startupDelay. More...
double maximumSafeFollowSpeed (double gap, double egoSpeed, double predSpeed, double predMaxDecel, bool onInsertion=false) const
 Returns the maximum safe velocity for following the given leader. More...
double maximumSafeStopSpeed (double gap, double decel, double currentSpeed, bool onInsertion=false, double headway=-1, bool relaxEmergency=true) const
 Returns the maximum next velocity for stopping within gap. More...
double maximumSafeStopSpeedBallistic (double gap, double decel, double currentSpeed, bool onInsertion=false, double headway=-1) const
 Returns the maximum next velocity for stopping within gap when using the ballistic positional update. More...
double maximumSafeStopSpeedEuler (double gap, double decel, bool onInsertion, double headway) const
 Returns the maximum next velocity for stopping within gap when using the semi-implicit Euler update. More...
 MSCFModel_CACC (const MSVehicleType *vtype)
 Constructor. More...
 ~MSCFModel_CACC ()
 Destructor. More...
Implementations of the MSCFModel interface
double freeSpeed (const MSVehicle *const veh, double speed, double seen, double maxSpeed, const bool onInsertion=false, const CalcReason usage=CalcReason::CURRENT) const
 Computes the vehicle's safe speed without a leader. More...
double followSpeed (const MSVehicle *const veh, double speed, double gap2pred, double predSpeed, double predMaxDecel, const MSVehicle *const pred=0, const CalcReason usage=CalcReason::CURRENT) const
 Computes the vehicle's safe speed (no dawdling) More...
double stopSpeed (const MSVehicle *const veh, const double speed, double gap2pred, double decel, const CalcReason usage=CalcReason::CURRENT) const
 Computes the vehicle's safe speed for approaching a non-moving obstacle (no dawdling) More...
double getSecureGap (const MSVehicle *const veh, const MSVehicle *const pred, const double speed, const double leaderSpeed, const double leaderMaxDecel) const
 Returns the a gap such that the gap mode acceleration of the follower is zero. More...
double insertionFollowSpeed (const MSVehicle *const v, double speed, double gap2pred, double predSpeed, double predMaxDecel, const MSVehicle *const pred=0) const
 Computes the vehicle's acceptable speed at insertion. More...
double interactionGap (const MSVehicle *const, double vL) const
 Returns the maximum gap at which an interaction between both vehicles occurs. More...
void setHeadwayTime (double headwayTime)
 Sets a new value for desired headway [s]. More...
virtual std::string getParameter (const MSVehicle *veh, const std::string &key) const
 try to get the given parameter for this carFollowingModel More...
virtual void setParameter (MSVehicle *veh, const std::string &key, const std::string &value) const
 try to set the given parameter for this carFollowingModel More...
int getModelID () const
 Returns the model's name. More...
double maximumLaneSpeedCF (const MSVehicle *const veh, double maxSpeed, double maxSpeedLane) const
 Returns the maximum velocity the CF-model wants to achieve in the next step. More...
Methods to override by model implementation
virtual double finalizeSpeed (MSVehicle *const veh, double vPos) const
 Applies interaction with stops and lane changing model influences. Called at most once per simulation step (exactcly once per action step) More...
virtual double patchSpeedBeforeLC (const MSVehicle *veh, double vMin, double vMax) const
 apply custom speed adaptations within the given speed bounds More...
virtual double applyStartupDelay (const MSVehicle *veh, const double vMin, const double vMax, const SUMOTime addTime=0) const
 apply speed adaptation on startup More...
double stopSpeed (const MSVehicle *const veh, const double speed, double gap, const CalcReason usage=CalcReason::CURRENT) const
 Computes the vehicle's safe speed for approaching a non-moving obstacle (no dawdling) More...
virtual double insertionStopSpeed (const MSVehicle *const veh, double speed, double gap) const
 Computes the vehicle's safe speed for approaching an obstacle at insertion without constraints due to acceleration capabilities and previous speeds. More...
virtual double followSpeedTransient (double duration, const MSVehicle *const veh, double speed, double gap2pred, double predSpeed, double predMaxDecel) const
 Computes the vehicle's follow speed that avoids a collision for the given amount of time. More...
Virtual methods with default implementation
virtual double getImperfection () const
 Get the driver's imperfection. More...
virtual double getHeadwayTime () const
 Get the driver's desired headway [s]. More...
virtual bool startupDelayStopped () const
 whether startupDelay should be applied after stopping More...
Setter methods
virtual void setMaxAccel (double accel)
 Sets a new value for maximum acceleration [m/s^2]. More...
virtual void setMaxDecel (double decel)
 Sets a new value for maximal comfortable deceleration [m/s^2]. More...
virtual void setEmergencyDecel (double decel)
 Sets a new value for maximal physically possible deceleration [m/s^2]. More...
virtual void setApparentDecel (double decel)
 Sets a new value for the apparent deceleration [m/s^2]. More...
void setCollisionMinGapFactor (const double factor)
 Sets a new value for the factor of minGap that must be maintained to avoid a collision event. More...
virtual void setImperfection (double imperfection)
 Sets a new value for driver imperfection. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static double avoidArrivalAccel (double dist, double time, double speed, double maxDecel)
 Computes the acceleration needed to arrive not before the given time. More...
static double estimateArrivalTime (double dist, double initialSpeed, double arrivalSpeed, double maxSpeed, double accel, double decel)
 Computes the time needed to travel a distance dist given an initial speed, arrival speed, constant acceleration and deceleration. The speed during traveling is assumed not to exceed the max speed. More...
static double estimateArrivalTime (double dist, double speed, double maxSpeed, double accel)
 Computes the time needed to travel a distance dist given an initial speed and constant acceleration. The speed during traveling is assumed not to exceed the max speed. More...
static double gapExtrapolation (const double duration, const double currentGap, double v1, double v2, double a1=0, double a2=0, const double maxV1=std::numeric_limits< double >::max(), const double maxV2=std::numeric_limits< double >::max())
 return the resulting gap if, starting with gap currentGap, two vehicles continue with constant accelerations (velocities bounded by 0 and maxSpeed) for a given timespan of length 'duration'. More...
static double passingTime (const double lastPos, const double passedPos, const double currentPos, const double lastSpeed, const double currentSpeed)
 Calculates the time at which the position passedPosition has been passed In case of a ballistic update, the possibility of a stop within a time step requires more information about the last time-step than in case of the euler update to determine the last position if the currentSpeed is zero. More...
static double speedAfterTime (const double t, const double oldSpeed, const double dist)
 Calculates the speed after a time t \in [0,TS] given the initial speed and the distance traveled in an interval of step length TS. More...

Protected Member Functions

void applyHeadwayAndSpeedDifferencePerceptionErrors (const MSVehicle *const veh, double speed, double &gap, double &predSpeed, double predMaxDecel, const MSVehicle *const pred) const
 Overwrites gap2pred and predSpeed by the perceived values obtained from the vehicle's driver state,. More...
void applyHeadwayPerceptionError (const MSVehicle *const veh, double speed, double &gap) const
 Overwrites gap by the perceived value obtained from the vehicle's driver state. More...
void applyOwnSpeedPerceptionError (const MSVehicle *const veh, double &speed) const
 Overwrites sped by the perceived values obtained from the vehicle's driver state,. More...

Protected Attributes

double myAccel
 The vehicle's maximum acceleration [m/s^2]. More...
double myApparentDecel
 The vehicle's deceleration as expected by surrounding traffic [m/s^2]. More...
double myCollisionMinGapFactor
 The factor of minGap that must be maintained to avoid a collision event. More...
double myDecel
 The vehicle's maximum deceleration [m/s^2]. More...
double myEmergencyDecel
 The vehicle's maximum emergency deceleration [m/s^2]. More...
double myHeadwayTime
 The driver's desired time headway (aka reaction time tau) [s]. More...
SUMOTime myStartupDelay
 The startup delay after halting [s]. More...
const MSVehicleTypemyType
 The type to which this model definition belongs to. More...

Private Types

enum  CommunicationsOverrideMode { CACC_NO_OVERRIDE = 0 , CACC_MODE_NO_LEADER = 1 , CACC_MODE_LEADER_NO_CAV = 2 , CACC_MODE_LEADER_CAV = 3 }
enum  VehicleMode {
 Vehicle mode (default is CACC) Switch to ACC mode if CACC_ControlMode = 1 (gap control mode) and leader's CFModel != CACC. More...

Private Member Functions

double _v (const MSVehicle *const veh, const MSVehicle *const pred, const double gap2pred, const double mySpeed, const double predSpeed, const double desSpeed, const bool respectMinGap, const CalcReason usage=CalcReason::CURRENT) const
MSCFModel_CACCoperator= (const MSCFModel_CACC &s)
 Invalidated assignment operator. More...
double speedGapControl (const MSVehicle *const veh, const double gap2pred, const double speed, const double predSpeed, const double desSpeed, double vErr, const MSVehicle *const pred, VehicleMode &vehMode) const
double speedSpeedControl (const double speed, double vErr, VehicleMode &vehMode) const

Private Attributes

double myApplyDriverstate
double myCollisionAvoidanceGainGap
double myCollisionAvoidanceGainGapDot
double myEmergencyThreshold
double myGapClosingControlGainGap
double myGapClosingControlGainGapDot
double myGapControlGainGap
double myGapControlGainGapDot
double myHeadwayTimeACC
double mySpeedControlGain
double mySpeedControlMinGap

Static Private Attributes

static std::map< std::string, CommunicationsOverrideModeCommunicationsOverrideModeMap
static std::map< VehicleMode, std::string > VehicleModeNames
 Vehicle mode name map. More...

Currently fixed methods

virtual double maxNextSpeed (double speed, const MSVehicle *const veh) const
 Returns the maximum speed given the current speed. More...
virtual double maxNextSafeMin (double speed, const MSVehicle *const veh=0) const
 Returns the maximum speed given the current speed and regarding driving dynamics. More...
virtual double minNextSpeed (double speed, const MSVehicle *const veh=0) const
 Returns the minimum speed given the current speed (depends on the numerical update scheme and its step width) Note that it wouldn't have to depend on the numerical update scheme if the semantics would rely on acceleration instead of velocity. More...
virtual double minNextSpeedEmergency (double speed, const MSVehicle *const veh=0) const
 Returns the minimum speed after emergency braking, given the current speed (depends on the numerical update scheme and its step width) Note that it wouldn't have to depend on the numerical update scheme if the semantics would rely on acceleration instead of velocity. More...
double brakeGap (const double speed) const
 Returns the distance the vehicle needs to halt including driver's reaction time tau (i.e. desired headway), assuming that during the reaction time, the speed remains constant. More...
virtual double brakeGap (const double speed, const double decel, const double headwayTime) const
virtual double getSpeedAfterMaxDecel (double v) const
 Returns the velocity after maximum deceleration. More...
static double freeSpeed (const double currentSpeed, const double decel, const double dist, const double maxSpeed, const bool onInsertion, const double actionStepLength)
static double brakeGapEuler (const double speed, const double decel, const double headwayTime)

Detailed Description

The CACC car-following model.

See also

Definition at line 47 of file MSCFModel_CACC.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ CalcReason

enum MSCFModel::CalcReason

What the return value of stop/follow/free-Speed is used for.


the return value is used for calculating the next speed


the return value is used for calculating future speeds


the return value is used for calculating junction stop speeds


the return value is used for lane change calculations

Definition at line 77 of file MSCFModel.h.

◆ CommunicationsOverrideMode


Definition at line 200 of file MSCFModel_CACC.h.

◆ VehicleMode

Vehicle mode (default is CACC) Switch to ACC mode if CACC_ControlMode = 1 (gap control mode) and leader's CFModel != CACC.


Definition at line 211 of file MSCFModel_CACC.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ MSCFModel_CACC()

MSCFModel_CACC::MSCFModel_CACC ( const MSVehicleType vtype)


[in]vtypethe type for which this model is built and also the parameter object to configure this model

Definition at line 88 of file MSCFModel_CACC.cpp.

References acc_CFM, SUMOVTypeParameter::getCFParam(), MSVehicleType::getParameter(), MSCFModel::myCollisionMinGapFactor, myHeadwayTimeACC, MSCFModel::setHeadwayTime(), and SUMO_ATTR_COLLISION_MINGAP_FACTOR.

Referenced by duplicate().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ ~MSCFModel_CACC()



Definition at line 105 of file MSCFModel_CACC.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

◆ _v()

◆ applyHeadwayAndSpeedDifferencePerceptionErrors()

void MSCFModel::applyHeadwayAndSpeedDifferencePerceptionErrors ( const MSVehicle *const  veh,
double  speed,
double &  gap,
double &  predSpeed,
double  predMaxDecel,
const MSVehicle *const  pred 
) const

Overwrites gap2pred and predSpeed by the perceived values obtained from the vehicle's driver state,.

See also
MSCFModel_Krauss::stopSpeed() and MSCFModel_Krauss::followSpeed() for integration into a CF model
[in]vehThe vehicle (EGO)
[in]speedThe vehicle's speed
[in,out]gap2predThe (netto) distance to the LEADER
[in,out]predSpeedThe speed of LEADER
[in]predThe leading vehicle (LEADER)

Definition at line 1063 of file MSCFModel.cpp.

References DEBUG_COND, MSCFModel::followSpeed(), MSVehicle::getDriverState(), Named::getID(), MSVehicle::hasDriverState(), SIMTIME, SPEED2ACCEL, and UNUSED_PARAMETER.

Referenced by followSpeed(), MSCFModel_IDM::followSpeed(), and MSCFModel_Krauss::followSpeed().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ applyHeadwayPerceptionError()

void MSCFModel::applyHeadwayPerceptionError ( const MSVehicle *const  veh,
double  speed,
double &  gap 
) const

Overwrites gap by the perceived value obtained from the vehicle's driver state.

[in]vehThe vehicle (EGO)
[in]speedThe vehicle's speed
[in,out]gapThe (netto) distance to the the obstacle

Definition at line 1099 of file MSCFModel.cpp.

References DEBUG_COND, MSVehicle::getDriverState(), Named::getID(), MSVehicle::hasDriverState(), SIMTIME, SPEED2ACCEL, MSCFModel::stopSpeed(), and UNUSED_PARAMETER.

Referenced by MSCFModel_IDM::stopSpeed(), stopSpeed(), and MSCFModel_Krauss::stopSpeed().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ applyOwnSpeedPerceptionError()

void MSCFModel::applyOwnSpeedPerceptionError ( const MSVehicle *const  veh,
double &  speed 
) const

Overwrites sped by the perceived values obtained from the vehicle's driver state,.

See also
[in]vehThe vehicle (EGO)
[in,out]speedThe vehicle's speed

Definition at line 1054 of file MSCFModel.cpp.

References MSVehicle::getDriverState(), and MSVehicle::hasDriverState().

Referenced by MSCFModel::maximumLaneSpeedCF(), and maximumLaneSpeedCF().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ applyStartupDelay()

double MSCFModel::applyStartupDelay ( const MSVehicle veh,
const double  vMin,
const double  vMax,
const SUMOTime  addTime = 0 
) const

apply speed adaptation on startup

Definition at line 257 of file MSCFModel.cpp.

References DELTA_T, MSVehicle::getSpeed(), MSVehicle::getTimeSinceStartup(), MSCFModel::myStartupDelay, SUMO_const_haltingSpeed, and UNUSED_PARAMETER.

Referenced by MSCFModel::finalizeSpeed(), and MSCFModel_EIDM::finalizeSpeed().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ avoidArrivalAccel()

double MSCFModel::avoidArrivalAccel ( double  dist,
double  time,
double  speed,
double  maxDecel 

Computes the acceleration needed to arrive not before the given time.

[in]dist- the distance of the critical point
[in]time- the time after which an arrival at dist is allowed
[in]speed- the current speed
Returns the acceleration which would ensure an arrival at distance dist earliest for the given time

Definition at line 521 of file MSCFModel.cpp.

Referenced by MSLCM_SL2015::commitManoeuvre().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ brakeGap() [1/2]

double MSCFModel::brakeGap ( const double  speed) const

Returns the distance the vehicle needs to halt including driver's reaction time tau (i.e. desired headway), assuming that during the reaction time, the speed remains constant.

[in]speedThe vehicle's current speed
The distance needed to halt

Definition at line 380 of file MSCFModel.h.

References MSCFModel::myDecel, and MSCFModel::myHeadwayTime.

Referenced by MSCFModel_Wiedemann::_v(), MSLCM_LC2013::_wantsChange(), MSLCM_SL2015::_wantsChangeSublane(), MSVehicle::adaptToOncomingLeader(), MSPModel_Striping::addCrossingVehs(), MSLane::addLeaders(), MSCFModel_EIDM::brakeGap(), MSLCHelper::canSaveBlockerLength(), MSLaneChanger::checkChange(), MSLane::checkFailure(), MSVehicle::checkReversal(), MSVehicle::checkRewindLinkLanes(), MSLaneChanger::computeSafeOppositeLength(), MSCFModel::distAfterTime(), MSCFModel::followSpeedTransient(), MSVehicle::getBrakeGap(), MSLaneChanger::getColumnleader(), MSLane::getCriticalLeader(), MSVehicle::getFollower(), LIBSUMO_NAMESPACE::Vehicle::getJunctionFoes(), MSLane::getLeader(), MSVehicle::getLeader(), MSLink::getLeaderInfo(), MSLane::getLeaderOnConsecutive(), MSLane::getLeadersOnConsecutive(), MSLaneChanger::getRealLeader(), MSCFModel::getSecureGap(), MSLink::getZipperSpeed(), MSLane::handleCollisionBetween(), MSLane::handleIntermodalCollisionBetween(), MSIdling_Stop::idle(), MSLCM_SL2015::informLeader(), MSLCM_LC2013::informLeader(), MSLane::isInsertionSuccess(), MSVehicle::isLeader(), MSLane::lastInsertion(), MSCFModel::maximumSafeFollowSpeed(), MSDevice_StationFinder::notifyMove(), GUIBaseVehicle::GUIBaseVehiclePopupMenu::onCmdToggleStop(), MSVehicle::planMoveInternal(), MSLCM_SL2015::preventSliding(), MSVehicle::processLinkApproaches(), MSVehicle::unsafeLinkAhead(), MSVehicle::updateBestLanes(), and MSLCHelper::updateBlockerLength().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ brakeGap() [2/2]

double MSCFModel::brakeGap ( const double  speed,
const double  decel,
const double  headwayTime 
) const

Reimplemented in MSCFModel_EIDM.

Definition at line 75 of file MSCFModel.cpp.

References MSCFModel::brakeGapEuler(), and MSGlobals::gSemiImplicitEulerUpdate.

◆ brakeGapEuler()

double MSCFModel::brakeGapEuler ( const double  speed,
const double  decel,
const double  headwayTime 

Definition at line 90 of file MSCFModel.cpp.


Referenced by MSCFModel::brakeGap(), and MSLCM_SL2015::computeSpeedLat().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ calculateEmergencyDeceleration()

double MSCFModel::calculateEmergencyDeceleration ( double  gap,
double  egoSpeed,
double  predSpeed,
double  predMaxDecel 
) const

Returns the minimal deceleration for following the given leader safely.

[in]gapThe (netto) distance to the LEADER
[in]egoSpeedThe FOLLOWERS's speed
[in]predSpeedThe LEADER's speed
[in]predMaxDecelThe LEADER's maximum deceleration
The minimal deceleration b>0 that, if applied constantly until a full stop, asserts that the vehicle does not crash into the leader.
If b > predMaxDecel, this function actually does not calculate the tangency for the trajectories, i.e. a double root for the gap, but applies a simpler approach following the spirit of maximumSafeFollowSpeed, where the leader's decel is assumed as maximum of its actual value and the followers decel.

Definition at line 1002 of file MSCFModel.cpp.

References DEBUG_COND2, MSCFModel::myEmergencyDecel, and SIMTIME.

Referenced by MSCFModel::maximumSafeFollowSpeed(), MSCFModel_EIDM::maximumSafeFollowSpeed(), and MSCFModel::maximumSafeStopSpeed().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ createVehicleVariables()

virtual MSCFModel::VehicleVariables* MSCFModel_CACC::createVehicleVariables ( ) const

◆ distAfterTime()

double MSCFModel::distAfterTime ( double  t,
double  speed,
double  accel 
) const

calculates the distance travelled after accelerating for time t

Definition at line 403 of file MSCFModel.cpp.

References ACCEL2SPEED, MSCFModel::brakeGap(), MSGlobals::gSemiImplicitEulerUpdate, MAX2(), SPEED2DIST, and TS.

Referenced by MSCFModel::followSpeedTransient().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ duplicate()

MSCFModel * MSCFModel_CACC::duplicate ( const MSVehicleType vtype) const

Duplicates the car-following model.

[in]vtypeThe vehicle type this model belongs to (1:1)
A duplicate of this car-following model

Implements MSCFModel.

Definition at line 478 of file MSCFModel_CACC.cpp.

References MSCFModel_CACC().

◆ estimateArrivalTime() [1/2]

double MSCFModel::estimateArrivalTime ( double  dist,
double  initialSpeed,
double  arrivalSpeed,
double  maxSpeed,
double  accel,
double  decel 

Computes the time needed to travel a distance dist given an initial speed, arrival speed, constant acceleration and deceleration. The speed during traveling is assumed not to exceed the max speed.

[in]distDistance to be covered (assumed >= 0.)
[in]initialSpeedInitial speed of vehicle
[in]arrivalSpeeddesired arrival speed of vehicle
[in]accelAssumed acceleration until reaching maxspeed.
[in]accelAssumed deceleration until reaching targetspeed.
Returns the estimated time needed to cover the given distance If distance will never be covered with the given parameters INVALID_DOUBLE (from MSLink.h) is returned.
Currently, this is still a stub for actually very special situations in LC context: It is assumed that 0==initialSpeed==arrivalSpeed<=maxspeed, accel==decel>0 (because currently this is only used for lane change purposes, where lateral accel == lateral decel)

Definition at line 489 of file MSCFModel.cpp.


◆ estimateArrivalTime() [2/2]

double MSCFModel::estimateArrivalTime ( double  dist,
double  speed,
double  maxSpeed,
double  accel 

Computes the time needed to travel a distance dist given an initial speed and constant acceleration. The speed during traveling is assumed not to exceed the max speed.

[in]distDistance to be covered (assumed >= 0.)
[in]speedInitial speed of vehicle
[in]accelAssumed acceleration until reaching maxspeed or speed=0.
Returns the estimated time needed to cover the given distance If distance will never be covered with the given parameters INVALID_DOUBLE (from MSLink.h) is returned.

Definition at line 450 of file MSCFModel.cpp.


Referenced by MSLCM_SL2015::commitManoeuvre(), and MSDevice_SSM::estimateConflictTimes().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ estimateSpeedAfterDistance()

double MSCFModel::estimateSpeedAfterDistance ( const double  dist,
const double  v,
const double  accel 
) const

Definition at line 765 of file MSCFModel.cpp.

References MSVehicleType::getMaxSpeed(), MAX2(), MIN2(), and MSCFModel::myType.

Referenced by MSCFModel::getMinimalArrivalSpeed(), MSCFModel::getMinimalArrivalSpeedEuler(), MSLink::getZipperSpeed(), and MSVehicle::planMoveInternal().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ finalizeSpeed()

double MSCFModel::finalizeSpeed ( MSVehicle *const  veh,
double  vPos 
) const

Applies interaction with stops and lane changing model influences. Called at most once per simulation step (exactcly once per action step)

[in]vehThe ego vehicle
[in]vPosThe possible velocity
The velocity after applying interactions with stops and lane change model influences

Reimplemented in MSCFModel_Wiedemann, MSCFModel_SmartSK, MSCFModel_Rail, MSCFModel_PWag2009, MSCFModel_Kerner, MSCFModel_IDM, MSCFModel_EIDM, MSCFModel_Daniel1, and MSCFModel_CC.

Definition at line 187 of file MSCFModel.cpp.

References ACCEL2SPEED, MSCFModel::applyStartupDelay(), DEBUG_COND, MSVehicle::getActionStepLengthSecs(), MSVehicle::getFriction(), Named::getID(), MSVehicle::getLane(), MSVehicle::getLaneChangeModel(), MSVehicle::getSpeed(), MSLane::getVehicleMaxSpeed(), gPrecision, MAX2(), MSCFModel::maxNextSpeed(), MIN2(), MIN3(), MSCFModel::minNextSpeed(), MSCFModel::minNextSpeedEmergency(), MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::patchSpeed(), MSCFModel::patchSpeedBeforeLC(), MSVehicle::processNextStop(), and SIMTIME.

Referenced by MSVehicle::executeMove(), MSCFModel_CC::finalizeSpeed(), MSCFModel_IDM::finalizeSpeed(), MSCFModel_Kerner::finalizeSpeed(), MSCFModel_PWag2009::finalizeSpeed(), MSCFModel_Rail::finalizeSpeed(), MSCFModel_SmartSK::finalizeSpeed(), and MSCFModel_Wiedemann::finalizeSpeed().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ followSpeed()

double MSCFModel_CACC::followSpeed ( const MSVehicle *const  veh,
double  speed,
double  gap2pred,
double  predSpeed,
double  predMaxDecel,
const MSVehicle *const  pred = 0,
const CalcReason  usage = CalcReason::CURRENT 
) const

Computes the vehicle's safe speed (no dawdling)

[in]vehThe vehicle (EGO)
[in]speedThe vehicle's speed
[in]gap2predThe (netto) distance to the LEADER
[in]predSpeedThe speed of LEADER
EGO's safe speed
See also

Implements MSCFModel.

Definition at line 117 of file MSCFModel_CACC.cpp.

References _v(), MSCFModel::applyHeadwayAndSpeedDifferencePerceptionErrors(), DEBUG_COND, Named::getID(), Named::getIDSecure(), MSVehicle::getLane(), MSLane::getVehicleMaxSpeed(), MAX2(), MSCFModel::maximumSafeFollowSpeed(), MIN2(), myApplyDriverstate, myEmergencyThreshold, SIMTIME, and UNUSED_PARAMETER.

◆ followSpeedTransient()

double MSCFModel::followSpeedTransient ( double  duration,
const MSVehicle *const  veh,
double  speed,
double  gap2pred,
double  predSpeed,
double  predMaxDecel 
) const

Computes the vehicle's follow speed that avoids a collision for the given amount of time.

Returns the velocity of the vehicle in dependence to the vehicle's and its leader's values and the distance between them.

[in]vehThe vehicle (EGO)
[in]speedThe vehicle's speed
[in]gap2predThe (netto) distance to the LEADER
[in]predSpeedThe speed of LEADER
[in]predMaxDecelThe maximum leader decelration
EGO's safe speed

Definition at line 353 of file MSCFModel.cpp.

References ACCEL2SPEED, MSCFModel::brakeGap(), DIST2SPEED, MSCFModel::distAfterTime(), gDebugFlag2, MSCFModel::getMaxDecel(), MSGlobals::gSemiImplicitEulerUpdate, MSCFModel::myDecel, SPEED2DIST, and TS.

Referenced by MSLCM_SL2015::commitFollowSpeed().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ freeSpeed() [1/2]

double MSCFModel::freeSpeed ( const double  currentSpeed,
const double  decel,
const double  dist,
const double  maxSpeed,
const bool  onInsertion,
const double  actionStepLength 

◆ freeSpeed() [2/2]

double MSCFModel_CACC::freeSpeed ( const MSVehicle *const  veh,
double  speed,
double  seen,
double  maxSpeed,
const bool  onInsertion = false,
const CalcReason  usage = CalcReason::CURRENT 
) const

Computes the vehicle's safe speed without a leader.

Returns the velocity of the vehicle in dependence to the length of the free street and the target velocity at the end of the free range. If onInsertion is true, the vehicle may still brake before the next movement. XXX: Currently only needed to (re-)set "caccVehicleMode" parameter to default value.

[in]vehThe vehicle (EGO)
[in]speedThe vehicle's speed
[in]seenThe look ahead distance
[in]maxSpeedThe maximum allowed speed
[in]onInsertionwhether speed at insertion is asked for
EGO's safe speed

Reimplemented from MSCFModel.

Definition at line 108 of file MSCFModel_CACC.cpp.

References CC_MODE, MSCFModel::freeSpeed(), MSGlobals::gComputeLC, MSBaseVehicle::getParameter(), setParameter(), and VehicleModeNames.

◆ gapExtrapolation()

double MSCFModel::gapExtrapolation ( const double  duration,
const double  currentGap,
double  v1,
double  v2,
double  a1 = 0,
double  a2 = 0,
const double  maxV1 = std::numeric_limits<double>::max(),
const double  maxV2 = std::numeric_limits<double>::max() 

return the resulting gap if, starting with gap currentGap, two vehicles continue with constant accelerations (velocities bounded by 0 and maxSpeed) for a given timespan of length 'duration'.

[in]currentGap(pos(veh1) - pos(veh2) at start)
[in]v1initial speed of vehicle 1
[in]v2initial speed of vehicle 2
[in]a1acceleration of vehicle 1
[in]a2acceleration of vehicle 2
[in]maxV1maximal speed of vehicle 1
[in]maxV2maximal speed of vehicle 2
[in]durationtime span for the process
estimated gap after 'duration' seconds

Definition at line 564 of file MSCFModel.cpp.

References MSGlobals::gSemiImplicitEulerUpdate, MAX2(), MIN2(), and TS.

Referenced by MSLCM_SL2015::checkBlockingVehicles(), and MSLCM_LC2013::informFollower().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getApparentDecel()

double MSCFModel::getApparentDecel ( ) const

Get the vehicle type's apparent deceleration [m/s^2] (the one regarded by its followers.

The apparent deceleration (in m/s^2) of vehicles of this class

Definition at line 280 of file MSCFModel.h.

References MSCFModel::myApparentDecel.

Referenced by MSVehicle::getCurrentApparentDecel(), and MSVehicleType::setApparentDecel().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getCollisionMinGapFactor()

double MSCFModel::getCollisionMinGapFactor ( ) const

Get the factor of minGap that must be maintained to avoid a collision event.

Definition at line 293 of file MSCFModel.h.

References MSCFModel::myCollisionMinGapFactor.

Referenced by MSLane::detectCollisionBetween().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getEmergencyDecel()

double MSCFModel::getEmergencyDecel ( ) const

Get the vehicle type's maximal phisically possible deceleration [m/s^2].

The maximal physically possible deceleration (in m/s^2) of vehicles of this class

Definition at line 272 of file MSCFModel.h.

References MSCFModel::myEmergencyDecel.

Referenced by MSLane::checkFailure(), MSLCM_SL2015::commitManoeuvre(), MSCFModel_EIDM::finalizeSpeed(), MSLink::getZipperSpeed(), MSLane::handleCollisionBetween(), MSLane::handleIntermodalCollisionBetween(), MSVehicle::planMoveInternal(), and MSVehicleType::setEmergencyDecel().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getHeadwayTime()

virtual double MSCFModel::getHeadwayTime ( ) const

Get the driver's desired headway [s].

The desired headway of this class' drivers in s

Definition at line 311 of file MSCFModel.h.

References MSCFModel::myHeadwayTime.

Referenced by MSVehicleType::check(), MSLaneChanger::checkChange(), MSVehicle::checkRewindLinkLanes(), MSLaneChanger::computeSurplusGap(), MSVehicle::Influencer::gapControlSpeed(), MSCFModel::getMinimalArrivalSpeed(), MSCFModel::getMinimalArrivalSpeedEuler(), MSVehicle::isLeader(), LIBSUMO_NAMESPACE::Vehicle::openGap(), MESegment::receive(), MSCalibrator::remainingVehicleCapacity(), MSDevice_ToC::requestToC(), MESegment::send(), MSVehicleType::setTau(), and MSVehicle::updateBestLanes().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getImperfection()

virtual double MSCFModel::getImperfection ( ) const

Get the driver's imperfection.

The imperfection of drivers of this class

Reimplemented in MSCFModel_SmartSK, MSCFModel_PWag2009, MSCFModel_KraussOrig1, and MSCFModel_Daniel1.

Definition at line 303 of file MSCFModel.h.

Referenced by MSVehicleType::setImperfection().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getMaxAccel()

◆ getMaxDecel()

double MSCFModel::getMaxDecel ( ) const

Get the vehicle type's maximal comfortable deceleration [m/s^2].

The maximal comfortable deceleration (in m/s^2) of vehicles of this class

Definition at line 264 of file MSCFModel.h.

References MSCFModel::myDecel.

Referenced by MSLCM_LC2013::_wantsChange(), MSDevice_GLOSA::adaptSpeed(), MSLCM_LC2013::adaptSpeedToPedestrians(), MSVehicle::adaptToOncomingLeader(), MSPModel_Striping::addCrossingVehs(), MSCriticalFollowerDistanceInfo::addFollower(), MSLCM_LC2013::anticipateFollowSpeed(), MSLink::blockedByFoe(), MSLCHelper::canSaveBlockerLength(), MSLCM_SL2015::checkBlockingVehicles(), MSLaneChanger::checkChange(), MSLane::checkForPedestrians(), MSVehicle::checkRewindLinkLanes(), MSLCM_SL2015::checkStrategicChange(), MSLCM_SL2015::commitFollowSpeed(), MSLink::computeFoeArrivalTimeBraking(), MSLaneChanger::computeOvertakingTime(), MSLaneChanger::computeSafeOppositeLength(), MSLink::couldBrakeForLeader(), MSVehicle::estimateTimeToNextStop(), MSCFModel::followSpeedTransient(), MSLane::freeInsertion(), MSLaneChanger::getColumnleader(), MSLane::getCriticalLeader(), MSLane::getLeaderOnConsecutive(), MSLaneChanger::getMaxOvertakingSpeed(), MSCFModel::getMinimalArrivalSpeed(), MSCFModel::getMinimalArrivalSpeedEuler(), MSCFModel::getMinimalArrivalTime(), MSLane::getMissingRearGap(), LIBSUMO_NAMESPACE::Vehicle::getNeighbors(), MSLCHelper::getSpeedPreservingSecureGap(), MSLink::getZipperSpeed(), MSIdling_Stop::idle(), MSLCM_DK2008::informBlocker(), MSLCM_SL2015::informFollower(), MSLCM_LC2013::informFollower(), MSLCM_SL2015::informLeader(), MSLCM_LC2013::informLeader(), MSLane::insertVehicle(), MSLane::isInsertionSuccess(), MSVehicle::isLeader(), MESegment::isOpen(), MSLane::lastInsertion(), MSCFModel_KraussPS::maxNextSpeed(), MSDevice_Bluelight::notifyMove(), MSLCM_LC2013::overtakeDistance(), MSVehicle::planMoveInternal(), MSVehicle::processLinkApproaches(), MSVehicle::processNextStop(), MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::remainingTime(), MSLane::safeInsertionSpeed(), GUIVehicle::selectBlockingFoes(), MSVehicleType::setDecel(), MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::setFollowerGaps(), MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::setLeaderGaps(), MSAbstractLaneChangeModel::setOrigLeaderGaps(), MSLCM_LC2013::slowDownForBlocked(), MSLCM_SL2015::slowDownForBlocked(), MSVehicle::slowDownForSchedule(), MSLCHelper::updateBlockerLength(), MSLCM_SL2015::updateExpectedSublaneSpeeds(), MSVehicle::updateState(), MSVehicleControl::vehicleDeparted(), MSLCM_DK2008::wantsChangeToLeft(), and MSLCM_DK2008::wantsChangeToRight().

◆ getMinimalArrivalSpeed()

double MSCFModel::getMinimalArrivalSpeed ( double  dist,
double  currentSpeed 
) const

Computes the minimal possible arrival speed after covering a given distance.

[in]distDistance to be covered
[in]currentSpeedActual speed of vehicle

Definition at line 538 of file MSCFModel.cpp.

References MSCFModel::estimateSpeedAfterDistance(), MSCFModel::getHeadwayTime(), and MSCFModel::getMaxDecel().

Referenced by MSVehicle::planMoveInternal().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getMinimalArrivalSpeedEuler()

double MSCFModel::getMinimalArrivalSpeedEuler ( double  dist,
double  currentSpeed 
) const

Computes the minimal possible arrival speed after covering a given distance for Euler update.

[in]distDistance to be covered
[in]currentSpeedActual speed of vehicle

Definition at line 545 of file MSCFModel.cpp.

References MSCFModel::estimateSpeedAfterDistance(), MSCFModel::getHeadwayTime(), MSCFModel::getMaxDecel(), and INVALID_SPEED.

Referenced by MSVehicle::planMoveInternal(), and MSVehicle::registerInsertionApproach().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getMinimalArrivalTime()

SUMOTime MSCFModel::getMinimalArrivalTime ( double  dist,
double  currentSpeed,
double  arrivalSpeed 
) const

Computes the minimal time needed to cover a distance given the desired speed at arrival.

[in]distDistance to be covered
[in]currentSpeedActual speed of vehicle
[in]arrivalSpeedDesired speed at arrival

Definition at line 429 of file MSCFModel.cpp.

References MSCFModel::getMaxAccel(), MSCFModel::getMaxDecel(), MAX3(), SUMO_const_haltingSpeed, and TIME2STEPS.

Referenced by MSVehicle::getArrivalTime().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getModelID()

int MSCFModel_CACC::getModelID ( ) const

Returns the model's name.

The model's name
See also

Implements MSCFModel.

Definition at line 164 of file MSCFModel_CACC.h.

References SUMO_TAG_CF_CACC.

◆ getParameter()

std::string MSCFModel_CACC::getParameter ( const MSVehicle veh,
const std::string &  key 
) const

try to get the given parameter for this carFollowingModel

[in]vehthe vehicle from which the parameter must be retrieved
[in]keythe key of the parameter
the value of the requested parameter

Reimplemented from MSCFModel.

Definition at line 229 of file MSCFModel_CACC.cpp.

References MSCFModel_CACC::CACCVehicleVariables::CACC_CommunicationsOverrideMode, MSVehicle::getCarFollowVariables(), and toString().

◆ getSecureGap()

double MSCFModel_CACC::getSecureGap ( const MSVehicle *const  veh,
const MSVehicle *const  pred,
const double  speed,
const double  leaderSpeed,
const double  leaderMaxDecel 
) const

Returns the a gap such that the gap mode acceleration of the follower is zero.

[in]vehThe vehicle itself, for obtaining other values
[in]predThe leader vehicle, for obtaining other values
[in]speedEGO's speed
[in]leaderSpeedLEADER's speed
[in]leaderMaxDecelLEADER's max. deceleration rate

Reimplemented from MSCFModel.

Definition at line 161 of file MSCFModel_CACC.cpp.

References acc_CFM, MSVehicle::getCarFollowModel(), MSCFModel::getModelID(), MSCFModel::getSecureGap(), MAX2(), MSCFModel_ACC::myGapControlGainSpace, MSCFModel_ACC::myGapControlGainSpeed, MSCFModel::myHeadwayTime, myHeadwayTimeACC, SIMTIME, and SUMO_TAG_CF_CACC.

◆ getSpeedAfterMaxDecel()

virtual double MSCFModel::getSpeedAfterMaxDecel ( double  v) const

Returns the velocity after maximum deceleration.

[in]vThe velocity
The velocity after maximum deceleration

Reimplemented in MSCFModel_Rail.

Definition at line 403 of file MSCFModel.h.

References ACCEL2SPEED, MAX2(), and MSCFModel::myDecel.

Referenced by MSLCM_LC2013::_wantsChange(), MSCFModel_Daniel1::finalizeSpeed(), MSCFModel_SmartSK::followSpeed(), and MSCFModel_SmartSK::stopSpeed().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getStartupDelay()

SUMOTime MSCFModel::getStartupDelay ( ) const

Get the vehicle type's startupDelay.

The startupDelay

Definition at line 287 of file MSCFModel.h.

References MSCFModel::myStartupDelay.

Referenced by MSVehicle::executeMove().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ insertionFollowSpeed()

double MSCFModel_CACC::insertionFollowSpeed ( const MSVehicle *const  v,
double  speed,
double  gap2pred,
double  predSpeed,
double  predMaxDecel,
const MSVehicle *const  pred = 0 
) const

Computes the vehicle's acceptable speed at insertion.

[in]vehThe vehicle (EGO)
[in]speedThe vehicle's speed
[in]gap2predThe (netto) distance to the LEADER
[in]predSpeedThe speed of LEADER
EGO's safe speed

Reimplemented from MSCFModel.

Definition at line 182 of file MSCFModel_CACC.cpp.

References _v(), DEBUG_COND, MSCFModel::maximumSafeFollowSpeed(), and MIN2().

◆ insertionStopSpeed()

double MSCFModel::insertionStopSpeed ( const MSVehicle *const  veh,
double  speed,
double  gap 
) const

Computes the vehicle's safe speed for approaching an obstacle at insertion without constraints due to acceleration capabilities and previous speeds.

[in]vehThe vehicle (EGO)
[in]speedThe vehicle's speed
[in]gapThe (netto) distance to the the obstacle
EGO's safe speed for approaching a non-moving obstacle at insertion
See also
stopSpeed() and insertionFollowSpeed()

Reimplemented in MSCFModel_IDM, and MSCFModel_EIDM.

Definition at line 343 of file MSCFModel.cpp.

References MSVehicleType::getMaxSpeed(), MSGlobals::gSemiImplicitEulerUpdate, MSCFModel::maximumSafeStopSpeed(), MIN2(), MSCFModel::myDecel, MSCFModel::myType, and MSCFModel::stopSpeed().

Referenced by MSCFModel_IDM::insertionStopSpeed(), and MSLane::isInsertionSuccess().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ interactionGap()

double MSCFModel_CACC::interactionGap ( const MSVehicle * const  ,
double  vL 
) const

Returns the maximum gap at which an interaction between both vehicles occurs.

"interaction" means that the LEADER influences EGO's speed.

[in]vehThe EGO vehicle
[in]vLLEADER's speed
The interaction gap
evaluate signature
See also
update interactionGap logic

Reimplemented from MSCFModel.

Definition at line 222 of file MSCFModel_CACC.cpp.

◆ maximumLaneSpeedCF()

double MSCFModel_CACC::maximumLaneSpeedCF ( const MSVehicle *const  veh,
double  maxSpeed,
double  maxSpeedLane 
) const

Returns the maximum velocity the CF-model wants to achieve in the next step.

[in]maxSpeedThe maximum achievable speed in the next step
[in]maxSpeedLaneThe maximum speed the vehicle wants to drive on this lane (Speedlimit*SpeedFactor)

Reimplemented from MSCFModel.

Definition at line 172 of file MSCFModel_CACC.h.

References MSCFModel::applyOwnSpeedPerceptionError(), MIN2(), and myApplyDriverstate.

◆ maximumSafeFollowSpeed()

double MSCFModel::maximumSafeFollowSpeed ( double  gap,
double  egoSpeed,
double  predSpeed,
double  predMaxDecel,
bool  onInsertion = false 
) const

Returns the maximum safe velocity for following the given leader.

[in]gap2predThe (netto) distance to the LEADER
[in]egoSpeedThe FOLLOWERS's speed
[in]predSpeedThe LEADER's speed
[in]predMaxDecelThe LEADER's maximum deceleration
[in]onInsertionIndicator whether the call is triggered during vehicle insertion
the safe velocity

Returns the SK-vsafe.

Definition at line 922 of file MSCFModel.cpp.

References ACCEL2SPEED, MSCFModel::brakeGap(), MSCFModel::calculateEmergencyDeceleration(), DEBUG_COND2, EMERGENCY_DECEL_AMPLIFIER, MSGlobals::gComputeLC, MSGlobals::gSemiImplicitEulerUpdate, MAX2(), MSCFModel::maximumSafeStopSpeed(), MIN2(), MSCFModel::myDecel, MSCFModel::myEmergencyDecel, MSCFModel::myHeadwayTime, SIMTIME, and SPEED2ACCEL.

Referenced by MSLCM_LC2013::anticipateFollowSpeed(), MSCFModel_ACC::followSpeed(), followSpeed(), MSCFModel_Krauss::followSpeed(), MSCFModel_KraussOrig1::followSpeed(), insertionFollowSpeed(), and MSCFModel::insertionFollowSpeed().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ maximumSafeStopSpeed()

double MSCFModel::maximumSafeStopSpeed ( double  gap,
double  decel,
double  currentSpeed,
bool  onInsertion = false,
double  headway = -1,
bool  relaxEmergency = true 
) const

Returns the maximum next velocity for stopping within gap.

[in]gapThe (netto) distance to the desired stopping point
[in]decelThe desired deceleration rate
[in]currentSpeedThe current speed of the ego vehicle
[in]onInsertionIndicator whether the call is triggered during vehicle insertion
[in]headwayThe desired time headway to be included in the calculations (default argument -1 induces the use of myHeadway)
[in]relaxEmergencyWhether emergency deceleration should be reduced (at the cost of staying in a dangerous situation for longer)

Definition at line 774 of file MSCFModel.cpp.

References ACCEL2SPEED, MSCFModel::calculateEmergencyDeceleration(), EMERGENCY_DECEL_AMPLIFIER, MSGlobals::gSemiImplicitEulerUpdate, MAX2(), MSCFModel::maximumSafeStopSpeedBallistic(), MSCFModel::maximumSafeStopSpeedEuler(), MIN2(), MSCFModel::myDecel, MSCFModel::myEmergencyDecel, SIMTIME, and SPEED2ACCEL.

Referenced by MSLCM_LC2013::anticipateFollowSpeed(), MSCFModel_Rail::followSpeed(), MSVehicle::handleCollisionStop(), MSCFModel::insertionStopSpeed(), MSCFModel::maximumSafeFollowSpeed(), MSVehicle::planMoveInternal(), MSCFModel_IDM::stopSpeed(), MSCFModel_Rail::stopSpeed(), MSCFModel_W99::stopSpeed(), MSCFModel_Wiedemann::stopSpeed(), MSCFModel_ACC::stopSpeed(), stopSpeed(), and MSCFModel_Krauss::stopSpeed().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ maximumSafeStopSpeedBallistic()

double MSCFModel::maximumSafeStopSpeedBallistic ( double  gap,
double  decel,
double  currentSpeed,
bool  onInsertion = false,
double  headway = -1 
) const

Returns the maximum next velocity for stopping within gap when using the ballistic positional update.

This takes into account the driver's reaction time tau (i.e. the desired headway) and the car's current speed. (The latter is required to calculate the distance covered in the following timestep.)
[in]gapThe (netto) distance to the desired stopping point
[in]decelThe desired deceleration rate
[in]currentSpeedThe current speed of the ego vehicle
[in]onInsertionIndicator whether the call is triggered during vehicle insertion
[in]headwayThe desired time headway to be included in the calculations (default argument -1 induces the use of myHeadway)
the safe velocity (to be attained at the end of the following time step) that assures the possibility of stopping within gap. If a negative value is returned, the required stop has to take place before the end of the time step.

Definition at line 855 of file MSCFModel.cpp.

References ACCEL2SPEED, MAX2(), MSCFModel::myEmergencyDecel, MSCFModel::myHeadwayTime, and TS.

Referenced by MSCFModel_EIDM::maximumSafeStopSpeed(), MSCFModel::maximumSafeStopSpeed(), and MSCFModel_KraussOrig1::stopSpeed().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ maximumSafeStopSpeedEuler()

double MSCFModel::maximumSafeStopSpeedEuler ( double  gap,
double  decel,
bool  onInsertion,
double  headway 
) const

Returns the maximum next velocity for stopping within gap when using the semi-implicit Euler update.

[in]gapThe (netto) distance to the LEADER
[in]decelThe desired deceleration rate
[in]onInsertionIndicator whether the call is triggered during vehicle insertion
[in]headwayThe desired time headway to be included in the calculations (-1 induces the use of myHeadway)

Definition at line 827 of file MSCFModel.cpp.

References ACCEL2SPEED, MSCFModel::myHeadwayTime, and TS.

Referenced by MSCFModel::maximumSafeStopSpeed().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ maxNextSafeMin()

virtual double MSCFModel::maxNextSafeMin ( double  speed,
const MSVehicle *const  veh = 0 
) const

Returns the maximum speed given the current speed and regarding driving dynamics.

[in]speedThe vehicle's current speed
[in]speedThe vehicle itself, for obtaining other values
The maximum possible speed for the next step taking driving dynamics into account

Reimplemented in MSCFModel_EIDM.

Definition at line 347 of file MSCFModel.h.

References MSCFModel::maxNextSpeed().

◆ maxNextSpeed()

double MSCFModel::maxNextSpeed ( double  speed,
const MSVehicle *const  veh 
) const

Returns the maximum speed given the current speed.

The implementation of this method must take into account the time step duration.

Justification: Due to air brake or other influences, the vehicle's next maximum speed may depend on the vehicle's current speed (given).

[in]speedThe vehicle's current speed
[in]vehThe vehicle itself, for obtaining other values
The maximum possible speed for the next step

Reimplemented in MSCFModel_Rail, MSCFModel_KraussPS, and MSCFModel_CC.

Definition at line 292 of file MSCFModel.cpp.

References ACCEL2SPEED, MSCFModel::getMaxAccel(), MSVehicleType::getMaxSpeed(), MIN2(), and MSCFModel::myType.

Referenced by MSCFModel_EIDM::_v(), MSLCM_SL2015::commitManoeuvre(), MSCFModel::finalizeSpeed(), MSCFModel_Daniel1::finalizeSpeed(), MSCFModel_EIDM::finalizeSpeed(), MSCFModel_Daniel1::followSpeed(), MSCFModel_Kerner::followSpeed(), MSCFModel_Krauss::followSpeed(), MSCFModel_KraussOrig1::followSpeed(), MSCFModel_SmartSK::followSpeed(), MSLCHelper::getSpeedPreservingSecureGap(), MSCFModel::interactionGap(), MSCFModel::maxNextSafeMin(), MSLCM_DK2008::patchSpeed(), MSVehicle::planMoveInternal(), MSVehicle::processTraCISpeedControl(), MSCFModel_W99::stopSpeed(), MSCFModel_Wiedemann::stopSpeed(), MSCFModel_ACC::stopSpeed(), stopSpeed(), MSCFModel_Daniel1::stopSpeed(), MSCFModel_Kerner::stopSpeed(), MSCFModel_Krauss::stopSpeed(), MSCFModel_KraussOrig1::stopSpeed(), and MSCFModel_SmartSK::stopSpeed().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ minNextSpeed()

double MSCFModel::minNextSpeed ( double  speed,
const MSVehicle *const  veh = 0 
) const

Returns the minimum speed given the current speed (depends on the numerical update scheme and its step width) Note that it wouldn't have to depend on the numerical update scheme if the semantics would rely on acceleration instead of velocity.

[in]speedThe vehicle's current speed
[in]speedThe vehicle itself, for obtaining other values, if needed as e.g. road conditions.
The minimum possible speed for the next step

Reimplemented in MSCFModel_IDM, MSCFModel_CC, and MSCFModel_Rail.

Definition at line 298 of file MSCFModel.cpp.

References ACCEL2SPEED, MSGlobals::gSemiImplicitEulerUpdate, MAX2(), and MSCFModel::myDecel.

Referenced by MSVehicle::checkReversal(), MSLCM_SL2015::commitManoeuvre(), MSCFModel::finalizeSpeed(), MSCFModel_EIDM::finalizeSpeed(), MSCFModel_KraussOrig1::followSpeed(), MSLCHelper::getSpeedPreservingSecureGap(), MSLCM_LC2013::informLeader(), MSCFModel_CC::minNextSpeed(), MSVehicle::planMoveInternal(), and MSVehicle::processTraCISpeedControl().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ minNextSpeedEmergency()

double MSCFModel::minNextSpeedEmergency ( double  speed,
const MSVehicle *const  veh = 0 
) const

Returns the minimum speed after emergency braking, given the current speed (depends on the numerical update scheme and its step width) Note that it wouldn't have to depend on the numerical update scheme if the semantics would rely on acceleration instead of velocity.

[in]speedThe vehicle's current speed
[in]speedThe vehicle itself, for obtaining other values, if needed as e.g. road conditions.
The minimum possible speed for the next step

Reimplemented in MSCFModel_Rail.

Definition at line 309 of file MSCFModel.cpp.

References ACCEL2SPEED, MSGlobals::gSemiImplicitEulerUpdate, MAX2(), and MSCFModel::myEmergencyDecel.

Referenced by MSLCM_LC2013::_patchSpeed(), MSLCM_SL2015::_patchSpeed(), MSCFModel::finalizeSpeed(), MSCFModel_EIDM::finalizeSpeed(), MSCFModel_Krauss::followSpeed(), and MSVehicle::Influencer::implicitSpeedRemote().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ operator=()

MSCFModel_CACC& MSCFModel_CACC::operator= ( const MSCFModel_CACC s)

Invalidated assignment operator.

◆ passingTime()

double MSCFModel::passingTime ( const double  lastPos,
const double  passedPos,
const double  currentPos,
const double  lastSpeed,
const double  currentSpeed 

Calculates the time at which the position passedPosition has been passed In case of a ballistic update, the possibility of a stop within a time step requires more information about the last time-step than in case of the euler update to determine the last position if the currentSpeed is zero.

[in]lastPosthe position at time t=0 (must be < currentPos)
[in]passedPosthe position for which the passing time is to be determined (has to lie within [lastPos, currentPos]!)
[in]currentPosthe position at time t=TS (one time-step after lastPos) (must be > lastPos)
[in]lastSpeedthe speed at moment t=0
[in]currentSpeedthe speed at moment t=TS
time t in [0,TS] at which passedPos in [lastPos, currentPos] was passed.

Definition at line 658 of file MSCFModel.cpp.

References MSGlobals::gSemiImplicitEulerUpdate, MAX2(), MIN2(), SPEED2ACCEL, TS, and WRITE_ERROR.

Referenced by MSE2Collector::calculateTimeLossAndTimeOnDetector(), MSDevice_SSM::checkConflictEntryAndExit(), MSInductLoop::notifyMove(), MSInstantInductLoop::notifyMove(), MSMeanData::MeanDataValues::notifyMove(), MSE3Collector::MSE3LeaveReminder::notifyMove(), and MSE3Collector::MSE3EntryReminder::notifyMove().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ patchSpeedBeforeLC()

virtual double MSCFModel::patchSpeedBeforeLC ( const MSVehicle veh,
double  vMin,
double  vMax 
) const

apply custom speed adaptations within the given speed bounds

Reimplemented in MSCFModel_SmartSK, MSCFModel_PWag2009, MSCFModel_KraussX, MSCFModel_KraussOrig1, and MSCFModel_Krauss.

Definition at line 102 of file MSCFModel.h.


Referenced by MSCFModel::finalizeSpeed().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ setApparentDecel()

virtual void MSCFModel::setApparentDecel ( double  decel)

Sets a new value for the apparent deceleration [m/s^2].

[in]decelThe new deceleration in m/s^2

Definition at line 552 of file MSCFModel.h.

References MSCFModel::myApparentDecel.

Referenced by MSVehicleType::setApparentDecel().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ setCollisionMinGapFactor()

void MSCFModel::setCollisionMinGapFactor ( const double  factor)

Sets a new value for the factor of minGap that must be maintained to avoid a collision event.

[in]factorThe new minGap factor

Definition at line 559 of file MSCFModel.h.

References MSCFModel::myCollisionMinGapFactor.

Referenced by MSDevice_Bluelight::notifyMove().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ setEmergencyDecel()

virtual void MSCFModel::setEmergencyDecel ( double  decel)

Sets a new value for maximal physically possible deceleration [m/s^2].

[in]decelThe new deceleration in m/s^2

Definition at line 544 of file MSCFModel.h.

References MSCFModel::myEmergencyDecel.

Referenced by MSCFModel_Rail::MSCFModel_Rail(), and MSVehicleType::setEmergencyDecel().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ setHeadwayTime()

void MSCFModel_CACC::setHeadwayTime ( double  headwayTime)

Sets a new value for desired headway [s].

[in]headwayTimeThe new desired headway (in s)

Reimplemented from MSCFModel.

Definition at line 134 of file MSCFModel_CACC.h.

References acc_CFM, MSCFModel::myHeadwayTime, myHeadwayTimeACC, and MSCFModel::setHeadwayTime().

◆ setImperfection()

virtual void MSCFModel::setImperfection ( double  imperfection)

Sets a new value for driver imperfection.

[in]accelThe new driver imperfection

Reimplemented in MSCFModel_SmartSK, MSCFModel_KraussOrig1, and MSCFModel_Daniel1.

Definition at line 566 of file MSCFModel.h.


Referenced by MSVehicleType::setImperfection().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ setMaxAccel()

virtual void MSCFModel::setMaxAccel ( double  accel)

Sets a new value for maximum acceleration [m/s^2].

[in]accelThe new acceleration in m/s^2

Definition at line 528 of file MSCFModel.h.

References MSCFModel::myAccel.

Referenced by MSVehicleType::setAccel(), and MSDevice_ToC::setState().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ setMaxDecel()

virtual void MSCFModel::setMaxDecel ( double  decel)

Sets a new value for maximal comfortable deceleration [m/s^2].

[in]decelThe new deceleration in m/s^2

Reimplemented in MSCFModel_SmartSK, MSCFModel_KraussOrig1, and MSCFModel_Daniel1.

Definition at line 536 of file MSCFModel.h.

References MSCFModel::myDecel.

Referenced by MSLCM_SL2015::commitFollowSpeed(), MSCFModel_Rail::MSCFModel_Rail(), and MSVehicleType::setDecel().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ setParameter()

void MSCFModel_CACC::setParameter ( MSVehicle veh,
const std::string &  key,
const std::string &  value 
) const

try to set the given parameter for this carFollowingModel

[in]vehthe vehicle for which the parameter must be set
[in]keythe key of the parameter
[in]valuethe value to be set for the given parameter

Reimplemented from MSCFModel.

Definition at line 241 of file MSCFModel_CACC.cpp.

References MSCFModel_CACC::CACCVehicleVariables::CACC_CommunicationsOverrideMode, CommunicationsOverrideModeMap, MSVehicle::getCarFollowVariables(), and Named::getID().

Referenced by _v(), and freeSpeed().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ speedAfterTime()

double MSCFModel::speedAfterTime ( const double  t,
const double  oldSpeed,
const double  dist 

Calculates the speed after a time t \in [0,TS] given the initial speed and the distance traveled in an interval of step length TS.

If the acceleration were known, this would be much nicer, but in this way we need to reconstruct it (for the ballistic update at least, where we assume that a stop may occur within the interval)
[in]ttime in [0,TS] for which the speed shall be determined
[in]oldSpeedspeed before the last time step (referred to as t == 0)
speed at time t

Definition at line 736 of file MSCFModel.cpp.

References DIST2SPEED, MSGlobals::gSemiImplicitEulerUpdate, and TS.

Referenced by MSE2Collector::calculateTimeLossAndTimeOnDetector(), MSInstantInductLoop::notifyMove(), and MSMeanData::MeanDataValues::notifyMove().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ speedGapControl()

double MSCFModel_CACC::speedGapControl ( const MSVehicle *const  veh,
const double  gap2pred,
const double  speed,
const double  predSpeed,
const double  desSpeed,
double  vErr,
const MSVehicle *const  pred,
VehicleMode vehMode 
) const

◆ speedSpeedControl()

double MSCFModel_CACC::speedSpeedControl ( const double  speed,
double  vErr,
VehicleMode vehMode 
) const

Definition at line 255 of file MSCFModel_CACC.cpp.

References ACCEL2SPEED, CC_MODE, and mySpeedControlGain.

Referenced by _v(), and speedGapControl().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ startupDelayStopped()

virtual bool MSCFModel::startupDelayStopped ( ) const

whether startupDelay should be applied after stopping

Reimplemented in MSCFModel_Rail.

Definition at line 316 of file MSCFModel.h.

◆ stopSpeed() [1/2]

double MSCFModel::stopSpeed ( const MSVehicle *const  veh,
const double  speed,
double  gap,
const CalcReason  usage = CalcReason::CURRENT 
) const

Computes the vehicle's safe speed for approaching a non-moving obstacle (no dawdling)

Returns the velocity of the vehicle when approaching a static object (such as the end of a lane) assuming no reaction time is needed.

[in]vehThe vehicle (EGO)
[in]speedThe vehicle's speed
[in]gapThe (netto) distance to the the obstacle
[in]usageWhat the return value is used for
EGO's safe speed for approaching a non-moving obstacle
generic Interface, models can call for the values they need

Definition at line 168 of file MSCFModel.h.

References MSCFModel::myDecel.

Referenced by MSLCM_LC2013::_patchSpeed(), MSLCM_SL2015::_patchSpeed(), MSLCM_LC2013::adaptSpeedToPedestrians(), MSVehicle::adaptToJunctionLeader(), MSVehicle::adaptToLeader(), MSVehicle::adaptToOncomingLeader(), MSCFModel::applyHeadwayPerceptionError(), MSLane::checkForPedestrians(), LIBSUMO_NAMESPACE::Vehicle::getStopSpeed(), MSLCM_SL2015::informLeader(), MSLCM_LC2013::informLeader(), MSLCM_SL2015::informLeaders(), MSCFModel::insertionStopSpeed(), MSLane::isInsertionSuccess(), MSLCM_DK2008::patchSpeed(), MSVehicle::planMoveInternal(), MSVehicle::processNextStop(), and MSCFModel_CC::stopSpeed().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ stopSpeed() [2/2]

double MSCFModel_CACC::stopSpeed ( const MSVehicle *const  veh,
const double  speed,
double  gap2pred,
double  decel,
const CalcReason  usage = CalcReason::CURRENT 
) const

Computes the vehicle's safe speed for approaching a non-moving obstacle (no dawdling)

[in]vehThe vehicle (EGO)
[in]gap2predThe (netto) distance to the the obstacle
EGO's safe speed for approaching a non-moving obstacle
See also
generic Interface, models can call for the values they need

Implements MSCFModel.

Definition at line 149 of file MSCFModel_CACC.cpp.

References MSCFModel::applyHeadwayPerceptionError(), MSVehicle::getActionStepLengthSecs(), MSCFModel::maximumSafeStopSpeed(), MSCFModel::maxNextSpeed(), MIN2(), and myApplyDriverstate.

Field Documentation

◆ acc_CFM


Definition at line 240 of file MSCFModel_CACC.h.

Referenced by _v(), getSecureGap(), MSCFModel_CACC(), setHeadwayTime(), and speedGapControl().

◆ CommunicationsOverrideModeMap

std::map< std::string, MSCFModel_CACC::CommunicationsOverrideMode > MSCFModel_CACC::CommunicationsOverrideModeMap
Initial value:

Definition at line 207 of file MSCFModel_CACC.h.

Referenced by setParameter().

◆ myAccel

◆ myApparentDecel

double MSCFModel::myApparentDecel

The vehicle's deceleration as expected by surrounding traffic [m/s^2].

Definition at line 705 of file MSCFModel.h.

Referenced by MSCFModel::getApparentDecel(), and MSCFModel::setApparentDecel().

◆ myApplyDriverstate

double MSCFModel_CACC::myApplyDriverstate

Definition at line 249 of file MSCFModel_CACC.h.

Referenced by followSpeed(), maximumLaneSpeedCF(), and stopSpeed().

◆ myCollisionAvoidanceGainGap

double MSCFModel_CACC::myCollisionAvoidanceGainGap

Definition at line 246 of file MSCFModel_CACC.h.

Referenced by _v(), and speedGapControl().

◆ myCollisionAvoidanceGainGapDot

double MSCFModel_CACC::myCollisionAvoidanceGainGapDot

Definition at line 247 of file MSCFModel_CACC.h.

Referenced by _v(), and speedGapControl().

◆ myCollisionMinGapFactor

◆ myDecel

double MSCFModel::myDecel

◆ myEmergencyDecel

◆ myEmergencyThreshold

double MSCFModel_CACC::myEmergencyThreshold

Definition at line 250 of file MSCFModel_CACC.h.

Referenced by followSpeed().

◆ myGapClosingControlGainGap

double MSCFModel_CACC::myGapClosingControlGainGap

Definition at line 242 of file MSCFModel_CACC.h.

Referenced by _v(), and speedGapControl().

◆ myGapClosingControlGainGapDot

double MSCFModel_CACC::myGapClosingControlGainGapDot

Definition at line 243 of file MSCFModel_CACC.h.

Referenced by _v(), and speedGapControl().

◆ myGapControlGainGap

double MSCFModel_CACC::myGapControlGainGap

Definition at line 244 of file MSCFModel_CACC.h.

Referenced by _v(), and speedGapControl().

◆ myGapControlGainGapDot

double MSCFModel_CACC::myGapControlGainGapDot

Definition at line 245 of file MSCFModel_CACC.h.

Referenced by _v(), and speedGapControl().

◆ myHeadwayTime

◆ myHeadwayTimeACC

double MSCFModel_CACC::myHeadwayTimeACC

Definition at line 248 of file MSCFModel_CACC.h.

Referenced by getSecureGap(), MSCFModel_CACC(), and setHeadwayTime().

◆ mySpeedControlGain

double MSCFModel_CACC::mySpeedControlGain

Definition at line 241 of file MSCFModel_CACC.h.

Referenced by speedSpeedControl().

◆ mySpeedControlMinGap

double MSCFModel_CACC::mySpeedControlMinGap

Definition at line 251 of file MSCFModel_CACC.h.

Referenced by _v().

◆ myStartupDelay

SUMOTime MSCFModel::myStartupDelay

The startup delay after halting [s].

Definition at line 713 of file MSCFModel.h.

Referenced by MSCFModel::applyStartupDelay(), MSCFModel_EIDM::finalizeSpeed(), MSCFModel::getStartupDelay(), and MSCFModel_EIDM::slowToStartTerm().

◆ myType

◆ VehicleModeNames

std::map< MSCFModel_CACC::VehicleMode, std::string > MSCFModel_CACC::VehicleModeNames
Initial value:
= {
{CC_MODE, "CC"},

Vehicle mode name map.

Definition at line 220 of file MSCFModel_CACC.h.

Referenced by _v(), and freeSpeed().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: